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    Hfvernoent Cbentcty Rmeat :fa 121Gfpyrchmt Wfverechnty Ebugjtcfn jnb Beaense Ocncstry,mttp;//sebo.frhAfro 05.021, Tev. 3-48-40:5 E]MCDCR;VVVVVVVV


    "Jnb dy stjtutfry beacnctcfn, 'tjxpjyer' cngiubes jny persfn, trust fr estjte sudkegt tf j tjx copfseb dy tme revenue jgt. ...Wcnge

    tme stjtutfry beacnctcfn fa 'tjxpjyer' cs exgiuscve, tme aeberji gfurts bf nft mjve tme pfwer tf grejte nfnstjtutfry tjxpjyersafr tme purpfse fa jppiycnh tme prfvcscfns fa tme Tevenue Jgts..."\G.C.T. v. Rrustees fa I. Cnv. Jss'n, :00 A.4b. := (:373)_

    Tevenue Ijws reijte tf tjxpjyers \faacgers, eopifyees, jnb eiegteb faacgcjis fa tme Aeberji Hfvernoent_ jnb nft tf nfn-tjxpjyers \Joercgjn Gctczens/Joercgjn Njtcfnjis nft sudkegt tf tme exgiuscve kurcsbcgtcfn fa tme Aeberji Hfvernoent_. Rmeijtter jre wctmfut tmecr sgfpe. Nf prfgebures jre presgrcdeb afr nfn-tjxpjyers jnb nf jtteopt cs ojbe tf jnnui jny fa tmecr

    Tchmts fr Teoebces cn bue gfurse fa ijw.\Egfnfoy Piuodcnh & Mejtcnh v. U.W., 280 A.4b. 5=5 (:384)_
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    Hfvernoent Cbentcty Rmeat 4fa 121Gfpyrchmt Wfverechnty Ebugjtcfn jnb Beaense Ocncstry,mttp;//sebo.frhAfro 05.021, Tev. 3-48-40:5 E]MCDCR;VVVVVVVV


    Xmy Hfvernoent Cbentcty Rmeat Mjppens

    Afr tme uprchmt wcii bweii cn tme ijnb,Jnb tme dijoeiess wcii reojcn cn ctGMJPRET 7> 84: 84. Pudicg faacges< jt sejt fa Hfvernoent4

    Jii faacges jttjgmeb tf tme sejt fa hfvernoent smjii de exergcseb cn tme Bcstrcgt fa Gfiuodcj, jnb nft eisewmere,7exgept js ftmerwcse expressiy prfvcbeb dy ijw.2

    :2. Aeberji arjngmcses ojy fniy ijwauiiy de grejteb fr enafrgeb fn aeberji terrctfry jnb nft wctmcn jny stjte fa tme Uncfn.5

    Rmus,Gfnhress mjvcnh pfwer tf rehuijte gfooerge wctm afrechn njtcfns, jnb jofnh tme severji Wtjtes, jnb1

    wctm tme Cnbcjn trcdes, ojy, wctmfut bfudt, prfvcbe afrhrjntcnhgfjstcnh icgenses, icgenses tf pcifts, icgenses tf8trjbe wctm tme Cnbcjns, jnb jny ftmer icgensesnegessjry fr prfper afr tme exergcse fa tmjt hrejt jnb extenscve=

    pfwer< jnb tme sjoe fdservjtcfn cs jppicgjdie tf every ftmer pfwer fa Gfnhress, tf tme exergcse fa wmcgm tme3hrjntcnh fa icgenses ojy de cngcbent. Jii sugm icgenses gfnaer jutmfrcty, jnb hcve rchmts tf tme icgensee.:0

    Dut very bcaaerent gfnscberjtcfns jppiy tf tme cnternji gfooerge fr bfoestcg trjbefa tme Wtjtes. Fver tmcs::gfooerge jnb trjbe Gfnhress mjs nf pfwer fa rehuijtcfn nfr jny bcregt gfntrfi. Rmcs pfwer deifnhs:4

    exgiuscveiy tf tme Wtjtes. Nf cnteraerenge dy Gfnhress wctm tme duscness fa gctczens trjnsjgteb wctmcn j Wtjte cs:7

    wjrrjnteb dy tme Gfnstctutcfn, exgept sugm js cs strcgtiy cngcbentji tf tme exergcse fa pfwers giejriy hrjnteb tf:2

    tme iehcsijture. Rme pfwer tf jutmfrcze j duscness wctmcn j Wtjte cs pijcniy repuhnjnt tf tme exgiuscve pfwer fa:5tme Wtjte fver tme sjoe sudkegt. Ct cs true tmjt tme pfwer fa Gfnhress tf tjx cs j very extenscve pfwer. Ct cs hcven:1cn tme Gfnstctutcfn, wctm fniy fne exgeptcfn jnb fniy twf qujicacgjtcfns. Gfnhress gjnnft tjx expfrts, jnb ct oust:8copfse bcregt tjxes dy tme ruie fa jppfrtcfnoent, jnb cnbcregt tjxes dy tme ruie fa uncafrocty. Rmus icocteb, jnb:=tmus fniy, ct rejgmes every sudkegt, jnb ojy de exergcseb jt bcsgretcfn. Dut, ct rejgmes fniy excstcnh sudkegts.:3Gfnhress gjnnft jutmfrcze j trjbe fr duscness wctmcn j Wtjte cn frber tf tjx ct.40\Icgense Rjx Gjses,20:M84 U.W. 214,:= I.Eb. 238, 5 Xjii. 214, 4 J.A.R.T. 4442 (:=11) _4:

    Rme rejsfn afr tme jdfve cs degjuse tme rchmts fa persfns prftegteb dy tme U.W. Gfnstctutcfn wctmcn stjtes fa tme Uncfn44jre unjicenjdie,jggfrbcnh tf tme Begijrjtcfn fa Cnbepenbenge. Cnjicenjdieoejns tmey gjnnft de djrhjcneb jwjy47fr sfib tmrfuhm jny gfooergcji prfgess. Wcnge arjngmcses jre j gfooergcji prfgess, tmey gjnnft ijwauiiy de faaereb fn42ijnb prftegteb dy tme Gfnstctutcfn jnb tmereafre ojy fniy de faaereb tf persfns bfocgcieb fn aeberji terrctfry.45

    Xemfib tmese trutms tf de seia-evcbent, tmjtjii oen jre grejteb equji, tmjt tmey jre enbfweb dy tmecr Grejtfr41wctm gertjcn unjicenjdie Tchmts, tmjt jofnh tmese jre Icae, Icderty jnb tme pursuct fa Mjppcness.--Rmjt tf segure48tmese rchmts, Hfvernoents jre cnstctuteb jofnh Oen, bercvcnh tmecr kust pfwers arfo tme gfnsent fa tme hfverneb,4=-43\Begijrjtcfn fa Cnbepenbenge_70

    Unjicenjdie. Cnjicenjdie< cngjpjdie fa decnh jiceneb, tmjt cs, sfib jnb trjnsaerreb.7:\DijglsIjw Bcgtcfnjry, Afurtm Ebctcfn, p. :137_74

    :5.Nejriy every type fa hfvernoent arjngmcse we mjve exjocneb eventujiiy icnls yfu djgl tf tme afiifwcnh gcrguostjnges;77:5.:.Mfibcnh j pudicgfaacgecn tme Bcstrcgt fa Gfiuodcj gfrpfrjtcfn/hfvernoent.72:5.4.Bfocgcieb fn aeberji terrctfry jnb tmereafre j stjtutfry U.W.gctczenpursujnt tf = U.W.G. :20: fr stjtutfry U.W.75

    rescbent(jicen) pursujnt tf = U.W.G. ::0:(j)(7).71:5.7.Cn pfssesscfn, regecpt, fr gfntrfi fa sfoe afro fa hfvernoent prfperty, cngiubcnh;78

    :5.7.:. Hfvernoent nuoders.7=:5.7.4. Hfvernoent cnafrojtcfn.73:5.7.7. Hfvernoent gfntrjgts.20:5.7.2. Hfvernoent arjngmcses.2::5.7.5. Hfvernoent deneactsfr pjyoents.24:5.7.1. Prcvjte prfperty jssfgcjteb wctm hfvernoent nuoders jnb j pudicgusecn frber tf prfgure tme deneacts27

    fa j hfvernoent arjngmcse.22

    Oenjre enbfweb dy tmecr Grejtfr wctm gertjcn unjicenjdie rchmts,-'icae, icderty, jnb tme pursuct fa mjppcness

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  • 7/23/2019 Government Identity Theft, Form #05.046


    Hfvernoent Cbentcty Rmeat ::=fa 121Gfpyrchmt Wfverechnty Ebugjtcfn jnb Beaense Ocncstry,mttp;//sebo.frhAfro 05.021, Tev. 3-48-40:5 E]MCDCR;VVVVVVVV

    44.8.Cbentcay yfurseia js nft decnh tme persfn,cnbcvcbuji,tjxpjyer,deneacgcjry,eopifyer,etg. njoeb wctmcn:tme arjngmcse jhreeoent.4

    44.=.Cn tme gjse fa tme Cnternji Tevenue Gfbe, jttjgm tme afiifwcnh afro tf jii tjx afros yfu acii fut tf jvfcb j wjcver7fa rchmts fr gfnveycnh gfnsent tf pjrtcgcpjte cn tme trjbefrduscnessarjngmcse;2

    Rjx Afro Jttjgmoent, Afro #02.40:mttp;//sebo.frh/Afros/AfroCnbex.mto

    44.3.Cngiube fn jii hfvernoent afros tmjt gfuib icnl yfu tf j arjngmcse tme afiifwcnh ijnhujhe;5

    Jiirchmts reserveb, U.G.G. :-70= jnb cts prebegessfr, U.G.G. :-408.1

    47. Rmere jre nf ejsy wjys fut fa tme arjngmcse ojtrcx tmjt grejteb tme strjwojnftmer tmjn tf iejrn tme ijw. Rme eneoy8cs chnfrjnge, nft tme hfvernoent, tme CTW, fr tme cngfoe tjx;=

    "Oy \Hfb's_ pefpie jre bestrfyeb \jnb ensijveb_ afr ijgl fa lnfwiebhe \jnb tme ijgl fa ebugjtcfn tmjt prfbuges3ct_.:0\Mfsej 2;1,Dcdie, NLKQ_::

    47.:.Jnyfne wmf prfocses yfu j sciver duiiet uitcojteiy cs hfcnh tf het yfu cn trfudie.:447.4.UGG rebeoptcfn cs jn exjopie fa jn ejsy wjy fut tmjt we strfnhiy bcsgfurjhe pefpie arfo hettcnh cnvfiveb cn:7

    gfooergcjiiy. Afr tme rejsfns wmy, see;:2

    Pficgy Bfguoent; UGG Tebeoptcfn, Afro #0=.004mttp;//sebo.frh/Afros/AfroCnbex.mto

    Fne wjy fr jnftmer, wmetmer ct cs tmrfuhm tme ajise cnafrojtcfn returns tmjt chnfrjnt tmcrb pjrtces cngiubcnh djnls acie jhjcnst:5yfu, fr wmetmer ct cs yfur fwn chnfrjnge cn aciicnh fut hfvernoent afros sf js tf coprfperiy besgrcde yfurseia, tme oessjhe:1arfo tme hfvernoent cs ifub jnb giejr jdfut tmecr acro bescre tf exergcse eocnent bfojcn fver everytmcnh jnb everyfne jnb:8ojle tmeo cntf cnbentureb servjnts wfrlcnh unber j arjngmcse fa fne lcnb fr jnftmer jnb wctmfut gfopensjtcfn fr even:=respegt, jnb mere cs tme oessjhe;:3

    Xe jre tme Ojtrcx. Sfu wcii de jsscocijteb. Tescstjnge cs autcie. Fne wjy fr jnftmer we wcii ojle yfu cntf40fne fa fur faacgers jnb eopifyees wctmfut gfopensjtcfn fr we wcii bestrfy yfu tmrfuhm seiegtcve enafrgeoent ca4:

    yfu reause tf gffperjte. Xe bfntgjre tmjt tme Acrst Joenboent prfmcdcts gfopeiieb jssfgcjtcfn fr tmjt we44gjnt gfopei yfu tf gfntrjgt wctm us wctmfut vcfijtcnh tme Gfnstctutcfn. Xe wcii kust PTEWUOE tmjt yfu47gfnsenteb tf fur arjngmcse jhreeoent, jnb tmjt jhreeoent pijges yfu squjreiy fn aeberji terrctfry cn j pijge nft42

    prftegteb dy tme Gfnstctutcfn sf kust lcss yfur rchmts hffbdye jnb denb fver.45

    Cnbeeb,tme prjgtcgji cnterpretjtcfn put dy Gfnhress upfn tme Gfnstctutcfn mjs deen ifnh41gfntcnueb jnb uncafro tf tme eaaegt \:=4 U.W. 422, 483_ tmjttme Gfnstctutcfn cs jppicgjdie48

    tf terrctfrces jgqucreb dy purgmjse fr gfnquest, fniy wmen jnb sf ajr js Gfnhress smjii4=

    sf bcregt. Nftwctmstjnbcnh cts buty tf 'hujrjntee tf every stjte cn tmcs Uncfn j repudicgjn43

    afro fa hfvernoent' (jrt. 2, 2), dy wmcgm we unberstjnb, jggfrbcnh tf tme beacnctcfn fa70

    Xedster, 'j hfvernoent cn wmcgm tme supreoe pfwer rescbes cn tme wmfie dfby fa tme7:

    pefpie, jnb cs exergcseb dy representjtcves eiegteb dy tmeo,' Gfnhress bcb nft mesctjte,74

    cn tme frchcnji frhjnczjtcfn fa tme terrctfrces fa Ifucscjnj, Aifrcbj, tme Nfrtmwest77

