Download pptx - General convention 2008

  • 1. Shout With All Your Might
    General Convention Church of the New Jerusalem (Swedenborgian Church in North America)
    Bridgewater MA, July 2009

2. First DayJuly 2nd
3. Bleachers
4. Standards
5. Standards
6. Standards
7. Missing Rachel
8. Second DayJuly 3rd
9. The Horace Mann Clock
A landmark on campus
10. Responsive Reading of the Articles (1)
11. Responsive Reading of the Articles (2)
12. President Laitner with new Johnny Appleseed gavel.
13. Gavel Closeup
The Johnny Appleseed Gavel, pesented from Urbana
14. Atrium at Moakley
15. No, that is not Theological
16. Presentation of Swedenborgian Community Online
17. Rabbit
18. Swedenborgian House of Studies displays financial report.
19. Cake from SHS reception
20. Third DayJuly 4th
21. Morning Service
Youth League presentation
22. Youth League
23. Seattle Presentation
Preparing for General Convention 2009
See video
24. Vision Song
25. Fourth DayJuly 5th
26. Convention Service
Bridgewater New Church exterior
27. Choir 2
Pickup Convention choir
28. Bridgewater Service
29. Missing Rachel
30. Learning to Give 1
The Church of the Good Shepherd Not Ready for Prime Time Players.The angel of the church admonishes John and Mary on Learning to Give
31. Learning to Give 2
The Church of the Good Shepherd Not Ready for Prime Time Players. Swedenborg (Paul Zacharias) assists John and Mary in "Learning to Give".
32. Courses 1
Lee Woofenden
Swedenborg 101 mini-course
33. Courses 2
George Dole addresses mini-course on the New Church and pluralism.
34. Ordination ServiceCambridge, July 5th
35. Cambridge Chapel Interior
36. You Are
Dance for ordination service
37. Ordination: Catherine Lauber
38. Ordination: Judith Vandergrift
39. Charge to new ministers
40. Cambridge Chapel Exterior
41. The Revd. Catherine Lauber
42. Final DayJuly 6th
43. Secretary blows bubbles; President looks on
44. Hospitality Moments
45. Convention Blues
Ken Turley and ensemble
46. The Convention Dancers
