Page 1: GOOD NATURED TOLERANCE OF JOKES LADIES' … Cutts made ah;urisuccessful;at-' tempt to end his life In'ihis

Herbert Cutts made ah;urisuccessful ;at-'tempt to end his life In'ihis room ,af 329Sixth street yesterday-" afternoon.: .He;severed an artery Inhis arm. with a. piece

of glass and then jabbed "hirriselfi.near theregion of the heart He',was removed, tothe Kmergency' HosptisjLl| in flme to savehis life. About six months- ago • Cutts

-made an attempt to end in the,game manner. ." . ". •. .-~

Tries to EiidHis "Life"..

*. .. . .* .*• •Reinteriac^t *b£,Plank's- ilemain^.•The rewiai.ns.of Edward -J?..Plank, v/ho

'Held the presldehsy ofV'the" Internatiorfal"Typographical. Union trorii.1887;' to .1SSJ'and w-a's fo-r/rn?in.y years a 'nijenfber 9 ofSan "Francisco Typographical Ujtidn, No.

•2i,"and twipe its -pr^%ld6ri^ wiirb"e rein*terred-in • ttto UAlon* Printers' .plot', at

"Laurel HillCemetery* ri^xt Sun^ay'at*2:3(J*#p'cl"QCk,";. air". Plank "died' In,.,Boise City/"idalio, a

'few years and -at the^re •

truest of; the San Fjahcisco T"yrjko'graphicafUnion, .the international TypographicalUjifon*.ordered- his" r'erhaihs T«mbyed<to

¦Jthls city*,for final int'erm^nt.'.^niong those"who willdeliver addTesS«a- at"the "funeral

.services, .which- will be 'Held. at.%h^ officesof 'ttte "bnion,. will",be President W. 'W^

"Copelan«J, Sl-a-te Printpr•W." W.^. Shannon'

and,William#J. WJ^te. :~.


" v;':,

Policeman W. T. Hcrope'r submitted- h!s_first montbly" repoft to- the Chief yester-"day of the work he -had dene .in attend-ing to -cases, of. cruelty,'to animals.- H6had invt'stigat-ed seVenty-slx cases of;working,.lame and worn -out kn"d;

mulesi twelve ." cas'es .o£ working galled,

horses and mules, "fpur-'cases of beating,

and whipping horses and mules; Earnings '

had been given in twenty-three cases, sixanimals had been killed,' 374 grading- andhauling teams examined, .fourteen, arrests*made, of which thirteen were convicted"and one Is- pending; to'tal fines,. $.150, The.-report was considered :very satisfactory..^

Hooper is now" working. -independent . of-the Society for the Prevention, of Cr.uelty .to Animals. • •• •'¦'.' • ':. • '



Folkf^an; -HD.opei1.Poes'" Ex^il'eiit'..: • Wdrk^iti Gruelty.-.ib. Ail-.'i.-;-;*'.:

- 'i~;ii '¦ -'.mals <3^^3;.; ;Vf/i'¦'} ?'¦':•¦ J3erge.a/it fjlat-erice. Cieq^an. 6u.b*f|il't't¥d* tils-•first' report; ,f.or:-.last "moHtlr ;ojr.-.\hfe :-wock'-p'f his gqkjad'.in 1


Chinatown to Iqb.ief:\^IttV:Jnah y<*stprdayj arid

*r the/ C^bief, ie'xpiessed ;

himseif-jas 'very-' rn'uch gratified. "with• the •

nes-uH". :itBb6w«"tb:a't'thi;Chiere.Jhstruj(!-:tions to:-guppress f -BamWifi.g" &rid:-lottery •

playing" had bee^i -.Vlfifp.roijiSJy obeyed'.- -iThetotal arrest.s; for-th-e. i»t>nth '. wer.e;.,34(J,.

arrioBg Jberir being albrty-Sfef' white's." Tjjere j

were 230-Convicted Snd paid fines',' r^ne con-'ivicted' and clanfintd, qne> appealed,ty .dismissals and* :t-w«rity .Rending. Thetotal fines and., forfeitures "anVouote.d

• to-J1920. The' squad consrsts of T."J» -ICaVa"-'naugh, %r. atinahan, C.;-McGdrty", ;J.. R.


Welch." 'E. C.- PerciVal'/arid J. A.- Hayes*-" , -Ehe- .idydo.; Unerl .New;" York;,.from•7\hyf:York, ".reaclied San Pedeo, de:-J;Iacofis FrJ-v'day, but up" to .thta'a^ternoeri dh'e" had liotarrived here. ;It is sup^psed she was pre^4vented- "from cprnln^ 'to-;Sari' IJomingo'bythe aiithbrjtles'.at' San P.^dro d'e* Mac.oris.' [

.Thjs -luhabitant-s.; bf ,.Sa"h. (Sristo'bal-thave;joined t-li'e-revolujtioriis^s. Provisions .areincreai?<price".herQanof in:the cqjin-*¦try-districts, p ."«

* < '• : ¦}'. •: • .'•" '

IvS-A[xjl?aMIN£jj,-,Repiipl'icl'%Sjiftfo'«)"oj".?^i»g"Qr:5im"dayVi'^.cft.''^TTT«e"^onSinj[44>*"'• wa.fsTiipj; j;'r^§fdeijte,/---fiyinp;- t-H.o.' flagr-;



IPres'jdeAit'VaWqu^; [arfjvei..-o¥)|- jt"his;por.t':tbi^day.ahdietgriKilQd.'fbj' fc-Eaj*t;..tvtt«v

'•wtTit onibb^rd:1.•T;'l$ft;a^t:er:ej:J.;

jc-haijTgfo&'oailK0-?.Snb'j^ [-w1* ll?J? fbjrtvjiN-o,•¦(Iainage^i*a4* aonei !Qn-«iitie*>.pjd;p.; -.T^ri.e jsltr.[trnffoii'jfej'.'beconifajg jWy jseriofi?' atjld ij.hcf' o.f:a f;m>ei|fn ;d.r6ti-jp;ig.:'a«x-,.'-¦ioV^iy.-iawalt^.'•:;¦• .1

'"''• ;.;;'•¦j. :'.'

."•".¦.', '-*;• ..'Th.e' ¦.|ev&tujtjdphryi iyarship'''Iitdiei)en-'•dcncla^pect^j" Ba$k"frp"ni.:A^ua;.'d6':C.<Mrtp.qsjel/a:


;h'ftjiHy,*• wtthi-.eJKiPr-esldefnt 1"

iTitugtro on:.bear'dv an(i'a..tiat;t|ei;.bfetw4e|i,!lh"8'two-;waFships-rhay--.r6suU:-'':"-- :".: '*.

