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Eight Questions to Ask When Hiring a Financial Ghostwriter

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What is your writing process?


What information wil l you need from us?

Can you show me samples of your work?What type of writing do you specialize in?

What experience do you have in the industry? How do you charge?

Which industry verticals do you focus on?







Eight Questions to Ask When Hiring a Financial Ghostwriter

How long do you think it wil l take?Answer:

Print out this page and use it as a guide when you are interviewing a potential ghostwriter.

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What to Look For in the Ghostwriter’s Answers

Now that we’ve laid out the questions to ask, here are some factors to consider when evaluating a ghostwriter’s answers.

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1. What’s your writing process?

A big part of creating a well-written product is managing the process. In addition to being a good writer, the person you hire also needs to be a good project manager.

Look for a writer who is able to lay out the steps of his or her process, including interviewing, outlining, gathering research, drafting, editing, and designing. The writer should also be able to explain how he or she will manage each of these steps.

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2. What type of writing do you specialize in?

There is a big difference between writing copy for a marketing brochure and writing a white paper that draws heavily on quantitative analysis.

Most writers tend to focus either on marketing writing (websites, brochures, social media) or thought leadership (white papers, e-books, blogs, and bylined articles). It’s important to find a writer whose sweet spot matches up with your needs.

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4. Which industry verticals do you focus on?

The financial services industry covers a lot of territory, and you’ll want to find a writer who has experience in your specific vertical.

A writer who focuses on private wealth management may not understand the nuances of venture capital or investment banking. Even within asset management, writing for an audience of retail investors is very different than writing for institutional investors. Taking the time to find someone who already understands your industry is vital to the success of your project.

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5. What information will you need from us?

Some writers are very good at conducting independent research and tracking down data. Other writers struggle with this, and you’ll need to provide the information for them.

When you’re evaluating writers, think about how much independent research your project will require, and whether you want the research to be on your plate or the writer’s. You should ask whether the writer is comfortable doing independent research and what types of databases the writer has worked with in the past.

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6. Can you show me samples of your work?

When it comes to writing, the old adage is true: the proof of the pudding is in the eating.

The only way to be sure that the writer has the depth of financial expertise and writing skills you need is to read his or her work. By reading the samples, you will also be able to see whether the writer’s tone matches your firm’s brand and unique voice.

You may want to propose doing a one-time project with the writer before committing to something more extensive. This can be a low-risk way to see if you and the writer are a good fit.

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7. How do you charge?

Now it’s time to get down to the brass tacks. Some writers charge a variable rate based on hours or word count. Other writers charge a fixed fee for projects.

There’s no right or wrong way to do it, but it’s important to have clarity from the beginning. Often the right billing structure will depend on a) how well you’ve defined the scope of the project and b) whether the writer has worked with you before.

Remember, the value provided by a good ghostwriter can go far beyond just writing. The writer may also be developing ideas, doing research, and managing the project. These other services will be baked into the total price.

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8. How long do you think it will take?

A major component of the value proposition of hiring a ghostwriter is accountability. The writer is on deadline, and the writer’s income depends on getting projects done.

If you have a firm deadline for the project, be sure to mention this up front. The writer can then let you know whether he or she can meet that deadline.

If you don’t have a firm deadline for the project, the writer should be able to provide a estimate of how long a project like this usually takes.

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If you have questions about hiring a financial ghostwriter or the process of working with an outsourced writer, the team at Wentworth Financial Communications is here to help.

Want to learn more?

(312) 513 [email protected]
