

التعليمية الجهراءاالدارة العامة لمنطقة بنين المتوسطة ابن طفيلمدرسة

ةقسم اللغة اإلنجليزي


الثالثةاألعمال التحريرية للفترة

4102-4102العام الدراسي

مع تحيات قسم اللغة اإلنجليزية


UNIT (7)

husband background

model foreground

rough furniture

used to Huge

Date:............../...................../........................................ NO( 1 ) VOCABULARY

A)Fill in the spaces with words from the list:

{ husband / background / huge / model / used to / rough}

1. The picture would be more beautiful, if you painted the .............................. blue.

2. We can see............................icebergs in the Antarctica.

3. That woman looks very sad because her..................................died last week.

4. I made a cardboard .............................of Kuwait Towers as a school project.

5. It's dangerous to swim when the sea is ..................................

Date:............../...................../........................................NO( 2 ) VOCABULARY

B) Choose the correct answer from a ,b ,c and d:

1.When I was a little child ,I..............................feed on milk.

a) used b) use c) used to d) uses

2. My son used to ride a bicycle,but now he.............................a car.

a) drove b) drives c) driving d) drive

3. Our grandfathers used to .............................on the roof in the past.

a) slept b) sleeps c) sleeping d) sleep

4...........................did you use to sleep when you were a child?

a) When b) Where c) Which d) Who

5.That is my ..............................bicycle,he bought it yesterday.

a) friend b) friends c) friend's d) friends'

6.The teacher collected the ...............................books .

a) student b) students c) students' d) student's


Date:............../...................../........................................NO (3) GRAMMAR

C) Do as shown between brackets:

1. My father used to play video games when he was a little child. ( Make negative )


2. I used to go to a nursery before my primary school. ( Ask a question )


3. My sister used to play with dolls ,but now she ( play ) computer games. ( Correct )


4. My grandfather used to be a pearl diver but now he goes fishing. (Join using : but)



Write what you would say in the following situations: )D

1. Your friend says a baby sleeps in a manazz or a karouka nowadays.


2. Your brother is going to swim and the sea is rough.


3.Your father needs a new cupboard and some chairs for his room.


4. Your sister has just finished her painting and asks you about your opinion .


Exercise No( 5) Date:............../...................../....... SETBOOK QUESTIONS

E)Answer the following setbook questions:-

1. Who is Ayoub Hussein?


2.Where did people use to keep their babies in the past?


3.What was a manazz made of?


4. What was a karouka made of ?


5.What can we see in a museum?


6.Mention two examples of furniture items?


7.What does an artist do?



Exercise NO (6) Date : / / WRITING

A) With the help of the following words and picture, write a paragraph about Ayoub


(Ayoub Hussein / born 1932 / famous artist / worked / teacher / museum / painted / made

models / old Kuwaiti buildings)










NO (7) Date : / / WRITING

A) With the help of the following words and picture, write a paragraph about where

kuwaiti people and babies used to sleep :

{ picture / old / kuwaiti bed room / parents bed / floor / baby / sleeping/ big / basket / after some

days / manaz }











Exercise NO (8) Date : / / COMPREHENTION

Read the following passage then answer the questions below:

China lies in eastern Asia. It is the world's biggest country in population and the fourth

largest in area. Only Russia ,Canada , and the United States are larger. China's population is

about 1.3 billion people. Shangahai is China's largest city. The second biggest city is Beijing ,

the capital. China's great size gives it different kinds of weather and geography. The highest

mountains in the world, the Himalayas, lie partly in the west of China. China is also home to

huge empty deserts in the north and north west called Gobi desert and Takla Makan desert

.Dense forests cover the far south of China. Asia's longest river , the Yangtz , flows 9.900

miles across China. This river gives China water for its rich farmlands, where tea , cotton,

sugarcane and soya beans are grown.

A) Choose the correct answer from a , b, c and d :

1- The passage above is about ……………………………….

a) China b) the four directions c) forest plants d) eastern countries

2- The underlined pronoun "it"in line 1 refers to ……………………..

a) Canada b) Asia c) The USA d) Russia

3- The underlined word" empty"in line 6 means ………………………

a) full b) unfull c) deep d) planted

4- China's great size gives it different kinds of................................

a) high mountains b) weather and geagraphy c) large population d) long rivers

B)Answer the following questions :

5- Where does China lie?