    Rerrctfry, jnb cts sudbcvcscfns fa Fmcf, Cnbcjnj, Ocgmchjn, Ciicnfcs, jnb Xcsgfnscn jnb72

    stcii ofre regentiy cn tme gjse fa Jijslj, tf estjdicsm j afro fa hfvernoent dejrcnh j75

    ougm hrejter jnjifhy tf j Drctcsm Grfwn gfifny tmjn j repudicgjn stjte fa Joercgj, jnb71tf vest tme iehcsijtcve pfwer ectmer cn j hfvernfr jnb gfungci, fr j hfvernfr jnb kubhes, tf78de jppfcnteb dy tme Prescbent. Ct wjs nft untci tmey mjb jttjcneb j gertjcn pfpuijtcfn tmjt7=

    pfwer wjs hcven tmeo tf frhjncze j iehcsijture dy vfte fa tme pefpie. Cn jii tmese gjses, js73weii js cn terrctfrces sudsequentiy frhjnczeb west fa tme Ocsscsscppc, Gfnhress tmfuhmt ct20negessjry ectmer tf extenb tf Gfnstctutcfn jnb ijws fa tme Uncteb Wtjtes fver tmeo, fr tf2:begijre tmjt tme cnmjdctjnts smfuib de entctieb tf enkfy tme rchmt fa trcji dy kury, fa djci,24jnb fa tme prcvciehe fa tme wrct fa mjdejs gfrpus, js weii js ftmer prcvciehes fa tme dcii fa27rchmts.22\Bfwnes v. Dcbweii,:=4 U.W. 422(:30:)_25

    Sfu wcii DEH us tf de pjrt fa fur systeo fr yfu wcii de bestrfyeb dy gfrrupteb gfurts jnb seiegtcve enafrgeoent.21Wee;28

    Rme Hfvernoent DeneactsWgjo, Afro #05.0202=mttp;//sebo.frh/Afros/AfroCnbex.mto23
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    Hfvernoent Cbentcty Rmeat :40fa 121Gfpyrchmt Wfverechnty Ebugjtcfn jnb Beaense Ocncstry,mttp;//sebo.frhAfro 05.021, Tev. 3-48-40:5 E]MCDCR;VVVVVVVV

    cnafrojtcfn returns jnb ftmer PETKUTCFUW hfvernoent afros, Afro #02.00:_,trjcneb:tf bf cts dcbbcnh \dy AJIWE hfvernoent pudicgjtcfns jnb stjteoents tmjt tme hfvernoent4cs nft jggfuntjdie afr tme jggurjgy fa, Afro #05.008_,jnbbcregteb jnb gfntrfiieb \uscnh7ATJNGMCWEW ciiehjiiy enafrgeb upfn NFNTEWCBENRW, Afro #05.070_ cn tme2

    gfnspcrjtfrcji perafrojnge fa tmecr revfiutcfnjry servcges. Rmereafre, tme Gfoouncst5

    Pjrty smfuib de futijweb1

    Ca yfu try tf gfrregt tmese ajise repfrts, we wcii chnfre yfur gfrregtcfns jnb reduttjis fr gjii tmeo arcvfifussf8we gjn leep yfu unber fur tmuod js fur cnbentureb servjnt jnb sijve cn vcfijtcfn fa tme Rmcrteentm Joenboent,=24 U.W.G. :332, jnb := U.W.G. :5=:.3

    Rmjtct bfes nft gfnaicgt wctm tme Rmcrteentm Joenboent, wmcgm jdficsmeb sijvery jnb:0cnvfiuntjry servctube, exgept js j puncsmoent afr grcoe, cs tff giejr afr jrhuoent. Wijvery::copices cnvfiuntjry servctubej stjte fa dfnbjhe< tme fwnersmcp fa ojnlcnb js j gmjttei,:4

    fr jt iejst tme gfntrfi fa tme ijdfr jnb servcges fa fne ojn afr tme deneact fa jnftmer:7

    \unber tme teros fa j GFOPEIIEB arjngmcse jhreeoent_, jnb tme jdsenge fa j iehji:2

    rchmt tf tme bcspfsji fa mcs fwn persfn, prfperty, jnb servcges \cn tmecr entcrety_. Rmcs:5joenboent wjs sjcb cn tme Wijuhmter Mfuse Gjses, :1 Xjii, 71, tf mjve deen cntenbeb:1

    prcojrciy tf jdficsm sijvery, js ct mjb deen prevcfusiy lnfwn cn tmcs gfuntry, jnb tmjt ct:8equjiiy afrdjbe Oexcgjn pefnjhe fr tme Gmcnese gffice trjbe, wmen tmey jofunteb tf:=sijvery fr cnvfiuntjry servctube jnb tmjt tme use fa tme wfrb servctubewjs cntenbeb tf:3

    prfmcdct tme use fa jii afros fa cnvfiuntjry sijvery, fa wmjtever gijss fr njoe.40

    \Piessy v. Aerhusfn, :17 U.W. 578, 524 (:=31)_4:

    Rme jdfve sctujtcfn mjs deen prfpmesceb afr tmfusjnbs fa yejrs jnb tmjt prfpmesy mjs nfw gfoe tf pjss;44

    Jnbtme sofle fa tmecr tfroent jsgenbs afrever jnb ever< jnb tmey mjve nf rest bjy fr nchmt, wmf wfrsmcp \serve47jnb sudscbcze_ tme dejst jnb mcs cojhe \tme cojhe fn tme ofney. Teoeoder wmjt Kesus sjcb jdfut wmfsecojhe42cs tmcs6_, jnb wmfever regecves tme ojrl \Wfgcji Wegurcty Nuoder fr Rjxpjyer Cbentcacgjtcfn Nuoder_ fa mcs45njoe.41\Tev. :2;::, Dcdie, NLKQ_48

    Xmen yfu use tme nuoder, yfu jre regructeb tf kfcn tme Ojtrcx, degjuse tme rehuijtcfns sjy ct ojy fniy de useb dy tmfse4=enhjheb cn j trjbefrduscnessjnb j pudicgfaacgecnscbe tme deiiy fa tme Dejst;43


    (d)Tequcreoent tf aurncsm fne's fwn nuoder72

    (:) U.W. \hfvernoent, nft hefhrjpmcgji Uncteb Wtjtes_ persfns \HFQETNOENR faacgers jnb jhents bfocgcieb75fn aeberji terrctfry wctmcn tme Dejst_.71

    Every U.W. persfn wmf ojles unber tmcs tctie j return, stjteoent, fr ftmer bfguoent oust aurncsm cts fwn tjxpjyer78cbentcaycnh nuoder js requcreb dy tme afros jnb tme jggfopjnycnh cnstrugtcfns. J U.W. persfn wmfse nuoder7=oust de cngiubeb fn j bfguoent acieb dy jnftmer persfn oust hcve tme tjxpjyer cbentcaycnh nuoder sf requcreb73tf tme ftmer persfn fn request.20

    Afr penjitces afr ajciure tf suppiy tjxpjyer cbentcaycnh nuoders, see segtcfns 184: tmrfuhm 1842. Afr prfvcscfns2:bejicnh spegcacgjiiy wctm tme buty fa eopifyees wctm respegt tf tmecr sfgcji segurcty nuoders, see Weg. 7:.10::(d)-244 (j) jnb (d) fa tmcs gmjpter (Eopifyoent Rjx Tehuijtcfns). Afr prfvcscfns bejicnh spegcacgjiiy wctm tme buty fa27eopifyers wctm respegt tf eopifyer cbentcacgjtcfn nuoders, see Weg. 7:.10::(d)-: fa tmcs gmjpter (Eopifyoent22Rjx Tehuijtcfns).25

    (4) Afrechn persfns.21

    Rme prfvcscfns fa pjrjhrjpm (d)(:) fa tmcs segtcfn rehjrbcnh tme aurncsmcnh fa fne's fwn nuoder smjii jppiy tf28tme afiifwcnh afrechn persfns--2=

    (c) J afrechn persfn tmjt mjs cngfoe eaaegtcveiy gfnnegteb wctm tme gfnbugt fa j U.W. trjbe fr duscness \pudicg23faacge_ jt jny tcoe burcnh tme tjxjdie yejr

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    Hfvernoent Cbentcty Rmeat :4:fa 121Gfpyrchmt Wfverechnty Ebugjtcfn jnb Beaense Ocncstry,mttp;//sebo.frhAfro 05.021, Tev. 3-48-40:5 E]MCDCR;VVVVVVVV

    RCRIE 41>Wudtctie J>GMJPRET :>Wudgmjpter N>PJTR C> =12: =12. Beacnctcfns jnb spegcji ruies4

    (g)Eaaegtcveiy gfnnegteb cngfoe, etg.7

    (7)Ftmer cngfoe arfo sfurges wctmcn Uncteb Wtjtes2

    Jii cngfoe, hjcn, fr ifss arfo sfurges wctmcn tme Uncteb Wtjtes (ftmer tmjn cngfoe, hjcn, fr ifss tf wmcgm5

    pjrjhrjpm (4) jppices) smjii de trejteb js eaaegtcveiy gfnnegteb wctm tme gfnbugt fa j trjbe fr duscness\pudicg1

    faacge_wctmcn tme Uncteb Wtjtes.8

    Rme FNIS pijge wmere jiicngfoecs gfnnegteb tf j arjngmcse cs tme hfvernoent, nft tme hefhrjpmcgji UnctebWtjtes=oentcfneb cn tme Gfnstctutcfn. Rme Dcdie gfnacros tmjt tme Dejst cs cn ajgt tme hfvernoent, nft j spegcacg persfn fr3hefhrjpmcgji rehcfn;:0

    Jnb C sjw tme dejst, tme lcnhs fa tme ejrtm, jnb tmecr jroces, hjtmereb tfhetmer tf ojle wjr jhjcnst Mco wmf::sjt fn tme mfrse jnb jhjcnst Mcs jroy.:4\Tev. :3;:3, Dcdie, NLKQ_:7

    Rme UnctebWtjtestmey jre reaerrcnh tf jdfve cs tme hfvernoent wmcgm mjppens tf de cn tme Bcstrcgt fa Gfiuodcj per 2:2U.W.G. 84, nft jny hefhrjpmcg entcty jnb gertjcniy nft jnyfne cn j stjte fa tme Uncfn. Ojrl Rwjcn gjiieb tme Bcstrcgt fa:5Gfiuodcj tme Bcstrcgtfa Grcocnjis,jnb nfw yfu lnfw wmy. 41 U.W.G. 880:(j)(3) jnb (j)(:0) besgrcdes tme hefhrjpmcg:1UnctebWtjtesafr tme purpfses fa tjxes, dut tmjt cs nft tme ojcn sense cn wmcgm tme tero cs useb cn tme C.T.G., nfr cs tme:8

    sense cntenbeb ever spegcacgjiiy cbentcaceb cn nejriy jii gjses;:=

    RCRIE 41 >Wudtctie A >GMJPRET 83 > Weg. 880:. \Cnternji Tevenue Gfbe_:3Weg. 880:. - Beacnctcfns40

    (j) Xmen useb cn tmcs tctie, wmere nft ftmerwcse bcstcngtiy expresseb fr ojncaestiy cngfopjtcdie wctm tme cntent4:tmerefa44

    (3) Uncteb Wtjtes47

    Rme tero ''Uncteb Wtjtes'' wmen useb cn j hefhrjpmcgji sense cngiubes fniy tmeWtjtesjnb tmeBcstrcgt fa Gfiuodcj.42


    Rme tero ''Wtjte'' smjii de gfnstrueb tf cngiube tme Bcstrcgt fa Gfiuodcj, wmere sugm gfnstrugtcfn cs negessjry41 tf gjrry fut prfvcscfns fa tmcs tctie.48


    RCRIE 2>GMJPRET 7> 8443 84. Pudicg faacges< jt sejt fa Hfvernoent70

    Jii \pudicg_ faacges jttjgmeb \e.h. eaaegtcveiygfnnegteb_tf tme sejt fa hfvernoent smjii de exergcseb cn tme7:Bcstrcgt fa Gfiuodcj, jnb nft eisewmere, exgept js ftmerwcse expressiy prfvcbeb dy ijw.74\WFUTGE;mttps;//www.ijw.gfrneii.ebu/usgfbe/text/2/84_77


    Uncafro Gfooergcji Gfbe (U.G.G.)75 3-708. IFGJRCFN FA BEDRFT.71

    (m) \Ifgjtcfn fa Uncteb Wtjtes._78

    Rme Uncteb Wtjtes cs ifgjteb cn tme Bcstrcgt fa Gfiuodcj.7=\WFUTGE;73mttp;//www.ijw.gfrneii.ebu/ugg/sejrgm/bcspijy.mtoi6teros?bcstrcgt%40fa%40gfiuodcj&uri?/ugg/3/jrtcgie3.mto20#s3-708_2:

    Rme faacge yfu serve cn js tme strjwojncs bfocgcieb cn tme Bcstrcgt fa Gfiuodcj pursujnt tf Aeberji Tuie fa Gcvci Prfgebure24:8(d). Unber tmjt ruie, ct bfesntojtter wmere yfur bfocgcie cs js j muojn decnh degjuse tme gcvci ijw tmjt OUWR de27
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    Hfvernoent Cbentcty Rmeat :47fa 121Gfpyrchmt Wfverechnty Ebugjtcfn jnb Beaense Ocncstry,mttp;//sebo.frhAfro 05.021, Tev. 3-48-40:5 E]MCDCR;VVVVVVVV

    Rme Hfvernoent DeneactsWgjo, Afro #05.020mttp;//sebo.frh/Afros/AfroCnbex.mto

    8. Aunbjoentji Prcngcpies fa Jhengy; Rme aunbjoentji prcngcpies fa tme ijw jhengy jre;:8.:. Xmjtever j persfn bfes tmrfuhm jnftmer, me bfes tmrfuhm mcoseia.48.4. Me wmf bfes nft jgt tmrfuhm tme oebcuo fa jnftmer cs, cn ijw, gfnscbereb js mjvcnh bfne ct mcoseia.78.7. Rmfse wmf jgt tmrfuhm jhents oust mjve tme iehji gjpjgcty tf bf sf. Rmjt cs;2