';.»'". :Genefaf_J?ij:haLrd :6T-.Wh5i-;htfs fee"eh-in e*il^.oli.thie"iSlarfd-ittf CUraoaco, arUVipd'hteTP <?'-r d>y

t/: -"L^:.V :

' '¦/ ;¦;"..' .-;"'^/;;^

. ,Gen^'ril ;Fenceslao iFiguorr^/ a- -formet.Pr.^'ide"rit of the Dornialcan fep'uBlic/'w'ent¦

tx>^ A;zu.a sde.Xiomriost'ella •I'riday'-jiight/ofu •:b.oa'rd a*warship

'in- ord^r to

4 rn^ke an at-¦tenint :t6.'ifre\^nt ¥urther";blQods*ie.d. ."••" ".

Land*:. forces jhaVe' leffh^'ej"fofSan"Pe'dro '6$ Mac'offs:..' . "< •.¦.•¦.•*'.:¦••' '•.

-^6\j^a^..wai0d":-beg^ip-"\i&'"^fug^le;\vB-:;tfae:.:yelgpt;:.<jfUtt.e -lok^-4nd asli;*tie "

.6t*o<di::SaHiaMtari::tQ i>(iij::a- Uft'.:.\C;nye ¦

.hsVgillt.- th.\K-"l«Ja*a.;:Jpi't';h'l»" back; rOi•(•dUrse ,a"":mj(n «>uld ;*hcit:5:,ery:-.y^elt-Hfiusfe » s'tJIcft"« jre^apfji>atrd. .h^.^w.uu^d; ljol.a:of :t80

'•lo£td.;ja rip ••str'.trggTes ij>p":;jivli*W.jnjlpd te¥pe-.


LC^^A^^%|]^i4£'d}at^b^v^a^i-^yJ^rt'^;iViftV':tHe.VWydrArtt>::u.if:"tJyf ihfi('iroats ¦aijd-kh^tHtlifl-ija^iwtVfe^.iwutlj;..^as .:^.iv4gj':

1y:'i^rg)i'*.5.aif jli -dfa* •tajrj'«5/ -vv"../ ¦.'.-:•;•'.'•.• !v.-'Vi:'.":|"/ ••!«..•¦:•.¦**•K$^rfll.H^tJi^Ba'cks--pf.'iii!B jijiva'ry>iyaS..

;jilFfo!if fayloi-ft^ tl^e -Tuhffe»v:-";;¦iivs.yb.utbiii•••.Mart^/"a: .di&rtjfte.i,;perrBcJnaae;.'•t)eih":jpfa/jB ¦:ao.a- •f&iii& ¦

;io-a-Vta"tie--.;ly'v^jii/i ato%/^tor^eu"^tr:e.4t;.>\lih-'f'j:'.j:ara :?&hij$i?l: Hl.'^-aftt."ayppfft :t<>:aM' jStljpf' •srgnsi.^im4d:vto.-'tlie{r-'pa&ljs-j¦viliaejffrrs "pp}i\!l^e:'jqrQe;r:ihe: !

:in,:-.rh;?; loud-, cb^jed? !of-I^ghfter ¦U'nii.'.ifeti--.-jt>.^ed;"tiie ;^«Ie'^-c{<)FJri^no.e; thoi-eyghj^.¦[

I'"/X.-^ eQ»?":-: <i'-'!;.4>a^ *.V '"¦^i?^"•"•^•°!:y.*/pjL:'-t*jbM^hjtSiitseif


E'^sE^5ea :-Qfi.arj

"pA -.«•' vaEt--B«aoifn,t..nJf 'wj^aoi^r-ri^i "|>e«';jt:]

l£V*ax£§*/4O&0&qiirt 1^ "iThe..s ratiire'foltfr.'';tftrij. d .'t^;' j>epEeiidayv;•#«ijliJ'*.wl^Jjav^asv'i^'.->vcce/;fe;:af.;.T-Jj^Im^V j£jt«; J^irlf:ho^:.iiA s'*'tnj&-s1ti^lrt^'.1vil0b{ ahit'vSstV'aftn.i.^. lirfyjleirt'-paradfO,-.*<•bo>^;cfM¦vipaJ;•s<r«e^¦^:b?•^I)ie":tH3^¦*ts»T;gQj;••¦i v'ff.-thriiiti'.jQlcAs qrr;:Ui|ffr'. ;sis:;•Hisy.'aivjrp-plfe^b.^j'f o/'jlokig ff^fera^ingl:•^vf<j.> • ;> .'• '¦:'.¦:'.;:V••¦.".'. "'iVl*.!:•..-. ••i-3

,;..TOre SS-«hiV''itfaA t*i>-it>*roratO .apQI i!i3e'>fti>lBiirji^"a«cS.pasted'. fa<; 5;"jnio"tttt«ifs!it./:rJ>l)%*JstnBjL"lSt>y -w^^tinj's--1;b^str-toBuV JiiV?*" *U-'ofi*i'.yf ifilJi/.'Th^,-:

V;royras'.'a*.ia .&eiv>i>al;Tui^5>">»li.'U:5jig:S.- gpoxfy>[.i*.a-E>^ed-iv^ Ibi£*.'ati"'*-; M^n"/-sbaie"..orifeJ•.wouJ.d ''jg^> 1feTall "al»j*cnafe*$Ba^aC&J T*-iolt£.'J;.-t_he!J-ufl-tgrt^inait.1t*d4\'id.K;ai.yo'.n]d-.:litjjRfe '

"* <^a.Yfly"

(ipbiinvk! t/ii»*i(ar$'W-'if or--S^e-.':jfei!*-.I'and-'alii^p y-n'd*^ crit^'isfti'Vii- itra'.o'riwti-V•;'•( hart'- .ws k isrlw^trs**oh"tiie.fS^At ttf."se^^bfbe..'iain"ffe'rtfc'f»W'.^pt fQj>leU.i:":.••':.'v' :.- !-< '- '•I\. e.*O\ie. ijf...flie":.*it»8^i«n<^r«jssruj •ci"th'«» i-*X-'-:..^cr^i^M^vs -jk-j^\\ii 'jyife- tjjieff..rnijt:lKr^Lwork.f-<j'-^Hc;fieVjBfnilj?)fyf.s^ve5isfl- '.?feStf«^L^jisK1 :i^^;;'yjwingf?er«.'i\^j<il.d*-i«tr«k;h;i.''I Vlack-^;{re; aV7ri>s»^!:j!ome;!ilai'k ..street |iiiU'

