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    “A Report sub!tte" !# p$rt!$% &u%&!%%e#t o& t'e

    re(u!ree#ts &or t'e $)$r" o& t'e "e*ree o&


    E#ro%e#t Nuber,

    U#"er t'e *u!"$#-e o& 

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    This is to certify that the !"#$%T report is a bonafide wor& of''''..($nrolment

     )o'''''. for the partial fulfillment of the re*uirements for the award of the de+ree

    of ,asters of usiness dministration from under my +uidance This project wor& is

    ori+inal and not submitted earlier for the award of any de+ree/diploma fellowship/ any

     pries elsewhere.


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    hereby declare that the roject report submitted to is( for the partial fulfilment of the

    re*uirements for the award of ,asters of usiness administration is a record of ori+inal

    report done by me under the super2ision and +uidance of

    P%$-e, B$#*$%ore


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    $%5!T") 6 T7$ 8T9$)T



    $%5!T") 6 T7$ 8T9$)T



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      The successful completion of any task would be incomplete without

    mentioning the people who have made it possible. So it’s with the gratitude that I

    acknowledge the help, which crowned my efforts with success.

      I would also like to convey my sincere thanks to faculty of MB department of 

    for helping me out and showing keen interest in my pro!ect.

      I e"tend my deep gratitude to for his constant guidance and support.

    I would also like to thank the various department officials and staff who not

    only provided me with re#uired opportunity but also e"tended their valuable time

    and I have no words to e"press my gratefulness to them.

    $ast but not the least I am very much indebted to my family and friends, for 

    their warm encouragement and moral support in conducting this pro!ect work.


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    a+e )o:




































    BIBLIO3RAPHY 113-114

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    %7T$! 1


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    n our present day economy( finance is defined as the pro2ision of money at the timewhen it is re*uired. $2ery enterprise( whether bi+ or small( needs finance to carry on its

    operations and to achie2e its tar+et. n fact( finance is so indispensible today that it is

    ri+htly said to be the lifeblood of enterprise. @ithout ade*uate finance no enterprise can

     possibly accomplish its objecti2es. Ainance refers to the mana+ement of flows of money

    throu+h an or+aniation. t concerns with the application of s&ills in the manipulation( use

    and control of money.

      Ainance mana+ement is that mana+erial acti2ity which is concerned with the

     plannin+ and controllin+ of a firms financial reser2e.

    Ainancial mana+ement as an academic discipline has under+one fundamental chan+es as

    re+ards its scope and co2era+e. n early years of its e2olution it was treated

    synonymously with the raisin+ of funds( and little si+nificance was attached to the

    analytical thin&in+ in the financial decision ma&in+ and problem sol2in+. n the current

    literature pertainin+ to this +rowin+ academic discipline( a broader scope so as to include

    in addition to procurement of funds( efficient use of resources is uni2ersally reco+nied.

    Ainancial analysis can be defined as a study of relationship between many factors as

    disclosed by the statement and the study of trend of these factors.

      The objecti2e of financial analysis is the pinpointin+ of stren+th and wea&ness

    of a business underta&in+ by re+roupin+ and analyin+ of fi+ures obtained from financial

    statement and balance sheet by the tools and techni*ues of mana+ement accountin+.

    Ainancial analysis is as the final step of accountin+ that results in the presentation of final

    and the exact data that helps the business mana+ers( creditors and in2estors.

    ased on this reasonin+( this project is an attempt to analye the financial performance of 

    9ni2ersal 8ystems Technolo+ies nc. n the financial analysis a ratio is used as an index

    for e2aluatin+ the financial position and performance of the firm.

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    The absolute accountin+ fi+ures reported in the financial statement do not pro2ide a

    meanin+ful understandin+ of the performance and the financial position of the firm. ut

    the accountin+ fi+ures con2ey the meanin+ when it is related to some other relati2e

    information. Aor example :- !s ? crore net profits may loo& impressi2e( but the firms

     performance can be said +ood or bad only when net fi+ures is related to the firmBs


    ccountin+ ratios are relation expressed in the mathematical terms between fi+ures that

    are connected with each other in the same manner. The information contained in the

     balance sheet( profit and loss account or the income statements are used by the

    mana+ement( creditors( in2estors and others to form jud+ment about the operatin+

     performance and the financial stren+ths and wea&ness of the firm( if we properly analye

    the information reported in the statement.


    The I#"!$# I#&or$t!o# Te-'#o%o*9 !#"ustr9 accounts for a ?.1=C of the

    countryDs E and export earnin+s as of 0>>=( while pro2idin+ employment to a

    si+nificant number of its tertiary sector  wor&force. ,ore than 0.? million people are

    employed in the sector either directly or indirectly( ma&in+ it one of the bi++est job

    creators in ndia and a mainstay of the national economy. n 0>1>-11( annual re2enues

    from T-" sector is estimated to ha2e +rown o2er  98F; billion compared

    to %hina with F3?.; billion and hilippines with F

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    crises has deeply impacted the ndian T companies as well as +lobal companies. s a

    result hirin+ has dropped sharply and employees are loo&in+ at different sectors li&e the

    financial ser2ice( telecommunications( and manufacturin+ industries( which ha2e been

    +rowin+ phenomenally o2er the last few years.

    ndiaDs T 8er2ices industry was born in ,umbai in 1=; with the

    establishment of Tata Eroup in partnership with urrou+hs. The first software export

    one 8$$H was set up here way bac& in 1=3( the old a2atar of the modern day T ar&.

    ,ore than percent of the countryDs software exports happened out

    of 8$$H( ,umbai in s.

    $ach year ndia produces rou+hly ?>>(>>> en+ineers in the country( out of them only

    0?C to 3>C possessed both technical competency and $n+lish lan+ua+e s&ills( althou+h10C of ndiaDs population can spea& in $n+lish. ndia de2eloped a number of outsourcin+

    companies specialiin+ in customer support 2ia nternet or telephone connections. y

    0>>=( ndia also has a total of 3(1;>(>>> telephone lines in use( a total of 

    ?>;(>4>(>>> mobile phone connections( a total of >>(>>> nternet usersIcomprisin+

    .>C of the countryDs population( and (?>(>>> people in the country ha2e access

    to  broadband nternet I ma&in+ it the 10th lar+est country in the world in terms

    of broadband nternet users. Total fixed-line and wireless subscribers reached ?43.0>

    million as of )o2ember( 0>>=.

    For$t!:e Ye$rs ;T!%% .

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    the ,assachusetts nstitute of Technolo+y these institutions were concei2ed by a 00

    member committee of scholars and entrepreneurs under the chairmanship of ). !. 8ar&ar.

    !elaxed immi+ration laws in the 9nited 8tates of merica K1=;?M attracted a number of s&illed ndian professionals aimin+ for research. y 1=;> as many as 1>(>>> ndians were

    estimated to ha2e settled in the 98. Gapur K0>>;My the 1=s a number of en+ineers

    from ndia were see&in+ employment in other countries. n response( the ndian

    companies reali+ned wa+es to retain their experienced staff. n the  Encyclopedia of India(

    Gamdar K0>>;M reports on the role of ndian immi+rants K1= - early 1==>sM in

     promotin+ technolo+y-dri2en +rowth:

    The 9nited 8tatesB technolo+ical lead was dri2en in no small part by the brain power of 

     brilliant immi+rants( many of whom came from ndia. The inestimable contributions of 

    thousands of hi+hly trained ndian mi+rants in e2ery area of merican scientific and

    technolo+ical achie2ement culminated with the information technolo+y re2olution most

    associated with %aliforniaBs 8ilicon Jalley in the 1=s and 1==>s.

