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Caring through sharing. Exploring the potential of digital media to improve communication with carers.

Gateshead Carers Association (GCA) working with Interactive Media Design Year 3 students, Northumbria University

Key words: public services, community building, social services

Newcastle upon Tyne & Gateshead

Context: Gateshead Carers Association (GCA) has been running for over sixteen years and is currently helping in excess of seventeen hundred carers in the Gateshead local community. Carers provide unpaid help and support to people who would otherwise not be able to manage their daily lives because of their disability, illness, addiction or frailty.

GCA wants to reach carers earlier in their caring journey, in order to support them before they reached crisis point.

Project: 1.The redesign of its brand and identity2.The ‘service design’ of its communication with carers3.Making use of social media to publicise events and improve communication between carers and GCA

Design role: created a number of different and varied design responses that informed GCA on the ways digital media can improve communication with carers.
