Page 1: Franklin D. Roosevelt- The Great Communicator The Master ... · in bebal.t of &11 those •ictillus or infantile para.lyala to d whom tbie celebration tonight apella new hope and

Franklin D. Roosevelt- "The Great Communicator"

The Master Speech Files, 1898, 1910-1945

Series 2: "You have nothing to fear but fear itself:" FOR and the New Deal

File No. 1356

1941 January 30

President's Birthday Broadcast

Page 2: Franklin D. Roosevelt- The Great Communicator The Master ... · in bebal.t of &11 those •ictillus or infantile para.lyala to d whom tbie celebration tonight apella new hope and


JANUARY )0 1 1941

0// --/, (, '·< ':"r -- , /,/ / // ~---< J'rom the bottom or lilY heart I thank all or you --

every man aDd ~'01111!1.11 an~ child \fdlo h11 a labored with rq old

rriendl!l , Baa11 o•connor anct Keith l!orean, in this great

cause , And l et me , at the outaet , also give you my thanks

in bebal.t of &11 those •ictillus or infantile para.lyala to

d whom tbie celebration tonight apella new hope and new


Jloet or all, I am eratet'ul to America -- tor

reaftil'lling a t this hour America's bWDanity , Americt.'a

act!Te concern tor its children . 'l'bie is the eif,bth birthday

in a row which all or you ha•e made an occesion tor joining

bands in this national bwtle.nitari an e f fort .

I cannot say, as you can well understand, that

this ia tor ae a cOIZipletely happ7 bir thday. These ore

not completely haJJpy days tor any or us in the world. Shall

Page 3: Franklin D. Roosevelt- The Great Communicator The Master ... · in bebal.t of &11 those •ictillus or infantile para.lyala to d whom tbie celebration tonight apella new hope and

- 2 -

we uy tba.t Am.e ric3.n bi r this year are beios made at.

least happi e r than they would otherwiSe be because all ot

us are still livi ng under a t r ee peoples' philosophy?

It is not only t.hat the lights ot peace blAze in ....__

our great cities and glow in our tOnle and villA gee ~- that

l&ll,3bter and .cU3ic still rin~ out troa coas t to coas t ~~ that

we will r eturn to sara beds toniAAt .

It is ~that we t ee! no concern tor the plight

or tree peoples ela e\·;hore in the worl d ; that we do not hope

that they may continue the treedc:.n or their e:ovarnm&nt s and

their ways ot lite in the days t o coca,

It 19 because ' e belitlve in and i ns is t on the

right ot the helpless and the weak end the crippled n erywbere

to pl ay their pe.rt in lit e - - and aurv1ve.

It ~because we 1tnov1 instinctively that thie r 1sht

ot the unfortunate come a under our tree peoples • philosophy

Page 4: Franklin D. Roosevelt- The Great Communicator The Master ... · in bebal.t of &11 those •ictillus or infantile para.lyala to d whom tbie celebration tonight apella new hope and

- ) -

trom the bottom up and can ne•er be imposed rrom tbe t op


I do have satia:taotion on this birtM.ay or mine ~ b ecauae or the tact that det1n1te progr ess has been

in these poet t .,;en.ty years on a nat1ona1 scal e in the t 1sbt

a~tainat i nfantile paralJSill. In a very broad but a Tery

definite sense , t his tight 1e a true part or the Mtional

defense ot .\lDcriea.

I have always tried to remember that the particular

probl em or infant ile paralysis does call ror a truly national

:ti ght. We have it in eTery a tate or the union. \'ie e r e a t

last organizing ade quatel.y to tight it.

l:e have had t o race the necessity or unitino; medical

s cientists and doc tors .e.nd nureos and public health o:tt icere

and the general public into a unique ve -- and the

battle year b y year i s gaining greater sucoeaa.

The year- in)year-out campaign culminating on each

J&nuary thirtieth baa bad the support or a~t eTeryone --

Page 5: Franklin D. Roosevelt- The Great Communicator The Master ... · in bebal.t of &11 those •ictillus or infantile para.lyala to d whom tbie celebration tonight apella new hope and

- 4 -

troll. t bose wbo g h e l a r ge au.s down to tbe school children

ld:lo contribute their pennies. Clearly, unquesUonably , we

a r e winnine; t he t ight ·- winning it , thonk:s t o ~ ot you ,

And so, to all or you I g ive my o-. ..-n thanks t or the

rarest birtbday present ot all -- the gl:rt ot y:;_ur charity ,

your lcind.liness t o eacb other an~ t.o ~e :iation.

