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Fresh Vegetables

Sreedharshanvegetable tradesand exportes a wide range of fresh Indian vegetables to the world markets. Our procurement of the range of fresh vegetables is mainly from our farms and come to you farm fresh. All the fresh Indian vegetables we supply carry with them the seal of freshness, quality and nutrition. You are assured of timely deliveries and reasonable costs.

Ladies fingers

We export fresh Lady Fingers that are devoid of microorganisms and are rich in nutritional values. We have sophisticated processes that use the latest agricultural technologies that ensure our Lady Fingers are of good taste and high nutritional content. We supply any quantity as required by the customers and employ suitable hygienic packing to retain the freshness of the vegetables.

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Ladies fingers have numerous health providing attributes. They contain blood sugar levels, prevent heart disease, help with the digestive system, heal ulcers, reduces lung inflammation and maintains energy levels that lead to good health.

Drum sticks

We supply fresh drumsticks from our farm that are fresh, healthy and free of microorganisms. The updated agricultural practices that we use ensures good quality of the produce. Organic manure and fertilizers reduce risks and the vegetables that come to you are pure and 100 percent natural. This vegetable is available round the year and can be supplied in any quantity.

Drumstick soups are used as a tonic for children for healthy bones and blood purification, for expectant mothers to help with their pregnancy and lactation needs. The vegetable is a good antidote for respiratory disorders and is highly beneficial in the treatment of respiratory diseases like asthma, bronchitis and tuberculosis. The vegetable has properties that relieve sexual, digestive and urinary disorders and can be used as a beauty aid.

Sweet pumpkin White pumpkin

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Our pumpkin has opened a new chapter in exports. Our tasty and nutritious pumpkin is a storehouse of vitamins and is supplied in bulk to global markets. It is also rich source of minerals like copper, calcium, potassium and phosphorus.

The medicinal properties include body protection and the vegetable is a powerful natural anti-oxidant which protect against lung and oral cavity cancers. It helps with eye diseases and old age.

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The white pumpkins have similar attributes to the sweet pumpkin and go hand in hand with our other vegetable exports. These vegetables have excellent nutritional properties and help cure a variety of diseases.White pumpkins are a tonic for the brain, help with de worming, bleeding piles, constipation, a natural coolant, relieves headache and applied as a salve for burns.

Green chilly Red chilly

The green chilly that we offer is of fine quality full of flavor come with a bright green color and a healthy skin. Chilies have high nutritional value which includes vitamin C, B, B6, iron, potassium and magnesium. It is used for flavoring and add hotness to the meal.

Green chilly have high levels of vitamins and minerals and prevent diseases. The vegetable has analgesic, anti-carcinogenic, anti-diabetic and anti bacterial properties. It also reduces LDL cholesterol levels in obesity.

We also offer fresh red chilly, at affordable prices. This can be supplied in any quantity.


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We export fresh tomatoes world wifde and our products are healthy and tasty with a lot of nutrition and goodness. Tomatoes find applications in everyday cuisine and go well with any dish. They are eaten in the raw, made into sauces, juices and used in dressing and salads.

Regular consumption of tomato improves skin texture and color. Tomatoes help in blood purification and dissolving gallstone and reduce blood cholesterol and fight cancer. It helps in the prevention of heart disease also.

Bitter gourd

Bitter Gourds are dark green with and measure about 18 centimeters long. These vegetables are grown in our farms under ideal conditions and come to you fresh and because of the excellent keeping quality arrive at your destination with its original properties. The farming techniques that we employ ensure that the vegetables are tolerant to pests and diseases.

Bitter gourds are full of nutrition and are consumed for its medicinal value in the treatment of diabetes, anti inflammation and anti fungal functions.

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Bottle gourd

Bottle Gourds offered by us are rich in nutrients and are highly resistant to diseases. The Fresh Bottle Gourds that we supply are perfect in taste and decay free. W raise our own crop and are known as one of the well-established exporters for and vegetable suppliers.

