Page 1: Glossary - Amazon Web Services › sites › 3 › New...blind /VoOmX/ cego/a brave /VpMd/ valente, afouto/a challenging /'aDoBmbBn/ que supón un desafío / reto course /YGg/ percorrido

introductionapple /'DUo/ mazá

aunt /EmW/ tía

bakery /'VMYLpi/ panadaría

bank /VDnY/ banco

basketball /'VEgYBWVGo/ baloncesto

bear /VCL/ oso

beef /VAc/ vitela, tenreira

boots /VIWg/ botas

butcher’s /'VHaLh/ carnizaría

cabbage /'YDVBXj/ col, repolo

café /'YæcM/ cafetaría, café

cheese /aAh/ queixo

chemist’s /'YClBgWg/ farmacia

church /WiKa/ igrexa

cinema /'gBmLlL/ cine, cinema

cloudy /'YoPXi/ neboento/a, bretemoso/a

cool /YIo/ fresco/a

cousin /'YJhm/ curmán/á

cow /YP/ vaca

cycling /'gOYoBn/ ciclismo

daughter /'XGWL/ filla

deer /XBL/ cervo

desert /'XChLW/ deserto

dress /XpCg/ vestido

face /cMg/ cara

fur /cK/ pelo, pelaxe, pel

giraffe /bL'pEc/ xirafa

gorilla /ZL'pBoL/ gorila

grandparents /'ZpDmUSpLmWg/ avós

grape /ZpMU/ uva

ham /kDl/ xamón

hat /kDW/ gorro, pucha; sombreiro, chapeu

hospital /'kFgUBWo/ hospital

island /'OoLmX/ illa

jacket /'bDYBW/ chaqueta

jeans /bAmh/ pantalóns vaqueiros

juice /bIg/ zume

lamb /oDl/ año, cordeiro

lettuce /'oCWBg/ leituga

library /'oOVpLpi/ biblioteca

melon /'lCoLm/ melón

monkey /'lJnYi/ mono

mouth /'lPe/ boca

mushroom /'lJipHl/ cogomelo

neck /mCY/ pescozo

orange /'FpBmb/ laranxa

paws /UGh/ patas; poutas, gadoupas, garras

pig /UBZ/ porco, cocho

post office /'UNgW FcBg/ oficina de correos

rabbit /'pDVBW/ coello

river /'pBdL/ río

rollerblading /'pNoLVoMXBn/ patinaxe en liña

sandals /'gDmXoh/ sandalias

sausage /'gFgBb/ salchicha

scarf /gYEc/ bufanda

sheep /iAU/ ovella/s

shirt /iKW/ camisa

shorts /iGWg/ pantalóns curtos

skiing /'gYABn/ esquí

snake /gmMY/ serpe

snowboarding /'gmNVGXBn/ snowboard, surf de neve

socks /gFYg/ calcetíns, peúgos

stomach /'gWJlLY/ barriga, bandullo

strawberry /'gWpGVLpi/ amorodo

stream /gWpAl/ arroio, regueiro

sunny /'gJmi/ asollado/a (it’s ~: vai sol)

surfing /'gKcBn/ surf

sweet shop /'grAW iFU/ tenda de lambonadas

tail /WMo/ cola, rabo

tennis /'WCmBg/ tenis

tongue /WJn/ lingua

trainers /'WpMmLh/ zapatillas de deporte

trousers /'WpPhLh/ pantalóns

T-shirt /'WAiKW/ camiseta

volleyball /'dFoiVGo/ voleibol, balonvolea

warm /rGl/ cálido/a, temperado/a

yoghurt /'qFZLW/ iogur

unit 1avocado /DdL'YEXN/ aguacate

bacon /'VMYLm/ touciño entrefebrado

baked /VMYW/ asado/a, ao forno

biscuit /'VBgYBW/ galleta

broccoli /'VpFYLoi/ brócoli

butter /'VJWL/ manteiga

cauliflower /'YFoicoPL/ coliflor

cherry /'aCpi/ cereixa

chilli /'WiBoi/ guinda

crisps /YpBgUg/ patacas fritas/fritidas (de bolsa)

decompose /XAYLl'UNh/ descomporse

delicious /XB'oBiLg/ gorentoso/a

develop /XB'dCoLU/ desenvolver, elaborar

dissolve /XB'hFod/ disolverse


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drinking chocolate /'XpBnYBn aFYoLW/ chocolate (á taza)

Dutch /XJa/ holandés/esa

environmental /BmdOpLm'lCmWo/ medioambiental, ecolóxico/a

fresh /cpCi/ fresco/a

fried /cpOX/ frito/a, fritido/a

frozen /'cpNhm/ conxelado/a

grilled /ZpBoX/ (asado/a) á grella

jam /bDl/ marmelada

lemonade /oClL'mCBX/ limoada (Am. Eng.); refresco, gasosa de limón (Br. Eng.)

lentils /'oCmWBoh/ lentellas

mashed potatoes /lDiW UL'WMWNh/ puré de patacas

milkshake /'lBoYiMY/ batido

move /lId/ mudarse

muesli /'lqIhoi/ muesli (cereal para o almorzo)

nuts /mJWg/ froitos secos

oily /'Qoi/ aceitoso/a, graxento/a

omelette /'FloLW/ tortilla

order /'GXL/ pedir

package /'UDYBb/ envase

prawns /UpGmh/ gambas

quick /YrBY/ rápido/a

raspberry /'pEhVLpi/ framboesa

raw /pG/ cru/úa

salmon /'gDlLm/ salmón

salty /'gGoWi/ salgado/a

serving /'gKdBn/ ración

share /iS/ compartir, partillar

shock /iFY/ choque

sour /'gPL/ agre, acedo/a

spicy /'gUOgi/ picante; moi condimentado/a

spinach /'gUBmBWi/ espinacas

steak /gWMY/ filete

sweet /grAW/ doce

take (time) /'WMY (WOl)/ tardar (tempo)

toast /WLHgW/ torrada

tonne /WJm/ tonelada

tuna /'WqImL/ atún

Yuck! /qJY/ Uf!

unit 2advert /'DXdKW/ anuncio

advertising /'DXdLWOhBn/ publicidade

at work /LW 'rKY/ traballando, a traballar

bright /VpOW/ (de cor) viva

cartoon /YE'WIm/ debuxos animados; viñeta, banda deseñada

cartoonist /YE'WImBgW/ debuxante de banda deseñada, humorista gráfico/a

cheerful /'aRco/ ledo/a, alegre

compete /YLl'UAW/ competir

dark /XEY/ escuro/a

disappointing /XBgL'UQmWBn/ decepcionante

drawing /'XpGBn/ debuxo

dull /XJo/ apagado/a, amortuxado/a

exciting /BY'gOWBn/ apaixonante; emocionante

extraordinary /BY'gWpGXLmpi/ extraordinario/a

gloomy /'ZoIli/ sombrío/a, tristeiro/a, triste

graffiti /ZpL'cAWi/ graffiti, pintadas

graffiti artist /ZpL'cAWi EWBgW/ artista de graffiti, grafiteiro/a

hide /kOX/ ocultar(se), agochar(se)

however /kP'CdL/ porén, non obstante

imaginative /B'lDbBmLWBd/ imaxinativo/a

improve /Bl'UpId/ mellorar

invisible /Bm'dBhLVo/ invisíbel

light /oOW/ claro/a

(be) lying /(VA) 'oOBn/ (estar) deitado/a

mermaid /'lKlCBX/ serea

modern /'lFXm/ moderno/a

mosaic /lN'hMBY/ mosaico

mural /'lqHLpLo/ (pintura) mural

ordinary /'GXmpi/ normal, corrente

painter /'UCBmWL/ pintor/a

painting /'UCBmWBn/ cadro, pintura

photograph /'cNWLZpEc/ fotografía

photographer /cL'WFZpLcL/ fotógrafo/a

potter /'UFWL/ oleiro/a; ceramista

pottery /'UFWLpi/ olaría; cerámica

predator /'UpCXLWL/ predador

realistic /piL'oBgWBY/ realista

sculptor /'gYJoUWL/ escultor/a

sculpture /'gYJoUaL/ escultura

shape /iMU/ forma, figura

sketch /gYCa/ esbozo, bosquexo

special /'gUCio/ especial

stand /gWæmX/ posto

surprising /gL'UpOhBn/ sorprendente

wearable /'rCLpLVo/ que se pode levar (posto/a), poñíbel

unit 3agree /L'ZpA/ consentir; estar de acordo

amazing /L'lMhBn/ asombroso/a, incríbel

attitude /'æWBWqIX/ actitude

bat /VDW/ raqueta, pa (ping-pong); bate


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blind /VoOmX/ cego/a

brave /VpMd/ valente, afouto/a

challenging /'aDoBmbBn/ que supón un desafío / reto

course /YGg/ percorrido

crawl /YpGo/ arrastrarse

elbow pads /'CoVLH UDXh/ cobadeiras

fit /cBW/ en forma

goggles /'ZFZoh/ lentes de natación / baño

golf club /'ZFoc YoJV/ pau de golf

hang /kæn/ pendurar, colgar, estar pendurado/a, colgado/a

helmet /'kColBW/ casco

hike /kOY/ facer sendeirismo / unha andaina

hop /kFU/ dar chimpos

ice skates /'Og gYMWg/ patíns de xeo

jog /bFZ/ facer footing

kill /YBo/ matar

kneepads /'mAUDXh/ xeonlleiras

leap /oAU/ brincar

mouth guard /'lPe ZEX/ protector bucal

mud /lJX/ lama, barro

net /mCW/ rede

pull /UHo/ tirar, turrar de

push /UHi/ empurrar

rollerblades /'pNoLVoMXh/ patíns (de rodas) en liña

skate /gYMW/ patinar

skateboard /'gYMWVGX/ monopatín

ski /gYA/ esquiar

skip /gYBU/ brincar, choutar; saltar á corda

skis /gYAh/ esquí(s)

slide /goOX/ esvarar, escorregar

snowboard /'gmNVGX/ táboa de snowboard

solve /gFod/ resolver, solucionar

speed /gUAX/ velocidade

surfboard /'gKcVGX/ táboa de surf

swimming cap /'grBlBn YDU/ gorro de natación / baño

swing /grBn/ abanear, abalar; mover (raqueta)

take place /WCBY 'UoMg/ ter lugar, desenvolverse

tennis racket /'WCmBg pDYBW/ raqueta de tenis

tough /WJc/ duro/a

trampoline /'WpDlULoAm/ cama elástica

trick /WpBY/ reviravolta

unbelievable /JmVB'oAdLVo/ incríbel

water bottle /'rGWL VFWo/ botella de auga

unit 4backpack /'VDYUDY/ mochila

boarding pass /'VGXBn UEg/ tarxeta de embarque

cave /YMd/ cova

comb /YNl/ peite

complain /YLl'UoMm/ queixarse

deep /XAU/ profundo/a, fondo/a

die /XO/ morrer

endless /'CmXoLg/ unha infinidade de

field /cAoX/ campo, eido; prado

flat /coæW/ chan/chá

flight /coOW/ voo

follow /'cFoN/ seguir (a)

get on /ZCW 'Fm/ subir(se) a (vehículo)

glacier /'ZoDgiL/ glaciar

ground /ZpPmX/ chan

hairbrush /'kCLVpJi/ cepillo (para o pelo)

hand luggage /'kæmX oJZBb/ equipaxe de man

journey /'bKmi/ viaxe

leave /oAd/ saír de

main character /lCBm 'YDpLYWL/ protagonista

mind /lOmX/ mente (get something out of one’s ~: tirar algo da cabeza)

notice /'mNWBg/ decatarse, darse conta

pack (a backpack) /UDY (L 'VDYUDY)/ meter cousas na (mochila)

passport /'UEgUGW/ pasaporte

path /UEe/ camiño, sendeiro

phone charger /'cNm WiEbL/ cargador do teléfono

prevent /UpB'dCmW/ evitar, previr; impedir

Pyrenees /UBpL'mAh/ Pireneos

remove /pB'lId/ quitar(se)

rocky /'pFYi/ rochoso/a, penedoso/a

sandy /'gDmXi/ areoso/a, areento/a

security check /gB'YqHLpLWi aCY/ control de seguridade

shallow /'iDoN/ pouco fondo/a

shampoo /iDl'UI/ xampú

sleeping bag /'goAUBn VDZ/ saco de durmir

soap /gNU/ xabón

steep /gWAU/ costento/a

storm /gWGl/ tormenta, treboada

suitcase /'gIWYMg/ maleta

sun cream /'gJm YpAl/ crema (de protección) solar

swamp /grFlU/ pantano, lameira, lamazal

tent /WCmW/ tenda de campaña

tomb /WIl/ tumba, sepultura

toothbrush /'WIeVpJi/ cepillo de dentes



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toothpaste /'WIeUCBgW/ pasta de dentes

