Page 1: From Olivier to commissioning team plans for the start-up of regular operations of LHCb 30/06 to 4/07 : Global commissioning week, all detectors, full

From Olivier to commissioning team

plans for the start-up of regular operations of LHCb

30/06 to 4/07 : Global commissioning week, all detectors, full scale system operation

7/07 to 11/07 : Detector cooling maintenance, no global activity

14/07 to 18/07 : Global operation during day time ( 9 AM to 5 PM ) with a shift operator, trying to run the whole detector together. SD work is allowed during that time with prior agreement of the Run Coordinator (Richard). SD support (shift) is mandatory during these hours. Evening and night free for specific work. No global activity on week-end

21/07 to 25/07 : Same mode of operation

From 29/07, start continuous operation, 24 hours 7 days a week. All SD piquet should be in place, SD shifts if required by the operation of their detector should also be in place.The detector part of the cavern will be closed around this time.

This is a major milestone towards taking data in LHCb. Organising all these shifts and piquets in the middle of summer is not too easy, and should be done in advance. All this works on the good will of all the collaboration.

Page 2: From Olivier to commissioning team plans for the start-up of regular operations of LHCb 30/06 to 4/07 : Global commissioning week, all detectors, full

Training of new experts, then of shifters,…

In last LHCb Week, I proposed to organize shifter’s training sessions:group of ~4-6 people (not selected) altogether in control room

This proposal was criticized/rejected for several reasons :

- the control system is still in evolution ;

- the system is very complex: it is not possible to teach how to use it in

few days to a non-expert person ;

- at present the system is not user-friendly: simplified PVSS panels for

shifters do not exist ;

- the candidate trainers are too busy to write documentation and have no

time to explain the system from scratch.

Page 3: From Olivier to commissioning team plans for the start-up of regular operations of LHCb 30/06 to 4/07 : Global commissioning week, all detectors, full

First priority: to form “experts”

The most urgent requirement is not to find shifters but to have more “experts”, i.e. people able to (at least) :

- start HV, LV ;- monitor HV & gas system ;- configure/setup the Muon System, to start data taking ;- run monitoring online ;-solve “simple” problems

We cannot rely on the 2-3 experts we have now to run the

system in the next months (including the summer).


Page 4: From Olivier to commissioning team plans for the start-up of regular operations of LHCb 30/06 to 4/07 : Global commissioning week, all detectors, full

Example: the experience of the connectivity tests

Many connectivity tests were performed by the team Adalberto, Alessio & Matteo.

This was possible because :

- the test is limited to a set of reasonably simple operations;- much of the work is interpretation of the error log file: this is a offline task ;- the 3 people of the team came to CERN many times.

KEYS OF SUCCESS: few people regular presence limited task

Page 5: From Olivier to commissioning team plans for the start-up of regular operations of LHCb 30/06 to 4/07 : Global commissioning week, all detectors, full

What is needed

Alternative proposal(after discussion with Adriano,Sandro,Caterina) :

find soon few (4-8) people, with these pre-requisites:

MANDATORY: able to come to CERN regularly during next 2-3 months (about 2 weeks/month);

some basic knowledge of the system, of FSM/PVSS ;

Documentation (on Twiki) will be written:

- either by Adriano (who volunteered) ;- or by the trainees (during/just after the course).

The documentation will represent a starting point for the training course (and will evolve with time, according to trainee feedback)

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Medium-Long term planning: involve more shifters

Other (non-trained) shifters will be involved later, when the system is reasonably stable

- they will do their first shifts together with “experts” ;

- they will read documentation before going in shift ;

Eventually, some simplified panels will be designed for them (to be seen)

Page 7: From Olivier to commissioning team plans for the start-up of regular operations of LHCb 30/06 to 4/07 : Global commissioning week, all detectors, full

LHCb shifts

You are kindly invited to send to [email protected]

the form that I sent you by e-mail (29/5) indicating that you are available

also for Muon Piquet.

Only the Olivier (shift manager) can insert names in the LHCb shift DB.

This DB will be used for the schedule of the training sessions of the Muon piquets.

You can book Muon Piquet shifts only if you have followed the training session.

Page 8: From Olivier to commissioning team plans for the start-up of regular operations of LHCb 30/06 to 4/07 : Global commissioning week, all detectors, full

LHCb shifts

Last name :

First name :

Institute :

Short name :

(You need a short name (no space) to login to the database. You can use your Online login if you have one, else a dedicated name + password will be assigned to

you, valid only for the shift database )

How many shifts are you ready to take ?

Have you any previous shift experience ?

If yes : Specify which experience and how much :

Would you be ready to accept the responsibility of Shift Leader ?

Do you want to participate to Muon piquet activity ?

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we need urgently people willing to become experts :

- spend a lot of time in control room with a lot of dead time ;

- be patient ;

- listen, do not criticize everything ;

- write/improve documentation for shifters.

we have to plan the presence of Muon piquets (from end of July)

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Medium term goals : before LHC starts (Aug-Sep)

Organize shifter training (define method, content, dates) :

a tutorial session at CERN ? in June ?

Prepare documentation for shifters :

- define standard procedures to operate the system ;- define procedures in case of problems ;- define how to record problems and their solutions.

Define : shifter list, shifter duties and shift organization

Define shift policy : based on volunteers ?

Generic muon shifter : able to spot problems call piquet if needed ;

Piquet : not in control room, but at CERN (expert or quasi-expert) call expert ;

Other experts on-call : also experts not at CERN with mobile “always” ON
