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    FUSUS AL-IMAN (فصوص اإليمان)



    SURA AL-BAQARA (سورة البقرة)

    PART - II



    Sahih Iman Publication

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    Copyright © SAHIH IMAN 2020

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    Table of Contents

    1. PREFACE ……………………………………………………………………………….…………...1

    2. SURA AL-BAQARA ( البقرةسورة ) …………………………………………………………………..2

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    بِسم هللا الرحمِن الرحيم

    الحمد هلل رب العالمين، والصالة والسالم على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين

    Fusus Al-Iman consist of over 100 small books written to facilitate readers easy access to the most essential and important explanations related to Sahih Iman. These books are based on the explanations in Tafseer-e-Asedi and Irshad al-Asedi.

    Tafseer-e-Asedi is the translation and Tafseer of 114 Chapters of the Quran spread over thousands of pages.

    Irshad al-Asedi is the translation and explanation of six major books of Ahadith; (i) Bukhari, (ii) Muslim, (iii) Nasai, (iv) Abu Dawood, (v) Tirmidhi, and (vi) Ibn Majah. It is spread over 38 volumes, consisting of 340 books.

    Fusus Al-Iman is a concise format of explanations related to Sahih Iman created from Tafseer-e-Asedi and Irshad Al-Asedi so that the readers get instant access to the most essential explanations at one place without having to scan through hundreds of books, thousands of Quranic verses and Ahadith to find what they are looking for.

    In Arabic, the word ‘Fas’ (فَص) is used to describe a bezel. A bezel is a grooved ring, that holds an item, like gem, in its place. This book series is named ‘Fusus al-Iman’ (فُصوص اإليمان) (Bezels of Faith) with the intention that it may be used by the people as an anchor of Sahih Iman when sailing in the oceans of knowledge of Quran and Ahadith.

    For the students of Quran and Ahadith, Fusus Al Iman can act as a primer that will help them solidify their Iman and prepare them for facing the onslaught of deviant sects who misinterpret the Quranic verses and Ahadith to lead them away from Islam. Since Sahih Iman is the essential requirement of salvation in Hereafter, it is important to have correct understanding of all issues related to Sahih Iman to become eligible for salvation.

    This book, Part II, contains Selected Verses from Sura Al-Baqara, (23-56). Explanations of these verses will, In Sha Allah, benefit all Muslims of the world in protecting their Sahih Iman.

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    SURA AL-BAQARA (سورة البقرة)

    ِ ِحيمِ بِْسِم َّللاه ِن الره ـٰ ْحَم الره

    In the name of Allah, the Most Compassionate and Most Merciful

    Verse 2.23 - ْٰلنَا َعلَى ا نَزه ِ إِْن كُْنتُْم َصاِدقِينَ َوإِْن كُْنتُْم فِي َرْيٍب ِممه َعْبِدنَا فَأْتُوا بُِسوَرةٍ ِمْن ِمثِْلِه َوادْعُوا ُشَهدَاَءكُْم ِمْن دُوِن َّللاه

    Translation - If you doubt (in this Quran) which has been sent down on Our Chosen Servant, (Apostle Mohammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) then bring a chapter like it; and call all your helpers, other than Allah, if you are truthful.


    Allah ( َعزه َوَجله) has challenged the entire humanity and Jinns, many a time in Quran that if they doubt in Quran, they should bring a Surah like that of Quran. Since the word of Allah ( َوَجله and the (َعزه word of His creature cannot be equated, this challenge remains unfulfilled and will remain so till the

    day of resurrection.

    It is consensus (اِجماع) of all Islamic scholars that Quran is a miracle bestowed on Prophet Mohammad (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم), a like of which cannot be produced by any human or jinn.

    The 'Inimitability' of Quran’ or ‘the Exception of Quran’ (اعجاز القرآن) has been a subject of discussion among Islamic scholars for a long time. Some view points in this context are given below.

    (i) Some earlier people thought that Allah ( َوَجله ,incapacitated competent people (َعزه or turned them away from taking up the challenge of imitating Quran. This hypothesis was wrong. If you accept this hypothesis, then Quran does not remain a

    miracle, rather Allah ( َوَجله incapacitating the people to write a book like that of (َعزه Quran becomes a miracle.

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    It is in Quran - ُذَا الْق ـٰ نُس َوالِْجنُّ َعلَٰى أَن يَأْتُوا بِِمثِْل هَ ْرآِن ََل يَأْتُوَن بِِمثِْلِه َولَْو َكاَن بَعُْضُهْم ِلبَعٍْض قُل لهئِِن اْجتََمعَِت اْْلِ If the mankind and the jinns were together to produce the (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص Say, (O’Prophet ] َظِهيًرا

    like of this Qur'an, they could not produce the like thereof, even if they helped one another.] (Al-Israa - 88)

    The above verse confirms that since Quran is the word of Allah ( َعزه َوَجله), a like of it, cannot be produced by a human being (a creature). The suspicion of disbelievers that

    the Prophet (وسلم آله و عليه هللا might have authored it has been condemned by (صلى Allah ( َعزه َوَجله).

    It is in Quran - ِ ن دُوِن َّللاه ثِْلِه ُمفْتََريَاٍت َوادْعُوا َمِن اْستََطعْتُم ِمِّ إِن كُنتُْم َصاِدقِينَ أَْم يَقُولُوَن افْتََراهُ ۖ قُْل فَأْتُوا بِعَْشِر سَُوٍر ِمِّ[Or do they say, He ( the Prophet ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) invented it? Say, Then bring ten chapters like it

    (that you claim to) have been invented, and call upon (for assistance) whoever you can, besides Allah, if you are truthful."] (Hood - 13)

    It is in Quran - لَهُ ۚ بَل َله يُْؤِمنُوَن ثِْلِه إِن َكانُوا َصاِدقِينَ فَلْيَ -أَْم يَقُولُوَن تَقَوه أْتُوا بَِحِديٍث ِمِّ [ Or do they say, "He (Prophet Mohammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) has made it up"? Rather, they do not believe. Then let them produce a statement like it, if they are truthful.] (At-Tur - 33-34)

    The Arabs of Prophet’s ( هللا عليه و آله وسلمصلى ) time acknowledged the superiority of the speech of Quran. The smallest Surah in Quran is al-Kawthar that consists of 3 small verses - ( أَْعَطيْنَاَك الَْكْوثََر ِلَربَِِّك َوانَْحْر -إِنها اْْلَبْتَرُ َشانِئَكَ إِنه -فََصِلِّ هَُو ). In the past 1450 years no one has been able to bring a like of it. After seeing this Surah, a prominent Arabic poet of

    Quraish during Prophet’s (آله وسلم البشر - time wrote (صلى هللا عليه و This is not] َما هذا كالم from the speech of a servant].

    (ii) Some people thought that the 'choice and arrangement of the words of Quran' makes it exceptional. Scholars like (a) Abdul Qahir al-Jurjani (d. 1078 CE) in his

    Dala'il al-I'jaz, (b) Fakhr ad-Din al-Razi (d. 1209) in his book Nihayat al-I'jaz fi Dirayat al-I'jaz, and (c) al-Zamakhshari (d. 1144 CE) in his Tafseer al-Kashsaf have explained this uniqueness in detail.

    (iii) Later scholars upheld the rhetorical superiority of Qur'an, but considered that

    the contents of the Quran are also a miracle.

    We have briefly discussed the miraculous nature of Quran in (a) Style, (b) Literature, (c) Content, and (d) Effect.