torch /WGa/ lanterna

towel /'WPLo/ toalla

travel guide /'Wpædo ZOX/ guía de viaxe

wallet /'rFoBW/ carteira, billeteira

waterfall /'rGWLcGo/ cascada, fervenza

X-ray /'CYgpM/ de raios X

unit 5announcement of death /L'mPmglLmW Ld XCe/

(nota) necrolóxica

archeologist /EYi'FoLXjBgW/ arqueólogo/a

author /'GeL/ autor/a

banker /'VDnYL/ banqueiro/a

battle /'VDWo/ batalla, loita

businessperson /'VBhmLgUKgLm/ empresario/a

confused /YLm'cqIhX/ confuso/a, confundido/a

cover /'YJdL/ portada

death /XCe/ morte

delighted /XB'oOWBX/ encantado/a

dentist /'XCmWBgW/ dentista

detective /XB'WCYWBd/ detective

director /XL'pCYWL/ director/a

disappointed /XBgL'UQmWBX/ decepcionado/a, desilusionado/a

disgusted /XBg'ZJgWBX/ anoxado/a

electrician /BoCY'WpBim/ electricista

embarrassed /Bl'VDpLgW/ avergoñado/a

exhausted /BZ'hGgWBX/ exhausto/a, esgotado/a

fall in love /cGo Bm 'oJd/ namorarse

farmer /'cElL/ granxeiro/a

furious /'cqHLpiLg/ furioso/a, irado/a

guilty /'ZBoWi/ culpábel

huntsman /'kJmWglLm/ cazador

jealous /'XjCoLg/ envexoso/a; ciumento/a

joke /bNY/ brincadeira

judge /bJb/ xuíz/a

lawyer /'oGqL/ avogado/a

magic /'lDbBY/ maxia

magician /lL'XhjBim/ mago/a; feiticeiro/a

marry /'lDpi/ casar con

media /'lAXBL/ medios de comunicación

optimistic /FUWB'lBgWBY/ optimista

pip /UBU/ semente, pebida

play /UoM/ facer (o papel) de, interpretar a

plumber /'UoJlL/ fontaneiro/a

police officer /UL'oAg FcBgL/ policía

powerful /'UPLco/ poderoso/a

proud /UpPX/ orgulloso/a, fachendoso/a

raincoat /'pMmYNW/ gabardina

relaxed /pB'oæYgW/ relaxado/a

reporter /pB'UGWL/ reporteiro/a, xornalista

sailor /'gMoL/ mariñeiro/a

scared /gYCLX/ asustado/a, amedoñado/a

secretary /'gCYpLWLpi/ secretario/a

several /'gCdLpo/ varios/as

shoot /iIW/ disparar

shout /iPW/ berrar

soldier /'gNobL/ soldado

spy /gUO/ espía

stay /gWM/ seguir sendo, a ser / seguir estando, a estar

stormy /'gWGli/ tempestuoso/a, tormentoso/a

sundial /'gJmXOLo/ reloxo de sol

umbrella /Jl'VpCoL/ paraugas

upset /JU'gCW/ desgustado/a, molesto/a, amolado/a

villain /'dBoLm/ mao/má, malo/a

waiter /'rMWL/ camareiro

worried /'rJpiX/ preocupado/a

unit 6affordable /L'cGXLVo/ asequíbel, de prezo razoábel

belt /VCoW/ cinto

cap /YæU/ gorra

casual /'YæjHLo/ informal, de sport

century /'gCmaLpi/ século

coat /YNW/ abrigo

cold /YNoX/ arrefriado, catarreira, constipado

comfortable /'YJlcWLVo/ cómodo/a

designer /XB'hOmL/ de deseño / marca

diplomat /XBUoL'lDW/ diplomático/a

disgusting /XBg'ZJgWBn/ noxento/a, repugnante

earrings /'BLpBnh/ pendentes

elegant /'CoBZLmW/ elegante

fashionable /'cæimLVo/ moderno/a; á / de moda

flip-flops /'coBUcoFUg/ chancletas

formal /'cGlo/ formal; de etiqueta

gloves /ZoJdh/ luvas

handbag /'kæmXVæZ/ bolso (de man)

high heels /kO 'kAoh/ zapatos de tacón

hot /kFW/ grande aceptación

last /oEgW/ durar

latest /'oMWBgW/ (o / a) último/a / máis recente

leggings /'oCZBnh/ mallas

loose /oIg/ solto/a, folgado/a


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matching /'læWiBn/ a xogo

miniskirt /'lBmigYKW/ minisaia

necklace /'mCYoLg/ colar

old-fashioned /NoX'cDimX/ anticuado/a, pasado/a de moda

outdated /PW'XMWBX/ anticuado/a, pasado/a de moda

pass (law) /UEg (oG)/ aprobar (lei)

Persian /'UKjLm/ persa

practical /'UpDYWBYo/ práctico/a

recycling bin /pA'gOYoBn VBm/ cubo de reciclaxe

ring /pBn/ anel

rubbish dump /'pJVBi XJlU/ vertedoiro

sleeve /goAd/ manga

slippers /'goBULh/ zapatillas

spotlight /'gUFWoOW/ centro de atención

sunglasses /'gJmZoEgBh/ lentes de sol

tie /WO/ gravata

tight /WOW/ axustado/a, cinguido/a, apertado/a

tracksuit /'WpDYgIW/ chándal

trendy /'WpCmXi/ moderno/a, á / de moda

watch /rFa/ reloxo (de pulso)

unit 7ancient /'MmiLmW/ antigo/a

astronaut /'DgWpLmGW/ astronauta

astronomer /L'gWpFmLlL/ astrónomo/a

blood /VoJX/ sangue

build /VBoX/ construír

crazy thing /'YpMhi eBn/ loucura

design /XB'hOm/ deseñar

discover /XB'gYJdL/ descubrir

dream /XpAl/ soñar

Earth /Ke/ Terra

earthquake /'KeYrMY/ terremoto

examine /BZ'hDlBm/ investigar, estudar; pescudar

explore /BY'gUoG/ explorar

god /ZFX/ deus

gravity /'ZpDdLWi/ gravidade

Great Wall of China /ZpCBW rGo Ld 'WiOmL/ Gran Muralla Chinesa

increase /Bm'YpAg/ aumentar

land /oDmX/ aterrar; aluar; caer

length /oCne/ duración

Mars /lEh/ Marte

Martian /'lEim/ marciano/a

meteor /'lAWiL/ meteorito

miss /lBg/ perderse

moon /lIm/ lúa

myth /lBe/ mito

name after /mMl 'EcWL/ chamar como, poñer o nome de

path /UEe/ traxectoria

plan /UoDm/ planear, proxectar

planet /'UoDmBW/ planeta

planetarium /UoDmB'WSpiLl/ planetario

predict /UpB'XBYW/ predicir, prognosticar, prever

protect /UpL'WCYW/ protexer (a)

pull /UHo/ atraer, exercer forza de atracción sobre

repair /pB'UCL/ arranxar

shine /iOm/ brillar, escintilar

sky /gYO/ ceo

solar system /'gNoL gBgWLl/ sistema solar

space colony /'gUMg YFoLmi/ colonia / hábitat espacial

spaceship /'gUMgiBU/ nave espacial

spacesuit /'gUMggIW/ traxe espacial

stand in the sun /gWæmX Bm fL 'gJm/ estar (exposto/a) ao sol

star /gWE/ estrela

sun /gJm/ sol

sunlight /'gJmoOW/ (luz do) sol

take place /WCBY 'UoMg/ pasar, ocorrer

telescope /'WCoBgYNU/ telescopio

turn /WKm/ xirar, dar voltas

war /rG/ guerra

unit 8appear /L'UBL/ aparecer

Arctic /'EYWBY/ Ártico

basketball court /'VEgYBWVGo YGW/ cancha / pista de baloncesto

breathe /VpAf/ respirar, alentar

bus stop /'VJg gWFU/ parada de autobús

car park /'YE UEY/ aparcamento

city square /gBWi 'gYrS/ praza da cidade

clean up /YoAm 'JU/ limpar

corner /'YGmL/ recanto, esquina

cut down /YJW 'XPm/ cortar, talar

damage /'XDlBXj/ danar

department store /XB'UEWlLmW gWG/ grandes almacéns

destroy /XB'gWpQ/ destruír

disappear /XBgL'UBL/ desaparecer

dome /XNl/ (recinto con forma de) cúpula

endangered /Bm'XMmbLX/ en perigo (de extinción)

factory /'cæYWpi/ fábrica

football pitch /'cHWVGo UBWi/ campo de fútbol



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global warming /ZoNVo 'rGlBn/ quecemento global

hole /kNo/ burato

hotel /kN'WCo/ hotel

huge /kqIb/ enorme, gran(de)

hurry /'kJpi/ bulir

indoors /Bm'XGh/ nun lugar cuberto, dentro

make ill /lMY 'Bo/ afectar á saúde de

mask /lEgY/ máscara

melt /lCoW/ derreter(se)

office /'FcBg/ oficina

outdoors /PW'XGh/ ao aire libre, fóra

pick up /UBY 'JU/ coller, recoller

pollute /UL'oIW/ contaminar

progress /UpL'ZpCg/ avanzar, desenvolverse

recycle /pA'gOYo/ reciclar

reuse /pA'qIh/ reutilizar, volver usar

rise /pOh/ subir

roundabout /'pPmXLVPW/ rotonda

survive /gL'dOd/ sobrevivir; resistir; subsistir

swimming pool /'grBlBn UIo/ piscina

theatre /'eBLWL/ teatro

throw out /epN 'PW/ tirar

tin /WBm/ lata, bote

traffic light /'WpDcBY oOW/ semáforo

train station /'WpMm gWMim/ estación de tren

use up /qIh 'JU/ esgotar, gastar

waste /rMgW/ desperdiciar, desbaldir

x times the safe level /CYg WOlh fL gMc 'oCdo/ x veces por riba do nivel recomendado

zebra crossing /hCVpL 'YpFgBn/ paso de cebra / peóns

unit 9alarm clock /L'oEl YoFY/ espertador

amazed /L'lMhX/ asombrado/a, abraiado/a

battery /'VDWpi/ batería

become ill /VB'YJl Bo/ caer / poñer(se) enfermo/a

bionics /VO'FmBYg/ biónica

calendar /'YæoBmXL/ calendario

camera /'YælLpL/ cámara

case /YMg/ funda

chief /aAc/ xefe/a, cacique

climb /YoOl/ escalar

contact /'YFmWDYW/ contacto

contemporary /YLm'WClUpLpi/ contemporáneo/a

deaf /XCc/ xordo/a

display /XB'gUoM/ pantalla

efficient /B'cBimW/ eficiente, eficaz

electronic /BoCY'WpFmBY/ electrónico/a

enormous /B'mGlLg/ enorme

flash /coæi/ flash


headset /'kCXgCW/ auriculares

hi-tech /kO'WCY/ (de) alta tecnoloxía

indispensable /BmXB'gUCmgLVo/ imprescindíbel, indispensábel

keypad /'YAUDX/ teclado

memory card /'lClLpi YEX/ tarxeta de memoria

obsolete /'FVgLoAW/ obsoleto/a

photo gallery /'cNWN ZDoLpi/ galería de fotos

population /UFUqI'oMim/ poboación

portable /'UGWLVo/ portátil

rainforest /'pMmcFpBgW/ bosque / selva tropical

record /pB'YGX/ gravar

remarkable /pB'lEYLVo/ notábel

ringtone /'pBnWNm/ ton de chamada

screen protector /'gYpAm UpLWCYWL/ protector de pantalla

SIM card /gBl 'YEX/ tarxeta SIM

sophisticated /gL'cBgWBYMWBX/ sofisticado/a

useful /'qIgco/ útil

useless /'qIgoLg/ inútil, inservíbel

video recorder /'dBXiLH pBYGXL/ (cámara de) vídeo

voicemail /'dQglMo/ caixa de voz

way of life /rM Ld 'oOc/ estilo de vida

Wi-Fi /'rO cO/ wifi


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Formal and Informal IntroductionsMy name is (Mrs Green). /lO mMl Bh (lBgBh 'ZpAm)/ Chámome (Sra. Green).

Pleased to meet you, (Mrs Green). /UoAhX WL 'lAW qI (lBgBh ZpAm)/ Encantado /a de coñecela, (Sra. Green).

Welcome to (Devonshire School). /'rCoYLl WL (XCdLmiL gYIo)/ Benvido/a a (Devonshire School).

Hi, I’m (Dylan). /kO Ol ('XBoLm)/ Ola, son (Dylan).

Nice to meet you, (Dylan). /mOg WL 'lAW qI (XBoLm)/ Encantado/a de coñecerte, (Dylan).

Come and meet my friends, (William). /YJl LmX lAW lO 'cpCmXh (rBoBLl)/ Ven coñecer os meus amigos, (William).

(Megan, Emma), this is (William). /(lCZLm ClL) fBg Bh ('rBoBLl)/ (Megan, Emma), este é (William).

Classroom LanguagePlease be quiet. /UoAh VA 'YrOLW/ Calade / Silencio, por favor

Can you help me, please? /YLm qI 'kCoU lA UoAh/ Pode(s) axudarme, por favor?

When is the (project) due? /rCm Bh fL ('UpFXjCYW) XqI/ Cando hai que entregar (o traballo / proxecto)?

Open your books to page (10). /NULm qG VHYg WL UCBb ('WCm)/ Abride os libros pola páxina (10).

Who knows the answer? /kI mNh fA 'EmgL/ Quen sabe a resposta?

You’re late. /qHL 'oCBW/ Chegas tarde.

Can you repeat that, please? /YLm qI pB'UAW fæW UoAh/ Pode(s) repetir iso, por favor?

Can I borrow a (pen), please? /YLm O VFpN L ('UCm) UoAh/ Podo coller emprestado / Empréstasme (un bolígrafo), por favor?

unit 1

Ordering FoodWould you like anything to (drink)? /rHX qI oOY CmieBn WL ('XpBnY)/ Quere (beber) algo?, Quere algo para (beber)?