    The )ational nformatics %entre was established in ,arch 1=?. The inception of The

    %omputer ,aintenance %ompany K%,%M followed in "ctober 1=;. etween 1=-1=

    the countryDs nformation Technolo+y companies Tata nfotech( atni %omputer 

    8ystems and @ipro had become 2isible. The Dmicrochip re2olutionD of the 1=s had

    con2inced both ndira Eandhi and her successor  !aji2 Eandhi that electronics and

    telecommunications were 2ital to ndiaDs +rowth and de2elopment. ,T)5 underwent

    technolo+ical impro2ements. etween 1=

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    The ndian economy underwent economic reforms in 1==1( leadin+ to a new era

    of +lobaliation and international economic inte+ration. $conomic +rowth of o2er ;C

    annually was seen between 1==3-0>>0. The economic reforms were dri2en in part bysi+nificant the internet usa+e in the country. The new administration under  talihari

    Jajpayee Iwhich placed the de2elopment of nformation Technolo+y amon+ its top fi2e

     prioritiesI formed the ndian )ational Tas& Aorce on nformation Technolo+y and

    8oftware e2elopment.@olcott N Eoodman K0>>3M report on the role of the ndian

     )ational Tas& Aorce on nformation Technolo+y and 8oftware e2elopment:

    @ithin => days of its establishment( the Tas& Aorce produced an extensi2e bac&+round

    report on the state of technolo+y in ndia and an T ction lan with 1><

    recommendations. The Tas& Aorce could act *uic&ly because it built upon the experience

    and frustrations of state +o2ernments( central +o2ernment a+encies( uni2ersities( and the

    software industry. ,uch of what it proposed was also consistent with the thin&in+ and

    recommendations of international bodies li&e the World Trade

    Organization K@T"M( nternational Telecommunications 9nion KT9M( and @orld an& .

    n addition( the Tas& Aorce incorporated the experiences of 8in+apore and other nations(

    which implemented similar pro+rams. t was less a tas& of in2ention than of spar&in+

    action on a consensus that had already e2ol2ed within the networ&in+ community and


    T'e Ne) Te%e-ou#!-$t!o#s Po%!-9? . created le+al

     procedures for electronic transactions and e-commerce.

    Throu+hout the 1==>s( another wa2e of ndian professionals entered the 9nited 8tates.

    The number of  ndian mericans reached 1. million by 0>>>. This immi+ration

    consisted lar+ely of hi+hly educated technolo+ically proficient wor&ers. @ithin the

    9nited 8tates( ndians fared well in science( en+ineerin+( and mana+ement. Eraduates

    from the I#"!$# I#st!tutes o& Te-'#o%o*9 ;IIT= became &nown for their technical s&ills.

    Thus 3OI planned to established new nstitutes specially for nformation Technolo+y to

    enhance this field. n 1==< ndia +ot the first  IT  institute name I#"!$# I#st!tute o&

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    I#&or$t!o# Te-'#o%o*9 at Ewalior. The success of nformation Technolo+y in ndia not

    only had economic repercussions but also had far-reachin+ political conse*uences. ndiaDs

    reputation both as a source and a destination for s&illed wor&force helped it impro2e its

    relations with a number of world economies. The relationship between economy and

    technolo+yI2alued in the western world Ifacilitated the +rowth of an

    entrepreneurial class of immi+rant ndians( which further helped aid in promotin+

    technolo+y-dri2en +rowth.


    ndia is now one of the bi++est T capitals in the modern world.

    The economic effect of the technolo+ically inclined ser2ices sector in ndiaIaccountin+

    for 4>C of the countryDs E and 3>C of export earnin+s as of 0>>;( while employin+

    only 0?C of its wor&force is summaried by 8harma K0>>;M.

    Today( an+alore is &nown as the 8ilicon Jalley of ndia and contributes 33C of ndian

    T $xports. ndiaDs second and third lar+est software companies are head-*uartered in

    an+alore( as are many of the +lobal 8$-%,, 5e2el ? %ompanies.

     )ext to an+alore C'e##$! plays an important role in T. 5ot of companies were

    de2eloped in %hennai( in the last few years. nd ,umbai too has its share of T

    companies that are ndiaDs first and lar+est( li&e T%8 and well established

    li&e !eliance( atni( 5nTnfotech( i-Alex( @)8( 8hine( )au&ri( #obspert etc. are head-

    *uartered in ,umbai. and these T and dot com companies are rulin+ the roost of 

    ,umbaiDs relati2ely hi+h octane industry of Technolo+y. 8uch is the +rowth in

    in2estment and outsourcin+O it was re2ealed that %ap Eemini will soon ha2e more staff in

    ndia than it does in its home mar&et of Arance with 01(>>> personnelP in ndia.

    "n 0? #une 0>>0 ndia and the $uropean 9nion a+reed to bilateral cooperation in the

    field of science and technolo+y. joint $9-ndia +roup of scholars was formed on 03

     )o2ember 0>>1 to further promote joint research and de2elopment. ndia holds obser2er 

    status at %$!) while a joint ndia-$9 8oftware $ducation and e2elopment %enter is

    due at an+alore

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    I#tro"u-t!o# to B$#@!#* !# I#"!$,

    @ithout a sound and effecti2e ban&in+ system in ndia it cannot ha2e a healthy economy.

    The ban&in+ system of ndia should not only be hassle free but( it should be able to meet

    new challen+es posed by the technolo+y and any other external and internal factors.

    an&in+ in ndia has its ori+in as early as Jedic eriod. t is belie2ed that the transition

    from money lendin+ to ban&in+ must ha2e occurred e2en before ,anu( the +reat 7indu

    #urist who has de2oted a section of his wor& to deposits and ad2ances and laid down the

    rules relatin+ to rates of interest. urin+ the days of $ast ndia %ompany it was the turn

    of the a+ency houses to carry on the ban&in+ business.

    B$#@!#* !# I#"!$ ori+inated in the first decade of 1

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    exposure to speculati2e 2entures( most of the ban&s opened in ndia durin+ that period

    failed. The depositors lost money and lost interest in &eepin+ deposits with ban&s.

    8ubse*uently( ban&in+ in ndia remained the exclusi2e domain of $uropeans for next

    se2eral decades until the be+innin+ of the 0>th century.


    T'e B$#@ o& Be#*$%? )'!-' %$ter be-$e t'e St$te B$#@ o& I#"!$/

      t this time( the ndian economy was passin+ throu+h a relati2e period of 

    stability. round fi2e decades ha2e elapsed since the ndiaDs Airst war of ndependence(

    and the social( industrial and other infrastructure ha2e de2eloped. t that time there were

    2ery small ban&s operated by ndians( and most of them were owned and operated by

     particular communities.

      The presidency ban&s dominated ban&in+ in ndia. There were also some

    exchan+e ban&s and a number of ndian joint stoc&  ban&s. ll these ban&s operated in

    different se+ments of the economy. The exchan+e ban&s( mostly owned by $uropeans(

    concentrated on financin+ forei+n trade. ndian joint stoc& ban&s were +enerally

    undercapitalied and lac&ed the experience and maturity to compete with the presidency

    and exchan+e ban&s. This se+mentation let 5ord %uron to obser2e( QI# respe-t o& 

    b$#@!#* !t sees )e $re be'!#" t'e t!es/ e $re %!@e soe o%" &$s'!o#e" s$!%!#*

    s'!p? "!:!"e" b9 so%!" )oo"e# bu%@'e$"s !#to sep$r$te $#" -ubersoe

    -op$rte#ts.Qy the 1=>>s( the mar&et expanded with the establishment of ban&s such

    as  unjab )ational an& ( in 1;( in ,umbai  -

     both of which were founded under pri2ate ownership. unjab )ational an& is the first

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    8wadeshi an& founded by the leaders li&e 5ala 5ajpat !ai( 8ardar yal 8in+h ,ajithia.

