
  • THE GENERATIONS OF NOAH Book of Enoch: The fall of Angels, the demoralisation of Mankind, the intercession of the angels on behalf of mankind.Enoch Chapter 6:1-And it came to pass when the children of men had multiplied that in those days were born unto them beautiful and comely daughters and the fallen angels of Heaven saw and lusted after them and said to each other come let us choose us wives from among the children of men and beget us children and semjaza who was their leader said unto them I know you're afraid to do this deed so I alone shall have to pay the deed for this great sin

  • You see semyaza or semjaza knew that it was wrong, what he wanted to do and the only way he could convince the other fallen angels to do this act of sleeping with human woman was if he took the blame for this great sin in which there were about to commitSemyaza (Fallen Angel)

  • Semjaza and The fallen anges make an oath on mount hermonHe manages to convince the other fallen angels to do this evil act and their response is found in Enoch Ch 6:4-6-Where there said let us all swear an oath and bind ourselves by mutual imprecations not abandon this plan but to do this thing.There were aware all together and bounded themselves by mutual imprecations upon it, there were over two hundred fallen angels who fell from heaven in the days of Jared on the summit on mount hermon, and there called it mount hermon, because this is were they bounded themselves by mutual imprecations upon it.

  • Imprecation Definition The Act of Imprecating a Curse, to invoke or call down evil or curses as upon on a person, that's what this fallen angels were doing to the human woman there knew because a woman has the ability to reproduce there could create a race of new beings sounds familiar today (Transhumanism and genetic engineering) this was Satan's plan to infect the human race with a curse and his ultimate goal was to curse the genealogy of Christ, so that Jesus Christ would become corrupted which was why God had to quickly destroy mankind with a flood now do you understand Satan never stops planning on how he can defeat God and corrupt God but he always fails

  • Men And Woman =Children Daughters of men breed children with Fallen Angels Fallen Angels Daughters of men (Human woman breed with Fallen angels and produce Nephilim giants are born

  • Nephilim ChildrenHalf Human + Half Angel

  • Lima Peru Skulls of Nephilim GiantsThis are the skulls of the nephilim giants found in Peru, which this things ruled the world, in their days and today this spirits are in most of our politicians so think before you VOTE you could be voting for this Evil ones.

  • Book of Enoch Chapter 7:1-5(1) And all the others together with them took themselves wives and each chose one for himself and they began to go unto them, and to defile themselves with them, and taught them charms and enchatments, the cuttings of roots and made them acquainted with plants(2) and the women became pregnant by them, and there bare great giants whose height was thousand ells (30ft) who consumed all the acquisitions of men, and when men could no longer substain them, the giants turned and devoured mankind, and they began to sin against birds, beasts, reptiles and fish and to devour one another's flesh and drink the blood then the earth laid accusations against the lawless ones (Scapegoat)

  • Azazel (Fallen Angel)Taught men how to make Swords, knives, shields, breastplates and made known to them metals, of the earth, and the art of working them and bracelets, ornaments, the use of antimony and the beautifying of the eyelids all kinds of costly stones and all coluring tinctures and they arose much godlessness and the people committed fornication and lead astray and became corrupt in all their ways

  • Things that Glorify The Demon AzazelWere you not created in the Image of God, and makeup and cosmetic products glorify Azazel and you're saying God you did a lousy job creating me

  • Satan Hijack of Marriage not just through Gay MarriageThis is a Wedding Ring Maximum price: $75-$100This is not a Wedding Ring

  • The Leader Semayaza The demonTaught men Witchcraft and root cuttings

  • FAME has is it's PRICE the Question is are you willing to sell your soul to get it because many haveSemejaza broken up into two Seme and Jaza meaning rebellion, arrogance, infamous or famous, The Spirit of becoming Infamous or famous is real

  • So is the Spirit of becoming FamousYou gotta sell your SOULIs it worth it? Scripture tell us What have your really gained if you're glorified by the world, but lose your soul in the process.

  • Demons make you lose your MIND

  • Is there a DifferenceHe Has Drones From the Skies to do that.He preffers to massacre innocents with chemical weapons like Mustard gas

  • Tamiel (Demon)Taught people magic, hidden power of the hand, also in Hinduism there bow and worship this is wrong, you might aswell be bowing down to Satan himself.

  • Only if we Abide in the truth are we Free

  • Kokabiel A Fallen star of God, taught humans astrology in Aramiac tranlates to Araq, Babylonia-Morden day Iraq that's his orgins commands 365,000 evil spirits to attack mankind.

  • Do not be Decieved Young ChildrenDemons are false ministering spirits that come to you in the form of men, Richard Dawkins, Neil Degrasse Tyson to lead you astray from God and teach you Astrology so that you can glorify another god, a false god. (Kokabiel)

  • Tamiel (Demon)He is a demon that aims to to strike the soul in particular of women, he does this by either Abortion, bites of the serpent causing the women to miscarry her child.

  • Abortion Women Don't make this FATAL Mistake

  • Arestikapha Arestikapha meaning world of distortion who taught Geomancy to humans in the days of Jared taught the signs of the Earth

  • GeomancyGeomancy in greek earth divination is a method in which that interprets markings on the ground or the patterns formed by tossed handcuffs of soil, rocks or sandWorld of Distortion The alteration of the original form of a signal representing an image, sound, a waveform, or other information things like the Devils pop's music and holograms

  • Danel (demon)Demon a Fallen Angel taught man songs of the sun, and how to perform catchy music, of the sun, your hip hop, pop, soul, R and B and Kirk Franklin Fake Gospel songs

  • This are a just fewThese are just a few of the main leaders of the principalities and spritual wickedness we are still fighting with even today, there are over 200 hundred that we know of,

  • Nephilim Sprits Where are they today?We are the Nephilim, mankind is corrupted, evil is always at the centre of our minds we need a saviour

  • We are the Nephilim of today Mankind's Corrupt needing a Saviour

  • Don't Be Alarmed Because There is Hope

  • There is one Bloodline Which ain't Corrupted by the Enemy For it is the Gospel of One Man Son of King David It's his Gospel that has the HOLY FILLED POWER to bring SALAVATION unto men

  • There is no other way unto Salvation But JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH

  • MUST REPENT How To REPENT Humble HEART, Acknowledge to him You're Evil You're a Sinner and you need saving, and indeed The Son of MAN will set you FREE JESUS of NAZARETH Call out to his NAME JESUS My LORD and SAVIOUR

  • SET Yourself FREE Do not PERISH into HELL but accept the GIFT of Eternal LIFE in Heaven