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    Quran comes out glaringly clear in terms of eloquence and rhetoric upon literate people; Arabs or non-Arabs alike.

    What praise can be uttered about the comprehensiveness of eloquence and rhetoric of the noble Ahadith, the utterance of which is related with Prophet Mohammad (وسلم آله و عليه هللا whose (صلى behest is - َو الْعََجمْ بِيْ اَنَا اَفَْصُح الْعَرَ -اُتِيُْت َجواِمَع الَْكِلْم [ The Prophet (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) said - I have been given the comprehensiveness of speech. My eloquence is unparalleled among Arabs and Non-Arabs.] (Abi Shaiba and Abu Ya'la). In spite of that, Quran is different altogether. Its style is distinct from the

    style of Ahadith. Thus, it is clear that Quran is not the speech of the Apostle (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم).

    It is in Quran - َْرتَاَب الُْمبِْطلُون you did not recite (ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص O' Prophet) ] َوَما كُنَت تَتْلُو ِمن قَبِْلِه ِمن ِكتَاٍب َوََل تَُخطُّهُ بِيَِمينَِك ۖ إِذًا َلهbefore it (Quran), any scripture, nor did you inscribe one with your right hand. Otherwise the falsifiers would have had doubt. ] (Al-Ankaboot - 48)


    As a literary monument, the Quran stands unique. It has neither forerunners nor successors.

    The Arabic language and speech is divided into two branches, (i) rhymed poetry, and (ii) prose. We

    will not go into details here, but the challenge of Quran is to produce a piece of work that does not fall into all the branches of Arabic poetry and prose. And it should also contain comprehensive meaning and rhetoric. The Arabs could not bring even 3 verses like that of Quran. They realized that Quran’s form does not fit into any of the Arabic literature categories.

    During the early period of Prophet’s (آله وسلم declaration of prophet-hood, a prominent (صلى هللا عليه و person from Quraish, Al-Qama bin Abdul Munaf, is reported to have addressed the leaders of Quraish in Makka in the following words

    ."O' Quraish, a new calamity has befallen upon you. When (Prophet) Mohammed ( آله و صلى هللا عليه

    ,was young, he was the most liked among you, most truthful in speech, and most trustworthy (وسلمuntil, when you saw gray hairs on his temple, and he brought you his message, you said that he was a sorcerer, but he is not, for we have seen such people and their spitting and their knots. You said, he was a diviner, but we have seen such people and their behavior, and we have heard their rhymes. You said he was a soothsayer, but he is not a soothsayer, for we have heard their rhymes. You said he was a poet, but he is not a poet, for we have heard all kinds of poetry. You said he was possessed, but he is not, for we have seen the possessed, and he shows no signs of their gasping and whispering and delirium. O' people of Quraish, look to your affairs (realize the intensity/truthfulness of this new message). By God, a very serious thing has been sent down upon you."


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    It is evident that human beings neither have the knowledge of the past nor of future. A person knows only the thing which is in front of his eyes. It means his knowledge is limited to his observations. At most, he contemplates with his observation and tries to deduce things.

    Tidings of the unknown can not be the work of the material man. Until Allah's ( َعزه َوَجله) help is not there in between, this can not be accomplished. There are details of the happenings in Quran about which the entire family of the Prophet ( آله وسلم يه صلى هللا عل و ) was unaware of; like Adam ( م ه يعل السال ), Hawwa ( م ها يعل السال ) and Satan's episode; the incident of Haabeel and Qabeel; the happening of

    Ibrahim ( السال م هيعل ), Ismail ( السال م هيعل ), Loot ( السال م هيعل ), Is'haq ( السال م هيعل ), Yaqub ( م السال هيعل ), Yusuf ( هيعل) episodes of Saleh ;(السال م السال م ه يعل ) and the nation of Thamud; the happenings of Shuayb ( السال م هيعل ) and the people of Mada'in and Aika; Dawood ( السال م ه يعل ) and Sulaiman ( السال م هيعل ), Musa ( السال م ه يعل ), Haroon ( م السال ه يعل ), Pharaoh, Hamaan, and the descendants of Israel and Qaroon's affairs; Zulqarnain, the people of Saba, As-hab al-Aqdood (اصحاب اَلخدود), As-hab al-Kahaf (اصحاب الكهف), As-

    hab al-Raqeem (قيم الرِّ all their incidents have been mentioned in ;(اصحاب رس ) and As-hab Rus (اصحاب the Quran that were recognized by the adversaries in the Prophet's (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) time.

    It is in Quran - َِبِّ الْعَالَِمين ِكن تَْصِديَق الهِذي بَيَْن يَدَيِْه َوتَفِْصيَل الِْكتَاِب ََل َريَْب فِيِه ِمن ره ـٰ But (Quran is) a] َولَconfirmation of what was before it, and a detailed explanation of the (earlier) Scripture, about which there is no doubt, from the Lord of the worlds.] (Yunus - 37)

    There are foretelling in Quran which, till now, continuously proving to be true and correct. A few of these are given below.

    (a) It is in Quran - ََسيُْهَزُم الَْجْمُع َويَُولُّوَن الدُّبُر [Soon their multitude will be put to fight and

    they will show their backs (run away).] ( Al-Qamar - 45)

    This was the foretelling of the people of Badr, in which the Makkan pagans lost and ran away. This foretelling was fulfilled by Allah ( َعزه َوَجله).

    (b) It is in Quran - َيُْسِلُمون أَْو تُقَاتِلُونَُهْم َشِديٍد بَأٍْس أُوِلي قَْوٍم إِلَٰى َستُدَْعْوَن اْْلَْعَراِب ِمَن ِلِّلُْمَخلهِفيَن 'O) ] قُل Prophet ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص), tell the rural Arabs who were left out (at the journey of Hudaibiya), that 'you will be called in confrontation against the formidable fighters (Romans & Persians) and you will be fighting with them till they become Muslims.] (Al-Fath 16).

    The wars with Romans and Persians were fought during the Caliphate of Hadhrat Abu Bakr ( عنه یرضئ هللا تعال ) and Hadhrat Umar Farooq ( عنه یرضئ هللا تعال ). This was the glad tiding of the caliphate of Abu Bakr and Umar ( عنهما ی رضئ هللا تعال ).

    (c) It is in Quran - َْؤيَا بِالَْحِقِّ ۖ لَتَدُْخلُنه الَْمْسِجد ُ َرسُولَهُ الرُّ ُ آِمنِيَن ُمَحِلِِّقيَن ُرُءوَسكُْم لهقَدْ َصدََق َّللاه الَْحَراَم إِن َشاَء َّللاه

    ِريَن ََل تََخافُونَ a true dream that, by ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص Undoubtedly, Allah had shown His Apostle] َوُمقَِصِّAllah's will, you (Muslims) will enter Masjid al-Haram (Kabatullah) without fear and peril (in all composure) and ( in there) you (some of you) will have your heads shaven and (some ) will have your hairs cut.] ( Al-Fath - 27 ).

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    This was the foretelling about the victory of Makka, which Allah ( َعزه َوَجله) fulfilled.


    Before Prophet Mohammad’s (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) immigration to Madina, the Chief of Medina Asad bin Zerarah, went out of his house, fully armed, with an ulterior motive of exiling Musab bin Umair ) who was sent by the Prophet ,(رضئ هللا تعالى عنه) آله وسلمصلى هللا عليه و ) to preach Islam in Medina, but the

    voice of someone reciting the verses of the Quran fell on his ears. The effect of these verses was so great that he embraced Islam at the hand of Musab bin Umair (رضئ هللا تعالى عنه), the very person he wanted to exile.

