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Making PossibleFulcrum Foundation 2010 Annual Report

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Our MissionFounded in 2002, the Fulcrum Foundation provides financial assistance to the 73 Catholic schools in western Washington and their students, primarily through tuition assistance, assistance to schools in need, and school initiatives that promote academic excellence.

2002 The Fulcrum Foundation is established as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

2004 Fulcrum begins its five-year Embracing Our Legacy capital campaign, with a goal of raising $40 million to benefit Catholic education.

2005 The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation donates $7.5 million to Fulcrum.

2007 An Archdiocesean-wide campaign appeal results in 1,582 gifts for schools.

2008 Fulcrum’s sixth annual Celebration of Light gala reaches a record-breaking $1 million in donations in a single evening.

2009 The Embracing Our Legacy capital campaign soundly surpasses its goal, raising nearly $43 million for Catholic education.

2009 Fund-a-Student initiative is created and raises more than $380,000 in its first year.

2010 Celebration of Light surpasses $1 million in donations for the second time in its history.

Support for Students & FamiliesThe Fulcrum Foundation awards tuition assistance grants to students of families with limited financial means. In fiscal year 2010, 1,200 students received grants to attend Catholic school.

Support for SchoolsFulcrum provides financial support to Catholic schools that are strug-gling to maintain financial viability, often due to unexpected emergency expenses, critical operating costs, or costly safety improvements. Fulcrum awarded $1,101,304 total to 23 Catholic schools in need this year.

Support for Educators & Academic ExcellenceTo recognize and encourage academic excellence in Catholic schools, Fulcrum provides funds for teachers through the Star Grant program and other initiatives to promote the professional develop-ment of Catholic school educators.

Fulcrum Foundation Milestones

Photos in this annual report © 2010 Mike Penney Photography unless otherwise indicated.

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Making PossibleDear Friends of the Fulcrum Foundation,In fiscal year 2010, over $2,500,000 was distributed by the Fulcrum Foundation to families, schools, and teachers in Catholic schools in western Washington. This represents the largest year of distributions to schools in the recorded history of the Archdiocese and a 310-percent increase in annual distributions from the Fulcrum Foundation since 2004. However, this dramatic increase in financial support represents so much more than dollars and cents. What is it that we are making possible with these significant investments?

This past spring we received a letter from one of our graduating 8th-grade stu-dents, a tuition assistance recipient for all of his 1st through 8th grade years in Catholic elementary school. In reading his letter, we were struck not only by his eloquence and his gratitude, but also by his mature ability to reflect on the value of the education he has received thus far. This fall, he will attend one of our 11 impressive Catholic high schools. What is clear to this point is that his Catholic education has already shaped him in very positive ways, and we are certain that he will continue to excel.

This young man’s letter also brought forth in us the realization that we, too, have finished our eighth year in Catholic education as a Foundation. Therefore, in bringing you this eighth annual report from the Fulcrum Foundation, we take a page out of this young scholar’s book and reflect with appreciation on what it is we are making possible.

The stories in this report validate our mission and exemplify the significance of your support. Your investments represent more than dollars and cents; you are making possible what someone once felt was impossible.



Tuition Assistance Program 2

Assistance to Schools in Need 4

Fund a School Initiative 6

Business Alliance 6

Star Grants 8

Celebration of Light 10

Legacy Society 12

Amici 14

Financial Summary 16

Endowments 17

2010 Board and Staff 18

Recognition of Gifts 2010 19

Joe WomacExecutive Director

Joe WomacExecutive Director

Father Michael G. Ryan Chair of the Board

Father Michael G. Ryan Chair of the Board

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Standard Grant AmountPer Recipient




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Students Receiving Grants Annual Totals











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Grant DistributionBy Ethnicity

59% Ethnic


41% Caucasian

Making AccessibleThanks to the generosity of our supporters, the Fulcrum Foundation is proud to have awarded 1,200 Tuition Assistance Grants in fiscal year 2010. For Ricardo and Teruko Reyes, St. Alphonsus Catholic School in Seattle represents much more than a building where their children attend school; it represents a critical destination in an amazing family journey. It represents a home.

Throughout the years, the Reyes family’s journey has brought them many places. At times, it has been an external struggle which they have had to endure by drawing upon their immense spiritual strength. Having spent time in Japan, Thailand, Brazil, and Mexico, the Reyeses have encoun-tered setbacks and challenges at each point along the way, trying to establish a meaningful life and a stable home. “We were defeated externally a lot. People would trick us,” says Ricardo. Finally, ten years ago they arrived in Seattle with little more than each other and their beautiful children. “We crash landed in Seattle. It was rough, but survivable.”

The first year in Seattle was in many ways as challenging as the previous destinations. Teruko and the children did not speak English, and Ricardo was busy trying to get established in

his work. It wasn’t until they noticed St. Alphonsus School in the neighbor-hood and decided to check it out that they felt they had finally landed. “We became a part of society once we came to St. Alphonsus,” reports Ricardo. “It was a relief to have the children in St. Alphonsus school. The value of this school is the religion. It is the founda-tion the children need.”

With the help of Fulcrum Foundation grants and local tuition assistance made available by the parish, three of the six Reyes children have grad-uated from St. Alphonsus, and the youngest three girls are currently thriv-ing in the school. Mari, a 7th grader, has dreams becoming a nurse. Teresa, a 4th grader, loves sci-ence and is a marine

biologist in the making: “I want to care for dolphins!” she says. Rosa, the young-est, is in 2nd grade and is most excited about her first Communion this year.

What message does Ricardo have for the supporters who have made this education possible for his children? “We are so grateful. Without them it would not be possible. Just look at my won-derful children. This is an investment Fulcrum’s donors can be proud of.”

Fund-a-Student Program Makes an Immediate ImpactFiscal year 2010 was the Fulcrum Foundation’s first full year administer-ing the newly created “Fund-a-Student” program, a new initiative allowing sup-porters to sponsor one or more Catholic school students on a per child, per year basis. For just $850 per grant, donors have been able to make a year of Catholic education possible for a child, thanks in part to matching contribu-tions from the schools, parishes, and families.

The program has been an unquestion-able success, attracting more than 450 student sponsorships in just 14 months since its creation. Perhaps most rewarding was delivering the 450 thank you letters from the students to their sponsors this spring. That’s 450 futures made much brighter because of these supporters.

Interested in sponsoring a child? Let us know! We have many unfilled requests for help that are waiting for a guardian angel like you to come along!

For information, contact Joe Womac at (206)748-7987 or via e-mail at [email protected].

Teresa (4th grade), Mari (7th grade), and Rosa (2nd grade)St. Alphonsus School, Seattle

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Just look at my wonderful children. This is an investment Fulcrum’s donors can be proud of.

― Ricardo Reyes, father

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Making Viable Fulcrum’s Assistance to Schools in Need program keeps Catholic schools healthy in the face of financial challenges.Last fall, the 3rd-grade class at Immaculate Conception & Our Lady of Perpetual Help School in Everett was sharply disrupted and frightened when a large section of the ceiling came crashing down, striking three of the students. Thankfully, none of the students were seriously injured, but a follow-up inspection revealed fis-sures and cracks in classroom ceilings throughout the building that put students and teachers in danger.

The cost of the drywall repairs and paint was estimated at close to $20,000. Additionally, the school needed to begin work on overdue seismic improvements to the unreinforced masonry building. Principal Donna Ramos wondered how to fund the projects since the school had recently spent thousands of dollars on unanticipated emergency repairs to the boiler and plumbing system. Without a significant subsidy, the school would be forced to delay other critical safety upgrades.

A strong and energetic advocate for her school, Principal Ramos turned to the Fulcrum Foundation for help. In response to her compelling appeal

through the Assistance to Schools in Need program, Fulcrum awarded the school $29,867 to fund the ceiling repairs and the initial phase of seismic improvements.

“News of the Fulcrum grant brought great relief and a new sense of con-fidence and hope for the future,” says Principal Ramos. Immaculate

Conception & Our Lady of Perpetual Help is one of 23 schools that received grants last year ranging from $5,000 to $60,000 through the Assistance to Schools in Need

program. Along with these requests for emergency expenses, critical oper-ating costs, deferred maintenance projects, and other projects that would have resulted in major end-of-year def-icits, Fulcrum provided $417,169 to struggling, inner-city schools through the Rainbow Schools program. In total, the Foundation distributed $1,101,304 in assistance to schools last fiscal year. For these schools and their leaders, Fulcrum Foundation is a lifeline, sharing in their challenges and making viable their visions for a more stable future.

Improving the Diversity of Our Catholic SchoolsIn recent years the U.S. Bishops, Archdiocese of Seattle, University of Notre Dame, and many other Catholic leaders have called attention to the importance of increasing Latino enroll-ment in Catholic schools. The Fulcrum Foundation has joined in this effort with Ethnic and Cultural Diversity Grants, which fund tuition assistance to under-represented ethnic groups, the hiring of bilingual staff, special curriculum and programs, marketing, and teacher train-ing. The efforts are paying off.

