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God Save America & All Her People Heather Sapp

In the last several weeks, I have watched as this once great nation has lost what little bit of greatness she had left. America is the home of the brave and the free. We are made up of many ethical groups, religions, cultures, and backgrounds. Our ancestors who came here did so for a better way of life. They no longer wanted to practice the religions their countries Kings and Dictators required them to practice. They no longer wanted to live in fear for having beliefs that did not match that of their leaders. They did not want to be controlled by the government. They did not want to be left for dead over the greed of their leaders. They saw things like hope, freedom, liberties and a better life when they thought of America. This led them to this once great country.After being in America the King of Britain, King George started raising taxes. He did this because of the wars he was fighting stateside and in America. To him, he spent a great deal of money to keep the people in America safe from the French and Natives. Our founding fathers and many others was not alright with the high taxes. They were not alright with being told what they could and could not do in their land. They decided to stand up to the King. This was not an easy battle. They did not have a strong Navy. The British Navy was the strongest of this era. The men who we call patriots (the king called them traitors) were not soldiers. They were farmers, lawyers, doctors, and blue color workers. The British army was strong and the best there was. The Americans learned from the Natives. They hide behind things like walls and trees. They took the British by surprise. The men almost gave up and then Washington, his army, and the Mearbleheads pulled off the unthinkable. Not once but twice they crossed the Delaware. Their bravery turned the war around. Once they beat the British and became the United States of America the made a system to govern the colonies. They inputted laws to prevent the too much federal control over the colonies and the colonies could not have too much control either. They did not mix government and church. They founded this country on God, respect, and freedom.Eighty years after the battle with Britain for their freedoms, America faced some major issues. The northern colonies became industrialized. The southern states did not. The north wanted to control all trade rights. They would not allow the south to sell to anyone but them. Along with high taxes, this was leading the southern states into what we would now call bankruptcy. The south wanted what was rightfully theirs. That being freedom to sell to whom they wanted. Including exporting of their goods. They did not want to be told by the north what they could and could not do in their state. This led to the Civil War aka Northern Aggression. Was slavery part of America? Yes, it was. However, slavery has been around since BC times. All races have been part of this. Does that make Southern people bad? No, it did not nor was it why this war started.The Civil Rights movements came along. This was very bad yet good era in America. Many people of all races lost their lives to ensure that all men were really treated equally. Women were fighting for their rights as well. The Klan was fighting it and the Panthers formed. Many bad things happened in America at this time in her history. People were killed, raped, beaten and treated poorly. Not just African-Americans. All races were treated badly. There was great Civil Rights leaders as well as some really bad ones. The bad ones were spreading more hate. This all ended with the federal government making laws to protect all of Americas people. Ensuring that everyone has a chance in life. Now, of course, that did not stop the hate or heal the hurt.We went into the World Wars and lost a lot of good men and women. We got a small taste of what real hate was about. We saw what Hitler was doing to his own people for greed. We did not like that. Not for a minute and we fought, once we were attacked. We talk about how awful he was and the things he did. We do not talk about our faults. In this era, we had many. We hit rock bottom yet again. The great depression hit America. People lost their homes and jobs. Many killed their self. This was once again another sad moment for America. Yet, we as a nation stood together and lived. We made it and were stronger after this event. It took time, it did not happen overnight.Things seem to have calmed down then the 60s hit. Another war for our soldiers to battle in. A great deal of which died became POW or MIA. Our enemies treated our men worse than most would treat a dog who as bitten your childs face. To this day, we still do not know were many of these men are. The Panthers became stronger than ever. The hippies were preaching peace and love. Meanwhile, they were getting high, having unprotected sex, spreading aids, and being disrespectful to our heroes who were coming home. Guess what? We made it past the 60s as well.We had bombings that lead us to Desert Storm. We lost great men and women again. Fighting for this country. To protect her and each of us. Did we stop the bad guy or put him in prison? Nope, we gave a really bad man