Page 1: From Last time… New topic: Diffraction only one slit, but ... · (reflection, refraction, absorption) What about diffraction? • Light really behaves as a wave • The concept


From Last time…

Diffraction grating

Two-source interference:

Diffraction = interference from many sources

Week3HW on Mastering Physics due Fri. Sep. 18

Week2HW due Fri. Sep. 11

New topic: Diffraction only one slit, but “wide”

•  Interference-like pattern from a single slit.

θcentral width ~ 2 λa

For a slit:

Long wavelength: wide pattern

Short wavelength narrow pattern

Thursday, Sep. 10 Physics 208, Lecture 3 3

Huygen’s principle

•  Huygen’s principle: each portion of the slit acts as a source of waves

•  These sources interfere according to path-length difference.

Overlapping diffraction patterns •  Two sources ->two

diffraction patterns.

•  Width central max determined by aperture.

•  Larger aperture gives better angular resolution


Angular separation

•  For a circular aperture (e.g. lens)

θmin =1.22 λD

36” Lick refractor at UC-Berkeley

Thursday, Sep. 10 Physics 208, Lecture 3 5

Large aperture -> good angular resolution

θmin =1.22 λD


Diffraction from other objects

•  General effect •  Clearest w/single wavelength

Thursday, Sep. 10 Physics 208, Lecture 3 6

Light diffraction by pinhead

Page 2: From Last time… New topic: Diffraction only one slit, but ... · (reflection, refraction, absorption) What about diffraction? • Light really behaves as a wave • The concept


Thursday, Sep. 10 Physics 208, Lecture 3 7

Interference summary •  Waves start in phase •  Travel different distances (extra path length = δ) •  No longer in phase when combined (Phase diff φ)

Shorter path

Longer path Here, δ = λ/2 Phase diff π Crest aligns with trough Destructive interference

Another source of phase difference •  In some cases reflection gives phase shift

n1 n2>n1

n1 n2<n1

π phase shift

no phase shift

Thursday, Sep. 10 Physics 208, Lecture 3 9

Thin film interference Black

Colors changing with thickness

Thursday, Sep. 10 Physics 208, Lecture 3 10

air: n=1

n>1 t


λ /n Extra path length~2t

air: n=1

•  Phase difference from reflection –  Top reflection has π phase shift, bottom not

•  Phase difference from path length difference –  Path length difference = 2t

–  Gives phase difference

180˚ (π radians) phase shift from reflection

no phase shift from reflection

2π 2tλ /n

Contributions to the phase difference

Thin film

Thursday, Sep. 10 Physics 208, Lecture 3 11

π + 2π 2tλ /n( )

=Phase difference = Reflection phase shift # wavelengths in

extra path length

2mπ constructive

2m +1( )π destructive

2t = m +12


(m = 0,1,2…) constructive interference

2t = m λn

(m = 0,1,2…) destructive interference

Convert to phase

What happens when: t << all λ in light? Constructive int. condition for some λ?

Thursday, Sep. 10 Physics 208, Lecture 3 12

Biological iridescence

•  Some organisms seem to reflect incredibly vivid colors. Not by pigment, but interference!

Page 3: From Last time… New topic: Diffraction only one slit, but ... · (reflection, refraction, absorption) What about diffraction? • Light really behaves as a wave • The concept


Thursday, Sep. 4 Phy208 Lecture 2 13 €

λconstructive = 446nm

Waves and geometry

•  Interference and diffraction demonstrate that light is a wave.

•  Doesn’t always appear as a straight ‘ray’ of light

… but sometimes it almost does!

Geometric optics: Tracing the path of light rays

What is a light ray?

•  Light ray is a line in the direction along which light energy is flowing.

Ray enters eye -> you can see the light source

Wavefronts (crests of waves)

What does a light ray do?

•  Light rays travel forever in straight line unless they interact with matter (reflection, refraction, absorption)

What about diffraction? •  Light really behaves as a wave •  The concept of a light ray is an approximation

i.e. a lie

Wavelength << aperture size, rays are good approximation

Light rays from point source

•  Light rays are not always parallel. –  E.g. light bulb visible from all directions –  Rays must be traveling in all directions

Light ray perpendicular to local wavefront (crest of wave).