“Five years ago our school community looked much different than it does today,” says Kathy Cartee, principal of Immaculate Conception Regional School, Skagit Valley. “We took a look at our student population and realized that not all demographics, particularly our Latino brothers and sisters, were appropriately present in our school community. This led us to examine the reasons for this reality and to take steps toward improving our diversity. We’re proud of the progress we have made and could not have done so with-out help from the Fulcrum Foundation.”

Last year, six schools received $78,000 in Ethnic & Cultural Diversity Grants from the Fulcrum Foundation.

2010 Grant RecipientsAssumption, Bellingham Christ the King Holy Family, White Center Holy Rosary, Tacoma Immaculate Conception, Mt. Vernon Immaculate Conception & OLPH Our Lady of Guadalupe Queen of Angels St. Alphonsus St. Bernadette St. Brendan St. Cecilia

St. Edward St. George St. Joseph, Chehalis St. Mary, Aberdeen St. Matthew St. Michael, Snohomish St. Paul St. Rose St. Therese Visitation Seton Catholic High School

For these schools and their leaders, Fulcrum Foundation is a lifeline.

Principal Donna Ramos and students from Immaculate Conception & Our Lady of Perpetual Help School, Everett

Assistance to Schools in NeedProgram Funding (excluding Rainbow Schools program)







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News of the Fulcrum grant brought great relief and a new sense of confidence and hope for the future.

― Donna Ramos, Principal Immaculate Conception & OLPH School, Everett

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Making Adaptable A leaky roof. A new pre-kindergarten program. Lunchroom equipment that doesn’t heat or cool properly. What do these needs have in common? They were just a few of the reasons school principals applied for Fulcrum grants through our Assistance to Schools in Need program. Now they are perfect candidates for Fulcrum’s Fund-a-School initiative.Inspired by the generous response to Fund-a-Student, the Fund-a-School program matches benefactors with specific school projects that are of particular interest to them because of geographic location, academic focus, type of capital need, or otherwise. The result is a more satisfying partnership for all parties.

While this program is an excellent fit for individual benefactors, it also provides a unique opportunity for businesses or even other schools to lend support, as in the following story:

For years, Visitation School in Tacoma had social studies textbooks that only covered events through President Jimmy Carter’s administration. The already-lean school budget left no room for replacing the outdated texts. This past fall, help arrived via another Catholic school only six miles away; St. Charles Borromeo School added a “fund a need” appeal for Visitation at their auction. The result: $21,000 for new textbooks at Visitation, and a record-breaking auction for St. Charles.

Each year, the Fulcrum Foundation receives applications for assistance

with specific projects related to educating students and necessary maintenance of schools. One way to increase funds available for the Assistance to Schools in Need program is to develop partnerships with schools that are in a position to help others. A number of our schools have a his-tory of including an additional “fund a need” at their annual auction for

another school. In the last few years, Fulcrum has suggested particular schools for this purpose so that aid goes to schools currently in need. When the funds raised are routed through Fulcrum, we monitor their disbursement to ensure they are spent for the intended purpose.

Although one might assume such an appeal would reduce the total raised for the donor school, reports from St. Charles and other schools have

been just the opposite. “We do the appeal for a school in need right at the beginning of our auction,” said Susan Burdett, principal of Our Lady of Fatima School in Seattle, “and each year we have raised more money and beat our goals. Our guests know we are a fortu-nate community and we are called on to share our blessings with others. The joy we all experience in making this gift to another school is a highlight of the evening for everyone!”

We applaud the schools below that have recently included a “fund a need” appeal for another school in their auction:

Assumption-St. Bridget School Our Lady of Fatima School St. Charles Borromeo School St. Joseph School, Seattle Seattle Preparatory School

Their leadership inspires us to encour-age other schools to do the same.

With the continued help of generous individuals, businesses and financially able schools, we look forward to help-ing more schools in need through this exciting new program.

Fulcrum Foundation Business AllianceThe Fulcrum Foundation welcomes and leverages financial support and in-kind donations from the business community. Fulcrum’s business partners help schools balance their budgets by offering discounts on products and services, providing in-kind donations, or underwriting specific costs of education such as text books, technology and capital projects. Partners have also underwritten our annual Celebration of Light fundraiser. For more information, contact Joe Womac 206-748-7987.

Students from Visitation School, Tacoma

This program...provides a unique opportunity for businesses or even other schools to lend support.

AAA Mailing Service, Inc.

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We are called on to share our blessings with others.― Susan Burdett, Principal

Our Lady of Fatima School, Seattle

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Making Abundant To foster the continued excellence of our Catholic schools, the Fulcrum Foundation awards funds to teachers and staff for their creative classroom initiatives and professional development. With help from a Fulcrum Star Grant, one such initiative has flourished into a school-wide learning experience.Less than a year ago, Fr. Gary Zender blessed the new greenhouse at St. Anthony School in Renton, provided by a Fulcrum Foundation Star Grant. Today, a look inside reveals a bountiful harvest that would lead one to believe this greenhouse has been in operation for ages.

The Kindergarten class boasts a thriv-ing crop of pumpkins developing next to the tomatoes, radishes, lettuce, and cauliflower being cultivated by the 1st and 2nd grade classes. Not to be outdone, the 3rd and 4th grades are tending patches of cabbage, broccoli and beets. Last but not least, the 5th and 6th grades are beautifying the scene with fragrant, colorful flowers such as daisies, marigolds, impatiens, and sunflowers.

One might ask, “Is this a school or a farm?” But a deeper look beyond the harvest itself reveals that in this little green-house, life-long lessons of science, stewardship, entrepreneurialism, and faith are coming together in a wonderful and harmo-nious way. Research and common sense agree that some of the most power-ful learning happens in

cross-curricular settings as well as in hands-on settings. The greenhouse is a model of this type of teaching, giving students opportunities to practice newly acquired skills appropriate to their grade level.

Science lessons are taught to all grades at St. Anthony’s through a composting program involving “Red Wiggler” worms and lunchroom scraps. These same worms and lunch-room scraps also serve as a powerful lesson in stewardship of resources, as students learn to reduce waste, foster a cleaner environment, and

share the fruits of their harvest. In a similar way, students gain hands-on practice of arithmetic and business skills when they manage the accounts of their vegetable sales to the local community and decide how to reinvest the funds in the next crops. Finally, students learn in an unforgettable way the power of Christ-like service to others when they themselves deliver vegetables to the local food bank for donation.

This past fiscal year, the Fulcrum Foundation awarded grants of up to $1,500 to 19 teachers and staff members for creative curriculum ini-tiatives such as the greenhouse at St. Anthony’s. With results such as these, how could we not?

A complete list of Star Grant recipi-ents and their initiatives can be found at

In this little greenhouse, life-long lessons of science, stewardship, entrepreneurialism, and faith are coming together in a wonderful and harmonious way.

Second grader from St. Anthony School, Renton

Photos courtesy St. Anthony School

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We want our students to know that the learning they are undertaking is more than ‘book learning.’

― Sr. Linda Riggers, S.N.J.M. St. Anthony Principal

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Making Radiant The Fulcrum Foundation’s Eighth Annual Celebration of Light dinner was held on February 5, 2010, and it was a tremendous success, raising more than $1 million.

The Celebration of Light, the region’s signature event to celebrate and support Catholic schools each year, brings the community together to honor the achievements of its schools and contribute to their continuing success. This year’s event set a record for underwriting support from our Partners in Catholic Education, who generously donated more than $220,000. In all, the event raised more than $1 million.

As in past years, the highlight of the Celebration of Light is the presence and enthusiasm of so many leaders and benefactors of Catholic education. Suzie Burke served as Chair of the event. Katie Hudson, Forest Ridge School of the Sacred Heart senior, emceed the event and introduced four distinguished Champions of Catholic Education who spoke about the contribution of Catholic schools and the way in which they foster the academic, religious, and moral development of their students.

Steve and Jo Marie Hansen of St. Joseph Parish, Vancouver, and Rev. Stephen C. Rowan received the Archbishop’s awards for outstanding

contributions to Catholic schools. Max Hanson, an 8th-grade student at St. Anne School and a cancer survivor, talked about the encouragement he received from his Catholic school com-munity during his illness. Guests were also entertained by St. Matthew 2nd graders, who sang a blessing before dinner.

The most inspiring moment came from a video which documented the

importance of tuition assistance for a family of 10 children attend-ing Holy Rosary School, Tacoma, as well as a very promising Kennedy Catholic High School student who, without Fulcrum’s help, would not be able to attend Catholic school. Very

Rev. Michael G. Ryan made a powerful appeal for the supporters to dig deep and raise $1 million that evening. They came through, raising $1,006,317.

The generosity of our supporters in a difficult economic time is a true measure of the value they place on Catholic education.

The generosity of our supporters in a difficult economic time is a true measure of the value they place on Catholic education.

Total Funds RaisedCelebration of Light








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Max Hanson – 8th grader, St. Anne SchoolCelebration of Light featured speaker

Photos: Bryce Covey and Team Photogenic NW, Inc. © 2010

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Our world needs these schools. Our world needs these children who are educated in Catholic Schools.