6- Which plants does China grow on its farmlands?


7- How many miles does the Yangtz river flow across China?


NO) (9) Date : / / SPELLING

A) Fill in the missing letters in the following sentence :

1) In the past people_s_d to have simple fu_n_ture in their houses.

2) I can see a h_g_ ship in the ba_k_round of this painting.

B) Combine the following :

2) worry+ ed = ………………. 3) fortnight+ ly =…………………

C) Write the short or long form of the following :

4) might not = ……………….. 5) pc = …………………


UNIT (8)

million already

postcard fantastic

yet fortnight


Exercise NO( 1 ) Date:............../................/.......... VOCABULARY

A) Fill in the spaces with words from the list:

{ fortnight / already / helipad / million/ postcard / yet}

1. I have ..............................bought a car.

2. My uncle sent me a fantastic............................ from America.

3. My family spent a in the UAE.

4. A helicopter lands on a ..............................

5. Fouad hasn't returned from school ..............................

Exercise NO( 2 ) Date:............../...................../...... GRAMMAR

B) Choose the correct answer from a ,b,c and d: 1. I have…………………….had my lunch.

a) yet b) for c) already d) ago

2. Have you been to Japan ………………..…?

a) yet b) already c) since d) for

3. Maha hasn't slept………………….

a) for b) ago c) since d) yet

Exercise NO( 3 ) Date:............../...................../.......... GRAMMAR

C) Do as shown between brackets:

1. I have already seen the film. ( Ask a question )


2. She has aleardy bought a new dress. ( Make negative )


3. They already ( visit ) the scientific centre. ( Correct the verb )


4. …… (be ) to Canada yet? ( Complete )

5. They have finished the homework. ( Begin with: She )


Exercise No (4) Date : / / LANGUAGE FUNCTIONS

:Write what you would say in the following situations )D

1. The government announced a fortnight holiday, suggest how to spend it.


2. Your little sister has done her homework without mistakes.


3. Your friend wants to play tennis.



Exercise No ( 5 ) Date : / / SETBOOK QUESTIONS

Answer the following questions : )E

1. Where do you spend your holiday?


2.How do you spend your holiday?


3.What do you know about King Fahd Causeway?


4. What can you do at a tennis court?


5.What can visitors do or see in Bahrain?


6. What is special about the helipad on top of Burj Al-Arab Hotel?


Exercise No ( 6) Date : / / WRITING

F) With the help of the following words and pictures, write a paragraph about

Your summer holiday".:( travelled / family / plane / stayed / hotel / fortnight / weather / fine /

went shopping / played / swam / spent /fantastic holiday )








Exercise No ( 7 ) Date : / / SPELLING

G) Fill in the missing letters in the following words:

-I have alr _ _dy painted a fa_ ta_ tic picture..

1) .................................. 2) ....................................

H) Combine the following:

1. fotnight+ly =.......................................2.model+ing =......................................

I) Write the long/short form of the following:

1. postcard =.......................................2. have not =......................................


Exercise No ( 8 ) Date : / / COMPREHENSION

Read the following passage ,then do as required below:

Last Eid Al Fitr, a terrible fire broke out in our area. Two boys were left alone in their

house while their parents were on a visit to their grandparents .While they were happy enjoying

playing with the fireworks ,they started a great fire in their house . The two boys were afraid

and they couldn’t go into the house to use the telephone .So they ran out to the nearby

supermarket and called the firemen who came quickly and put out the fire .They put out the fire

using long pipes with foam and water . Their parents came suddenly and saw what happened

.They thanked the firemen for putting out the fire and shouted at the boys .The two boys were

very sorry and told their parents they will never play with fireworks inside the house.

