

    0 3 M on Horns Strait uoar Bhckwall,

    r, - - 62.00ntli», - - 1-00

    ' PASSAGE TICKETS•to ISH nio:i

    LiverpuJl ami Quoonstovyii,

    on till! Mowblff BtUlimifllill llHOH i


    IMafu on Eaglnnl ami Hf>!'ft- Canlf o/ Ir«lmi JUu lma lnu i .

    1! UNDXTXV & BON, ActmL,I H t l l S I W D w "

    ;s Cards.

    it. A. un.\M;'ri',"M. 4), "H O Mfl£O:i?A. T H I CPHV'SICIAS & KUJtG.:OX,

    Cor. Blackwcll & Wan-on Sts.,(OiipriBitoDcvtr lliinl;,)

    1HKE11, K..1. ,

    OmcnHuum :*7 li>U A. M., I l o 3 s i , d 7 I J 3 I ' . J [ .

    .).!,. I,A wui;,vci:,


    Surveys, Levels awl Grades

    Slate Roofing,

    Orf.S™"it" *'••»


    DOVEIli' N.' J.

    con. iiLicr.\mJ- ASP fcssK HTIII:ETH.

    J o n s P. STICKLE,

    Counsellor at Law' AND


    ROC1CAWAY.N. .T.

    J. J. VREELAND,Ciirpciitcr; rinil Builder,

    Jobbing promplly altondod lo.Iliors en BL\CKWELI, St., noil to Gaj,'e&

    llnlfloj'fl lumber mill.CouVnoh) taken, anil nmttf l&l furnlshi'il.


    Corow ol MMfcweH Bin! Rimci Bla.

    DOVER N. JV. "I, B. JOLLEY, Proprietor.

    flomi and Curringes loLct.

    nr T. M3P0IIT,

    Counsellor at Law,AN*D MASTER IN CHANCERY, . the Vatbn-U Uuioii Bank DiiJIclinfiJ-jAor-r^-b ST., DOYEIt, N. J.

    yrniomiouu .v aa

    i C0DN3ELL0H3 ATLAW,

    Cur. Rl&uk well ami Burntex HI*.Kll, N. J .

    mill) .HAS A-VDUltHUK,

    ATTOKNKY': .,'*«•. ... . ,

    Counsellor ait Law,' r

    DOVEU,N, J.I OiHco on second floor of tlm Ka|tuiinl Uition

    tint. UulMiiig, = ' ',_..'. ' V '.;_ Vl-tr

    n A.O1M.&

    Furnishing rUnderta!cerUCRK8ED AUCTIOXEEH A N D ' C O M M I

    81OSIUI OF PEEDS,All nnlerfl promptly ftttondod to:

    r D V

    I Carriages and Sleighs,

    I M. IlIsDlnroll null Borgon His, WtfVISK, N. J .

    1 rirllcular imontlon ptid tn recalling null



    UOVI;il, K.J.

    .T. M. 33 AS SETT,

    Civil Engineer and Surveyor,' - ; HOCICAWAY, N. J .

    ALL oiini:nsi i-jioMi'i'Ly Arn:xin:D TO.

    . J. L. CURTIS,

    Manufacturer of Segars'andDliALElt IN lUl'OBTUD I'll'EU,

    TOliAtiGO aud CtGAUfl,Opliodiln MANSION HOUSE,

    M O It 11 T S T O W N.


    Office on Sussex Struct,In Urn building lortnorljr oomiploil as nil oilloo by

    llrnr / Mcferliui, first Hour.DOVEE, N. J.

    CoilcctlmiH tttbmled t r i w i l o

    Bovcril prnjHtlteB lnvo nlroailj- beou piu my lutuli for wle, dcBcrlptfoim or wliluli wll

    ar uest week. -10-tf


    YM.. HA15RIB,


    Sussex St., Dover, K. J .


    nCili/li-H'iit tinilicp. Tlm iiiui'l I'iiK'lu! iilli'iilion.wilh k ̂ iBW to WilLfi inn) )'i;i>Mr).NKSS,l'ivi:ii lo HKIMlllINCI uf WalulitH mxl JowUry.

    GLif une HALLJ. W. BABBITT,


    MANY v.Mi-K fu Ilin cit'tliiiig luisin̂ HH inmuillllSTUWM, liuu Injilt ill) n larguand increasing Irado mill nnw Inaili tliodlvTriIU Una lho larnont rtwc, lnry)tti, I tlilnVc a iiurfeot kiiatrledRo of It, andall wlio-raror mo tvitli tlmir paliouayu, mnvrolv upnu Cult wtilglits, iwtiaBt doalint;, LOI'JUO]iS, nnd nromiitnfBfl In filling or (lore.

    OIUw in J. J. Vrocliuid'B Cari«ntcr Shop.Win. niLh

    Dover, AitstiilSSUi.IB'S.




    orrEits liia ESTIHE STOCK ron



    CLOTHING.OVERCOATS from - - - *« toTEA JACKETS lYom - - - *4 fo |«.Rurra " - - * ' *T IO*IB.YOUTH'S OVEUCOATS from - - FJ to 17.YOUTH'S GUIT3 " - - «5 to (10.Doya 6iiitf>, a InrRaqntntilr, from 13.50 lo

    g Goods:ami SlilrU ffoui 33 la "0 conlii cncli

    koA a gutioral atock or *


    way Lolon Now York prlcCB. Alio


    Diagonals, "fforetsda, Vcctings, So.,

    Inoratr In Clio tell ,Ijlo mil roiiirr »>J t*/, Iiigralaottngo, Wool, Dntcli, Jlay ami IIouip Carpote.L.iiak'Qin^ OilOlnllin, ur Engllati anil Aimn matnificturo; Mal«,Itngii,llriiK(;ttJ, HI

    Itallaiitln, Bhmlo Piit'.-.trfti, Ijvt Gi-oso r.T.llntancl.n, Curlalii ÎuIti-intK, if.

    Wu laalai ami Icy Car-iet, «ul nml lay Olil^li, uinkoand imngHliaclou, nml Riiarantc

    W- S- I3ADI3ITT.

    f oo.o



    WtU. IIC S«I.D AT A


    11 tlie vnntu r " Miij-n't I go tuil, icii'liiT, mayn't I I "

    Wlmt lvoiitlir T HIKMCII -JIII! lire 1Vlni -«iimli.T [liU«t"lt*o I iiuinV/r,

    Ami i|ii(?.Hti(iii sadly nldiiii,

    TliccurloiHiiooplelnM-ct ;

    mllctinnt priirn ihiiiku Ills oliilili-tnJJim't Irani vniy fast at my twhuo),

    liin'l tliliik Iliiit my cnuiHn \& tlio ,riiic'i

    In September, 1851, the Culiiun utoumorncTic was lost lit aeti. Amoii{r lier pna-

    «!iig«r.s wrro iimny jmtiniiiontcitizeuH yfo!i» i.fllipir children,

    were burial there. Two bnudi,:,] -mil

    uud(liminVoleil iy Mr,

    . ' Tlintl

    seventy tronoliM, diToilet, c-rjiitnim'd (i,0l)O emmWIIH not nil; M. Jlinhul disiiiruuicil wtKJ

    x-nches, ami JI. L'retonr, 3,21!J. Gil-ulnto, tliorefort', how nimy ciJi'jHi-?

    Uiesu TUHLLi eciidiicod I

    'J'lio Uon i'iimt:r'ii t'eril,The Journal Du Havre reotninfn a lt>r-

    yiblo encountur o[ wild Wests. Bi'leVncustom was to #o iuto (lio caga of theseEornciows nnimnla fli'ctunjmQictl 1>y ntime)), wbicli was iiy bis ]ircsctu*e kejitiilo from attacit. On a lTOBnt ocisisiune prucccilcil to llio Iion'n cage, aud his

    Ivat net vfiMj to "i>laco liio islioop on tlio'>uck of A lioness, iiH ho had frequentlylonu Uctove. Ho sooner Imd ho iteeoni.'

    ictl thin tlmn n jion'cTi'fiil lion sprangii tlio poor Miceii, nud buried bisIi Into its bod/. "Thero wan n largo

    ...lbsv ot Mpcnblors present, nml, ustiny b-.i imnfiiiml, tho Kiiddeu net of Ihu;

    Uiikil steppoil fonvniil.aint witb tlm utmost coolness struck tho lion a Wow outhe mouth with rt hoavy atiok, whlohinilo him orotiDli ani ^ell "vrttli pnin,ud throw his blooding; victim trembling,t Ibo toot of the ooumgeons poformcr.

    In nnotbor raomont, however, all tbobeasts were hfihnii into fui "

    ncmi he bnuglit. Thcio in reosLo helicte tbat n pvouiise of tlm imluveVIIH (fiven, niid HIGH broken. But tli['tines wna nUo to "bo^i Hi© !Ii:mi.i>,lesmio tbe (rick.

    pid behold uH

    gt) lI

    ld u diimielhiiB) lniontbs nfter tlio IHL of Sonterii-

    Irer, 1870, the Htanch great ii

    ( on bis way to San FrmiTnimu, Suinalra, Borneo and lliol'liillij)-

    ' luslnnd!*:'M. Victor Hurauit j«ior to tho days

    inunc vriifl n jnenibnr of sevcr-nti Hcii'ntillct Htjcietius, mid wna

    , iwl nlike for tlie iJiirin,',' oii'.,.'-of Iris view* noil Iita c.»ltl-b!":if tuo liou-tniner, has einco died of hia

    l*n>Jndlco Against tliq Jews,Tlio Hebrew Leader complains of the

    lolish prejudices of Christians againsttbe Jaws, nnd especially of those whobeliovo tlint thoy intend, in time, to re-turn to (ho Holy Land. Xlio answer,

    otlns Dr.kGotth«a; is tlint—"Isrnelitea in every land nnil in OTory

    ngo IIHTC nssimilatod themselves with theplfl wllh wliDm thoy dwelt, in every

    LOsnecfc except religion. They are ova-ry whero thoroughly anturalizQd uud pa-triotic. Tlicyaro Arftba in Syria andE3gj-pt, Germaiia in Germany, Engijau-ncn in England, Americana in America,aud wttiriora in bjiltlo in every countrywhere thoir help isncoilod." Tho roc-

    may hcfull , ..the next fuiir muuths. I t is tho dutyitnil the nviviiega;of scienco to marl: thoonions. Weneo"m tho IisavQtis them-selves ti?.ccsofdostructirooleiuoiita, nndmmiy indication-} of their nower, Thofrag-uoiita of broljon iiIanctB—the do-scout of motcotia atonoa upon oui' glotio—tlio wheeling oonacts welding tlicirloose niiiterinla at tho aohv furuaca—tliavolcanic* omiitioiiH of our own sntelito—the appearance ot UQW stni*a und tha tits-tippcuninco of nthoro—are nil clonueutforosliad'Hj'a of that itupcuiling couvul-niou to whiolt tlio system of tho worlilnml thchumimvnca nva iloumail, TUnaijlhceil oa.ft plnnct which is inovitnbly toio burnt up.uQd ttiyicrlicaTfcus^Uioli i t sto pnaa away, Uuta treading, tw it tvero,on tho comotcrioa tmtl dwolliug ia tlieniimsDloums of form or troilds—let uslearn the loasoa of resignation to tlio futotho womb of tho future lins in store foru s . ' "

    This is the language—not of ooo wliolooks revorently to t[io toaoliings of rev*nhition—but of ouo who looks nt tilingsin uioroly qlio HffUt of floicnoo. Coin-pare his wortld with tlioso of St. Potcr :

    "Buttlio day at tbcLocd wiUoamoAiithief iu tho night; in tho which tlio

    heftveua ohall puss awny with n greatnoise, mid tlio olcmcnta aboil molt withfervout licit, thacntth tilso and the woikathat nva therein shall bo burned un2d Pot. iii, 10.