Page 4: From Last time… New topic: Diffraction only one slit, but ... · (reflection, refraction, absorption) What about diffraction? • Light really behaves as a wave • The concept


Interaction of light with matter


And all occur simultaneously



Reflection/refraction occur at interfaces between different materials

Reflection and Refraction •  Direction of light can be changed by

–  Reflection (lets you see an object) –  Refraction (transmits light thru object)

… at an interface between different materials

•  Ray is the incident ray •  Ray is the reflected ray •  Ray is refracted into the

lucite •  Ray is reflected inside the

lucite •  Ray is refracted as it enters

the air from the lucite


Plastic Inter- face

When are materials different?

•  For reflection/refraction –  materials are different if they have

different index of refraction –  Light propagates at different speed

in different materials. –  Due to interaction of

electromagnetic wave with atoms in material.

Material Index of refraction

Vacuum 1.00 exactly

Air (actual) 1.0003

Air (accepted) 1.00

Ice 1.31

Water 1.33

Ethyl Alcohol 1.36

Oil 1.46

Pyrex glass 1.46

Crown glass 1.52

Polystyrene plastic 1.59

Flint glass 1.66

Diamond 2.41

v =cn c=speed of light in vacuum

What do you think? Pyrex stirring rod (n=1.46) dipped into beaker of

Wesson oil (n=1.46). What happens to the rod?

Pyrex stirring rod

A.  Appears dark

B.  Appears bright

C.  Appears invisible

D. Appears curved

E.  Appears inverted

No reflection/refraction if index of refraction is same.

Beaker of Wesson oil

Reflection •  Angle of incidence

= angle of reflection θi θr

Incident ray

Reflected ray

•  Multiple reflections

•  Apply θi=θr at each surface – trace ray

Why θi=θr? •  Christian Huygens modeled this in 1690

–  Said that each point on wavefront acts as source of spherical wavelets

–  Superposition of wavelets gives reflected plane wave such that θi=θr

θi θr

Page 5: From Last time… New topic: Diffraction only one slit, but ... · (reflection, refraction, absorption) What about diffraction? • Light really behaves as a wave • The concept


What about refraction? •  Refraction occurs when light moves into

medium with different index of refraction. •  Result: light direction bends according to

Snell’s law

θi,1 θr


Angle of refraction


n2 €

n1 sinθ1 = n2 sinθ2

Why Snell? •  Can analyze in exactly the same way •  Light moves at different speed in different media

θi θr



θ2 v2<v1

Refraction angle

n2 < n1


Reflected ray


n2 >n1


n1 Reflected ray

n2>n1 Refracted ray bent toward normal

n2<n1 Refracted ray bent away from normal

slower in medium 2 faster in medium 2

Quick quiz Which of these fluids has the

smallest index of refraction (highest light speed)?




A.  Fluid A

B.  Fluid B

C.  Fluid C

D. All equal

Numerical Example A beam of light is traveling underwater, aimed up at the

surface at 45˚ away from the surface normal. Part of it is reflected back into the water, and part is transmitted into the air.

Water n1=1.33

Air n2=1.00


n1 sinθ1 = n2 sinθ2

sinθ2 =n1n2sinθ1 = 0.94

θ2 = arcsin n1n2sinθ1

= 70˚


Quick quiz A trout looks up through

the surface at the setting sun, and at the moon directly overhead. He sees

A.  Moon directly overhead, sun ~ parallel to water surface

B.  Moon directly overhead, sun ~ 40˚ above water surface

C.  Moon ~ 40˚ from vertical, sun ~ parallel to water surface

D.  Moon and sun aligned at 40˚ from vertical.



Page 6: From Last time… New topic: Diffraction only one slit, but ... · (reflection, refraction, absorption) What about diffraction? • Light really behaves as a wave • The concept


Total Internal Reflection •  Is possible when light is directed from n1 > n2

⇒ refracted rays bend away from the normal

•  Critical angle: angle of incidence that will result in an angle of refraction of 90° (sinθ2 = 1)

For water:

sinθc =1

1.333= 0.75⇒θc = 48.75˚

Optical Fibers The cladding has a lower n than the core

•  Plastic or glass light pipes •  Applications:

–  Medicine: endoscope (light can be directed even if bent and the surgeon can view areas in the body using a camera.)

–  Telecommunications