― Diane Irvine, CEO Blue Nile and a 2010 Champion of Catholic Education

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Making A Legacy Many of the Fulcrum Foundation’s benefactors have two or three generations of family members who have been educated in Catholic schools. To these donors, the logic of providing for future generations of students seems very real.

The Fulcrum Foundation Legacy Society continues to attract donors who want to make a lasting impact on Catholic schools. Planned gifts are a vital element of our mission that will benefit our students and schools for generations to come. They will provide a pipeline of support that augments outright gifts and results in a steady stream of funding for our Catholic schools.

Fulcrum’s Legacy Society now counts 36 individuals, families and entities who have included Fulcrum in their estate plans. This past March, the third-annual Legacy Luncheon was held at the Seattle Tennis Club (photos at left). The purpose of this year’s luncheon was to honor Legacy Society members, explain the importance of planned gifts in Fulcrum’s overall development plan, and highlight poten-tial tax advantages of estate planning. Guests heard from three Fulcrum tuition assistance recipients attending Kennedy Catholic High School, chat-ted with assistance recipients at their tables, and were entertained by the Assumption-St. Bridget School choir.

The lunch program also included a presentation by Legacy Advisory Committee member Renée Ryan of law firm Perkins Coie, highlighting a significant gift of a donor’s personal residence through a living trust to the Foundation.

Having received three significant planned gifts this year, we know that leaving a legacy for Catholic education strikes an important chord with many of our supporters. The Fulcrum Legacy Advisory Committee is a resource for answering questions from current and prospective donors about planned gifts. Last year, Fulcrum launched a new section of its website, devoted to gift planning and containing donor sto-ries, illustrations of gifts, and tools for determining the best type of planned gift for a particular donor. Our goal of providing a steady source of revenue for our schools far into the future will be made possible by our efforts to inform and thank our supporters for their forethought and generosity.

Legacy Advisory CommitteeEarl F. Angevine Brian G. DiJulio Joseph M. Gaffney Frederic T. Kutscher Matthew Philichi Renée Ryan

Legacy Society MembersAnonymous (2) Estate of Bertha Marie Allen Rick and Marguerite Angelo Earl and JoAnn Angevine Jack and Maralyn Blume Estate of Maurice L. Bombar, Jr. Consted Trust Luino and Margaret Dell’Osso Robert Douroux Ruth Eckert William Eisiminger Rick and Patti Fersch Margaret (Peg) Haggerty Estate of the Honorable James P. Healy George and Debra Hofbauer Ronald and Kathleen Karlberg Mike and Mary Lee Rhoady and Jeanne Marie Lee Merton and Joanne Lott V. Rev. Paul Magnano Deacon Larry and Karen McDonald Tim and Jeannie McGinnis Steven J. and Mary Jane Medalia Tim and Sara Mooney Rourke O’Brien Anthony Olney and Mary McHugh Glenna Olson Rev. John Renggli Patricia Clemens Repikoff Rev. Stephen C. Rowan V. Rev. Michael G. Ryan Carol Sigg Jack and Rose Southall T. Jackson and Mary Ellen Warfield Peter and Karen Wickstrand

Deacon Jack and Mary Ellen WarfieldLegacy Society Members

Photo at right courtesy Deacon Jack Warfield

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The ability to help educate somebody – not even knowing who it will be, but knowing it now while I am alive – gives me great joy and peace.

― Deacon Jack Warfield

The Warfields – A Legacy of FaithDeacon Jack and Mary Ellen Warfield were introduced by his sister while in college. On their first date, they danced to the Harry James Orchestra. Mary Ellen was a great dancer and a proper Catholic girl. On the way to the car, Jack went to grab her hand, but she wouldn’t let him. In addition, “She hugged the car door all the way home!” he recalls.

Persistence paid off as they eventually married and had five children. Settling on Mercer Island, they sent all their chil-dren to St. Monica School, with the boys moving on to Seattle Prep and O’Dea, and the girls to Forest Ridge School of the Sacred Heart. Having been brought up Methodist, Deacon Jack says, “I wouldn’t have been a Catholic or a deacon if it wasn’t for my wife.” St. Monica parish, where Deacon Jack celebrated his first Communion at Easter 1962, was integral to their family.

“The Catholic education did great work,” he says. “All of our children have lived good lives. All of them go to Church. It makes me feel very happy. That’s why I am so set on continuing the funding of Catholic education. That is what will hold our children and society together and give us a view of what life is all about.”

Today, Mary Ellen struggles with Alzheimer’s disease. Deacon Jack and his family lovingly care for her and know she takes comfort in her faith and the prayers she learned in her childhood. “If I didn’t have this faith of mine, my family and my God,” says Deacon Jack, “I can see how one could lose hope.” Including Catholic schools and the Fulcrum Foundation in their estate plans has given him added comfort and satisfaction. “The ability to help educate somebody – not even know-ing who it will be, but knowing it now while I am alive – gives me great joy and peace.”

Deacon Jack hopes others will be moved to plan a similar legacy, no matter how modest. Believing we are called to share our gifts, he says, “The good Lord saw something in each of us and gave us the opportunity to use our talents. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if every one of us could give the fruits of that talent to someone else who needs it?”

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Making A Difference Founded in 2007, Amici (Italian for “friends”) is a group of active and altruistic young professionals dedicated to supporting the mission of the Fulcrum Foundation through volunteering, outreach and fundraising.

Now in its fourth year, the Amici group is rapidly growing with 19 board members and nearly 140 active mem-bers who are busy hosting events, engaging volunteers for service projects, and building enthusiasm for the 73 Catholic schools in west-ern Washington. This group of young philanthropic professionals are a true testament of what it means to be an engaged Catholic citizen.

This past year, Amici partnered with St. Edward School in the Columbia City neighborhood. Amici members worked closely with the school to find ways to support St. Edward’s commu-nity. Through fundraising events such as Amici Trivia Night and the Amici Speaker Series, members raised more than $4,000 – enough money to purchase a SMART Board for the school’s media/technology room. Amici also held two service projects, including a garden clean-up party to beautify the school grounds. Other accomplishments include soliciting a

$1,500 grant to Camp Island Wood and purchasing 30 new novels for the middle school.

This coming year, Amici will partner with St. Alphonsus School in Ballard. Adam Janicki, an auditor with KPMG LLP – Seattle, has been elected as Amici’s new Chair. “The Amici mem-bers are enthusiastic and motivated for the coming year,” he says. “I am so excited to be part of Amici, and I believe our true potential is only beginning to be uncovered.”

Amici’s young leaders are work-ing hard to follow in the footsteps of Fulcrum’s Board of Trustees, to continue the mission of the Fulcrum Foundation for generations of Catholic school students to come. These young men and women have brought an unparalleled dedication and boundless energy to the Fulcrum mission.

To learn more about Amici, visit, find us on Facebook,, or contact Christen Lambert at (206) 219-5811.

2010 Amici Board MembersAdam Janicki, Chair Dana Questad, Vice Chair Nick Altenhofen Carly Cyr Kelly D’Ambrosio Patrick D’Ambrosio Kate Donovan

Patrick Fennessy Martha Gibney Amanda House Brendan Kolding Christen Lambert Ryan Lambert Elaine Markham

Daniel Mullen David Perez Stephen Russell Craig Schaefer Kayla Shaw

2010 Amici Board Members

These young men and women have brought an unparalleled dedication and boundless energy to the Fulcrum mission.

Photos courtesy Amici

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Amici Speaker SeriesThis year, Amici introduced a new and exciting opportunity for members of the young professionals group. On June 17th, Amici held its inaugural speaker series with a panel of successful business and community leaders. The topic was ethi-cal leadership, and the panel consisted of Melanie Dressel, President and CEO of Columbia Bank; John Dienhart, Ph.D., The Frank Shrontz Chair for Professional Ethics at Seattle University; and Gordon McHenry Jr., Executive Director of Rainier Scholars. The moderator of the event was Q13 Fox Reporter and parent at Our Lady of Guadalupe School, Brian Callanan.

Amici plans to host this speaker series annually with a variety of interesting and educational topics for young professionals to listen, learn and interact with mem-bers of the local business community.

2010 Amici Board MembersDaniel Mullen David Perez Stephen Russell Craig Schaefer Kayla Shaw

We build our characters out of the building blocks of our actions. It is not a random act we put away. It becomes a part of our history, a part of who we are.