-~-(,_~1(,.~ tf,1· ?•~/y /ry

Page 6: Franklin D. Roosevelt- The Great Communicator The Master ... · in bebal.t of &11 those •ictillus or infantile para.lyala to d whom tbie celebration tonight apella new hope and


~· :"MaKU.oaoLttlef:•uur.ttobt Orll••* M U. oecaai:>n or ll.h b1r~.o~ ,,... rt1"•Nr7h!orl"'ta:o.M~II«"' .. otlll ·-~;..,...s &O'P'&ri.'(' on Ute ~t,...l.t M ~ 1..'\an u .u 1'.1"., :.~ ....

Care a UA bo nerc11K to ~.,...,t rz--tu.oa publ1eat1on.

5Tl:PI'tl1Ull.t Scc""t~r to~~~~ PNoidon\

Fro:l t~t.ouo ... otarhn.rttt,<lllotr"" ­,_,. IUrl .n4 ..,....., f.tlll c:.U4 ''\o Me lUo•....:l 'ldU. rq old trltncll, ... dlO•O:."""r ~;..,>rocM, lflu.i•crut c-... J.nd, let.-, a\ tlKo O"•lKt, o.ho t:ht )'M rq UuM& l~btbt.U'otallt.b-rled.·aoltr.rn.t\lap&r.ll)W.I to :U":~ cdobr.:.tJ.ol<l t.o~llt tpo;lll- ~I" loft(. ••

•-" ot &ll , l aacrn~!\11 to-tu-tor~ e.ttl.r..lnc et. t:.Oa ho:o<:J- • ..,...tea•• ~t.r, tr.-tca'• aeli .. ooo;com!orlhc!.ilc."'"· ':"..da1a l'14~bt.b~rltclt.J' ln

~ ~~~;.,~!a~fo:'t =.~~:~~=~~tor Jo1r11te I CUIICt ..,,., u ;raa con ,..)l ~~•rat•od, 1-'lat

\hJ.thfor o;~~•conrllt.el;:ll.a;>wbirlt.,IJ. r......U'Inot 001<$1\lt.l)' M;>",>:Y ,;ar>o t~r oey ~~ 1101 .In til<. \IOrW. Silloll ~e ~~ttl.\ J....,.r1CL~ birth~...,. thi l ,. .... 11'1 h1fl!: n1dlo It leut ""l~hr lhan U..;t .,,.l<!ot.hoor\11 .. \)e becaon c.ll or,.. al"'t aUll livl.n(:'\lnd• a tre. :-tO:"lU' piiHo.opl'Q<t

Ittsn<>tC.nlJ'l.".-tth• l l.rhtlot:»ae•Oluti:> O'll' Fl"'tltClUU Sroc!Jl.o> 1~1."'1'10\.1' .. •n4.,1ll&(U - that 1:..114,.'\14ra.'>ll-lcot1ll1'1r.,outtro.n.ntlooout-U>at .. w11l ,......,., 14 •at• bo.4>" t.o:'llr!.~ .

Itiln.:t.u-.a.t M r~w MOOO"".camtor u-erl1tlltor rr.. ~·· oolu""',.. in u. ., .. u.l W~ ... do no~...,,. U.&-t tM7 •:r O">r.t'- t..., ~of lh<.lr ro...-:n,.•• J.D..\ qaofll!elnthld&JII t.ococo.

It 1c *•""' t-.'.1'"" tt. IWII(IlMiat on u.. n rltt. or u. ll~ll)l•u u.<: tM •ul< U>C> tll• c:1.ppl..,. ""'J7'1:.'"' t.o plat U>tlrr•rt li• lit• - ...: •~"""'·

It11b4oca.rtn11,..,...1f .. ttn.cU"·l; lhU :J'J. 1 rltM o: ,.,, unlorwna .• oo<:.ea ..,.o<!cr OUT rrot ~plu• ~lc~aphr tro• lh~ bo~tOI"' up cn0 ~., ~~~~ .. be 1r1011fil r ..... ttl~ wr ""'"'·

tdoho.vlo,.l.! a(~><:t.l.ononth~lblr~or.UMI>e· -••otu...r...,tth<ot...,l1n1UI>ro,r.ull .. lll'enu<!t lntl>en ~·t t~.,,,. ,....,., on • rvtlon<:l aeuo ln the tlcM. ac.tnst 1,._ !W't1ll pll'll,'111. Ins "~1"1 bro1db~t 1 _,. ~t1n1\.t '"""'• 1.<d1 ttcllt h • , ,..... rut or tl><l ,.~t1,.,-.cJ. <let~,.• or ...,ric•.

