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The Bible

Though the cover is worn and the pages are torn,

And though pages bear traces of tears,

Yet more precious than Gold

Is this book worn and old

That can sha�er and sca�er my fears.

When I prayerfully look in this precious old book

As my eyes scan the pages I see,

Many tokens of love from the Father above,

Who is nearest and dearest to me.

This old book is my guide, ‘%s a friend by my side,

It will lighten and brighten my way,

And each promise I find

Soothes and gladdens the mind

As I read it and heed it today.

It has been great to hear people from our community comment on

how fantastic the group has been to them, but sadly Heather and I

have made the decision for the group to stop. With no new volunteers

coming forward to help run the group and our numbers declining due

to early school entry and mums returning to work it seemed the right


So with sadness and some regret our last meeting was 26th June where

we had a small party and invited back some mums from the past. It

was lovely to hear the positive comments and hopefully we have

made some impact on the mums and their children - not only Heather

and myself, but all the other ladies who have shared with the families

love, problems, happy times and all the other challenges that face


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Rev Sam Owoo

From Pastor SamFrom Pastor SamFrom Pastor SamFrom Pastor Sam

Since the beginning of June we have started the study of

the Gospel of John. So far each chapter brings us fresh

revelation about Jesus as the Son of God. Here are a

few home truths you need to know about John;

Apart from the gospel of John, John went on to write

1st, 2nd, 3rd John and the book of Revelation . John was

an expert on Love (all his 5 books have deep expositions

on love). But he was not an expert on love because he

was a great lover. He was an expert because he had been

deeply loved and he knew and understood just how

deeply beloved he was. He realised that he was a target and a recipient of love –

God’s unmeasurable, unfathomable unconditional love through his Son – Jesus


He referred to himself as: “The disciple that Jesus loved” . And yet John was a hot

headed, short tempered young man (and so was his brother James). Probably among

the youngest of the disciples (he outlived all of the disciples). He and his brother

James may have been chief instigators over the dispute about who was the greatest

disciple or second in command in Jesus’ absence. Who was in charge when Jesus is

not around. At one point they got their mother involved in the issue and she put the

request forward to Jesus which prompted Jesus to ask them: “ Can you drink from

the same cup that I drink?”, challenging their understanding of second in command

(deputy). Ironically, the brothers lives ended in opposite directions as James was the

1st to die a martyr’s death (Acts 12:1-2) whilst as already mentioned, John outlived

the rest of the disciples.

Although greatly loved, and always within the inner circles – John appeared to be

lost and confused and followed Jesus from a distance. For example on the night Jesus

was betrayed, John and Peter followed the mob but from some way back. (John

18:15-16). And he may have felt responsible for Peter’s denial of Jesus because he

was the one who spoke to the servant girl to let Peter into the courtyard in the first

place (without Peter being there, the interrogation would not have been necessary

and may never have taken place). And yet despite all his faults this is the disciple

that Jesus entrusts his mother’s care to as he dies on the cross.

John was exiled at the end of his life and lived with suffering and abandonment for

many years. But his life and faith showed that God’s love always endures! The one

big moral here is that we do not need to be perfect for God to use us for his glory.

A Christian Counselling weekly magazine wrote on the 23rd of November, 2003 that:

“The Greatest truth you can learn about life is that life is not about you, it is about

God. You could have been a frog, a fly or an elephant (inconsequential). You were

created for God, you were made to live with God forever in eternity and you exist

for God’s purposes! God does not exist for you”. If you take this lesson to heart

then every single day is a blessing and a privilege and you will begin to understand

how loved you are!

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This year so far

The first 5 months has seen our offerings total £23,573 which averages

£1088 per month. This is against a budget of £1130 per month so this is

pretty close.

Good news on income is that income to date for sales, Tuesday fellowship

and Hire and use of premises is all above where we would expect to be for

5 months.

The really good news is that we submitted a gift aid tax refund claim in

May which was paid within a week. The amount of ‘free’ money we

received from HM Treasury was £13,082 compared with the budget of

£10,250. This is a substantial uplift directly due to people last year

signing up for Gift Aid and also many signing up to give the church a

regular gift by standing order.