Bottle gourd has diuretic, cooling and sedative properties and is used for treatment of urinary disorders. It also relieves people with diabetic problems and treatment of epilepsy, insomnia, nervous disorders and digestive disorders. It is an essential part of the meal for good health.

Pointed Gourd

We cultivate pointed gourd in our farms and export large volumes worlds wide. This vegetable is used in a wide range of cooking for soups, stews, fried and goes as fillings.This vegetable is rich in vitamins and contains other elements like minerals, iron, calcium and health promoting properties and alongside has a lot of health benefits and is extensively used in Ayurvedic treatments for enhancing digestion, blood purification, liver stimulation, etc.

Ridge gourd

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ItWe are one of the leading exporters of ridge gourd to world countries and supply products straight from our farms. Ridge gourd has many health benefits.The vegetable is known as a cure for stomach ailments, jaundice, blood sugar, skin diseases and promotes the immune system. The ridge gourd is full of nutrition and goes well with obesity.


We offer fresh cabbage from our farms in large volumes at reasonable price to our overseas customers. Bulk cultivation and farming techniques we adopt makes our cabbages a better product that is tasty nutritious and superior. The vegetable is packed full of healthy medicinal values and vitamins and are useful in the treatment of various diseases.

They have detoxifying properties, lower the incidence of cancer, builds muscles, heals ulcers and also lower serum cholesterol in human bodies.

Beet Root

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We farm good quality beet root and supply them in big volumes to the world markets. Beet roots are used for making sugar and go well into all cuisine. Our produce is well accepted for their superlative qualities and value. This vegetable is known for its nutrition and is an source for folic acid. The medicinal properties include antioxidants that prevent cardiac diseases, leukemia, tumors, colon and stomach cancers. Beet roots are used as a remedy for cholesterol, liver problems digestive disorders, skin problems, etc.


We are popular for our fresh cauliflower supply and our premium products come to you without the premium price tag. When you order with us any quantity we supply you the best quality of cauliflower from our farms. All the processes from beginning to end are controlled by our trained personnel to ensure the premium quality.

Like all natural produce these vegetable provide you with an array of health solutions and body functions. Cauliflower helps with cancer prevention, improves liver function, kidney and bladder disorders and high blood pressure.

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Carrots that we harvest and supply are of optimum quality. The carrots come in varied hues such as red, yellow or orange color and provide health benefits with its high nutritional properties. Carrots can be eaten both raw and cooked and are widely used in the preparation of several tasty dishes and desserts. These tuber vegetables are full of vitamins and health promoters.

Carrots have several medicinal properties and goes well by people of all age groups. Carrots helps prevent night blindness and improves breast milk quality. The other properties of the carrot enhance appearance of the skin, nails and hair. It has reduction properties for cholesterol and blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

Elephant yam

We export good amounts of elephant yam which find considerable applications in cooking overseas and enhances the multi cuisine.

The elephant yam has a lot of nutrition and health benefits. It is used for slimming and reduces cholesterol in the body. It cools the body and lowers hypertension, promotes free blood flow, helps with diabetes, piles treatment and helps women with their menstrual cycles. It also acts as a natural cure for bowel movements.

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Onion Big

Onions are the pride of of our exports and have found a market in literally every country. Our fresh onions are carefully grown and possess all the goodness and come to you in any quantity at affordable pricing. Onions are known for their high nutritious and medicinal values and no cooking is complete without this ingredient. It is eaten in a variety of ways, fresh and dehydrated and goes well with all dishes and enhances the taste and flavor.Onions have a lot of health benefits and are extensively used in Indian medicine as well as in allopath for a variety of sicknesses. It has antioxidant properties and is also found to be used for cancer treatments also.

Snake gourd

We are one of the well-known exporters, processors and suppliers of Snake Gourd and offer optimum quality vegetables to our valuable clients worldwide. Our vegetable have genuine taste and ample nutritional values and are procured from reliable farms under the strict supervision of our quality inspectors. These vegetables are used in a variety of cooking and come pure, unadulterated and hygienically packed.

Theses vegetables possess several medicinal properties and are suitable for consumption by people of all age groups to sustain good healthy living.