-"jth-en yfajt;;fo>"a^i'lbljpj"\a •^pm'e;-in:.*Sigh4>

",-Tflf^ b\nkj>-nla-n J V6iild; tv*$% a4imgv;*at;";a-t"1iievk.-.iir«;4&i4& P<Jce. :aqdi.'.-aju*x)f ;a>'SH<l'0eri :i."¦his'Jhed'fl^teaj"-. "woV^vJie ;Jlfteil


o*P*.s ¦•^b.r.'.a:""j.n:»ro"enj jtbji iriSTpi'ojf afT<i|FS" ydufds^Cpiid'**"";.ItchatJ^EtSi Vh%pperiin'g ;.'U^>Ttj-.y<j*ir^'pit'K.""rvup. bkw":Jia? a-pd; tFf/t.b.-]ifto.c#ed' iloVtn;t^e-..;jfitreet/tteit '&gsiSh 'M.yi&u$!jnvariaWy.jStfS".'-.-! ivpoeafrr. •" '.¦•.¦**;..-*• ?i*ifj.i'*•"•":••*•"?".""'¦'•"!j•• 'fheni-ri^ ?*ctuld:/iud'd«nly yeccmie'^-

T.u-me»^\fs-fi'M>rC}|.:ridicT3h? ith£sidea: ihV-:he-woiiBt h^aard Jils- lfciyufatipJ^'fojf^tnV<cTBJBifat

tfjvely*jiir£trS;*s?ujpj."oti J3c^)Q.;or| Jqr."

fOrjty 'Cities'. lJiq-t".aEi.ouni1% • '.-. t.\>|- ¦'•.. :• ¦: •'•;

'¦.l^§-'gai«/tjhat d^riplH:"perfectly k»d .•toidocjJcdaAqiS'/^Aithe s\rfci jetiq'u^tf'e'.bt bljp:prbtQs>IOHC.^>rr»._:Hut^ort; iiiei-^.ss»rji5..'is ejf.*ound.*--mjn6^ ;-a«":far. as hfi'V.ah S'ee:

--l<e'r'altesatiqnfr^gsnhH 1

her .hUst|a,M* Khe|*ls3['.ihs."H;tt^Uilie,isjatt^rp.rAtVngU'oiprcA;e.^ef. :^f:u!y;|>cujjd«.niirid inbrdpj». ta"-«htaiB tonfro^^cjif*her pmiJCctv-.'. jfl*|ti .tp-'h^V*,1 1^^^efied ih y?r.U^h JFier'lii-'.Ti-j-tOf of


Jils ;"pawtfr-;fis. a.;frKnd of -^he'ii^yoj a'na'.itsija "meitHber;of- tt»; pblifee-Coinftifesiph.- :.S)ie;'.X^aJfPi";jt. is-

;Ji-verred,:-..that -.he 'ln?iU: rallrppLd 'h£r'Ihfo af> |lxi£anei asyTuiij^aiiiless .lila^planss '.\arc?. InK{<ered'.^H5 '^n|l;:w/slre5;tp"


a <jlvorfre.,frorn ltjrpJ •**••-;!•':•>.- i"!'-

o'•' f;

• .Stanley -iirartin. eqi\- bt {he.. laW/Alex-"tlftfler.! MaEtm,- 'filed.: a ;i&iit'.ye-s'te^day 1

1Vag^inst-'Jojin Uei'd '.and'JTfipmay.^: Col»'iTinS.'.execntprg *of hls°f4iheT>

sc.v«jiV-t.o.revj•cOrjer :a silver." seVyic^r.val.dea :af 4J.900; Ii*e.j-cl^rns^f.t is his- "prepertiftand. not -•part of:]•his. cfa.ther;$* :e9ta.<e;= .-. \

"• ; . ••".:*.-.' 'A

;'. :.-Mar£i^ Claims Silye'rv^&rei.-

¦:;Ghild !$Calkeli: t6'i)eatii;.';Jph^.E.o. B;enrtehan, .aj?ed: orie-.y*ar;an4v'

t{*n.;nionths, fatally."scalded. ja'stf^Ipn-rday-aftevftoffn. w"hlie:pJja:y>tig.<Kl ttije"toack?

V>9r'clj o-f •his*jnothe'r's:''re9Werice, Klss^.-.ling "street-* ;llrs«.-,IJfijhekia^ '.was engaged."•ix\-wasning" olotih-es' arj.u" ;'h^.lefC a. jiah jpt";

.sdaialrig \*ater.:near.- the\bat:k-".kjtp'hdn' 1

.door"..'•_ T*h>.chiW :»"asC:. p!ci;fng-;-srr^jv-s\.ou-t*;of.-&•:parrel, larid-,'rosing -h^s -balance, °feH!jbackw^rd; lnjtoVfhe"-hot-watefr.'-^na'^'a^:8cald.e^/B$ *aevfcrely :4ha't.-he. dle^d .shortly/aft"ef «.'o".":cipbk.".i;^st' "fTweday • afterrylono

.'^h.^.catsewaa..riQtTe5jbr.ted.°-to" the Dordner.yn^ij-yefetird'aj--iorenoori. ••.*.•''.•.•'•:'V :..

ihe Supreme'vCpitrt- f^.id'i/ljaf^.aJHj. i<rnsc*-qucnily dishonor hpS.vppbl£^t^ i.iTie^la^1


ter laughs !opfhiy-'.^il•U'lVf.ebajfirfc« ;^r*il.Vs«inclinod ty . thank vt'h^aV". ".MutViij'will.;.»o|tlicnefit by a puli!itf;4^*«^/t»jQj?5a-ij'**:"f

The Police Corp t'lfrwkHi^r-kil'eges. "ii-.'h'j*.jietition that his.:w^<-4;M.>5(|-w.bir<r^$- f.r; tilesoutlm< st :corner; -J-i.yrfle-.* •ah~dyvg$.t-ti.-i;.-;rc< ts <>n Mar'oii1 11 o/MJiis-JV^'r.'-f^J*.^.-iMc. H« assorts ikat.jpryrDa^HhVp.^r^u^n^.ol a conppiracy.virtquVVd.i'XlTf-v.^h{)Qb<9i«tO.<u?li checks f^rJK!5,ftjiV-'*!Hfciv*k^iej"hU«iT^~<:> jved for hr-r /pror»fifO;i."-pi^riJnasij-ij,.? is*Hlimod, then Jt^ok. r;JK)i--fes:j;i"o'sie. ? brTtl;ein >ney and