Do you want (chips) or (salad) with that? /XI qI rFmW ('aBUg) G ('gDoLX) rBf fDW/ Quere (patacas fritas / fritidas) ou (ensalada) con iso?

Is that takeaway or to eat here? /Bh fDW 'WMYLrM G WI AW kBL/ Iso é para levar ou para xantar aquí?

What would you like? /rFW rHX qI 'oOY/ Que quere?

Are you ready to order? /E qI pCXi WI 'GXL/ Está listo/a para pedir?

I want to eat here, please. /O rFmW WI AW 'kBL UoAh/ Quero xantar aquí, por favor.

Yes, I am. /qCg O 'Dl/ Si.

I’d prefer (salad). /OX UpBcK ('gDoLX)/ Preferiría (ensalada).

I love (chips). /O oJd ('aBUg)/ Encántanme (as patacas fritas / fritidas).

I’d like (an omelette), please. /OX oOY (Dm 'FloLW) UoAh/ Quería (unha tortilla), por favor.

Yes, I’d like (some lemonade). /qCg OX oOY (gLl oClL'mCBX)/ Si, quería (un refresco de limón).

Making SuggestionsWould you like (takeaway)? /rHX qI oOY ('WMYLrM)/ Queres ((comida) para levar)?

How about (fish)? /kP LVPW ('cBi)/ E (que che parece) (peixe)?

Do you feel like (Chinese food) (tonight)? /XI qI cAo oOY (WiO'mAh cIX) (WLmOW)/ Apetéceche (comida chinesa) (esta noite)?

(Italian food) is great! /(B'WDoBLm cIX) Bh ZpCBW/ (A comida italiana) é moi boa!

I don’t really like (Chinese food). /O XNmW pALoi 'oOY (WiOmAh cIX)/ Non me gusta moito (a comida chinesa).

(Fish) is OK, but I’d prefer (Italian food). /(cBi) Bh NYM VLW OX UpBcK (B'WDoBLm cIX)/ (O peixe) está ben, mais preferiría (comida italiana).

I’m always ready for (pizza). /Ol 'GorCBh pCXi cL (UAWgL)/ Sempre estou listo/a para (comer) (pizza).

Let’s try (the Italian restaurant on Oak Street). /oCWg WpO (fL B'WDoBLm pCgWpFmW Fm NY gWpAW)/ Probemos (o restaurante italiano de Oak Street).

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That’s a great idea. /fDWg L 'ZpMW OXBL/ Esa é unha idea moi boa.

Yes, (takeaway) is fine. /qCg (WMYLrM) Bh 'cOm/ Si, (para levar) está ben.

unit 2

Asking for InformationWhen does the (festival) start? /rCm XJh fL (cCgWBdo) 'gWEW/ Cando comeza (o festival)?

What are the (festival) hours? /rFW E fL (cCgWBdo) 'PLh/ Que horario ten (o festival)?

What is there to see and do at the (festival)? /rFW Bh fCL WL gA LmX 'XI DW fL (cCgWBdo)/ Que hai en (o festival) para ver e facer?

How much do tickets cost? /kP lJa XL 'WBYBWg YFgW/ Canto custan as entradas?

Describing PicturesThe painting shows (a family in a bedroom). /fL UCBmWBn iLHh (L cDlLoi Bm L 'VCXpIl)/ No cadro vese (unha familia

nun cuarto).

In the painting, we can see (some dancers). /Bm fL UCBmWBn rA Yæm gA (gLl 'XEmgLh)/ No cadro, podemos ver / vense (algúns bailaríns).

In the background, there are (some clothes). /Bm fL VæYZpPmX fCL L (gLl 'YoNfh)/ No fondo, hai (algo de roupa).

There are also some (children’s toys) in the painting. /fCL L GogN gLl (WiBoXpLmh 'WQh) Bm fL UCBmWBn/ Tamén hai algúns (xoguetes para nenos) no cadro.

A (girl) is wearing (a white hat). /L (ZKo) Bh rCLpBn (L 'rOW kDW)/ (Unha rapaza) leva posto (un chapeu / gorro branco).

unit 3

Responding to RequestsNo, I’m using them (this afternoon). /mN Ol 'qIhBn fCl (fBg EcWLmIm)/ Non, vounos/as empregar (esta tarde).

Sure. I’ll get them for you. /'iHL Oo ZCW fCl cG qI/ Claro. Tráiochos/as.

Of course. It’s in the (garage). /Ld 'YGg BWg Bm fL ('ZDpEj)/ Por suposto. Está no (garaxe).

OK. But I need them for (tomorrow). /NYM VLW O mAX fCl cG (WL'lFpN)/ Vale. Pero precísoos/as para (mañá).

Sorry, but my (sister’s) got it. /gFpi VLW lO ('gBgWLh) ZFW BW/ Síntoo, mais teno/a a miña (irmá).

No problem. Just return it (next week). /mN 'UpFVoLl bJgW pB'WKm BW (mCYgW rAY)/ Sen problemas. Simplemente vólveo/a (a semana que vén).

Can I borrow your (skateboard)? /YLm O VFpN qG ('gYMWVGX)/ Podo coller emprestado / Empréstasme o teu (monopatín)?

Thanks. Can you lend me your (rollerblades), too? /'eDnYg YLm qI oCmX lA qG ('pNoLVoMXh) WI/ Grazas. Empréstasme os teus (patíns en liña) tamén?

Can I use your (tennis racket)? /YLm O qIg qG ('WCmBg pDYBW)/ Podo empregar a túa (raqueta de tenis)?

Oh, never mind. /N 'mCdL lOmX/ Ah, non pasa nada.

Comparing SportsIt’s a (water) sport. It’s more (dangerous) than (swimming) and it’s more (difficult) than (swimming), too. /BWg L ('rGWL)

gUGW BWg lG ('XMmbLpLg) fLm (grBlBn) LmX BWg lG ('XBcBYLoW) fLm (grBlBn) WI/ É un deporte (de auga). É máis (perigoso) que (a natación) e é máis (difícil) que (a natación) tamén.

It’s the (cheapest) and (easiest) sport in the world. /BWg fL ('aAUBgW) LmX (AhiBgW) gUGW Bm fL rKoX/ É o deporte (máis barato) e (máis doado) do mundo.

It’s a (winter) sport, but it isn’t as (expensive) as (skiing). /BWg L ('rBmWL) gUGW VLW BW BhmW Dh (BYgUCmgBd) Dh (gYABn)/

É un deporte (de inverno), mais non é tan (caro) como (o esquí).

It’s the most popular sport in my country. /BWg fL lNgW 'UFUqLoL gUGW Bm lO YJmWpi/ É o deporte máis popular / coñecido no meu país.

You need a (helmet) to do it, but it’s (safer) than (rollerblading). /qI mAX L ('kColBW) WL XI BW VLW BWg (gMcL) fLm

(pNoLVoMXBn)/ Precisas (un casco) para practicalo, mais é (máis seguro) que (a patinaxe en liña).

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unit 4

At the AirportCan I see your passport, please? /YLm O gA qG 'UEgUGW UoAh/ Podo ver o seu pasaporte, por favor?

How many suitcases have you got? /kP lCmi 'gIWYMgBh kDd qI ZFW/ Cantas maletas ten?

Is the flight on time? /Bh fL coOW Fm 'WOl/ O voo sae puntual?

You’re in seat (10A). /qHL Bm gAW ('WCm M)/ Está no asento (10A).

Here’s your boarding pass. /kBLh qG 'VGXBn UEg/ Aquí ten a súa tarxeta de embarque.

I’m on the (6 o’clock) flight to (Tenerife). /Ol Fm fL ('gBYg LYoFY) coOW WL (WCmLpAc)/ Viaxo no voo das (6) a (Tenerife).

Have a nice flight. /kLd L mOg 'coOW/ Que teña un feliz voo.

What’s the gate number? /rFWg fL 'ZMW mJlVL/ Cal é o número de porta?

Talking About a TripWhere did (Paul) go? /'rCL XBX (UGo) ZLH/ A onde foi (Paul)?

Who did (he) go with? /kI XBX (kA) 'ZLH rBf/ Con quen foi?

How did (they) get there? /kP XBX (fM) 'ZCW fCL/ Como chegaron alí?

How long did it take (them)? /kP oFn XBX BW 'WMY (fCl)/ Canto tempo tardaron?

What did (they) do there? /rFW XBX (fM) 'XI fS/ Que fixeron alí?

What was it like? /rFW rLh BW 'oOY/ Como foi?

unit 5

Talking About Films and TV ProgrammesWhat’s it called? /rFWg BW 'YGoX/ Como se chama?

What’s it about? /rFWg BW L'VPW/ De que vai / trata?

Who are the main characters? /kI E fL lCBm 'YDpLYWLh/ Quen son os protagonistas?

Did you like it? /XBX qI 'oOY BW/ Gustouche?

What type of film is it? /rFW WOU Ld 'cBol Bh BW/ Que tipo de película é?

Describing Past EventsWhat happened? /rFW 'kDULmX/ Que ocorreu / pasou?

Where did it happen? /rCL XBX BW 'kæULm/ Onde ocorreu / pasou?

What was (the girl) doing? /rFW rLh (fL ZKo) 'XIBn/ Que estaba a facer (a rapaza)?

What did (she) look like? /rFW XBX (iA) 'oHY oOY/ Que aspecto tiña?

How do you think (she) felt? /kP XL qI eBnY (iA) 'cCoW/ Como cres que se sentiu?

unit 6

Expressing OpinionsI think those (earrings) are (beautiful). /O eBnY fNh (BLpBnh) E ('VqIWBco)/ Creo que (eses pendentes) son (fermosos).

I don’t like that (tie). I think it’s too (dark). /O XNmW oOY fDW ('WO) O eBnY BWg WI ('XEY)/ Non me gusta (esa gravata). Penso que é demasiado (escura).

In my opinion, this (coat) is (extraordinary). /Bm lO L'UBmqLm fBg (YNW) Bh (BYgWpGXLmpi)/ Na miña opinión, (este abrigo) é (extraordinario).

I agree. /O L'ZpA/ Estou de acordo.

Well, I disagree. /rCo O 'XBgLZpA/ Ben, non estou de acordo.

You’re right. /qHL 'pOW/ Levas / Tes razón.

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Giving AdviceMy advice is to (wear trainers) for (school). /lO LX'dOg Bh WL (rCL WpMmLh) cL (gYIo)/ O meu consello é (levar zapatillas

de deporte) para (o colexio).

It’s a good idea to (wear a coat) in (winter). /BWg L 'ZHX OXR WL (rCL L YNW) Bm (rBmWL)/ É boa idea (levar abrigo) en (inverno).

It isn’t a good idea to (buy tight shoes). /BW 'BhmW L ZHX OXR WL (VO WOW iIh)/ Non é boa idea (mercar zapatos apertados / axustados).

You should definitely (wear trendy clothes). /qI iLX 'XCcBmLWoi (rCL WpCmXi YoNfh)/ Sen dúbida deberías (poñer roupa moderna).

You shouldn’t (buy uncomfortable clothing). /qI 'iHXmW (VO JmYJlcWLVo YoNfBn)/ Non deberías (mercar roupa incómoda).

In my experience, (casual) clothes are best for (school). /Bm 'lO BYgUBLpiLmg (YæjHLo) YoNfh E VCgW cL (gYIo)/ Segundo

a miña experiencia, a roupa (informal) é o mellor para (o colexio).

unit 7

Talking About PlansWhere are you going (this weekend)? /'rCL E qI ZNBn (fBg rAYCmX)/ A onde vas (esta fin de semana)?

Who is going with you? /'kI Bh ZLHBn rBf qI/ Quen vai contigo?

How are you going to get there? /kP E qI ZLHBn WL 'ZCW fCL/ Como ides chegar alí?

What are you going to do there? /rFW L qI ZLHBn WL 'XI fS/ Que ides facer alí?

What time are you going? /rFW WOl L qI 'ZLHBn/ A que hora marchades?

Making PredictionsWhere will people live in (20 years)? /'rCL rBo UAUo oBd Bm (WrCmWi qRh)/ Onde vivirá a xente dentro de (20 anos)?

Do you think children will go to school? /XI qI eBnY WiBoXpLm rBo ZLH WL 'gYIo/ Cres que os nenos irán ao colexio?

How long do you think people will live? /kP oFn XI qI eBnY UAUo rBo 'oBd/ Canto cres que vivirá a xente?

Will people have (pets)? /rBo UAUo kDd ('UCWg)/ A xente terá (mascotas)?

How will people get from place to place? /kP rBo UAUo ZCW cpLl 'UoMg WL UoMg/ Como irá a xente dun sitio a outro?

I predict they’ll (study at home). /O UpBXBYW fMo (gWJXi LW 'kNl)/ Sospeito que (estudarán na casa).

Maybe they’ll (build houses in trees). /lMVi fMo (VBoX kPgBh Bm 'WpAh)/ Talvez (constrúan casas nas árbores).

Probably about (100 years). /UpFVLVoi LVPW (L kJmXpLX 'qRh)/ Probabelmente / Seica uns (100 anos).

unit 8

Giving Directionsturn right /WKm 'pOW/ xira / vira á dereita

go straight /ZLH 'gWpMW/ sigue recto

cross the street /YpFg fL 'gWpAW/ cruza a rúa

turn left /WKm 'oCcW/ xira / vira á esquerda

Excuse me. I'm lost. Can you help me? /BY'gYqIg lA Ol 'oFgW YLm qI 'kCoU lA/ Desculpe. Estou perdido/a. Pódeme axudar?

