Page 1: Give Me Just One Chance O! Omnipotent Almighty Lord

GIVE ME JUST ONE CHANCE O! OMNIPOTENT ALMIGHTY LORD  Give me just one chance O! Omnipotent Almighty Lord; making me the richest of the richest man on this fathomless Universe; give me just one chance to be in the shoes of the richest men you've created ever since this earth was born:

And I promise you that I'd only use that wealth for granting equality to all those haplessly naked urchins; shivering under the tawdry municipality gutterpipe,

And I promise you that I'd only use that wealth to forever ensure that no orphan wailed and begged miserably on the streets; existed with myname as his father till its very last blessed breath,

And I promise you that I'd only use that wealth for the amelioration of all those suffering from inexplicable disease; granting them thebest medical aid available under the dazzling Sun,

And I promise you that I'd only use that wealth to perpetually ensure that every boy or girl born on this earth; got the full and profound right to robust education; equally amongst the sanctimonious highsociety,

And I promise you that I'd only use that wealth to forever ascertain that if there were anything to rule the strongest of civilization; democracy; country; land or any organisms life; it was none else than priceless humanity,

And if at all; my inevitably erring human nature made me falter even the most infinitesimal trifle on any step; asking you for a second chance; please give me a death which was more diabolical than the most torturous of deaths; that very moment itself.


Page 2: Give Me Just One Chance O! Omnipotent Almighty Lord

Give me just one chance O! Omniscient Almighty Lord; making me the richest of the richest man on this fathomless Universe; give me just one chance to be in the palaces of the richest men you've created eversince this earth was born:

And I promise you that I'd only use that wealth to compassionately unite all those disastrously differentiated by vagaries of caste; creed; color and religion; under the undauntedly glittering roof ofthe paradise of Immortal Love,

And I promise you that I'd only use that wealth to wondrously mitigate the suffering of all those old parents; men and debilitating women; who were unsparingly kicked in all quarters; by their very ownoffsprings alive,

And I promise you that I'd only use that wealth to erect Mosques; Churches; Temples and Monasteries of exquisite world record shapes and size; in which an infinite billion homeless could take blissful refugeand your blessings alike,

And I promise you that I'd only use that wealth to rekindle and enlighten the most gorgeous lamps of desire; in every miserably divested hutment and deliriously asphyxiated life,

And I promise you that I'd only use that wealth to magically transport even the most faintest of cry and deprived form; to its ultimate destination and yearning; in the chapter of its destined life,

And if at all; my inevitably erring human nature made me falter even the most insouciant freckle on any step; asking you for a second chance; please give me a death which was more penalizing than the most ghastily tormenting of deaths; that very moment itself.


Give me just one chance O! Omniscient Almighty Lord; making me the richest of the richest man on this fathomless Universe;

Page 3: Give Me Just One Chance O! Omnipotent Almighty Lord

give me just one chance to be in the palaces of the richest men you've created eversince this earth was born:

And I promise you that I'd only use that wealth to let the most feebly subjugated voice reach itself and every bit of righteousness in it; to the remotest corner of this ecstatically unsurpassable Universe,

And I promise you that I'd only use that wealth to eradicate even the most ethereal ounce of satanically unbearable politics on this globe; forever make sure that no anarchist parasite ruthlessly sucked and thrived on innocent blood,

And I promise you that I'd only use that wealth to invincibly fortify every flailing dwelling on earth with the pearls of brotherhood; to further spawn a perennial civilization of undefeated living kind,

And I promise you that I'd only use that wealth to timelessly scrap every besmirched fabric of inhumanity and crime; forever ensure the lanes of fearless paradise for each impeccable footstep that traversed mother soil,

And I promise you that I'd only use that wealth to insuperably embolden the alphabets of justice; forever annihilating every biased powerhouse of manipulative deceit; which brought about nothing else but inconsolable tears and curses of many,

And if at all; my inevitably erring human nature made me falter even the most evanescent figment on any step; asking you for a second chance; please give me a death which was more cold-blooded than the most unthinkably morbid of deaths; that very moment itself.


Give me just one chance O! Infallible Almighty Lord; making me the richest of the richest man on this fathomless Universe; give me just one chance to be in the palaces of the richest men you've created eversince this earth was born:

Page 4: Give Me Just One Chance O! Omnipotent Almighty Lord

And I promise you that I'd only use that wealth to put an unbreakably permanent ban on the use of nuclear arms; vicious weaponry and any substance that brutally imperiled bountiful living kind; dissolving the very roots of non-existent war in their unborn corpses of malice,

And I promise you that I'd only use that wealth to plant an infinite trees and blades of rejuvenating grass; upon every piece of lamenting barren soil; so barbarously traumatized by commercially robotic man today,

And I promise you that I'd only use that wealth to heal even the most spat upon wounds on this unending earth; and replenish them with the most inimitably unconquerable fragrance of friendship instead,

And I promise you that I'd only use that wealth to royally support every single need of all those who were unfortunately blind; irrefutably see to it that they had their equal say in the day-to-day working of the society; see to it that they existed as unparalleled kings; if not with sight,

And I promise you that I'd only use that wealth to forever nullify each atrocity meted out towards the enchantingly blessed girl child; vindictively trying to kill her right in the womb itself; to senselessly insane and perverted men trading her divine flesh for few wads of currency and wine,

And if at all; my inevitably erring human nature made me falter even the most evaporating speck on any step; asking you for a second chance; please give me a death which was more unforgivable than the most treacherously sadistic of deaths; that very moment itself.
