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Page 1: From Script to Screen OGR

From Script to Screen Online Green Light Review


Page 2: From Script to Screen OGR


Page 3: From Script to Screen OGR

Storyboard (Continued)

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Storyboard (Continued)

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Storyboard (Continued)

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Storyboard (End)

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The scene opens up to a deserted house at the edge of a suburban town. A dark figure makes its way stealthily to the place. Looking up at the dark windows, the camera closes on the figure, who smiles darkly.


The burglar breaks the glass in the front door and lets himself in. The man walks past a portrait, in which the eyes follow him down. The face in the painting turns into a frightening scowl. Suddenly, the burglar appears again in front of the picture, picking it up. The face in the painting turns to shock, as the burglar packs the painting in his bag and carries on to the kitchen.


As the burglar enters the kitchen, a light escapes his bag and makes it's way to the draws holding the knives. The burglar looks around in cupboards, and behind him the knife draw opens, levitating ornate silver knives floating out of it. The burglar disturbs some dust in the cupboard he's looking in and sneezes, unknowingly ducking out of the way of the knives flying at him. The knives wedge into the door of the cupboard as the burglar straightens up, blearily looking at the knives and judging them expensive looking enough, bags them as well. The ghost quickly makes its way out of the bag, looking perturbed and frustrated.

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Script (Continued)


The burglar, satisfied with his loot, makes his way back to the front door. The ghost tries in vain to move the bag to release the possessions inside, tugging the bag back. In the struggle, the burglar and ghost tumble down the stairs to the basement.


The room keeps a few cobwebbed items, a box of fireworks and a chest. The burglar picks himself up and makes greedily for the chest. The ghost, desperate, looks at the fireworks and grins maliciously. It enters into the fireworks as the burglar breaks open the rusted old lock on the chest and opens it. The sputtering of the fireworks makes the burglar look around.




The fireworks pursues the burglar, trying to hit him. The burglar dodges out the way and runs to the door. The firework misses and cracks with a loud bang, damaging the wall. The ghost prepares to aim more fireworks, determined.

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Script (End)

INT. HOUSE HALLWAY The burglar rushes towards the front door to escape, still carrying the bag and the chest. Before he can get to it, the ghost floats up through the floorboards, still commanding the fireworks. The ghost fires more fireworks as the burglar dodges away and runs up the stairs. The ghost continues the attack with the fireworks pursuing the burglar.

Ghost Maniacal Laughter

INT. HOUSE UPSTAIRS The bag and the chest are destroyed in the chase. The burglar continues to run for cover. EXT. OUTSIDE NEIGHBORHOOD A shot of the house suddenly exploding and dust settling. EXT. HOUSE WRECKAGE The burglar stirs in the wreckage of the house. As he looks up, he sees a police officer staring sternly down at him, drawn by the disturbance. The burglar looks worried and is picked up and taken away for looking suspicious. The ghost looks on with satisfaction, and then it turns around to see its house destroyed as he was trying to protect it. A part of the house crumbles away, which sets of the last firework, which shoots into the air and explodes.


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Definitive Influence Map: Fireworks and Ghosts

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Definitive Influence Map: Haunted House

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Key Design Thumbnails: Fireworks

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Key Design Thumbnails: Characters

Burglar Ghost