control. Rebuilt the cities and saved the day. So, we thought. Years later, we watch in horror on 9/11/2001. Hundreds of people including kids died that day. America was on her knees so to speak. Most of us could only cry and pray. Did we take action? Yes, President Bush sent in our troops and we did our job. Now, this time we did get one of the bad guys and it is said that we got the other. However, what are we doing now? Training our enemies and giving them our weapons. This was a great call President Obama and our Government Leaders thought. They still believe that. I, on the other hand, do not. Obama is discharging many of our soldiers. I wonder what good can come out of that?Now, present day events in America are shameful and disgraceful to this country, her people, and the patriots who gave everything for our freedoms. Our president is not an American. He is not a Christian. His wife spends our tax dollars like it is water and her right to do so. What is she spending them on? Vacations for her whole family. Look at the pictures of her on the 4TH of July. She does not even want to be there. Obama has passed laws (along with help from his goonies) for healthcare. Let me tell you something about that. Most Americans can still not afford their medical insurance. So at tax time they are charged 1000s of dollars. The cost of insurance for an average paid blue color workers has tripled. This is to cover for the people who do not have to pay the full amount for insurance. Do you want to make a change in healthcare? Set limits on the cost of things. It should not cost $1500 for a pill that is needed to stop seizures. It does not come close to that to make those pills. Our elders are homeless, hungry, cannot afford their medications, and no one cares. They are left to find a way to pay for their bills, food, and medications. These people worked their whole lives and now they are left on their own. This is a truly a sad event.Our young are disrespectful, hateful, liars, drug addicts, thieves, and teen parents. They are not educated correctly. They do not care about anything or anyone. They have a lack of discipline. Partly because the state government will not stay out of the families business. The government does not allow us to spank or correct our kids. Parents live in fear of their children every day. So, of course, they are not going to punish them. These young kids are having babies. We (the American Culture) are somehow okay with this. Hell, we even gave them a TV show promoting this behavior. This makes kids believe that they will have a chance at their 15 minutes of fame. Are you kidding me with this? The babies they are having are being supported by our tax dollars. These kids will not work and probably will never make anything out of their selves. Do not get me wrong not all American kids or teen parents are like this. However, most are. These kids are destroying property. Cussing the judges who just slap them on the hand for the crimes they are committing. Kids are beating and murdering their parents every day. What is being done? The parents are being punished while the child finds out that they can do as they please. Remember, these are leaders of our future. We need to teach them love, respect, faith, hope, happiness, and how to be a good leader! Not hate, do as you please, who cares, and how not to be responsible for their actions. The young need to take a stand their selves and say look, my peers, enough of this stupidity is enough! We have more problems than ever with child molesters and murders. Mothers are killing their babies and getting away with it. Child molesters are getting a smack on the hand and released. Take a few classes and you can once again be around children. This is very wrong. As Americans, we have now accepted that this is part of life. Am I the only person that sees anything wrong with this? Women if you cannot handle life, go get some help and stop killing your children. You are right up there with the child molesters. The worse of the worse in my eyes! How can we as a nation continue to allow this behavior? How is it okay to not be told your neighbor molested or killed a child? How is it okay that these people are allowed to walk our streets with our kids outside playing? Do you believe that these kinds of people are no longer a danger because they took a few classes? Think again Americans and wake up!Our borders are being breached. What has our President and other state and federal officials done? Gave them a safe haven. Pay for all the things in life they may need. How about that single mother who is working three jobs and still goes to bed hungry so her kids can eat? We are letting in the people that want to kill us. I am not saying do not allow anyone in. This country was founded on stealing from the natives and immigrants. Our government put into place laws that only allowed so many immigrants from their area to be allowed into our nation. This was for a reason. This would stop the overpopulation for one. How many Americans have to go without jobs, housing, or the help they need because we cannot protect our boards. Not so much that we cannot, more like we will not. How many Americans have to be murdered or kidnaped and made sex slaves before it is enough? Where was our President and government