    The 8wadeshi mo2ement in particular inspired local businessmen and political fi+ures to

    found ban&s of and for the ndian community. number of ban&s established then ha2e

    sur2i2ed to the present such as an& of ndia( %orporation an& ( ndian an& (  an& of 

    aroda( %anara an&  and %entral an& of ndia.

    Fro or%" $r I to I#"epe#"e#-e

    The period durin+ the Airst @orld @ar  K1=14-1=1

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    olicy !esolution adopted by the +o2ernment in 1=4< en2isa+ed a mixed economy. This

    resulted into +reater in2ol2ement of the state in different se+ments of the economy

    includin+ ban&in+ and finance. The major steps to re+ulate

     ban&in+ included:

    • n 1=4s( the ndian ban&in+ industry has become an important tool to

    facilitate the de2elopment of the ndian economy. t the same time( it has emer+ed as a

    lar+e employer( and a debate has ensued about the possibility to nationalie the ban&in+

    industry. ndira Eandhi( the-then rime ,inister of ndia expressed the intention of the

    E" in the annual conference of the ll ndia %on+ress ,eetin+ in a paper entitled

    "Stray thoughts on Bank Nationalization."   The paper was recei2ed with positi2e

    enthusiasm. Thereafter( her mo2e was swift and sudden( and the E" issued an ordinance

    and nationalied the 14 lar+est commercial ban&s with effect from the midni+ht of #uly

    1=( 1=;=.  #ayapra&ash )arayan( a national leader of ndia( described the step as a

    "masterstroke of political sagacity

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    ."   @ithin two wee&s of the issue of the ordinance( the arliament  passed the

    an&in+ %ompanies Kc*uition and Transfer of 9nderta&in+M ill( and it recei2ed the

     presidential appro2al on =th u+ust( 1=;=. second dose of nationaliation of ; more

    commercial ban&s followed in 1=. The stated reason for the nationaliation was to +i2e

    the +o2ernment more control of credit deli2ery. @ith the second dose of nationaliation(

    the E" controlled around =1C of the ban&in+ business of ndia. 5ater on( in the year 

    1==3( one of the nationalied ban&s( namely( )ew an& of ndia was mer+ed with unjab

     )ational an&. t was the first and only mer+er of a )ationalied an& into a

     )ationalied an&( resultin+ in the reducin+ the number of )ationalied an&s from 0>

    to 1=.fter this( until the 1==>s( the nationalied ban&s +rew at a pace of around 4C(closer to the a2era+e +rowth rate of the ndian economy.


    n the early 1==>s the then )arsimha !ao +o2ernment embar&ed on a policy of 

    liberaliation and +a2e licenses to a small number of pri2ate ban&s( which came to be

    &nown as New Generation techsa!!y anks( which included ban&s such as Elobal Trust

    an& Kthe first of such new +eneration ban&s to be set upMwhich later amal+amated with"riental an& of %ommerce( 9T an& Know re-named as xis an& M( %% an& and

    7A% an& .

    This mo2e( alon+ with the rapid +rowth in the economy of ndia( &ic& started the

     ban&in+ sector in ndia( which has seen rapid +rowth with stron+ contribution from all the

    three sectors of ban&s( namely( +o2ernment ban&s( pri2ate ban&s and forei+n ban&s.

    The next sta+e for the ndian ban&in+ has been setup with the proposed relaxation

    in the norms for Aorei+n irect n2estment( where all Aorei+n n2estors in ban&s may be

    +i2en 2otin+ ri+hts which could exceed the present cap of 1>C( at present it has +one up

    to 4=C with some restrictions.

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    The new policy shoo& the an&in+ sector in ndia  completely. an&ers( till this time(

    were used to the 4-;-4 method Korrow at 4CO 5end at ;CO Eo home at 4M of functionin+.

    The new wa2e ushered in a modern outloo& and tech-sa22y methods of wor&in+ for 

    traditional ban&s. ll this led to the retail boom in ndia. eople not just demanded more

    from their ban&s but also recei2ed more.

    T'e I#"!$# B$#@!#* S9ste,


    The formal ban&in+ system in ndia comprises the !( %ommercial an&s(

    !e+ional !ural an&s and the co-operati2e ban&s. n the recent past( pri2ate non-ban&in+

    finance companies also ha2e been acti2e in the financial system( and are bein+ re+ulated

     by the !.

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    8cheduled an&s of ndia

    8cheduled%ommercial an&s


    8cheduled9rban %o-operati2ean&s

    8cheduled8tate %o-operati2ean&s




     )ationalied an&s

    8tate an& ofndia andassociate ban&s. "ld ri2ate


     )ew ri2atean&s.

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    Reser:e B$#@ o& I#"!$,

    The !( established in 1=3?( is the central ban&in+ and monetary authority in

    ndia. The ! mana+es the countryBs money supply and forei+n exchan+e and also

    ser2es as a ban& for the Eo2ernment of ndia and for the countryBs commercial ban&s. n

    addition to these traditional central ban&in+ roles( the ! underta&es certain

    de2elopmental and promotional roles. The ! issues +uidelines on 2arious areas

    includin+ exposure standards( income reco+nition( asset classification( pro2isionin+ for 

    non-performin+ assets( in2estment 2aluation and capital ade*uacy standards for 

    commercial ban&s( lon+-term lendin+ institutions and non-ban& finance companies. The

    ! re*uires these institutions to furnish information relatin+ to their businesses to the

    ! on a re+ular basis.

    Pub%!- Se-tor B$#@s ;PSBs=,


    The ban&in+ sector in ndia has been characteried by the predominance of ublic

    8ector an&s. They include the 8tate an& of ndia and its associate ban&s( 1=

    nationalied ban&s and 1=; re+ional rural ban&s. The a++re+ate loan assets of all ublic

    8ector an&s stood at !s.;0=? crores at end Ainancial 6ear >;-> accountin+ for 

    3.3=C of loan assets of all 8cheduled %ommercial an&s in ndia and their total

    operatin+ profits amounted to !s.40( 4

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    from 1; to 1=.>C at the end of the Ainancial

    6ear > mainly due to the increase in the loan assets of new pri2ate sector ban&.

    Fore!*# B$#@s, 

    s on #une 3>( 0>>( there are 4> forei+n ban&s operatin+ in ndia with 03;

     branches. 8ome forei+n ban&s ha2e also set up representati2e offices in ndia. Aorei+n

     ban&s operate only in urban cities and metropolitan cities. s on ,arch 0>>( deposits of 

    forei+n ban&s stood at 1?.1C. t the end of the 0>>;( the loan assets of forei+n ban&s

    a++re+ated !s.;?(;?0 crores and accounted for ;.=?C of the total assets of all 8cheduled

    %ommercial an&s and their total operatin+ profits of the forei+n ban&s as on ,arch 31(

    0>> amounted to !s.?(;>1( the ! undertoo& se2eral interim measures( pendin+

    formal le+islati2e chan+es( includin+ measures related to lendin+ a+ainst shares(

     borrowin+s in the call mar&et and term deposits placed with other urban co-operati2e

     ban&s. resently the ! is responsible for super2ision and re+ulation of urban

    cooperati2e societies( and the )ational an& for +riculture and !ural e2elopment for 

    8tate %o-operati2e an&s and istrict %entral %ooperati2e an&s.