    How much hotter - tlio npplioatioii•hieli tbo tipostlo urges upon us in view

    of tlicso trcmaadoua ovania which arcto tainapire iu otir Bin-oursotl world.

    "Seoing then thafcaU these tilingssha' „ho (lisBQhe*3( wliivt -aiftnucr ol personsouglit j o lo ba in all' holy conversationaud godlincEB,,looking fov inul ltnatiii]

    nrds of o will boar tritnesfi totho truth of this filutcment. Tho ablestof onr palilio men hnvc nlwflys ncbnowl-edged1 it, nml linvo pointed to tha Ho-brcTv population OH one of the bulwarksof tbo Com [noli wealth.

    A fldflsli fenr pcrvndej tho Chmiinunice tlmt when tho Hebrews depart theywill treat other nnlions ns tlio auclentIsmelitos treated lho Egyptians, • bor-rowing thiiir "jewels of ailvci'nnd jewelsof pold," nad carrjing thorn into otiiorInnils. I toucht to bo suflitiiont to laughtt tbo absurdtt*/ of theso idoas, but it iaint, fnr thny nro ropoatod ngnin andignin, witli pvcry grotesquo exaggera-tion. Bat cmiuut fair-aiiudeil moa whoL)rofcwi nnothor creed believe such menus Dr, Gotlhcil, when ho proclaimB pub'iicly from his pulpit that this is untrue.

    AN EsiEnPBiSB DP Jomi JACOB AS-xon'a—ln tho year 1808, John JacobAstor fouiniotl tho Afficricnn I'ur Com-iflny, the hotter to onaWo him to curryjut liiB designs ot eitomling tlio tradointo tho interior and compation withthe Britiali NorthwcslFiir Company nniUUJBOH Bay Comiinny. Xbboutpostaofibis new company Btretchod into nowind hitherto utitroililen fields. Onining-

    j . oooutry Rtofeltod v\Va tooiivcr, ottor nti3bnfTftlo, Having now. at tlio ago of forty-Bii, ncqiiircil a fortmio uuffieloiitlyInrga to nntisfy tha nmliitfon nf mostmen, lio conceived ntolder onternriBotlinn any be bad yet uudcrtnhen, -tt-liichwns no other tlian to itttcmpt la controltho fur tmdo west of tbo Itocky Motuins. To tliis end, tuc nistpust, Airin, wns wtabliahed in 1810, at thomonth of tho Cohitnbiii rivor, by n partyof sixty men, nndor tho enmumnd ofMr. W. P . Hnoi. Comtnoditioa for tlioanpply of this settlcmont were to bo con-voycil h) jrtrfps (mm New Yort, wliitliwere likewiao to be fi^ifihlod with vnri-ojis flrticlc3 ot mprchiinOisii, wliicbto he exchanged for furs nt tlio Hi-otUaniPnts further north. These, iu,urn, were to bo exported to Canton, ntthin timo o fnvorabln iiinikot ten1 furs,nnd exchanged lor China goods, Bilks,teas, etc., elo. Mcnnwbilc, tbo war withGreat Britain broke out, Tho Tonquin,tbo nwt, nnil llieLark, tlio lliird TURSOIdBpfttchcd to Astonn, were lost. Thia

    mloiis project ol Mr. Astor'n up-to liavo been nttcoded with diur-

    io uourngo lo eonioetm-o wbtoiu* poor old nhuibt dnrin

    • I t in tin ' •

    i . l t j l i l ' l l 1

    tit'- i-.iiiirciUt.;• in. •

    Ihir-.liif.JWltil! Cllt-

    the hlj^Cil ineiin, In tinth,

    |K,, , ; I'atiiHiM, with b'«/L-L-lli, hw pi;,'-l«il erect

    niN; mid ot'hor tli» JiltoL'Hlf*ii'H, to say nothing ofi of Itavoliitionnrj' relioa,it eirciiH .siiieo iiuiuc andctf uric eiiico Noah th roviitlic colclir.iti to LHj.c.-ili, llioub-inlho iatliiJ cock-fail, (lit:L-pjJur-siiuue (l hi]*.-pQiiotnnins. Sucli unmoriteii inorlmainmust adtl tn tlio bmdou of liia exile.Alorcorer, tbcro is an jiicongruity nbonfcit. Oao uiiglt us readily fupcy tlio nui-wwl b,vpnthecatcd O.H security for n lion,or sold abort on a mnrgiti, or ra\,zz,cd 'with nu iajiincHoii, or in any other ab-surd legal ou lUml relation. I t ia aneril tiling aUogothor ; bad for Bitrutim, for tlm hiiiiimiotttuiaa sind bail lortlio ooimiiy, which nwaib tho dehutnttlio sliowta-m anil tUo nniuml with a. sus-

    Eieiiso which may ho ilcaigiialDil ntircatlilosa. It ia to bo hoped that llioattachment will bo apeedily vacated, thocarper-tor: aiat to tho lionaniul tho iu-aiiltod beast ciimfortod

    l l d i lund cthoi*

    ast cimfortodwitli ostr.-. ml


    with upplcs anditiows ot turniiis

    Hoyoung yet, uud pevhftps may Coigct liiawrong. j].it Earn urn lias S ] tbfit flh f th

    tbft*uglit j o loaud godlincEB,,looking foi1 mid ltnabii'g wrst rosy Uasf* of yo«i!:—an nmtnaon»utito tlie coining of tho Oay of Goil, i'outh.BiiiTOHiidod with tho reality ofi c o g of t t o Ony of G o , >wberoiu tlioUcRVftua bciugoa ilvo shnllt iHit-eiiteio dissolved, nniltlieolotncnts ahull molt

    with Eervotit heat ?*'—2;1 Pit . 11-12.

    CUUflrcn an CrtUes nml liaUnlom.Of all critics tlio lieaueKtp.ini most ob-

    BEYTaiit am children. Thoy often cceniunobservant when tliey hnvn their ê -oswidest open. It. ttiercforctore' io D! thohighest importance tliat !}}cir tertcliertito nailmig •which will oscita their justcritscism, an it ra3pot'ta sobriety of tlc-mca*nor or vevevonco for lirfy t\iings. B

    tcnoher is frivolous, trifliiig, worldly,d d i t l t ftwli l i t Ih,to ftwliirin n

    l lunconseiotig child critin will quietly iw-italo tlio *jery defect which may provolitits atricturcs, Nono will pei-ceivo moroquickly tlmn ho vflitin tlieteacbcr cloosnot practico ivhnt hopicaclios, and thodifllcttlty is Unl ho will catch tho con-

    '""a of n bail essuiplo far rooro easily, ot i\ [iiooil ono. Ghililren do uol

    ^__J tho niltmiiuliou "Go nnd do Itko-VfiBO," with.Tntoi.tnoo to nriytliing tbntis oviloriinproptT. Tlicy wifl bupromptenonghloiiniljilotl.Govil tliitlm npur of nny iidmoaitioii.

    Amoiig uthyr vioe3 with wf n y i m o i t

    Amoiig uthyr vioe3 with whichdrej bccoiuo infeoted Ibrougli ibnmplo of llioir (cftcliurs mid others, istaiJincsd orirrtRiilnrily. A tunly teiich-cr inevitably mnkes a larfly echomr, nntltho loaclier who is irregular in hia a'-tau-dnuco von\it3 tmanta ol liis Eoliolni-3.WD mav bo sure that lio who is hubiln*ally faithless iti-IiUlo thinRswill becomeif bo bo not already, fnithlaa* in greattilings nlso.

    TUG RcvrvALiars.—Tho lirflea lmsworJf" of Iiearly nu^orGcmout to mimicconcerning thnHipnodromo rcvivfiliscs,in opposition to atheistic; sneers. Tli~editor snys:

    Whatever pliilosoplnml ekoptiiM, how-ovor, maj Bay, tlio work, ncccniplislictttlii3 Wfliter m this city I'oi1 private nnd

    ublic morale will livo. The dmnkon haveecomo Robcr« tlio vicious virtuous, anil

    ldl l f k i lfih lh i

    ter thninghoub. The lortol Astoriu wns"itirod. mid jnst nt thu close ol the

    -n'ur, us it waft nbont to bo rcstoi-ctl, Uwas sold to lho iiRouta of tho NorthwestFnr Compcny. through tho trenoaory otono nf bin partners, n Scolohtnnu utmit"MeDoiigul. Wlien tlio nows ol tho cap-ture of Astoria reached Mr. Astor, hoeii.d, -n-ilh nchrorfnl smilo, "I am*iiied."

    A family iu town Uavo a dag twenLyfivo vwirs old. Up ITUB originally a houndbut lio Glajod with them BO-long thatthoy call him a tarrier,—Ex,

    phecomo Robcr« tlio vicious virtuous, anilworldly sGlf-fioekiug unselfish, lha iguo-lilo uoblo, the impure y-uo, tho joutUliavo pinrfei! witn more generona aims,thn old have linen stirroil from old w«ysof,(,'ni!«iics!-, n new bojic'linn Hltod up11 ii nil roilti of JiuniHi) lif-iui;atn now conao-liiliou hw< muio to the fiorrowfnltniid , alii'tld'priiiL'iiila bns entered tho (-cirJit"lifi* nf tl*B day, Ilirnngb tlio labors atln'sn plain iniin. WImtover tho prejii

    it-i!1-. may mtSI thom, tho bona^t tninctoc]nnd ju»l wiil not [orgut their laban

    . Arnlllcsiiako witli thirty-two rattlosind t-even inohra in civciimleTcncb, istbn intcsUlineuvcrod production of bnlmySan BiicimvcwUira, u populax Cftlifoinmrciiit

    t]}̂ 3 anil sliotibronfih with wild aspiring urcnuio of nliQssibtc fntui'U holiciuoth—ami it ia pos-Kiblo that in lib indigiihut brcn&t tlio in-jury limy rnuklo. lJat wo lr;\st it uc-l'iotisly will xot diEcompoiio him,, nud.Unit-with ti tliiiouthitillcd anil Irawtiuil-.icil Jiijjpopolnmiw ho will be ready to

    taUu tUo fickl with dnmia benting nudluinncrs fljinjf us i;ooa us tho wmLhorifciira up n.»d tlio [roat is out ol iho-niunil.—K Y. World.