    Khalid bin Aqba, who, while passing by, heard the verses of Quran being recited. He was

    mesmerized and said : 'By Allah there is a strange sweetness in it, there is a strange freshness. It’s roots are saturated with water and its branches are over-laden with fruits. Man cannot converse like this!'

    Utba was an eminent leader of Quraish infidels. When Prophet (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) recited Quran, he placed both his hands on the ground and started swaying to and fro, weeping. When Waleed heard

    Quran, he said - َاَلوةٌ اِنه َعلَيَْها َطالَوةٌ ، و فِيَْها ح [ In it there is freshness and sweetness].

    There are many instances when people accepted Islam just from listening to the verses.

    The effects of Quranic verses are varied. They are also useful in 'answering of the objectives / wishes

    and prevention of disease and warding off, of evil touch. Many books have been written by Islamic scholars in this regard. The books like 'Shamsul Ma'arif by Booni and Muraqqa Kalimi of Kalimullah Jahanabadi, etc., are important in this context. In the invocations (ازکار) mentioned in these books, the supreme and the most effective invocations are invocation from the verses of Quran.

    Verse 2.25 - ِاِلَحاِت أَنه لَُهْم َجنهاٍت تَْجِري ِمْن تَْحتَِها اْْلَْنَهاُر ۖ كُلهَما ُرز ِر الهِذيَن آَمنُوا َوَعِملُوا الصه قُوا ِمْنَها ِمْن ثََمَرةٍ ِرْزقًا ۙ َوبَشِِّ

    ذَا الهِذي ُرِزْقنَا ِمْن قَْبُل ۖ َوأُتُوا بِِه ُمتََشابًِها ۖ َولَُهْم فِيَها أَ ْزَواٌج ُمَطههَرةٌ ۖ َوهُْم فِيَها َخاِلدُونَ قَالُوا هَٰ

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    Translation - (O' Prophet ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص) Convey glad tidings to those who believe, and who acted righteously; for them there are gardens (in Paradise) beneath which rivers flow. When they will be provided with the fruits (of Heaven they will say that we were provided with this fruit earlier or something similar in shape, in our life time, but the tastes of the fruits of paradise will be better) and for them are pure spouses and they will remain therein, for ever.


    The righteousness of deeds depends on the strength of Iman in heart. There is no need to talk here about the deviant sects as their basic beliefs are not in line with Sahih Iman.

    As far as the followers of Ahle Sunnah, (the people of Sahih Iman) are concerned, it is generally observed that many are suffering from emptiness of deeds. As a matter of fact, sinful corruption has taken over their lives. Consistency in bad deeds show the weakness of their Iman. It is important that they seek forgiveness from their Lord and try to be sincere in their deeds.

    There is another category among Ahle Sunnah. Some people focus on religious good deeds in order for a good life in Hereafter but they totally ignore about their responsibilities in this world. With this attitude, they may expect reward in Hereafter, but what about the current life in this world? You need to take care of your responsibilities in this world towards your family, kids and other dependents. You should strive to provide good living to your children and other family members. Give good education, both religious and scientific, to your children and make them competitive to

    stand on their feet. You also need to work for the betterment of your community/society in this world. Islam teaches us to be a complete and successful human being, in this world, as well as in Hereafter.

    In this verse, Allah ( َوَجله is giving glad tidings to the people who are believers, who act (َعزه

    righteously that they will dwell permanently in paradise wherein there are gardens and rivers flow underneath. Why do the rivers flow beneath the gardens? It is to keep the gardens fresh and green all the time. This is to emphasize the fact that the comforts of the gardens in paradise are permanent. People will be provided with fruits of the gardens of paradise which will look similar to the ones they ate during their life time. But these fruits will be beautiful in sight and heavenly in taste.

    One of the rewards to the righteous people of the paradise will be that they will have pure spouses for their company.

    A question that is raised by many non-believers, hypocrites and some other people, is that, while

    men are allowed to have Houris in Paradise, why this facility is not given to women? They should know that paradise is a place for rewards. It is not a place to strain people with something which is against their nature. The things that a woman desires most from her husband is that he loves her, cherishes her, honors her and respects her. Women who enter paradise, will be restored their youth and they will be made far more beautiful than they were in this world.

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    We cannot look at things from our limited knowledge and understanding. You cannot question why tiger does not eat grass or leafs? Why goat does not eat meat? These are their individual natures and

    you cannot question their nature. Allah ( َعزه َوَجله) has created His creatures as per their natures. And His rewards in Paradise will also be as per their natures.

    It is in Quran - فِيَها يََشاُءوَن ا مه َمِزيدٌ لَُهم َولَدَيْنَا [ There they (men and women of Paradise) shall have all that they will desire.] (Qaaf - 35)

    It is in Quran - ْن ِغٍلِّ إِْخوَ -ادُْخلُوهَا بَِساَلٍم آِمنِيَن -إِنه الُْمتهِقيَن فِي َجنهاٍت َوعُيُوٍن انًا َعلَٰى َونََزْعنَا َما فِي ُصدُوِرِهم ِمِّتَقَابِِلينَ مُّ Surely those who are virtuous shall be in the midst of gardens and ] سُُرٍر fountains. (They will be told) Enter it in peace, safe (and secure). And We will remove whatever resentments they had in there breasts (hearts), (so they will be)

    brothers, sitting on thrones facing each other. ] (Al-Hijr - 45-47).

    The above verses clarify that everyone in paradise, man or woman, will have everything they desire. Nothing will be there that is not liked by them or against their natures. Allah ( َعزه َوَجله) knows about the natures of men and women and they will get everything they desire.

    It is in Hadith - Narrated by Abu Huraira (رضئ هللا تعالى عنه) - The Apostle ( صلى هللا عليه ووسلم َوَجله ) said, Allah (آله said, ‘I have prepared for My pious servants (men and (َعزه women) things which have never been seen by an eye, nor heard by an ear or imagined by a human being. (Bukhari)

    Verse 2.30 - َِماَء َونَْحُن نَُسبُِِّح َوإِذْ قَاَل َربَُّك ِلْلَماَلئَِكِة إِنِِّي َجاِعٌل فِي اْْلَْرِض َخل يفَةً ۖ قَالُوا أَتَْجعَُل فِيَها َمْن يُْفِسدُ فِيَها َويَْسِفُك الدِِّ

    ُس لََك ۖ قَاَل إِنِِّي أَْعلَُم َما ََل تَْعلَُمونَ بَِحْمِدَك َونُقَدِِّ

    Translation - And when Allah addressed the angels (saying) I am going to make a Vicegerent on Earth; (The Angels) submitted will you make (a vicegerent) who will create disorder and cause bloodshed while we hymn your praise and sanctify You. He said, I know that which you do not know.


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    All creation in the Cosmos are covered under Allah's ( َعزه َوَجله) wisdom. And every single creation is appropriate in its place under their environment. When Allah ( َعزه َوَجله) informed the angels that He is going to create a vicegerent on Earth, what angels understood was the following.