     )on-8cheduled ban&s are those( which ha2e not been included in the 8econd 8chedule of 

    the ! ct( 1=34.R

    Curre#t s!tu$t!o#

    %urrently K0>>M( ban&in+ in ndia is +enerally fairly mature in terms of supply(

     product ran+e and reach-e2en thou+h reach in rural ndia still remains a challen+e for the

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     pri2ate sector and forei+n ban&s. n terms of *uality of assets and capital ade*uacy(

    ndian ban&s are considered to ha2e clean( stron+ and transparent balance sheets relati2e

    to other ban&s in comparable economies in its re+ion. The !eser2e an& of ndia is an

    autonomous body( with minimal pressure from the +o2ernment.

    The stated policy of the an& on the ndian !upee is to mana+e 2olatility but without

    any fixed exchan+e rate-and this has mostly been true.

    @ith the +rowth in the ndian economy expected to be stron+ for *uite some time-

    especially in its ser2ices sector-the demand for ban&in+ ser2ices( especially retail

     ban&in+( mort+a+es and in2estment ser2ices are expected to be stron+. "ne may also

    expect ,Ns( ta&eo2ers( and asset sales.

    n ,arch 0>>;( the !eser2e an& of ndia allowed @arbur+ incus to increase its

    sta&e in Gota& ,ahindra an& Ka pri2ate sector ban&M to 1>C. This is the first time an

    in2estor has been allowed to hold more than ?C in a pri2ate sector ban& since the !

    announced norms in 0>>? that any sta&e exceedin+ ?C in the pri2ate sector ban&s would

    need to be 2etted by them.

    %urrently( ndia has >> branches and 1(>>> T,s. ccordin+ to

    a report by %! 5imited( a ratin+ a+ency( the public sector ban&s hold o2er ? percent

    of total assets of the ban&in+ industry( with the pri2ate and forei+n ban&s holdin+ 1

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    T9pes o& B$#@s !# I#"!$

    %$)T!5 )G K1M: !$8$!J$ )G "A )

     )T")5H$ )G8K1=M : 557 )G( )7! )G  S

    )G "A !" S )G "A ) S )G "A ,7!87T! S

    %)! )G  S %$)T!5 )G "A ) S %"!"!T") )G  S

    $) )G  S )) )G  S )) "J$!8$8 )G  S "!$)T5

    )G "A %",,$!%$ S 9)# N 8) )G  S 9)# )T")5

    )G  S 86)%T$ )G  S 9)") )G "A ) S 9)T$ )G "A

    ) S 9%" )G  S J#6 )G  S  )G 

    8TT$ )G E!"9K

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    !$E")5 !9!5 )G8K4M: 8"9T7 ,5! E!,) )G  S

     )"!T7 ,5! E!,) )G  S !ET7 E!,) )G  S

    87!$68 E!,) )G 

    A))%5 8$!J%$8KM: !$5 T,$ E!"88 8$TT5$,$)TK!TE8M  S

     )T")5 $5$%T!")% A9) T!)8A$! K)$ATM S 8T!9%T9!$

    A))%5 ,$88E)E 868T$, K8A,8M S %87T!$$ S %87)$T S

    9T",T$ T$55$! ,%7)$ KT,M


      %o$# is a type of  debt. 5i&e all debt instruments( a loan entails the redistribution of financial assets o2er time( between the lender and the borrower.

      n a loan( the borrower initially recei2es or borrows an amount of  money( called

    the principal( from the lender( and is obli+ated to pay bac& or repay an e*ual amount of 

    money to the lender at a later time. Typically( the money is paid bac& in

    re+ular installments( or partial repaymentsO in an annuity( each installment is the same


    The loan is +enerally pro2ided at a cost( referred to as interest on the debt( which

     pro2ides an incenti2e for the lender to en+a+e in the loan. n a le+al loan( each of these

    obli+ations and restrictions is enforced by contract( which can also place the borrower 

    under additional restrictions &nown as loan co2enants.

    T9pes o& Lo$#s o&&ere" b9 t'e B$#@s,

    Se-ure" %o$#

    secured loan is a loan in which the borrower pled+es some asset Ke.+.( a car or 

     propertyM as collateral Ki.e.( securityM for the loan. %ommonly ,ort+a+e loan is pro2ided

     by the ban&s.

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    U#se-ure" Lo$#s

    9nsecured loans are monetary loans that are not secured a+ainst the borrowers assets

    Ki.e.( no collateral is in2ol2edM. These may be a2ailable from financial institutions under 

    many different +uises or mar&etin+ pac&a+es:

    an&  o2erdrafts

    %orporate bonds

    %redit card debt

    %redit facilities or lines of credit

    ersonal loans







    Garnata&a an& 5imited( a leadin+ DD %lass 8cheduled %ommercial an& in ndia( was

    incorporated on Aebruary 1th %entury ndia. "2er the years

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    the an& +rew with the mer+er of 8rin+eri 8harada an& 5td.( %hitradur+a an& 5td. and

    an& of Garnata&a.

      @ith o2er states and 0 9nion Territories.

    ,ana+ed by a dedicated N professional mana+ement team( we ha2e o2er ?(

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      t Garnata&a an&( we understand that all customers are different in uni*ue

    ways( which is why( re+ardless of the sie of your business or your aspirations( we treat

    e2eryone as indi2idual and special. This means offerin+ you choices( not only in relation

    to our products and ser2ices but also in the way you interact with us. @e understand the

    chan+es in your lifestyle reco+nie these chan+es and support you with a hi+h standard of 

     professionalism and ser2ice. s a premier ban&( we ha2e de2eloped comprehensi2e ran+e

    of customied products N ser2ices suitable for e2ery &ind of mar&et( trade or percei2ed

    need - usiness or ersonal.

    They include( borrowin+ facilities( deposits( pro2idin+ optimum returns on surplus funds

    or helpin+ with o2erseas transactions.


    B$-@ *rou#" $#" $#$*ee#t o& t'e K$r#$t$@$ B$#@ 

    The ban& was incorporated on Aeb 1; to 1=4?( the district attained

    renown as the cradle of a ban&in+ re2olution in the country( since as many as 00 ban&s of 

    different sies had their ori+in in the district( = of which were from ,an+alore( which is

    the capital and also the tradin+ and commercial acti2ities of the district( K? leadin+ ban&s

    includin+ Garnata&a an& 5tdM.

    nspired by the 8wadeshi mo2ement( a few prominent and enterprisin+ citiens of 

    the district( mostly hailin+ from the communities of farmers( merchants( doctors(

    ad2ocates incorporated the ban&in+ institution in the district. "ne such pioneer was 8ri.

    .!. Jyasaraya char( who alon+ with his contemporaries promoted the Garnata&a ban& 

    ltd( in 1=04 under his chairmanship(

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    n the stride towards pro+ress and expansion( the ban& +ot reinforced by the

    ta&eo2er of 3 ban&s( 2i. 8ri 8harada an& 5td.( on pril 1st 1=;>( %hitradur+a an& 5td.(

    on ecember 3>th 1=;4( and The an& of Garnata&a on ecember 0= th 1=;;. nd durin+

    the year 0>>3( the ban& has ta&en up corporate a+ency for mar&etin+ the 2arious life

     policies of ,et 5ife ndia nsurance %o 5td.