    Tho threo Jlncst cluoks for tablo usoire: l'lio ninvas- bnc!r, tho ted-Uoad ami:Txa bnttor-ball, probably bcuauso Hioyfeed on wild calory* ivbilu othara Raunt;-[illy feed on fish. TuGCinvAs-backisniiODocent looking fowl, iudustriaus, amiJcpenil^ iijion hifj owu labor for nil thoswenta of life, nnd would,enjoy itlnigelybut for tlia intruders who haunt his pros-cnoSj lima i 'i'ho canv«3-baQt;divcii un-der tlio wnti-r, isncl toils about tlio bot-tom till ho uiakea choico of o bunch olcalory, wbtoh Jm takos in liin bill nu inchor ttvo from the root, aud Imtcus to thelurfncB la e/ijay the fniita of his labor,virile lho other two lay iu watchEul idle-

    tioss.rentl.v foL' tho plunder. Tha rixlhead, soizing tho larcoat puvtion ot closo to tbo bill of tho canvau-b.ick, makes away with it, while the but-ter-bull gobbK-3 down tbo other cad,leaving nothing for tho laoorov cscapttlint small portion whicti ho held on tolilto gj'im (leatU. In this wise, lho pooccinvaa-lack toilo all ths dny IOIIR, fromearly tlawu till darlc. Ho could cujoypni'L of tho iky inrc3t and perfect bnpxii-neH3, but for "tlincG vrlioccck oycry o\i-porttinity to cut up' his very life IHIIJ-Btnnoo. ^

    A STnniTso Uni.iorotu 9iatvrcr,—At>r. 0., tho Episcopaliana liavoB a i g , K 0., tlio Episoopalinna liavo

    started a trniuiiijT BCIJOOI for colored,tonchcra ami clcrgrmen. They begiuxritn throe young men uroynriny for Lhamiuistrj-. Wbitoclcip'y in tlio ilioccsogive n jmrt nf iheir liiue to colored cou-gregtttinns. In Aloulaun, Bishop Tiit-tlocontiiuica to cany on on ng^essivotlocontiiuica to cany on on ng^essivowork among tho Kcttlornonti. At Helo-iin, as tlieio was no XSniscopal cluirah iuIhe plnco, thn Prosbyicrint-B kindly of-fcretl tho two of their IIOUM tit worship,which wiis tbanl'fnlly accepted. At Un-J--.- '?!„ - _.?..?..— _^_^-.. ..1. _ -1 f...._iniivill. aho;lt fotli

    "AVIiat! no niorp ainmiiiiition f" criodtlia captain c»f n military 'company on aHold d»v. "No ; no more," replied biomen. "Tlicn—nil—ceiiso flnnp," n>pliod Llio officdr.

    lHUser of n tivwsiila im^H'ilyroil estatu nscut if llm river

    didn't'Woll," rcsiionJL'd bo, "it isn't one

    0HU03Q sickly strcama that tiro nlvrs*j3confined lo beds."

    miles ii|) lho gulch, n large eouprogn'.ionof-turners ami lliuir fumiliea imi I'.^-.iEiitberod iu tho lufr building used fur ainiBsion cliap.:!. 'Jho ullar h A.solidblock of wood, used in t!io qnr tz mill.The lectern nud pulpit «ro "i*ii-/t>ed tim-bora," iisptlns sii|)i)Wfcj for tlit- roof oftho mine, and between tho hvo^.-o phe-cdilio minor'fl pick and linuimt.-, nudvnriotis "iittiiiRs" used iu lho mill i!:.:ipolishes tho sold bcirinp qu.-irtz.

    AmuiiK Uio crowil watcbtiiR tho sealsin (lie ^odloKUMlOaniL-lia.riiiladcIphia,ivcro i\ auivly--niaTrieil cimiilo ln?ro en ahriilnl Univ. They gave all Ihe rest oftbo miiuwl3 HIP Rt>-V)y to ubscrvo tlionlccL iluninons of (ho ctcmo bisin, nnd itwas ft fnSS hum befoie llicy j^reiv weary.CliillfJ by tlio row nir, nnd imiiationt

    vet Hie •wni:i»gl tlio hniArauu anid,'Come, tlarlinjr, lot's go nntl EPC thohr-

    D-ai\9.T Tbo foiler n\w hmi\ lht?m sf-ah •would fly nroiind and sing nt 4 o'clock,oUbor lied to na or eleo tm'a 'rro watchbun 0ononb.eacl on me ngniu."

  • THE IRON ERA.!R..SJ. II. TOUT, Editor and Pr

    April 1, ISTti.


    TboS^racuso C.iiiventkm 1ms iU-cil for Senntrtr Conkling, us llio clioftiio oi New Yorkfor tho Presiactitial nominatiou, not-wltlislniidlue tlio oflorts of Mr. CatJilr. 2!rliorl8 nuil t ' l l icrs IOHCCUIO aninstniclcd niilrnramclcd delcgatiooUio Ciiiciniia.i Convention. 0 / course,Uiif. result ia owing to tho eiwrts uf tinaiMiliiiK ofilcc-IioMcrJ £iiver uf jiasitioii ami rlace, nl-fl'tvi dU'luto lo «ml tf..ntr«l coiivontif.niHO mslti-r of what H i f i r n l i*r*y. TIJCj)ro]'leli:tvt> l u t litllo to sn.v, nnd roustfollow tlio lead nf l>arty cliU-fc in what-ever dirccliun UJCV im\y detenu.ue .

    That Senator OonUKug is fitted lortin: rrcMileiicv, fully " p nnd equal l<Uu- Jivcngj stumbt'il, cannot be dcuied.l ie lias l i n n to his. present high i»osi-tioii mid s-tanJmu kcfoiv tlic cuuutry byfaith fill, upi'igut n1111 a 1 j l l ! "d1"'1"*lion n[ tliu iniijlic tiH3(s witli which lie

    hn-shvru IJDIH.I-.I, uml his iutogrilj:ill fajtmliitWi cannot bo Biicct'ssfally im-juipofi] nr qiip!,fitiiicd. Ho declined•Cliiuf-Jnsticcslniiof thu HLimemo Courtof tlie United Stales, tho highest juJi-i; invtaiiaiml vt ihe country, in orderl i n t he roifflit htrvc tlic jjetiplc iu tliecui iunl i nf (ii" uniidii. Ha pvoterrcdi-eiuahiinf! mom direutly jn cuntaci, withtho peniilf. tliuu l» clt'5O Ms CWCM up-imtlict B-ooJB.ieli, Jiltliongh many of hisfriends thonglil, find (still tliinli, lie erredi n s o detenu tiling.

    Sev.'riln.'lcis, Mr. Coukliug lias tewif miy elements o( populari ty. He i:iliRieuR of (iccrsf, iin(ienotis and impaticnt of restraint, lio does not warm tonuybody, nor do others •warm to iiim-All Admit Jiis flHnwmcnte, culture mid\jowor, but none lovo hiui. Hochii'fliiiii ITIIO may fight his ttocijts c/-rcctivcly, but they would liunily die wil-linfil.v in Iiia cause. They might re-siicct atiJ tot Lira, but ihey would do.hia much, free from ciitliuaiasin. Therev.oiild lie no hliud aubinifiaion to order,.•o bhuttiiifl of the eyca and tniNling nil,com« what lany—timt gnmd reeling ofIUVP, rcvc'rciica nnd uoiiiUofictf cotohtO'vA, miiili us tlio old faero, Ocd. GeorgeII. Thomas, inspire'l. Itoscoc Couk-liug would hate wade a grand chief in

    y of Scotland, in (he time» Wallnei1, find hia in.uily

    IDVID, clad in lartan, would liavn Rotn-inniidod Uio /id mi rut ion of the Clans.But tho avcraga American valor is h«rdiy lo bo coin]iurcd to tljR Scottiali [nountnincur, uor American freedom uf opinwa lo tlie blind anljsorwciicy ol nucicalScolia'a [it'auanti'y,

    Mnoug llio postuiimta. itayaid, of tiroDcinociiitio, nnd DrinUn, of UioBepub-liaiii pavty, nro iuoming tip into formid-able proportions. New England ia xns-

    . cillatins in (liTeeLiou between Bhiuo andBrisitow, with cliancn in fnvor ofteltor. Tho Hlcru, old-Lima Puritan ele-

    The Story of Block t'rldaj-.The suit of Do Witt C. Tavlor m,miiut

    Jnv tiouUl snd Jntuea M. llaeb, to re-cover npuu failure to fulliliono of tliegold puiclmaes lnude byus tlic alleged broker of , _others, on the Ulack Friday cf 1803,was on trial Tuesday in illBiiiiit-iio Court, Circuit, 1 ..

    , Mesars. Algernon ti. Kutlirait.

    X l'rocession tifUfnil Rcu.

    ment Jiilhci- colliitnrop, nail wliii

    to thosoetionnl pp, p

    uucli for Ulaiuo, thu under-current ofliis Pennsylvaniii birth runa ngniust him.Jikitto it hglauil njiprcciiitioo* of t ie pnra-blo of tlio juutand unjiiatotewani. Now


    niiliriiiita), eoclul aad nationalnnd itrUtow comes noarar filling .thaithmi any other aspirant named, iHots uotilfsiro tlio ancient land innremoved iiuil ia trao to lirr tmditi

    Tlio violence ot (ho struggle 1IL-1«Iilniidriulto, Thnruian, 'Eildon and oth<Dctnoeivtio Icndera, gives birlb licnusorvalivo sentiment in favor o! Scu:inr Bayard, of Delaware. Ho ia no(.jiokcB ot more frequently'and in higler tcrina tliaii hertslofot-o. Tho ultra cltjnentaf Southern Defaoersey would minily prefer Ilaynrd to eithor TlmrmanHeinlricks, and in yicw of the compilethma imu iricooncilflbilitica of tho hocha k luoltcd iijioii as n candicJato whwould command tlio HSJICCI of nil palice, Unt Bavurd does not iiosscjaelements of p«i>ulaiitjr o r CIIILUSIMand would fail In tonao Ilia muggas,some tbiugs ho ia broad, in other tinturn-row in ttin cstrcmo. i ta lias imtila luayiictifim, compared wilU 1I(o»edtin; fflKO to the jury, said that Oould,Jiieh Uenry N. Smith mid Ileary A.aott, with Jnincs FisU, iis.soei«tea them-;elves with tipeyros «s their ageut, iobid for gold und rniso its market pnec,ami tliey fitiallv iiroiluccil grcii excite-meut in llic ftolil Hoow, until goldreached ICO, at which emu this jialo In the course of tho day bpeyer

    t-o iilnintifl; accordtIIR: tu ewitota,..-omoraudum of tho coitruct, which ha;lb»e« lost, hut it van aaliatautiauy, ifnot litcnilly : "Uongbt from J)a Witt C.'Taylor, $203,000 American «oldntS»2D,-000, for account of James Fi*k, Jr.. audassociates. A. Spcyers." Wilfiil) nn hourafter tlio talo tlio plaintifl deposited nth; Farmers'Louu olid Trust Vompnn}

    of 560,000 to secure th» olheiinjmgin 5 ,.We, and notified

    t f th

    urlo faposit 20

    ccrd.We, and notified Sveytna lo fapit 2iier cent of the pmebase monoy, accord-inctollie rules of tbo Ejccbaugp- llfliiiid ho would do so, but nt 2 o'clock,;aid he would not and t-oulil not, thofuel being that they were unable lo pur,Tlio sturm hud broken over thoir buuls.Tlis sold van sold (it 1S3, llio loss be-iiiR fi53,70f, for which (bo suit warbrought.