– John Dienhart, Ph.D., Seattle University

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Condensed Statement of ActivitiesFiscal Year ended June 30, 2010 (Unaudited)

Operating ActivitiesSupport and Revenue General Donations $ 3,808,975 Celebration of Light (net of direct expenses) 731,085 Less: Discounts and Allowances on Pledges (90,623) Endowment Gains/Losses and Earnings 2,272,109 Other Income 789

$ 6,722,335

ExpensesProgram Services Tuition Assistance Program Grants $ 1,394,700 Assistance to Schools Grants 1,101,304 Assistance for Teachers 32,172 Program Services Planning and Management 58,643Total Program Services $ 2,586,819

Supporting Services General Administration and Support $ 261,573 Fundraising 382,225Total Supporting Services $ 643,798

$ 3,230,617

Net Assets, Beginning of Year $ 21,895,110

Net Assets, End of Year $ 25,386,828 Change in Net Assets $ 3,491,718

43% assistance to schools

in need

1% assistance

for teachers 2% program services

54% tuition


















7m $2.5


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Total Funds DistributedTo Catholic Schools

Funds Distribution

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Fulcrum Foundation EndowmentsFulcrum Central Endowments: $18,596,342 (1-year yield of 14.65%)

Tuition Assistance EndowmentsThe Archbishop Thomas A. Connolly Endowment Established under Fulcrum: 2003. Purpose: Tuition Assistance throughout the Archdiocese of SeattleThe Archbishop Thomas J. Murphy Endowment Established: 2003. Purpose: Tuition Assistance throughout the Archdiocese of SeattleThe Blanche & Louis Schmidt Memorial Endowment Fund Established under Fulcrum: 2006. Purpose: Tuition Assistance throughout the Archdiocese of SeattleThe Tucci Family Endowment Established under Fulcrum: 2003. Purpose: Tuition Assistance in Pierce County Catholic SchoolsThe Lisa Luger Memorial Endowment Established: 2010. Purpose: To honor the lasting contributions of founding Board member Lisa Luger through grants to single-parent families.The Father Philip Wallace Tuition Assistance Fund Established under Fulcrum: 2003. Purpose: Tuition Assistance throughout the Archdiocese of SeattleThe Legacy Endowment for Tuition Assistance Established under Fulcrum: 2005. Purpose: Tuition Assistance throughout the Archdiocese of Seattle The Archbishop Alexander J. Brunett Endowment for Families in Special Need Established: 2006. Purpose: Assistance to Families in Need throughout the Archdiocese of SeattleThe Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Endowment Fund for Tuition Assistance Established: 2006. Purpose: Tuition Assistance throughout the Archdiocese of SeattleThe Boulanger Family Endowment for Tuition Assistance Established: 2006. Purpose: Tuition Assistance in Pierce County Catholic SchoolsThe Anne & Darrell Jesse Endowment Fund Established: 2006. Purpose: Tuition Assistance in Pierce County Catholic SchoolsThe Sisters’ Endowment for Tuition Assistance Established: 2006. Purpose: Tuition Assistance throughout the Archdiocese of SeattleThe Students’ Endowment for Tuition Assistance Established: 2006. Purpose: Tuition Assistance throughout the Archdiocese of Seattle

Assistance to Schools in Need EndowmentsThe Legacy Endowment for Assistance to Schools in Need Established: 2005. Purpose: Assistance to Schools in Need throughout the Archdiocese of SeattleThe Teachers, Principals & Staff Endowment for Assistance to Schools in Need Established: 2006. Purpose: Assistance to Schools in Need throughout the Archdiocese of Seattle The Priests’ Endowment for Assistance to Schools in Need Established: 2006. Purpose: Assistance to Schools in Need throughout the Archdiocese of Seattle

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton EndowmentUnder the care of the Fulcrum Pierce County Committee, the endowment supports Pierce County Catholic grade schools through tuition assistance, continuing education for teachers and emergency needs of schools.

O’Dea High School/University of Notre Dame Scholarship FundEstablished under Fulcrum: 2003. Purpose: For O’Dea High School graduates to attend the University of Notre Dame

Individual School Endowments: $26,539,432 (1-year yield of 12.46%)The Fulcrum Foundation serves as the umbrella organization for individual school endowments. By combining resources under the Fulcrum Foundation, local schools benefit from the advice and services of Fulcrum’s fund manager and enjoy a reduced fund manager’s fee, while retaining discretion to invest their portfolios according to a range of choices.

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Fulcrum Foundation Board & Staff2010 Board of TrusteesArchbishop Alex J. Brunett

Very Reverend Michael G. Ryan Chair of the Board Pastor, St. James Cathedral

Mr. Earl Angevine Finance Committee Attorney, Angevine & Associates

Mr. Ray Aspiri Development Committee Aspiri Enterprises

Mr. Tony Audino Chair, Distribution Committee Managing Director, Conenza

Mr. Larry Brouse Distribution Committee Pastoral Assistant for Admin. St. James Cathedral

Mr. Dick Cooley Vice Chair, Board of Trustees Development Committee Seafirst Bank, Retired

Mr. Frank Feeman Treasurer, Board of Trustees Chair, Finance Committee PricewaterhouseCoopers, Retired

Reverend Patrick Freitag Finance Committee Pastor, St. Monica Parish, Mercer Is.

Mr. Kent Hickey Development Committee President, Seattle Preparatory School

Mr. Shawn Hoban Distribution Committee Co-owner & President, Coast Real Estate

Mr. George Hofbauer Secretary, Development and Nomination Committees Principal, St. Joseph School, Seattle

Ms. Cathleen Hylton Finance Committee Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers

Mrs. Diane Irvine Finance Committee President, Blue Nile, Inc.

Mrs. Mary Lee Chair, Development Committee Community Volunteer

Deacon Larry McDonald Distribution Committee Pagliacci, Retired

Mr. Robert McLaughlin School Board President Key Bank

Very Reverend David Mulholland Distribution Committee Pastor, St. Joseph School, Chehalis

Mr. Daniel Mullen Amici Chair Foundation Relations Officer, Seattle Children’s Hospital

Mr. Michael Prato Distribution Committee Principal, Kennedy Catholic High School

Mrs. Sheila Ryan Development and Nomination Committees Community Volunteer

Reverend Steven Sallis Distribution Committee Pastor, St. Benedict Parish, Seattle

Mr. Glen H. Smith Finance Committee Frank Russell Co., Retired

Mr. Joe Sprague Development Committee Vice President for Marketing, Alaska Airlines

Mr. Pat Sursely Finance Committee Archdiocesan Finance Director Archdiocese of Seattle

Sr. Mary Tracy, S.N.J.M. Development Committee President, Eastside Catholic School

Most Reverend Joseph J. Tyson Superintendent, Ex Officio Catholic Schools Department Archdiocese of Seattle

Mr. Joe Womac Executive Director Fulcrum Foundation

2010 Board of AdvisorsJose BlakeleyMary Rose BlatnerRichard BoulangerSuzanne BurkeWilliam EisimingerRichard FerryMaude FerryPeter FewingTeresa GillettDr. Anthony GnanarajahHildegard HendricksonJames HenningGeorge Hickman

George KanickStephen LatimerJoe MagnanoRev. Paul MagnanoJeannie McGinnisDavid OttoMatthew PhilichiThomas PhillipsTom PigottJames PugelRobert RatliffePatricia RepikoffRev. Stephen Rowan

Diane SabeyMike SoteloJohn SouthallRose SouthallPaula StepankowskyDoug StewartAl SymingtonKaren TarabochiaMichele ThornquistPhilip VanDerhoefMeg WestbrookArtee Young

Fulcrum StaffJoe Womac Executive Director

Sue Mecham Development Director

Teresa Dion Office Administrator/Program Assistant

Eric Downing Marketing Specialist

Christen Lambert Development Assistant

Misha Robinson Database Specialist

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Recognition of Gifts 2010We are grateful to have received the generous support of more than 1,200 donors this year, and are particularly pleased to have earned the confidence of 252 new Fulcrum Foundation donors. With this report, we gratefully acknowledge those who have supported our mission over time and those who made gifts this fiscal year. This list includes many employers who provide gifts through workplace giving and matching gifts. The collective generosity of our donors brings us ever closer to our goal of making Catholic education accessible to all who seek it.

Major Benefactors Cumulative GivingThe Fulcrum Foundation proudly recognizes these major contributors whose generous spirit of sustained giving demonstrates their commitment to Catholic education.$10,000,000 or more› Consted Trust

$7,500,000 to $9,999,999› Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

$2,000,000 to $7,499,999› Tony and Michelle Audino› Gift of Faith

$1,000,000 to $1,999,999› Anonymous (2)› Estate of the Honorable James P. Healy› The Lee Family› The Norcliffe Foundation› Charles and Yvonne Pigott› St. James Cathedral Parish› Shea Homes Foundation &

The John and Dorothy Shea Foundation

$250,000 to $499,999› Anonymous› Edith and Ray Aspiri› Vince and Kelly Bosa› Richard and Mary Ann Boulanger› Mark Busto and Maureen Lee› The Ferry Family Charitable

Foundation› Frost and Margaret Snyder Foundation

› Bill and Roni Grady› Don Hebard and Sharon Lee› Jim and Timmie Holloman› Darrell and Anne Jesse› Lakeside Industries› Rhoady Lee, III› Tim and Tina Lee› Deacon Larry and Karen McDonald

› John and Mary Pat Osterhaus› Michael Patterson› Pierce County Deanery› James and Margie Rose› St. Joseph School, Seattle› John and Rose Southall› Michael and Mary Jo Tucci

$500,000 to $999,999› Estate of Bertha Marie Allen› Archdiocese of Seattle› Pat and Mary Ellen Hughes

› Michael and Mary Lee› Rhoady and Jeanne Marie Lee› The Luger Family

› Pierce County Association of Catholic Education

$100,000 to $249,999› Anonymous (4)› Stephan and Linda Banchero› Bishop Blanchet High School› Jon and Deborah Buccola› Suzanne Burke› Coleman Family Foundation› Richard and Bridget Cooley

› Lucio and Marta Dalla Gasperina› Diagnos-Techs, Inc.› Kurt and Marie Geisel› Ruth Vernier Hirsh and Blake Hirsh› Dr. Elias Ilyia› Jack McCann Company, Inc.

