



The GATE Examination is one of the most

important national level entrance examination

engineering graduates for taking admission in

various IITs and NITs. There are no secrets to

success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure. This is true for all life

lessons including exams. Here we providing you all the complete

GATE 2018 Preparation tips.

• Complete Info About GATE


GATE 2018 Exam is an online examination of three hours.

It consists of 65 Questions out of which 35 Questions

are of 2 Marks and 30 Questions are of 1 Mark.

The question paper consists of two types of Question:

•Multiple Choice

•Numerical Answer Type Questions

There will be 2/3rd negative marking in 2 marks Questions and 1/3rd negative marking in 1 Mark Questions.

There is no negative marking in Numerical Answer type


Negative marking applicable only for MCQ’s

• Should Know The Syllabus

Before starting the preparation you should Go through the complete syllabus of GATE.

You should plan your preparation with known topics of GATE Syllabus and try to match your knowledge with the GATE exam syllabus.

First You should highlight the important topics of the

syllabus based on previous year GATE Papers and focus

more on those topics during of your preparation.

• Study Materials and Books

Candidates should appropriate and concise study

Material which is very important before starting

Preparing for the GATE 2018 Exam.

You should read at least one book apart from the

study Material which is provided by your class notes.

You can get study material online in the form of video lectures, course materials PDF, so you can pursue best

study material.

You should also refer the books followed during undergraduate course.

• Smart Study

Analyze the important topics and pattern of Questions

from previous year Question papers.

After studying a subject, practice previous year

Questions for that particular subject which will help you

to analyze your preparation and also boost your


Prepare each topic in three steps:

Understand the Concept.

Practice Related Questions.

Revise Regularly.

• Perfect Study Plan

To crack GATE Exam 2018 prepare a plan for 3 to 9


The plan should include Completion of course, Practice

and Mock Tests, Revision.

It is a good idea to make a time table and formulate

your daily tasks. Once you have set daily, weekly and

monthly targets, you will see better results from the same

amount of effort.

• Revision Plan

It is not just sufficient enough to prepare revision

notes, but also to revise them regularly.

Read the revision notes on a weekly basis to recall

the concepts of prepared subjects.

Each time you revise the same topic/subject, your

revision time will reduce to recall the concepts.

• Mock Tests

You can practice the mock tests in two ways. One is

self-practice on a daily basis, and other is attempting

online mock tests.

Practice the mock tests to improve the performance. Performance depends on how much time devoted to

answering each question and how many questions are answered correctly.

•Practice Test Series

Last 30 days should be allocated to revision and

giving Practice tests.

Practice more tests, identify the weaker topics in

each test and revise them.

Join all India Test Series so that you can analyze

your level before the actual exam and with the help of it you can work on your weak areas.

Practice at least 2 tests every day in the month of


• Last Minute Strategy

You should not to read any new topic in during the last days.

You should focus on revising the concepts and

important Questions which you have marked during your preparation.

You should keep your mind relaxed and take proper

sleep before the exam. This will help you in recollecting

things during exam hours.

You should be ready with your GATE 2018 Admit Card

and know your center before the exam day.