Page 1: General Improvement Districts Notice of Public Meeting€¦ · deferred maintenance and future improvements (for possible action) - Consideration, discussion and possible approval

General Improvement DistrictsJune 3, 2019Page 1



Monday, June 03, 2019 9:00 AM:

Humboldt County Courthouse Meeting Room 20150 West Fifth Street, Winnemucca, Nevada 89445

All times on this agenda are approximate. Consideration of items may require more or less timethan is scheduled. Items on the agenda may be taken out of order; the public body may combinetwo or more agenda items for consideration; and the public body may remove an item from theagenda or delay discussion relating to an item on the agenda at any time. Public comment isdesignated for discussion only. The public has the opportunity to address the Commission on anymatter not appearing on the agenda; however, no action may be taken on Matter raised until thematter itself has been specifically included on the agenda as an item upon which action may betaken. Additionally, public comment may be heard on any item listed on the Agenda. Persons areinvited to submit comments in writing and/or attend and make comments on any agenda item at theCommission meeting. All public comment may be limited to three (3) minutes per person, at thediscretion of the Commission.

Agenda - Monday, June 3, 2019




PUBLIC COMMENT - General public comment is designated for discussion only. The public has theopportunity to address the Commission on any matter not appearing on this agenda; however, noaction may be taken on a matter raised until the matter itself has been specifically included on theagenda as an item upon which action may be taken.


EXPENDITURES (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) - Consideration of, discussion and possible approval ofexpenses for the time period from MAY 18, 2019 THROUGH MAY 31, 2019 related to the operation


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General Improvement DistrictsJune 3, 2019Page 2

of the Golconda General Improvement District (GID) for the express purpose of maintaining andimproving the water system. (Discussion and possible action).

ENGINEERING AGREEMENT WITH SHAW ENGINEERING FOR PROFESSIONAL AND UTILITYSERVICES (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) - Consideration, discussion and possible action to enter intoan agreement with Shaw Engineering, the engineer of record for Golconda General ImprovementDistrict, to provide on-call and engineering services for the Golconda Water District in an amount notto exceed $7,500. Discussion and possible action.Proposal and agreement

Exhibit A and B - Shaw GGID - Prelim Support.pdf

FY 2017-2018 Shaw Engineering Utility Agreement 03.29.19.pdf

9:00 A.M.: PUBLIC HEARING: RESOLUTION TO INCREASE REVENUES FOR MAINTENANCE,DEFERRED MAINTENANCE AND FUTURE IMPROVEMENTS (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) -Consideration, discussion and possible approval of a Resolution deeming it to be in the best interestsof the Golconda General Improvement District to increase water rates, tolls, charges to increaserevenues for the Water District to cover costs of maintenance, deferred maintenance and futureimprovements; and other matters related thereto. Discussion and possible action.RESOLUTION

Golconda Final Brief Description.pdf

Resolution - Golconda water - wnm updated 5.28.19.pdf

Golconda Final 3 Year Phase In.pdf







EXPENDITURES (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) - Consideration of, discussion and possible approval ofexpenses for the time period from MAY 18, 2019 THROUGH MAY 31, 2019 related to the operationof the McDermitt General Improvement District (GID) for the express purpose of maintaining andimproving the water or sewer systems. Discussion and possible action.


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9:00 A.M: PUBLIC HEARING: RESOLUTION TO INCREASE REVENUES FOR MAINTENANCE,DEFERRED MAINTENANCE AND FUTURE IMPROVEMENTS (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) -Consideration, discussion and possible approval of a Resolution deeming it to be in the best interestsof the McDermitt General Improvement District to increase water rates, tolls, charges to increaserevenues for the Water District to cover costs of maintenance, deferred maintenance and futureimprovements; and other matters related thereto. Discussion and possible action.RESOLUTION

Amended McDermitt GID rate increase notice.pdf

Resolution - Mcdermitt water wnm.pdf

McDermitt Final 3-Year Phase-In.pdf







APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION) - Consideration of, discussion and possibleapproval of expenses for the time period MAY 18, 2019 THROUGH MAY 31, 2019 related to theoperation of the Paradise Valley Sewer District for the express purpose of maintaining and improvingthe sewer system. (Discussion and possible action).




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General Improvement DistrictsJune 3, 2019Page 4

NOTICE: The County Com m ission m ay close the m eeting to receive inform ation from legal counsel pursuant toNevada Revised Statutes 241.015


PLACES POSTED: Humboldt Co. Courthouse, 50 W. 5th St.: Rooms 201, 205, & 207 at ___________ A.M. By :____________________________________________

Humboldt County Library : 85 E. 5th St. at ___________ A.M. By :__________________________________________________________________

County Annex: 4th & Bridge St. at ___________ A.M. By :________________________________________________________________________

Winnemucca City Hall: 4th & Melarkey St. at _____________ A.M.By : ______________________________________________________________

Humboldt County Website: www.hcnv .us at _____________A.M. By : ______________________________________________________________

State of Nev ada Website: www.notice.nv .gov . ____________ A.M. By : ______________________________________________________________

MEETING DATE: June 3, 2019 POSTED BY: _______________________________________________

DATE POSTED: ___________________________

NOTE FOR SUPPORTING MATERIAL: A copy of the supporting material f or the meeting may be obtained at Commissioner meeting/agendas on the Humboldt Countywebsite: www.hcnv .us or by contacting Dav e Mendiola, County Administrator, at 50 W. Fif th Street, Winnemucca, Nev ada 89445, (775) 623-6300

NOTICE TO PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES - Reasonable ef f orts will be made to assist and accommodate phy sically disabled persons desiring to attend the meeting. Please call the Humboldt County Administrator’s Of f ice at 623-6300 in adv ance so that arrangements may be conv eniently made.