    The ban& has shifted its !e+istered and 7ead office from .. )o 1;( Godialbail(

    ,an+alore ??>>3 to .. )o ?==( ,aha2eera %ircle( Gan&anady( ,an+alore ??>>0 in

    8eptember 0>>3. The ban& made rapid strides under the dynamic leadership of exemplary

    2ision( who +uided the ban&s fortunes for o2er 3> years. Today( Garnata&a ban& has

    national presence with a networ& in excess of 433 branches( spread

    across 1= states and 0 9nion Territories. The ban& has o2er 4; employees( share

    holders and 0.; million customers.

    t is one of the leadin+ pri2ate sector ban&s in the country &nown for its steady

    and disciplined +rowth and cordial borrower ser2ice. s on ,arch 31 st 0>>> crores( deposits were !s 1>1;.1= crores( ad2ances were !s

    1>>< was !s 041.4 crores.

    B$-@*rou#" o& t'e Lo*o,

    The person who had such a dream( 8ri di+a with all his dream met r 8hi2aram

    Garanth( simple line came from r GaranthBs pen became the lo+o of Garnata&a an&.

    an& lo+o is indicati2e of creation and potency( which is also a manifestation of human

    soul( which has the external existence with infiniti2e. 5o+o also represents +rowth with

    safety( security and endurin+ success for all the bein+s. The si+n also si+nifies with

    family concept of father( mother and their pro+eny( symboliin+ their security which is

    reflected in the ban& motto( Uyour family ban& across ndiaV.

      The an& has adopted a new brand color( which si+nifies bri+htness( cheerfulness

    and forward loo&in+ nature. t Garnata&a ban& they understand that customer are

    different in uni*ue ways( which is why re+ardless of the sie of your business or your

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    aspiration( we treat e2eryone as indi2idual and special amon+ other thin+s( this means

    offerin+ you choice( not only in relation to our products and ser2ices but also in the way

    you interact with us. @e understand the chan+es in your lifestyle reco+nie these chan+es

    and support you with a hi+h standard of professionalism and ser2ices.


    @e at Garnata&a ban& offer a total 2alue pac&a+e( a one stop shop for all youBre

     ban&in+ need and create the ri+ht solution with speed and efficiency( for your maximum


    +!ss!o# St$tee#t,

    The mission statement of any or+aniation +enerally represents its lon+ term +oals

    and strate+ies. $2ery or+aniation must ha2e its own mission( which describes present

     business scope of the or+aniation. The mission of Garnata&a an& 5td is as follows:

    U"ur mission is to be a technolo+y sa22y( customer centric pro+ressi2e ban& with the

     presence( dri2en by the hi+hest standards of corporate +o2ernance and +uided by sound

    ethical 2aluesV.

    V!s!o# St$tee#t,

    U@e belie2e in a total *uality at a total 2alue pac&a+e( a one stop shop for all your 

     ban&in+ needs. "ur motto is to ser2e you with hi+h standard of professionalism with the

     personal touch built on trust. fter all( this is your ban&- your family ban&( across ndiaV.

    T'ere $re :$r!ous "ep$rte#ts !# t'e b$#@ 'e$" o&&!-e to $ss!st !# t'e soot'

    &u#-t!o#!#* o& t'e b$#@!#* $-t!:!t!es #$e%9,

    1. %redit epartment

    0. Treasury and ccounts department

    3. !is& ,ana+ement department

    4. nspection and audit epartment

    ?. 7uman resources and ndustrial relations department

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    ;. !eco2ery epartment

    . n2estment department

    . nformation system epartment

    11. 5e+al department

    10. T epartment

    13. 8ecretarial section

    I#&r$stru-tur$% F$-!%!t9,

    s re+ards to the infrastructural facilities pro2ided in Garnata&a an&:

    O&&!-es, The 7ead office of Garnata&a an& 5td and other >C branches has a central air 

    condition system with well furnished branches which the employees to escape from the

    heat of ,an+alore %ity and other heat areas. nd also pro2ide +ood en2ironment to do

    wor& to employees.

    F$-!%!t!es, The an& pro2ides canteen facility to all its employees and ban& also pro2ides

    internet facility its employees. nd also +i2e accommodation facilities to employees.

    A%%o)$#-es, The ban& pro2ides basically petrol( 1>>C medical allowance and promotion

    and wa+e re2enue plan.

    Ser:!-es, Garnata&a an& offers total 2alue pac&in+( nonstop shop for all ban&in+ needs.

    The ban& is committed to pro2ide with customied ser2ices desi+ned to suit indi2idual

    re*uirements( whether it hi+h carin+ deposits( easy and con2enient loans( life insurance(

    utility bill payment is enablin+ to &eep trac& of finances thereby sa2in+ time.

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    or@ &%o) o"e% o& t'e B$#@,

    ,obiliation of funds

    +ob!%!$t!o# o& &u#",

    This is the first process in the ban&( it will mobilie the funds from 2arious sources li&e

    indi2idual sa2ers corporate( and other financial institution and ! also supply the

    necessary funds.


    fter mobiliation the necessary funds( it has to maintain necessary funds as reser2es. t

    has to maintain reser2es li&e %!!( 85! and so on. fter fulfillin+ the necessary

    re*uirement of the !( the ban& will lend to 2arious corporate( indi2iduals.


    fter the maturity of loan period( the ban& will reco2er the loans. Aor this purpose the

     ban& has a separate reco2ery department. This process is continuous in the ban&O a+ain

    reco2ered amount will be in2ested.

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    +eor$b%e +!%esto#e,

    n 1=

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    N$ture o& bus!#ess -$rr!e" out,

    Garnata&a ban& is the )o.1 pri2ate sector ban&s in ndia which is pro2idin+ all the

    ser2ices of a modern ban& to its customer. t accepts deposits from the customers(

     pro2ides loans and ad2ances to the needy people. t also pro2ides for the remittance of 

    funds and some other facilities. t will also carry 2arious acti2ities li&e -mat(

    securitiation etc.

    u$%!t9 po%!-9,

    The *uality policy of the Garnata&a an& is as follows

    U@e belie2e in total *uality at all le2els. @e are aimin+ at a total 2alue pac&a+e( a one-

    stop shop for all your ban&in+ needs. "ur motto is to ser2e you with hi+h standard of 

     professionalism with a personal touch built on trust. fter all this is your an&. 6our 

    Aamily an& cross ndiaV.

    EGter#$% Cert!&!-$te $#" Re-o*#!t!o#,

    The credit ratin+ a+ency( %! 5td. one of the leadin+ credit ratin+ a+ency of the

    country( has accorded W1P ratin+B to the ban&Bs %ertificate of eposit pro+ramme. The

    ratin+ symbol 1P indicates hi+hest de+ree of safety for timely payment of principal and


    Corpor$te 3o$%s,

    The ban& has en2isa+ed achie2in+ a total business turno2er of !s 3?>>> crore(

    comprisin+ of a deposit tar+et of !s 01>>> crore and ad2ance tar+et of !s.14>>> crore for 

    the year endin+ 31st ,arch 0>>=. The ban& is confident of achie2in+ the same throu+h

    customer ser2ices and operational efficiency. esides( the ban& ha plans to increase its

    total no. of business units to ;4>( by increasin+ the total no. of branches to 4;> and own

    T, networ& to 1 by ,arch 0>>=.

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    Are$ o& oper$t!o#:

    The area of operation is spread all o2er ndia. t has its branches in 1=states and 0

    union territories. s on 31->3-0>> T, outlets( extension counters( <

    re+ional offices( 1 international di2ision( 1 ata center( 4 ser2ice branches( 0 currency


    esides ban&in+ operation in2ol2e into 2ariety of ser2ices sellin+ insurance(

    mutual fund products of other companies and they help in the payment of electric and

    telephone bills( as they already ha2e a lar+e customer base for which they +i2e similar or 

    related ser2ice under a sin+le umbrella.