    It is in Quran - ۗ ِلِّيَبْلَُوكُْم فِي َما آتَاكُْم إِنه َربهَك َوهَُو الهِذي َجعَلَكُْم َخاَلئَِف اْْلَْرِض َوَرفََع بَعَْضكُْم فَْوَق بَعٍْض دََرَجاٍت ِحيمٌ And He is Who has made you successors upon the Earth and ] َسِريُع الِْعقَاِب َوإِنههُ لَغَفُوٌر رهhas raised some of you above others in ranks that He will see you through what He has given you. Indeed, your Lord is swift in penalty; and He is (also) Forgiving and

    Merciful.] (Al-An'aam - 165)

    What angels understood was, a new creature was being created on Earth. Since they had the experience of various creatures before human beings, they said, we pray and sanctify you, whereas this creature, as has been the case with others, will cause disorder and bloodshed on Earth. Then

    Allah ( َعزه َوَجله) said, I know that which you do not know. What Allah ( َعزه َوَجله) was referring to, from His statement? As per our understanding, He was telling them that His real Khalifa, Prophet Mohammad ( ليه و آله وسلمصلى هللا ع ) was to come from among human beings.

    It is in Hadith - Umar bin al-Khattab ( عنہ ی رضئ هللا تعال ) narrated that the Prophet ( صلىآله وسلم و السالم) said, when Prophet Adam (هللا عليه said, O' my Lord, I ask you for (عليه

    the sake of Mohammad (بحق محمد صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) to forgive me. He (Allah - َعزه َوَجله) said, How did you know Mohammad (آله وسلم و He said, because when ?(صلى هللا عليه you created me with Your hands and blew into me from Your spirit, I raised my head and I saw on the Arsh it was written إله إَل هللا ، محمد رسول هللا ,There is no god ] َل but Allah, and Mohammad is the Apostle of Allah]. So I knew You would not put

    next to your name except the one who is the most beloved to You. 'He said, you have said the truth, O'Adam (عليه السالم) and if it were not for Mohammad ( هللا عليه و آله لى ص (I would not have created you.] (Al-Mustadrak al-Hakim, who said it is Sahih ,(وسلم

    It is in Hadith - The Prophet said, Allah gives and I distribute. (Bukhari, Muslim).

    It is in Hadith - Abu Hurairah ( تعال هللا عنہ ی رضئ ) narrated, 'they asked, O'Allah's Apostle (آله وسلم و ,when was prophet-hood established for you? He said ,(صلى هللا عليه while Adam (عليه السالم) was between the soul and body' (Tirmidhi).

    Verse 2.34 - ََوإِذْ قُْلنَا ِلْلَماَلئَِكِة اْسُجدُوا ِِلدََم فََسَجدُوا إَِله إِْبِليَس أَبَٰى َواْستَْكبََر َوَكاَن ِمَن اْلَكافِِرين

    Translation - And (remember Our beneficence) when We asked the Angels to 'prostrate before Adam ( م هيعل السال ) (Sajda-e-Tahiyya), they all prostrated except Iblis (Satan) and he was a disobedient (disbeliever).


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    All present (angels) were asked to bow in front of Adam (السالم ,as a mark of respect. All did (عليه except Iblis. He showed arrogance and did not join the angels in prostration and became open Kafir. What he argued was a sheer stupidity. He became the first one to give importance to the reasoning

    of mind with limited knowledge, over the divine command. But this reasoning of his mind was also not appropriate on that occasion. When he saw that the angels, who are a better creation than him (he was from Jinns) were prostrating to Adam (السالم he should have realized that there is ,(عليه something important about Adam (عليه السالم) which is hidden from his mind. He also had seen that Adam's (عليه السالم) knowledge surpassed the knowledge of all other creatures, including the angels.

    In such a scenario, to reject divine command was a sheer stupidity and arrogance for which he was punished by Allah ( َعزه َوَجله). It is important to note that Allah's ( َعزه َوَجله) beneficence had gone to his head as he was given assignment to teach angels. He started thinking that he was better than even angels. And in that arrogance he considered even Hadhrat Jibreel (السالم ,as his rival. Surely (عليه Allah ( َعزه َوَجله) was aware of what Iblis was up to.

    Verse 2.36 - َا َكانَا فِيِه ۖ َوقُْلنَا اْهبِطُوا بَْعُضكُْم ِلبَْعٍض َعدُوٌّ ۖ و لَكُْم فِي اْْلَْرِض ُمْستَقَرٌّ َوَمتَاعٌ فَأََزلهُهَما الشهْيَطاُن َعْنَها فَأَْخَرَجُهَما ِممه

    إِلَٰى ِحينٍ

    Translation - Then Satan tempted them and caused them to err and became the cause of their ouster from Paradise. And We said get down you all to be the enemies of one another. For you, Earth will be the dwelling place where you will find the provisions for living for a specific time.


    Satan is from Jinn. The Jinn are a creation of Allah ( َوَجله made from fire. Jinn are different from (َعزه both, Angels and humans. But, like humans, they are given the power of reason to choose between good and evil. The Jinn existed before the creation of Adam (عليه السالم).

    Satan was the most famous scholar and teacher among Jinns who were dwelling in specific places/planets assigned to them by Allah ( َوَجله His popularity grew among jinns slowly to an .(َعزه extent that even angels started listening to his sermons. The popularity and respect among Jinns and angels went to his head and he started considering the knowledge given by Allah ( َوَجله as his (َعزه own. This was the reason for his downfall.

    When Iblis refused to prostrate to Adam (السالم all his privileges were withdrawn. He was ,(عليه expelled and not allowed to teach angels. He started living in places where Jinns lived. However, freedom of movement for him was not withdrawn because he became a test for people between good and evil.

    It is in Quran - َنْهُ َخلَقْتَنِي ِمن نهاٍر َوَخلَقْتَهُ ِمن ِطيٍن قَاَل م قَاَل فَاْهبِْط ِمنَْها -ا َمنَعََك أََله تَْسُجدَ إِذْ أََمْرتَُك ۖ قَاَل أَنَا َخيٌْر ِمِّاِغِريَن إِنهَك ِمَن الصه إِلَٰى يَْوِم -فََما يَكُوُن لََك أَن تَتََكبهَر فِيَها فَاْخُرْج أَنِظْرنِي ِمَن الُْمنَظِريَن -يُبْعَثُوَن قَاَل إِنهَك قَاَل فَبَِما -قَاَل

    ن بَيِْن أَيِْديِهْم َوِمْن َخلِْفِهْم َوَعْن أَيَْمانِِهْم َوَعن َشَمائِِلِهْم ۖ َوََل تَِجدُ أَْكثَرَ -أَْغَويْتَنِي َْلَقْعُدَنه لَُهْم ِصَراَطَك الُْمْستَِقيَم هُْم ثُمه َِلتِيَنهُهم ِمِّ

    أَْجَمِعينَ -َشاِكِريَن ِمنكُْم َجَهنهَم َْلَْمََلَنه ِمنُْهْم تَبِعََك لهَمن دُْحوًرا ۖ مه َمذُْءوًما ِمنَْها اْخُرْج قَاَل - [Allah said (to Iblis)

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    what prevented you from prostrating when I commanded you (to do so)? (Iblis) said, 'I am better than him (Adam السالم You created me from fire and created him .(عليه from clay.' Allah said, 'descend from Paradise, there is no place for arrogant to live

    therein. So get out; indeed, you are of the debased. Iblis said, 'reprieve me until the Day they are resurrected.' Allah said, "indeed, you are of those reprieved.' Satan said, "because You have put me in error, I will surely sit in and wait for them on Your straight path. Then I will come to them from before them and from behind them and on their right and on their left, and You will not find most of them grateful (to You)."