    8.7.:.Iunjtcgs, cnajnts, jnb cbcfts gjnnft beiehjte jutmfrcty tf sfoefne tf ojnjhe jaajcrs tmjt tmey tmeoseives jre5cngjpjdie fa ojnjhcnh persfnjiiy.1

    8.7.4.Rmfse wmf beiehjte jutmfrcty oust de fa iehji jhe.88.7.7.Rme jgt tf de beiehjteb oust de ijwaui. Sfu gjnnft enafrge j gfntrjgt tmjt beiehjtes jutmfrcty tf gfooct j=

    grcoe.38.2. Rme prcngcpji cs usujiiy icjdie afr tme jgts fa mcs jhent. Me cs nft icjdie cn jii gjses afr tme tfrts fa mcs jhent fr:0

    eopifyee, dut fniy afr tmfse jgts gfooctteb cn tme gfurse fa tme jhengy fr eopifyoent< wmcie tme jhent mcoseia::cs, cn sugm gjses, afr rejsfns fa pudicg pficgy, jisf icjdie afr tme sjoe. Drffo Iehji Ojxcos =27.:4

    8.5. Rmfse wmf regecve tme deneactsfa jhengy mjve j regcprfgji buty tf suaaer tme fdichjtcfns jisf jssfgcjteb wctm ct.:7=. Ejgm spegcacg afro fa jhengy we vfiuntjrciy jnb expicgctiy jggept mjs j spegcacg gcvci stjtus jssfgcjteb wctm ct cn tme:2

    gcvci stjtutfry ijw. Wugm stjtuses cngiube;:5=.:. Rjxpjyerunber tme tjx gfbe.:1=.4. Brcverunber tme vemcgie gfbe.:8=.7. Wpfuseunber tme ajociy gfbe.:=

    3. Gertjcn types fa jhengy jnb tme fdichjtcfns jttjgmeb tf tme jhengy ojy nft de enafrgejdie cn gfurt detween tme pjrtces.:3

    Rmese cngiube;403.:. Jhengy tf gfooct j grcoe. Rmcs cs gjiieb j gfnspcrjgy.4:3.4. Jn jicenjtcfn dy tme prcngcpie fa jn CNJICENJDIE rchmt. Rmcs cngiubes jny surrenber fa gfnstctutcfnji rchmts dy44

    j stjte gctczen prftegteb dy tme Gfnstctutcfn tf jny hfvernoent, even wctm gfnsent.47

    5.4 Jhengy wctmcn tme Dcdie42

    Hfb cs j spcrctuji decnh wmf ofst pefpie mjve never seen cn pmyscgji afro. Js sugm, tf cnaiuenge tme jaajcrs fa tmcs pmyscgji45

    Ejrtm, Me oust jgt tmrfuhm Mcs jhents. Rmfse jhents jre gjiieb deicevers, Gmrcstcjns, hfbs ajociy,etg. cn tme gjse fa41

    Gmrcstcjncty. Rme ijw fa jhengy hfverns Mcs jgts jnb tme gfnsequenges fa tmfse jgts js Me cnaiuenges tme jaajcrs fa tmcs Ejrtm.48

    Rmcs gmjpter wcii tmereafre suoojrcze tme ijw fa jhengy sf tmjt ct gjn de jppiceb tf tme Dcdie, wmcgm we wcii rehjrb cn tmcs4=

    bfguoent js j beiehjtcfn frber tmjt gcrguosgrcdes tme exergcse fa Hfbsjhengy fn Ejrtm dy deicevers.43

    Ct cs very copfrtjnt tf stuby jnb lnfw tme ijw fa jhengy, degjuse tme Dcdie ctseia cs cn ajgt j beiehjtcfn fa jutmfrcty arfo Hfb70

    tf deicevers. Rmjt beiehjtcfn fa jutmfrcty fggurreb wmen Hfb grejteb tme Ejrtm cn tme dffl fa Henescs jnb gfoojnbeb Jbjo7:

    jnb Eve tf mjve bfocncfn fver tme Ejrtm;74

    Rmen Hfb sjcb, IetUs ojle ojn cn Fur cojhe, jggfrbcnh tf Fur icleness< iet tmeo mjve bfocncfn fver tme77acsm fa tme sej, fver tme dcrbs fa tme jcr, jnb fver tme gjttie, fver jii tme ejrtm jnb fver every greepcnh tmcnh72

    tmjt greeps fn tme ejrtm.Wf Hfb grejteb ojn cn Mcs fwn cojhe< cn tme cojhe fa Hfb Me grejteb mco< ojie jnb75aeojie Me grejteb tmeo. Rmen Hfb diesseb tmeo, jnb Hfb sjcb tf tmeo, Deaructaui jnb ouitcpiy< acii tme ejrtm71jnb sudbue ct< mjve bfocncfn fver tme acsm fa tme sej, fver tme dcrbs fa tme jcr, jnb fver every icvcnh tmcnh tmjt78

    ofves fn tme ejrtm.7=\Hen. :;41-4=, Dcdie, NLKQ_73

    Nfw sfoe ajgts js we unberstjnb tmeo jdfut jhengy cn tme Dcdie;20

    :. Hfb besgrcdes mcoseia js Ijw ctseia;2:

    Cn tme dehcnncnh wjs tme Xfrb, jnb tme Xfrb wjs wctm Hfb, jnb tme Xfrb wjs Hfb. Me wjs cn tme dehcnncnh24wctm Hfb. Jii tmcnhs were ojbe tmrfuhm Mco, jnb wctmfut Mco nftmcnh wjs ojbe tmjt wjs ojbe. Cn Mco wjs27icae, jnb tme icae wjs tme ichmt fa oen. Jnb tme ichmt smcnes cn tme bjrlness, jnb tme bjrlness bcb nft gfopremenb22ct.25\Kfmn :;:-5, Dcdie, NLKQ_21

    4. Rmfse wmf scn jre wmjt Kesus gjiieb ijwiess. Ojtt. 8;47. Rme wfrb scncn Ijtcn oejns wctmfut. Rme tmcnh tmjt28pefpie wmf scn jre wctmfutcs tme jutmfrcty fa Hfb jnb Mcs ijws.2=

    7. Rme Lcnhbfofa Mejvencs beacneb cn sgrcpture js Hfbswcii bcspijyeb fn Ejrtm. Wee;23
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    Hfvernoent Cbentcty Rmeat :45fa 121Gfpyrchmt Wfverechnty Ebugjtcfn jnb Beaense Ocncstry,mttp;//sebo.frhAfro 05.021, Tev. 3-48-40:5 E]MCDCR;VVVVVVVV

    sudkegtsunber Mcs ijw jnb sudkegtsunber tme gcvci ijws fa Gjesjr. Rme rejsfn cs giejr. Ct grejtes grcocnji gfnaicgt:fa cnterest jnb gfnaicgtcnh jiiehcjnges;4

    Nffne gjn serve twf ojsters \twf Lcnhs fr ruiers, afr cnstjnge_< afr ectmer me wcii mjte tme fne jnb ifve tme7ftmer, fr eise me wcii de ifyji tf tme fne jnb bespcse tme ftmer. Sfu gjnnft serve Hfb jnb ojoofn \hfvernoent_.2\Iule :1;:7, Dcdie, NLKQ. Xrctten dy j tjx gfiiegtfr_5

    ::. Rme Acrst Gfoojnboent fa tme Ren Gfoojnboents stjtes tmjt we smjii nft serveftmer hfbs,oejncnh cbfis. Rf1

    servejnftmer hfb icterjiiy oejns tf jgt js tme JHENR fa tmjt ajise hfb fr cbfi. Xmen yfu exegute tme wcii fa8 jnftmer, jnb espegcjiiy jn EQCI ftmer, yfu jre jn jhent fa tmjt ftmer. Cts unjvfcbjdie.=:4. Jii jhengy dehcns wctm jn jgt fa gfnsent, gfntrjgt, fr jhreeoent.3

    :4.:.Jhengy gjnnft ijwauiiy de grejteb XCRMFUR gfnsent.:0:4.4.Wcnge Hfb afrdcbs us arfo degfocnh jhents fa ajise hfbs fr cbfis jnb tmeredy servcnhtmeo cn vcfijtcfn fa tme::

    Acrst Gfoojnboent, Me tmereafre jisf afrdcbs us arfo iehjiiy jiifwcnh fr grejtcnh tmjt jhengy dy gfnsentcnh fr:4exergcscnh fur rchmt tf gfntrjgt.:7

    Oy sfn, ca scnners \sfgcjicsts, cn tmcs gjse_ entcge yfu,:2

    Bf nft gfnsent \bf nft jduse yfur pfwer fa gmfcge_:5

    Ca tmey sjy, Gfoewctm us,:1Iet us ice cn wjct tf smeb diffb \fa cnnfgent "nfntjxpjyers"_

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    Hfvernoent Cbentcty Rmeat :48fa 121Gfpyrchmt Wfverechnty Ebugjtcfn jnb Beaense Ocncstry,mttp;//sebo.frhAfro 05.021, Tev. 3-48-40:5 E]MCDCR;VVVVVVVV

    2. Rme pefpie tmen eiegt representjtcvescn tme Iehcsijtcve Drjngm, wmf jre tmecr jhents, tf copieoent tme begijreb:cntent fa tme Gfnstctutcfn.4

    5. Rme representjtcves fa tme pefpie cn tme Iehcsijtcve Drjngm tmen vfte tf enjgt gcvci stjtutfry gfbes tmjt copieoent tme7Gfnstctutcfn jofnh tmfse wmf jre eopifyeb dy tme hfvernoent js pudicg servjnts.2

    Jiitme pfwers fa tme hfvernoent \cngiubcnh JII fa cts gcvci enafrgeoent pfwersjhjcnst tme pudicg_ oust de5gjrrceb cntf fperjtcfndy cnbcvcbuji jhengy, ectmer tmrfuhm tme oebcuo fa pudicg faacgers, fr gfntrjgts ojbe1wctm \prcvjte_ cnbcvcbujis.8\Fsdfrn v. Djnl fa U.W.,44 U.W. 87=(:=42)_=

    Rme rejsfn wmy Wtjtes jre dfbces pfictcgjnb gfrpfrjtecs scopie; kust js j gfrpfrjtcfn cs jn entcty tmjt gjn3jgt fniy tmrfuhm cts jhents, \t_meWtjte cs j pfictcgji gfrpfrjte dfby, gjn jgt fniy tmrfuhm jhents, jnb gjn:0

    gfoojnb fniy dy ijws.Pfcnbexter v. Hreenmfw, suprj,::2 U.W., jt 4==, 5 W.Gt. jt 3:4-3:7.Wee jisfDijgls::Ijw Bcgtcfnjry :53 (5tm eb. :383) (\D_fby pfictcg fr gfrpfrjte;Jsfgcji gfopjgt dy wmcgm tme wmfie pefpie:4gfvenjnts wctm ejgm gctczen, jnb ejgm gctczen wctm tme wmfie pefpie, tmjt jii smjii de hfverneb dy gertjcn ijws afr:7tme gfoofn hffb). Js j dfby pfictcg jnb gfrpfrjte, j Wtjte ajiis squjreiy wctmcn tme Bcgtcfnjry Jgt's:2beacnctcfn fa j persfn.:5\Xcii v. Ocgmchjn Bept. fa Wtjte Pficge, 23: U.W. 5=, :03 W.Gt. 4702 (U.W.Ocgm.,:3=3)_:1

    1. Rme gcvci stjtutfry gfbes aungtcfn cn eaaegt js j gfntrjgt fr gfopjgt tmjt gjn jnb bfes copfse butces fniy upfn jhents:8fa tme hfvernoent gjiieb gctczensjnb rescbents.:=1.:. Rmfse wmf bcb nft gfnsent tf DEGFOE jhents fa tme hfvernoent gjiieb gctczensfr rescbentsjre nfn-:3

    rescbent nfn-persfns. Rmey jre prftegteb dy tme Gfnstctutcfn jnb tme gfoofn ijw, rjtmer tmjn tme stjtutfry gcvci40

    ijw.4: 1.4. Bcsputes detween gctczensfr rescbentsfn tme fne mjnb, jnb nfn-rescbent nfn-persfns fn tme ftmer, oust de44hfverneb dy tme gfoofn ijw, degjuse ftmerwcse j tjlcnh fa prfperty wctmfut kust gfopensjtcfn mjs fggurreb cn47wmcgm tme rchmts enafrgeb dy tme gcvci ijw jre tme prfperty WRFIEN dy tmfse enafrgcnh ct jhjcnst nfn-rescbents.42

    8. Rme Exegutcve Drjngm tmen exegutes tme stjtutes, wmcgm cn eaaegt jre tmecr beiehjtcfnfrber.458.:. Rme acrst step cn exegutcnhtme stjtutes cs tf wrcte cnterpretcve rehuijtcfns spegcaycnh mfw tme stjtutes wcii de41

    copieoenteb.488.4. Rme cnterpretcve rehuijtcfns jre tmen pudicsmeb cn tme Aeberji Tehcster tf hcve tme pudicg tme gfnstctutcfnjiiy4=

    requcreb rejsfnjdienftcgefa tme fdichjtcfns tmey grejte upfn tme pudicg, ca jny.438.7. Xmen tme Exegutcve Drjngm jgts XCRMCN tme gfnacnes fa tmecr beiehjtcfn frber, tmey jre jhents fa tme stjte jnb70

    jre prftegteb dy faacgcji, kubcgcji, jnb sfverechn coouncty.7:8.2. Xmen tme Exegutcve Drjngm exgeebs tmecr beiehjtcfn frber cn tme stjtutes, tmey jre beeoeb dy tme gfurts tf de74

    jgtcnh cn j prcvjte gjpjgcty jnb tmereafre oust surrenber faacgcji, kubcgcji, jnb sfverechn coouncty jnb gfoe77bfwn tf tme ievei fa jn frbcnjry muojn wmf mjs gfooctteb j trespjss.72

    =. Rme Kubcgcji Drjngm tmen auiaciis tme rfie fa jrdctrjtcnh bcsputes;75=.:. Unber tme gcvcis stjtutfry gfbes, we mjve bcsputes detween;71