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Curry leaf

We harvest and offer optimum quality Curry leaves are grown and harvested in our farms and are exported all over the world. This produce has a lot of health benefit and is used in everyday cooking for its flavor and health values. Curry leaves have a good taste and go well in a variety of menus and complements the fare with its nutritional properties. It has several health promoting properties and is a remedy for a variety of diseases.


Potatoes that we export are of the premium quality and find acclaim all over the world, due to their good quality. Potatoes are versatile and go as a combination into any cuisine. The farm fresh potatoes are harvested from our farms and are assured of quality. We take care to ensure that these potatoes are disease free and reach the clients in prim and fresh condition.


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Our radish finds a very good overseas market by virtue of its properties. We supply first grade radish in lots regularly to our clients for standard price.

Radish is rich in vitamins and also has health benefits. Radish is good for teeth, gums hair and nails. It stimulates appetite, reduces hypertension, improves with digestion, fights obesity, and is known as a tuberculosis cure. It also helps with kidney function and fights diabetes.

Sweet potato

Sweet potato is also in our range of production and supply to overseas markets. We produce quality and tasty sweet potato that go well with consumers abroad. These vegetable are rich in vitamins and have healthy ingredients.

The medicinal properties of sweet potato include removal of free radicals from human bodies, curing ulcers, blood pressure, and acts as an energy booster. It has cancer combating properties against cancer and is a good food for diabetes.


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Our Taro are very popular in the overseas markets and we export large containers to all world countries. Taro are rich in nutrition and enhance the well being of a person.Apart from its nutritional properties, it is known for its medicinal characteristics. It has antioxidant values which help protect lung and oral cavity from cancer. It controls blood sugar levels and helps heart rate and blood pressure. Tapioca

Tapioca is also another of our supply and are known for their quality aspects and longer shelf life. Tapioca is a rich food and highly nutritious.

Tapioca is also known for its health aspects as it is rich in vitamins and minerals. Its protein content helps fights diseases and obesity. It lowers cholesterol levels and helps with cardiovascular health.


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We are involved in cultivation and supply of fresh range of brinjals to our global clients. The handpicked brinjals come to you fresh and free from micro organisms. Our produce is rich in nutritional value and come fresh at reasonable cost.

Brinjals are known to cure cancer and act as a remedy for hypertension and diabetes. Brinjal soup helps with digestion. It is used as a cure for insomnia and flatulence.


We cultivate a wide variety of beans and supply them fresh to international markets. Beans are used as a regular meal and have an impressive health record. These vegetable contain a lot of fiber that improves our health.

The health benefits of beans are to lower cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure, control blood sugar, reduce cancer risk, regulate digestive processes and prevent piles and bowel malady. It is also said they have a good effect during menopause and heart ailments.

Fresh Ginger

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We are known for our fresh ginger products. We grow special variety of ginger to cater to the world markets by our trained farming personnel. The products that reach you come fresh and retain all the goodness. We achieve this by using good agricultural techniques and practices.

Ginger has a lot of medicinal properties and is hence used in everyday cooking for its flavor and taste not to mention the medicinal aspects that nurture good health.

Fresh Lemon

We supply our clients fresh lemon in bulk quantities and on priority basis also. We are renowned for our fresh lemon manufacture and export in India. Fresh lemon finds usage in the health care industry as well as culinary, cosmetic, and other industries. We supply our fresh limes at the most competitive prices to the world markets. Our produce is natural, free from microorganisms and come decay free.

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Fresh lemons are used for a variety of cures and finds mention in Indian medicine as a remedy for human health disorders.


We offer cucumber that is grown in our farms and comes fresh to your dining table. This handpicked product brings all the goodness of nature and is exported in any quantity to suit customer requirements. Cucumbers are used in a wide variety of cooking and are used in salads and pickling. The cucumbers are nutritive and contain vitamins and other health promoting characteristics.

The medicinal properties improve kidney and urinary bladder diseases, liver and pancreatic diseases, controls blood pressure, help digestion, diseases of the oral cavity, diabetes, etc.