    Allah said, "Get out of Paradise, reproached and expelled. Whoever follows you among them (humans) I will surely fill Hell with all of you together."] (Al-Araaf - 12-18)

    Since Iblis was a great scholar earlier, he knew the art of explaining things. After he was expelled, he started using his skills in drawing people away from Allah ( َوَجله by his deceptive talk. He also (َعزه had the freedom and ability to insinuate the minds and hearts of people. He used these powers to

    deceive the innocent, unsuspecting and virtuous Nufoos of Adam (عليه السالم) and Hawwa (عليها السالم). He did it meticulously, consistently. And over a long period of time he managed to convince them. What Hadhrat Adam (عليه السالم) and mother Hawwa (عليها السالم) wanted was to be close to Allah ( َعزه every moment of their lives, never ever to go away from Him. Iblis exploited this love of Allah (َوَجله ,.ie ,(َعزه َوَجله ) He swore to them that there is only one way to remain in the company of Allah .(َعزه َوَجله )

    to go near that tree and taste its fruit.

    It is in Quran - َع َربُّكَُما نََهاكَُما َما َوقَاَل َسْوآتِِهَما ِمن َعنُْهَما ُووِرَي َما لَُهَما ِليُبِْدَي الشهيَْطاُن لَُهَما ِذِه فََوْسَوَس ـٰ هَ ْن الَْخاِلِدينَ الشهَجرَ ِمَن تَكُونَا أَْو َملََكيِْن تَكُونَا أَن إَِله ةِ (Satan whispered to them to make apparent to

    them that which was concealed from them of their private parts. He said, 'your Lord

    did not forbid you this tree except that you become angels or become immortal.'] (Al-Araaf - 20).

    Since the love Allah ( َوَجله was more than their own selves, and they wanted to remain close to (َعزه Him, Hadhrat Adam (السالم السالم) and mother Hawwa (عليه fell for Satan's deceitful logic and (عليها were swayed, momentarily.

    It is in Quran - ِا ذَاقَا الشهَجَرةَ بَدَْت لَُهَما َسْوآتُُهَما َوَطِفقَا يَْخِصفَاِن َعلَيِْهَما ِمن َوَرق هَُما بِغُُروٍر ۚ فَلَمه الَْجنهِة ۖ َونَادَاهَُما فَدََلهتِلْكُ َعن أَنَْهكَُما أَلَْم َوأَقُل َربُُّهَما الشهَجَرةِ بِينٌ َما مُّ َعدُوٌّ لَكَُما الشهيَْطاَن إِنه لهكَُما [ So Satan made them fall, by

    deception. And when they tasted (the fruit) of the tree, their private parts became apparent to them, and they began to cover themselves from the leaves of Paradise. And their Lord called them, "Did I not forbid you from that tree and tell you that

    Satan is a manifest enemy to you? ] (Al-Araaf - 22)

    After they tasted that fruit, the destiny took over their lives, and they were sent down to Earth for the remainder of their lives.

    When we look at the entire episode, we know that it was the love of Allah ( َوَجله in the heart of (َعزه Hadhrat Adam (السالم السالم) and mother Hawwa (عليه which remained paramount all through (عليها their lives.

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    Since, Satan had the freedom of movement, he followed Hadhrat Adam (عليه السالم) to Earth, made it his residence as well, to deceive the children of Adam till the end times.

    Verse 2.37 - ِٰحيمُ فَتَلَقهى اُب الره آدَُم ِمْن َربِِِّه َكِلَماٍت فَتَاَب َعلَْيِه ۚ إِنههُ هَُو التهوه

    Translation - Then Adam ( م هيعل السال ) found out the wordings of the Dua from His Lord. And Allah turned back on him with Mercy. Indeed He is the one who forgives and is Most Merciful.


    After their descent to Earth, Allah ( َعزه َوَجله) taught Hadhrat Adam (عليه السالم) and our mother Hawwa .Dua and forgave them (عليها السالم)

    It is in Quran - لَنَا َوتَْرَحْمنَا لَنَكُونَنه ِمَن الَْخاِسِرينَ قَاََل َربهنَا َظلَْمنَا أَنفَُسنَا َوإِن لهْم تَغِْفْر [ They supplicated, 'Our Lord, we have wronged ourselves, and if You do not forgive us and have mercy upon us, we will surely be among the losers.] (Al-Araaf - 23)

    It is in Hadith - Umar bin al-Khattab ( عنہ ی رضئ هللا تعال ) narrated that the Prophet ( صلى

    آله وسلم و السالم) said, when Prophet Adam (هللا عليه said, O' my Lord, I ask you for (عليه the sake of Mohammad (بحق محمد صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) to forgive me. He (Allah - َعزه َوَجله) said, How did you know Mohammad (آله وسلم و He said, because when ?(صلى هللا عليه you created me with Your hands and blew into me from Your spirit, I raised my head and I saw on the Arsh it was written َل إله إَل هللا ، محمد رسول هللا [There is no god, but

    Allah, and Mohammad is the Apostle of Allah]. So I knew You would not put next to your name except the one who is the most beloved to You. 'He said, you have said the truth, O'Adam (عليه السالم) and if it were not for Mohammad ( هللا عليه و آله وسلم ىصل ), I would not have created you.] (Al-Mustadrak al-Hakim, who said it is Sahih).

    Verse 2.40 - فَاْرهَبُونِ يَا بَنِي إِْسَرائِيَل اذْكُُروا نِْعَمتَِي الهتِي أَْنعَْمُت َعلَْيكُْم َوأَْوفُوا بِعَْهِدي أُوِف بِعَْهِدكُْم َوإِيهاَي

    Translation - Then Adam ( م هيعل السال ) found out the wordings of the Dua from His Lord. And Allah turned back on him with Mercy. Indeed, He is the one who forgives and is Most Merciful.


    Hadhrat Yaqoob's (السالم descendants are known as children of Israel. The name 'Israel' is (عليه derived from two words, ‘Isra’ and ‘el’. ‘Isra’ means 'a chosen worshiper', and ‘El’ means God in

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    Hebrew. Thus, Israel means, the one chosen by God. This name is specific to Prophet Yaqoob ( عليه and the followers of all prophets among them ,(عليه السالم) The descendants of Yaqoob - Jacob .(السالمare known as 'children of Israel'.

    The above verse is addressed to the followers of all Prophets among the descendants of Israel. As was prophesied in their scriptures, they were waiting for the advent of an Apostle and they used to pray Allah ( َوَجله to help them, for his sake, and they knew it well that their supplications were (َعزه answered. But when Prophet Mohammad (وسلم آله و عليه هللا declared his apostleship, they (صلى

    opposed him only for the simple reason that he was the descendant of Prophet Ismail (عليه السالم).

    During the time of Prophet Mohammad (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم), Jews were an influential community in Arabia. Mostly they were businessmen and their powerful tribes used to rule major chunk of Arabia. After the advent of Islam, not only did many of them not accept Islam, but stood openly against

    Prophet Mohammad (آله وسلم و The problem was manifold for them in addition to their .(صلى هللا عليه power and money. They knew it well that if they accept Islam, they can not continue the unlawful activities in the name of religion.

    In the above verse, Allah ( َوَجله is reminding them of His favors throughout their history, like (َعزه empires under Prophet Dawood (السالم السالم) and Sulaiman (عليه السالم) and Yusuf (عليه and their ,(عليه

    rescue from Pharaoh and their repeated transgressions and repeated pardons by Allah ( َوَجله .(َعزه They surely knew about the truthfulness of Prophet Mohammad (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) through their scriptures.