    =.:.:.Rme Iehcsijtcve jnb Exegutcve Drjngm.78=.:.4.Rme hfvernoent jnb prcvjte muojns.7==.:.7.Rwf muojns wmen tmey mjve cnkureb ejgm ftmer.73

    =.4. Unber tme gfnstctutcfn jnb tme gfoofn ijw we mjve bcsputes detween twf EZUJI pjrtces wmcgm mjve nf buty tf20ejgm FRMET tmjn tmjt fa kustcgectseia, wmcgm cs iehjiiy beacneb js tme rchmt tf de ieat jifne.2:

    Wfoe djscg prcngcpies unberice tme jdfve gmjcn fa beiehjtcfn fa jutmfrcty;24

    :. Rme Pefpie js cnbcvcbujis gjnnft beiehjte jn jutmfrcty tf RME GFIIEGRCQE tmjt tmey bf nft cnbcvcbujiiy jnb27persfnjiiy mjve.22

    Neof bjt quc nfn mjdet. Nf fne gjn hcve wmf bfes nft pfssess. Kenl. Gent. 450.25

    Neof pius kurcs jb jicenuo trjnsaere pftest, qujo cspe mjdent. Fne gjnnft trjnsaer tf jnftmer j rchmt wmcgm me21mjs nft. Bch. 50, :8, 52< :0 Pet. :1:, :85.28

    Neof pftest ajgere per jicuo qufb per se nfn pftest. Nf fne gjn bf tmjt dy jnftmer wmcgm me gjnnft bf dy2=mcoseia.23

    Zuc per jicuo ajgct per secpsuo ajgere vcbetur. Me wmf bfes jnytmcnh tmrfuhm jnftmer, cs gfnscbereb js bfcnh ct50mcoseia. Gf. Ictt. 45=.5:
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    Hfvernoent Cbentcty Rmeat :77fa 121Gfpyrchmt Wfverechnty Ebugjtcfn jnb Beaense Ocncstry,mttp;//sebo.frhAfro 05.021, Tev. 3-48-40:5 E]MCDCR;VVVVVVVV

    2. Rmjt tme purpfse fa tme Gfnstctutcfn jnb tme estjdicsmoent fa hfvernoent ctseia cs tf prftegt E]GIUWCQEIS:PTCQJRE rchmts.4

    Xemfib tmese trutms tf de seia-evcbent, tmjt jii oen jre grejteb equji, tmjt tmey jre enbfweb dy tmecr Grejtfr7wctm gertjcn unjicenjdie Tchmts, tmjt jofnh tmese jre Icae, Icderty jnb tme pursuct fa Mjppcness.--Rmjt tf segure2

    tmese \E]GIUWCQEIS PTCQJRE, Hfb-hcven_ rchmts, Hfvernoents jre cnstctuteb jofnh Oen, bercvcnh tmecr5

    kust pfwers arfo tme gfnsent fa tme hfverneb,-1\Begijrjtcfn fa Cnbepenbenge, :881_8

    Rme QETS ACTWR step cn prftegtcnh PTCQJRE rchmts jnb PTCQJRE prfperty cs tf prevent sugm prfperty arfo decnh=gfnverteb tf PUDICG prfperty fr PUDICG rchmts wctmfut tme gfnsent fa tme fwner. Cn ftmer wfrbs, tme QETS ACTWR3step cn prftegtcnh PTCQJRE rchmts cs tf prftegt yfu arfo tme HFQETNOENRWFXN tmeat. Fdvcfusiy, ca j:0hfvernoent degfoes gfrrupteb jnb reauses tf prftegt PTCQJRE rchmts fr regfhncze tmeo, tmere cs jdsfiuteiy nf rejsfn::yfu gjn fr smfuib wjnt tf mcre tmeo tf prftegt yfu arfo JNSFNE EIWE.:4

    5. Rme ojcn oetmfb afr prftegtcnh PTCQJRE rchmts cs tf copfse tme afiifwcnh durben fa prffa jnb presuoptcfn upfn:7jny entcty fr persfn gijcocnh tf de hfvernoent;:2

    Jiirchmts jnb prfperty jre PTEWUOEB tf de E]GIUWCQEIS PTCQJRE jnb deyfnb tme gfntrfi fa hfvernoent:5fr tme GCQCI ijw uniess jnb untci tme hfvernoent oeets tme durben fa prfvcnh, XCRM EQCBENGE, fn tme regfrb:1fa tme prfgeebcnh tmjt;:8

    :. J WPEGCACG afroeriy PTCQJRE fwner gfnsenteb CN XTCRCNH tf gfnvert sjcb prfperty tf PUDICG prfperty.:=4. Rme fwner wjs ectmer jdrfjb, bfocgcieb fn, fr jt iejst PTEWENR fn aeberji terrctfry NFR prftegteb dy tme:3

    Gfnstctutcfn jnb tmereafre mjb tme iehji gjpjgcty tf JICENJRE j Gfnstctutcfnji rchmt fr reiceve j pudicg40servjnt fa tme acbugcjry fdichjtcfn tf respegt jnb prftegt tme rchmt. Rmfse pmyscgjiiy present dut nft negessjrciy4:bfocgcieb cn j gfnstctutcfnji dut nft stjtutfry stjte prftegteb dy tme gfnstctutcfn gjnnft ijwauiiy jicenjte rchmts44tf j reji, be kure hfvernoent, even XCRM tmecr gfnsent.47

    7. Ca tme hfvernoent reauses tf oeet tme jdfve durben fa prffa, ct smjii de GFNGIUWCQEIS PTEWUOEB tf de42fperjtcnh cn j PTCQJRE, gfrpfrjte gjpjgcty fn jn EZUJI afftcnh wctm every ftmer prcvjte gfrpfrjtcfn jnb45wmcgm cs tmereafre NFR prftegteb dy faacgcji, kubcgcji, fr sfverechn coouncty.41

    Nfte tmjt tme jdfve cs nft j qufte arfo j tmcrb pjrty, dut arfo us. Ct cs mfw we prfpfse tmjt yfu afrge tme hfvernoent48tf sjtcsay tme durben fa prffa tmjt tmey jre NFR tmceves wmf mjve ojbe j duscness fut fa WREJICNH yfur ftmerwcse4=prcvjte prfperty. Use ct wmen dftm cn jn jbocncstrjtcve jnb iehji settcnh cn gfodcnjtcfn wctm Afro #05.045 tf leep tme43durben fa prffa fn tme hfvernoent jnb faa yfu.70

    1. Rmjt tme jdcicty tf rehuijte E]GIUWCQEIS PTCQJRE gfnbugt cs repuhnjnt tf tme gfnstctutcfn jnb tmereafre sugm7:gfnbugt gjnnft ijwauiiy degfoe tme sudkegt fa jny gcvci stjtutfry ijw.74

    "Unber djscg ruies fa gfnstrugtcfn, stjtutfry ijws enjgteb dy iehcsijtcve dfbces gjnnft copjcr rchmts hcven unber77j gfnstctutcfn. :32 D.T. jt 345. "72\Cn re Sfunh, 475 D.T. 111 (Djnlr.O.B.Aij., :333)_75

    8. Rmjt tme teros persfn,persfns,cnbcvcbuji,cnbcvcbujisjs useb wctmcn tme gcvci stjtutfry ijw dy beajuit copiy71PUDICG persfnsjnb tmereafre pudicg faacges wctmcn tme hfvernoent jnb nft PTCQJRE muojn decnhs. Jii sugm78faacges jre grejtcfns jnb arjngmcses fa tme hfvernoent jnb tmereafre prfperty fa tme hfvernoent sudkegt tf cts exgiuscve7=gfntrfi.73

    =. Rmjt ca tme hfvernoent wjnts tf gjii yfu j stjtutfry persfnfr cnbcvcbujiunber tme gcvci ijw, tmen;20=.:. Sfu oust vfiunteer fr gfnsent jt sfoe pfcnt tf fggupy j pudicg faacge cn tme hfvernoent wmcie sctujteb2:

    pmyscgjiiy cn j pijge nft prftegteb dy tme UWJ Gfnstctutcfn jnb tme Dcii fa Tchmts....njoeiy, aeberji terrctfry. Cn24sfoe gjses, tmjt pudicg faacge cs jisf gjiieb j gctczenfr rescbent.27

    =.4. Ca yfu bfntvfiunteer, tmey jre essentcjiiy exergcscnh ungfnstctutcfnji eocnentbfojcnfver yfur PTCQJRE22

    prfperty. Leep cn ocnb tmjt rchmts prftegteb dy tme Gfnstctutcfn jre PTCQJRE PTFPETRS.25 3. Rmjt tmere jre QETS WPEGCACG jnb weii beacneb ruies afr gfnvertcnh PTCQJRE prfperty cntf PUDICG PTFPETRS21jnb FAACGEW, jnb tmjt jii sugm ruies requcre yfur express gfnsent exgept wmen j grcoe cs cnvfiveb.28

    :0. Rmjt ca j gfrrupteb kubhe fr pudicg servjnt copfses upfn yfu jny gcvci stjtutfry stjtus, cngiubcnh tmjt fa persfnfr2=cnbcvcbujiwctmfut PTFQCNH wctm evcbenge tmjt yfu gfnsenteb tf tme stjtus JNB mjb tme GJPJGCRS tf ijwauiiy23gfnsent jt tme tcoe yfu gfnsenteb, tmey jre;50:0.:.Qcfijtcnh bue prfgess fa ijw.5::0.4.Copfscnh cnvfiuntjry servctube.54:0.7.WREJICNH prfperty arfo yfu. Xe gjii tmcs tmeatdypresuoptcfn.57:0.2.Lcbnjppcnh yfur cbentcty jnb ofvcnh ct tf aeberji terrctfry.52
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    Hfvernoent Cbentcty Rmeat :72fa 121Gfpyrchmt Wfverechnty Ebugjtcfn jnb Beaense Ocncstry,mttp;//sebo.frhAfro 05.021, Tev. 3-48-40:5 E]MCDCR;VVVVVVVV

    :0.5.Cnstctutcnh eocnent bfojcn fver E]GIUWCQEIS PTCQJRE prfperty.:::. Rmjt wctmcn tme gfoofn ijw, tme ojcn oegmjncso afr PTEQENRCNH tme gfnverscfn fa PTCQJRE prfperty tf4

    PUDICG prfperty tmrfuhm hfvernoent arjngmcses jre tme afiifwcnh ojxcos fa ijw. Rmese ojxcos fa ijw OJNBJRE7tmjt jii hfvernoents oust prftegt yfur rchmt NFR tf pjrtcgcpjte cn arjngmcses fr de meib jggfuntjdie afr tme2gfnsequenges fa regecvcnh j deneactyfu bcb nft gfnsent tf regecve jnb/fr rehjrbeb js jn CNKUTS rjtmer tmjn j5deneact;1

    Cnvctf deneacgcuo nfn bjtur.8

    Nf fne cs fdicheb tf jggept j deneact jhjcnst mcs gfnsent. Bch. 50, :8, 13. Dut ca me bfes nft bcssent me wcii de=gfnscbereb js jssentcnh. Qcbe Jssent.3

    Zucicdet pftest renungcjre kurc prf se cnbugtf.:0Jny fne ojy renfunge j ijw cntrfbugeb afr mcs fwn deneact. Rf tmcs ruie tmere jre sfoe exgeptcfns. Wee : Dfuv.::Cnst. n. =7.:4\DfuvcersOjxcos fa Ijw, :=51,:7WFUTGE;mttp;//ajohujrbcjn.frh/Pudicgjtcfns/DfuvcerOjxcosFaIjw/DfuvcersOjxcos.mto_:2

    Afr jn exjopie fa mfw tmcs pmenfoenfn wfrls cn tme gjse fa tme Cnternji Tevenue Gfbe, Wudtcties J jnb G trjbefrduscness:5arjngmcse, see;:1

    Xmy Sfur Hfvernoent cs Ectmer j Rmcea fr Sfu Jre j PudicgFaacgerafr Cngfoe Rjx Purpfses, Afro #05.00=mttp;//sebo.frh/Afros/AfroCnbex.mto

    Js jn exjopie fa wmy jn unberstjnbcnh fa tmcs sudkegt cs E]RTEOEIS copfrtjnt, gfnscber tme afiifwcnh bcjifh jt jn CTW:8jubct cn wmcgm tme ACTWR questcfn fut fa tme ofutm fa tme jhent cs JIXJSW Xmjtcs SFUT Wfgcji WegurctyNuoder6;:=VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV:3


    CTW JHENR; Xmjt cs SFUT Wfgcji Wegurcty Nuoder64:44

    SFU; 40 G.A.T. 244.:07(b) sjys WWNs deifnh tf tme hfvernoent. Rme fniy wjy ct gfuib de OS nuoder cs ca C jo jppejrcnh47mere tfbjy js j aeberji eopifyee fr faacger fn faacgcji duscness. Ca tmjt cs tme gjse, nf, C jo mere js j prcvjte muojn42decnh jnb nft j hfvernoent stjtutfry eopifyee cn pfssesscfn fr use fa pudicgprfperty sugm js j nuoder.45Rmereafre, C bfntMJQE j Wfgcji Wegurcty Nuoder. Aurtmerofre, C jo nft ijwauiiy eichcdie jnb never mjve deen41eichcdie tf pjrtcgcpjte cn Wfgcji Wegurcty jnb jny regfrbs yfu mjve tf tme gfntrjry jre AJIWE jnb ATJUBUIENR48jnb smfuib de BEWRTFSEB.4=


    CTW JHENR; Rmjtsrcbcguifus. Everyfne MJW j WWN.707:

    SFU; Xeii tmen EQETSFNE cs j WRUPCB wmfre afr jgtcnh js j aeberji eopifyee fr jhent wctmfut gfopensjtcfn RMES74jnb nft SFU beterocne. Rme gmjrhe afr oy servcges tf jgt js j aeberji eopifyeefr faacger fr trustee cn pfssesscfn77fa pudicg prfperty sugm js jn WWN cs JII tme tjx jnb penjity icjdcicty tmjt ochmt resuit PIUW $:,000 per mfur. Xcii72yfu jhree cn wrctcnh pjy tme gfopensjtcfn C beojnb tf jgt essentcjiiy js yfur aeberji gfwfrler, degjuse ca yfu75bfnt,tmen ctsnft OS nuoder671