Certainly. Where do you want to go? /'gKWmoi rCL XL qI rFmW WL 'ZLH/ Desde logo / Abofé. A onde quere ir?

How do I get there? /kP XI O 'ZCW fCL/ Como chego alí?

You’ll see the (theatre) on the (left), opposite the (department store). /qIo gA fL (eBLWL) Fm fL ('oCcW) FULhBW fL

(XB'UEWlLmW gWG)/ Verá (o teatro) á (esquerda), diante dos (grandes almacéns).

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Talking About ExperiencesHave you ever (picked up someone else's rubbish)? /kDd qI CdL (UBYW JU gJlrJm CogBh 'pJVBi)/ Algunha vez (recolliches

o lixo doutro)?

Have you (walked to school) recently? /kDd qI (rGYW WL gYIo) 'pAgLmWoi/ Fuches (andando ao colexio) hai pouco tempo?

Have you (had lunch) yet? /kDd qI (kDX 'oJma) qCW/ (Comiches) xa?

Have you (lived in the same house) since (you were born)? /kDd qI (oBdX Bm fL gMl kPg) gBmg (qI rL 'VGm)/ Viviches (na mesma casa) desde que (naciches)?

Have you ever been to (the theatre)? /kDd qI CdL VAm WL (fL 'eBLWL)/ Algunha vez estiveches en (o teatro)?

Have you (used your mobile phone) yet today? /kDd qI (qIhX qG lNVOo 'cNm) qCW WLXM/ Xa usaches (o teléfono

móbil) hoxe?

unit 9

Agreeing and DisagreeingI think you’re wrong. /O eBnY qHL 'pFn/ Creo que erras / non tes razón.

That’s true. /fDWg 'WpI/ Iso non é verdade / certo.

I disagree. /O 'XBgLZpA/ Non estou de acordo.

You’re right. /qHL 'pOW/ Levas razón.

I don’t think so. /O XNmW 'eBnY gN/ Paréceme / Creo que non.

I agree. /O L'ZpA/ Estou de acordo.

Definitely. /'XCcBmLWoi/ Seguro., Sen dúbida.

That’s a good point. /fDWg L 'ZHX UQmW/ Niso tes / levas razón.

No way! /mN 'rM/ Nin falar!, De ningún xeito!

Not necessarily. /mFW mCgL'gCpLoi/ Non necesariamente.

Talking About InventionsWho was it invented by? /'kI rLh BW BmdCmWBX VO/ Quen o inventou?

When was it invented? /'rCm rFh BW BmdCmWBX/ Cando se inventou?

Where was it invented? /'rCL rFh BW BmdCmWBX/ Onde se inventou?

What was it used for? /rFW rLh BW 'qIhX cG/ Para que se usou?

Why was it special? /rO rLh BW 'gUCio/ Por que foi especial?

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to be, have got

There is / There are

O Present Simple

O verbo to be significa “ser / estar”. En presente ten tres formas: am, is e are, que adoitan contraer co pronome persoal suxeito. En negativa engádese a partícula not ás tres formas, ou a contracción n’t ás formas is e are. En interrogativa, o verbo ponse diante do suxeito e o verbo. As respostas curtas fórmanse co pronome persoal suxeito e o verbo to be, sen contraer en afirmativa ou contraído en negativa.

Are they at the bank? No, they aren’t. They’re at the cinema. (Están no banco? Non. Están no cine.)

O verbo have got significa “ter” e expresa o que posuímos ou os trazos de alguén ou algo cando o describimos. En presente ten dúas formas, have got e has got. En negativa engádese a partícula not ou a contracción n’t (haven’t / hasn’t). En interrogativa ponse Have / Has + o suxeito + got. Nas respostas curtas ponse o pronome persoal suxeito e have / haven’t ou has / hasn’t, sen got.

Have you got a pig? No, I haven’t, but I’ve got a rabbit. (Tes un porco? Non, pero teño un coello.)

There is e There are significan “hai”. There is vai diante de nomes contábeis en singular e de nomes non contábeis. There are vai diante de nomes contábeis en plural.

There is a snake in the desert. (Hai unha serpe no deserto.) There is cheese in the sandwich. (Hai queixo no sándwich.) There are books in the library. (Hai libros na biblioteca.)

A negativa fórmase engadindo not ou a contracción n’t a is e are.

There are not / aren’t T-shirts in the shop. (Non hai camisetas na tenda.)

En interrogativa ponse Is / Are diante de there. Nas respostas curtas vólvese á orde normal e, de seren negativas, empréganse as formas contraídas.

Is there beef on the menu? Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t. (Hai tenreira na carta? Hai. Si. / Non.)

O Present Simple emprégase para expresar hábitos e verdades xerais, e para falar de gustos, opinións e horarios. Adoita ir acompañado das seguintes expresións temporais: every day (todos os días), at night (pola noite), on + día da semana en plural, etc. Todas poden ir ao comezo ou ao final da frase, mais adoitan poñerse ao final. Tamén se empregan estes adverbios de frecuencia: always (sempre), usually (polo xeral), often (a miúdo), sometimes (ás veces, algunhas veces), rarely (estraña / rara vez) e never (nunca, xamais).

I always play tennis with my brother. (Sempre xogo ao tenis co meu irmán.) Surfing is a water sport. (O surf é un deporte acuático.) I love strawberries. (Encántanme os amorodos.) The post office opens at 9.00. (A oficina de correos abre ás 9.)

En afirmativa é o mesmo que o infinitivo sen to, agás na 3ª persoa do singular, na que se engade -s. Nalgúns casos, dependendo da terminación do verbo, engádese -es:

• Seremataenss, sh, ch e x: pass ➝ passes wash ➝ washes teach ➝ teaches mix ➝ mixes

• Seremataeno: do ➝ does go ➝ goes

• Seremataenconsoante + y, cámbiase o y por un i antes de engadirlle a terminación -es: study ➝ studies carry ➝ carries

A negativa fórmase poñendo don’t / doesn’t diante do verbo.

I don’t play basketball. (Non xogo ao baloncesto.)

En interrogativa ponse Do / Does + o suxeito + o verbo. Nas respostas curtas ponse o pronome persoal suxeito + do / does ou don’t / doesn’t, segundo corresponda.

Do you like skiing? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. (Gústache o esquí? Gústame. Si. / Non.)

Se a pregunta ten unha partícula interrogativa, ponse esta primeiro, antes de do / does.

Where do you buy medicine? (Onde mercas medicinas?)

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O Present Continuous

O Present Continuous expresa o que está a ocorrer no intre de falar ou no período de tempo presente. Adoita ir acompañado das expresións temporais: at the moment (neste momento), now (agora), right now (agora mesmo, arestora), today (hoxe), etc. Todas poden ir ao comezo ou ao final da frase, mais adoitan poñerse ao final.

Barry is swimming in the river. (Barry está a nadar no río.)

A afirmativa fórmase co presente do verbo to be + un verbo rematado en -ing. Nos seguintes casos, cómpre reparar nestas regras ortográficas para engadir -ing ao verbo:

• Seremataene mudo, perde o e: arrive ➝ arriving

• Seéde1sílabaeremataen1 vogal + 1 consoante que non sexa w ou x, dóbrase esta consoante: put ➝ putting mais show ➝ showing

• Seéde2sílabasesepronunciacomopalabraaguda,dóbraseaconsoantefinal: refer ➝ referring begin ➝ beginning

• Seten2sílabaserematanunl, dóbrase esa letra: travel ➝ travelling

• Seremataenie, cámbianse estas dúas letras por un y: die ➝ dying

En negativa engádese a partícula not ás formas am, is e are, ou a contracción n’t a is e are.

Your sister isn’t wearing the red dress. (A túa irmá non leva posto o vestido vermello.)

En interrogativa ponse o verbo to be + o suxeito + un verbo rematado en -ing. Nas respostas curtas afirmativas ponse o pronome persoal suxeito seguido de am, is ou are, mais nas negativas is e are contraen coa partícula not.

Is he playing tennis at the moment? Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t. (Está a xogar ao tenis neste momento? Está. Si. / No.)

Se a pregunta ten unha partícula interrogativa, ponse esta primeiro, antes de am / is / are.

What is he doing now? (Que está a facer agora?)

Check Yourself! 1 Choose the correct answer.

1.Ithas got / is / am cloudy today.

2.Ihave got / has got / am six cousins.

3. You have got / Have you got / Are you a new jacket?

4. The chemist’s aren’t / are / isn’t on Green Street.

5. They are / Are they / They aren’t at the cinema?

6. A bear hasn’t got / haven’t got / have got a long tail.

7. There are / There is / Are there five oranges in my bag.

8. There is / Are there / Is there a café near your house?

2 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple.

1.Heusually (wear) jeans and a T-shirt.

2. they often (meet) at this café?

3. Rob (not like) cabbage.

4.I (play) tennis twice a week.

5. Tyler always (ride) her bike to school?

3 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Continuous.

1.I (go) rollerblading right now.

2. you (watch) a film at the moment?

3.Lookatthemonkey.It (jump) from tree to tree.

4.I (not use) my calculator right now. You can use it.

5. Where Dad (work) now?

Answers, see page 32


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Artigos e cuantificadores

1 Complete the chart with the words below. Use a / an or some.

avocado•omelette•carrot•flour•icecream•sugar spinach•bacon•biscuit•water•olive•cherry

• a / an (un/ha) emprégase con nomes contábeis en singular diante dun substantivo que non é coñecido polo falante. Adoita escribirse an cando o substantivo que o segue comeza por vogal.

I have got a biscuit. (Teño unha galleta.) There is an avocado. (Hai un aguacate.)

• the (o, a, os, as) emprégase con nomes contábeis e non contábeis diante dun substantivo coñecido polo falante.

I’ve got some pizzas. The pizzas are from the supermarket. (Teño [algunhas] pizzas. As pizzas son do supermercado.)

• some (uns/has, algúns/nhas, algo de, un pouco de [ou non se traduce]) emprégase con nomes contábeis en plural e non contábeis.

We’ve got some apples. (Temos [algunhas] mazás.) There is some coffee. (Hai [algo de] café.)

• any emprégase con nomes contábeis en plural e non contábeis. En frases negativas significa “ningún/ha, nada de” ou non se traduce. En frases interrogativas significa “algún/unha, algúns/nhas, algo de” ou non se traduce.

There aren’t any sausages. (Non hai salchicha ningunha. / Non hai salchichas.) Have you got any tuna? (Tes [algo de] atún?)

• a lot of (moito/a/os/as, unha morea de) emprégase con nomes contábeis en plural e non contábeis.

I eat a lot of oranges. (Como moitas laranxas.) There is a lot of food. (Hai moita comida.)

• many (moitos/as) emprégase con nomes contábeis en plural.

There are many tomatoes in the fridge. (Hai moitos tomates no frigorífico.)

• much (moito/a) só se emprega en oracións negativas e interrogativas e con nomes non contábeis.

I haven’t got much time. (Non teño moito tempo.)

• How much? (Canto/a?) emprégase diante de nomes non contábeis. Cando vai co verbo to be serve para preguntar o prezo dunha cousa.

How much fruit do you want? (Canta froita queres?) How much is a kilo of apples? (Canto custa / é un quilo de mazás?)

• How many? (Cantos/as?) só pode ir con nomes contábeis en plural.

How many tomatoes do you need for the salad? (Cantos tomates precisas para a ensalada?)

Countable Nouns Uncountable Nouns

Singular Plural

an avocado some avocados

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a lot of

2 Choose the correct answer.

1.Thereisafantasticfilmatthecinema.Iwanttosee film.

a. some b. the c. any

2.Thereisn’t sugar in my coffee.

a. a b. an c. any

3.Iwanttoeat croissant and some hot chocolate.

a. a b. an c. some

4. There is muesli. Do you want some?

a. many b. a lot of c. much

5.Iwant water, please.

a. a b. an c. some

6. This is a popular film. people want to see it.

a. Much b. Many c. Any

3 Complete the sentences with the words below. Use each word once.


1.Thereis chocolate ice cream – two boxes!

2.Arethere calories in a cheeseburger with bacon?

3. There’s new café on Oxford Street.

4.Ialwayshave orange juice in the morning.

5.Idon’twant olives on my pizza.

6. There is umbrella in the cupboard.

7. Don’t use all the milk. There isn’t milk in the fridge.

4 Complete the questions with How much or How many.

1. sugar do you want in your coffee?

2. calories are there in a chocolate bar?

3. time do you need?

4. money have you got?

5. people are there on the bus?

Check Yourself!Choose the correct answers.

1.How much / How many milk do you buy every week?

2.Therearen’tsome / any tomatoes in the salad.

3. There isn’t much / many time before the exam.

4. How much / How many cucumbers do you need for the salad?

5. There are a lot of / much nuts in the cake.

6. He’s got a / the new smartphone.

7. There is any / some butter on the toast.

8.I'mhavingan / a omelette for breakfast.

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contraste entre o Present Simple e o Present Continuous

O Present Simple expresa hábitos, mentres que o Present Continuous sinala o que está a ocorrer no intre de falar.

I usually make pottery, but now I’m making a sculpture. (Polo xeral fago cerámica, mais agora estou a facer unha escultura.)

As expresións temporais axudan a diferenciar un tempo do outro.

Os verbos “estáticos”

Os verbos estáticos empréganse para expresar gustos, sentimentos e desexos, actividades da mente, posesión e percepción. Refírense a estados, non a accións, polo que non se adoitan empregar co Present Continuous.