› The Napoleon Company› Tom and Brooke Pigott› David and Sandra Sabey Family› Mr. and Mrs. Frederick B. Scheetz› Gary and Mimi Schulze› Mick and Marnie Schreck

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Annual Contributors Gifts received July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010Annual gifts support the programs and operations of the Fulcrum Foundation. Capital campaign pledge payments are not reflected in this list, but a complete list of campaign supporters can be found online at* signifies the donor is a “Partner in Catholic Education,” supporting the Foundation at the Celebration of Light. __________________________________$1,000,000 or moreConsted Trust__________________________________$200,000 to $999,999St. James Cathedral Parish__________________________________$100,000 to $199,999Diagnos-Techs, Inc.Ruth Vernier Hirsh and Blake HirshJim and Timotha HollomanPat and Mary Ellen HughesDr. Elias Ilyia__________________________________$50,000 to $99,999Archdiocese of Seattle*

Frost and Margaret Snyder Foundation

The Norcliffe FoundationCharles and Yvonne PigottSt. Joseph School, Seattle*

__________________________________$25,000 to $49,999Richard and Bridget Cooley*

Steve and Jo Marie HansenDarrell and Anne Jesse*

Our Lady of Fatima SchoolPierce County DeaneryMichael and Mary Jo Tucci*Michael and Mary Jo Tucci –

in memory of Dick Waiss__________________________________$10,000 to $24,999AnonymousEdith and Ray Aspiri*The Boeing Company Charitable

Trust Gift Matching ProgramRichard and Mary Ann Boulanger*

Coleman Family FoundationLeanne FarrellKurt and Marie GeiselImmaculate Conception

Parish, SeattleMichael and Mary Lee*

John and Donna Luger*

Gregory and Anne Marie MayDeacon Larry and Karen McDonald*

Deacon Larry and Karen McDonald – in memory of Lisa Luger

Gregory and Martha McKennaMicrosoft Matching Gifts ProgramTom and Janet O’CallahanOur Lady of Mount Virgin ParishTom and Brooke Pigott*

Joan RazoreDeacon Teodoro and

Maria RodriguezSt. Charles Borromeo Parish-SchoolSt. Mary Parish, SeattleJames and Janet Sinegal*The Society of Friends of St. PatrickWelsh Family Foundation –

in memory of Lisa Luger

__________________________________$7,500 to $9,999Martha BolenChateau Ste. Michelle*

Gonzaga University*

Stephen and Carol LatimerFrank and Theresa MiletteRev. Stephen C. Rowan*

Seattle University*

Mary Snapp and Spencer Frazer*

University of Portland*

__________________________________$5,000 to $7,499Richard and Sharon AbramsBishop Blanchet High School*Michael and Mary Rose BlatnerChurch of the Vietnamese MartyrsJohn and Angela ConnellyLucio and Marta Dalla GasperinaThe Ferry Family

Charitable Foundation*

Bruce and Marcia FischerForest Ridge School of

the Sacred Heart*

David Hovind and Shelley KuniLakeside Industries*

Joe and Carolyn MallahanMAPSCOMcDonald McGarry

Insurance Brokers*

The Napoleon Company*

Patriot Fire Protection, Inc*

Michael PattersonJoseph and Lisa PetschlPJM I, LLCPeter and Molly Powell*James and Margie RoseSaint Martin’s University*

Seattle Preparatory School*John and Rose SouthallJohn F. and Marion E. SullivanAl and Victoria SymingtonLou and Diane TiceThomas and Camilla Tilford –

in memory of Lisa LugerBill and Nicole WagnerPatrick and Mary WelchAnn Wyckoff__________________________________$2,000 to $4,999Archbishop Murphy High School*Stephan and Linda BancheroBellarmine Preparatory School*Fraser and Deirdre BlackDan and Pat BrothertonBill and Ann ClumpnerBruce and Carol CooperJohn DeRocco and Eileen RyanCharles Dickey and

Sheila Wyckoff-DickeyGordon DowlingEarl and Lois DusenberyJesse and Kate FranklinMichael and Martha Galvin

Mike and Teresa GillettDonald and Vera HanikaHardgrove FoundationJack Harvey and Mary AncichShawn and Kathie Hoban*

George and Debra HofbauerPaula HolmesHoly Family School, SeattleHoly Names Academy*

Martino and Maura HossChristopher and Regan HurleyKevin and Cathleen HyltonDouglas and Diane Irvine*

Anne M. KelleyKennedy Catholic High School*George and Mary KennySteven and Anne KnightMike and Lisa JanickiJuniper FoundationKeyBank Foundation*

David and Mary Kay Livingston*

John LotzgesellJason and Kerrie MayansMichael and Julia McDonnellTodd and Katherine McIntyreRobert and Carol McLaughlinAllen and Inge Morris*

Vincent and Catherine MullallySteven and Kristina MurrayJohn NaughtonRay and Teri NegrinO’Dea High School*David and Pamela OttoThomas and Sandy PhillipsPope John Paul II High School*Michael and Laura PratoPaul and Nancy RisingPaul and Peggy RobertsonJay and Carla RuddV. Rev. Michael G. RyanSt. Elizabeth Ann Seton

Catholic High School*St. Frances Cabrini SchoolSt. Francis of Assisi School*St. Philomena SchoolChristopher and Shelli SamsMatthew and Ann ShanahanRichard and Suzanne SiekawitchMike and Lori SoteloRonald and Angela SouzaJoe and Jennifer SpragueColleen TerlickerDaniel and Theresa Twining*

Philip VanDerhoef and Kathleen McKay

Villa Academy*

Peter and Karen Wickstrand*

Witt Company__________________________________$1,000 to $1,999Anonymous (2)All Saints SchoolKeith and Nancy AndersonAssumption School

Assumption - St. Bridget SchoolLewis and Susie BancheroKatie BeyerJohn and Frances BradleyPaul and Colleen BrajcichBill and Jackie BrennanBob and Julie BreshockSteve and Patsy BrownBrian and Conne BruceSuzanne BurkeKelly and Christina BurnabyLes and Mary Lou CathersalChrist the King SchoolKenneth and Sandra ConveryRev. James CoyneDennis and Sheila DahlGaston Deysine and Michele GodvinMatt and Maggie DiefenbachMatthew and Kristin DixonBob and Debra DurganEastside Catholic School*William EisimingerFrank and DeAnn FeemanPatrick and Deborah FeistPatrick Fennessy and Ann AlokolaroArt and Marisa FoleyJavier and Grace FosadoLuis Fraga and Charlene Aguilar –

in honor of Rev. Steven SallisConnie FraserEd Gallagher and Mary BrannonPierre and Kathleen GallantRobert and Pam Gunderson*

Daniel and Margaret HannulaWilliam and Molly HastingsRobert and Jean HaysRita HeyeMartin and Alyson HolbergTom and Renee HollandCharles and Patricia HolmesHoly Family School, KirklandHoly Rosary School, EdmondsHoly Rosary School, SeattleHoly Rosary School, TacomaJohn HoosRichard Hopp and Deborah WalshIgnatius Ohno FoundationImmaculate Conception

and OLPH SchoolJohn and Jan Ittes*

Andrew and Elizabeth KapustKey FoundationJim KinerkKnights of Columbus Council #676Ozo and Mary JaculewiczJames & John FoundationLease Crutcher Lewis*

Alvin LeDuff and Marisa Spooner-LeDuff

Albert and Holly LeeRhoady and Jeanne Marie LeeTom and Mary Pat LordBrian and Betsy LoshAndrew and Joanne MacDonaldRev. Paul Magnano

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Annual Contributors($1,000 to $1,999 cont.)Michael and Michelle MaherJim and Sheila MallahanTodd and Denise MalloyDave and Natale MarshbankDavid and Laura MatterKaren MatthewsRev. Jacob MaurerJack and Mary McCannPatrick and Michele McCarthyTim and Jeannie McGinnisDaniel and Andrea MerlinoGary and Donna MerlinoLorin and Helen MillerMD2 Bellevue – in memory of