    now OOLD VTJLB ru r vi\Mr. Sjieyots van then questioned fur*

    ther, and testified : Af'«r Ipariog Ucl-ilcu'a offlco I went about 9 o'clock IU thotvorniiig topurolincu gold iu tbo GoldRoom ; Inter in tlio day, about 1 o'clock,I u « Gould, Fiat and Siaittt iu Mr.Heath's back oQlco iu "Wall street; nf-ter sui'in? Ueldeu do nshed me to go witlihim to Heath's ofllce, and thoro 1 foundtbeac thteo ccutlomou and several oth-ers; Boldcn said nothing; I spoke loFislt ; Gould wasneur; nil (area rerouittinz iirotty close iouatlior, wiHiiheariog; I uiil I had vbattt S2,GOO,Q0O

    of gold uuhiiud, nbiuh U'Mr. risk flpoko up—

    ilJ ii



    Room an boughtu u til Iconld not gatbuying prico hailf H) ' l k I

    G'U.LPOB THE CEUOCI"TIC Sure Co:\Esno».—TrcuLou, March 28.—TinllemnrruticSUle Erecalirc Committamot tins eveniiiR nt tbe Trcutou HOUnml instrod Kcall tor u8ta\ecoavcatio(o lie hclJ iu ibis city May 23, for thinirpotQof elecUuR /our Senatorialfauitccu ilintrict delegates to tho Notiotml Coveution ntSt. Tvonii Tbo b;iia of rGpr«iCntntinii will bo ono delgnte for oaclj 10!) Doniocralio roles cttt the last Gubernatorial election, aooa lor each tmciion oliiia Bamc. Tcall is meroly tormnl; no allusionmado to nrtiooal or Stnio politics, wit is nudrussd to Democratic voters(JJC State and nil OUJCJB opposed to tbiiircwnt Notional Ailminwtrntion. I t iisignal l»y / \ . M. Eeynolds, ChairmanScujatntn I'. Carter, G»D- C. LudlowGarret G. Achctwan, .Goralioin MoltU D. W. Vroom, Bntnnel T. SmitJob H. Lippencott, and Charles T, He

    . r j , Sccretarj.

    MOOW AM> S A S K K T YEffTBRDAT—Tlici-owoa ho nfternoon meeting ot hHinnodromo ytslcrduy. In »pito(ho itoro tho eircniHg w« « .iitleuiletl. Two-UiirJa of tlio auilioncWHS composed of dnlegnfea for to d » 'convention. Mr. Moody prnyad for IhEueccre of tbe contention, and wia in*text wns: -"JBot now oomw-nntleUi allmen evcrywliero to repoot" "An anrpenlicg sinner." said Mr. Moody, ,"andoa cannot live togotber, TEiew •« nhono for tbe thfl man Ibat die» -ingiMijcMnUiig neknowlcdmn? GoJ- WheaainncminB from God faa tans-Impiis best friend. Let those ?f «« d w p jnilutnrntotboLordtstoiDght. Whichwdo ata you on, ray W«ndiir' •tfonw."BfliilBnion iutta conlie of *oo ball"Ah,said Mr. Moody, "«i»nft flod^lwro -onemim ready to slnnd up for Jesus.

    '£ho dam ol Ibo Ijntlo Hroolt Bcacr-voir «t Wdrcostor, MPSB., gaye wayatiaradw e«DiBft anfl ftt lmt wwrnotaJlie floods were pouring down tbe Fullerihtcatcttiog to inundate Ibe aty.

    Mr. Ubearniau objected on the fameground as proviouaiy, nnil Ilic C tlicKl tbnt il was not evideimo gBucli, hut admitted it at against OauM,

    Mr. Bpeyars, continuing, said—I toldJiik I wwltniiteillototi gold at 1-Wpercent a ilay j Then Mr. Smith aaul," I hnvd givan Mr, Hueyera two limits ;"theu Mr. Fisk said, "Mi-. Smith, yoi}UU tl.OUu.OOO of (hut lotin.sod Mr.Heatlifwbo wns also jiH-ieut thon) willtulio tlio balnuco ;" n.y boolv-koojier wasalso present, I think ; tbim Heath wontout with my book-keeper, ond t ie trun-snetiem was flnisbed beUcon tlinnj [ Ididn't auo the tlireo eontlemcn again ou'imr^day ; t BHW tbeiu next o litllo after

    o'clock oa Friday at Heath's office;FisU was ia bis sbiki ilcovca ; bo toldme, (1Qo nntl 6uy nil you eao gnt, up to146 ;" I sujinose wbtit ho SPUI could beheard by nil (n llio room j ho apoko al-ways very loud ; tbo market prico tlioday before nns HJ1 ; I went afa ; fiold wont up rnjndly, nndlbought successively nt 147, 148, MB uutfICO ; a(t*r it readied 100 I continued tuUIQUO imicu[iar3 in tbe Excbuii^-o until itiveut to ICO; I wont trad, reported toMr, FiskucYonJ tiuics nunt Iwaa doing;I found him in Mr. Heath's hack oQlcc,Gould and oilier gcnllcmcu being withhim? I took my book uver nnil ationed 'it to Mr. Fisk, and I Ihiuk I showeJ italso to Gould ; tho ouly ono I epolte towas Fisk, who aaiil, "Buy nt 160 ;" Iwont back to tbe dolil Exchange anilbought; I loaned for Mr. Unldun largeimouoU ; tlio gold I loaned on Tliurs-

    j b t W l l B ^ *»,'oF j S w n t g l i i Iftd gouo1 tefow the 101limit; lit Baid, "Go and contiuue tu bICO;" when I called in Heath's officeLhiit time I eaw Gould lying on tho iofcovered with /. big nowa])nper oil overI don't know whether he heard our con

    YCWit'lOi).llDTlKO AT 1G0—mil 14Tu rQ, Wcm you involved in aBydi/Bc|)lt;

    that ftUeruoon ? A. I was.Q. A««r thiit nhat did j«u do ? £

    went ovor Jgajn to Fislt, at Heath's o]llco, and told him what had hoppeped jI was threatdHeJ then—peopU c»uie tcme from tli« Stcck Baord sod *aj(J ifdidn't ntop bidding 1Q01 would bd killei—allot; tltcu I want over to the SlooBoard and asked thorn for a moment tcbe qaiet; I told Mr. Fink of tho occurenco of going to the Stock Board, anasfced who Uic cocard WM wlio ibrenton.«l to Bhoot toe ; that J yould tantinitt(nsniiooHIiem; tliislropcrtpd loFi«k,and aim that Mr. Hoalh nlooil upon lutStock Unard end BaH : "H you ^in '

    ant to buy more at 1(0 J \yill j " theo tol Glsuipow und__i i i . :i 1 TtioadlT Hud

    indcil nine.twentf freight wagons in (ho procesand each wagon was ubcarjc lomlmlthe remains of BoMic

    gtiunlilt* H

    f Li

    of decay. Thesa bud louu buried, omby ono, rouging through n perioil nouverul joarn, nl Tort Ctalp, nud rccontlyiho remains wero ordered remored totho aoverumcut cemeturjr nt S^uta Fo.

    bodied tturo e ihuwoJ , pucUod ivnnd each ono hibclled, just

    lacks of ore. Ooly nue hotly, tb»iof LioutcuQiit l)row, wus transported iuacoflln. Tlio officer purishoA i>\ thirst

    thn Jornada i lelMuertaaix yearsngo.His romariii), WIJOR exposed loiijEpcctirtiat iiauU Ft1, ]trc$cnted a rather natural

    re. U'h« touguo. or u'bjit r»-i>arata griive. There

    . . . . no religious or military Bcrvicea orcorcioouioJ, aud tlio men hired to uccom-i>nny tha procession towed t"

    "wea about jvilli as littlu caipd tlio sacks of

    boaea about v/Uh as littlu care aud feel-ing as they would boxes of mcLcbaudise.A t ' l i d i n t tceu evety

    g yA sjieotao'lp wday in Snntti r e

    eird i nVenter Times.

    A Doo'a Louo SWIM IN A WIMBII StA.—P i h bVisitors to b

    WIM IN Wjui Point must have be-

    ili i h hcome moro or Tesa fiiuiiliar with the a»-itcaraucooia vt-ry large white cloa bc-lonpinft to Mr. Btudwell. Keceully thiniioblo haasi B\y&m from l^ishioK Rucli,on Bhijipnu Toiut, tu Vincent Islnnd, udmtaooo o! nhoat uiia mile, through ubi?iL*y Bra. I t was thought tlie Oog bailpcr'tithea, as be could »ut bo Been a goodportiou of tho time, but lie got tolandwiiJjoiJt iibowinff extraordinary fatigue.Ho oaoe accompauicd a fialiing party,ocJ hoaoaiiugoffimds&nt some unfriend-ly demouBtration on tha purl of one nftho pnssongers, Ut voluntarily left t i eboat .rhen aboiiI D rniio off Jjuuff iHtniid,and anata bacli to Shi)iJ»aa Pu)«t> n ilis-tunce of nearly uiuo miles. Tliia was in

    'Ujooth Hen aud iii summer weather._ , littcst exploit was performed whentho water B « very rough aird cold.—Stanford Ailrocute.

    WIUT i MA« DOE3 IS HALF A CESTC-itr— According to a French blatiMieiaii,

    'f lu rfixirts from the lllark Hills havebeen ol u very iliseiH.raff.Dg eburocter,iituiv iifflwrs n;>—

    Henry S. Lit t lo for Olwli iu Cimneorjr,Ut'iirv C Kclaey KecrfUiry of Hlato,itid OerHbom Molt for Hlulo Piwnnknqior.

    A "littlu moro tlmii a year ago a Nur-egiitn fuj'iiiL*]', wlit-ji j ru i ik , frnzu his

    Lnuiln and fcot, t o u r Dcuomh, Iown, t-.othorhad to be nnipnUiloU, His wife b utlnally- recovered SO.BOJ ftum tlio manwho fold biiu the lj(]»or,

    Charles I I . B i r t h , Ininspoi Ulinu clerkthe iisinrtt'nii'.iufu'B deiiuiliuent nt

    Sun Fmucisun, wns nrrpRted n few iliiyn,go for BtonliiifT 560,000 of tho gnvoni-

    meat fnmlB, l i e ri'storod most of tln>On fiiitimliiy tie was oril«?reil

    lo ho eunlinntl nt Port Ale^ti'ax, bu t es- jC3]iud from (do offlocrfi, end has in '

    'tiiitfy..wnlkoil BOO

    rding tthe man of nicny nccountn. a

    f h l t C000 dman of nicny nccount. a mIV of age has slept C,000 duyw.) dtya/pwuBed himself 4,01)0

    ya^ etc. " He has" entail Vi.OliOl of broad, 1G,OOO pounds ol i»cnt,1,000 pon nil a of vegetables, oggs andflsli, and drank 7,000 gnllous of liijulil—TIZ ; water, onOop, tea, beer, wiuu, elc.