officials for those funerals? Nowhere to be found. It did not fit their political needs. It would prove that they are human and made bad choices. We as a nation have said it is okay to lay down and make a child that you dont want or cannot care for because either our taxes will pay for it or you can abort Gods gift. It is okay to allow one to carry this human life for weeks and then kill it. How is this okay? How is this right? Murder is murder period. If you do not want a child they make things to prevent that. Better yet stop laying down and making them! We have forgotten what the Bible says about this. Now, one may say, well I was raped or this was forced on me. Okay, well there are millions of good families who cannot have children of their own. These families would give everything to have a child. It is called adoption. I understand due to crimes like rape things like becoming pregnant can happen. Some are strong enough to love and care for that child while others are not. I do understand that. However, is one crime better than another? Just because some man committed a crime does that give you the right to take a life? A life that did not ask for this to happen to you or to be created. We accept these excuses. We are okay with these reasons. Now, thanks to these new health care laws Christian companies have to carry insurance that has to coverage for birth control and abortions. Some religions do not agree with this. It is against their faith. That is their right. However, the government now says to bad do it or else. Does no one see any problems with any of this?We allow our soldiers to be told to go home and change. Someone may be offended by your uniform. Really? If they are offended by the people that protect them, this country is not for them. They should return to where ever they came from. More soldiers are killing their selves then this war has killed. There again no one sees that or talks about it. Where is their help? Most will not go get it because they will be discharged and their way of life is gone. For some that is all they really have. Their funerals are protested and they are disrespected. How can anyone say that any of that is okay? There are laws to protect our soldiers past and present and future. Yet, we sit back and allow it to happen. While we are doing nothing to stop it we are calling ourselves Patriots. Really, you should look up that meaning, then study about the real patriots. Those brave men and women who took a stand to make this country.Gay marriage is now something that many are okay with. Oh, it is a sickness they cannot help it. It was the way they were born. Okay, that may be the case. However, it is a sin. Read the Bible, it is very clear in many parts that this is not okay! Christians and other faiths are against this. However, our government wants votes, so let us pass more laws that takes the rights from one group and gives it to another. You want to live in sin that is your cross to carry. Just do not force the world to join you in it. Now, it is a matter of time before churches are forced to marry these gay couples. Again this is against most religious views. A man is suing the publishers of the Bible. Really, does he and the courts not know those were wrote over thousands of years ago and are just reprinted? I cannot believe a judge is even going to hear this case. A Christian couple who owns a bakery refused to make a cake for a gay wedding. It is against their religious views. They have been sued and are being forced to do so. How is that right? They are being told your religion does not matter and you are going to do it rather or not you feel like doing so is a sin. There again the government has overstepped the boundaries that our founding fathers set. State and church are to be separate and not one. Businesses are supposed to have the right to refuse service to anyone they choose for any reason. That is their rights. No, longer because Uncle Sam says so. This is all okay with America and most of her people. Ones that are against it are treated very poorly. Heartbreaking is what it is.Churches are told to not place nativity scenes out. Why you might ask. Well, Jewish or Muslims may be offended. Here we go again. I am offended by that. They are free to practice their religion of choice. I do not agree with their views, but I do not demand they change for me or anyone. God has been taken out of our schools as well. All because someone may be offended. This is America, we were founded on God. We were founded by people that wanted to practice whatever religion they wanted without fear of being prosecuted or killed for it. Funny that over 200 years later that is no longer the case. We are told to say Happy Holidays. Christmas shows are taking off the air. Music is no longer religious. It is things like Frosty the Snowman. What has happened to us? The Christians are again being attacked. This has been the case for thousands of years. However, we have the power to stop it. No one wants to do that. God forbid that someone might get their feelings hurt. Stand up America! Stand up Christians and tell these people we are not taking this anymore! We have rights too! Stand up and rejoice in God and his word! Never stand down and bow out to these demands!There is a race war about to happen right here in