Lisa LugerDavid and Elizabeth MillerPaul J. MillerDaniel and Maryann Montandon –

in memory of Lisa LugerJace and Sally MunsonPat and Linda NaughtonDonald and Jeanette Nelles –

in memory of Lisa LugerNext It Corporation - in memory of

Lisa LugerMary NiscoGavin and Margaret O’Brien*

James and Victoria O’BrienO’Connell Family FoundationThomas and Christine O’ConnorRose Marie OcuamanVictor and Mary OdermatJames O’HanlonDennis O’LearyOlympus Press*

Robert Orheim and Amelia SazonThomas Ostrom and

Kathleen GeraghtyOur Lady of Guadalupe SchoolOur Lady of Lourdes SchoolOur Lady of the Lake ParishOur Lady of the Lake SchoolOur Lady Star of the Sea SchoolDominic ParmantierJuan and Susan PerezEd Pesik and Teresa BlanchettEd Pesik and Teresa Blanchett –

in memory of Pat Blanchett and Renee Artz

Michael and Michelle PhillipsRev. Michael RadermacherThomas and Kathleen RaffertyVictoria Ries and Samuel SaracinoRogelio RiojasMichael and Karen RoeweDavid RosserStephen Rothrock and

Tessa KeatingSacred Heart SchoolSt. Alphonsus SchoolSt. Anne SchoolSt. Anthony SchoolSt. Benedict ParishSt. Benedict SchoolSt. Bernadette SchoolSt. Brendan SchoolSt. Catherine SchoolSt. Cecilia School

St. Charles Borromeo SchoolSt. George SchoolSt. John SchoolSt. Joseph School, VancouverSt. Louise SchoolSt. Luke SchoolRay and Dianne St. MarySt. Mary SchoolSt. Mary Magdalen SchoolSt. Michael School, SnohomishSt. Vincent de Paul SchoolSt. Matthew SchoolSt. Michael School, OlympiaSt. Monica SchoolSt. Patrick SchoolSt. Therese SchoolSt. Thomas More SchoolRobert and Helen SantucciPaul and Debra Sauvage*

M. Peter and Connie ScontrinoTimothy and Kimberly SearingThe Sepic Family Foundation –

in memory of Lisa LugerBoyd and Mikki SharpWalter and Wilma ShieldsDavid and Ann ShikanyRaymond and Rosemary Siderius*

Craig and Barb SieversSisters of ProvidenceJoseph and Erika SkovronJerome and Shirley SolerMitchell James and

Sally Jean SonnenCharles and Kate StewartAllan SwegleTakeda Pharmaceuticals

Employee Giving ProgramFrancis Thiemann and

Kathryn SandersChris and Kari ThiererJohn and Michele ThornquistAndrew and Kirstin Toynbee† Most Rev. Joseph J. TysonUniversity of Washington

Newman Center*

Mark Vadon and Mattie IversonChristopher VanDerhoefRoger and Jenna Van OostenScott and Michelle VentozaDale Vogel and Nancy BirdJames and Linda WagerWashington Trust BankRick WorkmanWilliam Yedor and Adrienne MillicanLuke and Alisa Xitco__________________________________$500 to $999Anonymous (3)Alexander Gow Fire

Equipment CompanyBen and Linda AstromTony and Michelle AudinoMatt Barmore and Nancy HansonTim and Connie BarnesArmandino and Marilyn BataliLang and Keren BeeckBill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Matching Gift ProgramJerry and Carolyn Bosch

Richard and Jolene BoyleThomas and Jan BreigenzerGregory BrownKristine Brynildsen-Smith

and Al SmithJoe and Kathleen BuddeJim and Debbie CameronPatricia CarmodyKathleen CarrTerence and Rosario CarrollCatholic Woman’s ClubDavid and Mary Beth CelioDarlene and Gregory ChanEllen ConnollyMike and Nancy CordryKelly and Laurie CorrWilliam and Anne CroninMary CrossTerrence Cullen and Sandra WatsonBob and Sharon DahmenMark and Mary Ann DerrBrian and Barb DiJulioJoe and Allison DonskyEmmanuel and Chris EusebioFacts Management Company*

William and Christine FenknerRussell and Ruth FoisyBrian and Julie ForthTom and Anne GehrigRon and Alison GrantJosef and Stephany GrayMark and Mary GriffinBud and Paula HagstromLuke and Katherine HansenJohn and Bea HansonEdward and Mary HarmanMichael and Kimberly HarmonSheila HarrisonThomas and Barbara HawksfordDaniel and Olive HealyTimothy and Wendi HeffronJohn Heily – in memory of

Lisa LugerJeff and Kristin HoganWilliam and Lisa HoldermanMark and Virginia HuntRichard IsaacsonAllan and Barbara JamesAdam JanickiDaniel Jellen and

Karen Keyes-WatkinsThomas Jessup and Karen ZutherSam and Tricia JohnsonBrian and Caryn JorgensenGeorge and Anna-Lisa KanickJohn and Karen KeithJohn and JoAnn KellyLawrence and Kristin KentMarian Kessel – in memory of

Lisa LugerKristen KirstWilliam and Lauren KnightEd and Karen KnuckeyPaul and Stephanie KonoldJames and Megan KramanAlain and Cheryl LambertCynthia LamotheTom and Kjersti LaneEric and Lisa Larson

Corinna LaughlinMaria LaughlinEdwin and Ann LeachmanEd and Cristi LittleWilfrid and Patricia Loeken*

Wilfrid and Patricia Loeken – in memory of Lisa Luger

John and Mary Lou LongfieldArnold and Lee Ann LorvickMerton and Joanne LottLoretta Luger – in memory of

Lisa LugerRev. Peter MactutisTerence MaguireThomas and Rowayne MaguireRobert Maixner and Ann FennessyRobert and Rosemary MallonMallon Investment Company, LLCJim and Judy McAteerAndrew and Victoria McDonaldKelly and Sue McDonaldSandy and John McDonaldVincent and Jenny McGovernDeborah McLaughlinSally MerriwetherIngeborg MolaisonJohn and Jerene MorfordEdmund and Drew Ann MurphyWayne and Kimberly NewtonNorthwest Decision ResourcesMiles and Marilyn OtoupalRick and Pam PanowiczBrandon and Janet PedersenRandy PetersChristian and Patricia PetersonJohn and Mary PetersonV. Rev. James PictonQueen of Angels SchoolMichael Quillin and Lillian ZadraJohn and Maureen ReidSteve and Lori RobinsonJoseph and Tracey RockwellJeff and Perri RoeDino and Terry RossiRobert and Daria RutledgeThomas and Sheila RyanRev. Steven SallisSt. Edward SchoolSt. Joseph School, ChehalisSt. Joseph School, IssaquahSt. Madeleine Sophie SchoolSt. Patrick Parish, SeattleSt. Paul SchoolSt. Rose SchoolBob and Debbie SchmittDaniel and Karen SchulerGreg and Stephanie SchulerMark and Monica ScottMike Sellars and Carol MurphyBrad and Michele SmithDorothy SmithGlen H. Smith and

Mary Magnano SmithShaun and Sandra SmithJim and Jennifer SouthwellJames and Kathy SpencerAl and Kay StandishJohn Stone – in memory of

Lisa Luger

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Annual Contributors($500 to $999 cont.)Dannette SullivanRobert and Geri Sullivan –

in honor of Colleen TerlickerCreig and Sue SundstromMartin and Karen TarabochiaRev. Thomas VandenbergVisitation SchoolBrian and Beverly WalkerErik and Eileen WarnerElizabeth WebsterBradley and Patricia WestinPatrick White and Pauline SmetkaJoseph and Donna WhitfordKen and Esmee WilliamsCarola and Charles WittmannJoe and Paola WomacDoug and Sherri WoodsRev. Michael WrightWilliam WurtsMatthew and Monica ZepedaMark and Rosemary Zilmer__________________________________$250 to $499AnonymousAlaska Airlines

Matching Gift ProgramGraham and Chris AlbertAllegra Print & ImagingEd and Geraldine AllenMichael AlvineChristopher and Annette AndersonErik Anderson and Nan HoustonHenry and Virginia ArnouxLuis Aviles and Maria BaqueroWilliam and Marilyn BaileyAngelo and Misty BancheroMario and Rhonda BancheroNellie BancheroAndrew and Leslie BartlettRev. Thomas BellequeRev. Thomas Belleque –

in memory of Lisa LugerJohn and Barb BenderBob and Kathy BethkeTom and Maureen BlumRev. Martin BourkeDavid and Debra BoyleTom and Susan BrunnerFrank and DeAnne BuonoJoseph and Susan BurdettErik and Marilyn ByersEric and Katie CanadayJack and Kathleen CarteeCarlos and Susana CarvalloWilliam and Sharon CarverDavid and Stephanie CisakowskiConcourse Concessions, LLCJames and Amy CunninghamCarly CyrJerry and Mary Anne D’AmbrosioJerry and Mary Anne D’Ambrosio –

in memory of Lisa LugerMarcia Danne† Most Rev. Eusebio Elizondo, MSpSHector and Jennifer FernandesBob and Micki Flowers