    •altogether. This l i l d iftko a rctTl l k f 300

    niftko a rc-t fJake of 300 square toot

    Jnd ti feet deep, on ii'birl) small sleara-bonU soolil navigate. And all this solidaud liquid taaietiai [?np3ff? through n bu-rana buing In fifty yens.

    t Exri-osiox1 AND LORI up LifHin Nr.WAUE.—Tho boiler of Sauerlier'atool factory in Mechanic street, Konark,exploded about two o'clock Wednesday(.(teruooo, dGatroylng tlirco l>nililinRinoil other properly. The etigiaeer, h.[>esob, was badly crushed; Joacpu V.Odd wa| instantly killcil, Jacob Kulp

    Lsscrioualy iijiiireil, and John Hartmau\n blown ibro'agii a pioilciV into an

    adjoining grnTeyaril f ho itiil PfO^VjfroooTCr. Qeorgo Dcrmcr was burial 11/ >the mini, ftud sustained severo injuriom.a crowd of more (hnn qno thousandpcojilu wars quiokly on tho ujieijo, sjnJcould ouly lo ttept from ontariug on tharuins by ropo^ stretohad across tlio street,Tbo loss by tbo firm will not amount toa very largo sum. It was reported lustniglit that the boiler iiuJ boon in aeo aung *kUQ aud had become defectivo,

    ii- .. • - • • - • - -

    SOVTBEBN I'amia ^jp VEOETADLIU IHilAitKCT.—Tho Soutlitvn jstrawbom'ciiow in llio New "York market &>o lionrioritla nnd South Uarolinn, anil postronj 75 cents to SO cants a quart when

    jn tho best pondilioa, or if inferior orJaniaged 00 cent* to 26 cents. Theybavo entirely reptaced tbo hot-liniiBa

    MII.f.H V. (IIH'I-IUT, Mri\'li 'Jutli, 1W7>Ht.-i ?-,.!•!.,(•.., IJASSill I*., Wtil.mS! ut, I .(•-• vf Uovi-r, iu her UGUi >caiI.'.*nJ vtn !••*() dJortmnic-at (fin

    uf''. II. N';i[;lil)our, onHtturJoy mat hiin >n. funeral Siturday niuniiti

    if, froml

    MINERS WANTED!VI1EK OJJ >'J 1 '"J'lvfi« H

    L waulcj l>>' ttir inij.Furiu l i l l H

    JJSRS':V i CALF,Trfit i,.ii.-.

    Iii'.liliiu uf *.ii,r:j ' iilMI, I'.-VPI. !i. J,__ _ • ltVltT

    "AJWOUIINCII t\\ \{vJv¥s HAiiiiTi'ii;irlc« ][. (Inli- ami

    F0EEENT0B SALE!ril l l^liuiitcnud lot un Morrin Ftn'ci, m i l toX iuv pruiiciil ri'kidtuwj, 'i'liuhuiiii.'frnitaitigBUffuioum-., ix'blOt'l kltclion, U ill i'* out] well tuppth-4 mth hUehno amiWMII niter. A Rooa viiiv aud nn o^cflltut uuilliealtlir locatiuo. Applv lo

    JAMES R. EEEMEB,15-tr Duvti. N. ,T.

    Eockaway township CommitteeMeeting.

    X r.'miiiin'cvilliii'lil ilH-iriiimiiKliii^-iiiiTiH ttUisl^iUllKU'ri IluTj-;;J( iloL-liittvuy, uu

    JIOXDAY, A P I U I J 3d, 1870,

    TO LET I

    ii....r. I'iii'i* ImiUuis,'iH iif«v, oml'lt now nl-.f :i:i '..'i'lll>,lllt, 'i'hc luiMtinU if illC 1.CI


    ForBent I


    rlHt Cohllrllv, Vi. i

    B. « . I' ] t It

    ISoerw, receiving toiluv ot tho_ _ unk of Uroolilyn. N. Y., nb-seondeil a Tow ditys ngo, nfli'r t'liibtiK'?IJLfi jumiey fi-oia tha bnuk. Tli tiiii)oiint tif hia defalcation. nccordiriR t<be


    !nlc.*tu i n i dIC» Of

    reports, inml in Knm)jill> }mv«

    S50.000.ivill,-, l,llcliuupiipni

    Hot tliel'il'(Hl. !

    1,3• u l

    si|i4 tlio bank ivill not nwifav by the luss.

    I'uvnml jmlgujfat iu tha CMO of LieuloimillCioveiiiiir l)avta, of TVIiHsinaippi,«-BH pinii'iunot'J l)y tlio Henata oftliqlFjtnte last week, being rcnioyul fruiu of-

    CB m»l disqtiufi floafia n from Jto!ilj»f,'ffioo nf trust or profit. Tho Seniitu

    cnmplleil witli (lie request of tlio Imweto ilihcoiiLiimo ]ti'unonilings nguiiist ex-

    riutciulciit i>f oJiioutlcu Corjho Ojjciji Houeo bkiolc in ficranton,

    I'II., \vns ik'slifiyod liiuiv on TliumdnUiifOisB by «u incendiary fire. Tll th' Cj ) [ i 57000B yth'o


    d i y .[()!!^ is 570,000,j l l U

    who occuiticd tin* ilttt ([dor, |nas $qu,t)0O.Just before ibo fir.1 was tlieflnvowd ritttPtniit was raadu tu hiiru tint hWm" - " - • • ' ' - - - ' • 'iiilJii.ff, uml ut U o'clmMouday niglit nn uUonitit \vnn inftdc IDburn ibo jj«»t oiQcu I>iuok, 'l\f» n\tumpts to burn tlie Opera Iloiistt bnil;scn m-iilo provitmsly within a woek,'i'ho citj i-miuci) iilTjrs a reward uf $500

    Jjfl Ji)7ejj.' £>jd fpnvirliuu nf thfi in-ucnilluvini,; ' '


    C.miiuK tlin nmiiti'rfL'itiiiL' of iinin.N Uv C'luII. Winten.intocirl'kjrllnu.1, I1"., formerlyilnckottntowii, ninl Gtwrga (>. Winuua m" ' "1. En tr. Some lima in t io paj-lj jxirt

    inn tli iiir'irnintion w.ui neul lit tint riccj

    )i:r of ju'rmiiiH iu LuKorno uml Nurlli-mniitgn Ouuifllu,1, (>f that Hlnlv,llikiti;,' Jll.ltCH IrtfUl Ujlitll ]fl)|lky nuttu uuil uliiii Uuiliid BIILUIU 1oni'i.lo. raiirfW««i,t>urn.i inu _ „lilSuT Jjuij^m nt osico touk lliu tuiiltcr in inimHijftiiiKT to Hemtip.ii\ \fiietv tlus'y ]c(tiui,'tiVM.ii ilia l.uliu : iv lrl«),


    UKV. FltED. 11 El,I

    1 ' lV, will licUivo oil ' " " '" J

    " M l U N i a U T SCEKF-a \U l\» K L U M :of NEW YOItK.1'

    i:i tin:

    M. V.. ClR'llCH, Ml. HOPE,

    WEDNESDAY EVE'G, April 5th

    M.-. Ik'M ijnii • r.-^HI1I1L-H Om^l, tn !iU pun'

    IHi'.Lhiiijj liaii II wiiii.diTnl etictl mi tl?n co

    T r k r u iur nulo hv S. | [ . Urimf!, Duvcr ; I.IWi'li. It^pkawi v, J nil (in.). IV>rm»ii, Ptn-t Orani.

    Fine JPoultry !̂^Tli«m» niHaim™ to »prtiri« (Ino poultry c

    raiiip lliDin Ttir I licuiK-lTt-K by purclnminf,' listcmi: i'pI!" HI 1'jrlriiljjt I'liclifti md Jlrowo Lrlioru PoTTlf, enmidCTt-il tlis belt I'.v punll

    ttwmiur li a'lU'lnlf* iiM3 e*gS. oT^ ' " ^>, Ji, OLNEY,

    ll-tr iH'iir K,-|ii,ril KUIIIP, MINK Hit,]


    11 ILK AT SIS Cl'NTS I'lllt QL'Altl', ll

    on myiurl In lfUv 1'IJUK «IL]ornjuf,' ittn! ovcrv ilay;


    To Rent!

    n>l all Jn;i>mli.,J in hoi'lit lliivu JLIBI toluiiK'il

    nia notlfli0 WuBl \»itl


    GOOD PAIR OF MULES.Tito abovo maj- t*u «'en at ll«i

    X9OVXIH., IT. *F.

    (liM'O'cJ or, uml nil art- Invited lo c»tnlitUma, L. II, BALMON.

    Miroli Htli, 18T3. ' \l-

    FURNITURE STOREIJtE r.n liiuidrcd year,JDKJlJf KTiTHfliu

    WMJt'on Bl'ltl

    rontgciltpenili i

    p, c.CHESTER,

    tt IUI ins nt


    J .

    Dr, l lar t t islulornally aelivF vfltila *

    y T

    s UliLiimfiUc rotncJy. It (1and f« nurtalu to givu pcrrai-*ll exit-real apphtitlowt civ

    ry it Priparoil ly Iloiwrnout relivF vfltila *ll exit-real apphtitlowt civo1ml tjjmporary. Try it. Priparoil liy Iloiwrt«!lllAon) tloviir N J

    l tjjmporary. Try i!lllAon), tloviir, N. J .

    The People Want Proof.Tl)croI»Bom[:dicinoprcBcrlbtt]b.YphT«!e!L.-

    or mid by DrDRgiiila, tlifttearrlcuBQcli efiilonceof Un SQCCCIS anil in perl or Tirtac n« Uoncbeo'Ocrnmn Mjnip Tor «j-ero conglts, caldn iwltfeon the broait, conmitoiillnu, or «uy (lliOKsn othe tbroit anil litnpa. A proof of tuot fact 1tli at any pars fin afflicted, can gut a Mmplubttttla fur 10 cinti anil try UM snjtcrior tffectbefore burins ">o ri-oulitf *.«o at 73 ccuta. 1(

    ~ utcly bcim inttuJgard 1P (his oguntry WnominT. ftud iti enrei aro t«ton>


    TO PARENTS.I t ii p ifijll.kDOKTi fact Iliit tlicaBaniti

    1I1Htlron dldantmaifjr frmu tlic effccti of worm*,jrdlwisea proflucmr ht [lien], wliilo ttio rar-

    '" '" " " " }'}£l of jl i a orWormflcoiant) Tdiuibii) prlooipla orWonnflcodwhieb iii out or tlio unnnacui Virtu 1 fog ibton nKule) (B tfatiCQDin, wliicli HO bnra i—cccdci. in putting In auclt iv furm tltnt rbiWrcnml] Inke It t» roodiljr >B other c»ndj, . I'artntsijrfl CfUtloua (•• UJCJ uboiilil be) ibontvibntJioy jjirn JUtf pl.iWron; ne, tlicrcforo, mnkono wjorol of nio t're|)nra((an. Eipcr/*nco Iiiiproved tint AtlnltR (uTttt* [ruu tb,o imno canno,anil many cait* or iDOijcttlon, Dvsppjmln,Flutajlency inil Kotrouincfi arn pruanuod byVorniH, m a can boenrcd Vj mlaS (fto Santoulnloin Coofoetiaat. Try'lioml -'• - •STUTTOUI or Wonim nt CuiLunra—HeHtlca«-(»fl »nl j-HnOlti/7 or Ibo toeth wbllo K e e p ;

    rarieil ippttitij; indilen cbanginB or tbo COUQ-inance ciipcciillj bccomlniipcr lip iinJ none; Terorn m ....iy, Irritablinesi.-iiiil other rymplomi vrllb

    CDDcoiInl by ill t b o iimvo worn them to beie UCBI, cleineit md caiicgt I ran t o v r t r thatmade. Tint tboj u e now being mod In tin

    irVfruta |p cpl ono.mlnu "aocIoyV- y s r a IlubVcr Trmi

    ides, iiotb w'ncle ahd double f

    HOKEBT Ki/usioi gt,, Dover, N. J .


    mp. IKspnttilyVoftoUblo! _.j*t rem»diPii hcoxji fur Co a Sim, Coldj, HiliuiiDi] *li *B(Ktion* of t i e Throat or Ln

    ctatt HUBHJ thoLuBK* or iiroe alTe'ITfor fornftnro wtmld 1m to fwo worn-, r tc fCUEFltAMES of «ll Ulndi t. ejwiDliy.