EQUAL OPPORTUNITY NOTICE - Humboldt County is an Equal Opportunity Employ er and will not discriminate against employ ees or applicants f or employ ment orserv ices in an unlawf ul manner.

NON-DISCRIMINATION STATEMENT - In accordance with Federal civ il rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civ il rights regulations and policies, theUSDA, its Agencies, of f ices, and employ ees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited f rom discriminating based on race, color,national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, disability , age, marital status, f amily /parental status, income deriv ed f rom apublic assistance program, political belief s, or reprisal or retaliation f or prior civ il rights activ ity , in any program or activ ity conducted or f unded by USDA (not all basesapply to all programs). Remedies and complaint f iling deadlines v ary by program or incident.

Persons with disabilities who require alternativ e means of communication f or program inf ormation (e.g., Braille, ;large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc)shouldContact the responsible Agency or USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (v oice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Serv ice at (800) 877-9339.Additionally , program inf ormation may be made av ailable in languages other than English.

To f ile a program discrimination complaint, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, AD-3027, f ound online at /complaint_f iling_cust.html and at any USDA of f ice or write a letter addressed to USDA and prov ide in the letter all of the inf ormation requestedin the f orm. To request a copy of the complaint f orm, call (866) 632-9992. Submit y our completed f orm or letter to USDA by :

(1) Mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture Of f ice of the Assistant Secretary f or Civ il Rights 1400 Independence Av enue, SW Washington, D.C. 20250-9410;(2) f ax: (202) 690-7422: or(3) email: [email protected]

USDA is an equal opportunity prov ider, employ er, and lender.


Page 5: General Improvement Districts Notice of Public Meeting€¦ · deferred maintenance and future improvements (for possible action) - Consideration, discussion and possible approval

Water Wastewater Civil 20 Vine Street Reno, NV 89503 (775) 329-5559

March 28, 2019

Golconda GID c/o Ben Garrett Humboldt County (Golconda GID) 50 W Fifth Street Winnemucca, NV 89445

Re: Proposal for Engineering Services Golconda GID Spring Line, Spring Box, Chlorination and Automatic Bypass Upgrades Preliminary Engineering Support

Dear Mr. Garrett:

At your request Shaw Engineering (Shaw) is pleased to submit an engineering services proposal for preliminary engineering support for the Golconda General Improvement District (GGID) Spring Line, Spring Box, Chlorination and Automatic Bypass Upgrades. We understand GGID has been placed on the priority list with the State of Nevada Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Fund (SRF). The scope of work for this proposal includes:

- Site visit with operators to confirm final scoping of required improvements - Review of sanitary survey deficiencies for the water system to confirm any additional

improvements which need to be addressed - SRF funding application support - Brief “Alternatives Analysis” report to support the SRF funding process - Final cost estimates for SRF project - General coordination with GGID/Humboldt County Staff and SRF staff for processing the

SRF funding - Attendance at meetings with Humboldt County and SRF as requested

Services for the above scope of work will be billed monthly based on our current fee schedule, attached. It is estimated a budget of $4,500 to $7,500 will be required to complete the above engineering support. Our fee will not exceed $7,500 without prior authorization.

Thank you for the opportunity to submit this proposal. If you have any questions please call.


Cody Black, P.E. Principal Engineer

Exhibit A


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Water Wastewater Civil 20 Vine Street Reno, NV 89503 (775) 329-5559



Principal $160.00/hr Project Manager $150.00/hr Senior Engineer $140.00/hr Professional Engineer II $130.00/hr Professional Engineer I $115.00/hr Staff Engineer II $100.00/hr Staff Engineer I $ 90.00/hr Expert Testimony

Consultations $155.00/hr Reports/Preparations $350.00/hr Trial/Depositions $400.00/hr (4 hr.Min.)


Engineering Technician $ 90.00/hr Planning Technician $ 80.00/hr Drafting/Technician II $ 80.00/hr Drafting/Technician I $ 70.00/hr Construction Inspector II $ 95.00/hr Construction Inspector I $ 85.00/hr


Office Administrator $ 65.00/hr Administrative Assistant II $ 55.00/hr Administrative Assistant I $ 45.00/hr


Subconsultants Cost + 15% Mileage $0.70/mile Per Diem $125.00/day Expenses At Cost

The cost for office equipment, office supplies, hardware and software utilized during a Project is included in the fee schedule. Per Diem applies to Construction Inspectors that are required to spend one night or more on the Project.