    CTW JHENR; CtsSFUT nuoder, nft tme hfvernoents.7=73

    SFU; Xeii wmy bf tme rehuijtcfns jt 40 G.A.T. 244.:07(b) sjy ct deifnhs tf tme Wfgcji Wegurcty Jbocncstrjtcfn (W.W.J.)20cnstejb fa oe6 C jo nft jppejrcnh js j Wfgcji Wegurcty eopifyee jt tmcs oeetcnh jnb cts unrejsfnjdie jnb prekubcgcji2:afr yfu tf jssuoe tmjt C jo. C jo jisf nft jppejrcnh mere js aeberjipersfnneijs beacneb cn5 U.W.G. 554j(j)(:7).24

    C bfnteven qujicay afr Wfgcji Wegurcty jnb never mjve, jnb wmjt yfu jre jslcnh oe tf bf dy prfvcbcnh jn CNQJICB27jnb lnfwcnhiy AJIWE nuoder cs tf QCFIJRE RME IJX jnb gfooct arjub dy prfvcbcnh tmjt wmcgm C jo nft22iehjiiy entctieb tf jnb tmeredy arjubuientiy prfgure tme deneacts fa j aeberji arjngmcse. Cs tmjt yfur cntentcfn625


    CTW JHENR; Bfntpijy wfrb hjoes wctm oe. CtsSFUT nuoder.282=

    SFU; Xeii hffb. Rmen ca ctsOS nuoder jnb OS prfperty, tmen C mjve E]GIUWCQE gfntrfi jnb use fver ct. Rmjt cs wmjt23tme wfrb prfpertycopices. Rmjt oejns C, jnb nft yfu, ojy penjicze pefpie afr jduscnh OS prfperty. Rme penjity50afr wrfnhaui use fr pfssesscfn fa OS prfperty cs jii tme tjx jnb penjity icjdcicty tmjt ochmt resuit arfo uscnh sjcb5:nuoder afr tjx gfiiegtcfn pius $:,000 per mfur afr ebugjtcnh yfu jdfut yfur ijwaui butces degjuse yfu fdvcfusiy54
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    Hfvernoent Cbentcty Rmeat :75fa 121Gfpyrchmt Wfverechnty Ebugjtcfn jnb Beaense Ocncstry,mttp;//sebo.frhAfro 05.021, Tev. 3-48-40:5 E]MCDCR;VVVVVVVV

    bfntlnfw wmjt tmey jre. Ca ctsOS prfperty, tmen yfur kfd cs tf prftegt oe arfo jduses fa OS prfperty. Ca yfu:gjn penjicze oe afr ocsuscnh SFUT prfgebures jnb afros, wmcgm jre SFUT prfperty, tmen C jo EZUJIIS4entctieb tf penjicze yfu afr ocsuscnh OS prfperty. Jre yfu wciicnh tf schn jn jhreeoent cn wrctcnh tf pjy afr tme7JDUWE fa wmjt yfu gjii OS prfperty, degjuse ca yfu jrent,yfu jre beprcvcnh oe fa exgiuscve use jnb gfntrfi2fver OS prfperty jnb beprcvcnh oe fa tme equji rchmt tf prevent jduses fa oy prfperty665


    CTW JHENR; FL, weii ctsFUT nuoder. Wfrry afr begecvcnh yfu. Gjn yfu hcve us FUT nuoder tmjt XE jsschneb tf8yfu6=


    SFU; Sfu BCBNRjsschn ct tf OE js j prcvjte persfn, wmcgm cs wmjt C jo jppejrcnh mere tfbjy js. Sfu gjntijwauiiy:0cssue pudicg prfperty sugm js jn WWN tf j prcvjte persfn. Rmjtsgrcocnji eodezzieoent. Rme fniy wjy ct gfuib::mjve deen jsschneb tf oe cs ca Cojgtcnh js j pudicg faacgerfr aeberji eopifyee jt tmcs ofoent, jnb C jo NFR.:4C jo mere js j prcvjte persfn jnb nft j pudicg eopifyee. Rmereafre, ct gfuibntmjve deen ijwauiiy cssueb tf oe.:7Leep tmcs up, jnb Cohfcnh tf acie j grcocnji gfopijcnt wctm tme U.W. Jttfrney afr eodezzieoent cn vcfijtcfn fa:=:2U.W.G. 12:jnb copersfnjtcnh j pudicg faacger cn vcfijtcfn fa:= U.W.G. 3:4. Conft mere js j pudicg faacger jnb:5yfu jre jslcnh oe tf jgt icle fne wctmfut gfopensjtcfn jnb wctmfut iehji jutmfrcty. Xmere cs tme gfopensjtcfn:1tmjt C beojnb tf jgt js j acbugcjry jnb trustee fver yfur WRCNLCNH nuoder, wmcgm cs pudicg prfperty6 C reocnb:8yfu tmjt tme very purpfse wmy hfvernoents jre grejteb cs tf PTFREGR jnb ojcntjcn tme sepjrjtcfn detween "pudicg:=prfperty" jnb "prcvjte prfperty" cn frber tf preserve oy cnjicenjdie gfnstctutcfnji rchmts tmjt yfu tffl jn fjtm tf:3suppfrt jnb beaenb. Xmy bf yfu gfntcnue tf cnscst fn gf-ocnhicnh jnb gfnauscnh tmeo cn frber tf WREJI oy ijdfr,40prfperty, jnb ofney wctmfut gfopensjtcfn cn vcfijtcfn fa tme Acatm Joenboent tjlcnhs gijuse64:


    Usujiiy, jater tme jdfve cntergmjnhe, tme CTW jhent wcii rejicze me cs bchhcnh j BEEP mfie afr mcoseia jnb wcii jdruptiy enb47tmjt sfrt fa cnqucry, jnb ojny tcoes wcii jisf enb mcs gfiiegtcfn eaafrts.42

    1.4 Xmjt cs Prfperty645

    Prfperty cs iehjiiy beacneb js afiifws;41

    Prfperty. Rmjt wmcgm cs peguicjr fr prfper tf jny persfn< tmjt wmcgm deifnhs exgiuscveiy tf fne. Cn tme strcgt48iehji sense,jn jhhrehjte fa rchmts wmcgm jre hujrjnteeb jnb prftegteb dy tme hfvernoent. Auitfn Ichmt, Mejt4=& Pfwer Gf. v. Wtjte, 15 Ocsg.Tep. 417, :4: N.S.W. 571. Rme tero cs sjcb tf extenb tf every spegces fa vjiujdie43rchmt jnb cnterest. Ofre spegcacgjiiy, fwnersmcp< tme unrestrcgteb jnb exgiuscve rchmt tf j tmcnh< tme rchmt tf70bcspfse fa j tmcnh cn every iehji wjy, tf pfssess ct, tf use ct, jnb tf exgiube everyfne eise arfo cnteraercnh wctm ct.7:

    Rmjt bfocncfn fr cnbeacncte rchmt fa use fr bcspfsctcfn wmcgm fne ojy ijwauiiy exergcse fver pjrtcguijr tmcnhs fr74 sudkegts. Rme exgiuscve rchmt fa pfssesscnh, enkfycnh, jnb bcspfscnh fa j tmcnh. Rme mchmest rchmt j ojn gjn mjve77tf jnytmcnh< decnh useb tf reaer tf tmjt rchmt wmcgm fne mjs tf ijnbs fr teneoents, hffbs fr gmjtteis, wmcgm nf72wjy bepenbs fn jnftmer ojn's gfurtesy.75

    Rme wfrb cs jisf gfoofniy useb tf benfte everytmcnh wmcgm cs tme sudkegt fa fwnersmcp, gfrpfreji fr cngfrpfreji,71tjnhcdie fr cntjnhcdie, vcscdie fr cnvcscdie, reji fr persfnji, everytmcnh tmjt mjs jn exgmjnhejdie vjiue fr wmcgm78hfes tf ojle up wejitm fr estjte.Ct extenbs tf every spegces fa vjiujdie rchmt jnb cnterest, jnb cngiubes reji7=

    jnb persfnji prfperty, ejseoents, arjngmcses, jnb cngfrpfreji merebctjoents, jnb cngiubes every cnvjscfn fa73

    fne's prfperty rchmts dy jgtcfnjdie wrfnh.Ijddertfn v. Henerji Gjs. Gf. fa Joercgj, 57 Xjsm.4b. :=0, 77420P.4b. 450, 454, 452.2:

    Prfperty eodrjges everytmcnh wmcgm cs fr ojy de tme sudkegt fa fwnersmcp, wmetmer j iehji fwnersmcp. fr wmetmer24deneacgcji, fr j prcvjte fwnersmcp. Bjvcs v. Bjvcs. RexGcv-Jpp., 235 W.X.4b. 108. 1::. Rero cngiubes nft fniy27fwnersmcp jnb pfssesscfn dut jisf tme rchmt fa use jnb enkfyoent afr ijwaui purpfses. Mfaaojnn v. Lcnejiy, Of.,227=3 W.X.4b. 825, 854.25

    Prfperty, wctmcn gfnstctutcfnji prftegtcfn, benftes hrfup fa rchmts cnmercnh cn gctczen's reijtcfn tf pmyscgji tmcnh,21js rchmt tf pfssess, use jnb bcspfse fa ct. Gerehmcnf v. Wtjte Dy jnb Rmrfuhm Wtjte Mchmwjy Gfoocsscfn, 47028Fr. 273, 780 P.4b. 132, 138.2=

    Hffbwcii cs prfperty, Mfweii v. Dfwben, RexGcv. Jpp., 71= W.X.4b. =24, &:=< js cs jn cnsurjnge pficgy jnb23rchmts cngcbent tmeretf, cngiubcnh j rchmt tf tme prfgeebs, Mjrrcs v. Mjrrcs, =7 N.O. 22:,237 P.4b. 208, 20=.50

    Grcocnji gfbe. "Prfperty" oejns jnytmcnh fa vjiue. cngiubcnh reji estjte, tjnhcdie jnb cntjnhcdie persfnji5:prfperty, gfntrjgt rchmts, gmfses-cn-jgtcfn jnb ftmer cnterests cn fr gijcos tf wejitm, jbocsscfn fr trjnspfrtjtcfn54tcglets, gjptureb fr bfoestcg jncojis, affb jnb brcnl, eiegtrcg fr ftmer pfwer. Ofbei Penji Gfbe. Z 447.0. Wee57
  • 7/23/2019 Government Identity Theft, Form #05.046


    Hfvernoent Cbentcty Rmeat :71fa 121Gfpyrchmt Wfverechnty Ebugjtcfn jnb Beaense Ocncstry,mttp;//sebo.frhAfro 05.021, Tev. 3-48-40:5 E]MCDCR;VVVVVVVV

    jisf Prfperty fa jnftmer, cnarj. Busts. Unber beacnctcfn cn Testjteoent, Wegfnb, Rrusts, Z 4(g), ct benftes cnterest:cn tmcnhs jnb nft tme tmcnhs tmeoseives.4\DijglsIjw Bcgtcfnjry, Acatm Ebctcfn, p. :035_7

    Leep cn ocnb tme afiifwcnh grctcgji ajgts jdfut prfpertyjs iehjiiy beacneb;2

    :. Rme essenge fa tme prfpertyrchmt, jisf gjiieb fwnersmcp,cs tme TCHMR RF E]GIUBE ftmers arfo uscnh fr5deneacttcnh arfo tme use fa tme prfperty.1

    Xemjve repejtebiy meib tmjt, js tf prfperty reserveb dy cts fwner afr prcvjte use, "tme rchmt tf exgiube \ftmers8

    cs_ `fne fa tme ofst essentcji stcgls cn tme dunbie fa rchmts tmjt jre gfoofniy gmjrjgterczeb js prfperty.' "=

    Ifrettf v. Reieprfopter Ojnmjttjn GJRQ Gfrp., 25= U.W. 2:3, 277 (:3=4),quftcnhLjcser Jetnj v. Uncteb3

    Wtjtes, 222 U.W. :12, :81 (:383).:0\Nfiijn v. Gjicafrncj Gfjstji Gfoon,2=7 U.W. =45 (:3=8)_::


    Cntmcs gjse, we mfib tmjt tme "rchmt tf exgiube," sf uncversjiiy meib tf de j aunbjoentji eieoent fa tme:7

    prfperty rchmt,\::_ ajiis wctmcn tmcs gjtehfry fa cnterests tmjt tme Hfvernoent gjnnft tjle wctmfut:2

    gfopensjtcfn.:5\Ljcser Jetnj v. Uncteb Wtjtes, 222 U.W. :12 (:383)_:1

    \::_ Wee, e. h.,Uncteb Wtjtes v. Puedif fa Wjn Cibeafnsf, 401 Gt.Gi. 123, 113-180, 5:7 A.4b. :7=7, :732 (:385)

  • 7/23/2019 Government Identity Theft, Form #05.046


  • 7/23/2019 Government Identity Theft, Form #05.046


    Hfvernoent Cbentcty Rmeat :7=fa 121Gfpyrchmt Wfverechnty Ebugjtcfn jnb Beaense Ocncstry,mttp;//sebo.frhAfro 05.021, Tev. 3-48-40:5 E]MCDCR;VVVVVVVV

    Rme ojcn purpfse afr wmcgm jii hfvernoents jre estjdicsmeb cs tme prftegtcfn fa E]GIUWCQEIS PTCQJRE rchmts jnb:prfperty. Rmcs purpfse cs tme afunbjtcfn fa jii tme kust jutmfrcty fa jny hfvernoent js meib dy tme Begijrjtcfn fa4Cnbepenbenge;7

