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  • GOOD-BYE BERWYN HEIGHTS ES! Sixth Grade 20072008 Editors: Mrs. Tremper & Mrs. Swisdak
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  • Great Teachers Here we will remember all the wonderful teachers we have had over the years.
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  • Memorable Kindergarten Teachers Mrs. Stone was a very nice and strict kindergarten teacher and still is. Mrs. Cullins was very pleasant and not so strict. Mrs. Loutsch was kind.
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  • Memorable First Grade Teachers Mr. Columbia was extremely kind to his students. Ms. Jones was a very nice teacher that liked apples. Ms. Koontz was a good teacher that did a lot of parties.
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  • Memorable Second Grade Teachers Mr. Buzzerd was a funny teacher who never missed a chance to be hilarious. Mrs. Pringle was a nice teacher that gave us a lot of advice. Ms. Horn was the best and made a joke out of everything. She made up games for us.
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  • Memorable Third Grade Teachers Mrs. Appleman was the teacher who will be remembered by me and the other students that were in her class for letting us chew gum during the MSAs. She was also a good cook. Mrs. Anwar was firm but nice at the same time. Ms. White was very nice. She had a smile that would make everyone smile.
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  • Memorable Fourth Grade Teachers Mrs. Gallagher is memorable because she didnt tell us she was leaving until near the end of the year. Mrs. ORoark was really nice and calm; her class really appreciated that! Mrs.Bey was such a good teacher she liked to teach, and have fun at the same time.
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  • Memorable Fifth Grade Teachers Ms. Nacaytuna was easy, if you listened and did most of the work you would get an A. If you disrespected her and not do any of the work you got a BIG E. Mrs.Bey was such a nice and supportive teacher that everyone wanted to be in her class. Mrs. Wilson was a very nice teacher and intelligent too! She made a lot of people smile.
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  • Memorable Sixth Grade Teachers Mrs. Fentress, the science teacher that turned into our reading teacher, was a very funny teacher that brought a smile to our face and made us chuckle. Mr. Buzzerd, maintained his cutting humor from when he was a second grade teacher. He brought us joy everyday. Mrs. Conover was nice, but she sometimes got too strict.
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  • Memorable Specialists Ms. Carty (PE) was, and always will be, a fun and energetic teacher. Mrs. Papanikolas (music) teaching informs us about many aspects of music; she also gives us fun activities. Mrs. Wade (counselor) gives us the useful information that we will need for middle school and beyond. Mrs. Strohecker (science) is a great specialist because without her we wouldnt have NorthBay and many other great field trips.
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  • Memorable Specialists Continued Mr. Vasquez (ESOL) is a nice teacher and he likes to help anybody who needs his help or who asks for help. Ms. Rallos (SPED) is a helpful teacher even though I didnt go to her class. I still think that she is a nice teacher. Mrs. Swisdak (math) is a smart math teacher. When she teaches math she makes it fun. Mrs. Carmody is a nice teacher who put together our buddy school in Italy. Mrs. Schuster (reading) is our reading specialist who is a good teacher. She teaches fun literature during class. Mrs. Tremper (librarian) is a good media teacher who helps with big projects like the Canada project and lets us check out good books.
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  • Future Careers of 6 th Grade Class David Huber
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  • Created by Yesenia Campos, Alisha Bentil, Lauren Tyce.
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  • WATERMELON SPITTING The first stop on our little adventure is back to third grade where we did the WATERMELON SEED SPITTING CONTEST! As third graders we ate juicy watermelons and kept all the seeds in a napkin. Then we went outside and drew a measuring chart by feet and inches with chalk. After that, we spit the seeds to see who could spit them the farthest! The first stop on our little adventure is back to third grade where we did the WATERMELON SEED SPITTING CONTEST! As third graders we ate juicy watermelons and kept all the seeds in a napkin. Then we went outside and drew a measuring chart by feet and inches with chalk. After that, we spit the seeds to see who could spit them the farthest!
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  • SOCK HOP In the 4 th grade we went to the gym took off our shoes and danced in our socks for 30 minutes straight. We really enjoyed ourselves!
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  • HOEDOWN In 5 th grade Mr. Slim came along with all his instruments and we had the big hoedown! We had a partner with our opposite gender! It was really fun because we had to learn a dance and we danced in front of the whole school in the cafeteria!
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  • Welcome to 6 th grade, complete chaos! The sixth grade has gone through 3 reading teachers and has finally stopped at a permanent, NEW teacher, Ms. Armelin! We are very fortunate to have someone who is prepared for anything! Well, well, well, look at whos gotten married! Mr. Buzzerd and Ms. Armelin! Dont get too excited, they didnt marry each other! But does that stop you from wondering who they DID marry? Lifes mysteries are in their greatest moments!