America. Another Civil War is upon our doorsteps and no one sees it. Why is this? Well, Political people are taking a very sad and tragic event and turning it into a worse nightmare than before. People are fueling them to do so. These same people are not seeing that they are being used. Confederate Soldiers have been protected by federal laws since 1958. Yet, state governments are overstepping again. They are calling for graves to be moved, any flags to be removed, for graves of these protected soldiers to not have their battle flags on them. That is very offensive to many. Somehow a Jewish flag is okay to be flying in Arlington. The Government has not said one word about this. People are stepping on, walking on, burning, and wiping their lower body parts on our National Flag. The government says that is okay because they are protected by freedom of speech. That is not speech, this is disrespect. It is a federal law not to do so. It also carries a fine and jail time. No one is doing a damn thing about it! The Gay Pride Flag has now been made into an American Flag with the rainbow colors. This too is not okay. Our men and women have died under our flag. It should never be disrespected! The government that says that a battle flag is wrong and holds so much hurt for the people of the nation are the same ones who say this is those peoples freedoms. They do not enforce the laws that are already here! Instead, they pull rights of others! There is something major wrong with this picture. A little history for you, our national flag has flew while more damage, hurt, slavery, murder, and many other bad things than any one battle flag from the Civil War. There were many on both sides and you cannot put them all together and have a worse outcome of events than that which happened under our national flag. There are many people of all races you are going on about how great it is to see the removal of the flag. What they are really saying is I do not know history so I am going to scream hate on this flag. They are the same group of people who are calling nasty names, racist names and spitting in the Southern Heritages face. I watched videos of these kind of people going to a graveyard. Pulling flags off the graves of the dead Confederate Soldiers. Then poured oil on it, tried to set it on fire. All the while they were screaming about racism on the white mans part, showing a pistol, talking about killing crackers. They called out the Klan as well. Another video was of a group of peaceful protesters in a parade. They had their Confederate flags flying on their trucks and cars. Can you guess what happened next? The African-Americans that saw this started throwing water bottles, screaming racist slurs and making yet more threats. Yet, another video that a group of African-Americans made from their car. They were lighting firecrackers and throwing them at another one of these parades. They were smoking weed and making more threats. Somehow this is allowed and seen as okay. These are crimes and ones that will at some point start a war. Is that what Americans really want? Is that what our government really wants? It does make me wonder since they are pushing this as hard as they can.Lets now talk about the riots that have plagued us this year. Here is where I will probably piss a lot of people off. However, I really do not care. I am not writing this to make friends of any kind! Criminals were harming people, rubbing, trying to kill cops and others. These officers stood up for themselves and for the same people who rioted. They put their lives on the line, just as they do every other day. One kid was throwing himself into the wall. How is that the fault of those six officers? It is not. Another kid tried to kill a cop. The cop was left no choice but to fire to save his life. Whose fault is that really? The criminals that is who. Yet, these foolish people decide that hey let us destroy our cities, hurt others, steal, and cause a huge mess. That surely solved the issues at hand! Not once but repeated events like this happened. There was one mother who grabbed her son up smacked him around and took him home. My hat is off to her. That is what all the mothers should have been doing. Do they not understand that they just caused the taxpayers a great deal of money? Do they not know they caused the store owners insurance to rise as well. The effects of this will be higher prices and higher taxes. How on Gods green earth did that make their lives better or bring back the dead? It did not do any good. It only brought more hurt to the people who have to live there. Even if the officers were wrong, this is not the way to do things. Americans are destroying this country by doing things like this. Our government is punishing law enforcement instead of the criminals. Funny how things like that work. Lord knows that we do not want to step on toes in this country. That would be no good for it. Ha is all I can say to that. What is not good is the people who are protecting us being left to stand alone instead of being protected for doing their jobs! What is not good is the people who are causing these crimes being made heroes. It is not good that tourist can riot and cause all kinds of damages to our American cities and be awarded for doing so instead of being punished for