    In the verse, Allah ( َعزه َوَجله) is asking them to fulfill the covenant made by them earlier and in return

    Allah ( َعزه َوَجله) will also fulfill His promise given to them.

    What were the covenants they had made with Allah ( َعزه َوَجله)?

    It is in Quran - ََوبِالَْواِلدَيِْن إِْحَسانًا َوِذي الْقُْربَٰى و َ أََخذْنَا ِميثَاَق بَنِي إِْسَرائِيَل ََل تَعْبُدُوَن إَِله َّللاه الْيَتَاَمٰى َوالَْمَساِكيِن َوإِذْ ُحْسنً ِللنهاِس ثُمه َوقُولُوا َكاةَ الزه َوآتُوا اَلةَ الصه َوأَقِيُموا عِْرُضوَن ا مُّ َوأَنتُم نكُْم ِمِّ قَِلياًل إَِله تَْسِفكُوَن -تََولهيْتُْم ََل ِميثَاقَكُْم أََخذْنَا َوإِذْ

    ن ِديَاِركُْم ثُمه أَقَْرْرتُْم َوأَنتُْم تَْشَهدُوَن ُؤََلِء تَقْتُلُوَن أَنفَُسكُ -ِدَماَءكُْم َوََل تُْخِرُجوَن أَنفَُسكُم ِمِّ ـٰ ن ثُمه أَنتُْم هَ نكُم ِمِّ ْم َوتُْخِرُجوَن فَِريقًا ِمِّ

    ثِْم َوالْعُدَْوانِ And (remember) when We took the covenant from the ] ِديَاِرِهْم تََظاهَُروَن َعلَيِْهم بِاْْلِChildren of Israel, 'Do not worship except Allah ( َعزه َوَجله); and do good to parents and

    relatives, orphans and needy. And talk to people good; establish prayer and pay Zakat." Then you turned away, except a few of you, and (most of you) refused. And (remember) when We took your covenant, "Do not shed each other's blood or evict one another from homes. Then you acknowledged it while you were witnessing. Then, you are those (same ones who are) killing one another and evicting a party of

    your people from their homes, cooperating against them in sin and aggression. ] (Al-Baqara - 83-85).

    What was the promise Allah ( َعزه َوَجله) made to them?

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    It is in Quran - َإِنِِّي َمع ُ ِميثَاَق بَنِي إِْسَرائِيَل َوبَعَثْنَا ِمنُْهُم اثْنَْي َعَشَر نَِقيبًا ۖ َوقَاَل َّللاه ُ اَلةَ َولَقَدْ أََخذَ َّللاه لَئِْن أَقَْمتُُم الصه كُْم ۖ َكاةَ َوآَمنتُم بِرُ ْرتُُموهُ َوآتَيْتُُم الزه َُكِفَِّرنه َعنكُْم َسيِِّئَاتِكُْم َوَْلُدِْخلَنهكُْم َجنهاٍت تَْجِري ِمن تَ سُِلي َوَعزه َ قَْرًضا َحَسنًا ْله ْحتَِها ْم َوأَقَْرْضتُُم َّللاه

    ِلَك ِمنكُْم فَقَدْ َضله َسَواَء السهبِيلِ ٰ اْْلَنَْهاُر ۚ فََمن َكفََر بَعْدَ ذَ [And Allah had already taken a covenant from

    the Children of Israel, and We delegated from among them twelve leaders. And Allah ( َوَجله said, "I am with you. If you establish prayer and give Zakat and (َعزه believe in (all) My Apostles and support them, and loan Allah a goodly loan, I will surely remove from you, your misdeeds and admit you to gardens beneath which rivers flow. But whoever of you disbelieves after that, has certainly strayed from the

    soundness of the way.] (Al-Maa'ida - 12)

    Verse 2.48 - هُْم يُْنَصُرونَ َواتهقُوا يَْوًما ََل تَْجِزي نَْفٌس َعْن نَْفٍس َشْيئًا َوََل يُْقبَُل ِمْنَها َشفَاَعةٌ َوََل يُْؤَخذُ ِمْنَها َعدٌْل َوََل

    Translation - Be afraid of the Day when no one will be able to compensate for the other in any way. No intercession will be accepted from him, no ransom taken from him, and they will not be helped.


    The above verse is meant for non-believers. Allah ( َعزه َوَجله) is warning people, particularly the people of earlier scriptures, to come back into the fold of Islam.

    As far as Muslims are concerned, anyone having Sahih Iman equal to a mustard seed, will be taken out of Hell on Prophet's (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) mediation.

    It is in Quran - ُْن َخْردٍَل أَتَيْنَا بَِهاَونََضُع الَْمَواِزيَن الِْقْسَط ِليَْوِم الِْقيَاَمِة فاََل ت ْظلَُم نَفٌْس َشيْئًا ۖ َوإِن َكاَن ِمثْقَاَل َحبهٍة ِمِّ ۗ [ And We place the scales of justice for the Day of Resurrection, so no one will be

    treated unjustly at all. And if there is (Iman equal to) the weight of a mustard seed, We will bring it forth.] (Al-Anbiya - 47)

    It is in Hadith - It is narrated on the authority of Abdullah bin Mas'ud ( یرضئ هللا تعال said, 'No one shall enter the Fire (of (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) that the Apostle of Allah (عنہ

    Hell) who has in his heart the weight of a mustard seed of Iman. (Bukhari, Muslim and others).

    What is meant by 'Iman equal to the weight of mustard seed'?

    It is in Hadith - Apostle of Allah ( آله وسلم و said, (i) He who among you (صلى هللا عليه sees something abominable should modify it with the help of his hand; (ii) and if he

    does not have the strength to do it physically, he should do it with his tongue, (iii) and if he does not have the strength to do it by tongue (fearing threat to his life and

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    property) then he should (abhor it) in his heart, and that is the least of Iman. (Muslim Book 1, # 84)

    It is important to note that you cannot commit a sin considering that it is fine and is allowed by Allah ( َعزه َوَجله) and His Apostle (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم). You cannot misinterpret Islamic laws to make a

    provision for you to commit sins. You cannot commit a sin just because you see other Muslims in your community are doing it openly. A sin is a wrong doing. You should have courage to stop it openly. This is the first degree of Iman.

    Look at what Imam Husain ( عنہ یرضئ هللا تعال ) did in Karbala. He knew that he would not be able to

    over power Yazidi Army. But he preferred martyrdom rather than accepting Haraam as Halal and wrong doing as virtue.

    If it is not possible for you to fight against wrong doing, then tell the wrongdoer plainly that what he is doing is sin/wrong/Haraam, and if possible, advise him to stay away from it. This is the second

    degree of Iman.

    If saying to them about their sins openly is also not possible (in view of threat to life and property), then you should consider it bad in your heart and try to stay away from it as far as possible. You should seek pardon from your Lord for your own self as well as for the wrong doers and pray that

    they come back to Sahih Iman/right path. This is known as Iman equal to the weight of mustard seed.