'>pnt ., tfif..'.ad^v Jo'&flt; f^i}0

C< y with a Slrs.i.Iji: fLt:Ha;rt, 4MHiija.t'hob vere :teept"-jn \VJabegatnigh^. jga^.tjiie-Miicltou Hotel.".' •¦' ;.lV'' ¦;"".''¦'.' -."-'i" '••••>* \


Ii is further aiie£'c4 :t'£iar^M"us.;^j'is of unsound rrnnd';a? a:-ires*uJixof HtTies^,<

and that the" utisprypujoys ;^?srsqB»5 :vvj-.t&-v.hom Fhe is a«?Qcijit-e(l. ;ai:V^xefcisBiff-.abanefnl ir.fluc-nce over h'f-j."' :£)elp>as; ;it ;s.¦ iaimed. gave some:' fegAl'-^Hc^e ''itforihabout V5i and took $3aO0 ,.i-n payrae.njt'.thibfr-<•}. Hutton swears to-.iijs aHejr^'t-jorts'-.^.n'd'jrays that his , opponent .-Ufc- dis;b.4rr4fl

ra practice ln.the '-<5>uj-ts .of-i-Cal-i-f^raiaiFILES PETITI0.N SECS^Ti;Y.STbe petition was riled. /greatest

secrecy in the office.'of the^LMerjc. pfe ti;e;E .'-ir.o Court yestcrda;. .aft-p"rnpr>n.'; ISo.-itcord of th<» document, v:as ;hsa<j-n "on- tfi%tnar:ifoid book but -the TnatJtfT .'w'$§ .fr-:-'::•¦! directly to Chief.- jftscice ;Beajl£\• • lattor «rilI:;C^ll."3ilii^iBaOciate5-J^JU>^C1 nfereace, after which -'tfie jrihagg-^s' aVd

defense <riH be; beard ip-.-often, jses-fcJoa of the court, •;/ :. • '• •'••'.. •. •" |

Delmaa was astounded td- Jearn'-'jtriit.Hutton had dared to take, siuch'.a step..

After recovering himself fr.on* dstoiiisfi-nsent, he became highly^ amuse<i-'at- tljes.'w move. He was confident.tfiat lii.^ a.<i-

srsary had thus acted in order Ho "ilre-Jufiice the case against •"Win'. jn.the"_S%-j'fiior Court. He seek?"in%:estigati.o.ri ofhis oftkiai conduct and hopes, that aCtiofriv. in be taken as soon a!s possible. - Kis

DENIES^ V^-t^,'Q^RCr^ H_ *!;'Tijc.-.'iivciise^ •

i.*^^"K^*ia"4'-^ene*piJ-'deriiaLi joj"

'.; '•Iiargcs-a^d Ff>tC»FU}=?e.fefrfe^tK5rijBrj S>--..'iur.s 'of.Mpp? *niVt(7if.|nH*^wl?4.*j;Th«

J'oiiee CumnsisfeiQn^r^iil^.".! sjslt;rh -e^ijiitj*:;rainst ¦

¦peViE/i-s.;..-' -,af&d"'..'3."¦TpjfUi'tleft.;• for.

guardianship)' jiyer:h>s; '•jvile<»l.tjie jB.\gpierlCL£'• "curt Tuc^daA\:;t\:y"^ct-rp"iaS;;s'h-*."


b noihtr gl¦;»• iivtiT;;.^'j;t'iofi".:1i" 'isAjtlc-tiing

The difficuiijtfs'; ••.b*^t wcca Attorncjr-'p.'-Mj;•p.c.!ipis -'aad,' Ppliji4


v"omini£si6ner'Iiuilo^.*4y^^*5^^t^^v1::c Brcret: :;filing'..Vi•'•*ta-|ttlfrtE'.¦¦''<&$£*%*&•'"'ajaJnst the; formrjf'.:i^;fthj?';Sj^^;eni»VPo.ur.t;'.of C^lfcr^i^'-.iTr^';«-^de:^ff^r,.Hn^'i:-^,jniy£teriousvintacac^ff;:-*;iU'-fK§-;Vx^iE'ed:s4^'.he publ)p.cif<^^1t^^BE^^J^^<O-':< ial investigatfQp; Mifrrch:-.^!!*bev c.o.ndy$j«a.':

iribunal.v'Th.^^-iiWJcort^;3h^|:h^nl ::p.a^c^;-'?.n4 on. the;ish(iVvld^^';-ot/;t.frK;iwTr43ngilp'i'r/-v.;1! thc ;:b!ariif ;1»«' :**3ti'd:-;I'-,:>';Ni;*;i>- 5:,*.;IV-;;.' *.«V.^

The • < barges O'-aTj'dV..caKnt-Jr^cr geifc".:^ieir eiitirety


will..b^;^^jiii-n^d.:.^jhh.'.ti*t. tosest;BOrott$ri i^i3D^^t^j3i&:3b^fljfctJjte-:-willdeteiTOi:i^i^/-i^nai>.ft>%Gft4cc4«p'6^^ :arid :accuser.. :,if Huir3n^^^^"fl^^*j|^ra^O^^JQelma s ni11 -jii?;.ue^a'tr'ed-; {:i ;iiie -fcitt-^f is:¦Vipolvtd "from': -Jati.' t:^

-,i?}P -'Su-pViPjiie! -lioWtV

;ice :sidj.ii^ihaVvin;ad£'--^': atQV

. iund:'.""¦; '¦¦¦ ''•'/*'¦:.<('¦?¦??. «"?.,•? '"•H-""V*.*r-5'.;Vri.l--\

nwaited -^{tii.•"•>tfe« «r;e^j^Et Vfijpe^t.*vThes/


¦ :> accusea*o]p\:frkud m''a:_hd -co^s^fiiajij';;•It*o tbe>;wltlt.JHe ;^WpS .^f?H^'*&\£&P'-'P&y

;-ubl:c^ ral£ili<::aitl\>q^";'-i-!rh.el^p^y,of .".xtiytjial j

¦»-ind pj,g;enutn'e;teUtev 3?^tiir 'rp4nVgiterat« ••'•¦..a' they .ir^:.^l^«,i^%j^^£ric^aIl08H;h<~ir. • prom'trf^ncjd ;-gt\ie.sV.^cgt;*.Al>":^ttfes.; ?P^.^irrachin5|.coiiflift^.r-^.'7>v,"-l"''.i'*':--;t '!•' I