She likes art. (A ela gústalle a arte.)

1 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple.

1.Ioften (draw) pictures of hands.

2.Myparents (not understand) modern art.

3. Julia (study) art twice a week.

4. He (not want) to go to the art exhibition.

5. you (like) painting?

6. Jim (take) photographs for newspapers?

2 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Continuous.

1.Look!They (paint) a mural on that wall.

2.Shhh!I (watch) my favourite TV programme.

3. she (use) the computer at the moment?

4. You (not listen) to me now.

5. you (draw) sketches in the art lesson now?

6. He (not study) right now, so he can help us.

3 Choose the correct answer.

1.Do you eat / Are you eating dinner together every evening?

2.Rightnowsheis sitting / sits next to me in class.

3.Ioftenam losing / lose my pencils.

4.HildaandIdon’t speak / aren’t speaking at the moment.

5. Many people don’t think / aren’t thinking graffiti is art.

6. Are you reading / Do you read any good books at the moment?

4 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.

1.He (not like) Alice’s paintings.

2.Rightnow,I (wait) for you at the museum.

3. The sculptor (work) now.

4. She usually (use) bright colours.

5. At the moment, the students (not sit) in the classroom.

6.I (not need) the dictionary right now.

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5 Write questions with the words below. Use the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.


3. what / they / do / at the moment

4. you / like / Dalí’s paintings

5. when / the museum / open / on Sundays

6. who / Mum / talk to / right now

7. how / you / know / my name

8. where / the art teacher / usually / keep / the paintbrushes

Check Yourself!Complete the sentences below with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.

1.Rightnow,we (do) a photography project in art class.

2.MrLarson (not own) this art gallery.

3. you (make) a mosaic now?

4. they always (study) art on Tuesday?

5. Right now, they (not watch) TV.

6. Myra often (go) to the museum?

7. That graffiti artist (paint) a picture on the wall of our school now.

8. Mark usually (paint) in his studio, but at the moment he (sketch) in the garden.

Answers, see page 32


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O comparativo e o superlativo

1 Complete the sentences with the comparative form of the adjectives in brackets.

1.Skateboardingis (dangerous) walking.

2.Russiais (big) Canada.

3. A train is (fast) a bus.

4. Running is (safe) rollerblading.

5. Trainers are (expensive) a T-shirt.

2 Complete the sentences with the superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.

1.TheBurjKhalifainDubaiis (tall) building in the world.

2. (expensive) trainers in the world cost $50,000.

3. (fast) car in the world can go 430 kilometres an hour.

4. August is usually (hot) month of the year.

5.TheIronmanisoneof (difficult) races in the world.

3 Write sentences with as … as or not as … as and the words below. Use the correct form of the verb to be.


The snowboard / expensive / skateboard


Amsterdam / big / New York

3. Both an ostrich and a zebra can run 80 kilometres an hour.

zebra / fast / ostrich

4. Broccoli is healthier than crisps.

crisps / healthy / broccoli

The snowboard is as expensive as the


O comparativo de superioridade emprégase para comparar dúas cousas, animais ou persoas cando unha supera á outra nalgún aspecto. Para formalo cómpre reparar na lonxitude do adxectivo:

• Aosadxectivoscurtos(de1sílaba,oude2erematadoseny) engádeselles a terminación -er e detrás ponse a partícula than.

Skis are longer than snowboards. (Os esquís son máis longos que as táboas de snowboard.)

• Osadxectivoslongosquedanigual,maislevandiantemore e detrás than. Tennis is more exciting than volleyball. (O tenis é máis emocionante que o voleibol.)

O comparativo de igualdade fórmase con (not) as + adxectivo + as. Tradúcese por “(non) tan... como / coma”.Elbow pads are as cheap as kneepads. (As cobadeiras son tan baratas como as xeonlleiras.)Rafael Nadal is not as tall as Pau Gasol. (Rafael Nadal non é tan alto como Pau Gasol.)

O superlativo emprégase para comparar máis de dúas cousas, animais ou persoas e dicir que unha salienta sobre as demais. Para formalo tamén cómpre ter en conta a lonxitude do adxectivo:

• Aosadxectivoscurtos(de1sílaba,ode2rematadoseny) engádeselles a terminación -est e diante ponse o artigo the.

You’re the tallest person in the team. (Es a persoa máis alta do equipo.)

• Osadxectivoslongosquedanigual,maislevandiantethe most. Football is the most popular sport in the UK. (O fútbol é o deporte máis popular do Reino Unido.)

Regras ortográficas para engadir -er / -est:

- Se remata en e mudo, só engade -r ou -st: wide ➝ wider, nice ➝ nicest - Se remata en 1 vogal + 1 consoante, dóbrase esta consoante: big ➝ bigger, fat ➝ fattest - Se remata en consoante + y, cambia o y por un i: heavy ➝ heavier, pretty ➝ prettiest, pero shy ➝ shyer, shyest

As formas comparativa e superlativa dos adxectivos irregulares cómpre aprendelas de memoria.good ➝ better ➝ the best (bo, mellor, o mellor); bad ➝ worse ➝ the worst (malo/mao, peor, o peor)

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too … / (not) … enough

Too vai diante do adxectivo e sinala que a cualidade expresada por este é excesiva. Significa “de máis / demasiado”.

Mike is too lazy to play sport. (Mike é lacazán de máis para practicar deporte.)It’s too hot to play tennis. (Vai calor de máis para xogar ao tenis.)

Enough ponse detrás do adxectivo e significa “(o) bastante/abondo” ou “(o) suficientemente”.

She’s tall enough to play basketball. (É (o) bastante/ abondo alta para xogar ao baloncesto.)

En cambio, not + adxectivo + enough indica que algo é insuficiente e significa “non (o) bastante / abondo” ou “non (o) suficientemente”.

David is not tall enough to play volleyball. (David non é (o) bastante / abondo / suficientemente alto para xogar ao voleibol.)

He didn’t consider me good enough for his football team. (Non me consideraron (o) bastante / abondo / suficientemente bo para o seu equipo de fútbol.)

4 Complete the sentences with too … / (not) … enough and the adjectives in brackets.

1.Iwanttobeadoctor,butmymarksatschoolare . (good)

2.Idon’tlikeIndianfood.It’s for me. (spicy)

3.Annieis18.Sheis (old) to get a driving licence.

4.Idon’tlikeromancemovies.Theyare (sentimental) for me.

5.Thisbookis500pages.It’s (long) for me.

6.Theseshoesaresize37andIwearsize38.Theyare (big) for me.

Check Yourself!1. Norman is 1.70 metres tall. Sam is 1.72 metres


a. Norman is shorter than Sam.

b. Norman is as tall as Sam.

c. Norman is taller than Sam.

2. Mark and John play basketball better than the other students.

a. They are the worst players in the class.

b. They are not as good as the other students.

c. They are the best players in the class.

3. These trainers are size 41 and I wear size 40.

a. These trainers are too small for me.

b. These trainers are not big enough for me.

c. These trainers are too big for me.

4. The red shoes are prettier than the pink ones.

a. The red shoes are uglier than the pink ones.

b. The pink shoes aren’t as pretty as the red ones.

c. The pink shoes are the prettiest.

5. Mark is the tallest boy in our class.

a. Everyone in the class is taller than Mark.

b. Everyone in the class is shorter than Mark.

c. Everyone in the class is as tall as Mark.

6. This bag is too small for a laptop.

a. The bag is big enough for a laptop.

b. The bag is too big for a laptop.

c. The bag isn’t big enough for a laptop.

7. Gina’s Café has always got a lot of customers. The Metro Café is always empty.

a. Gina’s Café is the most popular café in town.

b. The Metro Café is as popular as Gina’s.

c. Gina’s Café is more popular than the Metro.

8. I think that apples are the most delicious fruit.

a. Apples are more delicious than bananas.

b. Apples aren’t as delicious as bananas.

c. Bananas are as delicious as apples.

Answers, see page 32

Choose the sentence with the same meaning as the sentence in bold.


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1 Complete the sentences below. Use the Past Simple.

1.We (go) on a tour of London.

2.Yesterday,I (take) some beautiful pictures in the park.

3. They (hike) up the Pennine Mountains.

4.AliceandI (not play) tennis yesterday.

5. We (not see) a film last week.

2 Write questions in the Past Simple.


3. what / you / eat / for dinner / yesterday

4. where / she / get / those / cool boots

5. why / they / leave / early / this morning

O Past Simple

O Past Simple emprégase para expresar accións ocorridas nun momento concreto do pasado e para contar historias en pasado. Por iso adoita haber na frase algunha expresión temporal que sinale cando ocorreu a acción: as que levan ago (hai) ao final da expresión, yesterday (onte), last month (o mes pasado), etc. Todas poden ir ao comezo ou ao final da frase, pero adoitan poñerse ao final.

I went to New York last month. (Fun a Nova York o mes pasado.)

O Past Simple dos verbos regulares fórmase engadindo -ed á forma base do verbo. Para iso cómpre reparar nestes regras ortográficas:

• Seremataene mudo, só se engade -d: invite ➝ invited dance ➝ danced

• Seremataenconsoante + y, cámbiase o y por un i: try ➝ tried cry ➝ cried

• Seéde1sílabaeremataen1 vogal + 1 consoante que non sexa w ou x, dóbrase a consoante: plan ➝ planned stop ➝ stopped pero fix ➝ fixed

• Seéde2sílabasetenoacentonaderradeira,dóbraseaúltimaconsoante: prefer ➝ preferred permit ➝ permitted

• Seremataenl, dóbrase esa letra: travel ➝ travelled

Os verbos irregulares son diferentes e cómpre aprender de memoria as súas formas de pasado (ver páxs. 33-44).

A negativa fórmase poñendo didn’t diante do verbo e é igual en todas as persoas do singular e plural.

Julie didn’t bring her passport. (Julie non trouxo o seu pasaporte.)

En interrogativa ponse Did + suxeito + verbo. Nas respostas curtas ponse o pronome persoal suxeito + did / didn’t, segundo corresponda.

Did you live in Paris? Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t. (Viviches en París? Vivín. Si. / Non.)

Se a pregunta ten unha partícula interrogativa, ponse esta primeiro, antes de did.

Where did you meet her? (Onde a coñeciches?)

Check Yourself!Complete the sentences. Use the Past Simple.

1.Yesterday,we (sail) from Cyprus to Rhodes.

2. they (help) you on Saturday?

3. Alex (not play) in the game because he was ill.

4. She (send) me a text message ten minutes ago.

5. Where she (find) that ugly dog?

6. you (remember) to take your passport?

7.I (not take) my phone charger.

8.Lastyear,I (buy) a beautiful jacketinItaly.

Answers, see page 32

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There was / There were

Son as formas de pasado de There is e There are e, polo tanto, significan “había” ou “houbo”. Tradúcense sempre en singular, aínda que en inglés haxa unha forma para o singular e outra para o plural.

There was sinala que había unha cousa, sexa un nome contábel en singular ou un non contábel.

There was a swamp in the forest. (Había un pantano no bosque.) There was some sun cream in the bag. (Había crema solar na bolsa.)

There were sinala que había dúas cousas ou máis, e por iso se emprega con nomes contábeis en plural. There were caves in the forest. (Había covas no bosque.)

En negativa engádese a partícula not ou a contracción n’t (wasn’t / weren’t).There weren’t any clothes in the suitcase. (Non había roupa na maleta.)

En interrogativa ponse Was / Were diante de there, e nas respostas curtas vólvese á orde normal. De seren negativas, empréganse as formas contraídas.

Were there any waterfalls in the river? Yes, there were. / No, there weren’t.(Había fervenzas no río? Había. Si. / Non.)

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of There was or There were.

1.IsawmanyinterestinganimalsinKenya. lions, elephants, zebras and giraffes.

2. a good tent at the shop, but it was very expensive.

3. The stadium was full. any empty seats.

4. anytuna,soImadeyouacheesesandwich.

5. a lot of people at the photography exhibition in the park?

Check Yourself!Choose the correct answers.

1.There was / There were an excellent film at the cinema last week.

2.There was / There were some interesting people at the party.

3. Was there / Were there oranges at the supermarket?

4. There wasn’t / There weren’t many people at the football match.

5. There was / There were a lot of work to do before the party.

6. There was / Was there a travel guide about Thailand in the bookshop?

7. There weren’t / There wasn’t any buses yesterday because of the snowstorm.

8. There were / There was a lot of children at the park on Saturday.

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O Past Continuous

1 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Continuous.

1.They (play) football in the park at 3.00.

2.We (eat) breakfast on Saturday morning.

3.I (not watch) the news at 8.00.

4. The electrician (work) in our flat all morning.

5. The girls (use) the tennis court yesterday afternoon.

2 Write questions with the words below. Use the Past Continuous.



3. you / sit / next to Dana / during the exam

4. what / they / do / outside the school / last night

5. why / the detective / take pictures of our shoes

O Past Continuous emprégase para dicir o que estaba a ocorrer nun momento concreto do pasado e para falar de dúas ou máis accións prolongadas e simultáneas no pasado, unidas por while ou as. Adoita empregarse con estas expresións temporais: as que levan ago (hai) ao final da expresión, at + unha hora, last night (esta noite pasada), yesterday morning / afternoon (onte pola mañá / tarde), etc. Todas poden ir ao comezo ou ao final da frase, pero adoitan poñerse ao final.

En afirmativa fórmase con was / were + un verbo rematado en -ing.