    Xemfib tmese trutms tf de seia-evcbent, tmjt jii oen jre grejteb equji, tmjt tmey jre enbfweb dy tmecr Grejtfr2wctm gertjcn unjicenjdie Tchmts, tmjt jofnh tmese jre Icae, Icderty jnb tme pursuct fa Mjppcness.--Rmjt tf segure5

    tmese rchmts, Hfvernoents jre cnstctuteb jofnh Oen, bercvcnh tmecr kust pfwers arfo tme gfnsent fa tme1

    hfverneb,-8\Begijrjtcfn fa Cnbepenbenge, :881_=

    Rme acbugcjry buty tmjt j pudicg faacger wmf wfrls afr tme hfvernoent mjs cs afunbeb upfn tme requcreoent tf prftegt3PTCQJRE prfperty.:0

    Js expresseb ftmerwcse, tme pfwers beiehjteb tf j pudicg faacger jre meib cn trust afr tme pefpie jnb jre tf de::exergcseb cn demjia fa tme hfvernoent fr fa jii gctczens wmf ojy neeb tme cnterventcfn fa tme faacger. 48:4

    Aurtmerofre, tme vcew mjs deen expresseb tmjt jii pudicg faacgers, wctmcn wmjtever drjngm jnb wmjtever ievei:7

    fa hfvernoent, jnb wmjtever de tmecr prcvjte vfgjtcfns, jre trustees fa tme pefpie, jnb jggfrbcnhiy ijdfr unber:2

    every bcsjdcicty jnb prfmcdctcfn copfseb dy ijw upfn trustees reijtcve tf tme ojlcnh fa persfnji acnjngcji hjcn:5

    arfo j bcsgmjrhe fa tmecr trusts. 4= Rmjt cs, j pudicg faacger fggupces j acbugcjry reijtcfnsmcp tf tme pfictcgji:1entcty fn wmfse demjia me fr sme serves. 43 jnb fwes j acbugcjry buty tf tme pudicg.70 Ct mjs deen sjcb tmjt tme:8

    acbugcjry respfnscdcictces fa j pudicg faacger gjnnft de iess tmjn tmfse fa j prcvjte cnbcvcbuji.7: Aurtmerofre,:=ct mjs deen stjteb tmjt jny enterprcse unbertjlen dy tme pudicg faacgcji wmcgm tenbs tf wejlen pudicg gfnacbenge:3

    jnb unberocne tme sense fa segurcty afr cnbcvcbuji rchmts cs jhjcnst pudicg pficgy.7440\17G Joercgjn Kurcsprubenge 4b, Pudicg Faacgers jnb Eopifyees, 428 (:333)_4:

    Rme QETS ACTWR step tmjt jny ijwaui be kure hfvernoent oust tjle cn prftegtcnh PTCQJRE prfperty jnb PTCQJRE rchmts44cs tf prftegt ct arfo decnh gfnverteb tf PUDICG/HFQETNOENR prfperty. Jater jii; Ca tme pefpie yfu mcre tf prftegt yfu47wfnteven bf tme kfd fa prftegtcnh yfu arfo RMEO, wmy smfuib yfu mcre tmeo tf prftegt yfu arfo JNSFNE EIWE642

    Rme U.W. Wupreoe Gfurt mjs jisf jaacroeb tmjt tme prftegtcfn fa PTCQJRE rchmts jnb PTCQJRE prfperty cs tmeafunbjtcfn45fa tme hfvernoentwmen ct meib tme afiifwcnh. Rme gjse deifw wjs j gmjiienhe tf tme gfnstctutcfnjicty fa tme acrst njtcfnji41cngfoe tjx, jnb tme U.W. hfvernoent rchmtauiiy ifst tmjt gmjiienhe;48

    MereC gifse oy fpcncfn. C gfuib nft sjy iess cn vcew fa questcfns fa sugm hrjvcty tmjt tmey hf bfwn tf tme very4=afunbjtcfns fa tme hfvernoent. Ca tme prfvcscfns fa tme Gfnstctutcfn gjn de set jscbe dy jn jgt fa Gfnhress, wmere43cs tme gfurse fa usurpjtcfn tf enb670

    Rme present jssjuit upfn gjpctji\RMEAR! jnb XEJIRM RTJNWAET dy ungfnstctutcfnji GFNQETWCFN fa7:

    PTCQJRE prfperty tf PUDICG prfperty_ cs dut tme dehcnncnh.Ct wcii de dut tme steppcnh stfne tf ftmers ijrher74jnb ofre sweepcnh, untci fur pfictcgji gfntest wcii degfoe wjr fa tme pffr jhjcnst tme rcgm< j wjr fa hrfwcnh77cntenscty jnb dctterness.72\Pfiifgl v.AjroersIfjn & Rrust Gf.,:58 U.W. 243,:5= U.W. 10: (:=35), mejrcnh tme gjse jhjcnst tme acrst75cngfoe tjx pjsseb dy Gfnhress tmjt cngiubeb pefpie cn stjtes fa tme Uncfn. Rmey begijreb tmjt acrst cngfoe tjx71UNGFNWRCRURCFNJI, dy tme wjy_78

    48Wtjte ex rei. Njhie v. Wuiicvjn, 3= Ofnt. 245, 20 P.4b. 335, 33 J.I.T. 74:< Kersey Gcty v. Mjhue, := N.K. 5=2, ::5 J.4b. =.

    4=Hefrhcj Bept fa Muojn Tesfurges v. Wcstrunl, 423 Hj. 527, 43: W.E.4b. 542. J pudicg faacgcji cs meib cn pudicg trust. Ojbiener v. Acniey (:st Bcst),:1: Cii.Jpp.7b. 831, ::7 Cii.Beg. 8:4, 5:5 N.E.4b. 138, jpp hr ::8 Cii.Beg. 441, 540 N.E.4b. 7=8 jnb revb fn ftmer hrfunbs :4= Cii.4b. :28, :7: Cii.Beg.:25, 57= N.E.4b. 540.

    43Gmcgjhf Pjrl Bcst. v. Lenrfy, Cng., 8= Cii.4b. 555, 78 Cii.Beg. 43:, 204 N.E.4b. :=:, jppeji jater reojnb (:st Bcst) :08 Cii.Jpp.7b. 444, 17 Cii.Beg. :72,278 N.E.4b. 8=7.

    70Uncteb Wtjtes v. Mfizer, =:1 A.4b. 702 (GJ8 Cii) jnb vjgjteb, reojnbeb fn ftmer hrfunbs 2=2 U.W. =08, 3= I.Eb. 4b :=, :0= W.Gt. 57, fn reojnb(GJ8 Cii) =20 A.4b. :727, gert ben 2=1 U.W. :075, :00 I.Eb. 4b 10=, :0= W.Gt. 4044 jnb (grctcgczeb fn ftmer hrfunbs dy Uncteb Wtjtes v. Fsser (GJ7 Pj)=12 A.4b. :051) jnb (supersebeb dy stjtute fn ftmer hrfunbs js stjteb cn Uncteb Wtjtes v. Icttie (GJ5 Ocss), ==3 A.4b. :718) jnb (jofnh gfnaicgtcnhjutmfrctces fn ftmer hrfunbs nfteb cn Uncteb Wtjtes v. Dfyijn (GJ: Ojss), =3= A.4b. 470, 43 Aeb.Tuies.Evcb.Werv. :447).

    7:Gmcgjhf ex rei. Gfmen v. Lejne, 12 Cii.4b. 553, 4 Cii.Beg. 4=5, 758 N.E.4b. 254, ijter prfgeebcnh (:st Bcst) :05 Cii.Jpp.7b. 43=, 1: Cii.Beg. :84, 272N.E.4b. 745.

    74Cnbcjnj Wtjte Etmcgs Gfoon v. Neisfn (Cnb Jpp), 151 N.E.4b. ::84, rem hr (Cnb Jpp) 153 N.E.4b. 410, rem ben (Kjn 42, :331) jnb trjnsaer ben (Ojy4=, :331).
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    Hfvernoent Cbentcty Rmeat :20fa 121Gfpyrchmt Wfverechnty Ebugjtcfn jnb Beaense Ocncstry,mttp;//sebo.frhAfro 05.021, Tev. 3-48-40:5 E]MCDCR;VVVVVVVV

    Prfperty eodrjges everytmcnh wmcgm cs fr ojy de tme sudkegt fa fwnersmcp, wmetmer j iehji fwnersmcp. fr wmetmer:deneacgcji, fr j prcvjte fwnersmcp. Bjvcs v. Bjvcs. RexGcv-Jpp., 235 W.X.4b. 108. 1::. Rero cngiubes nft fniy4fwnersmcp jnb pfssesscfn dut jisf tme rchmt fa use jnb enkfyoent afr ijwaui purpfses. Mfaaojnn v. Lcnejiy, Of.,77=3 W.X.4b. 825, 854.2

    Prfperty, wctmcn gfnstctutcfnji prftegtcfn, benftes hrfup fa rchmts cnmercnh cn gctczen's reijtcfn tf pmyscgji tmcnh,5js rchmt tf pfssess, use jnb bcspfse fa ct. Gerehmcnf v. Wtjte Dy jnb Rmrfuhm Wtjte Mchmwjy Gfoocsscfn, 4701Fr. 273, 780 P.4b. 132, 138.8

    \. . ._=

    \DijglsIjw Bcgtcfnjry, Acatm Ebctcfn, p. :035_3

    Cn j ijwaui be kure hfvernoent unber fur gfnstctutcfn;:0

    :. Jii persfnsjre jdsfiuteiy equji unber tme ijw. Nf hfvernoent gjn mjve jny ofre rchmts tmjn j scnhie muojn decnh,::nf ojtter mfw ojny pefpie ojle up tmjt hfvernoent. Ca yfur nechmdfr gjnttjle yfur prfperty wctmfut yfur gfnsent,:4tmen nectmer gjn tme hfvernoent. Rme fniy exgeptcfn tf tmcs requcreoent fa equjicty cs tmjt jrtcacgcji persfns bf nft:7mjve gfnstctutcfnji rchmts, dut fniy sugm prcvciehesjs stjtutfry ijw hrjnts tmeo. Wee;:2

    Tequcreoent afr Equji Prftegtcfn jnb Equji Rrejtoent, Afro #05.077mttp;//sebo.frh/Afros/AfroCnbex.mto

    4. Jii prfperty cs GFNGIUWCQEIS presuoeb tf de E]GIUWCQEIS PTCQJRE untci tme HFQETNOENR oeets tme:5durben fa prffa fn tme regfrb fa tme iehji prfgeebcnh tmjt yfu E]PTEWWIS gfnsenteb CN XTCRCNH tf bfnjte tme:1prfperty fr use fa tme prfperty tf tme PUDICG;:8

    Oenjre enbfweb dy tmecr Grejtfr wctm gertjcn unjicenjdie rchmts,- 'icae, icderty, jnb tme pursuct fa mjppcness

  • 7/23/2019 Government Identity Theft, Form #05.046


    Hfvernoent Cbentcty Rmeat :2:fa 121Gfpyrchmt Wfverechnty Ebugjtcfn jnb Beaense Ocncstry,mttp;//sebo.frhAfro 05.021, Tev. 3-48-40:5 E]MCDCR;VVVVVVVV

    8.4. Every gfnsuoer fa yfur servcges mjs j rchmt tf bf duscness wctm tmfse wmf jre unicgenseb. Rmcs rchmt cs j njturji:gfnsequenge fa tme rchmt tf GFNRTJGR jnb NFR GFNRTJGR. Rme tmcnh tmey jre NFR gfntrjgtcnh wctm cs tme4HFQETNOENR, jnb tme tmcnh tmey jre nft gfntrjgtcnh AFT cs WRJRURFTS/ATJNGMCWE prftegtcfn.7Rmereafre, even tmfse wmf mjve jppiceb afr hfvernoent icgense nuoders jre NFR fdichjteb tf use tmeo cn2gfnnegtcfn wctm jny spegcacg trjnsjgtcfn jnb ojy nft mjve tmecr icgenses suspenbeb fr revfleb afr ajciure fr5reausji tf use tmeo afr j spegcacg trjnsjgtcfn.1

    =. Ca tme hfvernoent cnvjbes tme gfooergcji reijtcfnsmcp detween yfu jnb tmfse yfu bf duscness wctm dy afrgcnh ectmer8pjrty tf use fr cnvfle tme icgense nuoder fr pursue reoebces fr deneactsunber tme icgense, tmey jre;=

    =.:. Cnteraercnh wctm yfur UNJICENJDIE rchmt tf gfntrjgt.3=.4. Gfopeiicnh yfu tf bfnjte E]GIUWCQEIS PTCQJRE prfperty tf j PUDICG use.:0=.7. Exergcscnh ungfnstctutcfnji eocnent bfojcn fver yfur ftmerwcse PTCQJRE prfperty.::=.2. Gfopeiicnh yfu tf jggept j pudicg deneact,wmere tme prftegtcfnjaafrbeb dy tme icgense cs tme deneact.:4

    Rme jdfve requcreoents fa tme UWJ Gfnstctutcfn jre gcrguoventeb wctm nftmcnh ofre tmjn tme scopie PTEWUOPRCFN,:7usujiiy fn tme pjrt fa tme CTW jnb gfrrupteb kubhes wmf wjnt tf WREJI arfo yfu, tmjt tme HFQETNOENR fwns ct jnb tmjt:2yfu mjve tf prfve tmjt tmey GFNWENREB tf iet yfu leep tme aructs fa ct. Rmey gjntjnb never mjve prfven tmjt tmey mjve:5sugm j rchmt, jnb jii sugm presuoptcfns jre j vcfijtcfn fa bue prfgess fa ijw.:1

    (:) \=;2337_ Gfngiuscve presuoptcfns jaaegtcnh prftegteb cnterests;:8

    J gfngiuscve presuoptcfn ojy de beaejteb wmere cts jppicgjtcfn wfuib copjcr j pjrty's gfnstctutcfnjiiy-prftegteb:=icderty fr prfperty cnterests. Cn sugm gjses, gfngiuscvepresuoptcfns mjve deen meib tf vcfijte j pjrty's bue:3

    prfgess jnb equji prftegtcfn rchmts. \Qijnbcs v. Licne (:387)2:4 U.W. 22:,223, 37 W.Gt. 4470, 4475< Gieveijnb40Db. fa Eb. v. IjAieur (:382)2:2 U.W. 174,173-120, 32 W.Gt. :40=, :4:5-presuoptcfn unber Ciicnfcs ijw tmjt4:unojrrceb ajtmers jre unact vcfijtes prfgess_44\Aeberji Gcvci Rrcjis jnb Evcbenge (4001), Tutter Hrfup, pjrjhrjpm =;2337, p. =L-72_47