    Garnata&a ban& is already dealin+ with ,et5ife and Aran&lin Templeton

    in2estments( ndia. Garnata&a ban& has si+ned a ,"9 with %% and ajaj llian.

    Br$#-' Net)or@ :

    The ban& has a national presence throu+h a widespread networ& of 433 branches.

    8pecialied branches ha2e been established to cater to the needs of &ey borrower 

    se+ments in the core area of a+riculture( industrial finance and forei+n exchan+e. The

     branch networ& is administered by < re+ional offices and an international di2ision.

    urin+ the year 0>>;->( the ban& shifted its 00 branches and ,umbai-!e+ional

    office to new spacious premises. The re+ional offices are situated at ,an+alore(

    8himo+a( an+alore( %hennai( 7ubli( ,umbai( ,ysore and elhi. @ith o2erall

    super2ision and control by the head office personalied borrower ser2ice is its &ey

    success factor. The ban& has also di2ersified into new a2enue of business such as

    ,erchant an&in+ and 5easin+.

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    Future *ro)t' $#" prospe-tus,

    @ith an economy of the country +rowin+ at nearly

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    The ban& has on its a+enda openin+ of a few more branches to ta&e the tally of 

     branches to ?>> besides addin+ more T,Bs to 0?> by end 0>10.


    Lo$# S-'ee o& t'e K$r#$t$@$ B$#@,

    The Garnata&a an& has followin+ wide ran+es of loan schemes.

    ./ KBL Ap#$ 3'$r

    $= Hous!#* Lo$# S-'ee &or res!"e#t !#"!:!"u$%s:

    9nder this scheme maximum *uantum of !s.?> la&h may be +i2en as loan for 

    fulfillin+ once dream of buyin+ or constructin+ his own house or flat. The security for 

    loan is mort+a+e of property. part from this( loan is also +i2en to an extent of maximum

    !s.1> la&h for repair( reno2ation of existin+ house or flats for a period of years.

    The period of this housin+ 5oan is for 1? years. !ate of interest up to ? years

    C p.a is char+ed( abo2e ? years and up to 1> years

    years up to 1? years - up to and inclusi2e of !s.1?.>> la&h =C p.a and abo2e !s. 1?.>>

    la&h 1>C p.a is char+ed.

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    ,$T!" .02

    9!) .16

    8$,-9!) <


    TOTAL 611


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    b= Hous!#* %o$# s-'ee &or NRIs,

    9nder this scheme a loan is +i2en to a non resident of ndia K)!M( were the loan

    is +i2en up to the period of 1? years. Aor repairs/reno2ation/remodelin+ maximum period

    of loan is fixed at years. 9nder this scheme maximum of !s.?> la&h is +i2en for the

    construction of house/purchase of flat/ site/ and construction of house there on. n the

    case of reno2ation/remodelin+/repairs of existin+ house/flat maximum of !s.1> la&h is

    +i2en. )onresident ndian holdin+ ndian passport and ha2in+ permanent job or self 

    employed with a minimum monthly income of !s.1>>>> is eli+ible. They should also

    ha2e an operati2e account with ban& the ban& with re+ular operations for Xleast 1 year.

    The loan is +ranted for a period for 1? years( rate of interest up to ? years C

     p.a. is char+ed( abo2e ? years and up to 1> years years up

    to 1? years - up to and inclusi2e of !s.1?.>> la&h =C p.a and abo2e !s. 1?.>> la&h 1>C


    0/ KBL C$r F!#$#-e S-'ee:

    n indi2idual purchase of a motor 2ehicle who is an income tax assesses with

    sufficient repayment capacity is eli+ible for this scheme. 9nder this scheme finance will

     be +i2en for the purchase of new as well as second hand cars by the an&. n case of new

    cars finance to an extent of

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    1/ KBL E$s9 R!"e;T)o 'ee%er Lo$#=:

    ndi2iduals( professionals and companies are eli+ible for finance under this

    scheme. n this scheme finance will be +i2en for the purchase of two wheelers to any

    indi2iduals( companies etc.( to an extent of 1>>C of in2oice 2alue of the 2ehicle by the

    an& for a period of ? years. ,aximum amount of !s. 1>>>>>/-borrower is +i2en.

    6/ KBL I#st$ C$s':

    n this scheme loan will be +i2en to the persons a+ed abo2e 1< years for 

    consumption purpose. The uni*ue ad2anta+e of this scheme is that it enables credit while

    &eepin+ the borrowers in2estment intact. The *uantum of loan ran+es from ,inimum of 

    !s.?>>> to of ,aximum !s.? la&h. !ate of interest char+ed is 10C p.a. ,aximum period

    is for ;> months and for " 04 months.

    7/ S$%$r!e" Perso#s ;S-'ee Lo$#s= ,

    This scheme is meant for permanent employees of any reputed institutions or coBs

    for purchasin+ household articles( for meetin+ medical expenses( childrenBs education

    etc.( pro2ided they are not a+ed more than ?? years and are ha2in+ maximum 3 years of 

    remainin+ ser2ice. The loan is +ranted up to !s.?>>>> and the maximum period of this

    loan is for ? years.

     / KBL S)$r#$ N!"'!:

    9nder this scheme loan for purchasin+ +old ornaments( +old bars and coins from

    reputed jewelers will be +i2en exclusi2ely to resident ndian woman whether wor&in+ or 

    not wor&in+( self employed or professional. ll resident ndian @omen within the a+e

    +roup of 1< to ;> years in case of self employed/professionals. The minimum ad2ance

    +i2en is 1>>>> !s and maximum ad2ance is of !s.3>>>>>.>> is +i2en. The rate of interest

    char+ed is 11C p.a and the maximum period is for ? years.

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    5/ KBL U"9o* +!t'r$,

    9nder this scheme loan will be +i2en to any indi2iduals practicin+ as lawyers(

    charted accountants( doctors and en+ineerin+ consultants and loan is +i2en only if they

    are ha2in+ satisfactory dealin+s with the an& for more than ; months. The main purpose

    is for the purpose of purchase of medical e*uipments/machineries/computers( furnishin+

    the office( purchase of furniture( boo&s and for the payment of ad2ance rent for settin+ up

    of an office. ,aximum ad2ance of !s.?>>>/- in the case of rural branches( !s. 1>>>>>/-

    in the case if 8emi-urban branches( !s. 1?>>>>/- in the case of urban branches and !8

    0>>>>>/- in the case of ,etropolitan branches

    / V!"9$#!"'!E"u-$t!o# Lo$# S-'ee:

    n this scheme financial assistance in the form of loan will be +i2en to both minor 

    and major students of ndian nationality for pursuin+ their education in 2arious

    disciplines specified by the an& in ndia as well as for abroad. ,ainly the scheme was

    desi+ned to pro2ide financial support to the deser2in+ and meritorious students for 

    continuin+ their studies in ndia and abroad. The main eli+ibility for the student is any

    major student representin+ himself or a minor student represented by parent or +uardian(

    of ndian nationality. The finance is pro2ided in the form of short term/term loan subject

    to repayin+ capacity of the parents/students and the followin+ ceilin+s:

    8tudies in ndia -,aximum !s..? la&h

    8tudies abroad- ,aximum of !s.1? la&h

    The loan to be repaid in ? to years after commencement of repayment

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    .2/ KBL V$'$#$ +!t'r$:

    n this scheme finance to indi2iduals( 79A( partnership firms or a company will

     be +i2en for purchasin+ new cars( maxi cabs( TT sumo( bus( lorry( old Kup to ? yearsM

    auto ric&shaw( jeep etc.( and also for purchase of new Tractor( #%( %rane etc.( which are

    to be re+istered as public transport 2ehicles to an extent of

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    bo2e( they also +rant direct loans to industries. esides( they assist industries in

    raisin+ lon+ term funds( particularly from industrial de2elopment ban& of india throu+h

    its refinin+ scheme.