Hchinii it/airVs.vJj'.M^ Sridra jtc^-june.- j:.;:-. Huu.dn:'}fj.^:rfj;-\li;-r;:h;.:'^i>dlnj*'»r:.d.:^tj:1s; aceciUiiifi\y.\S¥"i}rr.ShJ.i\ll&iie? r-i\Tijt^.b'.^]

1 haa pb^-'i? Vv;¦*<;¦ hss'ivt^liy-«Jiffltj^at^e*tt'au:id«*r • icipfoper ;'!ivifJwiixiesjT,Ji4"'arc^ses'jIflmas; ctjba tXics^^Am^'iSS '.Vi*tf-l>Titj

Accused Attorney;XAu^h5;«$, {Alls^,tions and - Tliiilks'/Ppponejiitvf/*>

WillHave Cjjqix^tO;;£i*h^ *?»¦'¦¦•;•:¦¦

"'liepenti":'::y.\';. Z'-.'-?xiv*%

:' •fhe" pompHttrt.. onierfteriaigmenf "ion"-'•slated /of:tft-2.Ci. liplljwtij:,"chainm^n 7 'Al-Vfresl-ljixonLJarKl'-A. Mj'Surh^.- •Pi-f's'ident'S:4mai:& I-..e.fiirH£fwelt^and. bfher ofpcfeM o/ftJiS.clO.B acted, a*jecebtkjn

#cohwnkree. V-

:f51t:w^s-"iadie3'-n1ght"' 'thft, Press 'Glub.I

3ast everrtng\. -jiie ro^msi.cJt th^'hosjpit^j!-bFQ*circa? n

'zaftoH<Y*ere.;io' tfie !•¦fair oKes- an^ ihe; niei^Lpefs. busied them1

-Ve°l-Yes..'in rftaklfek '.their; '&ues.ta' Vlfit'en--|joi'able.- A*dp'eciar'entprtViimen't 'b'a^d'beeii' '•3.frang;ed. tn- thqlr honor.arid Tefreihiafint^ j¦?weie. served.'.: XJie'fciDrnsVdre hp.Hdspme-5 !Jy. -..dfeodxatedv '.Tha .function- .also" inaufe-;;jarateif- the' qpeblag''of ih&.hand'SO-me 1red «room./ ;." \ .['. ¦ '.'•' *. •' . .;! •. :f> 'Thekuestbfllied' thi'.jinks hall-and .wer©: :••enf(;rt4lried eireelleni "music and 'sing'-'-fing-..'; Thfe.Press; Ciab-Chorii^; let* by..S". .JBdmer ;Henre3r,".Je*iderjpd-|a nuniber ;.of\melodies. sang, as didf'also-

'"afr^. -ibhaAVll'sbn.- INaltlian" LattoidkberBsSfi-.gave sbme.sefec^iqns pn-;the.'vlQlin:'yBilly*r'\£Eyne,3* .conitribu'ted; a' nuKci'ber! <jf£


''and^^omtdaj iilthes": Mr.*parson rendpred'i-•a-so It)v.ahd cJ...B^*. Jone's ;sang* 9. so.hlr com-;i

1 posed "."•by. :Mr,:.'"Hatt9n.- '.- "Mr.|Batc)ielder j!»was.-?lii-?cfGtr of thei* entertafaTaeijl *an«f.[•;3Vlps? !fiatphrtder.. a}ld' Mx.ILoy Verft- "ac>; j;companist3..".W:. EL. 'Barnei Vas*'^irf;of-tHe-' jinks: '•;

''• ;'. • '.. '.\*

•; -V.: "•.-./Ulusic* wa's.^iTr-nis' Blum's •orc'he si-•]/tcaV There; w^- aahejng"!a

#fter; the? enter-*

;tit^mentl•;¦¦"*','¦. ".!.*.'•." .'::.''::'• ..'

Fraud and" Conspiracy •j.^prm'Subs tance-: •;.of\- ?$££&;.i:;-^-7


.<Jl^ver ." Pedpie. .•.CJJQntriBii.'tb :faButton Asks^Siipr§MfeCourt icyO^i^&^^





JiJcpetiseu ..^t*'a.::'sfio«ni»nt' XU/yrtihld •he-: kg

hO>r '.itL'wak.'aJl: "ddtje.*-. .T-riert!- lVfe;:wottja

liftsHtitl-'jii^fi'.llivs3irrtf -fate..:, v :¦.•;.¦•:'•¦•:.'' =i\$iv}--.'sg'c&' Jtrf j'waod *U*lg<$ iya'f'.aJso- sjucfri

J&lryidjjal.' ¦ S<nntf -.urjetiin 'Hyai/gaSftieVJi ojj

SiWptg.f Wfti.haJL.'.'t.h'e-.iMjrdraji*.aMrefijljv

ii^'slf4&K«y?:'!it!.M<tli)iTTt-taW* plans-'.'';jV'fi«;H?.ajt .it'-e#p>r jnaf%".'-. h«ippgnya.:aj£ng[


;lit PerformaiiGBi"""-.* .• -•"


Girt' dub' and the S, F. Nursery• r.;. for. Homeless Children.

-;|fHE^LHAMBRA;; i9O3.•" *

l?ro}nii?ent Society People in the Cast.SJAna'temeht: cf SAM M. LEVENSON aad¦ :'. "- •.

*..-D.VviD COHEN. '¦ k

'. -'j •pi.r^etldn of GFORGE LASK.

.Ko-icb.-..:.;."r.".;-.. earnest sttltamPtSbh-jBah..^.........;.. CLARENCE COLMANPasH-Tush :....... STERNMlkidO. .¦•...j MILTON BANNERNanKl Poo... '.....MISS IRMALU1NGSTO.VYum^Yum,..*."......HELEN SCHAWBACHEIi

.Xhe .Other Maids ,.,•"HFTLEN BREMER and MISS LINDALIEBE3, -.Scenery Kindly Loaned, by the Tlvoll•

WSsie^ Under Direction iir. LEO BRUCK.

.' .Ticket's Jt 00. which may "oe exchanged April

.3 anij 4 afSherman. Clay & Co."a for reserveU



l i. DEMAND THE BEST.That's why the ctovoIs are flocit'ns toByah . street this week.. it'explains tfce scarcity oi vacant seat3•pwhy our choAeols alwaj-s •¦busy" when

yevt call op. ; • .. • ° ;.We have what th* people want. Thesbest, the most ¦ remarVable offering of th«?•season— Somethiijg you'll nev#*- forget—Ti^». celebrated actress


—The Original KATE CLAXTON


2SSCHIJTES!Jones* Educated Pigs-


-1 Coriclud.'ns "With

« NEW UVING PICTURES.HKE'AlBIP.VtlJOWH1 THE FLUME"iThe "Wonderful Scenic "Waterway.