    UPH0ii.TEiiiNO,JonBisa ANonEr

    TJNDEBTAEIN&.Boaie* proiotvod willi or without lee, nud all

    tan uateriil* of tbe buiioei!* furuiiUoO ai tbn•Imrlrtt lollro. liclog pontFicd of t | ) thenioucru ipplitnces perUibluc tft tlm Irnle anilluringcootuJt'raLfo cxparleuc , Ifi-el confident

    »bly townnl t h o s e - 1 — ' ' ' I ^ " o u "[». a. YAWOBH.

    H U D S O N P E E R ,

    Tobnccoiiist, NewSTATIONER nnilCOOTEOTIONEB,

    Cor, BIA55^EIc|7 test jn till >0lU,- lllror; In | 'BD4 gFactfal ID vtajw'i alatf noBJilfTt),'





    D O V E R . N . . J


    Stove and Tin Ware Store,


    ndor Uii anpartfalon or Mr. *. B11ITII, »e atoek ot food* tbnalaUnf or Ilia

    it and moat impwrad '


    lap sew, Uld fiBMii. CaU kud • ( • our OeloT«piuQfaaalns>.u.wban. .

    J0R '3. COBWDf.BoC«iao»na,i).J., Otl,3lal,ia7(. ' 4 j a p PIJ IOPS ' ' I

    ip TEEinbiiEiu

    1*1,I >:•..=


    g|ish tiranite Mot EnvelopoJj

    pon sax PIUNMD TO OBIEII * '



    D ,L . i f f .B . B. TIKE TABLE,FUC-M DOVtB OOISO WE*T I

    n,meh Hail, 0.34. A.M. I C

    Weekly Statement of Iron Ore1'J»SIKO Tn«H» IIoipllil, N

    IOUITQU \Tlil uB ElVfiU \o tllQ Pirtrtrnrtn llio Uoodj aud HauLry

    |f. 4W«a BcaB Cierk wrofr Ibo wcelleiil•°Tof Cbmtfr tcwuililp icliooli, pnbllilii

    > ^ n . . Woearclusoly. amitled to give

    nmunl (bo Newton Clmrcli cn»tntntml9100, am] llio clurcli at I-Vankliti Vutaf.ce J3C0.

    Tlicro nns & T rood men's JiiMloo In Ktiri.rkon Tlmi-Biliy. 'j'lio Yount,rlj|oud Artlllory orMorrirtuwn pirtlclpp.ti>a, anil in Houlli Park tuttio tuoniinjf flicJ loo guna In lionor or llicC

    , TLnfioltola for VIBllnnl HOBO Ball-lltnyliouilioino, pnd our rooJostj provcnUuii ftnmBaying nlio jirlutcd them—oro out,IIOIIIR sold by tlio morolio™. Lot e,f?o Iho ctttDpniiF a uolping Iisnd bj invertingj dotlM.

    TlieTruil oPreabyiDrlan Clmrcli i

    tiblnHioir Offu on ilurelieved of pnyin


    ,ont oiptnuos, by n

    l l l t l l i

    ssors and carfrom Inttiviil-

    oali.wltlioutctlliQg on tlio Olmrchei, for.tltiil, four ye»n, inking trial time fnr railingefidonrntnt fund to an|>jily vlic losi fromew'a tall are.

    HaV. Dr. BiBiell occupied tha pulpit uf tlieProibjlorlin Chu'ch last Bahballi morning,;roatljto tboedlfioallonorblohcareri. IntUaronlnj Dr, Maelo and Itie. 5Ir. Flatter ofockiiray cicliiagcd pnlplti, Mr. FliLtor,Ibongh a janag preiclior, Ic a Ecnilcmaa ofiknowtcdgca t l l l i t j end ptutj-, &wl in wijueb liked by lifacongregnlfoit. ,

    '1o)m .Wulili, \AiYio «i)ga^iul in riitttiltij ailionliir ua» irt Si lies' BAIT tnlli nt Bllllliroob, on

    iiltiCBdity, aucliluuUily allowed tlio Liict olL larpu &uger of liiu left hand to coma in

    wntaet nitli dm ssff, (tibting tliu ntltou^l.l ],0

    over l>o nliln In me ihu Baser ngaln, altliuugliit physician iblnks thit ampnUllnu -will not• DoccflBarT,

    It«>v. Tuuia ti . Kutcli, i well kuuvcu mvd miiviidj]wel(d ['readier ol thfi Bt. F., Courorentrc,•XM fat & ttiv yuam iwat linn been rolirvd,ec*U(u iif HI licalUi, ilfiid nl Ilafkoltulinr:! ua

    f»« formerly IVUBIIIIDG l!'il(tr of llio Murrlnlmru

    in tlluudud liy llov. O, H. Colt, in.l ullk

  • OPENING DOVER BANK. The Miners' SaYlnys HanKlUii'oiivriii) Hi* Tin; sTAir. m six OF DO V Hit, >', .1'.

    FALL and WINTER ;*™«^»u..-i«—;—;—^^, ~ to flu* " t ' n i o i i flanlt a t I J I IVM. J |>''fnro , - , , ,.;",,(.],vc o{MARCH, JCXE.BEI-

    GF.O. FEDEB'S CLOTHING STORE.jCapital,-$100.0QQ.!^i^Tho latest ,u,\ f..,c£.t STOCK OP PIECE GOODS lo bt, had utj-«™™> "«;* 10 ™ » « « | » J11,0 iaio,« u.t^^ p i :D :pn ,Si tho ei!k.brntei, Tai,m, ;CSS

    l l O j£iVf '»" 'K".Ji5 '", . „ . . . . . i)rftn»niitliu t-'nifin lb i i l ; !" I.oui>ii. IluilMiil,

    I/J-..U i!wm' • • l u M ^ i j..i:n.1 fit KU M OLO. fl .UI.l lo ciaUiaUii^n.. i n r ,d I'rovitidiiMSatik or Ir.-tr.iitl.

    II you would «•• tlioliisl »»•! fltcopal 11EAUY-MADF. IIUJTIIISO. to^Mcn, | J-A1

    |Jj .grfK


    S . - . " . " .'''Shi!';:

    Youth,. Boy. tiii.t CliiMrcn, fi" j _ _ - - - - - _ . _ . . - . .

    v.u».ir« »»a Aiiii™ t,,,. f™,., ooij. buy vo0r Dover Savings Institution,TAU* ssd WIHIEB OVERCOATS and Wlili SUITS,

    , . r „ , , ii»i.. »•!•...i GEO. F E D K K ,

    1;1.,r Above




    D l ' F I t ' K U S :

    JOHN l U S t X - . - - I'ii'hiilLUt.MMI-l* 11.1.KWIS . . . - VKt-ri- i-M^ut.

    T I l L ' S T C C s i


    DOVER, X. -T.



    UtO.Yitnil 111! ASS CASTINGS,


    .il cl'fioul, Qiiecnstown, Glas-gow, Londonderry, Loudon,

    llrlstol or Cni'iIilT.for TICKETS anil Iitlionbn apply ti

    E. LIXDSL12Y & SON,oovun, .v .J .: o :

    DltAl'TS on HVEKPOOL anil HIE




    ORAH, HANCE & Co.'s STORE,

    PORT OKAM, N. J.FOH .11 tho jirii«lp«l lines • ' ,"l;'«J"!jiEJhorn Xuw York In Llviirjiflol ill I-Ort iyir



    A Valuable Property for Sale 1

    m i l l ! BUliMTiticr l»injr (Icglronit ot letaonn;X Irani JJ.>VLT, offers for mlo Ida

    FARM of 60 ACRES,hUT.vrcD is Tin:

    TOWN OF DOVKH,apRrioMthlilcullii


    vllli tirpola upend sntl pruil*l. Tliu Initicove-

    \',\\\ ifiill'J nud oilier uutbuttdiii^s.Thla is ono of Ihe IliU'bl iovoMtmcutu fur

    tmritM ever offered in llilssecliori, ?{.(.'groundin hlL-li and d n , wiili KOIMI watur, aud tlmIw.ilJty JJ> tint building iin—admit 20 hpttwrhaving been erected on tlii. jirnpoit.v In tlioa-il roiir y.̂ arn. fur tonin, etc. apply to

    11UA8. M. TUKIS,


    MACHINE SHOPS,M. Doughnut, Proprietor,


    lliill .•mil Dry Sand Kolls,


    Engines, Pumping Machines,AE.I. SIZES Or


    Mimii MACIU.M:UV,ASD

    Hoisting Apparatustit all lands 1 ipeciallt*, aiiotb for toaA midIrack. All lilnili of heavy I l unn ami Cnilin(urilnuKiit imrinmcu. Hnliure, Clinnwl* flfcitw,SinngKit nntl EVKUVTIUNO lu tliB BL'drSVa».

    A nne variety of (brnrai Oil", Ilnof flintliluKif. Tlin tibuvu Eoudit, like all rlnti HIPMliuitf, ltaFo n lirnr/ /all fujiriw uuU nil

    Oeiob^r 31KI, 1B74-


    ncu-rp I1.

    Lehlgli, Scranton, & Bituminous

    O OAX>,Dt-lirrml in nil 1'Citi Qt tho £itr am) rjclultr

    at llw I/lWEtiT HAIIKKT HIICUS, ir

    For Iminiiig [u ti[wu zfntei. Burnt witli lliami free from eiiiote and sulphur. Sluclj

    b tl C t (»*L Alsoeiiiote and sulphur. Sluc

    tlun Cwnct (»*L Also



    riUB 11RICK nud (JI.A.Y,


    Masons' Material, &o.

    Bergen Street, near R. R.

    Turned and Grooved to Order.G A S P I P E S


    BUILDDfG LOTS FOBon the mil knJlni: froui .

    DOVER to MOUNT H O P S ,


    l'tompt tttcntiun giwn to ItEPAIll WOKK.


