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FS5 Learning Assessment StrategiesEpisode 3ON CONTENT VALIDITY OF TESTSName of FS Student: Jennifer B. Dalagan Course: BSEN - 3 Year & Section:Resource Teacher 1: Signature Date: Resource Teacher 2: Signature Date: Resource Teacher 3: Signature Date: Cooperating School: Saint Joseph Institute of Technology Basic Education

My TargetIn this Episode 3, I must be able to examine the content validity of a test/quiz given by at least 3 Resource Teachers, see the connection between Table of Specifications and test validity and construct test with content validity.

My Performance (How I Will Be Rated)

Field Study 5, Episode 1- Guiding Principles in the Assessment of LearningFocused on: Application of the principles of assessment

Tasks Exemplary4




Observation/ DocumentationMy AnalysisMy ReflectionMy PortfolioSubmissionSub Totals


Over-all Score (Based on Transmutation)

Signature of FS Teacher Date Above Printed Name

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Transmutation of score to grade/ratingScore Grade Score Grade20 - 1.0 - 99 12 – 13 - 2.50 - 8118 - 19 - 1.25 - 96 11 -2.75 - 7817 - 1.5 - 93 10 - 3.00 - 7516 - 1.75 - 90 8 - 9 - 3.5 - 72 and15 - 2.00 - 87 7 -below - 5.00 - below14 - 2.25 - 84


My Tools

A. Interview1. I will ask my Resource Teachers this question. “What do you do/ what

does your school to ensure the content validity of your periodic tests?”

Summary of Information Gathered from the Interview.

B. Documentary Analysis (Lesson Plans with the accompanying quiz/test)My documentary analysis will be guided by this question: “Does the quiz/test measure what it is supposed to measure?”

 My Analysis

1. What has a Table of Specifications (TOS) to do with the content validity of tests?

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2. If validity as a characteristic of test means that a test must measure what it is supposed to measure, is a multiple choice type of test valid to determine learning of manipulative skill focusing a microscope? Explain.

3. Do we have other types of validity of a test other than content validity? Research for an answer.

My Reflection 

Write down what you learned on what to do to ensure validity of tests. Did you ever experience taking a test which was very difficult because the items were not at all covered in class? How did it affect you? How will you prevent your future pupils/students from experiencing the same?


My Portfolio

1. Research on at least two forms of TOS. Paste them here. Between the two, which do you prefer?

2. Copy one lesson objective from my Resource Teacher (or use same lesson objective that I used in the My Tools portion, letter B Documentary Analysis of this Episode). I will develop an appropriate and valid quiz/test to measure attainment of that lesson objective.

Lesson Objective:Test/Quiz

3. Following the new version of Bloom’s Taxonomy of Objectives, formulate a lesson objective for each level and a corresponding valid test item. (Don’t worry if in writing the sample question you go beyond the triangle.)