The significance of this is huge as it represents over 10% of our yearly

income in one go. So if you pay income tax and get paid directly to your

bank then you really should consider both Gift Aid and a standing order to

enable your offerings to become worth 20% extra each year. Put it another

way, do you really want the government to keep all the tax you pay or

would you rather they gave a chunk of it back to the church?

So, many thanks indeed to everyone who has signed up for Gift Aid or a

standing order in the past, your continued support is much appreciated,

and as you can see, very important.

The down side of relying on over 10% of our annual income coming in

one month is that this year we suffered pressure on our cash flow as a

result of heavy expenditure before we could make the Gift Aid claim.

This is the reason why standing orders are so important to us. There can


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Tyndale ‘The Ark’ Parent & Toddler Group - 1992-2014

This group started in 1992 when Sara Wise, Sue Pond, Ann Keats and

one or two others shared the vision to open this group.

In the 90’s this was very popular and at one point had more than 40

families on the register but thankfully they didn’t all attend at the same

time! Many friendships were formed between the parents.

As circumstances changed in peoples’ lives Cath joined Sue and

continued to run the group until 2009. They were good days and we

pray seeds were sown as we shared some of the Christian message to

these families.

Jill Anders then offered to run the group. If you want a job done –

always ask a busy person or someone who has 5 children!

Jill writes:

“I must admit I don't know much about the history of the toddler group

only that Sara Wise, Sue Pond and Cath Talbot seemed to have been

involved long before I took over.

When I moved to Finchampstead 15 years ago and was looking for a

church it was the toddler group that brought me to Tyndale. Working

in a male prison I desperately needed some female company and this is

where I found it. The toddler group became a valuable lifeline to me

and my rapidly growing family. I relied on it to meet friends and vent

frustrations and problems. There was no question that I would take it

over when Sue and Cath decided to retire.

(Cont. overleaf)

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Please remember to pray for our elderly folk and for those who can no longer

a�end the Sunday Services: Vera Gigg, June Moulden, Ethel Sumner. You can use

the Church Directory as a prayer guide.

Faye is in RBH on Mor*mer ward. We pray that the medical staff can find the cause

of her illness and treatment can begin.

Pray too for Maureen who undergoing treatment for a blood


Please pray for those who are finding life challenging,

especially those adjus*ng to new homes and ways of life.

We thank God for the doctors and nurses

who have been such a blessing to our friends.

All members of our church family are important.

Please let Pastor Sam or Gwen Davis know of any

pastoral needs as they arise.

Bap�smal Classes.

These are being held 3 �mes a week for those who are

considering Bap�sm.

Mondays & Wednesday 7.30pm-9pm at 37 Cressingham Road

Sunday Mornings 8am-915am here at Tyndale

Saturday 6th September: Bap�sm Seminar for candidates.


Summer 2014 Booklet Page 3

be hardly anyone who has a regular job here who is paid a different

amount each month and not regularly, yet our weekly offering can vary

quite wildly. In the winter and early months of the year we are subject

to fuel bills that are very high, yearly memberships and licences,

usually some winter maintenance as well as all our regular costs.

However we are still on track with expenses versus income so far and

we definitely should thank God for providing for us, as He has done

ever since Tyndale was built.


Well here it is the first CONTACT magazine since February! I hope it is enjoy-

able and useful to us all.

Firstly many thanks to Reverend Sylvia Stevenson who has put together edited

and produced our Contact Magazine for over ten years now. Sylvia has done a

great job in not only producing the magazine but also in getting us to contribute

on time for the monthly deadlines. This has been as well as the many other min-

istries she has been involved in here at Tyndale. So thank you Sylvia for all

your work with the magazine and for all your other work for The Lord.

Time is moving on and as such I, and I am sure the Church are grateful that

Sharon Bethel has come forward to take over the production of our church mag-

azine. Sharon is keen, but is learning to use Microsoft Publisher in order to pro-

duce the magazine – no easy task. As I am sure you can see she has made a

great start. I am certainly looking forward to seeing how she carries forward this

ministry for Tyndale. Some items will obviously remain very much the same as

before, but I am sure Sharon will use her flair to bring creative changes as she

develops her own style.