Exhibit B


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20 Vine Street, Reno, NV 89503



This AGREEMENT is entered into this third day of June, 2019 between SHAW

ENGINEERING and Humboldt County, Nevada (“CLIENT”).


This AGREEMENT is predicated on the following facts:

A. CLIENT requires certain special planning and utility consulting services.

B. SHAW ENGINEERING is qualified to provide these services and is willing to

provide them according to the terms of this AGREEMENT.

NOW THEREFORE the parties agree as follows:


a. SHAW ENGINEERING agrees to perform services as outlined in the section

SCOPE OF WORK attached and incorporated as Exhibit A: Proposal for

Engineering Services, March 28, 2019. SHAW ENGINEERING agrees to perform

these services diligently in accordance with the standards of its profession and to

CLIENT’s satisfaction. Exhibit A is incorporated herein by reference.

b. In addition to the services described above, the parties may from time to time agree

in writing that SHAW ENGINEERING shall perform such additional services as

may be mutually agreed to for additional compensation.

c. Services provided by SHAW ENGINEERING will be conducted in a manner

consistent with that level of care and skill ordinarily expected by members of the

profession currently practicing in this area under similar conditions. SHAW

ENGINEERING shall be responsible for the professional quality and technical

accuracy of all services furnished by SHAW ENGINEERING.

2. Time of Performance

The services of SHAW ENGINEERING are to begin upon execution of this

AGREEMENT and shall continue until all authorized work, including any

additional work requested by CLIENT in connection with the project is completed

by SHAW ENGINEERING and delivered to CLIENT. All authorized work shall

be completed according to a schedule mutually agreed to by SHAW 7

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ENGINEERING and CLIENT, taking into account deadlines expressed by

CLIENT and existing obligations of SHAW ENGINEERING as well as situations

over which each party has no control. Any performance deadlines shall be tolled

during such time that materials, data, or documentation required by and requested

by SHAW ENGINEERING have not been furnished to SHAW ENGINEERING.

This agreement is valid for one year.

3. Compensation

a. CLIENT agrees to pay SHAW ENGINEERING’s hourly rates as described in

Exhibit B: 2019 Fee Schedule for all services performed under this AGREEMENT

as described in Exhibit A.

b. SHAW ENGINEERING may bill CLIENT for work done in the preceding month

on a monthly basis. The billings shall contain, as a minimum, total hours worked

on the project by position, hourly rates in accordance with the rates described in

Exhibit B, a total amount due for the period. In addition, SHAW ENGINEERING

shall describe work that was completed during the monthly billing period.

c. Travel and other reimbursable expenses incurred by SHAW ENGINEERING in

the performance of this project(s) will be reimbursed by CLIENT upon submission

(with receipts for expenses in excess of $20) in accordance with the provisions set

forth in Exhibit “B” and subparagraph (b).

d. Each monthly bill shall be paid within 30 days of presentment.

e. Maximum Amount. Notwithstanding subparagraphs (b) and (c), the maximum

payments under this AGREEMENT shall be a total of seven thousand five hundred

dollars ($7,500) for professional services.

f. The parties shall agree in writing to any changes in compensation due to changes

in SHAW ENGINEERING’s services under Section 1(a) of this AGREEMENT.

4. SHAW ENGINEERING’s Status – Independent Contractor

The parties agree that SHAW ENGINEERING is an independent contractor and

this AGREEMENT is entered into in conformance with the provisions of NRS

Chapter 332. The parties agree that SHAW ENGINEERING is not an employee

of CLIENT and there shall be no

a. Withholding of income taxes by CLIENT;

b. Industrial insurance provided by CLIENT;

c. Participation in group insurance plans which may be available to employees of



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d. Participation or contributions by either the independent contractor or CLIENT to

any public employees’ retirement system;

e. Accumulation of vacation leave or sick leave; or

f. Unemployment compensation coverage provided by CLIENT if the requirements

of NRS 612.085 are met.

Further, it is agreed that SHAW ENGINEERING is solely responsible for its acts.

Neither SHAW ENGINEERING nor its agents, servants, and employees are

CLIENT’s agents, employees, or representatives for any purpose.

5. Conflict of Interest

SHAW ENGINEERING understands that its professional responsibility is solely to

CLIENT. SHAW ENGINEERING warrants that it presently has no interest and

will not during the pendency of this AGREEMENT acquire any direct or indirect

interest that would conflict with its performance of this AGREEMENT. SHAW

ENGINEERING shall not employ a person having such a conflicting interest in the

performance of this AGREEMENT.

6. Ownership of Work

All documents furnished to SHAW ENGINEERING by CLIENT and all reports

or work products described in Exhibit A prepared by SHAW ENGINEERING

under this AGREEMENT are CLIENT’s property and shall be given to CLIENT

at the completion of SHAW ENGINEERING’s services or within ten (10) days

of any written request by CLIENT.

