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Microsoft Windows 8

Navigating around Windows

Managing Files and Folders

Working with Windows Settings,

Accessories, Security, and Help © Paradigm Publishing, Inc.

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Managing Files and Folders


Managing Files and Folders

© Paradigm Publishing, Inc.

A file is a collection of data that is stored on a hard drive or other storage medium

File names have two parts:– a descriptive name you assign, such as Resume– a file extension automatically assigned by the

application when you save the file

Using the context-sensitive ribbons in the File Explorer window, you can copy, rename, organize, delete, and search for files

By default, Windows contains four libraries: Documents, Music, Pictures, and Videos


Skills You Learn

1. Use File Explorer

2. Copy a folder from the Student Resources disc

3. Create a folder

4. Rename files and folders

5. Compress and extract files

6. Search for files

7. Delete files and folders

8. Use the Recycle Bin

© Paradigm Publishing, Inc.


Skill 1 Steps: Use File Explorer

1. Click the File Explorer button on the Taskbar

2. Double-click Pictures in the Libraries section of the Navigation pane

3. Click Desktop in the Favorites section of the Navigation pane to display desktop files and folders

4. Click the Back button to redisplay the Pictures library

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Skill 1 Visual: Use File Explorer

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Double-click Pictures in the Libraries section of the Navigation pane.

Address bar

Status bar

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Using the Preview and Details Views Open File Explorer, open a folder, and click a file to

select it Click Preview pane in the Panes group on the View

tab to see a thumbnail image of the file– click Preview pane again when you no longer wish to

display the Preview pane

Click Details pane to see a thumbnail image plus key properties of the file

You will find shortcut buttons to these views in the lower right corner of the File Explorer window:

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Browsing a Location When a File Explorer window opens, the

Address bar displays the current location The path to reach the location is shown on the

Address bar as links with arrows between them– for example: Libraries ► Pictures

You can jump to a location by clicking its name in the Address bar

You can jump to a particular location in the path by clicking the arrow to the right of a link and then clicking a location from the displayed menu


Skill 2 Steps: Copy a Folder from the Student Resources Disc

1. Insert the Student Resources disc into the CD/DVD drive

2. Insert your USB flash drive into a USB port

3. Press Win + D to open your desktop

4. Click the File Explorer button on the Taskbar

5. Right-click the disk drive in the Navigation pane and then click Open in new window

6. Click the Module2-Windows folder in the File List pane

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Skill 2 Steps…continued

7. Click the Home tab

8. Click the Copy button in the Clipboard group

9. Close the Guidelines13-StudentResources window

10. In the File Explorer window that is still open, click your USB drive (Removable Disk) in Computer section in the Navigation pane

11. Click the Paste button in the Clipboard group on the Home tab

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Skill 2 Visual: Copy a Folder from the Student Resources Disc

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Click the Paste button in the Clipboard group on the Home tab.

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Copying Folders Another Way Open two File Explorer windows and arrange

them so that both are visible on the screen You can then drag a folder from one window to

the other If you drag the folder to a different disk location,

the folder will be copied If the new folder location is on the same disk,

the folder will be moved


Skill 3 Steps: Create a Folder

1. With your USB flash drive inserted and the desktop displayed, click the File Explorer button

2. Double-click Computer in the Navigation pane to expand the section and then click the removable disk drive name in the Navigation pane

3. Click the New Folder button in the New group on the Home tab to create a new folder

4. Type Module2-Skill3 and then press Enter

5. Double-click the Module2-Skill3 folder to open it

6. Click the Back button

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Skill 3 Visual: Create a Folder

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Click the New Folder button in the New group on the Home tab.

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Creating a New Library You can create additional libraries from the File

Explorer window by clicking the Home tab Click New item in the New group, and then click

Library A new library appears with its name open for

editing Type a unique name for your library You can optimize the library and manage the

type of folders that are included using the Library Tools Manage ribbon


Skill 4 Steps: Rename Files and Folders

1. With your USB flash drive inserted and the desktop displayed, click the File Explorer button

2. Double-click Computer in the Navigation pane expand the section and then click the removable disk drive name to see the list of files or folders saved on your USB flash drive

3. Right-click the Module2-Skill3 folder to display the shortcut menu

4. Click Rename

5. Type Module2-Practice and then press Enter© Paradigm Publishing, Inc.


Skill 4 Visual: Rename Files and Folders

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Click Rename at the shortcut menu.