Ilwl.,. •l~trl•<lt.o r....U.r tlll.t!M po rt!""llr

problo.u or i:l!•ttt. _ ... ~~ 4:1" call tor 1 t.Nl)- natto no.l tl!+t . ... , ...., .... 1tl"'Y«171U.t41ottMW\1on. ,,.,...,t

Page 7: Franklin D. Roosevelt- The Great Communicator The Master ... · in bebal.t of &11 those •ictillus or infantile para.lyala to d whom tbie celebration tonight apella new hope and


.,.. '-" ~ t.o ft.u trt.c n"tnl~ or u.n!Unr """'ic&l. KilrltbU &nd doeton U>:J mu ... l "'.:I )Ublio l•t&Hh ortl C!Irl .,i(!U\tr,-ralFUblicinto tl>lliq'lolott .... tn-u.:IU.t b4ullrtarbyr.uh cUli1~C:"'Ilttr tuco .. t .

'fb:~az.-1n;re-tc:apo.tanoulii1NUI'(ont:aoch JM\161'7 Ullrt.hth 1\u lwt.d t he ... r,ort Of IJ.-t C~M­tro•U.."'-""<bul 'lt>\olirp.mniu . Clowl:r, ,.~~q~>~.tUonabl:r, .,. .,.. wl1'¥11z\. u.. n~t - dnnir.r h, u...nA to t.Uot )'<~u.

Md.&o, t.oal.lot,oaictn_,o_u..t>4torU. rv•n llirtbd.q p~ of all- u.. dl'\ or 7WI' c~r1ty, ,_. kiftUllw. ... to uc~ ou.. ud to tbt ~:auon.

Page 8: Franklin D. Roosevelt- The Great Communicator The Master ... · in bebal.t of &11 those •ictillus or infantile para.lyala to d whom tbie celebration tonight apella new hope and

AIIlR3SS 011'HI PRE:!si!JJ:tr rro.. th1 'lhit1 HwM,

On tb1 Occuion ot hh Blr\hdiJ Aru:l11'erN ry, J'anuaey 30, 1941 , 11: <4 P . L!., B. S .'r.

Pn. ~ bottca ot IQ' twut I tbu.ll: al l ot you -- ' "'1'7' M.ll 1

(and} --~~aDd child 'lllho bu laboNd wttb 121 old trhnda, Bull O' CoDQOl'

aDd Keith lklrpn , 1D tbh gJ"&Ilt CIIUM . And lit lle, a t t hl outMt, allo

811'1 you. 111 thllnka tn behlllr or llll thoe1 rtctiml or lnto.nt1l1 par!ll)'a11

to whOIII thia Clhbru.Uon t 0:1lgbt I pella !. DIW bopl Md!. MW COU~&I o

~t or ell , I 111'1 gl'llt l !'\1.1 to k:.lrl .:a -- tor r.atrtrwlnc at thh

11 the eight h b1nh4ay, th1 el.crhtb b1rtb4!r ln a row which all or )"'U ha11e

Mde an occaaton tor Joining banda ill tbh natloo.lll bi.IIII.IIitartan 1ftort.

I ca 11110t 1~ , aa you can wtll und1r1tanl1 , t hat tbla 11 tor •• a

c0111plately happy birthday. 'l'I:LeM al'l not ccapletel y happy dqa tor I.DJ

or 1111 in the wor ld . Sball we aay tt.t AMriciiJl blrtbdeya thil Je&r an

being •de at Leaat happie r thaD tbay woul4 otbttrriee b1 beceOJM all ot ua

ar. etlll l11'1QI UDdlr a tree peopln ' phlloaopb)'?

It h not only thn the llsbu or ~ece in our areat citiea

and glow in our t OJma and 1'1llage• - - t laughtlr and IIIUiic et11l ring

out trca coan to COI.8t - - that we will r~turn to aat• bl41 tonl&:bt ,

It h not that .. reel 110 conc1rn t or tl'll pUgbt. or tr11 paopln

1lHlllhlrt in thl worl4; tt.t .. do DOt bOJ!I ttllt they sa,. ooottnu. tb1 tree -

dca or t heir 80'1'trnMnt a a Dd tbltr ~· or 11!1 io tbe 41.¥1 t o coat.