ADMJSSION %.,10c, ( CHILDREN .. So.When' Phoning' A^tt for ''THE CHUTES.


Racing. ®^^ Racin|iEVERY "WEEK RAIN OR SHTNE.

New California Jockey Club-Oakland Track°

SIX OR° MORE RACES DAILY.Races start at 2:15 p. ra. sharp.

«Fer/y-boat leaves San Fraaciicu at 12 ra. aal12:50, l,,l:S0, 2. 2:3U and a p. =m.. eonn«ctiii,fwitn trains stoppfhs a: the.entrance to th»track. Last two cars on train reserved furUdies and their escorts: no amokins. Buyyour ferry tickets to Shell Mound.0 Returning

—Trains le^ve the track at 4:15

and 4:15 p. m.. and imaaediately aiier the la^t'race: A <d°


"o PERCY W. TREAT.Secretary. °

A LECTURE will be delivered' THIS EVEN*°INGoin TRINITY CHUKCir. cor. of Bi;?H

and GOUOH STS. at S oV-luck. nn "TIU:LIFK AND TIMKS Ob' PHILWH*PRO«DKS.s > .by^the RKV. FREDERICK W.CLAl'PETT. Rector. • FuH choir will be inattendance. The public are cordially tavtte4

cto attend.



;• :^y0;

Ceased DuringFainting Spells^ ;¦)

Revived byArtificisilRespiration. : r

Dr. Miles' Heart CureVCured Wife. |

3 s.;rtjr.w Epelis zre a. sure indication of a.weak Ji«raTU Jhe heart cannot do the workrepaired of itand t^ops beating. Ifitceases

"irore thsn a minutr death ensues. Weak

otzrtsnmsttuve aid from the outside, suchDr. Miles' Heart Cure alone can give. It

Js a heart tonic It regulates tbe pulse, cn-es tht !)iood and improves the circulation.

'v r {..-.0 years my ¦wife vns in very poor¦'¦'•¦•"¦:- Atfiat her back troubled her aCrcat deal, then she had chortness cf breathand iuejularrty of the periods. The paininher i^ck grew worac and extended to theDooncctioa of the spinal cord itthe base oft:-1!ir«h\ zrA from there to her heart. Shebad two very bad sinki^c Fpells, when thePain to hrr heart most intense and her"'eath stopped. 'I'he second time we had to>:sort to artificial respiration to revive her.

W»e were advised to give Dr. Miles' HeartCure a trialand 1bought a bottle and beganCmaj it as directed. We found the doseswere too strong, so Igave her half-dosest4irre tlrRes *day, and she brgaa to improve.

After ihe had taken two bottles the painsv.ere tilj-on-and she was feeling like a newwoman. She continued the Heart Cure innsaudoses for several months and is noweajoynjg bcuer health than for the past six>cari.-M. J. Tiiovpson, Dcpt. County<-'"k,K!a=2thP.0.,C^L

Ail<irugj-ijis sell and guarantee first bot-tle Dr. Muci1Remedies Send for free book«n N-rvous and Heart Diseast-s^ Addressl>t.Mile*Medical Co, Eikhait, lnd.

.Tii-rrjiglit, F*rK3a:y"a^d; '• Nfiffit|-»«nai:.••.•;.¦"¦ • ¦'." SaitUicfay :Mat-lnee.-* '.". •" . *.'', The:Spdrlding;Gilber?-aild-3iilliyaji. Opera, .'

.^.KreTli^-%.^i'ti|eo" 'Ni^ifs*t'fie 'Curtain '.Tri/l'-ftisej ' "rfmi^rp'-* :: *! '¦•;j ".' ",•'¦¦•:¦


» •!•*.*'."SaUi.r<ii*r".^viElitr ¦L^st'i'-Tjmfe. -.-: Z ':

. And tthS Grebt'Sfup^tjrthigJCorrip^y; Irt *..:

.' .I;"Bfg.BCh.Orj»s—|-E;iife.fg,e.d- Cirehestrai;'- •[•'.- .'.

.W.fiejt-.-bi' -AD,*ril.;"6—ivtojidajy.TV'e.(jn^3d|yr' '%a<X.....:• '¦'„ ." '.. .-SjLrur.d^jv^Khts;-.

-•".:¦: .•• "-.

•¦ ••; ::"-." X'o'jltiyoly'I^&sj'Jk'pp'eajabcerj, -. ". .:• "•

•\..i- '-::. -jn'tlij.«pie-;o.*:AftijINE.'.-. '." V ;-;s'. ;«•-"'¦:•,.'* '-'Seaptsf Np\Y...-on* .•-.'.-;'! v

'_ » •'

?y^EST^R- iuliiSXFGIS*

¦ -^^^^-.; h-"

I¦ .-:•irepxir.s^sjxjax -A'FTEitNOO^r.•:'. .if .-¦•.•: ••:. "•;¦;• ON£:-\VHIjK.-t>NLir."> .- V ¦'. • 3;

*.;-/"y • j"\#--\ /y.OlJng ;' /?! ::^.'''"*.T

I. >ij,:¦ .r^itA«|,fe..ijiViKJrEa{op9T0B!v";:'." • ; ;/I. '•'•'•

-:. V •" •" •: Aprii jib,./-? s ¦¦• 'j:

''. ¦: >

"--""L;..:-Patriotfc".Amerl&an»F!nft Parl.^ !• '. \¦'I- .TMEI-.S1K9.E pf-X3toiAT.V31.AND!-.-

".!• :A\>lu>ifcalit'iartoon fby e Ifw4n.

":. '.% .*-•?»'* '$•¦' .. '25c,"and.-50c. ;

";:'!.- .-..-."


'..-•¦-•:•.- :¦; ¦'.•' .. t..^. ;¦?•> •¦¦ . . .':.•..*' -:.'•¦¦¦ •¦ .V -.J:EVEHY EJVENIN15'. . .:'¦•' '"• :.",I&iT..INEft.-S:\.TTJ|tDiVY. A"Np..STFNi>AY.: •

..'¦•¦Fai:e5\e.fl"\Vfel» fit4Ke Poplar SCa'r.s. •

¦•rn'a'^'Ela'bgrate. Specta'cu,lar" Production o% '•.::;PiiTHAN mm•First" -Tlm».on j\ny "st?Pe';at Pbipujar -Prices

—..]£<? jl5c.;.25c". 5Qc and^TSc-

''-. . .- ;;./!,'

D.s.JIcLeia- and. "Odette'

:.'.. ,- Wfcr tn 1'RICHARD j\I.".- :"

\ .»