their crimes! Stand up Americans and say no more. That enough of this outrage and bull is enough! Stand next to the soldiers and law enforcement when things like this happen. Instead of saying oh that poor criminal died while committing a crime! Are you kidding me with this?Let us look at the murders in the country a little. In Chicago alone there has been murder after murder that is black on black crimes. Who is to blame for that? The common answer I am getting is Uncle Sam or the White Man. I think not. These people that are killing are making their own choices! Not anyone else and that applies to every person on this very earth! There are kids being killed in the crossfire. Their fathers are protecting the low lives who killed them. Once again we have become use to this behavior and these events. There was a white kid beaten almost to death by 7 black men. While 40 other blacks watched this happen. A few tried to help him. My hat is off to them and they are heroes who should be awarded! Did this make news or did the government step in to do anything? No, they have not. Did any of them go see this kid to make sure he and his family was okay? No is the answer to that as well. A white woman was just killed while in her car in Chicago. She was a mother and a wife. Where was CNN or our President then? I can go on about the black on white crimes all day that do not hit the news or get our government's attention. Do you ever wonder why that is? I have an answer for that. We are fewer votes and no one cares what happens to us! Period there is no other way to explain that. I am not saying there are not white one black crimes. THERE IS, however, the rates are not as high either. The white people who do attack blacks, gays, Jews, or anything that is not white is charged with hate crimes. Why are the ones who are not white doing these type of crimes to the white race not charged with hate crimes? There is another double standard! Stand up America for all lives! All lives matter, not just one race or one group of people! ALL LIVES MATTER! I cannot stress this enough!What is our government doing about ISIS and them killing our people and coming here and recruiting? Nothing, they are doing nothing. They are doing no more about this than they are about weapons that places like Iran is not to have. Oh, let us give them more time. So they can do what, bomb us again? Please stop with the wiping noses and start enforcing the laws that the UN has made! Killing people is not right! Threatening every American is not right and it has to be handled!Our middle-class is becoming the poor class and filing bankruptcy. The poor class does not have a fighting chance. Meanwhile, the government bails out all the big companies who are sending their work to other countries. Leaving our citizens without jobs! Let the American people have a fighting chance to life! Single mothers and fathers are struggling every day to make ends meet. Those of them that are going to school to try to get a better job are told by many states, like IL we cannot and will not help you because you are a student. Yet, my tax dollars are paying for people who refuse to work or improve their lives! People are living in housing and not reporting the money they are making under the table. This keeps their rent very low when they can more than afford to rent a home that is not based on their income. There are people from Chicago that have moved to small towns into housing there and also have housing units up north. Defrauding the government and people of the state of IL. I am sure it is not the only state that has this problem. More people than ever are on food stamps. Governors like the one in IL want to take away from these families and give to the rich. He is raising the cost of plates and took the cap off of electric companies. After he took that cap off he took away funding for a program that helps elders and the poor pay their lights. Really makes one wonder how much he is lining his pocket from companies like CIPS. It would not be the first Governor to do something like this in IL or other states as well. Where does this all stop? It wont and I will tell you why. We the people allow it to happen and we sit here and complain and do nothing to stop it!Our children are not getting the proper education. We are way behind other countries. So, the governments have forced this Common Core and no child left behind. Common Core would not be so bad for the kids in Kindergarten start learning with this method. However, changing it on kids who have been doing it another way for years only caused more kids to fall behind. Let us pass the kids who do not understand the work. I am sure they will catch on next year. I do not think so and I have seen that not be the case over and over again. While we are at it let all the kids get medals and trophies because they played. Let all the kids on a team instead of making them earn their spot. We are teaching them lessons that will only hurt them when they become adults! Not every person applying for a job is going to get it. Not every person who writes a book or does other things in life will be awarded. One will not always win. We need to teach them that it is okay to fail. You just have to learn from it and keep giving it your best. We are making our kids into