Johnny Flynn – in memory of Lisa Luger

Michael and Elizabeth FlynnRev. Sean FoxDavid and Sandra FukuharaAndrea GarceauTheodore and Rose GoeresRobert and Susan GrabyThomas and Helen GreenanMichelle GrossTiffany GustafsonKathi HandMatthew and Jennifer HansenEric Hanson and Erin CordryDwayne and Alice HarknessPreston and Colleen HauckPhilip and Mary HendersonDwight Herring and Petra WestWilliam and Sally HoganAmanda HouseLee HuntsmanKathryn HutterDavid and Dianne IrwinHarold and Agnes JacobsonMichael and Chris JohnsonJames and Alma KernSteve and Joan KocharhookMary Ann KozlovskyElizabeth KromerWalter and Kathleen KruegerFrederic KutscherRyan and Christen LambertTim and Chris LawHal and Pam LeazerSteve and Suzanne LewisLinda LloydLos Arboles Management, LLCCraig and Marti LundbergMary LundeenRev. John MadiganGregory and Ann MagnoniJerrold and Christine ManleyElaine MarkhamDale and Carol MarshallTroy MathernAmanda MazzucaMichael and Magda McCabeMac McDonaldThomas and Monica McDonoughMary Kay McFaddenMichael and Karla McGuireRev. William McKeeJames and Tracy MesickJames MeyerJane MuellerDaniel and Olivia MullenRev. Kurt NagelNational Student ClearinghouseRudy and Christine NavarroRev. Duc NguyenRev. Qui-Thac NguyenPatrick and Mary O’DayTim and Patti PavolkaCharles PearsonDavid and Jean PeckJames and Ruth PowersJane PowersJim Pugel and Erin Overbey

John and Lynda PurdieNanette PyneNick and Dana QuestadTim QuiggRoger and Mary RammerMichael and Donna RamosJohn and Joanne RamsayReaders Digest AssociationRegence Employee

Giving CampaignRich RewolinskiAdam and Laura RoselliniGregory and Tracey RussellBill and Merce RutledgeCraig SchaeferMarilyn SherryJohn and Barbara SimmonsRonald and Stephanie SinglerMichael Sinsky and Mary

CunninghamPaul and Laurin Sleeth -

in memory of Lisa LugerWilliam and Mary Bea Sleeth –

in memory of Lisa LugerJulie SmithJohn and Jenness StarksPatrick and Loretta SurselySteve and Liz SwiftAlice TanakaWayne TavisLy TranBrian and Barbara TrautmannGreg and Amy UnruhWilliam and Patricia WalkerRich and Tracy WillisRichard and Mary WillyBrian and Anca WilsonPeter and Ruth WolffDennis and Annette WomacKevin WomacChristine WoskettJames and Marjorie Yager__________________________________$100 to $249Anonymous (5)Anonymous - in memory of

Lisa LugerRev. Danilo Abalon, S.O.L.T.John and Elisabeth AlbersBruce and Diane AllenAnita AlokolaroPauline AlokolaroJane AlpersKirk and Gail AltenhofenDavid and Connie AnastasiBrian and Jodie AndersonTerrence AndersonFred and Sheri AndrewsDouglas and Lynn ArthurCharles and Sherry AtterburyBert and Cornell AtwaterDave and Jan AugustavoJames and Eileen BakerBank of America Matching GiftsGeorge and Joanne BanschbachJames and Kristin BarbieriRev. Rogelino Barcelona

Jacqueline Bardsley – in memory of Lisa Luger

Otto and Susan BauerV. Rev. Anthony BawynRachael BeckerBellevue College Foundation –

in memory of Lisa LugerPatrick BlizzardRev. Phillip BloomClarence and Grace BobMatt Briones and Shirley BocianMarjorie BombarDharshi and Emanuel BopegederaDavid and Julie BrandsGary and Geraldine BraunMichael and Cecilia BrennanBruce and Debra BrinesRev. Gerald BurnsDavid and Jenney BurroughsKevin and Mary ByrneAndrew and Julie CampbellFrank CantwellJames and Marta CappaFrances CarlsonRev. Emmett Carroll, S.J.Michael and Jennifer CassarinoCatholic Community ServicesElizabeth ChamberlinStephen and Irma CiechanowskiRev. Raymond CleavelandJohn and Jamie ClineStephanie ClineRichard CoeGregory and Susan ColuccioRev. K. Scott ConnollyMichael and Michele CoreyCountry Meadow VillageSr. Joyce M. Cox, B.V.M.Jerry and Theresse CunninghamSean and Lori CurranPatrick and Kelly D’AmbrosioRev. Thanh DaoJackie DegelChristopher DellaPortaFrank and Pam DellinoMark and Susan DeLongMichele DeMarisTimothy and Cheryl DeRouen –

in memory of Lisa LugerTeresa DionMark and Kary DoerflerPat and Maggie DoudTom and Suzanne DoughtyMarci Dray – in memory of

Lisa LugerDominick and Aurora DrianoHank and Patricia DurandRonald and Sherry EdwardsTerry and Mary EnnisTimothy and Joanne Farmer –

in memory of Lisa LugerMary FetterTeresa FewelTammy FitchMeaghan FlemingRobert FukanoKristopher and Sally Galvin –

in memory of Lisa Luger

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Annual Contributors($100 to $249 cont.)Andrew and Cheryl GeislerRowena GeonzonGeorgetown Brewing Co.Patrick and Colleen GillespieTerry and Ann GottbergChristopher and Julie GrasseschiThomas and Eileen GrayAlbert and Rosemary GriggsMichael Gulizia and Svetlana LaurelJudy GustafsonJonathan and Amy HallRonald and Candace Hallissey –

in memory of Lisa LugerMark and Kathleen HarmonKen HarmsLesley HarrisonJeanne Harvey and Leticia EspinosaMajorie HaytonVictor and Joyce HeinsMason and Shelley HelmsScott and Chantille HenryRoy and Kathleen HeynderickxCorrine HiebIsrael and Adriana HilerioBrian and Charlene HilgendorfSalina HillTom and Margaret HobanDane HofbauerSusan HortherWalter and Elizabeth HowardTom and Donna HudsonWilliam Hundley and Kay PurcellRev. James Johnson, Jr.Mary JohnsonStan and Francie JordanGwen KapusuzogloNicholas KavadasRobert and De Anna KiefferDongun and Yunghee KimRev. John KoehlerBrendan KoldingRonald and Linda KrellElma KuntzRev. Derek LappeHal and Pat LassDarrel and Janalynn Larson –

in memory of Lisa LugerMark and Sara LauzenMegan LawrenceRev. Gary LazzeroniJeff and Ann LeichleiterClarence and Barbara LeingangLarry and Linda LenzMary LewisMonica LewisDonald and Patricia LichtyFayne LoewTherese LugerLynden, Inc.Ginna MacLeodLarry and Betsy MasonNick and Diana MastandreaRev. Fred MayovskyRobert and Shannon McCambridgeJoseph and Salli McCannSr. Joanne McCauley, O.P.William J. McChesney

Richard and Hollie McCurdyV. Rev. Michael McDermottRichard and Susan McDermott –

in memory of Lisa LugerAaron and Judith McDonaldStephen and Mary McGloneColm and Suzanne McGlynnGerard and Karen McGlynnJohn McGowanAnn McIntyreSteven McKanna and

Christine Perez McKannaRobert and Colleen McLaughlinShawna McMahonThomas and Marilyn McNamaraJoseph and Martha McRoskeyRandy and Susan MechamMG Architecture PLLCDan MilesMary MoranMatthew and Anne MoranStephen MorissetteV. Rev. David MulhollandKevin and Patti MurphyRobert and Mary Ellen Murphy –

in memory of Lisa LugerRonald and Donna MurrishJack and Michelle NelsonRoger and Kathleen Nelson –

in memory of Lisa LugerAndrew and Nancy NicholsErin NielsenBernard and Catherine NorrisDaniel and Anita NovakJohnny O’BrienKevin and Rena O’BrienChad and Lynn O’ConnorRoger and Colleen OglesbyBernadette O’LearyJoseph and Lisa O’LearyJane OrrChristopher and Susan OzubkoRon and Jody PageMaurice and Inga PaigeJeff PariettiAngela M. PastorJohn PerezJoseph and Antoinett PerezIngvar and Claudia PeturssonMark PierottiArthur and Helen PietersTodd and Cindy PontiFrancis PowersJoseph and Carlene PowersDennis and Brigette QuichochoMichael and Suzie Ramey –

in memory of Lisa LugerWilliam RandallStephen and Joan RapkochDavid and Margaret ReadPatricia RepikoffDoug and Charlene RichardsonLinda RiggersRev. Patrick RitterLiam and Misha RobinsonEric and Linda RoloffRaymond RowanJim and Dana Rowley

Carlen RuelosRon RyanThaddeus and Mary Elizabeth

SadowskiSt. Aloysius School –

in memory of Lisa LugerSt. Charles Borromeo ParishRoger and Margaret Samson –

in memory of Lisa LugerLaurie SandsRichard and Mary SantiRev. Timothy SauerBarbara Schille – in memory of