    It is in Hadith - It is narrated on the authority 'Abdullah bin Mas'ud ( عنہ ی رضئ هللا تعال ) that the Apostle of Allah (آله وسلم و observed : Never a Prophet had been (صلى هللا عليه

    sent before me by Allah towards his nation who had not, among his people (his) disciples and companions, who followed his ways and obeyed his command. Then there came after them their successors who said whatever they did not practice, and practiced whatever they were not commanded to do. He who strove against them with his hand was a believer. He who strove against them with his tongue was a believer, and he who strove against them with his heart was a believer and beyond

    that there is no faith even to the extent of a mustard seed. Abu Rafi' ( عنہ ی رضئ هللا تعال ) said : I narrated this Hadith to 'Abdullah bin 'Umar ( عنہ ی رضئ هللا تعال ). He contradicted me. There happened to come 'Abdullah bin Mas'ud ( تعال عنہ یرضئ هللا ) who stayed at Qanat, and 'Abdullah bin 'Umar ( عنہ یرضئ هللا تعال ) wanted me to accompany him for visiting him (as 'Abdullah bin Mas'ud ۗ was ailing), so I went along with him and as

    we sat (before him) I asked Ibn Mas'ud ( تعال هللا عنہ یرضئ ) about this Hadith. He narrated it in the same way as I narrated it to Ibn 'Umar ( تعال عنہ ی رضئ هللا ). (Muslim Book 1, # 86)

    Verse 2.51 - ََوإِذْ َواَعدْنَا ُموَسٰى أَْربَِعيَن لَْيلَةً ثُمه اتهَخذْتُُم اْلِعْجَل ِمْن بَْعِدِه َوأَْنتُْم َظاِلُمون

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    Translation - And we specified forty nights for Musaۗ and then, while he was away, you started worshiping the calf. And you (surely) were wrongdoers (in that worship).


    Anything sought and gained through unlawful means is harmful. If you steal electricity to read Quran, then reading Quran will not help you. If you steal from a corrupt person in order to give it to the poor, it will not not help you in any way. Some of our scholars are seen joining hands with

    people in power and secretly and openly support them in their transgression. In return for this favor, they get money, which they claim to use to support their religious institutions. When they are questioned about it, they say that they need funds to run their religious institutions and they feel proud of getting funding from all sources. In the name of their religious institutions, they make a big fortune and build their personal empires of wealth and properties. They should know that all these acts are unlawful and invite Allah's ( َعزه َوَجله) wrath.

    The historical accounts testify that Israelis, during their slavery in the hands of the people of Pharaoh, used to work in the fields and in the homes of the wealthy Egyptians. They used to steal rich Egyptians' gold armaments and this way had accumulated some gold with them. When Prophet Musa (عليه السالم) went to Mount Sinai for 40 days, the Israelis were under the care of Prophet Haroon

    السالم) السالم) who was Prophet Musa's ,(عليه elder brother. During those days, a person among (عليه Israelis named Samri did a mischief. He made a small hallow calf of the gold collected from Israelis (which they had stolen from the people of Pharoah). When air passed through the hollow portion of that calf, it made a sound like that of a calf's call. Samri convinced Israelis that it is their God. Many Israelis started worshiping it. Prophet Haroon (السالم .tried to stop them from this wrongdoing (عليه

    But he could stop only a few. The others continued this worship. When Musa (السالم returned (عليه from Mount Sinai, he was very angry seeing the calf being worshiped by his people.

    It is in Quran - بَِملِْكنَا َمْوِعدََك أَْخلَفْنَا َما فََكذَ قَالُوا فَقَذَفْنَاهَا الْقَْوِم ِزينَِة ن ِمِّ أَْوَزاًرا لْنَا ُحِمِّ ِكنها ـٰ السهاِمِريُّ ٰ َولَ أَلْقَى ِلَك [ They said : "We did not break our promise to you of our own accord (with intent), but we were loaded with sinful loads of ornaments of the people (of Pharaoh), and

    we threw them in the same way as Samiri did.]. (Taa Haa - 87)

    The people who worshiped the calf were to repent by giving their lives. This was a severe punishment. However, after the mediation of Musa and Haroon (السالم who prayed for their (عليهم forgiveness, Allah ( َعزه َوَجله) forgave them.

    Verse 2.56 - َثُمه بَعَثْنَاكُْم ِمْن بَْعِد َمْوتِكُْم لَعَلهكُْم تَْشكُُرون

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    Translation - Then We revived you after your death, so that you might be thankful.


    When the Isrealis demanded to see Allah, they were struck by a thunder bolt which took them into a state (a kind of) death. After sometime, they came back to their senses.

    We have briefly discussed about this issue here.

    Can the human beings see Allah ( َوَجله َعزه )?

    Manifestation (appearance) of absolute Existence of Allah ( َعزه َوَجله) is not possible in a shape, body, form of any kind - exclusive, divine or creature like. Allah ( َعزه َوَجله) is free from time, place, form and composition, physical or spiritual. He does not live in a place and is not made up of parts like hands, eyes, face, etc. He is pure from the consideration of any kind of body; physical, spiritual, visible or invisible. His Unity (Zaat-e-Elahi) cannot be expressed within the limitations of time, space and

    dwelling. Therefore, it cannot be seen by human beings, from their physical eyes or the eyes of their hearts or spiritual eyes. No one can see Allah ( َعزه َوَجله), including Prophets, Awliya Allah or anybody, in this world, or in Hereafter, or beyond. Whoever has seen Allah ( َوَجله has either seen His ,(َعزه Tajalli-e-Zaati ( نُور ) or Tajalli-e-Sifaati (in the shape of His creatures).

    It is in Quran - َِكِمۡثِله ۡلبَِصيرُ ٱ لسهِميعُ ٱ َوهَُو ۖ َشۡىٌء ۦ لَۡيَس [ Nothing is like Him, and He is the Seer and Hearer.] (Ash-Shura - 11).

    It is in Quran - ِرُ ٱ هُڪُ َله تُۡدر ـٰ رَ ٱ َوهَُو يُۡدِرُك ْۡلَۡبَص ـٰ ۡلَخبِيرُ ٱ للهِطيفُ ٱَوهَُو ۖ ْۡلَۡبَص [Eyes (people) cannot see Him, He sees peoples' eyes (them). He has subtle vision and is aware of everything. (Al-An'aam - 103).

    It is in Quran - ُٱَوَما َكاَن ِلبََشٍر أَن يَُكلَِِّمه ُ فَيُوِحَى بِإِۡذنِهِ ّلله ۥ إِنههُ ۚ َما يََشآءُ ۦ إَِله َوۡحيًا أَۡو ِمن َوَرآىِٕ ِحَجاٍب أَۡو يُۡرِسَل َرسُوَلً

    يٌم ِڪ َعِلىٌّ حَ [It is not fitting for a human being that Allah ( َعزه َوَجله) should speak to him except by inspiration, or from behind a veil, or by sending of an Apostle to reveal, with Allah's ( َعزه َوَجله) permission, what Allah ( َعزه َوَجله) wills: for He is Most High, Most Wise".] (Ash-Shura - 51).

    It is in Quran - ِِكن ـٰ ا َجاَء ُموَسٰى ِلِميقَاتِنَا َوَكلهَمهُ َربُّهُ قَاَل َرِبِّ أَِرنِي أَنظُْر إِلَيَْك ۚ قَاَل لَن تََرانِي َولَ انظُْر إِلَى الَْجبَِل َولَمها تَ فَإِِن اْستَقَره َمَكانَهُ فََسْوَف تََرانِي ۚ ُل لَهَُجلهٰى َربُّهُ ِللَْجبَِل َجعَ فَلَمه ا أَفَاَق قَاَل سُبَْحانََك تُبُْت إِلَيَْك َوأَنَا أَوه دَكًّا َوَخره ُموَسٰى َصِعقًا ۚ فَلَمه

    came at the time and place appointed by Us and (عليه السالم) And when Musa ] الُْمْؤِمنِينَ his Lord spoke to him; he said "O' My Lord, show me (yourself) that I may look upon

    You". Allah said "you cannot see Me, but look upon the mountain, if it stands still in its place, then you shall see Me". So when his Lord manifested His Tajalli on the mountain, He made it collapse to dust and Musa ( عليه السالم) fell down unconscious.