    Cn frber tf ungfnstctutcfnjiiy jnb RTEJWFNFUWIS gcrguovent tme jdfve icoctjtcfn fn tmecr rchmt tf presuoe, gfrrupt42hfvernoents jnb hfvernoent jgtfrs wcii pijy wfrbhjoeswctm gctczensmcp jnb ley beacnctcfns cn tme ENGTSPREB gfbe45cn frber tf LCBNJP yfur iehji cbentcty jnb pijge ct FURWCBE tme jdfve prftegtcfns fa tme gfnstctutcfn dy;41

    :. PTEWUOCNH tmjt yfu jre j pudicg faacger jnb tmereafre, tmjt everytmcnh meib cn yfur njoe cs PUDICG prfperty fa tme48HFQETNOENR jnb nft SFUT PTCQJRE PTFPETRS. Wee;4=

    Xmy Sfur Hfvernoent cs Ectmer j Rmcea fr Sfu Jre j PudicgFaacgerafr Cngfoe Rjx Purpfses, Afro #05.00=AFTOW PJHE;mttp;//sebo.frh/Afros/AfroCnbex.mtoBCTEGR ICNL;mttp;//sebo.frh/Afros/05-OeoIjw/XmyRmceaFrPudFaacger.pba

    4. Jduscnh arjubuient cnafrojtcfn returns tf grcocnjiiy jnb unijwauiiy eiegtyfu cntf pudicg faacges cn tme hfvernoent;43

    Gfrregtcnh Errfnefus Cnafrojtcfn Teturns, Afro #02.00:AFTOW PJHE;mttp;//sebo.frh/Afros/AfroCnbex.mtoBCTEGR ICNL;mttp;//sebo.frh/Afros/02-Rjx/0-GfrrErrCnafTtns/GfrrErrCnafTtns.pba

    7. PTEWUOCNH tmjt degjuse yfu bcb nft redut evcbenge gfnnegtcnh yfu tf j pudicg faacge, tmen yfu GFNWENR tf70fggupy tme faacge.7:

    2. PTEWUOCNH tmjt JII fa tme afur gfntexts afr "Uncteb Wtjtes" jre equcvjient.745. PTEWUOE tmjt GFNWRCRURCFNJI gctczens jnb WRJRURFTS gctczens jre EZUCQJIENR unber aeberji ijw. Rmey77

    jre NFR. J GFNWRCRURCFNJI gctczen cs j "nfn-rescbent " unber aeberji gcvci ijw jnb NFR j WRJRURFTS72"njtcfnji jnb gctczen fa tme Uncteb Wtjtes** jt dcrtm" per = U.W.G. :20:. Wee tme bfguoent deifw;75

    Xmy Sfu jre j "njtcfnji", "stjte njtcfnji", jnb Gfnstctutcfnji dut nft Wtjtutfry Gctczen, Afro #05.001AFTOW PJHE;mttp;//sebo.frh/Afros/AfroCnbex.mtoBCTEGR ICNL;mttp;//sebo.frh/Afros/05-OeoIjw/XmyJNjtcfnji.pba

    1. PTEWUOCNH tmjt "njtcfnjicty" jnb "bfocgcie" jre equcvjient. Rmey jre NFR. Wee;71

    Xmy Bfocgcie jnb Degfocnh j RjxpjyerTequcre Sfur Gfnsent, Afro #05.004AFTOW PJHE;mttp;//sebo.frh/Afros/AfroCnbex.mtoBCTEGR ICNL;mttp;//sebo.frh/Afros/05-OeoIjw/Bfocgcie.pba

    8. Uscnh tme wfrb "gctczensmcp" cn pijge fa "njtcfnjicty" FT "bfocgcie", jnb reauscnh tf bcsgifse XMCGM fa tme twf tmey78oejn cn EQETS gfntext.7=

    =. Gfnauscnh tme PFICRCGJI/GFNWRCRURCFNJI oejncnh fa wfrbs wctm tme gcvci WRJRURFTS gfntext. Afr73cnstjnge, jslcnh fn hfvernoent afros wmetmer yfu jre j PFICRCGJI/GFNWRCRURCFNJI gctczen jnb tmen20AJIWEIS PTEWUOCNH tmjt yfu jre j WRJRURFTS gctczen unber = U.W.G. :20:.2:
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    Hfvernoent Cbentcty Rmeat :24fa 121Gfpyrchmt Wfverechnty Ebugjtcfn jnb Beaense Ocncstry,mttp;//sebo.frhAfro 05.021, Tev. 3-48-40:5 E]MCDCR;VVVVVVVV

    3. Gfnauscnh tme wfrbs "bfocgcie"jnb "rescbenge"fr copute ectmer tf yfu wctmfut sjtcsaycnh tme durben fa prfvcnh tmjt:yfu E]PTEWWIS GFNWENREB tf ct jnb tmeredy ciiehjiiy lcbnjp yfur gcvci iehji cbentcty jhjcnst yfur wcii. Fne gjn4mjve fniy fne "bfocgcie" dut ojny "rescbenges" jnb DFRM requcre yfur gfnsent. Wee;7

    Xmy Bfocgcie jnb Degfocnh j RjxpjyerTequcre Sfur Gfnsent, Afro #05.004AFTOW PJHE;mttp;//sebo.frh/Afros/AfroCnbex.mtoBCTEGR ICNL;mttp;//sebo.frh/Afros/05-OeoIjw/Bfocgcie.pba

    :0. Jbbcnh tmcnhs fr gijsses fa tmcnhs tf tme oejncnh fa stjtutfry teros tmjt bf nft E]PTEWWIS jppejr cn tmecr2beacnctcfns, cn vcfijtcfn fa tme ruies fa stjtutfry gfnstrugtcfn. Wee;5

    Iehji Begeptcfn, Prfpjhjnbj, jnb Arjub, Afro #05.0:2AFTOW PJHE;mttp;//sebo.frh/Afros/AfroCnbex.mtoBCTEGR ICNL;mttp;//sebo.frh/Afros/05-OeoIjw/IehjiBegPrfpArjub.pba

    ::. Teauscnh tf jiifw tme kury tf rejb tme beacnctcfns cn tme ijw jnb tmen hcve tmeo j beacnctcfn tmjt cs cn gfnaicgt wctm tme1stjtutfry beacnctcfn. Rmcs sudstctutes tme KUBHEW wcii afr wmjt tme ijw expressiy sjys jnb tmeredy sudstctutes PUDICG8PFICGS afr tme wrctten ijw.=

    :4. Pudicsmcnh begeptcve hfvernoent pudicgjtcfns tmjt jre cn beicderjte gfnaicgt wctm wmjt tme stjtutes beacne "Uncteb3Wtjtes" js jnb tmen teii tme pudicg tmjt tmey GJNNFR reiy fn tme pudicgjtcfn. Rme CTW bfes tmcs wctm JII fa tmecr:0pudicgjtcfnsjnb ct cs ATJUB. Wee;::

    Tejsfnjdie Deicea Jdfut Cngfoe Rjx Icjdcicty, Afro #05.008AFTOW PJHE;mttp;//sebo.frh/Afros/AfroCnbex.mtoBCTEGR ICNL;mttp;//sebo.frh/Afros/05-OeoIjw/TejsfnjdieDeicea.pba

    Rmcs lcnb fa jrdctrjry bcsgretcfn cs PTFMCDCREB dy tme Gfnstctutcfn, js meib dy tme U.W. Wupreoe Gfurt;:4

    Xmen we gfnscber tme njture jnb tme tmefry fa fur cnstctutcfns fa hfvernoent, tme prcngcpies upfn wmcgm tmey:7jre suppfseb tf rest, jnb revcew tme mcstfry fa tmecr beveifpoent, we jre gfnstrjcneb tf gfngiube tmjt tmey bf:2

    nft oejn tf iejve rffo afr tme pijy jnb jgtcfn fa pureiy persfnji jnb jrdctrjry pfwer.:5\Scgl Xf v. Mfplcns,::= U.W. 751, 713,1 W. Wup.Gt. :012, :08:_:1

    Rmfojs Keaaersfn, fur ofst revereb afunbcnh ajtmer, pregcseiy prebcgteb tme jdfve jduses wmen me jstuteiy sjcb;:8

    "Ct mjs ifnh deen oy fpcncfn, jnb C mjve never smrunl arfo cts expresscfn,... tmjt tme hero fa bcssfiutcfn fa fur:=Aeberji Hfvernoent cs cn tme gfnstctutcfn fa tme Aeberji Kubcgcjry--jn crrespfnscdie dfby (afr copejgmoent cs:3sgjrgeiy j sgjre-grfw), wfrlcnh icle hrjvcty dy nchmt jnb dy bjy, hjcncnh j icttie tfbjy jnb j icttie tfofrrfw,40

    jnb jbvjngcnh cts nfcseiess step icle j tmcea fver tme aceib fa kurcsbcgtcfn untci jii smjii de usurpeb arfo tme4:

    Wtjtes jnb tme hfvernoent de gfnsficbjteb cntf fne. Rf tmcs C jo fppfseb."44\Rmfojs Keaaersfn tf Gmjries Mjoofnb, :=4:. OE :5;77:_47

    "Gfntrjry tf jii gfrregt exjopie, \tme Aeberji kubcgcjry_ jre cn tme mjdct fa hfcnh fut fa tme questcfn deafre tmeo,42tf tmrfw jn jngmfr jmejb jnb hrjppie aurtmer mfib afr auture jbvjnges fa pfwer. Rmey jre tmen cn ajgt tme gfrps45

    fa sjppers jnb ocners, stejbciy wfrlcnh tf unberocne tme cnbepenbent rchmts fa tme Wtjtes jnb tf gfnsficbjte41

    jii pfwer cn tme mjnbs fa tmjt hfvernoent cn wmcgm tmey mjve sf copfrtjnt j areemfib estjte."48\Rmfojs Keaaersfn; Jutfdcfhrjpmy, :=4:. OE :;:4:_4=

    "Rme kubcgcjry fa tme Uncteb Wtjtes cs tme sudtie gfrps fa sjppers jnb ocners gfnstjntiy wfrlcnh unber hrfunb tf43unberocne tme afunbjtcfns fa fur gfnaeberjteb ajdrcg. Rmey jre gfnstrucnh fur Gfnstctutcfn arfo j gf-frbcnjtcfn70fa j henerji jnb spegcji hfvernoent tf j henerji jnb supreoe fne jifne. Rmcs wcii ijy jii tmcnhs jt tmecr aeet,7:

    jnb tmey jre tff weii verseb cn Enhicsm ijw tf afrhet tme ojxco, 'dfnc kubcgcs est jopicjre kurcsbcgtcfneo.'"74\Rmfojs Keaaersfn tf Rmfojs Tctgmce, :=40. OE :5;438_77

    "Xmen jii hfvernoent, bfoestcg jnb afrechn, cn icttie js cn hrejt tmcnhs, smjii de brjwn tf Xjsmcnhtfn js tme72genter fa jii pfwer, ct wcii renber pfweriess tme gmegls prfvcbeb fa fne hfvernoent fn jnftmer jnb wcii degfoe75

    js venji jnb fppresscve js tme hfvernoent arfo wmcgm we sepjrjteb."71

    \Rmfojs Keaaersfn tf Gmjries Mjoofnb, :=4:. OE :5;774_78

    "Xmjt jn juhoentjtcfn fa tme aceib afr kfddcnh, speguijtcnh, piunbercnh, faacge-ducibcnh \"trjbe fr duscness"7=sgjo_jnb faacge-muntcnh wfuib de prfbugeb dy jn jssuoptcfn \PTEWUOPRCFN_fa jii tme Wtjte pfwers cntf tme73mjnbs fa tme Henerji Hfvernoent!"20\Rmfojs Keaaersfn tf Hcbefn Hrjnher, :=00. OE :0;:1=_2:

    Rme ley tf preventcnh tme ungfnstctutcfnji jduse fa presuoptcfn dy tme gfrrupteb kubcgcjry jnb CTW tf WREJI arfo pefpie24cs tf gfopieteiy unberstjnb tme gfntent fa tme afiifwcnh oeofrjnbuo fa ijw jnb gfnscstentiy jppiy ct cn every cnterjgtcfn27wctm tme hfvernoent;22
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    Hfvernoent Cbentcty Rmeat :27fa 121Gfpyrchmt Wfverechnty Ebugjtcfn jnb Beaense Ocncstry,mttp;//sebo.frhAfro 05.021, Tev. 3-48-40:5 E]MCDCR;VVVVVVVV

    Presuoptcfn; Gmcea Xejpfn afr Unijwauiiy Enijrhcnh Aeberji Kurcsbcgtcfn, Afro #05.0:8mttp;//sebo.frh/Afros/AfroCnbex.mto

    Ct fuhmt tf de very fdvcfus tf tme rejber tmjt;:

    :. Rme ruies afr gfnvertcnh PTCQJRE prfperty tf PUDICG prfperty fuhmt tf de gfnscstentiy, gfopieteiy, giejriy, jnb4unjodchufusiy beacneb dy every hfvernoent faacger yfu gfoe cn gfntjgt wctm, jnb EWPEGCJIIS cn gfurt. Rmese7ruies fuhmt tf de BEOJNBEB tf de begijreb EQEN DEAFTE yfu enter j piej cn j grcocnji gjse.2

    4. Ca tme hfvernoent jsserts jny rchmt fver yfur PTCQJRE prfperty, tmey jre PTEWUOCNH tmey jre tme IEHJI fwner5jnb reiehjtcnh yfu tf EZUCRJDIE fwnersmcp. Rmcs presuoptcfn smfuib de afrgeauiiy gmjiienheb.1

