Page 1: Grace Guevara. Have you ever been in a place where it is so quiet you can't hear a word? Not even the little things like water dripping or a machine making

Grace Guevara

Page 2: Grace Guevara. Have you ever been in a place where it is so quiet you can't hear a word? Not even the little things like water dripping or a machine making

Have you ever been in a place where it is so quiet you can't hear a word? Not even the little things like water dripping or a machine making noise. Well that is how I felt waiting for my music to begin.

Page 3: Grace Guevara. Have you ever been in a place where it is so quiet you can't hear a word? Not even the little things like water dripping or a machine making

My heart was pounding so loudly I was sure it was about to burst out of my chest. I thought back to the day when I had just started to learn my routine. I didn't know how to do any of it.

“Come on mom I’m going to be late”. “Okay sweetie was almost there”. Once we got to the ice rink I stepped on the ice. I could hear the girls gliding across the ice. I was so excited and nervous at the same time.

Page 4: Grace Guevara. Have you ever been in a place where it is so quiet you can't hear a word? Not even the little things like water dripping or a machine making

Look at me now about 6 months later about to take my test hopefully all of my hard work will pay off. Then finally I heard my cue and my worries were gone in a blink of an eye. I glided across the ice and the rest of the world just went away it was just me and the ice below me

Page 5: Grace Guevara. Have you ever been in a place where it is so quiet you can't hear a word? Not even the little things like water dripping or a machine making

I listened to the music to figure out when to go into my turn. I made such a graceful turn into my spin and I started to count my rotations. "One...Two...Three". I got out my spin "Perfect" I thought to myself. I looked up at the judges and gave them my biggest smile they looked happy so I felt really good. There were three judges two girls and one boy. They looked like they loved my performance.

I went into my jump with so much speed and then landed it perfectly.


Page 6: Grace Guevara. Have you ever been in a place where it is so quiet you can't hear a word? Not even the little things like water dripping or a machine making

I lunged into my finish I did a little twirl and waited for my music to end. “YESSSS!!!!!!!!!!!! I finished” I thought to myself. I was so happy I finished my routine and for some reason I wanted to cry because all of the work on this number, all of the falling on my butt practicing the routine until I got every single spin, jump, and move perfect finally paid off.

When I got off the ice I started to worry again. What if I didn't pass? What if I thought I did really well but I actually did really awful. When my judge gave me my envelope my heart stopped and then I opened it…..I PASSED!!! Yes, an almost perfect score.

I was so excited I turned around and my coach was their wearing a polka dot scarf and a thick north face “Good job Grace!” she said. “Now let’s go work on my next routine”. “Yeah” I tried to say with my happiest voice.