I was watching a documentary yesterday afternoon. (Estaba a ver un documental onte pola tarde.)

We were watching TV while she was reading a book. (Estabamos a ver a televisión mentres ela estaba a ler un libro.)

En negativa engádese a partícula not ou a contracción n’t a was / were (wasn’t e weren’t).

The police officers weren’t examining the house last night. (Os policías non estaban a examinar a casa esta noite pasada.)

En interrogativa ponse Was / Were + o suxeito + un verbo rematado en -ing. Nas respostas curtas ponse o pronome persoal suxeito e was / were ou wasn’t / weren’t.

Was he wearing black clothes? Yes, he was. / No, he wasn’t. (Levaba posta roupa negra? Levaba. Si. / Non.)

Se a pregunta ten unha partícula interrogativa, ponse esta primeiro, antes de was / were.

What were you doing at ten o’clock? (Que estabas a facer ás dez en punto?)

Check Yourself!Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Continuous.

1.I (walk) the dog when it started to rain.

2. Alice (sleep) when the fire started?

3. He (not use) the phone when the accident happened.

4. What you (do) at 9.00 last night?

5.DavidandI (chat) online at midnight.

6. Alexis and Alan (have) dinner at 8.00?

7. Nellie (not wear) her school uniformwhenIsawher.

8. The detective (take) pictures when he saw something strange.

Answers, see page 32

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contraste entre o Past Continuous e o Past Simple

3 Choose the correct answer.

1.Mattdrove / was drivingaredcarwhenIsawhim.

2.WhileOliverwastidyinghisroom,hefound / was finding some money.

3.IsawastrangemanwhileIwalked / was walking in the park.

4.ThemenwereworkingonourstreetwhenI was leaving / left home.

5. While we were working / worked in the garden, they were making dinner.

4 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.

1.Whilethey (wait) for the train, they bought magazines.

2. it (snow) when you arrived in New York City?

3. Mathew (call) while we were having dinner.

4.IwasshoppingwhenI (lose) my wallet.

5. The students (not read) the article when the headmaster came in.

O Past Simple sinala que a acción ocorreu e rematou no tempo especificado na frase, mentres que o Past Continuous fala de accións prolongadas que estaban a ocorrer no pasado.

She watched a James Bond film last night. (Viu unha película de James Bond esta noite pasada.)He was reading a book yesterday afternoon. (Estivo a ler un libro onte pola tarde.)

Empréganse os dous tempos xuntos para sinalar que no medio dunha acción longa ocorreu algunha cousa. A acción máis curta leva when e o verbo en Past Simple, e a acción longa leva as conxuncións while ou as e o verbo en Past Continuous.

When the police arrived, the thief was escaping through the window. (Cando chegou a policía, o ladrón estaba a fuxir pola ventá.)

The police arrived while the thief was escaping through the window. (A policía chegou mentres o ladrón estaba a fuxir pola ventá.)

Check Yourself!Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.

1.We (eat) dinner when Alex (send) me a text message.

2. Grace (fall) while she (ride) her bike?

3. The monkeys (play) while we (watch) them.

4. We (see) a good film while we (fly) to Sydney.

5. When they (leave) the house, the baby (not sleep).

6. you (walk) to school when you (get) my message?

7.WhileKimandJackie (make) pottery, Dean (paint).

8.WhileI (sleep) on the train, someone (take) my backpack.

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Os modais

1 Complete the sentences below with should or shouldn’t.

1.Students wear high heels at school.

2.Everyone drink a lot of water on a hot day.

3. Max doesn’t know anything about computers. He give people advice.

4. You wear flip-flops at a wedding.

5. That dress is beautiful. You wear it for the party.

Son verbos auxiliares, polo que sempre van seguidos dun verbo na forma base (infinitivo sen to). Non se conxugan, así que non hai que engadir -s na 3ª persoa do singular. En negativa engádese a partícula not ou a contracción n't ao verbo modal, e en interrogativa ponse o verbo modal + o suxeito + o verbo na forma base.

• Should emprégase para dar ou pedir consellos e para dicir o que se debería ou non facer. He should wear his new coat. (Debería poñer o seu abrigo novo.)

• Must significa “deber” e expresa a obriga e a necesidade ou conveniencia de facer algo. You must wear formal clothes. (Debes poñer roupa formal.)

• Mustn’t expresa prohibición, que algo non está permitido, e tamén que algo non se debe facer porque non convén ou non é correcto facelo.

Girls mustn’t wear miniskirts at school. (As rapazas non deben levar minisaias ao colexio.)

• Can significa “saber” cando expresa habilidade ou capacidade para facer algo, e “poder” cando expresa posibilidade ou permiso.

My sister can play the piano very well. (A miña irmá sabe tocar o piano moi ben.) You can find the gloves in many colours. (Podes atopar as luvas en moitas cores.)

• Could é o pasado de can. Expresa habilidade e posibilidade no pasado. She could swim when she was four years old. (Sabía nadar cando tiña catro anos.) I couldn’t buy a tracksuit yesterday. (Onte non puiden mercar un chándal.)

En interrogativa tamén serve para pedir permiso ou favores, pero de maneira máis educada que con can. Could you lend me your earrings for the party? (Poderías prestarme os teus pendentes para a festa?)

• Have to significa “ter que” e expresa, como must, a obriga ou necesidade de facer algo. A diferenza é que have to si se conxuga e, por iso, a forma para a 3ª persoa do singular é diferente (has to). Ademais, emprégase nos tempos que must non ten.

He has to finish his homework this afternoon. (Ten que rematar os deberes esta tarde.) It was late and they had to leave. (Era tarde e tiveron que marchar.)

En negativa ponse don’t / doesn’t have to + o verbo, e significa “non ter que” ou “non ter por que”. You don’t have to dress like that. (Non tes que / por que vestirte así.)

Lembra que have to significa o mesmo que must, pero don’t have to e mustn’t non son equivalentes. You don’t have to go. (Non tes que / por que ir.) [non é preciso] You mustn’t go. (Non debes ir.) [está prohibido]

En interrogativa ponse Do / Does + o suxeito + have to + o verbo. E nas respostas curtas ponse o pronome persoal suxeito + do / does ou don’t / doesn’t.

Do I have to wear a tie? Yes, you do. / No, you don’t. (Teño que levar gravata? Tes. Si. / Non.)

2 Choose the correct answer.

1.Youmust / mustn’t close the window. It’sraining.

2.Themobilephonemust / mustn’t get wet.

3. The plane is going to arrive soon. We must / mustn’t be late.

4. Lessons start at 8.00, so students must / mustn’t be at school by 8.00.

5. You can wear my earrings but you must / mustn’t return them tomorrow.

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3 Complete the sentences with can, can’t, could or couldn’t.

1.Mydadwasanexcellentathlete.Whenhewasmyage,he run a marathon.

2.Look! you see the deer?

3. My brother is very fast. He run10kilometresin30minutes.

4. Jenny is only four years old. She read or write.

5.I callyouyesterdaybecauseIlostmyphone.

4 Write the sentences with the correct form of have to.


3. we / not buy / a new atlas / for the geography lesson

4. tonight / Myra / be / home / by 9.00

5. it’s a formal event so men / wear / a jacket and tie

Check Yourself!Choose the correct answers.

1. you finish this today?

a. Can b. Should c. Must

2.You climb the hill in those high heels. You can fall.

a. should b. couldn’t c. shouldn’t

3. be18tohaveadrivinglicence?

a. Can you b. Do you have to c. Could you

4.I’msorry.I comeyesterdaybecauseIwasill.

a. shouldn’t b. couldn’t c. can’t

5. go to the party or study for the exam? What do you think?

a.DoIhaveto b.CanI c. ShouldI

6. Shh! Mum is sleeping. You make any noise.

a. mustn’t b. must c. can

7.I gonow.Thelastbusisin10minutes.

a. could b. must c. shouldn’t

8. You helpme.Icandoitalone.

a. should b. don’t have to c. have to

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O futuro

1 Complete the sentences with will or won’t.

1.Oneday,people visit Mars.

2.Ihavetostudyforamathstesttomorrow,soI have time to play football.

3.I’msurehe get the prize.

4. Ilookelegantenoughinthisdress?

5. It’llbegreat.You be disappointed.

2 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use be going to.

1.We (not fly) to Australia this summer.

2.OnFriday,I (buy) a dress.

3. you (go) to the concert in the park?

4. This summer, we (visit) our uncle in Florida.

5. Next week, Alex (build) a tree house in the garden.

3 Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the Present Continuous with future meaning.


1.Whattime you to the party tomorrow?

2.I from my trip tomorrow night.

3. We to New York this summer.

4. He in the marathon next week because he broke his leg.

5. she in concert on Saturday?

Check Yourself!Choose the correct answers.

1.Alicewantstobeadoctor,butshe won’t get into / will get into medical school because her marks aren’t very good.

2.We are going to go / Are we going to go on a bike trip next week?

3. He won’t like / will likethesoup.It’stoosalty.

4. She isn’t sailing / is sailing tomorrow because it’ll be stormy.

5. You are watching / Are you watching the game on Saturday?

6. Charles enjoys exploring the sky with his telescope. One day he will discover / won’t discover a new star.

7.Iam not going to climb / am going to climb the mountain because it’s too steep.

8. You are going to learn / Are you going to learn how to play the violin?

Answers, see page 32

• Will emprégase para anunciar accións ou feitos futuros, para predicir o que se cre que ocorrerá e para expresar decisións súbitas que se toman no momento de falar e que non estaban proxectadas.

En afirmativa adoita contraerse co suxeito ('ll) e en negativa coa partícula not (won't). En interrogativa vai diante do suxeito e nas respostas curtas ponse o pronome persoal suxeito + will ou won’t.

Tourists will travel in space in the future. (Os turistas viaxarán polo espazo no futuro.) Will astronauts reach Mars soon? No, they won’t. (Os astronautas chegarán pronto a Marte? Non.)

• Be going to significa “ir / non ir” + infinitivo. Emprégase para falar de plans e intencións e para expresar o que vai ocorrer porque se ven sinais diso.

He is going to use a telescope. (El vai empregar un telescopio.) Is she going to have a baby? Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t. (Vai ter un bebé? Vai. Si. / Non.)

• OPresent Continuous con valor de futuro anuncia o que con toda seguridade ocorrerá no futuro próximo pois xa se fixou de antemán. Debe ir sempre canda unha expresión temporal para que non se confunda co Present Continuous normal.

We’re going to the planetarium this Saturday.(Imos/Iremosaoplanetarioestesábado.)

• Costemposdefuturoadoitanempregarseestasexpresiónstemporais:soon (pronto, axiña, nun pouco), later (máis tarde, logo), tomorrow (mañá), tonight (esta noite), next week / year (a semana / o ano que vén), in an hour (dentro dunha hora), etc. Todas poden ir ao comezo ou ao final da frase, pero adóitanse pór ao final.

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O primeiro condicional

4 Match A and B to form sentences.


1.Iftheplanelandsat7.00, a. many people will want to live there.

2.Samwillbuildit b. if we design it.

3.Iftheybuildacolonyonthemoon, c. she will enjoy it.

4. The teacher will be angry d. we will be in London by 9.00.

5.Ifshewatchesthatfilm, e. if we don’t do our homework.

5 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the First Conditional.

1.Ifitrains,we (not go) to the beach.

2.I’llcallyouifI (need) your help.

3. She (not be) happy if you forget her birthday.

4.Ifhe (not study), he will fail the exam.

5.Ifitisverycold,it (snow).

Check Yourself!Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the First Conditional.

1.Ifyou (play) with that, it (break).

2.Ifwe (look) at the Earth from space, we (see) the Great Wall of China.

3. We (visit) the space exhibition if tickets (not be) too expensive.

4.Ifyourbike (break)again,I (not repair) it.

5.I (understand) the instructions if someone (explain) them to me.

6.Ifyou (jump) from the wall, you (hurt) yourself.

7.Ifhisdog (die), he (be) very upset.

8.I (bring) a cake to the party if Alex (make) a pizza.

Answers, see page 32

Emprégase para dicir o que ocorrerá se se cumpre a condición sinalada.

A afirmativa fórmase con if + Present Simple na condición, e un verbo con will no resultado.

We’ll go to the cinema if you finish your homework soon.(Iremosaocineseacabasaxiñaosteusdeberes.)

Se a condición vai primeiro, ponse unha vírgula entre esta e o resultado.

If you finish your homework soon, we’ll go to the cinema. (Se acabas pronto os teus deberes, iremos ao cine.)

Para formar a negativa pódese negar o verbo que vai en presente, o que vai en futuro ou ambos os dous.

If you don’t repair the computer, I’ll use the tablet. (Se non arranxas o ordenador, usarei a tableta.)If you repair the computer, I won’t use the tablet. (Se arranxas o ordenador, non usarei a tableta.)If you don’t repair the computer, I won’t use it. (Se non arranxas o ordenador, non o usarei.)


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O Present Perfect Simple

O Present Perfect Simple emprégase para falar de:

• acciónspasadascuxosefectossonvisíbeisnopresente.

We have bought new clothes. (Mercamos roupa nova.)

• acciónsocorridasaolongodotemposendicircando.

Mary has helped many people. (Mary axudou a moita xente.)

• accións que comezaron no pasado e aínda continúan. Neste caso, adoita poñerse for ou since e ás veces tradúcese o verbo en presente.

I haven’t stayed at a hotel since last summer. (Non quedei / quedo nun hotel desde o verán pasado.)