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  • Ah, the highlights of the year for the 6 th graders! If someone were to ask if we were excited about all of these, they would get a big YES! The social is the big party that almost all of the 6 th graders attend, theres good food, rockin music, and a fantastic chance to have fun with all of your friends! Promotion is the official good-bye to our wonderful elementary school. For many students, it is their 6 th year here and they are sad to leave. Though they must say, if it means North Bay, they are happy to be in their last year here. North Bay, the five-day, four-night, overnight camp! Since this years 6 th grade is going to North Bay during the last day of school, they get to go kayaking and swimming! We are very excited to have such great fun in store for us and are ready for adventure, AKA the FUTURE!
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  • The 6 th grade has proven how nice and KIND they can be. In October, the whole 6 th grade went gleaning for green beans. The produce was donated to the local food pantry for those in need. Every year since the first year the school opened, every grade has gone to Greenbelt National Park to learn about Mother Nature. The annual field trip also occurs to encourage natural science. Greenbelt is fun and educational! Imagine that!
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  • Camp Schmidt~ 5 th Grade, Watch out for Old Man Clutch!!!! Experience the great outdoors and fresh air in woods that havent been overdeveloped yet! North Bay~ Double the fun you had at Camp Schmidt! The 6 th grade this year gets to go swimming and kayaking since they are attending the 5 day and 4 night fun-a-rama during the last week of school!!!!!
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  • William AmayaDaniel Romero Evelin AsencioDamonyae Smith Morgan BranchMarquoii Smith Shawn Brosh Mariano Tolentino Jose Calderon Lauren Tyce Yesenia Campos Cesar Carranza Donte Casson Gerald Cicotte Katlyn Degroat Katherine Delcid Katie Giron Aaron Goldstien Gregory Green III David Huber Iris Leon Vanessa Neira Jorge Nunez Dania Pineda Esther Risinger Stacy Rodriguez
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  • Katie Giron Jerry Cicotte I will love Greenbelt MS and miss my close friends: Morgan, Jerry, Jason, Oscar, M. R., Lorenzo, Katherine, Gabrielle, and Vanessa. I have had many good times at Berwyn Heights. ES. I have had many good teachers like Mrs. Bey, Mrs. Wilson and all the 6 th grade teachers. Hockey is Good! Morgan Branch Peace out to all my friends And Farewell Berwyn Heights!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  • Happy Moments The first time we met we all became best friends. We got into many fights but we still will be together til the end. We went on many trips, we had lots of fun. We all want to stay together but we all have to go away. Maybe one day we will meet again. Evelyn Ascencio
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  • Good Bye to All My Friends Good bye to all my friends and enemies. These were good years and bad. We had lots of laughs! Mario Tolentino-Velasque, Shawn Brosh, Marquoii Subah
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  • Berwyn Heights ES I AM GOING TO MISS BEING A HUSKY! Jose Calderon
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  • DaMonyae Mikeal Smith I am going to miss my friends and being a Husky in this school and I will miss the teachers.
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  • I will miss Berwyn Heights and my friends here at Berwyn Heights ES: Katie, Damonyae, Stacy, Jerry, Yesinia, Katherine, Shawn and William. By Dont Casson
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  • Gregory A. Green waz a TAG student who liked to laugh.
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  • I will miss all my friends at Berwyn Heights Elementary! All my friends will be there for me til the end and I will never leave them behind. Your friend, Iris Leon
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  • Stacy Rodriguez Peace out to all my friends! Vanessa Neira I will miss all my friends but I think it is time I make new friends!
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  • We are Jorge Nunez and Aaron Goldstein. Good bye BHES! PS EGGNOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We had fun with you BHES but now we will be going to Hyattsville and have more fun. Have fun BHES. PPS A flying badger!
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  • Ill miss Berwyn Heights ES. Its time 2 move on 2 a new life in middle school!!!!! Ill miss all of my friends who had my back. Best friends will never be forgotten. Yesenia, Katie, Oscar M., Oscar R, Leslie, Damonyae, Lorenzo, Eduardo, Leroi, I will never forget u guys!!!!!! Hugsssss (my crazy friend La Mona). The experience at this school has been the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your girl, Katherine Delcid Good-Bye
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  • We will miss Berwyn Heights ! We will miss our friends. We will miss Mrs. Bey. We will miss Ms.Armelin. We want to stay, So here we go! All alone with bravery we go! Katlyn DeGroat Esther Risinger We will miss the school bus even though we didnt ride it!!!
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  • I say good-bye to all my friends and maybe Ill see you all again! I know I will see some in Greenbelt Middle and in Parkdale High but to the rest I wish you a happy life! Good bye to my best friends in the whole world. I will miss you deeply, Katherine and Leslie!!! Good bye from Yesenia J. Campos!
