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Page 1: Front cover stuff

The reason why i used a grey transparent border, is to make the name of the artist stand out. I made sure that every letter is spaced out from each other I got the idea from the magazine Billboard have done theirs. Billboard is the magazine which I have inspired my magazine to be similar to. The border behind the ‘CALEB’ is linked towards the title.

The reason why I added a border behind the title is to make sure that the title stands out. To make sure that the attention of the reader is focused on the top of the image.

The reason why I put the main image in front of the title is because I wanted to make sure the attention of the viewers was on the image and only on the image. The purple on the shirt matches the surname and the border on the bottom of the page.

The reason why I added the last name at the bottom of the image and in purple is because I wanted the focus of the header to be on the first name. I did not feel as though the attention really needed to be on the surname when the first name is in a vibrant, bright colour.

The reason why I added the information about the magazine is because I did not only want to focus the magazine on the model and forget the entire magazine as a whole.

The additional information on the bottom of the page in the purple border which I made this colour to match the color of the shirt he’s wearing. I made the border this colour because I did not want to make the color scheme too much. By only having one section in the magazine the colour purple.