    "\ArK U»*e i*(oWtd to redaco itte pi Lei of>> m)l GtfOdt in curtlm frcm tlritdie. V»r

    ii«-k oi cxiuKisa uid P i n i o n STOVKSU Wbr(-< wo IISTC eunclndcd U replici it frithC A M I M I/1W I'JIICEa. »nd ft* a fortbericairtJ lo out caHtomori we hiive wranped •V1UZ1Z tor ttt.ii ttoro v»JmJ from one to ttnaollira (lelircrcJ witli «ub IIUTU, AroocK thelei"II05 lutltruB or fir)or Slorct will be lound

    THEARGAND, MODEL,Triumph, La Belle, Coral,

    >3U AVAWCTTIir





    AJw, SOLO iannTi for


    BEATINQ; ciLOBirio rsmanj


    SHACKLETON'S Steam Heater.Wo bars maGo lioating nitb Hot Air Funmea

    and BlMin a tpodtd •todj, M«l 1I*TO not ftitrfIn any ioutaneo to gira hiUra wtfifttetion.

    x * x» "CT jruc ̂ 3 x 3W o -7u all Its fannebH. BOOHHO, GUTTERfl,lUvFAIBCtQ M"I JOBBIKO XEATLY DOSE.

    Pleot j or tftfcrene« glrim for anj o/ ttie «t«T«



    Dealers in




    Glass Ware,

    W o o d & Willo-w "Ware


    Iron aud Steel,

    Gas Pipe ana Fitting


    GLQTHS, MATTINGS, 4c.,&ct

    Powder, Fuse mul Mining

    Materials constantly on

    j j O V E E , N - J . Cor- BlackwtlJ and Morris Streets.

    ). Janlinr.

    Johu IlMicJununll.Jus. II. Ii'niLi 31 T

    hitiim, J I , H LJaa, A. (luiHfal.Hlcimrrl

    Bldi&rd Stti'lieltnbort 1'. Or»in, urtirco ricmJI. I1, BanJornun, tt in. II. MPIJCbarlus.1. Hkclh-uKr>r, Martin V. II.

    M. C. ffhlllwk.

    TIIIH Inntitiition U miff oi*sai:i;teJ «;uli

    Onicc. lu Dover lijnk.Intercut slull cortmu'in-'f muuii)!,' t)l>»u &"imt ddimsttuil im ilm llrsl ihynt Jlun-li, Jum-,

    WAliltKKtV'li. 11,1

    .1 Ur.eml.LText after tin' iUltl

    1. «vtr Hlil IK mail*.








    Dover, K. J.

    Orders tor Sawing and Planing

    promptly ttiecnUid.


    Cor, Blackwcll & Sussex Sts.

    Watches, Clocks anil Jewelry.

    ifcsit'Bf *>f KOUPMLTtn anii felLVEltPLATED .VAJ1E Btillalilcforuedrtlps prcacnli.


    Articles tor table u « at greatly reduced prices.



    uniarpdeiod fur flu cue j and gQDoral excellence

    slloiillou is given to tlio


    Agcct Tor tUe UonwJ, Elgin, Walllmui, Hiirius

    flelc} *uH Foreign VTatsb,


    unJ (illwaicli repairing warninlcJ.


    Miners' Oil Company.122 4 iai MAIDEN LANE SEW VOilK,

    SIISEKS' OIL COMPANYLubricating imrt BurningOils for M i n e r s ' TJse.



    Thcta Oil! CM eipeda!)/ irldptrd to Mfnincl t i i l u i R a i r a i i t H d (I .ait. Sponu,

    u, Ncnt?s Foot, L&FJ, Lob., CoU tndJtonlneiTBWlulo, OllvIilOIld, will bcre*ner farolih cholae



    CINCINNATI HAMS,— bcntlD Uie Enrkci. Wo miko»BpNlaltyui killing all oar own meal. »nd thorofuto knowthKtltinoflUttbcBt. AUUnibof

    T7 3 3 O XIKP J V X»kuptoa fond M IOOH t i th«j •ppeu ia

    nirieU, mil «aM t t KKMUtbla pricci.babiEheitmirkatvricM priil (o culi. far

    ef Hides. Veftl HkiDiaud BhScp Sklni, bought•t ilia nwrket. Cuilvtasni Nupplli>d by «ftgnaoa Taeid»y«, Tbnriilija ind a*tordati.


    !t o'olMk 4. JI. tO


    UICXIIY ?M-.!.i:'.AN, I'l'iiil'Ill:AIM UMMI.KV, VirolT.-'

    JAV s. -1-JL1-..VI', l-|--;.,ii^r.lunir . ]Vb. IT, 1:17.:.


    Capital, - §200,000.

    Jliiii'li untl (itlii- Si'i'iiiUiFii; tin: collfcllnn Vt

    Hardware Iron and Steel,NAILS, BUILDEKS' B411DWAKE,

    COB. WtxHziapix jurn Rot" Smci-re,

    MOnRISTOWKi N. J-A cotnpLCTE n o e s or

    Wooden Wire nudHousekeeping (iooOs.

    PAIlfTS, OILS, (JJ/ASS,uu] uuututnnra' Jlrtlcte* cuunujr.

    Lime, Cement, Plaster,Bom Bail, Bnp*r FbnaphiU of Um», anil alt

    otb*r 1-erUllitn.or.OrWC E. TOOJureES. f»HC3 E. VUOlUltM

    Jiorrintown, Sopt. S3d, 1B74.




    FILLING, Ac.•\T0 adiitiontl


    ALL. WORKDover, Ript£inbcr2Stl,, IBIS.

    SEND 35 cti. l« 0 . T. llOTffiLL 4 Co., Sowi'ork, forptnipUkt of 100 l«ce». cnnUln-toft &Bti of 8,000 newip»p«m, and citiniitei

    Jng c u t of »jTerU»lng.

    . - i K d i y a t himnd tanni tret.

    Agonti wantod. Outfitp t po., Augaita, Uilna.

    Morris Circuit Court.

    li.lli:.nN.\Ul»KLIX, ' JilUitMCA OOEDIX, AMI I Oil I' lUfllllin:.,,CJ- GoirDir^ i m n s *T fAW f-r JACOH GOUDIX, I Selslilti«r .'; s-tR'


    tliat pur

    Atvll, A.

    a *J!"HL;iw[MV. tii.-/-Ul"

    BY vir imlliu Coi


    f, April li'Jtl


    . ; i;ist c.'-uh lifiv-

    n'nmi lorty-nK link* l-i a n.rlic

    LT a JinrUi IWCJIIJ -i-l^ln ilf«n-iii ii

    unrtlifrom a Mull hhik

    hllv'.Wu: r.n.rlli,l.«

    Vtni iw wimi* ' I j t ^ u j j iji""1,'^""'!' uilwihilil

    nf * Hill l i '« tlic


    Int above tUHLTllxiil tn tliu ulin r limls. »nd of«itiit|j cartli, Btnni-, cnvcl, w»wr «"'l r^fuio•ri«!,*od*l«o wJtli / " ! ! "»» *'nl i-tijoymrtit ufluunM.and Inuteo nuat«rfs» for*ll iivwiMrj-

    ii««ryrt'i'mitiiiiK inirHuu o'fralil li'l.tli* v>tlu>iK« H||1it, lib.-rlj'. ami prlTlUf

    l l """ ""•narvLini; ror (liao: IlllKf

    ct or li

    I! UlL- 11I1U[1(1

    k i K a ( ) i l k f , u l r l n yiiht hiiDiinA mni J-wlv-

    piigelVi, 4Ja»ud 1U.THE SECONU TIIACT, situ

    .t.rl in tlio twuHliip )' otliiH order, ivitlitu tivi-uti- ilayn licrcttrur, fu fiviof tliu nwst jinliHo \>\aii]>i'r« »f tli|« :[ur tho name apace of limn (UicKiirrogalo, .,lim nnv fiirlher imtico In Itu uiniWH^ry): amIt urn- cretlltiir shnll iwgluet tu cilijljll li\* i>lior (iobl, Uomainl atiil claim within tlio miljwrlwlof niim mimtlii. liuliHcnntliu l.cing Îvoit.n nforrmiil, nucli crulltor islinll t)il fiiruvr

    " ol Ilia or her action tlnirofof ogui

    A tnw cony ircm t

    .MBff „. Ill lliu L-ouniy of

    neui «ew Jernuy, bcRim •, inllm Bhirria Utiunty

    .jraicrly Blonila while oak trco mark oilL. 31. mid s corner ©f tho Jury lino so called,'

    (1 ] .uulU Glxty-tw.» (U'crcot west fltieunami ninilr liukti tosjioii) nf BIOUCH. aot land v>U\ Frotlurick Lance; tlk'nuoUli twonly-fonr dtp ruin and lortv-ihojg entt eight chains lo a heap of shiw*

    lir a largo clientuiU; also a cor nor nr the gnultredwiiiltUtica'ulam.; tlieiu-o (8J uorlli elgbty

    glitdegreci east fmirtcon chainS md fortyiil;ftt nbritp (if KinnoR eleven liuki tlUtnntoni n while oak la lha road, a conifirof Jac-olirimmcr'n loinl; tlicncc (]} north ruuttrcuegrties anil Uilriy-iilno mliiuict wonl fontlceninminiii. i-lclilv Hiikx to Jim pluro uf bfRin-IIIL', coiiUlnTng Billetn ncrcn and sixty Imn-rcildiB of an Here. Being tire name tract v\mil JoBCrihcd lit a deed from Ihe ow mi turn ollinen I'arlcr, dcccotcl, to Jain is Ilancu.livnrii; iltlo tliu thlrllctli day or April, urn- lliougnntlslit liumlred and tnonty-tlirnc, and rcnonliiiii tlio Uimtctdoa County Clerk'* (Mice In vol.L, folio S12. together nilh all tu.l «itj(,-ular tho

    licn-dltainctiti mid Rj>putl«nHOCn to lliu vaiilproniitca bclciiRlug or ID BIIV wisn ai>pL'Haln<

    ^iieciaf Alaelcr in Murrlwtou-n, S, J.,l'uli. 15th, 187U, "

    iTT liivTS'IilSl' KiTCrSTinTuiu "tliV ffuat'OItt

    SHERIFF'S SALE!ililo Janmiry 'l'prn

    A. JJ. 1870. Jisiia H. HwoiiBoun, AU'y.

    BYTirtuo of tho a!,ovo nUteU writof vend!tloul cipnaut in mj han't, 1 eball oxpo™lur Fab ul Public Voutluu at lUu United Stato»llulti, In Morrlatown, N. J., ou

    MONDAY, thu lOlli day of AI'RITinext,A. I). 1810, Ictffccii Iho liout uf IS M. n . -!-'».

    ilurrlfl Circuit Onurt. Jaium J, Cutler TOtitrlti* I). Clark tail Jclirt H. Mark Ft. JtU bon. ut tr*J'crm, 1675.

    [orHa Cnmiit Courl. UattliUs 0. WliitUxanJ Jaamt 1). TARIS tit. Mm B.'Clark aiClmrici) K. Clark ; ̂ .lia*. Fi. fn (1B bon. itti. In cuto. ltoturuablo lo October Tom1373, . NeiaiiDoi;n & Bum, Attj'a.

    Mortis Ooininot) I'lca*. •AtuntniU-r IVlztitnn TClnrlos E. Clark and Jiihu H. Olarkr I'I. f-do bon, ut ler. On Doclutoil Jiulgiaout.J.'-ilcirtMiblo to October Term, 1875.

    n. SI. WHITE, Atl'y.

    Aorrl* Circuit Ornrf. HicbarJQuorco vs.Jolinrt. Ulark and Jolm O. Clnrk. 71. fa. da bon.ct tor. Iu ease, Kalannblo to Ocloht

    • Ti>rm, 1875. TuouAa AND unto*, Atl'y.