7. Assignment and Subcontracts

SHAW ENGINEERING’s services are considered unique and personal. SHAW

ENGINEERING will not assign or transfer this interest or obligation under this

AGREEMENT without CLIENT’s written consent. SHAW ENGINEERING shall

not subcontract its duties under this AGREEMENT without CLIENT’s written

consent. This agreement is binding on the heirs, successors, and assigns of the

parties hereto.

8. Insurance

SHAW ENGINEERING, at its own expense, shall maintain for the duration of this

AGREEMENT, the following insurance coverage. SHAW ENGINEERING shall

maintain during the terms of this AGREEMENT and for six (6) years after the

completion of all duties and responsibilities under the terms of this

AGREEMENT, errors and omissions insurance, with each subsequent renewal

having a retroactive date which predates the date of this agreement, in the amount

of not less than $1,000,000. As evidence of such insurance, CLIENT will accept

certification of insurance issued by an authorized representative of the insurance 9

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carrier. Coverage must be provided by an insurance

company licensed to do business within the State of Nevada with an A.M. Best

Rating of A-Class VII or better. Each certificate shall contain a 30-day written

notice of cancellation to the certificate holder. SHAW ENGINEERING shall

maintain during the term of this agreement:

a. General comprehensive and engineers’ errors and omissions insurance.

b. Workers’ Compensation in the minimum statutorily required coverage amounts in

accordance with California law.

c. Comprehensive or Commercial General Liability Insurance coverage in the minimum

amount of $1,000,000 combined single limit, including coverage for: (i.) bodily injury,

(ii.) personal injury, (iii.) broad form property damage, (iv.) contractual liability, and

(v.) cross-liability.

All insurance shall cover SHAW ENGINEERING, its agents, representatives, employees

and subcontractors in connection with the performance of this AGREEMENT. In

addition, SHAW ENGINEERING shall require each subcontractor approved by CLIENT

to similarly maintain Workers’ Compensation Insurance and employer’s liability

insurance for all subcontractors’ employees.

SHAW ENGINEERING will provide proof of insurance to CLIENT within thirty (30)

days of signing this AGREEMENT.

9. Indemnification and Limited Liability

CLIENT shall defend, indemnify and hold SHAW ENGINEERING harmless from

all claims, damages, costs or expenses that may arise as a consequence of CLIENT’s

action or inaction on SHAW ENGINEERING’s recommendations and findings in

connection with the performance of this AGREEMENT. CLIENT does not waive any

of its defenses or limitations on liability as allowed by NRS Chapter 41 or any other

applicable laws.

To the fullest extent permitted by law, SHAW ENGINEERING shall defend,

indemnify and hold harmless the CLIENT and its officers, employees and agents

(collectively “Indemnities”) from any liabilities, damages, losses, claims, actions or

proceedings, including without limitation, reasonable attorney’s fees, that are caused by

the negligence, errors, omissions, recklessness or intentional misconduct of SHAW

ENGINEERING or the employees or agents of SHAW ENGINEERING in the

performance of this AGREEMENT.

10. Equal Employment Opportunity

SHAW ENGINEERING is an Equal Opportunity Employer and agrees to comply with

applicable regulations governing equal employment opportunity.


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11. Notices

Any notice given under this AGREEMENT shall be in writing and deemed given when

personally delivered or delivered by the U.S. Postal Service as Certified Mail or

Registered Mail addressed to the parties as follows:


Humboldt County, Nevada



Engineering Mr. Dave Mendiola, County Manager

50 West Fifth Street

Winnemucca, NV 89445

Cody Black, President

20 Vine Street

Reno, NV 89503

12. Litigation

The parties agree that performance of this AGREEMENT shall be governed by the

laws of the State of Nevada and any litigation under this AGREEMENT shall be

brought in that state. If either party brings an action to enforce this AGREEMENT,

the prevailing party is entitled to reasonable attorney’s fees and costs.

13. Waivers

Waiver of a breach or default under this AGREEMENT shall not constitute a

continuing waiver or waiver of subsequent breach of the same or any other

provision of this AGREEMENT.

14. Modification

No waiver, modification, or termination of this AGREEMENT is valid unless

made in writing and signed by both parties.

15. Severability

If any term of this AGREEMENT is held invalid or unenforceable by a court of

competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this AGREEMENT shall remain in full

force and effect.

16. Termination

a. At any time and without cause, either party may terminate this AGREEMENT by

giving ten (10) calendar days’ written notice. In the event of termination without

cause, CLIENT shall pay SHAW ENGINEERING for services rendered to date of

termination, and SHAW ENGINEERING shall deliver any work product to

CLIENT upon termination, whether complete or incomplete.


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b. CLIENT may terminate this AGREEMENT for cause upon giving ten (10) days’

written notice describing SHAW ENGINEERING’s substantial failure to meet its

obligations. If SHAW ENGINEERING has not cured the defects in the

performance within ten (10) days, then CLIENT may terminate this

AGREEMENT. SHAW ENGINEERING shall give CLIENT all work products

done towards completion of its services. CLIENT shall pay SHAW

ENGINEERING for the services satisfactorily rendered to date of termination.

