Page 1: FUNGI. Fungi General Characteristics eukaryote absorptive heterotroph - saprobe or parasite cell walls made of chitin multicellular (except for yeast)


Page 2: FUNGI. Fungi General Characteristics eukaryote absorptive heterotroph - saprobe or parasite cell walls made of chitin multicellular (except for yeast)

FungiGeneral Characteristics

• eukaryote

• absorptive heterotroph - saprobe or parasite

• cell walls made of chitin

• multicellular (except for yeast)

• reproduce with spores

Page 3: FUNGI. Fungi General Characteristics eukaryote absorptive heterotroph - saprobe or parasite cell walls made of chitin multicellular (except for yeast)


• hyphae

– filaments of cells, tubes with many nuclei

• mycelium

– (tissues) branches of hyphae; main body of fungus

• rihizoids

– root like hyphae that anchor fungus

• stolons

– stem-like hyphae that run along surface of a food source


Page 4: FUNGI. Fungi General Characteristics eukaryote absorptive heterotroph - saprobe or parasite cell walls made of chitin multicellular (except for yeast)




Page 5: FUNGI. Fungi General Characteristics eukaryote absorptive heterotroph - saprobe or parasite cell walls made of chitin multicellular (except for yeast)




Page 6: FUNGI. Fungi General Characteristics eukaryote absorptive heterotroph - saprobe or parasite cell walls made of chitin multicellular (except for yeast)

Fungi are classified based on their

reproductive structures

(how they produce spores)


Page 7: FUNGI. Fungi General Characteristics eukaryote absorptive heterotroph - saprobe or parasite cell walls made of chitin multicellular (except for yeast)


– extracellular digestion

• enzymes are secreted into food source

• food source is digested by enzymes

• nutrients are absorbed by fungus


Page 8: FUNGI. Fungi General Characteristics eukaryote absorptive heterotroph - saprobe or parasite cell walls made of chitin multicellular (except for yeast)

Life Cycle

• fungal spores dispersed

– Spores that reach food source – germinate

• hyphae penetrate into food

– Nutrients are absorbed

• mycelium grows from the food

– fruiting body is made

• releases spores


Page 9: FUNGI. Fungi General Characteristics eukaryote absorptive heterotroph - saprobe or parasite cell walls made of chitin multicellular (except for yeast)

Phylum Zygomycota

• common name - common molds

• ex – bread mold

• reproduction

– asexual – spores from sporangium

– sexual - zygospore forms when hyphae of different sexes fuse together; thick walled zygospore is formed

• uses – parasite, saprobe


Page 10: FUNGI. Fungi General Characteristics eukaryote absorptive heterotroph - saprobe or parasite cell walls made of chitin multicellular (except for yeast)

Phylum Basidiomycota

• common name – club fungi

• ex – mushrooms, shelf fungi, smuts, rusts, puffballs

• reproduction

– basidiospores

– basidia – club shaped structure where spores form on gills

• uses – many are edible; plant disease; poisonous (toadstools)


Page 11: FUNGI. Fungi General Characteristics eukaryote absorptive heterotroph - saprobe or parasite cell walls made of chitin multicellular (except for yeast)

smuts rusts

stinkhorn shelf fungi


Page 12: FUNGI. Fungi General Characteristics eukaryote absorptive heterotroph - saprobe or parasite cell walls made of chitin multicellular (except for yeast)

puff balls



Page 13: FUNGI. Fungi General Characteristics eukaryote absorptive heterotroph - saprobe or parasite cell walls made of chitin multicellular (except for yeast)

Phylum Ascomycota

• common name – sac fungi

• ex – yeast, powdery mildews, morels

• reproduction

– asexual – conidiophores (clusters of spores)

– sexual – ascospores produces in

ascus (sac like structure)

• uses – brewing, baking, research, plant diseases, some are edible


Page 14: FUNGI. Fungi General Characteristics eukaryote absorptive heterotroph - saprobe or parasite cell walls made of chitin multicellular (except for yeast)


Yeast Powdery mildews


Page 15: FUNGI. Fungi General Characteristics eukaryote absorptive heterotroph - saprobe or parasite cell walls made of chitin multicellular (except for yeast)

Phylum Duteromycota

• common name – imperfect fungi

• ex – penicillium, ring worm, athlethe’s foot, jock itch

• reproduction

– only asexual

• uses – penecillin / antibiotics, soy sauce,

bleu cheese, citric acid


Page 16: FUNGI. Fungi General Characteristics eukaryote absorptive heterotroph - saprobe or parasite cell walls made of chitin multicellular (except for yeast)

ring worm


Page 17: FUNGI. Fungi General Characteristics eukaryote absorptive heterotroph - saprobe or parasite cell walls made of chitin multicellular (except for yeast)

Athlete’s foot

(ring worm)

Nail fungus

(ring worm)


Page 18: FUNGI. Fungi General Characteristics eukaryote absorptive heterotroph - saprobe or parasite cell walls made of chitin multicellular (except for yeast)

Phylum mycophyta

• common name – lichen

• mutualistic relationship

– fungus & green algae, neither could live alone

– algae provides food, fungus provides protection and minerals

• reproduction (skip)

• uses – food for animals, pioneer species, starts soil in some places


Page 19: FUNGI. Fungi General Characteristics eukaryote absorptive heterotroph - saprobe or parasite cell walls made of chitin multicellular (except for yeast)


