

True Renaissance Man

Gary Kapanowski : Graduate From University of Michigan

Since childhood, Gary Kapanowski distinguished himself as one of Michigan’s most well-rounded individuals. Not only did Gary Kapanowski play high school football, but was also the baseball team’s manager and an excellent student. Gary Kapanowski was the first in his family to graduate from a private high school as well as the University of Michigan.

Gary Kapanowski : Teaches Lean Six Sigma Process

Gary Kapanowski is now one of Detroit’s top accounting professionals, with fifteen years of experience in the accounting field. He also has eleven years of experience in aviation and defense. Gary Kapanowski currently works in accounting and teaches the Lean Six Sigma process to several Michigan business owners at various conferences and training sessions. He is a Lean Six Sigma master black belt. Gary Kapanowski bases his management principles on a quote from Peter Drucker: “Management is doing things right. Leadership is doing the right things.” Kapanowski studied under Professor Robert Kaplan, who he describes as the “guru of the Balance Scorecard,” another proven business concept model.

Gary Kapanowski : Worked as Administrator For City of Warren Fire Fighters

Kapanowski is well-versed in financial planning and fiscal responsibility. He has mentored several team members in Lean Six Sigma, Balance Scorecard, and other business models throughout his career. Kapanowski has won several awards, including the 2006 Financial Executive of the Year Award.

Gary Kapanowski comes from a hardworking and close-knit family. His mother worked as an administrator for the City of Warren Fire Fighters. His father fought in World War II on the Japanese front, and Gary Kapanowski’s siblings are also highly accomplished.

Gary Kapanowski : Involved in Revitalization of Detroit

Gary Kapanowski is also involved in the revitalization of Detroit. As Kapanowski says, it’s about time to come home. It’s about time to come home, to see the real Detroit. The Detroit Homecoming, says Gary Kapanowski, offers new opportunities to reconnect, recharge, reinvest. That’s why a coalition of partners invites you to participate in the two-day event Sept. 17-19, 2014. We want to bring “expatriates” — whether they were born in Detroit or attended school in the region — back to the city to explore the opportunities to invest, engage and reshape the city and its story in its post-bankruptcy era. Gary Kapanowski and others involved in the homecoming have invited key local executives, investors, entrepreneurs and grassroots leaders to meet you. Together, they hope to educate about the new Detroit narrative and experience, as well as to visit places in Detroit otherwise difficult for out-of-towners to access on a quick trip home.

Gary Kapanowski

2006 Financial Executive of the Year


Won 2006 FEYA Award