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    Then when he recovered his senses he said: "Glory be to You, I turn to You in repentance and I am foremost of the believers.] ( Al Araf - 143).

    It is in Hadith - Abdullah bin Shaqiq ( عنہ ی تعالرضئ هللا ) reported : I said to Abu Dharr ( عنہ یرضئ هللا تعال ) : Had I seen the Apostle of Allah (صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم), I would have asked him. He (Abu Dharr - عنہ یرضئ هللا تعال ) said : What is that thing that you wanted to inquire of him? He said : I wanted to ask him whether he had seen his Lord. Abu Dharr ( عنہ یرضئ هللا تعال ) said: I, in fact, inquired of him, and he replied: I saw Light نُور

    (Allah's Tajalli-e-Zaati). (Muslim, Book # 1, Hadith # 342).

    It is in Hadith - بِْن َشِقيٍق َعْن حدِّثنا أَبُو بَْكِر ِ بُْن أَبِي َشيْبَةَ : َحدهثَنَا َوِكيٌع َعْن يَِزيدَ بِْن إِبَْراِهيَم َعْن قَتَادَةَ َعْن َعبِْد َّللاِّأََراهُ انى نُوٌر قَاَل َربهَك؟ َرأَيَْت هَْل :ِ َسأَلُْت َرسُوَل َّللاِّ قَاَل: ، ذٍَرِّ Narrated on the authority of Abu ] أَبِي Dharr ( عنہ ی رضئ هللا تعال ) - I asked the Apostle of Allah ( آله وسلم Did you - (صلى هللا عليه و

    see your Lord? He (the Prophet - صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) said "He is light نُور, I saw Him.] (Muslim, Book # 1, Hadith # 341).

    It is important to note that Allah's light ( نُور ) is within his Zaat. It is not that Zaat-e-Elahi is within His light (نُور). We cannot confine Zaat-e-Elahi into His own light, (نُور) or into a form, shape, or body; exclusively divine or creature like. If you do that, it will be shirk.

    It is in Quran - نُوُر السهَماَواِت َواْْلَْرِض ُ light - existence) of Heavens and) نُور Allah is the ] َّللاهEarth.] (An-Noor - 35).

    The meaning of seeing Allah ( َعزه َوَجله) in the light of Quran and Ahadith

    Name is the mixture of Zaat (person) + Sifat (attribute). Allah's ( َعزه َوَجله) name is "Rahman", ( الرحمن - Compassionate) meaning it is the mixture of His Zaat + His attribute of compassion (towards His creatures).

    Similarly, His name is "Raheem", ( الرحيم - Merciful ) which is the mixture of His Zaat + His attribute

    of Mercy (towards His creatures).

    The same is the case with His other names (epithets of Allah - َعزه َوَجله).

    Allah ( َعزه َوَجله) likes to show His "Compassion", His "Mercy" and His other attributes to His creatures

    so that they see His magnificence, independence (self subsistence) and their indigence (dependence) upon Him. Thus, Allah's ( َعزه َوَجله) Tajalliyat-e-Asma wa al-Sifaat or Signs ( اِليات ) appear in front of us in various shapes and forms continuously.

    It is in Quran - تِهِ ۡلَحۡمدُ ٱَوقُِل ـٰ َءايَ َسيُِريكُۡم ِ تَۡعَملُونَ ۚ فَتَۡعِرفُونََہا ۦ ّلِله ا َعمه فٍِل ـٰ بِغَ َربَُّك َوَما [(Say O'Prophet ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص)

    Praise be to Allah ( َعزه َوَجله). He will show you His signs and you will recognize them. Your Lord is not heedless of anything you do.] (An-Naml - 93).

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    The entire cosmos and all worlds in it, are the places of manifestation of Allah's ( َوَجله Signs or (َعزه Tajalliyat which can appear in any form or shape.

    It is in Hadith - Ibn Abbas ( عنہ ی رضئ هللا تعال ) narrated that Allah's Apostle ( صلى هللا عليه ووسلم .said - I saw my Lord, the Exalted and Glorious in the most beautiful form (آله Ikrama ( تعال هللا عنہ ی رضئ ) said, on this I submitted, does not Allah ( َوَجله َعزه ) say that “Peoples’ eyes cannot perceive Him. He perceives their eyes.”, then Ibn Abbas ( رضئ

    عنہ یهللا تعال ) said, Hey ’ this is true when Allah’s ( َعزه َوَجله) refulgence (Tajalli) is from the divine light which is the “Light of His Unity”. Prophet Mohammad ( آله صلى هللا عليه و .(has seen his Sustainer (Rab) twice”. (Tirmidhi (وسلم

    The above Hadith clearly distinguishes between Manifestation of Allah's ( َوَجله Tajalli-e-Zaati (َعزه

    (which is referred to as 'Light of His Unity') and Tajalli-e-Sifaati - Manifestation of Allah's ( َوَجله (َعزه Attributes. Prophet Mohammad ( و آله وسلم عليه صلى هللا ) saw Allah in both Tajalli-e-Zaati and Tajalli-e-Sifaati. In Tajalli-e-Zaati, what the Prophet ( آله وسلمصلى هللا عليه و ) witnessed is formless light ( نُور ); and in Tajalli-e-Sifaati, the Prophet ( صلى هللا عليه و آله وسلم) saw Allah in the shape of a human being.

    Important points in this context

    (i) Sighting of Allah ( َوَجله in Tajalli-e-Asma wo Sifaat will be in the shape of His (َعزه creatures or in the shape of a human being or any other shape.

    (ii) Sighting of Allah ( َعزه َوَجله) in Tajalli-e-Zaati is ( نُور ) formless light.

    (iii) If a person has seen Allah ( َعزه َوَجله) in a dream in the shape of human being and he remembers that shape and dream very well. He can remember that shape and hold it in highest respect. However, it is not allowed for him to draw the picture of that human shape, place it in front of him as Allah's ( َعزه َوَجله) picture and prostrate. If

    he does that, it will be treated as Shirk. Similarly, if he considers that what he saw is the shape of Allah ( َوَجله َعزه ) and imaginatively confines / encompasses Allah's (َعزه Unity into that shape and performs Salah five times a day with that belief, his (َوَجله Salah will be treated as idol worship.

    Salafis, Hindus, Christians (and their like minded groups) have made terrible blunder in understanding Allah's ( َعزه َوَجله) Unity (Zaat). They imagine Allah ( َعزه َوَجله) in a physical shape which has eyes, hands, face, body, etc. This kind of belief is Idol worship. Salafis' so-called Salah five times a day, with this belief, is nothing but absolute idol worship because, as per their belief, they are encompassing / confining / arresting the Unity of Allah ( َوَجله Zaat-e-Elahi) into an imaginary) (َعزه

    body sitting on a big chair over the skies.

    We worship Allah ( َعزه َوَجله) (Zaat-e-Elahi) that cannot be encompassed into any shape, form or body; exclusive or creature like. Allah ( َعزه َوَجله) is free from time, place, form and composition. He does not

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    live in a place and is not made up of parts like hands, eyes, face, etc. His Unity (Zaat-e-Elahi) cannot be expressed within the limitations of time, space and dwelling. He is beyond the imaginations of human beings.