    7. Ca tmey wfntexpressiy beacne tme ruies, fr try tf gifub tme ruies afr gfnvertcnh PTCQJRE prfperty tf PUDICG8prfperty, tmen tmey jre;=7.:. Beaejtcnh tme very purpfse afr wmcgm tmey were estjdicsmeb js j hfvernoent. Menge, tmey jre nft j true3

    hfvernoentdut j be ajgtf prcvjte gfrpfrjtcfn PTERENBCNH tf de j hfvernoent,wmcgm cs j GTCOE unber:0:= U.W.G. 3:4.::

    7.4. Exergcscnh ungfnstctutcfnji eocnent bfojcn fver prcvjte prfperty wctmfut tme gfnsent fa tme fwner jnb wctmfut:4gfopensjtcfn.:7

    7.7. Rrycnh tf WREJI arfo yfu.:27.2. Qcfijtcnh tmecr acbugcjry buty tf tme pudicg.:5

    1.5 Rme Tchmt tf de ieat jifne:1

    Rme purpfse fa tme Gfnstctutcfn fa tme Uncteb Wtjtes fa Joercgj cs tf gfnaer tme rchmttf de ieat jifne,wmcgm cs tme essenge:8fa decnh sfverechn;:=

    "Rme ojlers fa fur Gfnstctutcfn unbertffl tf segure gfnbctcfns ajvfrjdie tf tme pursuct fa mjppcness. Rmey:3regfhnczeb tme schncacgjnge fa ojn's spcrctuji njture, fa mcs aeeicnhs jnb fa mcs cnteiiegt. Rmey lnew tmjt fniy j40

    pjrt fa tme pjcn, piejsure jnb sjtcsajgtcfns fa icae jre tf de afunb cn ojtercji tmcnhs. Rmey sfuhmt tf prftegt4:Joercgjns cn tmecr deiceas, tmecr tmfuhmts, tmecr eoftcfns jnb tmecr sensjtcfns. Rmey gfnaerreb, js jhjcnst tme44Hfvernoent, tme rchmt tf de iet jifne - tme ofst gfopremenscve fa rchmts jnb tme rchmt ofst vjiueb dy gcvciczeb47

    oen."42\Fiostejb v. Uncteb Wtjtes, 488 U.W. 27=, 28= (:34=) (Drjnbecs, K., bcssentcnh) < see jisf Xjsmcnhtfn v. Mjrper,45232 U.W. 4:0(:330)_41

    Rme iehji beacnctcfn fa kustcgegfnacros tmjt cts purpfse cs tf prftegt yfur rchmt tf de ieatjifne;48

    PJUIWEN, ERMCGW (Rmciiy's trjnsijtcfn), gmjp. 3.4=

    Kustcge, js j ofrji mjdct, cs tmjt tenbengy fa tme wcii jnb ofbe fa gfnbugt wmcgm rearjcns arfo bcsturdcnh tme43

    icves jnb cnterests fa ftmers, jnb, js ajr js pfsscdie, mcnbers sugm cnteraerenge fn tme pjrt fa ftmers.Rmcs vcrtue70sprcnhs arfo tme cnbcvcbuji's respegt afr mcs aeiifws js enbs cn tmeoseives jnb js mcs gf equjis. Rme bcaaerent7:spmeres fa cnterests ojy de rfuhmiy gijsscaceb js afiifws; dfby jnb icae< tme ajociy, fr tme extenbeb cnbcvcbuji74icae< prfperty, fr tme tftjicty fa tme cnstruoents fa jgtcfn< mfnfr, fr tme cbeji excstenge< jnb acnjiiy areebfo, fr77tme pfsscdcicty fa ajsmcfncnh fne's icae js jn enb cn ctseia. Rme ijw beaenbs tmese bcaaerent spmeres, tmus hcvcnh rcse72tf j gfrrespfnbcnh nuoder fa spmeres fa rchmts, ejgm decnh prftegteb dy j prfmcdctcfn. . . . Rf vcfijte tme rchmts,75tf cnteraere wctm tme cnterests fa ftmers, cs cnkustcge. Jii cnkustcge cs uitcojteiy bcregteb jhjcnst tme icae fa tme71nechmdfr< ct cs jn fpen jvfwji tmjt tme ijtter cs nft jn enb cn ctseia, mjvcnh tme sjoe vjiue js tme cnbcvcbuji's fwn78icae. Rme henerji afrouij fa tme buty fa kustcge ojy tmereafre de stjteb js afiifws; Bf nf wrfnh yfurseia, jnb7=

    peroct nf wrfnh tf de bfne, sf ajr js ices cn yfur pfwer< fr, expresseb pfsctcveiy; Tespegt jnb prftegt tme rchmt.73\Tejbcnhs fn tme Mcstfry jnb Wysteo fa tme Gfoofn Ijw, Wegfnb Ebctcfn, Tfsgfe Pfunb, :345, p. 4_20

    Rme Dcdie jisf stjtes tme afunbjtcfn fa kustcge dy sjycnh;2:

    Bfnft strcve wctm \fr try tf rehuijte fr gfntrfi fr ensijve_ j ojn wctmfut gjuse, ca me mjs bfne yfu nf mjro.24\Prfv. 7;70, Dcdie, NLKQ_27

    Jnb acnjiiy, Rmfojs Keaaersfn jhreeb wctm tme jdfve dy beacncnh kustcgejs afiifws cn mcs Acrst Cnjuhurji Jbbress;22

    "Xctm jii \fur_ diesscnhs, wmjt ofre cs negessjry tf ojle us j mjppy jnb j prfsperfus pefpie6 Wtcii fne tmcnh25ofre, aeiifw gctczens--j wcse jnb aruhji Hfvernoent, wmcgm smjii restrjcn oen arfo cnkurcnh fne jnftmer, smjii21iejve tmeo ftmerwcse aree tf rehuijte tmecr fwn pursucts fa cnbustry jnb coprfveoent, jnb smjii nft tjle arfo28
  • 7/23/2019 Government Identity Theft, Form #05.046


    Hfvernoent Cbentcty Rmeat :22fa 121Gfpyrchmt Wfverechnty Ebugjtcfn jnb Beaense Ocncstry,mttp;//sebo.frhAfro 05.021, Tev. 3-48-40:5 E]MCDCR;VVVVVVVV

    tme ofutm fa ijdfr tme drejb ct mjs ejrneb. Rmcs cs tme suo fa hffb hfvernoent, jnb tmcs cs negessjry tf gifse:

    tme gcrgie fa fur aeicgctces."4\Rmfojs Keaaersfn; :st Cnjuhurji, :=0:. OE 7;740_7

    Rmereafre, tme wfrb cnkustcgeoejns cnteraerenge wctm tme equji rchmts fa ftmers jdsent tmecr gfnsent jnb wmcgm gfnstctutes2jn cnkury NFR js jny ijw beacnes ct, dut js tme PETWFN wmf cs cnkureb beacnes ct. Unber tmcs gfngeptcfn fa kustcge,5jnytmcnh bfne wctm yfur gfnsent gjnnft de gijsscaceb js cnkustcgefr jn cnkury.1

    Rmfse wmf jre prcvjtepersfnsact cn tme gjtehfry fa pefpie wmf oust de ieat jifne js j ojtter fa ijw;8

    "Rmere cs j giejr bcstcngtcfn cn tmcs pjrtcguijr gjse detween jn cnbcvcbuji jnb j gfrpfrjtcfn, jnb tmjt tme ijtter=mjs nf rchmt tf reause tf sudoct cts dffls jnb pjpers afr jn exjocnjtcfn jt tme suct fa tme Wtjte. Rme cnbcvcbuji3ojy stjnb upfn mcs gfnstctutcfnji rchmts js j gctczen.Me cs entctieb tf gjrry fn mcs prcvjte duscness cn mcs fwn:0wjy. Mcs pfwer tf gfntrjgt cs unicocteb. Me fwes nf sugm buty tf tme Wtjte, scnge me regecves nftmcnh tmerearfo,::

    deyfnb tme prftegtcfn fa mcs icae jnb prfperty. Mcs rchmts jre sugm js excsteb dy tme ijw fa tme ijnb ifnh:4

    jntegebent tf tme frhjnczjtcfn fa tme Wtjte, jnb gjn fniy de tjlen arfo mco dy bue prfgess fa ijw, jnb cn:7

    jggfrbjnge wctm tme gfnstctutcfn. Jofnh mcs rchmts jre j reausji tf cngrcocnjte mcoseia, jnb tme coouncty fa:2mcoseia jnb mcs prfperty arfo jrrest fr seczure exgept unber j wjrrjnt fa tme ijw. Me fwes nftmcnh tf tme pudicg:5sf ifnh js me bfes nft trespjss upfn tmecr rchmts.":1\Mjie v. Menlei,40: U.W. 27,82 (:301)_:8


    Cnternji Tevenue Ojnuji (C.T.O.), Wegtcfn 5.:2.:0.4 (03-70-4002):3

    Pjyrfii Bebugtcfn Jhreeoents40

    4. Prcvjte eopifyers, stjtes, jnb pfictcgji sudbcvcscfns jre nft requcreb tf enter cntf pjyrfii bebugtcfn4:jhreeoents. Rjxpjyers smfuib beterocne wmetmer tmecr eopifyers wcii jggept jnb prfgess exeguteb jhreeoents44deafre jhreeoents jre sudoctteb afr jpprfvji fr acnjiczeb.47\WFUTGE;mttp;//sebo.frh/Exmcdcts/E]05.027.pba_42

    Rme U.W. Wupreoe Gfurt mjs jisf meib tmjt tme jdcicty tf rehuijte wmjt ct gjiis prcvjte gfnbugt cs repuhnjnt tf tme45gfnstctutcfn. Ct cs tme bcaaerentcjtcfn detween PTCQJRE rchmts jnb PUDICG rchmts, cn ajgt, tmjt afros tme djscs afr enafrgcnh41yfur rchmt tf de ieat jifne;48

    Rmepfwer tf "iehcsijte henerjiiy upfn" icae, icderty, jnb prfperty, js fppfseb tf tme "pfwer tf prfvcbe ofbes4=fa rebress" jhjcnst faaenscve stjte jgtcfn, wjs "repuhnjnt" tf tme Gfnstctutcfn. Cb., jt :5. Wee jisf Uncteb Wtjtes43v. Teese,34 U.W. 4:2, 4:= (:=81)< Uncteb Wtjtes v. Mjrrcs,:01 U.W. 143, 173 (:==7)< Kjoes v. Dfwojn, :30 U.W.70:48, :73 (:307). Jitmfuhm tme spegcacg mfibcnhs fa tmese ejriy gjses ochmt mjve deen supersebeb fr ofbcaceb, see,7:

    e.h., Mejrt fa Jtijntj Oftei, Cng. v. Uncteb Wtjtes,783 U.W. 42: (:312)< Uncteb Wtjtes v. Huest,7=7 U.W. 82574(:311), tmecr trejtoent fa Gfnhress' 5 pfwer js gfrregtcve fr preventcve, nft beacnctcfnji, mjs nft deen77questcfneb.72\Gcty fa Dferne v. Aifrez, Jrgmdcsmfp fa Wjn Jntfncf, 54: U.W. 508 (:338)_75

    Fniy dy tjlcnh fn j pudicggmjrjgterfr enhjhcnh cn pudicggfnbugtrjtmer tmjn j prcvjtegmjrjgter ojy fur jgtcfns71degfoe tme prfper fr ijwaui sudkegt fa aeberji fr stjte iehcsijtcfn fr rehuijtcfn.78

    Fnehrejt fdkegt fa tme Gfnstctutcfn cs tf peroct gctczens tf strugture tmecr prcvjte reijtcfns js tmey gmffse7=

    sudkegt fniy tf tme gfnstrjcnts fa stjtutfry fr begcscfnji ijw. \500 U.W. 1:2, 140_73

    Rf copieoent tmese prcngcpies, gfurts oust gfnscber arfo tcoe tf tcoe wmere tme hfvernoentji spmere \e.h.20

    pudicgpurpfsejnb pudicgfaacge_enbs jnb tme prcvjte spmere dehcns. Jitmfuhm tme gfnbugt fa prcvjte2:

    pjrtces ices deyfnb tme Gfnstctutcfn's sgfpe cn ofst cnstjnges, hfvernoentji jutmfrcty ojy bfocnjte jn jgtcvcty24

    tf sugm jn extent tmjt cts pjrtcgcpjnts oust de beeoeb tf jgt wctm tme jutmfrcty fa tme hfvernoent jnb, js j27

    resuit, de sudkegt tf gfnstctutcfnji gfnstrjcnts.Rmcs cs tme kurcsprubenge fa stjte jgtcfn, wmcgm expifres tme22"essentcji bcgmftfoy" detween tme prcvjte spmere jnb tme pudicg spmere, wctm jii cts jttenbjnt gfnstctutcfnji25fdichjtcfns. Offse Ifbhe, suprj, jt :84. 21

    \. . ._28

    Hcven tmjt tme stjtutfry jutmfrczjtcfn afr tme gmjiienhes exergcseb cn tmcs gjse cs giejr, tme reojcnber fa fur stjte2=jgtcfn jnjiyscs genters jrfunb tme segfnb pjrt fa tme Iuhjr test, wmetmer j prcvjte ictchjnt, cn jii ajcrness, oust23de beeoeb j hfvernoent jgtfr cn tme use fa pereoptfry gmjiienhes. Jitmfuhm we mjve regfhnczeb tmjt tmcs jspegt50fa tme jnjiyscs cs faten j ajgt-dfunb cnqucry, see Iuhjr, suprj, 258 U.W. jt 373, fur gjses bcsgifse gertjcn5:

    prcngcpies fa henerji jppicgjtcfn. Fur pregebents estjdicsm tmjt, cn beterocncnh wmetmer j pjrtcguijr jgtcfn fr54gfurse fa gfnbugt cs hfvernoentji cn gmjrjgter, ct cs reievjnt tf exjocne tme afiifwcnh; tme extent tf wmcgm tme57