17. Taxes

SHAW ENGINEERING shall pay any and all Federal, State and local taxes,

charges, fees or contributions required by law to be paid with respect to SHAW

ENGINEERING’s performance of this AGREEMENT (including, without

limitation, unemployment insurance, social security and income taxes).

18. No Third Party Beneficiaries

Nothing in this AGREEMENT, express or implied, is intended to or shall confer

upon any other person, any right, benefit or remedy of any nature whatsoever under

or by reason of this AGREEEMENT.

19. Contradictory Provisions

If any provisions of this AGREEMENT conflict with the terms set forth in the

SCOPE OF WORK, then the terms set forth in this AGREEMENT shall govern.

20. Counterparts

This AGREEMENT may be executed in one duplicate originals or counterparts for

each party hereto, and is binding on a party only when all parties have signed and

received a duplicate original.

21. Due Authorization

Each party represents that all required authorizations have been obtained to execute

this AGREEMENT and for the compliance with each and every term hereof. Each

person signing this AGREEMENT warrants and represents to the other party that

he or she has actual authority to execute this AGREEMENT on behalf of the party

for whom he or she is signing. A facsimile signature on this AGREEMENT shall

be treated for all purposes as an original signature.


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22. Entire Agreement

This AGREEMENT and its Exhibit(s) set forth the entire understanding between

the parties. Changes and amendments shall be made in writing and signed by the


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this AGREEMENT on the date above



By By

Jim French Cody Black

Chairman President

Humboldt County Board of Commissioners

Date: Date:


Tami Spero

Humboldt County Clerk


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Humboldt County Utility Services


This scope of work is intended to allow Shaw Engineering (SHAW

ENGINEERING) to assist Humboldt County (County) with on-call utility

planning and engineering services. SHAW ENGINEERING has a long history of

working on County systems, which include the Golconda General Improvement

District, and McDermitt General Improvement District. SHAW ENGINEERING

will assist the County with these two systems as well as other systems on an as-

needed basis.

The phase and task breakdown for the project is designated as follows:


Task 1 - Project Management, Planning and Design for County Utilities


To plan, organize, direct, control, and communicate all services on an as-needed

basis for utility planning and engineering in Humboldt County. Services

performed will be on a time and expense basis, not to exceed $7,500. SHAW

ENGINEERING will not exceed this budget amount ($7,500) without prior,

written approval from the Humboldt County Commission.


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22,500 Gallons

Tier 1 $0.70 0 $80.45

$1,955.38 Tier 2 $1.70 5,000 $3.50

$9,952.99 Tier 3 $2.75 10000 $8.50

$0.00 $34.37

$94,486.36 $126.82

Monthly Charge 22,500 Gallons

$80.45 64.97$

$143.03 12.25$

$321.81 77.22$


22,500 Gallons


Projected Volume Charge Income 8.75$


What can the residential consumer expect on a bill FY 18/19?

22,500 Gallons



Projected Income for Budget Year 43.37$

0.01% LOSS

Annual Budget

Percent Loss or Gain


Estimated Income on Volume Used

5/8 X 3/4-inch



2- inch





Volume Charges Annual Income



Projected Base Charge Income

Base Rate Annual Income

Number of meters











Residential and Commercial Meter Sizes

Proposed Budget

Short Lived Asset Replacement

Capital Improvement Reserves

5/8 x 3/4-inch



Contingency Fund

2- inch

Total Funded Budget

Charge for 10,001 or more Gallons

Total Monthly Bill

Golconda Water System Rate Analysis

2019 Budget Year

This budget includes estimated costs from the Preliminary Engineering Report for operation and maintenance of new arsenic treatment facilities. The proposed design does not include backwash water management

and so this analysis does not include any costs for backwash pumping or disposal.

What can the residential consumer expect on a bill FY 21/22?

Usage amount

Base Rate

Charge for first 5,000-Gallons

Charge for 5,001 to 10,000-Gallons

Cost per 1,000 Gallons Gallons allotted above base Rate

What can the residential consumer expect on a bill FY 20/21?

Usage amount

Base Rate

Charge for 5,001 to Usage Gallons

What can the residential consumer expect on a bill FY 19/20?

Base Rate

Charge for 15,001 to Usage Gallons

Total Monthly Bill

Total Monthly Bill

Total Monthly Bill

Usage amount

Base Rate

Charge for 10,001 to Usage Gallons

Usage amount


Page 16: General Improvement Districts Notice of Public Meeting€¦ · deferred maintenance and future improvements (for possible action) - Consideration, discussion and possible approval