• acciónsqueacabandeocorrer.Daquelaponsejust entre o auxiliar e o participio.

I have just arrived at the bus stop. (Acabo de chegar á parada de autobús.)

Este tempo fórmase con have / has + un verbo en participio (rematado en -ed se é regular; se é irregular, podes consultar a listaxe das páxs. 33-34). Cómpre lembrar que a forma contraída de have é ’ve e a de has é ’s.

En negativa engádese a partícula not ou a contracción n’t a have / has (haven’t / hasn’t).

I haven’t recycled anything this month. (Non reciclei nada este mes.)

En interrogativa ponse Have / Has + o suxeito + un verbo en participio. E nas respostas curtas só se pon o pronome persoal suxeito + have / has ou haven’t / hasn’t.

Have you ridden your bike to school? Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t. (Fuches en bici ao colexio? Fun. Si. / Non.)

Co Present Perfect Simple adoitan empregarse estas expresións temporais e adverbios: already (xa), always (sempre), never (nunca), ever (algunha vez [interrogativa]; nunca, xamais [negativa]), just (acabar de), recently (recentemente, hai pouco), yet (aínda, aínda [negativa]; xa [interrogativa]), for (durante [ou non se traduce]) e since (desde). Todas menos yet, for e since van entre have / has e o participio. Yet colócase ao final da frase, recently adoita poñerse ao final tamén, for vai seguida dun período de tempo e since vai diante do momento en que comezou a acción.

We have never cut down a tree. (Xamais talamos unha árbore.) Have you arrived at the train station yet? (Xa chegaches á estación de tren?)

1 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Perfect Simple.

1.Mydad (work)atthatfactoryfor10years.

2.Thatplay (be) at the theatre since Christmas.

3.I (not shop) at the new department store yet.

4. you ever (stay) at a hotel?

5.I never (meet) anyone famous.

6. Marcus (finish) cleaning up the kitchen?

2 Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Use the Present Perfect Simple.


1.I’mnothungry.I already dinner.

2.Alexisverytired.He for two nights.

3. Emma will call you later. She from the swimming pool yet.

4. anyone the dog today?

5.I’mworriedaboutJane.She since Saturday.

6. you to China?

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contraste entre o Present Perfect Simple e o Past Simple

O Present Perfect Simple sinala que o ocorrido no pasado garda relación co presente, mentres que as accións en Past Simple non afectan ao presente.

As expresións temporais empregadas co Present Perfect Simple non sinalan cando ocorreu a acción. En cambio, as empregadas co Past Simple si especifican en que momento concreto ocorreu.

My parents have gone to the theatre. (Meus pais foron ao teatro.)My parents went to the theatre last night. (Meus pais foron ao teatro esta noite pasada.)

4 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Perfect Simple or Past Simple.

1.I (buy) a new handbag last week.

2.Jasmine (not do) her science project yet.

3. My grandmother never (send) a text message.

4. They (not explore) that area last year.

5. you ever (draw) a cartoon?

6. he (go) to the department store yesterday?

3 Choose the correct answer.

1.WehavewaitedforJaneinthetownsquarefor / since half an hour.

2.Weshouldgotothevet.Thedoghasn’teatenfor / since yesterday.

3.Ihaven’tseenAlexfor / since he moved to Leeds.

4.Ihavestoodatthisbusstopfor / since an hour.

5. We haven’t been to the swimming pool for / since school started.

Check Yourself!Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Perfect Simple.

1.They (cut down) the big tree next to the train station.

2.MaxandSam (play)inthesamebasketballteamsincetheywere10.

3. anyone (see) my phone?

4.AndreaandI (not be) to the shopping centre since October.

5. you (read) the book for our English lesson?

6. Maxine already (arrive) at the office?

7. Albert couldn’t come because he (feel) ill since Saturday.

8. Researchers (study) the problems of big cities for many years.

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A voz pasiva en presente e en pasado

Coa voz pasiva saliéntase a acción do verbo e non o suxeito que a realiza, xa sexa porque non é importante ou se sobreentende, ou porque non se sabe quen é. En inglés emprégase moito a pasiva, mais en galego adoita traducirse o verbo na voz activa ou na forma impersoal con “se”.

A afirmativa fórmase con to be en presente ou en pasado + o participio do verbo principal (rematado en -ed se é regular; se é irregular, podes consultar a listaxe das páxs. 33-34).

A battery is needed to use the mobile phone. (Precísase unha batería para empregar o móbil.)I was given a new camera yesterday. (Agasalláronme cunha cámara nova onte.)

En negativa engádese a partícula not ou a contracción n’t ao verbo to be, seguido do participio.

A whiteboard wasn’t used in my classroom. (Na miña clase non se empregou unha pizarra branca.)

En interrogativa ponse o verbo to be en presente ou pasado + o suxeito + o participio do verbo principal. E nas respostas curtas vai primeiro o pronome persoal suxeito e despois do verbo to be no tempo correspondente, sen contraer en afirmativa ou contraído coa partícula not en negativa.

Is a calculator permitted in exams? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. (Permítese unha calculadora nos exames? Permítese. Si. / Non.)

Se se quere amentar quen realiza ou realizou a acción, ponse o final da frase precedido de by.

Tablets are used by many teens. (As tabletas son empregadas por moitos adolescentes.)

1 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple Passive.

1.Thebattery (put) in this part of the camera.

2.Today,GPSsystems (find) in mobile phones and tablets.

3. This computer (not use) every day.

4. Headsets (wear) in the library, so students can listen to music or lectures.

5. This product (produce) in our factory.

6. Mobile phones (not allow) at our school.

7.Icecream (make) with sugar and cream.

8. Batteries (not sell) at the bookshop.

2 Write questions. Use the Present Simple Passive.




4. who / invite / to the party

5. three languages / speak / in Switzerland

6. the time and date / show / on your telephone display

7. why / the boxes / send by train

8. where / the information / write

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3 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple Passive.

1.TheLondonEye (design) by seven architects.

2.TheMona Lisa and The Last Supper (paint) by Leonardo da Vinci.

3. The telescope (notinvent)byGalileo,butbyHansLippersheyin1608.

4. Computers (notuse)inhomestillthe1980s.

5. Hamlet (not write) by Dickens, but by Shakespeare.

6. Commercial CDs (develop)in1982.

7. The first website (create) by CERN labs in Geneva.

8. These products (not make) by our company.

4 Complete the questions. Use the Past Simple Passive. The words in bold will help you.

1.Which ?

The computer manual was written in English, Spanish, French and German.

2.When ?

The London Eye was openedon31stDecember,1999.

3. Where ?

The television was inventedintheUK.

4. Who ?

The Hobbit was written by J. R. R. Tolkien.

5. When ?

The animals were fed this morning.

6. Why ?

The documents were thrown out because they were old.

7. When ?

Australia was discoveredin1606.

languages was the computer manual written in

Check Yourself!1 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple Passive.

1.Electronicitems (not sell) at this shop.

2.Thewindows (wash) once a week.

3. The dog (feed) once a day.

4. The food (not cook) in this kitchen.

5. the cakes (make) at the bakery?

6. the work (do) by computer?

2 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple Passive.

1.Theseshoes (make)inItaly.

2.Thedishwasher (not use) yesterday.

3. When the skateboard (invent)?

4. the bottles (put) into the recycling bin?

5. Pompeii (destroy) in 79 AD.

6. The boxes (not reuse). They were thrown out.

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Introduction, page 13, to be, have got, There is / There are, O Present Simple, O Present Continuous

1 5.Arethey 2.havegot 6.hasn’tgot 3. Have you got 7. There are 4.isn’t 8.Isthere

2 1.wears 2.Do…meet 5.Does…ride 3. doesn’t like

3 1.amgoing 4.amnotusing 2.Are…watching…working 3. is jumping

Unit 1, page 15, Artigos e cuantificadores

1.Howmuch 5.alotof2.any 6.a3. much 7. some4. How many 8. an

Unit 2, page 17, Contraste entre o Present Simple e o Present Continuous

1.aredoing 5.aren’twatching2.doesn’town 6.Does…go3.Are…making 7.ispainting4.Do…study 8.paints,issketching

Unit 3, page 19, O comparativo e o superlativo; too … / (not) … enough

1.a 3.c 5.b 7.c2.c 4.b 6.c 8.a

Unit 4, page 20, O Past Simple

1.sailed 5.did…find2.Did…help 6.Did…remember3. didn’t play 7. didn’t take4. sent 8. bought

Unit 4, page 21, There was / There were

1.Therewas 5.Therewas2.Therewere 6.Wasthere3. Were there 7. There weren’t4. There weren’t 8. There were

Unit 5, page 22, O Past Continuous

1.waswalking 5.werechatting2.Was…sleeping 6.Were…having3. wasn’t using 7. wasn’t wearing4.were…doing 8.wastaking

Unit 5, page 23, Contraste entre o Past Continuous e o Past Simple

1.wereeating,sent2.Did…fall,wasriding3. were playing, were watching4. saw, were flying5. left, wasn’t sleeping6.Were…walking,got7. were making, was painting8. was sleeping, took

Unit 6, page 25, Os modais

1.a 3.b 5.c 7.b2.c 4.b 6.a 8.b

Unit 7, page 26, O futuro

1.won’tgetinto 5.Areyouwatching2.Arewegoingtogo 6.willdiscover3. won’t like 7. am not going to climb4. isn’t sailing 8. Are you going to learn

Unit 7, page 27, O primeiro condicional,willbreak 5.willunderstand, 2.look,willsee explains3. will visit, aren’t 6. jump, will hurt4. breaks, won’t repair 7. dies, will be 8. will bring, makes

Unit 8, page 29, O Present Perfect Simple

1.havecutdown 5.Have…read2.haveplayed 6.Has…arrived3.Has…seen 7.hasfelt4. haven’t been 8. have studied

Unit 9, page 31, A voz pasiva en presente e en pasado

1 1.aren’tsold 2.arewashed 3. is fed 4. isn’t cooked 5.Are…made 6.Is…done

2 1.weremade 2.wasn’tused 3.was…invented 4.Were…put 5. was destroyed 6. weren’t reused

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Grammar Appendix check yourself! answer key

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be /VA/ was/were /rFh/rK/ been /VAm/ ser, estarbeat /VAW/ beat /VAW/ beaten /'VAWm/ golpear, baterbecome /VB'YJl/ became /VB'YMl/ become /VB'YJl/ chegar a ser, convertersebegin /VB'ZBm/ began /VB'Zæm/ begun /VB'ZJm/ comezar, empezarbend /VCmX/ bent /VCmW/ bent /VCmW/ dobrar(se)bet /VCW/ bet /VCW/ bet /VCW/ apostarbite /VOW/ bit /VBW/ bitten /'VBWm/ trabarbleed /VoAX/ bled /VoCX/ bled /VoCX/ sangrarblow /VoLH/ blew /VoI/ blown /VoLHm/ soprarbreak /VpMY/ broke /VpLHY/ broken /'VpLHYLm/ crebar, romper, racharbring /VpBn/ brought /VpGW/ brought /VpGW/ traerbuild /VBoX/ built /VBoW/ built /VBoW/ construírburn /VKm/ burnt/burned /VKmW/VKmX/ burnt/burned /VKmW/VKmX/ queimarbuy /VO/ bought /VGW/ bought /VGW/ mercar, comprarcatch /Yæa/ caught /YGW/ caught /YGW/ coller, agarrarchoose /aIh/ chose /aLHh/ chosen /'aLHhm/ elixircome /YJl/ came /YMl/ come /YJl/ vircost /YFgW/ cost /YFgW/ cost /YFgW/ custarcut /YJW/ cut /YJW/ cut /YJW/ cortardig /XBZ/ dug /XJZ/ dug /XJZ/ cavar, sachardo /XI/ did /XBX/ done /XJm/ facerdraw /XpG/ drew /XpI/ drawn /XpGm/ debuxardream /XpAl/ dreamt/dreamed /XpClW/XpAlX/ dreamt/dreamed /XpClW/XpAlX/ soñardrink /XpBnY/ drank /XpænY/ drunk /XpJnY/ beberdrive /XpOd/ drove /XpLHd/ driven /'XpBdm/ conducireat /AW/ ate /CBW/ eaten /'AWm/ comerfall /cGo/ fell /cCo/ fallen /'cGoLm/ caerfeed /cAX/ fed /cCX/ fed /cCX/ alimentarfeel /cAo/ felt /cCoW/ felt /cCoW/ sentir(se)fight /cOW/ fought /cGW/ fought /cGW/ loitar, pelexarfind /cOmX/ found /cPmX/ found /cPmX/ atoparfly /coO/ flew /coI/ flown /coLHm/ voarforget /cL'ZCW/ forgot /cL'ZFW/ forgotten /cL'ZFWm/ esquecerforgive /cL'ZBd/ forgave /cL'ZMd/ forgiven /cL'ZBdm/ perdoarfreeze /cpAh/ froze /cpLHh/ frozen /'cpLHhm/ conxelar(se)get /ZCW/ got /ZFW/ got /ZFW/ conseguir, acadar; chegargive /ZBd/ gave /ZMd/ given /'ZBdm/ dargo /ZN/ went /rCmW/ gone /ZFm/ irgrow /ZpN/ grew /ZpI/ grown /ZpNm/ crecer; cultivarhang /kæn/ hanged/hung /kænX/kJn/ hanged/hung /kænX/kJn/ pendurarhave /kæd/ had /kæX/ had /kæX/ ter; haberhear /kBL/ heard /kKX/ heard /kKX/ oír, ouvirhide /kOX/ hid /kBX/ hidden /'kBXm/ agochar(se)hit /kBW/ hit /kBW/ hit /kBW/ golpear, bater, pegarhold /kNoX/ held /kCoX/ held /kCoX/ suxeitar, soster, termar dehurt /kKW/ hurt /kKW/ hurt /kKW/ ferir, mancar, magoar; doerkeep /YAU/ kept /YCUW/ kept /YCUW/ gardar, manterknow /mN/ knew /mqI/ known /mNm/ saber, coñecerlay /oCB/ laid /oCBX/ laid /oCBX/ poñer, pór, estenderlead /oAX/ led /oCX/ led /oCX/ guiar, conducirlearn /oKm/ learnt/learned /oKmW/oKmX/ learnt/learned /oKmW/oKmX/ aprender

