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Basic French pronunciation rulesHere we do not intend to list all French pronunciation rules, we collected only those rules which are significantly different to English ones and therefore when you use Easy-to-Learn French Phrases they can be very helpful to understand why "this word" is pronounced "this way".1. Stress in French words always falls on the last pronounced syllable2. The fnal letter "e" is normally not pronounced, the preceding consonant is pronounced.3. Final consonants are usually silent, except of "c", "f" and "l" which are generally pronounced. As in English, in plural most French words add an "s", however, the last "s" in a word is not pronounced. Example enfant and its plural form enfants are pronounced the same way. !here are exceptions li"e #ls, ga$, ouest, sud, auto%us and others. &ee also liaison rules when some #nal consonants %ecome sounded.'. "" is always pronounced as /s/ ()ar*on, le*on, fa*on+,. Letter "h" is never pronounced-. Liaison rules when a French word ends with a consonant and the next %egins with a vowel or a silent "h" the #nal consonant .oins the following vowel to form a complete sylla%le. !he pronunciation in this situation can %e di/erent consonants "s" and "x" are pronounced as 0$0 (lesenfants, deuxenfants+, "f" is pronounced as 0v0, "d" as 0t0.1. Elision rules French letters "a" and "e" in the words le, la, ce, je, me, te, se, de, ne, que is dropped when the word that follows them %egins with a vowel or silent "h". (l2enfant+3. Nasal sounds. !hey are indicated %y vowel 4 "n" or "m", where vowel %ecomes nasal and "n" or "m" is not pronounced. 5lease note that only when used alone (such as in words un, en, ton+ or followed %y a consonant (except another "n" or "m"+, vowels together with "n" or "m" will form a nasal sound. 6f a consonant is followed %y a vowel, %oth vowel and consonant will %e pronounced (une+7. !here are six masculine French ad.ectives and three feminine possessive adectives that chan!e their formif they precede a word %eginning with a vowel or silent "h".beau - bel (%eautiful+ (un %eau gar*on 8 un %el homme+ce - cet (this, that+ (ce gar*on 8 cet enfant+fou - fol (mad+ (un fou rire 8 un fol espoir, un fol appel+mou - mol (soft+ (un mou matelas 8 un mol oreiller+nouveau - nouvel (new+ (le 9ouveau :onde 8 le 9ouvel An+vieux - vieil (old+ (un vieux camarade 8 un vieil ami+French feminine possessive ad.ectives ma, ta, sa (my, your, her+ change to the masculine form mon, ton, son (ma maison8 mon ;cole< ta vie 8 ton exp;rience< sa vie 8 son =uvre+French letter combinations and their French sounds:French letter combinationsFrenchsoundomments E!amples E!ceptionsai "e"# " " pronounced li$e "e" in "bed"aimer, laitau, eau "o" pronounced li$e "o" chaud, tableaueu, oeu "%", "&" heure, deu!ier "'e" papier, calendrierill, il "i'"pronounced li$e "y" in "yes"famille, %il, travailmille, ville, tran(uille, villageou "u"pronounced li$e "oo"vous, ouvriroi, oy "wa" pronounced li$e thevoici, voyagecombination "oa"ui " i" pronounced li$e the English word "we"nuit, puis, au'ourd)huich " " pronounced li$e "sh" chat, chocolatc%ur, chaos, christ, psychologie, " " pronounced li$e "ni"in "onion"gagner, montagne*f the "g" and"n" are in twodifferent sillables or begin a word both consonants are pronounced+ ignition, gnomegu "g"pronounced li$e "g" in "get"gu,requ "$"Pronounced li$e "$" in "s$i" -not aspirated.quatre, qui, masqueth "t" th/0tretion "s'1"French "ti" here is pronounced li$e "si"conversationen, an, am, em " " French nasal soundencore, croissant, champ,ensemble aim, ain, ein, eim,im, in, ym, yn" " French nasal soundmagasin, faim, demain, peinture, brin, timbre, thym oin "w " French nasal sound moins, loinon, m, eon " " French nasal sound maison, nom, pigeonun, um "%2" French nasal sound brun, parfum