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  • Christian Alvarez Jesus Bernal Mishawnda Blount Juan Bravo Lexus Briggs Devon Brown Lorenzo Diaz Maxwell Karikari Vincent Ladieu Britany Lewis-Francis Fernando Lucero Bravo Kelly-Ann Morrison Oscar Munoz Oscar Rodriguez Kimberli Ruiz Ortiz Jason Sanchez Leroi Speaks II Anthony Thomas Leslie Vanegas Eduardo Miranda
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  • This became Mrs. Conovers class.
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  • ITS TIME 2 MOVE ON OSCAR Rodriguez, IT was fun being in sixth grade but it is time to move on in life. JESUS Bernal, I am going to miss you Berwyn heights but it is time to do harder stuff. Eduardo Miranda, when I first got here there was a lot of work to do, but then I got some friends. Now its time to go on to 7th grade. Ill miss Berwyn Heights ES. Juan Bravo, good bye school! Im going to miss you when I move on to 7 th grade...
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  • Good bye! Berwyn Heights ES Good bye sixth grade! Hello seventh grade! We are skating our way to 7 th grade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  • Our childhood is the best because we get the best stuff in our childhood.
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  • First grade to sixth grade really made my days. Berwyn Heights Elementary School is a good school. I wish I could stay here but in life you have to move on. So maybe moving on is sad. If you try to do your best, its a happy and exciting feeling. Say goodbye to Elementary and hi to Middle School. Apparently this is called moving on.
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  • Fernando Lucero Bravo Good bye childhood! I will miss you. We are going to do hard things in middle school.
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  • Hello our new life! Bye-bye our old! New opportunities are on the way for all. Peace, Love, and happiness to you! Alisha Bentil, Dania Pineda, Gabrielle Grant (aka Gabby), & Lauren Tyce.
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  • Robert AndersonBesica Saravia Kevin AponteMarisol Sotelo Kyl BempahJoseph Staton Cesar BenitezAshley Veras Alisha Bentil Jessica Bravo Bryant Ceballos-Rodriguez Jasmine Delaney Henry Garden Gabrielle Grant Joshua Hamilton Alma Knutson Lawrence Maraj Tracey Meepagala Erick Osorio Edwin Parada Juan Ramirez Edwin Reyes Walter Rivera
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  • Robert Anderson Goodbye my childhood and hello my adulthood. This was the funniest twelve years of my childhood.
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  • Good-bye to my childhood, and hello to my adulthood which awaits me with jobs and responsibilities.
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  • by Cesar A. Benitez Good bye elementary school, It was nice knowing you !
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  • I will miss Berwyn Heights ES dearly because I wont be here anymore. Im leaving you. Adieu! How I will miss having water fights with my cousin and playing laser tag. I will really miss my teachers: Ms. Fentress, Ms. Conover and Mr. Buzzard and all my friends including Joey and Henry. I will miss Berwyn Heights ES dearly because I wont be here anymore. Im leaving you. Adieu! How I will miss having water fights with my cousin and playing laser tag. I will really miss my teachers: Ms. Fentress, Ms. Conover and Mr. Buzzard and all my friends including Joey and Henry.
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  • Jasmine N. Delaney Goodbye Berwyn Heights! I will miss my teachers. I will miss my friends of six school years.
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  • I had a great time from 2001-2008 at Berwyn Heights ES. These years were the best of my life to enjoy.
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  • Asta la Vista Childhood! Childhood, we have been in the worst and the best with you! Now we have to move on (we have to learn to drive). We will move on without you to Middle School. By Walter Rivera & Juan Ramirez
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  • Edwin A. Parada
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  • Edwin L. Reyes Bye Bye Childhood Childhood was fun but now its time to get to the hard stuff. I will miss you childhood.
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  • Joey Staton Henry Garden Childhood you put us through the best and the worst but now its time to say goodbye so see ya. !
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  • I am on my way on a long journey. I will meet lots of people on my way as I make my way into adulthood. Ashley Veras
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  • Sixth Grade Teachers Mr. Buzzerd, Mrs. Fentress, and Mrs. Conover
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  • Good Luck to all the 6 th graders wherever you will be next year. Thank you for the experience of being your substitute in Science or Social Studies. Mrs. Conover
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  • Ode to the Sixth Grade Best Wishes From the Berwyn Heights ES Staff Youve been our fine students, So steady and good. We know we have taught you The best that we could. Youve gotten some knowledge That could lead to college. But manners, honesty, courage, and more, Will help you to face whatevers in store. Youve grown as weve watched you, But youve still far to go. Good luck on your journey, Where ever you go! Dr. Tremper