A) Choose the correct answer from a , b ,c and d : ( 3x 1 = 3 )

1. The passage is about…………………….

a) a terrible fire b) Eid Al Fitr c) a visit d)a supermarket on fire

2. The underlined word" afraid" in line (3) means…………………….

a) happy b) sad c) scared d) tired

3. The underlined pronoun " they " in line (2) refers to …………………….

a)parents b) boys c) firemen d) grandparents

B) Answer the following questions in reference to the passage: ( 3X2 = 6 )

4. When did the fire break out?


5. Where did the boys start the fire?


6. Why couldn't the boys go into the house?



UNIT (9)

light bulb bacteria

North Pole chemicals

plastic drought

South Pole Energy

worried Flood


Exercise No ( 1 ) Date : / / VOCABULARY

A- Choose the correct answer from a ,b ,c and d:

1- Chemicals can kill …………………….and make the water clean.

a) bacteria b) energy c) flood d) plastic

2- We use special light bulbs to save …………………….

a) energy b) chemical c) drought d) postcard

3- In the …………………….the weather is very cold.

a) helipad b) South Pole c) model d) furniture

4- My brother is …………………….because he is having a test tomorrow.

a) rough b) huge c) worried d) fantastic

Exercise No ( 2 ) Date : / / VOCABULARY

: Fill in the space with the correct word from the list -B

drought / fortunately / North Pole / light bulbs / plastic

1- You should turn the………………………… off when you leave a room.

2- Yesterday ,there was an accident ,but …………………nobody was injured.

3- Would you like a wooden or a ……………………….table?

4- We can see icebergs in the …………………………

5- The Somalia killed a lot of children and animals.

Exercise No ( 3 ) Date : / / GRAMMAR

C- Choose the correct answer from a,b,c and d:

1- I …………………….go to the doctor because I'm sick.

a) might b) will c) could d) won't

2- A camera is used for …………………….pictures.

a)take b) took c) takes d) taking

3- Hassan is busy today, so he…………………….come to the party.

a) might b) won't c) can d) would

4. Tonight we are free, so…………………….go to the cinema or visit our grandma.

a) could b) won't c) couln't d) mightn't


Exercise No ( 4 ) Date : / / GRAMMAR

D) Do as shown between brackets:

1-They will go fishing tomorrow. ( Make negative )


2- He could go swimming tomorrow. ( Ask a question )


3. Yeterday we went to the beach. ( Begin with Tomorrow)


Exercise No ( 5 ) Date : / / FUNCTIONS

E- Write what you would say in the following situations:

1- Your brother is drinking dirty water.


2- Your sister is using many light bulbs in her room.


3- Your brother always turns off the lights when he goes out of his room.


4- Your friend says that bacteria are dangerous.

Exercise No ( 6 ) Date : / / SETBOOK QUESTIONS

F- Answer the following questions :

1- What is a life straw used for?


2- How can we kill bacteria?


3- What did scientists do to help poor countries drink clean water?


4- How can we save energy?


5- Where are icebergs found?


6. How do people waste energy?


7. What causes global warming?


8. What will the melting of icebergs cause?


9. What will global warming cause?



Exercise No ( 7 ) Date : / / COMPREHENSION

Read the following passage ,then do as required below:

One evening a hungry fox came to farm- house and found a big dog lying ouside the house

tied to a tree by a rope (حبل(. A woman came out of the house and put a dish of meat near

enough for the dog to reach it.But because the dog was not hungry, it didn't eat the meat. The

fox had not eaten for three days, but was afraid of the dog.It thought of a plan to reach the meat

and began to walk slowly round the tree.The dog got angry and tried to catch the fox by

running after the fox round the tree and rope was getting shorter and shorter.At last when the

rope was too short for the dog to reach the meat, the clever fox could eat it up and run away.

A) Choose the correct answer from a , b,c and d :

1. The story is about ………………………

a) a clever fox b) a clever dog c) a clever woman d) an angry fox

2. The underlined pronoun" it " in line(3) refers to ……………………

a) the dog b) the fox c) the tree d) the dish

3. The underlined word" reach " means ...............................

a) get to b) eat c) try d) draw

4. At the of the story the fox's plan was..................................

a) was bad b) useless c) scary d) successful

B) Answer the following questions in reference to the passage:

5. Why didn't the dog eat the meat?


6. When could the fox eat the meat?


7. Where did the story happen?



Exercise No ( 8 ) Date : / / WRITING

With of the following guide words and picture, write a paragraph about energy and and how to

save it :

(using much energy/ dangerous/ causes/ global warming/ save energy/electricity/ turning

off/light bulbs/ special light bulbs)