    Fe$tures o& ter %o$#

    ,aturity: The maturity period of term loan is typically lon+er in case of sanctions

     by financial institutions in the ran+e of ; -1> years in comparison to 3-? years of ban& 


     )e+otiated: The term loans are ne+otiated loans between borrowers and the lenders.

    8ecurity: ll term loans are secured. @hile the assets financed by term loans ser2e as

     primary security( all the other present and future assets of the company pro2ide

    collateral / secondary security for the term loan.

    @hile e2aluatin+ proposals for term loans or deferred payment +uarantees( besides

    underta&in+ a detailed study of applications( the followin+ broad aspects relatin+ to the

     project( are to be examined.

    ny proposal should be 2etted on the followin+ four parameters.

    • Technical appraisal

    • ,ana+erial appraisal

    • ,ar&etin+ appraisal

    • Ainancial appraisal

    Aor term loan appraisal the abo2e should be thorou+hly scrutinied and adhered to. n

    case of wor&in+ capital appraisal for a runnin+ unit it should be ensured that thetechnical( mana+erial and mar&etin+ 2iability had already been established. ny loose

    ends should be brou+ht in the process note as ris& factor Kalon+ with miti+atin+ factors( if 

    any financial analysis should be thorou+hly carried outM.

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    The term loan appraisal is normally carried out by studyin+ the followin+:

    Te-'#!-$% $ppr$!s$%,

    Technical feasibility will depend upon the followin+:-

    %hoice of technolo+y and process &now-how: The technolo+y and the process to

     be adopted should neither be experiment nor obsolete. detailed sur2ey by technical

    experts in the relati2e industry may be necessary at times.

    The re2iew done by the financial institution focuses mainly on the followin+ aspects:

    • roduct mix

    • %apacity

    • rocess of manufacture

    • $n+ineerin+ &now-how and technical collaboration

    • !aw materials and consumables.

    • 5ocation and site

    • uildin+

    • lant and machinery

    • ,anpower re*uirements

    • rea&e2en point

    ./ L$#" "et$!%s

    @hether ade*uate land is a2ailable and whether permission from competent

    authorities Kmunicipality( corporation etc.M to use the same for industrial / en2isa+ed

     proposal is a2ailable.

    0/ Lo-$t!o#

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    roximity to raw material source/mar&et to be examined( any ad2erse factors Ki.e.

    terrorism( fre*uency of natural calamitiesM to be examined.

    1/ A:$!%$b!%!t9 o& r$) $ter!$%

    ts sources( landed cost to be examined in detail. 8imilarly consumable and spare

    re*uirements to be examined

    6/ Po)er

    2ailability of ade*uate power throu+h electricity board capti2e power plants to be

    ensured( the pea& load and connected load re*uirement to be ascertained and 2erified

    Kpreferably throu+h an electric en+ineerM.

    7/ Po%%ut!o#

     )"% from pollution control board Kir and waterM should ha2e been obtained.

    / Bu!%"!#*

    Type of construction. n( whether it will be ideal for the proposed manufacturin+ acti2ity

    to be studied( whether the buildin+ will be constructed on their own or throu+h architect /

    contractors. f so( the capacity of the company / architect/ contractors to construct /

    execute the same to be analyed

    5/ P%$#t $#" $-'!#er9

    The source of plant and machinery Kimported or indi+enousM( the reputation and capacity

    of the supplier( +uarantee and warranty clause to be examined. The landed cost of the

    machinery Kfrom the *uotationsM to be arri2ed at( if second hand machinery( a+e of 

    machinery( resale 2alue restrictions on import on financin+ machinery Kmore than ? year 

    oldM are to be examined in detail.

    The name of user of machinery should be ascertained and performance to be cross

    chec&ed. t should be ensured that pollution control e*uipments and utility e*uipment

    Kboiler actM are included in the list of plant and machinery whether it is applicable. The

    reasonableness of cost to be ensured.

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    / +!s-e%%$#eous &!Ge" $ssets

    The miscellaneous fixed assets normally consist of assets li&e furnitureP fixture etc(

    which are incidental to production. The necessary and reasonableness of cost to be


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    case the same is not materialiin+. part from traditional ratios for term loan appraisal

    the followin+ are loo&ed in to.

    P$9b$-@ per!o" 

    t represents the len+th of time re*uired to reco2er the initial cash outlay

    on the project L a project with shorter paybac& period is desirable.

    A:er$*e r$te o& retur#

    The numerator of ratio is the a2era+e annual post tax profit o2er the life of 

    in2estment and the denominator is a2era+e boo& 2alue of fixed assets committed to the

     project. The hi+her the a2era+e rate of return the better is the project.

    Net prese#t :$%ue

      The net present 2alue of the project is e*ual to the sum of present 2alue of all the

    cash flows associated with the project. The discount rate employed for e2aluatin+ the

     present 2alue of the expected future cash flows.

    I#ter#$% r$te o& retur#

    The !! of a project is the discount rate which ma&es its net present 2alue e*ual

    to ero. f the rate of interest paid on borrowed for the project is hi+her than the project is

    not a2ailable.

    Debt ser:!-e -o:er$*e r$t!o

      The numerator of this ratio is profit after tax plus non cash expenses

    Kdepreciation etcM plus interest on term loan payable durin+ the year. t should be ensure

     projected repayment period Kminimum of 1.0?M and a2era+e debt ser2ice co2era+e ratio is

    at least 1.?>:1. hi+her debt ser2ice co2era+e ratio call for shorter repayment period.

    +$#$*er!$% Appr$!s$%

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    The mana+erial appraisal consists of appraisal of the bac&+round of the

     promoters( their *ualification and experience and how for it is rele2ant to the proposed

    acti2ity. The scope also included as to whether the name of promoters / +roup/ associate

    are in the defaulter list of ! / caution list of $%E$ etc. The performance of +roup /

    associates and the conduct of the account with their ban&ers should also be examined.


    The mar&etin+ appraisal consists of industry scenario( demand supply +ap

    Kexistin+ as well as projectM( extent of competition( and li&ely entrants in the field(

    +o2ernment policy seasonal characteristics( and performance of other player in the field.

    The extent of expenses to be incurred on sellin+ and distribution also to be examined

      The cost of project and means of finance has to be arri2ed at. t should be

    ensured that cost is reasonable Kby expert opinion( cost of similar project if implemented

    recentlyM. The promotersB mar+in as stipulated should be brou+ht in and proof should be

    held on record.



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    @ith Garnata&a an&( an&in+ is no lon+er what it used to be. Garnata&a an& offers

    ,obile an&in+ facility to all its an& customers. Garnata&a an& ,obile an&in+

    enables you to ban& while bein+ on the mo2e.


    Garnata&a an& offers you the con2enience of payin+ for utility bills( mobile rechar+e(

    mo2ie tic&ets( online purchases( retail shoppin+ and much more at o2er 1?(>>>merchants

    directly from your mobile. 8o( 8tart ayin+ with your ,obile. ,obile !echar+e( ,o2ie

    ny Tic&ets( 8hoppin+....Time( ny @here Garnata&a an& ,obile an&in+ 8,8 lerts

    &eeps you informed about the si+nificant transactions in your ccounts. t &eeps you

    updated where2er you +o.


      family man has different financial needs at different sta+es in his life.

    y understandin+ your chan+in+ financial needs( we ha2e de2eloped products that cater

    to your e2ery step in life( be it luxury or pro2idin+ *uality standard of life to your family.