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irregular Verb List

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leave /oAd/ left /oCcW/ left /oCcW/ deixar; marchar, saírlend /oCmX/ lent /oCmW/ lent /oCmW/ emprestar, deixarlet /oCW/ let /oCW/ let /oCW/ permitir, deixarlie /oO/ lay /oCB/ lain /oCBm/ tombarse, deitarselie /oO/ (regular verb) lied /oOX/ lied /oOX/ mentirlight /oOW/ lit /oBW/ lit /oBW/ acender, prenderlose /oIh/ lost /oFgW/ lost /oFgW/ perdermake /lCBY/ made /lCBX/ made /lCBX/ facer, fabricarmean /lAm/ meant /lCmW/ meant /lCmW/ significar, querer dicirmeet /lAW/ met /lCW/ met /lCW/ coñecer a; xuntarse conpay /UM/ paid /UMX/ paid /UMX/ pagarput /UHW/ put /UHW/ put /UHW/ poñer, pórread /pAX/ read /pCX/ read /pCX/ lerride /pOX/ rode /pLHX/ ridden /'pBXm/ montarring /pBn/ rang /pæn/ rung /pJn/ chamar (por teléfono)rise /pOh/ rose /pLHh/ risen /'pBhm/ elevarse, erguerserun /pJm/ ran /pæm/ run /pJm/ corrersay /gM/ said /gCX/ said /gCX/ dicirsee /gA/ saw /gG/ seen /gAm/ versell /gCo/ sold /gLHoX/ sold /gLHoX/ vendersend /gCmX/ sent /gCmW/ sent /gCmW/ enviarset /gCW/ set /gCW/ set /gCW/ colocarshake /iMY/ shook /iHY/ shaken /'iMYLm/ axitarshine /iOm/ shone /iFm/ shone /iFm/ brillar, escintilarshoot /iIW/ shot /iFW/ shot /iFW/ dispararshow /iLH/ showed /iLHX/ shown /iLHm/ amosar, ensinarshut /iJW/ shut /iJW/ shut /iJW/ pecharsing /gBn/ sang /gæn/ sung /gJn/ cantarsink /gBnY/ sank /gænY/ sunk /gJnY/ afundirsit /gBW/ sat /gæW/ sat /gæW/ sentarsleep /goAU/ slept /goCUW/ slept /goCUW/ durmir(se)smell /glCo/ smelt/smelled /glCoW/glCoX/ smelt/smelled /glCoW/glCoX/ ulir, cheirarspeak /gUAY/ spoke /gULHY/ spoken /'gULHYLm/ falarspell /gUCo/ spelt/spelled /gUCoW/gUCoX/ spelt/spelled /gUCoW/gUCoX/ soletrearspend /gUCmX/ spent /gUCmW/ spent /gUCmW/ gastar; pasar (tempo)stand /gWæmX/ stood /gWHX/ stood /gWHX/ estar a pésteal /gWAo/ stole /gWLHo/ stolen /'gWLHoLm/ roubarstick /gWBY/ stuck /gWJY/ stuck /gWJY/ apegarsweep /grAU/ swept /grCUW/ swept /grCUW/ varrerswim /grBl/ swam /græl/ swum /grJl/ nadartake /WMY/ took /WHY/ taken /'WMYLm/ coller; levarteach /WAa/ taught /WGW/ taught /WGW/ aprender, ensinartear /WCL/ tore /WG/ torn /WGm/ rachar, esgazartell /WCo/ told /WLHoX/ told /WLHoX/ dicir, contarthink /eBnY/ thought /eGW/ thought /eGW/ coidar, pensarthrow /epN/ threw /epI/ thrown /epNm/ guindar, tirarunderstand /JmXC'gWæmX/ understood /JmXC'gWHX/ understood /JmXC'gWHX/ comprender, entenderwake up /rMY 'JU/ woke up /rLHY 'JU/ woken up /rLHYLm 'JU/ espertarwear /rCL/ wore /rG/ worn /rGm/ levar posto, poñersewin /rBm/ won /rJm/ won /rJm/ gañarwrite /pOW/ wrote /pLHW/ written /'pBWm/ escribir

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A FinALidAdE dO tEXtOPurpose of writingAntes de comezar, debes ter claro o que queiras escribir para elixir a linguaxe axeitada: informal se é un correo electrónico a un/ha amigo/a, e máis formal se vai ser un texto informativo.

AntES dE EScriBirBrainstorming1.Faiunhalistaxedeideasouunmapadepreguntasrelacionadascotema(what?, who?, when?, where?, why?).


3. Pon as restantes na orde en que queiras presentalas.

A EStruturA dO PArÁGrAFOParagraph structureUn parágrafo ten tres partes:

• A primeira oración (opening sentence), que presenta a idea principal.

• O corpo do parágrafo (body of paragraph), que amplía a idea principal con información importante.

• A derradeira oración (closing sentence), que resume a idea principal e a repite con outras palabras.

Opening sentence: Yosemite National Park in California is a popular tourist destination. This amazing park has got green forests and valleys, steep hills, blue lakes, streams and waterfalls. Yosemite is most famous for its giant sequoia trees. Many people visit Yosemite National Park and enjoy its beautiful scenery.

Body of paragraph:

Closing sentence:

OrGAniZA AS idEAS(Organising your ideas)

OrGAniZAción dO tEXtO(text organisation)

diViSión dO tEXtO En PArÁGrAFOSParagraphingCando escribimos parágrafos, organizámolos da seguinte maneira:



Paragraph 3: inclúe unha conclusión e ás veces tamén unha opinión.

Paragraph 1:MyfavouriterestaurantisLittleItalyat51RoseStreetinLongville.ThisgreatItalianrestaurantisopeneverydayfromnoontillmidnight.It’sgotdeliciousfoodandawonderfulatmosphere.

Paragraph 2:Ilovethefreshpastawithtomatoandmushroomsauce.TherearemanytypesofpizzaandtheNeapolitan pizza is especially popular. You can also get a great cup of coffee and some amazing tiramisu for dessert.

Paragraph 3:IreallyrecommendLittleItalyforawonderfulmeal.It’stheperfectplacetohangoutwithfriends.

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AS MAiÚScuLAScapital lettersEscríbense con maiúscula:

• a primeira palabra dunha oración.

We play football.

• os nomes e os títulos das persoas.

He is Mr Tom Brown.

• os nomes de vilas, cidades, países, nacionalidades e linguas. Dover, Paris, France, German

• os días, os meses e os días festivos.

Wednesday, April, Christmas

• as palabras importantes dos títulos de libros, películas e cancións.

Muhammed Ali: His Life and Times 12 Years a Slave Dancing Queen

• o pronome persoal I. My friends and I love computer games.

A PuntuAciónPunctuation• O punto (.) vai ao final das oracións afirmativas e negativas. My favourite sport is basketball. I don’t play tennis.

• O sinal de interrogacion (?) ponse ao final das preguntas. Do you like cycling?

• O sinal de exclamación (!) tamén se pon ao final da frase e serve para expresar unha emoción ou un sentimento e para facer fincapé nalgunha cousa.

What a great game!

• A coma ou vírgula (,) emprégase para separar palabras ou ideas. Polo xeral non se pon diante de and. I can play football, basketball and volleyball.

AS PrEPOSiciónS dE tEMPOPrepositions of timeEmpréganse distintas preposicións segundo o que queiramos expresar:

at two o’clock in the morning from 6.00 to 8.00 on Monday at Christmas in 2010 from September to June on 12th January in May


at the weekend at night

A OrdE dAS PALABrAS: SuXEitO – VErBOWord order: Subject – VerbO suxeito da oración ponse diante do verbo.

Tom studies art. They paint murals. s v s v

Mais nas preguntas vai detrás do verbo.

Is Helen a cartoonist? Are you at the art gallery? v s v s

rEPASA O EScritO(checking your writing)

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A OrdE dAS PALABrAS: AS EXPrESiónS tEMPOrAiSWord order: time expressionsAs expresións temporais poden ir ao comezo ou ao final da frase, malia que é máis habitual poñelas ao final.

We drove to the lake yesterday. time expr.

De iren ao comezo, afástanse da oración principal cunha vírgula.

Yesterday, we drove to the lake. time expr.

A OrdE dAS PALABrAS: OS AdXEctiVOSWord order: Adjectives• Os adxectivos polo xeral van diante dos substantivos.

bright colours modern art adj n adj n

Tamén detrás do verbo to be.

The sculpture is extraordinary. The painting is realistic. v adj v adj

E detrás dos verbos estáticos.

The mural looks modern. v adj

• Se hai varios adxectivos, adoitan ir nesta orde: opinión, tamaño, cor.

She’s wearing a trendy, big blue watch. o s c

A OrdE dAS PALABrAS: OS AdVErBiOSWord order: AdverbsOs adverbios de modo adoitan ir detrás do verbo.

He paints beautifully. v adv

AS cOnXunciónSLinking words• and une dúas oracións ou ideas.

He was a great detective and a successful writer.

• or conecta diferentes alternativas.

Was he a soldier or a sailor?

• but contrasta dúas ideas.

I felt exhausted but happy.

AS cOnXunciónS FinAiSconnectors of purposeAs conxuncións finais, como to, in order to e so that, empréganse para expresar a finalidade ou o propósito manifestado na oración principal.

I wear a mouth guard to protect my teeth. You must practise in order to participate in the race. You wear kneepads so that you won’t hurt your knees.

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OS cOnEctOrES dE SEcuEnciAconnectors of sequenceCando se contan unha serie de feitos, empréganse estas palabras para amosar a orde en que ocorreron:

• first (primeiro, en primeiro lugar) • after that (despois, logo) • at first (ao comezo)

• then (logo, daquela, entón) • later (despois, máis tarde) • at last (por fin)

• next (a continuación) • finally (ao final, finalmente, para rematar)

First indica o primeiro que pasou e y finally o derradeiro.

Yesterday, we spent the day at the lake. First, we hiked on the path around the lake. Then, we went swimming. After that, we had a picnic. Finally, at 6.00, we went home.

AS cOnXunciónS cOPuLAtiVASconnectors of additionAs conxunción copulativas empréganse para relacionar ideas semellantes entre si e engadir información adicional. A máis común é and. A mesma función pode ser exercida por algúns adverbios: also, in addition e as well as.

It is going to land on Mars and examine the planet. I read a book about the solar system. I also went to the planetarium. Yesterday, I studied many hours for the science test. In addition, I wrote an essay. We will have flying cars as well as robots.

AS cOnXunciónS cAuSAiS E cOnSEcutiVASconnectors of cause and effect• Causais: because e since expresan a causa.

The air is polluted because there are many factories. I often take the train since the train station is near my house.

• Consecutivas: so e therefore expresan a consecuencia.

It was hot, so we went swimming. We couldn’t get theatre tickets. Therefore, we went to the cinema.

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eu xogoti xogas

el, ela xoganós xogamosvós xogades

eles, elas xogan

I playyou play

he, she, it playswe playyou playthey play

PERÍFRASE PRESENT CONTINUOUS FUTURO: PERÍFRASEeu estou a xogar / xogandoti estás a xogar / xogando

el, ela está a xogar / xogandonós estamos a xogar / xogandovós estades a xogar / xogando

eles, elas están a xogar / xogando

I am playingyou are playing

he, she, it is playingwe are playingyou are playingthey are playing

eu vou xogarti vas xogar

el, ela vai xogarnós imos xogarvós ides xogar

eles, elas van xogar

FUTURE: BE GOING TOI am going to play

you are going to playhe, she, it is going to play

we are going to playyou are going to playthey are going to play

FUTURO FUTURO: WILLeu xogareiti xogarás

el, ela xogaránós xogaremosvós xogaredes

eles, elas xogarán

I will playyou will play

he, she, it will playwe will playyou will playthey will play

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eu xogabati xogabas

el, ela xogabanós xogabamosvós xogabades

eles, elas xogaban

I was playingyou were playing

he, she, it was playingwe were playingyou were playingthey were playing

eu estaba a xogarti estabas a xogar

el, ela estaba a xogarnós estabamos a xogarvós estabades a xogar

eles, elas estaban a xogar


I playedyou played

he, she, it playedwe playedyou playedthey played


eu xogueiti xogaches

el, ela xogounós xogamosvós xogastes

eles, elas xogaron


I have playedyou have played

he, she, it has playedwe have playedyou have playedthey have played

eu teño xogadoti tes xogado

el, ela ten xogadonós temos xogadovós tedes xogado

eles, elas teñen xogado


eu xogarati xogaras

el, ela xogaranós xogaramosvós xogarades

eles, elas xogaran

I had playedyou had played

he, she, it had playedwe had playedyou had playedthey had played

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