SUMMARY: A RESOLUTION DEEMING IT TO BE IN THE BEST INTERESTS OF THE GOLCONDA GENERAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT TO INCREASE THE WATER RATES, TOLLS OR CHARGES TO INCREASE REVENUES FOR THE WATER DISTRICT TO COVER THE COSTS OF MAINETNANCE, DEFERRED MAINTENANCE AND FUTURE IMPROVEMENTS; AND OTHER MATTERS PROPERLY RELATING THERETO. RESOLUTION NUMBER: __________ WHEREAS, the Golconda General Improvement District (“District”) governed by its Board of Trustees (“Board”) was created for the purpose of managing, controlling and supervising the business and affairs of the district and to acquire, improve, equip, operate and maintain any district project; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to NRS 318.144 the Board may acquire, construct, reconstruct, improve, extend or better a works, system or facilities for the supply, storage and distribution of water for private and public purposes; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to NRS 318.145 the Board shall have the

power to operate, maintain and repair the improvements acquired by the district, including, without limitation, the maintenance and repair of all facilities of the district relating to any basic power which the district is authorized to exercise, and in connection therewith to exercise from time to time any one, all or any combination of the incidental powers provided in this chapter and any law supplemental thereto, except as may be otherwise provided in this chapter or in any such supplemental law; and .

WHEREAS, the District has experienced a considerable

amount of growth in the demand for Water service as the population has grown and the number of residential and commercial customers has increased during the last decade since its last rate amendment; and

WHEREAS, the current water rates charged by the district do not cover the District’s water system maintenance, improvements and needs; and

WHEREAS, The Board may fix, and from time to time increase or decrease water, rates, tolls or charges other than special assessments, including, but not limited to, service charges and standby service charges, for services or facilities furnished by the district,


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charges for the availability of service, annexation charges, and minimum charges, and pledge the revenue for the payment of any indebtedness or special obligations of the district; and

WHEREAS, the Board being duly informed that the current water

rate charged does not adequately cover the needs of the district for the costs of maintenance, deferred maintenance and future improvements, the Board finds it necessary and proper for the Golconda General Improvement District to increase the water rates, tolls and or charges from the monthly base rate per residence of;

• $34.00 for no more than 17,700 Gallons for the 2018/2019 budget year,

• $49.48 for no more than 10,000 Gallons for the 2019/2020 budget year,

• $64.97 for no more than 5,000 Gallons for the 2020/2021 budget year,

• $80.45 for the 2021/2022 budget year, Rates are attached in the “Golconda Water System Proposed 3-


1. The Board finds and determines that in accordance with NRS 318.199 that proper notice was given.

2. The Board deems it to be in the best interests of the Golconda General Improvement District to increase the water rates, tolls or charges to increase the revenue of the water district to cover the costs of maintenance, deferred maintenance and future improvements.

3. Severability: If any provision of this resolution or amendments thereto, or the application thereof to any person, thing or circumstance is held to be invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the validity or provisions or applications of the Resolution or amendments thereto which can be given effect without the invalid provisions or applications, and to this end the provisions of this resolution and amendments thereto are declared to be severable.

4. Constitutionality: If any section, clause or phrase of the Resolution shall be declared unconstitutional by a court of


Page 18: General Improvement Districts Notice of Public Meeting€¦ · deferred maintenance and future improvements (for possible action) - Consideration, discussion and possible approval

competent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions of this Resolution shall continue in full force and effect.

5. Effective Date: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after passage, and approval as required by law.

DATED this 3rdth day of June, 2019. THE BOARD OF TRUSTES OF THE GOLCONDA GENERAL IMPROVEMENT DITRICT OF HUMBOLDT COUNTY, NEVADA By: ________________________________ Jim French, Chairman ATTEST: ____________________________ TAMI RAE SPERO, Clerk


Page 19: General Improvement Districts Notice of Public Meeting€¦ · deferred maintenance and future improvements (for possible action) - Consideration, discussion and possible approval


Current Proposed

34.00$ 2.00$ Tier 1

0.70$ Tier 1

80.45$ 1.70$ Tier 2

2.75$ Tier 3


0 Tier 1

17,000 5,000 Tier 2

10,000 Tier 3


Phase-in a new base rate and phase-in a new commodity charge over three years.

Rates need reviewing every year. After three years, the base rate is only where it should be for today.

The Commissioners need to keep the system aware of increases as the budget year changes.

80.45$ Tier 1 0.70$ Tier 1 0

Tier 2 1.70$ Tier 2 5,000

Tier 3 2.75$ Tier 3 10,000

Budget Year

2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022

Base Rate 34.00$ 49.48$ 64.97$ 80.45$

17,000 10,000 5,000 0

Commodity 2.00$ 0.70$ 0.70$ 0.70$

2000 34.00$ 49.48$ 64.97$ 81.85$

5000 34.00$ 49.48$ 64.97$ 83.95$

10000 34.00$ 49.48$ 68.47$ 92.45$

22,500 15000 34.00$ 52.98$ 71.97$ 106.20$

80.45$ 20000 40.00$ 56.48$ 75.47$ 119.95$

3.50$ 35000 70.00$ 66.98$ 85.97$ 161.20$

8.50$ 50000 100.00$ 77.48$ 96.47$ 202.45$

34.37$ 70000 140.00$ 91.48$ 110.47$ 257.45$

126.82$ 90000 180.00$ 105.48$ 124.47$ 312.45$

120000 240.00$ 126.48$ 145.47$ 394.95$

150000 300.00$ 147.48$ 166.47$ 477.45$

180000 360.00$ 168.48$ 187.47$ 559.95$

225000 450.00$ 199.98$ 218.97$ 683.70$

275000 550.00$ 234.98$ 253.97$ 821.20$

300000 600.00$ 252.48$ 271.47$ 889.95$

350000 700.00$ 287.48$ 306.47$ 1,027.45$

400000 800.00$ 322.48$ 341.47$ 1,164.95$

Current Allotted Gallons:

Target Allotted Gallons:

Commodity Charges (Cost/1,000-Gallons)

Gallons Allowed Before Next Tier Commodity Charge

The first two budget years will consider a Tier 1 commodity charge. The 2021/2022 year applies the three tier calculations.