I am looking forward to future copies, giving us information of how the Lord is

working here at Tyndale, and also maybe some quizzes, fun and interest items.

PS. Please help by submitting items for deadlines. Photos (Digital, jpg’s) and

MS Word documents E-mailed to her are ideal, or even written items for those

without new technology would be great.

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The weather was beautiful as Tyndale headed out to Bulstrode House in Buck-

inghamshire. We all enjoyed the house and extensive gardens (some even revert-

ed to childhood!) and delicious barbecue. A few pictures as a reminder of that

lovely day.


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The card group was instigated way back in the 1990’s when it was devised as a way to

bring funds into the church rebuilding fund. Our then minister Sylvia Stevenson

brought a group of people together to set up and make Greetings cards for all occa-

sions. Various people over the years took on the task of cutting up old cards and mak-

ing new ones out of them, including Pam Coates, Mary Kirby, Lynne Horsecroft and

Angela Fleming all of whom sadly are no longer with us.

The card group was relaunched in 2003 with the main members being Sarah

Broadhurst, Cath Talbot , Anne Keats, Betty Westall and Shirley Lattimore. Each

member has multiple talents to produce beautiful cards together with intricate clever


Cath and Betty are the cutter outers, Cath doubling as the insert maestro, Sarah puts

together all the special verses and generally oversee’s operations including being the

book keeper. Ann embellishes with a flourish and though the finished product may look

simple, a lot of time and concentration goes in to each card. Shirley has donated hun-

dreds of cards for the team to work on and meets up with the group each Wednesday

morning to work alongside them.

The card stands you see in the Foyer were rescued from a closing down shop along the

Shinfield Road and from a sale down in Devon for a small cost and certainly are a good

way to display them all.

Special cards can be ordered and there are forms to be filled in with your requests, any

personalisation’s can be added but for those extra special cards a fortnights notice

would be appreciated. Any card already made which is bought from the rack can have

something added to it quickly so please just let one of the ladies know your needs and it

will be met.

Prices range from 50p to £2 for that special personalised one which is such good value

with the time spent on them.

The cards are sold at our Jumble sales and Fun days and have a regular set of customers

who like to buy from our team which in itself is another ministry. Relationships are

built up and lives touched by even a simple chat.

The Group meet up on a Wednesday morning in the Foyer between 9.30 am and 12.30

pm and anyone is welcome to come along and join in. It is also a good time to fellow-

ship with others, and to have a coffee and a chat. It is also a time which can be spent in

prayer with anyone in need, there is always time for someone.

Over the last 11 years over £6860.00 has been raised which is a phenomenal amount

and something to be thankful for, it has been a real blessing.

I’d like to take this opportunity on behalf of Tyndale, to thank all these ladies who do

such wonderful work and long may it continue!


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(All services will be conducted by our minister,

the Revd Sam Owoo

unless otherwise indicated.)

July 20th 10.30am Communion Service

“Who is this Jesus?” (John 7:33-8:11)

July 27th 10.30am Family Service led by Jill Anders

August 3rd 10.30 am Family Service Led by Rev Sam Owoo & Steve wise

Luke 10:25-37 The good Samaritan.

August 10th 10.30 am Family Service Led by Rev Sam Owoo & Steve

Wise Luke 14:15-24 The great feast

August 17th 10.30am, Baptismal Service, led by Rev Sam Owoo &

Steve Wise Luke 15:1-7 The lost sheep

August 24th 10.30am Family Service, Led by Rev Sam Owoo, and Steve Wise,

Luke 15: 11-32 The lost son

August 31st 10.30am, Baptismal Service, Rev Sam Owoo, Heather Owoo & Jill



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Tuesday Fellowship


There’s a space for you!

July 15 Claire and Erika from Fusion

July 22 Uda from Befriending Organisation

July 29 Hazel, former missionary to Africa

Aug. 5 Members contributions



August 9th

At 11.30—12.30am

CHURCH MEETING The next will be held on

Thursday 17th July

Fun Day Donations needed! We are looking for items for the Tombola Stall such as bottles,

tins, packets of food and sweets. Any nearly new items will also

be greatly appreciated.