irresponsible babies! We are not teaching them values or that hard work is rewarding. We are teaching them that you dont have to try because you will be rewarded anyways. These are the type of people you want to run our country when we are too old to do so?The cost of living is out of control. A pair of good pants cost $50.00 or more. A gallon of milk is almost 5.00. A thing of hamburger to feed a family of five is $20.00. Soap to wash your dishes is also 5.00. You can buy cheaper, but you will be wasting your money. Cheap clothes fade and fall apart after a couple of washes. One needs food and if you want your dishes to not be covered in grease you better not get the cheap stuff. Yet, the government wants to raise minimal wages instead of forcing manufacturers and stores to lower their prices. Guess what will happen? The stores and factories will raise their prices and lay a bunch of people off. The same thing that happened with the forced healthcare. Most have to work two or three jobs because one will not even give them more than 30 hours a week. Which is not even enough to pay the rent. Rent in small towns like mine is 500 to 700 for a one bedroom apartment! Houses are 800 to over 1000 a month. Most landlords wont rent to you if you have kids or pets. If they do they jack the price up more. How are people supposed to live like this? Greed is what is wrong with America at least partly. Many wonder why people are homeless and hungry. Our Vets, Elders, and children are paying the biggest prices for these things. We are always seeing ads to feed kids in other parts of the world. Or save this rainforest. I am not saying those things are not important, but we have to take care of our own first. I cannot recall a time I have seen one ad to help the homeless and hungry kids here. Hollywood stars like Brad Pitt go across seas and adopts a bunch of kids. The ones here in America still want a home more than anything in the world. Something is wrong with all of this. Yet, no one does anything about it! Why are we not helping Americans? Everything on TV is sexual, homosexual, racist, cussing like sailors, and many other filthy things. We enjoy these things and continue to watch them. We allow our children to watch them as well. As we wonder where on earth they have learned to act the way they do. Even cartoons are becoming sexual. I dont mean family guy and others like that. Those are made for adults and not children. However, parents allow their kids to watch them. I am talking about right down to Sponge Bob showing his underwear or ICarly walking around in nothing but a towel in front of males and kissing. These are the things that are being made for our kids. Our kids are not forced to go outside and play. Why would they be? They have Facebook, Iphones, Ipads, Xboxes, etc. to babysit them. Think about the things they are doing with these items. Meeting grown men and women on the internet. Sending naked pictures of their selves. This list goes on and on. While we as Americans wonder why so many kids are dead and missing. Have you not had enough of this yet?I can go on all day about the things in America that need to change. However, most will not listen. They will call me a racist or some other name. I have seen this many times in the last few weeks as I fight for history, rights, and heritage. Wake up America, Gods wrath is a mighty one. We as a country are falling apart. We are looking at a war right here on our lands. One that could get our kids killed just because they are in the wrong place at the wrong time (not that it is not already happening that way).When are we going to stand up and take control of our country? When are we going to stop allowing all the hate to run our lives? When are we going to force our government to actually protect us? When are we going to teach our kids the right way to live and act? When are we going to put God back into our country? These are questions that I ask myself every day. How much more will God take before he destroys America? Look at the world history, all great empires have fell when they have forgotten what is right and what is wrong. When their governments became greedy and no longer cared about the people. Learn from history because it does repeat itself.Stand up my fellow Americans! Stand up and take no more of these issues, lies, hurt, and betraying from our government. Do not allow our kids to keep going down the paths that they are. Each of us is responsible for our own actions. Each of us is in control of our own happiness. Stop being a bunch of babies with soft feelings. Start standing and changing the things that are wrong in America. Do not sit there and complain about how so and so down the road has a new car and a great life. Get up off your ass and make your life better. Yes, there is always a way to improve yourself. Making excuses is no longer acceptable. Labeling everyone with a mental illness and feeding our kids and adults all kinds of pills is not the answer. Yes, there are some who truly have a mental illness and need medications. However, 8 out of 10 kids is too high of a rate. Punish them and teach them instead of labeling them would be a great start. Parents who do not want their kids on these medications get charged with neglecting their kids. However, ones who refuse to