
Global Map Update -as a base of utilization of Global Earth Observation


Global Map Liaison Report

Osamu Ochiai JAXA/EORC

WGISS #18, SG#17Beijing Sept. 6-10 2004

What is Global Map

Digital geographic dataset of Global coverage Consistent specifications Worldwide open distribution

Expected application: Analyses for solving global environmental

problems Monitoring activities for environmental

change at global level

Who is making Global MapsNMOs (National Mapping Organizations) are assumed to make Global Maps for their countries Support scheme available for those who are difficult in ma

king Global Maps by themselves Global Maps are open to public through the Web ( www.i )

International Steering Committee for Global Mapping (ISCGM) 20 members incl. Heads of 17 Chair : Prof. D.R.F Taylor ( Carlton Univ., Canada ) Secretariat: Geographical Survey Institute (GSI), Ministry o

f Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MLIT), Government of Japan

History of Global Mapping1992 UNCED Adoption of “Agenda 21”

   Global Mapping Concept proposed by Japanese Government1996 Establishment of International Steering Committee1997 Rio+5(UN General Assembly Special Session) necessity of Global Mapping included in the adopted “Progr

amme for the further implementation of Agenda 21”2000 Release of Global Maps through the Internet2002 WSSD Adopted “Plan of Implementation” called for initiatives and

partnerships for global mapping  2007 Whole land of the Earth to be covered by Global Maps

Global Map Specifications

Spatial resolution: ca. 1km( equivalent to 1:1,000,000 scale)8 layers Vector data( point, line, area)

Boundaries( Administrative/Coast) ,Drainage( Rivers/Lakes) ,Transportation( Roads/Railways/Airport) ,Population centers

Raster data( grid)Elevation, Land Cover, Land Use,


Global Map Data( Vector Data)

Administrative, Coast


Population CentersTransportation


Locality and Name of CitiesRoads, Railways, Airports

Rivers, Lakes, Dams

Global Map Data ( Raster Data)

Information at 1m step


VegetationsLand Use

Land Cover

20 categories9 categories

17 categories

How to get Global Maps

Downloading from ISCGM Website Open Download Service Page

Register User Information

Download Dataand/or Viewer Soft

Extract Data,Open with the Viewer

ISCGM status update by GSI/Japan

Status of data updating since last WGISS Participants Country: 135 (+3) Montserrat , Algeria, Lebanon Data Released: 19 (+1) Swaziland  

12th ISCGM meeting Plan to hold at Cairo/Egypt in April 2005, conjunction with GSDI m

eeting. Expecting to increase Arabian countries participation  

Data Format will be changed from current original VPF (Virtual Phrase Format) to another convenient one. Prototype convert tool (VPF to GML) has developed. The prototype result was presented in ISPRS poster session.

ISCGM portal site is now preparing in corporation with ESRI.

CEOS/WGISS collaboration?

Current ISCGM data has already registered into JAXA-Keio Univ. WMS, WFS server under the Digital Asia framework.Keep updating when more data available.Need to consider how to apply the specific use case.It could be CEOS/WGISS and ISCGM collaboration!!