    The products we offer to you are honest in intent and *uality in content. t offers you the

    indi2iduality with respect to your needs and to your earnin+s. nd most of all( it comes

    with understandin+ you and your special indi2idual needs.

    "ur product suite include Jidyanidhi $ducation loan scheme( pna Ehar home loans(

    %ar finance scheme( Jartha& loans( $asy ride( 8cheme for salaried persons( 9dyo+

    mithra( )i2eshan loans( Grishi card( G-ower.


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    Garnata&a an& introduces a ran+e of cards dependin+ upon your re*uirement. These

    cards +i2es you access to your account whene2er you want( where2er you are.

    +o#e9P%$#tT,  Deb!t C$r"s, ,oneylantT, nternational ebit %ard allows you to

     purchase +oods at ,erchant $stablishment and also +i2es freedom to withdraw cash from

    T,s in ndia and abroad. This card +i2es you the freedom of ma&in+ the purchases

    without the hassle of payin+ in cash. )o need to carry the cash or no need to pay the bill

    at the end of the month( your purchase will be debited to your account instantly.

    You -$# use 9our Deb!t -$r" $s $ -re"!t -$r" )!t' -re"!t &$-!%!t9 o& $G!u %!!t o& Rs/ 07222 &or 67 "$9s u#"er K Po)er S-'ee/


    Jisa %lassic ebit %ard 

    Jisa Eold ebit %ard


    Spe-tru o& Ter Depos!t   Spe-tru o& A":$#-es

    KBL Bou(uet o& S$:!#*s  KBL ester# U#!o# +o#e9


    KBL K!s'ore T$ru#   KBL S$%$r9 Pr!:!%e*e

    KBL Curre#t A--ou#t   KBL NRI Ser:!-es

    KBL RFC ;Res!"e#t Fore!*#

    Curre#-9 A--ou#t=  KBL +o#e9A%ert

    KBL KYC Po%!-9   KBL u!-@Re!t

    KBL +ob!%e B$#@!#*   KBL eCoer-e

    KBL 3o%" C$r"   KBL Stu"e#t Prep$!" C$r"

    KBL V$#!t'$   KBL A*r! 3o%"

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    KBL Kr!s'!@ B'$#"$r   KBL Kr!s'!@ Pus'p$#@$r

    KBL Kr!s'!@ S$r$t'!   KBL Kr!s'!@ S!#-'$#$

    KBL Ap#$ 3'$r   KBL C$r F!#$#-e

    KBL Co#tr$-tor   KBL E$s9 R!"e

    KBL 3'$r N!:es'$#   KBL I#st$ C$s'

    KBL Le$se N C$s'   KBL +$'!%$ U"9o*

    KBL +ort*$*e   KBL +SE

    KBL R$:! K!r$#   KBL S$%$r!e" Perso#s


    ,ulti ranch an&in+ facility is a 2alue added ser2ice to our customers ta&in+ ad2anta+e

    of Q%ore an&in+ 8olutionQ. t is a Dtechnolo+y dri2en-anywhere ban&in+D facility and Dat

     parD facilities for 8a2in+s an& and %urrent account with structured schedule of ser2icesand char+es. )ow the customer can access his account at all branches of the an&.


    T'e s$%!e#t &e$tures o& t'e s-'ee $re $s u#"er,

    1. The concept of $#9)'ere ban&in+ is extended to all domestic 8 and %urrent

    ccounts except )" Arills ccounts. $2en 8-Eeneral and %urrent-Eeneral

    accounts are eli+ible for , facility with ,ulticity %he*ues.

    0. 8-Eeneral K8E$)M( 8-,oney 8apphire( 8-,oney latinum(%urrent /c

    Eeneral K%E$)M( %- ,oney earl( % - ,oney !uby( %- ,oney

    iamond( %-,oney latinum( are , accounts with structured free ser2ices

    and ,ulticity %he*ue facility with che*ues payable at par at all ranches.


    F$-!%!t!es $:$!%$b%e u#"er +BB,

     P$9e#t Ser:!-es,

      A#9 )'ere C$s' )!t'"r$)$% &or se%& -'e(ues o#%9

      +u%t!-!t9 C'e(ues

      Fu#"s Tr$#s&er

      Fu#"s Tr$#s&er t'rou*' RT3SNEFT


    Co%%e-t!o# Ser:!-es,

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      A#9 )'ere C$s' Depos!t B9 se%& o#%9

      Co%%e-t!o# o& out st$t!o# -'e(ues

      A#9 )'ere Depos!t o& -'e(ues &or -o%%e-t!o#


    Ot'er F$-!%!t!es,

      I#ter#et B$#@!#*

      +ob!%e B$#@!#* ;S+S $%erts=

      De$t A--ou#t

      +o#e9P%$#t V!s$ I#ter#$t!o#$% Deb!t C$r"


    @e belie2e in total *uality at all le2els. @e ha2e deployed the most modern information

    technolo+y to deli2er products N ser2ices for your benefit with an aim to de2elop an

    effecti2e lon+-term relationship. ut most of all( Technolo+y is matched to your

    expectations of ser2ice( for today N for the future.

    Perso#$% B$#@!#*

    @e at Garnata&a an& offer a total 2alue pac&a+e( a one-stop shop for all your ban&in+

    needs. @e thorou+hly research these needs and create the ri+ht solution at the ri+ht time(

    with speed and efficiency( for your maximum benefit. @e are committed to pro2idin+ you

    with customied ser2ices desi+ned to suit your indi2idual re*uirements whether it be hi+h

    earnin+ deposits( easy N con2enient loans( life insurance( utility bill payments or

    enablin+ you to &eep trac& of your finances( thereby sa2in+ your time.

    @e ha2e wor&ed with one focus - YOU. @e are relentless in findin+ ways to ma&e your

    hard earned money wor& harder.

    6ou can find one product that is just ri+ht for you and your Aamily.

    I#sur$#-e Ser:!-es

    n conformity with our endea2or to become a financial supermar&et and to pro2ide total

    financial solutions to our customers( we ha2e di2ersified into the mar&etin+ of life

    insurance products of +etL!&e I#"!$ I#sur$#-e Co/ Lt"/? an affiliate of ,et5ife( the

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    14> year old( lar+est life insurance company in the 98.

    @e offer a wide ran+e of solutions to help you plan for your 2arious financial needs li&e

    your childrenDs education N weddin+( your retirement( protection of your housin+ loan

    repayments( protection for your family etc. Aor further details( Garanata&a an& forayed

    into Eeneral nsurance business by promotin+ a #oint Jenture company called U#!:ers$%

    Sopo 3e#er$% I#sur$#-e Co/ Lt"/


    nd entered into a %orporate +ency arran+ement for distribution of their Eeneral

    nsurance products throu+h our branches. 6ou can now +et your assets insured a+ainst

    fire( bur+lary and a host of other e2entualities. 6ou can also co2er yourself as well as

    your near and dear ones a+ainst the contin+encies of accidental death( hospitaliation etc.

    Aor further details( please clic& the lin&: s $ e$#s to t'e tot$% prote-t!o# o& 9our

    &$!%9 $#" 9our $ssets/ 

    Re$% T!e 3ross Sett%ee#t ;RT3S=

    !TE8 is a payment system in which both processin+ and final settlement of fund transfer

    instructions ta&