get a shot for measles or other diseases is just fine. How does that work? It is time to stop this! It is time to teach them to be responsible kids and even more responsible adults!Take a stand against hate. Stop spreading it while preaching it is someone else. Love thy neighbor and not destroy him. If we stand united we will never fall. We stand apart and we shall surely fall! Teach and show love. Help each other. Stop with the name calling that a two year knows better than doing. Stop with the pointing fingers and whining over things that happened hundreds of years ago. It is your history as well as every other American who was born here. Learn history and then teach it to your kids and anyone who will listen. The good and the bad. There are many lessons within it. I dont mean open a textbook wrote by the victors. I mean actually research both sides and you shall find the truth in the middle.People stop feeling sorry for yourselves. You and you alone create your happiness. Stop with the oh I am so depressed because he or she left me. Fine get over it and more on. Pick yourself up and be happy. If you allow someone else to control your happiness you are a true fool! If you see something that you thanks stands for one thing and it hurts those so very soft feelings, research it and find out the real meaning behind it. Take the history of it and learn a lesson. I felt sorry for myself because I had no shoes upon my feet. Until I met a man who had no feet. Self-pity will get you nowhere in life. It is on you and you alone to make your life a better one! It is not owed to any of you. Some may have had a bad start to life. So what, many have had a rough start and have overcome it. They became damn good people and made something better of their lives! You can as well, you just chose not to. It is easier to blame someone else.Parents teach your kids. Start making them do things. Make them learn that they will not always win. Show them how to be good caring loving humans. Teach them that there is one race and that is the human race. Teach them to take care of their self and that they are responsible for their outcome in life. Protect your kids from the perverts in this world. Save them from being uneducated. Save them from their selves!Americans stop being so greedy. Help those who are struggling. You never know when you will be the one to fall! If your neighbor is hungry feed them. If your neighbor lights are shut off pay their bill or invite them to your home for a warm shower. You do not know, they may have had to choose between food for their kids and the lights being paid. If you see someone crying take the time to see what is wrong. They may have just lost their mother. Have a heart for once in your lives. I am not saying trust everyone. We know that is not logical. Just help those in need.Tell our officials we are done with their greed and hate driven bull. Let them know we are uniting and fighting to become the once great nation we were. Tell them we will no longer allow them to steal our taxes for large vacations while children are starving. Put your foot down to this!Tell the gangs we do not want their kind in our America. We do not want their drugs and guns sold to our children. We do not want them shooting in our neighborhoods and killing our American people. Tell them we are no longer scared of them!Thank a cop who risk his or her life for you and your loved ones every time they put on that uniform. Tell them they will be held accountable if they mess up or become criminals their selves. Do it without destroying cities! Do the same with the criminals. Thank our soldiers and make sure they are taken care of. Listen to what they are saying instead of what you want to hear!Stop with the rumors, lies, backstabbing, and drama. Teach your kids that this is not the right way in life. Do not accept these behaviors from others. Growing up my mother always told us if you cannot get along with someone stays away from them. If you do not have anything nice to say, then say nothing at all. There is a lot that can be done by following those two rules. You do not have to agree with someones culture or ways of life. Try to understand them and have a more open mind. This is a start to a more peaceful way of life for all. We are all Gods children or whatever higher power you believe in. That is something many of us have forgotten. Embrace each other instead of trying to harm each other. Shut down the hate groups and gangs. Stop feeding into their games. This is how they win. It is like anything else in life. It is up to you to make the right choices when it comes to allowing these type of people into your life and the lives of your family. The government needs to start Ricco acts on them. If they are truly doing things like drug dealing, crimes for profit then they fall under those laws. This is where we start. Not tomorrow, but today. This is where we make a change. This is where the people of America takes our country back. For the people, By the people, One nation under God. Remember that is what we are about. For those of you reading this and thinking all kinds of bad and nasty things, know I will pray for you and your souls to be saved. However, that is for you to do I cannot do that for you! God Save America she is in need of a miracle, please!