\iitthat lau'eKable shbw "HoUy Toity.,""Xhg iauglis are so loud and mo hearty, . V ». That- a man. named Oldtqdts" • . "•• •'

Laughed right out or htg'boois, " .At that" lauctiuble .show^ "Hoity Tolfey.'-'.And Th'is Is the Last. "Week. ' •. • °"

Next Monday comes the -great Circus Burlesque,

l.Helter Skelter I.Seats now' on sale. Remember it la next

Monday.*. " ' . • . '


RESERVED SEAT.S—Nishts, 25c, BOc and7$C.

' Saturday and Sunday Matinees. 25c send50c. Children at Matinees, 10c # and J5c»

- '* *"T"

""'* • *



* • 9


,.'£:'M ,P. M. e iSUNDAY.„.....:.. v<.. y...2:30 P, M.*

!<le*-vSi .Oakland.LADIKS' DAYS, T1IURSD"AY ANDFRIDAY.*_*._s Advance 5 Stockton st. \ t


¦¦"•.:':i' "-:-;r:AMJgsii'WRyrg4 ;'•*;••'.• i.,': *

•*: >''

% rh*nk **• *V9ffKj--Eres^afs'.*

.'. •* !::.-::'.: BiFF1E:ELi;St;BR; ;¦•'• 3n jthe Magtm<I&nt "Qriginai PK>ductl"dn,.*pf


;.-; < Pfiginnrag'NjextJffpttdaJr ,:. •..:):irsi!Pa)Fii• •' -. :.*•"." A»d lie*-Eo^niTon Cornea &y. '¦* -." ••-i- '":*.- pirectlon cOf-'.C.hanles- Fi-ohjnanl 1.;.".*•¦'¦ fl'rst-".\\"«ek—-"Every "iS'ipht:/btit -FrRIay. and•:- '¦'¦'.:.. ••-'.•.¦ •: Sunday.;. ¦•:'. ." . . ;., ¦


. ;tf$S§ Jo^^of'^iymg- •. •;*.• . :.. ..*Bv-Ileitftanij giiderniapji. .'


p|EMS:!MOW:fiEADfe•' • 'Prtc^—SZ. .;$! 50,'$.f. pc'a'iid's^c'-'. '.*

j^ijvippRTANflrovEtTi|$i::':i¦i-.Be.a;Us aiid.BeMes 'Octet; Gardiiker-aiid{. -Vyinceiit;"

'I$ron&u's*:White Tscher-

j:"kessjrrio;-Mill;y- CapSll'aid the'Bt-

]" egraplf shotoring^the'- •* "".•


PAGEANT;1LastTune^'of .LillianB-urkMart jftnd.'!.'•". C?or.;.Esther -Fee,; Green a.fid Werner


•;anAthe, iprpthers Fr^nphi.; !. *'; '•'

."' RtSferved 3 'Seafci .-5£*> 'Balcony',"*

-l(>c*. Box'¦Seaya'pnd -.Opera t^ialrs... 50c^- ../'

*.•¦ . ••

:• ¦ ••;!• ivc ifir'CR<s •V* •


"w.'A*hton Stevens: In-"The Kxamfrjer.'.'-•

".i '."I'he •new>r;ieaiHng :.faay, -Jgertha .Cre"ighton.

was-natujaJ. 1 wbuianly,.charming* and-. "won- the¦full -favor of 'J*er.Ctud^nce.*'

—Blanche iPartlng^-

.ton In; "The.Call/" . -. • ' .; •'.. ;.-?

Wi-HtffitWQrtKs- Exjp[erimenti »..


'-" .;*'.'*

'. "Many cuHalft ".callai; and; a.load. 'of.,.floors.•^Ilss "Urelshton" nfede tie|«elf verjr^popular."

—Pet>ir' liobeftson tn "Chronicle.". • ;- . * •

.Ev*gsv.^5c to 7Dc. Slat. Sat. aftd Sun.: 15& to 50c.

NEXT M6SDAY..*AtfAMERICAN CITIZEN•Tfee Famous'- Nat. Goodwin CJpmedy. jj

'ElT.IRxflll/Marked Street,' Nyir Eighth.,* Pnone SauthjKia.'

T(3-'NIGHT. Ev»ry4v fs this week."


V Matinee Sat. and Sun:*»*» lJc

*"j melodramatic treats••.1IJ i-«. "Scored a" great hit."•


Examiner* . . "

S.'tJ ,"Acco«Jed an enthu-

m11 rrerlnrn *««*•*, rectpwon."*'—»

II IflnlrlNChronicle. i. "•ilUJjPlblU¦* "One of the. »best*

DO \ Playsj>or its kind."^s'See the shhj on*fire"in mlrf-pcean. One of the

most sensatiOTal scenes ever witnessed*nninc evenings.... roe ta^OcPKICbS MATINEES 10c>15c. 25c

Next' "Week—Blaney'a* Fifhny Farce, ""A."HIgEP GI^L." ; f, .

"Kngelus piano player L°-NEXT SATURDAY* APRIL 4, AT-3 P. M... SHERMAN, CLAY Si CO.


• SSVIlt Conduct Another .PIANO RECITAfc by MR. PERCIVAIi> K.. -. _• •, VAN,YORX. . ..•. !Wijh the Aidof•• TKE A3Sra-EIuXJS,


HALI^,223,* SUTTER ST.'* .*' Soloist..* °L '* \

JffR.' OS.CAR FRANK, Baritone,;Ifjnterestesl you are invited to- call 'af our

Etoro this week- and receive, with our com-5l'linients, ticket* for the same. . o ,° °

SHERMAN, CLAY & CO.. oCor. Kearny'aad Sutter ats.« San Francisco.

V .. ¦ . • * °8


s r~^~,

* * '• * -•*' '*••"• ¦¦•' •'


-•¦' •• • .-.

