Download pptx - Front cover powerpoint


I Opened a new photoshop document

I copy and pasted my ideal front cover photo into the document

I then added a graphic on which I will place my masthead, using the brush tool and different shades of grey

I then used the text tool to type out my masthead, then used a pattern overlay, stroke effect and held the Ctrl key and clicked on layer to draw inside the font and create the speckled effect I have

I then used the box tool to create the shape and the Ctrl+T to rotate it. I also changed the opacity of the shape in the options at the top

I then used the text tool to create my cover line, I then used Ctrl+click on layer, the stroke effect and an outer glow

I then repeated for the rest of my cover lines and then made the outer glow bigger on the bottom line

I then used an online barcode generator to create a barcode and added my issue number and date

I then used a brush with a stroke effect to create the design at the bottom

I then added text at the bottom.

I then used the box tool and the text tool to create my strip

I then used the circle tool with a stroke effect with the opacity turned down as the base of my plug

I then added text to complete my plug

I finished my front cover by adding two photos cop and pasted in with a brush effect