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Displaying File Extensions If you prefer to have Windows display file

extensions, follow these steps:1. click the View tab in a File Explorer window

2. click the File name extensions check box in the Show/Hide ¶ group to insert a check mark

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Renaming Multiple Files To rename a series of files in a File Explorer

window, follow these steps:1. hold down the Ctrl key and click each file you want

to rename

2. press the F2 key, type the prefix you will use to rename the files, and then press Enter

The computer automatically adds the parenthetical numbers after your prefix to differentiate the files


Skill 5 Steps: Compress and Extract Files

1. With your USB flash drive inserted and the desktop displayed, click the File Explorer button

2. Double-click Computer in the Navigation pane to expand the section and then click the removable disk drive name

3. Right-click the Module2-Windows folder

4. At the shortcut menu, point to Send to and then click Compressed (zipped) folder

5. Press Enter to accept the default name

6. Double-click the compressed Module2-Windows folder

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Skill 5 Steps…continued

7. Click the Compressed Folder Tools Extract tab and then click the Extract All button to open the Extract Compressed (Zipped) Folders dialog box

8. Click the Browse button

9. In the Select a destination dialog box, browse to the Module2-CompletedSkills folder and click it

10. Click OK to close the Select a destination dialog box

11. Click the Extract button in the Extract Compressed (Zipped) Folders dialog box

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Skill 5 Visual: Compress and Extract Files

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At the shortcut menu, point to Send to and then click Compressed (zipped) folder.


Skill 6 Steps: Search for Files

1. With your USB flash drive inserted and the desktop displayed, click the File Explorer button

2. Double-click Computer in the Navigation pane to expand the section and then click the removable disk drive name

3. Click in the search box and type Module2

4. Click the Clear button next to the search box

5. In the search box, type *.zip

6. Click the Clear button next to the search box

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Skill 6 Visual: Search for Files

© Paradigm Publishing, Inc.

Click in the search box and type Module2.

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Repeating a Search and Using Search Filters When you click in a search box in a File

Explorer window, previous searches are displayed in a drop-down list

Click a previous search to repeat it The Refine group on the Search Tools Search

tab contains filter categories that you can use to refine your search


Skill 7 Steps: Delete Files and Folders

1. With your USB flash drive inserted and the desktop displayed, click the File Explorer button

2. Double-click Computer in the Navigation pane to expand the section and double-click the removable disk drive name in the Navigation pane

3. Right-click the zipped Module2-Windows folder in the File List pane to display a shortcut menu

4. Click Delete

5. At the warning dialog box, click Yes© Paradigm Publishing, Inc.


Skill 7 Visual: Delete Files and Folders

© Paradigm Publishing, Inc.

Click Delete at the shortcut menu.

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Deleting Multiple Files If you want to delete a series of files listed one

after the other, select the files as follows:– select adjacent files by clicking the first file and then

holding down the Shift key while clicking the last file– select nonadjacent files by clicking the first file and

then holding down the Ctrl key while clicking the other files

Once you’ve selected the files, click the Delete button in the Organize group on the Home tab


Skill 8 Steps: Use the Recycle Bin

1. With your USB flash drive inserted and the desktop displayed, click the File Explorer button

2. Double-click Computer in the Navigation pane and then click the removable disk drive name

3. Double-click the Module2-Windows folder

4. Size and move the Module2-Windows window so that you can see the Recycle Bin and part of the desktop on the left of your computer screen

5. Click M2-C2-S8-RecycleBin and drag the file onto your desktop

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Skill 8 Steps…continued

6. Right-click M2-C2-S8-RecycleBin on the desktop and then click Delete

7. At the warning dialog box, click Yes

8. Double-click the Recycle Bin icon to open the Recycle Bin window

9. Click M2-C2-S8-RecycleBin

10. Click the Recycle Bin Tools Manage tab and then click the Restore the selected items button in the Restore group

11. Close the Recycle Bin window

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Skill 8 Visual: Use the Recycle Bin

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At the warning dialog box, click Yes.

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Adjusting the Recycle Bin Properties The maximum storage size of the Recycle Bin

can be adjusted by following these steps:1. right-click the Recycle Bin icon

2. click Properties

3. enter a different number in the Maximum size (MB) box

You can also turn off the Recycle Bin by selecting the option Don’t move files to the Recycle Bin. Remove files immediately when deleted.