9 "... *¦;;." •'*.- >. :'' :'" <-•'•.." "t."""7*:

j:81 t- 6a& FPAHQI5CX).

i=;:5OiP9. yai"ds./VeitinJ:-/. .eridles;k"yarletYi' of designs. Diamond

{ J££ HesjhV^T^edojatn^ X^ffii^^e^a^price 50c per yard.J; '_ gSpeciajlA^^^^ff^M?^^fe/i 25c

I''': Papeterie.t .•.¦Al'.-grade,.Sajrin "B^by. -Ribbon";., .alt . .., Soinethlnff new. S sizes, tintedZ- folora; regular price _-2c Vaxd,..ori. r. .v.;:.v..:JJ5e, 5Oc and 75c per box%.v """v:•••••. •>-.-•• •.•:..-.v...Jr-.-.> :lC jjard -

-a-11 our: 23c Papeterie, including allj

•"•• • • '[•':: :3Q\y5 ''.-••.¦•••' s "sfia'pes^ and" shade3. at iJlc this

S -¦;" fianaKerChiefS, V. e . ,VCaflfornia View Books

|", -I^adl^s.f White".Handkerchie£3. fafjey / : ?:..5-^.;»:;-;--^./------3Oc to Sl.OO

n lace .cornecs; :regular 'urice •.:jQc. '"joh:•"•- • • san; Francisco :View Book3I.' ...«•.,;.;..,..{........•.,.:;..->,. .-,..;.."4c ::*«Wv>>v-"i».•#*••«• to 81.SOS s» Fancy".-Lace -Edge; <Handkerch.ieis r :." .-Souyerrir Ppstal Cards-W-, white -lawn;, regulap: price aSe.'spe--'". •" fcmbo^sed.- • * .. Sc»•- ciaK&t ..,.V.-.:.,> fW.iVv;.;v:v.::.^::,Sc:; -Colered;? for'¦£.:.Z:ll.... l!sc9-

¦' -',•• -' '¦ :

- - —:•¦•¦>'. -•..••¦••-¦

|| •1.81x36 ¦Turlifeh:ToVel^Vregularly.; eold • foj£40g at^ imlr,"our price.... 24c pairs. ¦•..• .•:•;:..'.'.;...:. r;'.;. •/;:•..:..;: y.

rv::";. ••¦••-•.;¦.¦

al^^^^i^gi^pf 30c.» •¦"R?Sf.?tfn-- r- Oni? -/:¦• •:^,-:.'::r"- ~}««^."'•Mr

"Ix%)fey"V"rinUnlucky." -Rip Van» >;4S«^Q :••.•>'«--':-;v-V"--.v-lJ.<?- -."V.-ink.;-. Was. i-Lucky Man." -Tantallz-S. -^ftSSm! TelV"': '.V"'"'VV-:--:-:.-:|<••• •MlC^^i^MMplUu;My Jo." "Justf "¦

"V«V,-1."-'-Tel1 ...-.%".-."JVi'---.-.-.-J"«*\~ KK»- ¦To»i>etf GooU-oye," —Jennfe Lee"*'V-<-«nv^." -n>l!¦•':•' ¦:""¦'•:¦"¦¦"•*

••:'i"*"''-l!!f;•Va"if.4»> other "muaicaV successes, in dance*¦ l^F^wwfeoi^Vi-'^^'^^^l^?1 v^* .^fuiar price 75=), now on sale SOc.

!' •Kokeft^e. l>i«bVe' #T:.'.'^ Girl."» •;;[)«• Frenchutz" ;..,.-„..-....,.". ,.V. .'lOc; ... ri'^puiijt.1Dwelt !n Marble HaliytOr9-.:-.%\*ueilZ? ois I.----.-.-••¦= •V;f-VriT.v3Jg»l •-TRw Ifeart;BdweU Down". t«»eJ- •..*,aUBt Lv"".*ri";,i."..'!'••'•"•¦•¦:¦¦¦ '••/'•'•'•I0.0- "

Me-- i«c•. Mo^s^-r X-;Bel.lV' .:;......V;....'.-...-i'V'c-. .•.^jeaacr^-Son^: from "Carmen". .15ci>}fr~??.

—: .-.•;:.. -." •••.-'¦ ¦•;¦ ..*• / ;" "...\. .'•:' ".

*;v:. :•.•;•¦•¦¦'¦ :;Ea§ter Gacds and Noveltiies. >•.-'A- njqsf.beautif al Eagfer-Cafils •. to to -;o«« eachr .Kas-ter NovtlUes/ handsome an'(i'..umt 1U.e";de3'ign-i -.....,.-... ,.-;c to St-.T-O each

«• •RahBitg:.-..5c'."tp 7.">Cgac.h: Candy; Pa norama "K^^.^....q<- to Sii.oO each

I}. "Bibles ;aiid:Grayer -Bp^ksiV' J••;••.- %{;-Booklets.)..-. U.=.jn'o5t "cbrnpjete 'link .'of -Bibles," . ? A!:>,a«"ficr,-^,o"i,-"^«"^>

tj ,,\I'• .Bogks/: Hmkals; ¦" Testa* ..•A-;nan^soiHe..lHie of Booklets, suit-S.'-ments"; etc.", ki;*il.size?" -and- choice, .a.bft'-for -Easter, gifts, from|

• feihdlngs^and'-at.tfut.Tprlc&a;' " r :.j '.;.? .>..r^-^^'..y.';.;.;;;r;.5e to nOc each

i."?;'"^v>:';* jt^^isr:^Bpiok$:iVlwa(y5;CutV*

,.'Mrs." Wig^s. ¦bt <he^ Gabbfige* Patch ;• ;Bac$'fo tbe- Woofls, "Down th« LineI''.».'.'...,:....:•••«:... A-."-- '-.,••.'.,.-..... .T>j«r. ;Jyhri We-nry, Ifs.Up to You, at .'9 .•..Lo.vey.-.Mary.fby sa.nte. aiithor.^vMr :• -i"..---^...?.^."'..-..:........ i....."!*),.eachI•.-•Bo«j: the .abov'e'.silUsi.bLtvfbr .fesfer; • r:B.efore.-buy:fris any books get oury "_pVfts."•.*••";...•• •" .'¦•'.; ""

?- ;•..;: '.rpWces. ":;•. ..:':'-. ¦¦¦"..- ,

f\' »

-T '. .;' •"' ¦>.. ''..-¦'-' !'^

::.'". "'.'.¦ I-*. ,

—;¦' ;,: —

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"wis.h.;Wat k- lyiir^.prepaEat'Jon" 1

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wS-JfiP. 'aTrtu-tVliy'tfeifJis 'filluRe- btiU"':It-lleist?oy.^ .t;h«. paVa^ite; tfiatt •a-t.t^i^.th^ llMri-. r.q6.t;.rAnfl->j:eyeius; 4a"ndrtire, /falline hki?aMfipidh'pss.:::- So/it ¦p.y-leadjtiig dfug"g5Kjts .

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