FY 21/22 Expected Changes

Usage Amount/Gals

Golconda Water System Proposed 3-Year Phase-In


The Objective:

The Understanding:

What To Do:

Base Rate in Three Years:

Gallons Allowed Before Commodity Charge:

Commodity Tiers in three years: Gallons per Tier, in Three Years:

Meter Size 3/4"

Rate Analysis Completion:

Current Base Rate For 2018/2019:

Proposed Base Rate:

Average Rate Increase For Phase-In:

Base Rate

Tier 1 Charge

Tier 2 Charge

Tier 3 Charge

Monthly Charge


Page 20: General Improvement Districts Notice of Public Meeting€¦ · deferred maintenance and future improvements (for possible action) - Consideration, discussion and possible approval


MCDERMITT WATER DISTRICT RATE STUDY The McDermitt General Improvement District Board will be holding a public hearing on Monday, June 3, 2019, at 9:00 a.m. in the Humboldt County Meeting Room #201, Humboldt County Courthouse, 50 W 5th St., Winnemucca, NV 89445 for consideration, discussion and possible actions regarding a recent rate study conducted by Nevada Rural Water to include, but not limited to, a possible rate increase to increase revenues for the water district to cover the current costs of maintenance, deferred maintenance and future improvements. All interested parties are invited to attend and present testimony at said hearing. Written testimony may be submitted to the County Clerk, 50 W. 5th Street, Winnemucca, Nevada, until 5:00 p.m. on Friday, May 31, 2019. Per NRS 318.199.4: All users of the service or product shall be afforded a reasonable opportunity to submit data, views or arguments orally or in writing at the place, date and time specified in the notice, or at any subsequent place or time to which the hearing may be adjourned. DATED: April 15, 2019

____________________________________ TAMI RAE SPERO, Humboldt County Clerk and Ex-Officio Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of Humboldt County, Nevada

NOTICE TO PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES: Members of the public who are disabled and require special assistance or accommodations at the hearing are requested to notify the COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR in writing at the Humboldt County Courthouse, Room 205, Winnemucca, Nevada 89445, or by calling (775) 623-6300 or TDD# 623-6249 at least two (2) days in advance of the meeting. Publish: April 24, 2019 (1t)


Page 21: General Improvement Districts Notice of Public Meeting€¦ · deferred maintenance and future improvements (for possible action) - Consideration, discussion and possible approval

SUMMARY: A RESOLUTION DEEMING IT TO BE IN THE BEST INTERESTS OF THE MCDERMITT GENERAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT TO INCREASE THE WATER RATES, TOLLS OR CHARGES TO INCREASE REVENUES FOR THE WATER DISTRICT TO COVER THE COSTS OF MAINETNANCE, DEFERRED MAINTENANCE AND FUTURE IMPROVEMENTS; AND OTHER MATTERS PROPERLY RELATING THERETO. RESOLUTION NUMBER: __________ WHEREAS, the McDermitt General Improvement District (“District”) governed by its Board of Trustees (“Board”) was created for the purpose of managing, controlling and supervising the business and affairs of the district and to acquire, improve, equip, operate and maintain any district project; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to NRS 318.144 the Board may acquire, construct, reconstruct, improve, extend or better a works, system or facilities for the supply, storage and distribution of water for private and public purposes; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to NRS 318.145 the Board shall have the

power to operate, maintain and repair the improvements acquired by the district, including, without limitation, the maintenance and repair of all facilities of the district relating to any basic power which the district is authorized to exercise, and in connection therewith to exercise from time to time any one, all or any combination of the incidental powers provided in this chapter and any law supplemental thereto, except as may be otherwise provided in this chapter or in any such supplemental law; and .