    Tlia sxlo la hohs.llottha eboro £trticiBltwtsdjjurnod to Uke pUco at tho UanstoQ Honee

    flutul, in lloiriatoffD, K. J, —

    A. D. IS75, between (Uo lionr* of 13 U. and' i o k P . M .

    » JESSE HOFFMAN. Ehcrlff.

    SHERIFF'S SALE!Miuris Common Plea*. A.lii>. Ft. tn, do ban.

    ut ter. In tlcbt. Un docketed W. ii. Ciimmines vs. I'ulii A.'lkironLfo (o frit TuesJayiu iltrt ISTfi.

    W. T. IJSroiIT, AtlornVT > i ' vfrtno »f Hie alwivd slolcd writ nf (luriJ 3 ra:i»»iiirnyliaiidi'* " " "

    j l ]'i)!)tin Vtndnc, at "in JlinriBtown, N. J.,

    1IOSDAY, tbe 3d day of AP1HLA.D. 1870, butvreen tbo Jionra ot 12 M. oud Sj'olock V. U., tint ifl to my, at 9 o'clock m IhetUTaooB of and day. all ibit tlifrd tr*ct do-icrllvd in n deed from Banb E. Southard, ilatcilunusry 2d, 1876, mil recorded Jn tlm rewinl.1 said county iu book 1). 0 of deeds, page 41&.

    •kc. BHJ k|«o lha tamo property thut duiicciideitu Uii! rnifd rel i i A. FJontbard [IT the iriil ofTimothy Soatliatil, dcrcanedt and tecordod In

    ' Hnrrcfiaio1* Omcoot ilorrbt Couoir, and J*•ribert in »ald hut mcntlom-d deed na fol-11 Being all that tract of land lviuc *

    t.olnj- in .tho towugliln of Itoibury, CoootUorria and Slate of Now Jeucr, ami niora uar-ttealtrly dvicribetl •> foJIori: JJoundcd on tbe- -"itTGttbrLakeltcpatcong.nna on all ether

    by Una ot llenrj Cooper, di-o'tl, eontafii-fug fifty acres, maro or Kin. Ucing tho s.imr

    . nf lino and premiums at van convoyed ti

    .am Bmhh IDII from J»im ilcKccnJfil tiCatlieriiie Hrattb tad William T, Stuitli, Ac.

    PIEWOH A. 1T1JPR1MN, BhcfilT,

    Notice of Assignment-0TrCEf? Iiereby. Given that William

    l Doaochne, at ilio tmrn of Unvcr, tn tLunlyofMorriijnaSUtoofXewJeMpf.ijjiiJ,this day wade an aasliininciit to tlio icliicribcrol Mi CBUto Tor t le l b l l t f 1J di

    ho Bft[J c r e d i r s ronitlioirretpuillvq claitm nndcr ostb or afllrma'Mi within ttie term of fbrco month* from tbeito htrcof.. JAH, A.a0ODAI,E, Awifticr.Dated February 2Clli, ISfi. U-O

    Administrator's Sale of RealEstate at Auction.

    milEanbucribtTjAilaiinlitrBtororUiBEfitatJL Dr Jlkhio! Mey, dretatnl, will aril bTirtan of nn orderor the MorrlB County Orphanr" t, m»de Itio fifth d»y of April l u l , on

    ATURDAy, April 8tli,1870, tlio foHotrtofj r>>al tsMn ot wldcii laidepcaaod, died IOIMJ, T I I . :

    UOpSE sod MW, on Ibo row! leaJinc IrontBovcrtdCliesUp, near t|jo palrjmido Mine;lot BQ loot front Ly ihnat lflolodTdelp.

    Tiont llj Bboot ISO f«l deep I IiroibaraVlyiirt

    Alio.LOTEOilEO.Tho aboro property la p|cs«»olly lueati.-it,aml

    lift lot* lotrcl. In a good .l»lv».anil recorded fti tlio ilarmCctttitv Ueglateroltlceda In litter HI. 31. ration 283,881.

    KTUWU TllJCT, (.itun thu to« uship uf liclianoiunturdun, and bltvtoorhI h Ulom

    !20 FINE IL.1.1XOLS


    GQOO P ^ m OF MULES.'lie t.i)uv< mil}' bo M-en at tho

    \ 7 " 3 a 3 r t . , 3NT. ff.

    or, nndnllnrolnvilfd lo examin


    FoilSALIJoil TO KKT!Lt Fluiiili-rH, K. J., 11 lirfit* HANDSOME(USE, vith fun furiiiitliiKt rofJiiiu, iliiiel* iuU riMini, linll, iKiuiry mul iliniit^ nmm,(li/r'w rwntry, witii cisfcrK tiud'-r, Jiicli

    with tvnlir limk, lint mul cold v.-uiar, »


    jiAlly L ii:i:—i^ ii .ii;.:nl " ' Hie ruH^wiiiR II.-

    X.OX110N' nuil LIVj:W'0OL»»J

    MASCII1BTE11, .

    Sl'ATi; H U E I.NSCIIAXCE Co.,


    Capital JIO.OUO.OOO.


    OupiUil £5,000,000.


    STAlt, Jor=ny City, " 800,000.

    HUDSON' COUK1Y. Jonrny Citj-,

    (lipilll 9300,000.

    8TAJJDABD, Tceulou,

    TEOPLE'8. Kcwart.


    UUMBOLT, "







    Choice Lots in Dover,lor bulu cliuup, auO


    Freeman Wood,Jmtlen of tlio rence mid Pollfo Mmlntiatft.

    Stoves.1 Stoves.THE OIJJ STAND.

    UNION HALL B U G ,Hot Air Furaaces,

    Of il,c laksl ami mont Improv.-a slykx, Ttn'Win]]IK iinbtic and iirivatu btiilditii-j. A lirgt

    BMsnitmcnt uf ritovM, ditiip fur C-JHI.COOK, l'AKLOU, IIEATINQ •

    STOVES, RANGES," y Bitc(i lh*t b ; vlrtnorarianl UPHHI hy tbo Town Conimlltec of tho'offntslii[i uf Jtflcrnon, In iniltt! tba t u e sm nninijirovul laud am'jst il to tbe Anicn

    Miitnul Ininranco Co,, ttio Collector of i

    ,l>lp will sell at I'ULLIC SALCTurcasli,it \YOODrOItT JIOTKL, an

    1VEDNESDAY, May 3d,1S7C, helicon Iho hann of IS anJ T> tlclocV 1\M.,FIFIY ACRE3 of LAND, il toiled near tin

    mllloe,kuQwuttlheJo\iD8t}nlcl,forlUt.use Tor tbe roar 1871; amount of tax | M SO,

    iturcit t i CS, and coils tu to added on day ofoils. . OEO. W. ALL'.8ON, Collector.

    Vateil PeliruarjSitJi, lb?B, ]2.£h*

    Assignee's Notice! *VTotice laberubrsWan to tie creditor! of Jaun

    J.\ Vanagitm, tlitt tU claim* «e»J'J«t l!«i ctttteof laid John Donngbue eball be jir(icnU4 to lhamlMcrltxr dutr provan bv trnth or itnrniUlon, onirbofarettit twtntfetb day ot AptUuttt. beingtlia extended lime granted by order of ifaoUrphaua'Court, of Uie County or llorrU, op b> furoverbirreil fram any dividend from aafd eiUte. Aminotiue U tnrtlitr glteu (hit • Lit ofcliiuii will hafllMl wflh U)» Hutrogatfl of the Comity cf Morrit.iHlorc Uajr Ttnn of tb> Orpbam' Court, (o u«linlln ID Jid f r wi l Conn If, HLI tloulinlilen ID sJid foUrrcla mar he

    Dr, N. J., F

    will Conn If, HLID ciccptlou*iti by *»j penon inter»t«il

    A. JWDUOH COO. Aulgnte .aatb , 1818. 11-Ow

    The New Empii-elot-Air, das & Basc-Imru-

    tjig Cooking Store.H E BESTDAEINO STOVE IKTHEWOllLD.Un, a Largo AHaortmtnt of oilier Stjloa

    of C'ookiuj; Ktuvpa Itauaei. i'arlgr• ato>-ca, i c ,

    OR SUMMER & WINTER USE.Also, a choice Block of

    Cutlery,Daw, tVoodcn, Copper, plain snj Japjiajicd

    Ill Clatlii,CarpctB,Itiupi, Paint* anil Oils,!' Cases, Fottliicn, Prail's Aslral Oil (nun,

    IBIW.) Atao, |

    i)i:ALi:n IN COAL.

    [looting, Plumbing.and Joli


    N. J.,enifal jmblioto

    --nnriiiucd that bo Las tballiin KMiion, and li abundantly

    l r i l l l t IUODI liiuir

    F^LLof 1875.fashionable Millinery


    Jj'l]j!wt(,j^ jfM(1Hiild hj dunlin t;cncre1]y. 87-|v *

    THE GEa&S"COTOS0ttBa""""TTVI!. tAVItlWPE'S TAIl U\I,M, a inptrinr\ J n'limly fur t-migliN, c;ild«, lutlufiiiaWhooiaiiHVonRli, Croup. Ava l l .iiitii, Anlliina ami Incipient CoVicua* nut) .ji) 1-uiitn pi-r biilUc,lrai«l « t . , WjJlMiHNbnrj!)!, t . J.Itri-cUnn.l, wlmit'halu f!;ei.In fi* K

    in lirnuontlii, A Wall fit. npir.,**,.ilns-liOUhJ (if Alc-I. 1 tolfiiu L'liam A-

    * Wll t wU« Uoa.1 in Btoct 1M»UeaunnoUt turn tit thfir

    iM uliort upaco or tliiioauimUiBliii»tO(KlOf

    nilns-liOUhJ. 1* Wull Ht.

    , ltnivpalil thindiiuu-a (luritif tlie i)oii«iiiBliiveiii

    duly tllill tn ifffnail? itnado tlomi nd vorl d

    duly tllill tn ifffnail? invcitUd cud uianv luvotnado tl.omi und uvor from unly thO. Tt'uv midlu a d»f,-Jo urs,-(,!)In mall ireo, ftir ono year, to my ^ng nliu -.hlri'n nnil eoutcitiplilbs apociilnlliic,• fend fur it.-KvETiso MAIL. N. 2 ,

    New lorli CoiiiiEHciAL AurctiTiuft uay»:"Tjjc JJanJiinp ]]oii»u nf Alex, iViilbiiialiaiu

    fc l > . Nu. 12 Wnll St., lias la Un empVoy »l>m»k-k(H-))rr* and sBiiHlautn. Tlioro arc oilieratcik prfvllrnr Urian who cuipfoy from Ilirce toalimi'ii. TliitfDrmhuveeBtabliiilicdthelrcinlirtiUuflticw dating (lie iaet Rvo yrars." ,

    DOKTOS OAti.f Nswa HBJTB ;" Me aura. Akunndor Froth!n;linni &. On. -rrttl

    rnrnUli lo HIUBB deelring to fnvoat [n W'M St.,ox|ilaiintory clrciilnri. containing dutatlcd s t i l eitl^ltH OUll QUOlotiOUlli Qtt