Lisa LugerDan SchwenkBurton and Kathleen Sheppard –

in memory of Lisa LugerDaniel and Mary ShermanRobert and Dorothy ShindlerJohn and Teresa ShineDavid and Carolyn SimmsSharon SimpierLloyd and Polly SkinnerDiane SmithMichael and Carole SmithRenee SpeckMarley SpoonerSpygirl Productions LLCSteve StapletonAndre and Paula StepankowskyJay and Leigh StringfellowCarmen SuazoCarl Swenson and Julia BuchholzJohn and Kileen SwortzAndrew and Roberta TassaniTom and Mary Lou TebbAllison TennantTimothy and Dianne ThompsonDon and Molly Tierney –

in memory of Lisa LugerJonathon Tolton and Mary DesmondJames and Rosanne TomichAlvaro and Blanca TorresSr. Mary Tracy, S.N.J.M.Mary A. ValentiStephanie Van LeuvenSteve VangstadDonald VeithEduardo and Marcela VelasquezRev. John WalmesleyPhil and Mona WarcholRobert and Kay WestinghouseAnne WheeldonHarry and Ervina WilkinsonPatrick and Kathleen WillisShelby Wilson – in memory of

Lisa LugerPatrick WomacTeresa YangKenneth and Christine YoungJohn and Thuy Yuen__________________________________

Up to $99Anonymous (2)Rose AlokolaroAllan and Anita AndersonBradley and Kathryn AndersonMadeline Ancelard

Kevin AndrewJohn AngeliniErlinda AsuncionRattanack AthensBrian and Heidi AustinTerry and Maureen AveryRaquel AyalaMarie BachCelso and Anna BalagotWilliam and Jayne BarrereTania BarronJose and Maria BazanRichard and Rose BerntsenSamuel and Megan BurchMark BurnettRandall and Janet BurnsRobert and Marianne BurnsTillie CarterJoanne CecchiniKaren ChapmanJack and Ann ChristiansenNick ClemensNicholas ClementsJames and April CollierConvent of the Sacred Heart

Forest RidgeJulianne CrowlEdward and Elizabeth DauerJohn and Marina DawesRichard Despard and

Amy Lee-DespardMichael DowMichael EndertSteven and Cynthia EngelSamuel EphremMarc EversonYousif and Sahar FarjoLaura FerriPatrick and Terri FeutzSr. Mary Flaherty, R.S.C.J.Edward and Catherine GaluskaAlbert and Dorothy GauvinMartha GibneyDonald and Nancy Giese –

in memory of Lisa LugerJames and Patricia GradyTom GrechisCarlos and Linda GuangorenaBethann GurradClark and Theresa HagemannKeri HakeGeorge HammelGene and Carol Hanson –

in memory of Lisa LugerMarianne HarrisMaxine HassWinslow and Rita HayesSr. Sharon HeidlandThomas and Patty HernandezLeonard and Mary HillaMichael and Carolyn HoylesDavid and Melissa HullCarol HurleyLyle and Mary JacobsenWalter and Mary JankowskiMichael and Doreen JonesAllison JuddJames and Susan Kenny

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Annual Contributors(Up to $99 cont.)Richard and Julie KennyKevin and Ruby KintzKevin and Cathy KoskiKent KothJeffrey and Michelle KujathPeter and Maureen KuresSharon La FranceRamone and Florence La MadridBill and Dory LarsenAnthony and Betty L’EsperanceRaymond and Laura LiedtkeClaudia LordJames A. LyonsRev. Maurice MambaGerald and Leanne MaskellThe Maskill FamilyDennis and Monica McCormickRev. J. Patrick McDermottJohn and Catherine McDowallPatrick McGahPaul and Paula McMillenGregg and Darlene McMurray –

in memory of Lisa LugerGreg and Joan McNabbKatie McPhailMary Catherine MeadRuth MillerSharon MissiaenJohn and Kim MoenDennis and Marikae Moraski –

in memory of Lisa LugerRobert and Eugenia MurphyDonald NowakJohn T. O’Brien, Jr.Joseph and Debbie O’BrienRylee O’BrienPat and Teri O’ConnorSr. Marcia O’Dea, R.S.C.J.Rev. Crispin OkothJolanta OlechJoseph OrlandoAlan OsgoodbyMargaret OverturfSteve and Susana PapagayoParametricBertha PerryDavid and Marilyn Peterson –

in memory of Lisa LugerWalter PetlowTeresa L. PierceJudith PlattCarl and Stephanie Pollard –

in memory of Lisa LugerPOP Multimedia, Inc.Mary PriestleyEdward and Carole PursleyLeon and Patricia PuzonNathan QuickDaniel and Anisa RallsDale and Lynne RealphFred and Anne RedmonDaniel and Elizabeth ReillyDonald and Dorothy RempeArnel ReyesFrederick Rivera and

Betsy Roletto-RiveraRobert and Angela Roarty

Sharon RobbStephen and Susan RolandMyrna RomackDorrie RossmaierDorothy RowlandTerry and Cherie SantosAllison ScanlinJames and Tina SchaferJ. Michael and Teresita ShaferKen and Judith ShaferTroy and Carrie ShawJohn and Susan ShuhlerSisters of St. Joseph of PeaceAndrea SmithJohn and Joan SobbaVilem and Jennifer SokolEric and Susan SotebeerRobert and Teresa StantonBryce and Elaine StrangDaniel SullivanMichael SweeneyThomas and Andrea TaylorJohn and Kit ThayerJames and Marci ThomsenGale R. and Joanne W. UhlenkottDavid Unger and Anna HortonBjarne E. UrsinEdward VargasBrian and Susan VaughanGreg and Laura VeasyViking BankMargaret VilaTom and Laurie VittJohn VogelDan and Laura VornbrockJim and Bonnie Waldron –

in memory of Lisa LugerJoe and Annemarie WeberMeg WieseMary Lou WieserBaionne WilliamsAaron and Hanna WinterJoe and Melissa WitsoeDan and Nikki WomacJohn Young and Marilyn Leonard

Page 27: Fulcrum Foundation's 2010 Annual Report

Archdiocese of Seattle Catholic Schools

Elementary and Middle SchoolsAll Saints, Puyallup and FifeAssumption, BellinghamAssumption-St. Bridget, SeattleChrist the King, SeattleEastside Catholic School, SammamishForest Ridge School of the

Sacred Heart, Bellevue Holy Family, AuburnHoly Family, KirklandHoly Family, LaceyHoly Family, White CenterHoly Rosary, EdmondsHoly Rosary, SeattleHoly Rosary, TacomaImmaculate Conception, Mt. VernonImmaculate Conception & Our Lady

of Perpetual Help, EverettOur Lady of Fatima, SeattleOur Lady of Guadalupe, SeattleOur Lady of Lourdes, VancouverOur Lady of the Lake, SeattleOur Lady Star of the Sea, Bremerton

Pacific Crest Academy, CamasQueen of Angels, Port AngelesSacred Heart, BellevueSt. Alphonsus, SeattleSt. Anne, SeattleSt. Anthony, RentonSt. Benedict, SeattleSt. Bernadette, SeattleSt. Brendan, BothellSt. Catherine, SeattleSt. Cecilia, Bainbridge IslandSt. Charles Borromeo, TacomaSt. Edward, SeattleSt. Frances Cabrini, TacomaSt. Francis of Assisi, SeahurstSt. George, SeattleSt. John, SeattleSt. Joseph, ChehalisSt. Joseph, Issaquah and SnoqualmieSt. Joseph, SeattleSt. Joseph, VancouverSt. Louise, Bellevue

St. Luke, ShorelineSt. Madeleine Sophie, BellevueSt. Mark, ShorelineSt. Mary Magdalen, EverettSt. Mary, AberdeenSt. Matthew, SeattleSt. Michael, OlympiaSt. Michael, SnohomishSt. Monica, Mercer IslandSt. Nicholas, Gig HarborSt. Patrick, TacomaSt. Paul, SeattleSt. Philomena, Des MoinesSt. Pius X, Mountlake TerraceSt. Rose, LongviewSt. Therese, SeattleSt. Thomas More, LynnwoodSt. Vincent de Paul, Federal WayVilla Academy, SeattleVisitation, Tacoma

High SchoolsArchbishop Thomas J. Murphy High School, EverettBellarmine Preparatory School, TacomaBishop Blanchet High School, SeattleEastside Catholic School, SammamishForest Ridge School of the Sacred Heart, BellevueHoly Names Academy, Seattle

Kennedy Catholic High School, SeattleO’Dea High School, SeattlePope John Paul II High School, LaceySeattle Preparatory School/Matteo Ricci CollegeSeton Catholic College Preparatory High School, Vancouver

I have committed myself to the efforts of the Fulcrum Foundation because every child, every human person hungers for truth and deserves the opportunity to enrich their mind in an environment that nourishes their soul. – Archbishop Alex J. Brunett

Page 28: Fulcrum Foundation's 2010 Annual Report

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