WHEREAS, the District has experienced a considerable

amount of growth in the demand for Water service as the population has grown and the number of residential and commercial customers has increased during the last decade since its last rate amendment; and

WHEREAS, the current water rates charged by the district do not cover the District’s water system maintenance, improvements and needs; and

WHEREAS, The Board may fix, and from time to time increase or decrease water, rates, tolls or charges other than special assessments, including, but not limited to, service charges and standby service charges, for services or facilities furnished by the district,


Page 22: General Improvement Districts Notice of Public Meeting€¦ · deferred maintenance and future improvements (for possible action) - Consideration, discussion and possible approval

charges for the availability of service, annexation charges, and minimum charges, and pledge the revenue for the payment of any indebtedness or special obligations of the district; and

WHEREAS, the Board being duly informed that the current water

rate charged does not adequately cover the needs of the district for the costs of maintenance, deferred maintenance and future improvements, the Board finds it necessary and proper for the McDermitt General Improvement District to increase the water rates, tolls and or charges from the monthly base rate per residence of;

• $49.00 or no more than 15,000 Gallons for the 2018/2019 budget year,

• $54.16 for no more than 10,000 Gallons for the 2019/2020 budget year,

• $59.32 for no more than 5,000 Gallons for the 2020/2021 budget year, and

• $64.48 for the 2021/2022 budget year, and Rates are attached in the “McDermitt Water System Proposed 3-


1. The Board finds and determines that in accordance with NRS 318.199 that proper notice was given.

2. The Board deems it to be in the best interests of the McDermitt General Improvement District to increase the water rates, tolls or charges to increase the revenue of the water district to cover the costs of maintenance, deferred maintenance and future improvements.

3. Severability: If any provision of this resolution or amendments thereto, or the application thereof to any person, thing or circumstance is held to be invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the validity or provisions or applications of the Resolution or amendments thereto which can be given effect without the invalid provisions or applications, and to this end the provisions of this resolution and amendments thereto are declared to be severable.

4. Constitutionality: If any section, clause or phrase of the Resolution shall be declared unconstitutional by a court of


Page 23: General Improvement Districts Notice of Public Meeting€¦ · deferred maintenance and future improvements (for possible action) - Consideration, discussion and possible approval

competent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions of this Resolution shall continue in full force and effect.

5. Effective Date: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after passage, and approval as required by law.

DATED this 3rdth day of June, 2019. THE BOARD OF TRUSTES OF THE MCDERMITT GENERAL IMPROVEMENT DITRICT OF HUMBOLDT COUNTY, NEVADA By: ________________________________ Jim French, Chairman ATTEST: ____________________________ TAMI RAE SPERO, Clerk


Page 24: General Improvement Districts Notice of Public Meeting€¦ · deferred maintenance and future improvements (for possible action) - Consideration, discussion and possible approval


Current Proposed

49.00$ 1.25$ Tier 1

1.50$ Tier 1

64.48$ 2.10$ Tier 2

3.20$ Tier 3


0 Tier 1

15,000 10,000 Tier 2

20,000 Tier 3


Phase-in a new base rate and phase-in a new commodity charge over three years.

Rates need reviewing every year. After three years, the base rate is only where it should be for today.

The Commissioners need to keep the system aware of increases as the budget year changes.

64.48$ Tier 1 1.50$ Tier 1 0

Tier 2 2.10$ Tier 2 10,000

Tier 3 3.20$ Tier 3 20,000

Budget Year

2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022

Base Rate 49.00$ 54.16$ 59.32$ 64.48$

15,000 10,000 5,000 0

Commodity 1.25$ 1.50$ 1.50$ 1.50$

2000 49.00$ 54.16$ 59.32$ 67.48$

5000 49.00$ 54.16$ 59.32$ 71.98$

10000 49.00$ 54.16$ 66.82$ 79.48$

25,000 15000 49.00$ 61.66$ 74.32$ 89.98$

64.48$ 20000 55.25$ 69.16$ 81.82$ 100.48$

15.00$ 35000 74.00$ 91.66$ 104.32$ 148.48$

21.00$ 50000 92.75$ 114.16$ 126.82$ 196.48$

16.00$ 70000 117.75$ 144.16$ 156.82$ 260.48$

116.48$ 90000 142.75$ 174.16$ 186.82$ 324.48$

120000 180.25$ 219.16$ 231.82$ 420.48$

150000 217.75$ 264.16$ 276.82$ 516.48$

180000 255.25$ 309.16$ 321.82$ 612.48$

225000 311.50$ 376.66$ 389.32$ 756.48$

275000 374.00$ 451.66$ 464.32$ 916.48$

300000 405.25$ 489.16$ 501.82$ 996.48$

350000 467.75$ 564.16$ 576.82$ 1,156.48$

400000 530.25$ 639.16$ 651.82$ 1,316.48$

Average Rate Increase For Phase-In: Gallons Allowed Before Next Tier Commodity Charge

McDermitt Water System Proposed 3-Year Phase-In

Rate Analysis Completion: Commodity Charges (Cost/1,000-Gallons)

Current Base Rate For 2018/2019:

Proposed Base Rate:


Current Allotted Gallons:

Target Allotted Gallons:

The first two budget years will consider a Tier 1 commodity charge. The 2021/2022 year applies the three tier calculations.

The Objective:

The Understanding:

What To Do:

Base Rate in Three Years: Commodity Tiers in three years: Gallons per Tier, in Three Years:

Meter Size 3/4"

Gallons Allowed Before Commodity Charge:

Monthly Charge

FY 21/22 Expected Charges

Usage Amount/Gals

Base Rate

Tier 1 Charge

Tier 2 Charge

Tier 3 Charge