It ta blcau11 we b llliYI in and 1Dailt on the rlgbt or thl help-

llu e.Dd the right or th1 weak e.nd t bt rle;ht ot the crippled naeywhlrt t o

play t btr part in Ute --end suntn.

Page 9: Franklin D. Roosevelt- The Great Communicator The Master ... · in bebal.t of &11 those •ictillus or infantile para.lyala to d whom tbie celebration tonight apella new hope and

f'ranll:lin t. 11.o:>ee.,elt LlW'&ry

'rtah h a l1"ahaertF' ~~a<!e ~y H·e fhtte H..uo etPn r :o•I'Ttee,... tt. .. ,.,l,

notu t .t ·h• • ,. • •-""'· ... , ... ,., ;~.~ tlf .. ~ IW)ht

rn,<JJftl('<• •fll.t,

n .. a~a·urJ.. ~~


Page 10: Franklin D. Roosevelt- The Great Communicator The Master ... · in bebal.t of &11 those •ictillus or infantile para.lyala to d whom tbie celebration tonight apella new hope and

- 2-

It. 1a because .. la1o. l natll:;cU .. ly that tbta r1131Jt ot Lbe IUI­

tOrt.WI.IU c-a ulldar OW" trwe ,.oplaa• pbllO.OJ;bY fi'O:II tba boUo. up and

can n.,..:r be t.po:Md tro. Lbe top cto.~ .

I do hue aat htacUon on tltta bl rthday or &ina Mcau" or t he

teet t h&t datinlta prognaa Ilea IMian !!lade In theN twel!ty :reara oo a

natl.Olllll acala in t he t1eht a£"11\11\ 1nf&Jltile ~.e.relysb . In a vny broad

but a Y.ry datinhe aenaa , tbta tight 1e a tl'11e part ot Cle oauonal de­

teo" ot Motrtca .

I bi'I.Ta all!ll1a triad to r-bar that the ~rttcular J-robl• or

1ntant.1le par&lyata &Me c~l tbr a truly Mtloaal netat . .. a MIYa u. 1n

fl'ary atata ot the Wlion . Ja are at laat orP, adaq,uatel,- t.o t1P,t it .

•• han bad to tllee the n.cautty or unlttD,& Mdiul act~Uau

&nd doctors llt.!ld nurses aDd public h .. lth otficera and tt.e &«!Srtl public

~ (Tbe} year- In yaar-out cu.pa1~ culo....inat1II8 on .. cb .Tilllu.try

tblrtlatb haa bad , ~. ti.a a~o~pport or alao~ •••rroM -- troa

t. o" .to it11'e largo~ am& down u tl:la a cl.ool c b.Udreu

contrlblrte their ptnA1ea. Cl.c:.rly, IIDI'Ueatlonably. w ara 1f1=1q the

to ee.~h other and to the l.e.tton.

Page 11: Franklin D. Roosevelt- The Great Communicator The Master ... · in bebal.t of &11 those •ictillus or infantile para.lyala to d whom tbie celebration tonight apella new hope and



J MU-r.Y 23> 1941

:.:r. 3:u::~oGt.t. llaiti. t.o t::1v• t..1.1a ~~tt.te::-ial

to Cr ...ce or t.;.o you to &he t.o tho f>r'l!sidcnt • .:.!r . :I~ - t.t rill not be able to eoae 1n t.cao:-:-ow and par • .:1p11 not on ,;nu-~X~.a,y.

'l'hc!"tt A.-e ~o;:ae aiat..ko~ in t.atos in t.'r.h ::1.1t.arial w:.ic:r. I hove III&U'lced •

..<S • •

Page 12: Franklin D. Roosevelt- The Great Communicator The Master ... · in bebal.t of &11 those •ictillus or infantile para.lyala to d whom tbie celebration tonight apella new hope and



Fw Tbt N<rtloaol FowdcrtloD lot lolan!lle Paroly.U. Irx:.

$0uaTUMftUZI' • KE:WTOU:cnT • Mt!UATK11.Lt.-

l!r. J'illlar.a P.o..aett , b:ecuti'fe Ott1oea , The ifhhe l!ou:se , >'tuhi~ton , D. C.

J'anuu.ry 2? , 19U

At !.:r. Keith L:or san•a d1 r eot1ona I am enoloail\8 a short scri p1. r.,toh t.a bee:o. plAnned. tor the Pre~eo.t•a on t he acher:lulltd tor the n18ht or 'l'hursd3.:y, 18..11U.3ey 30, 1941.

I hu'fe not aent 1t i n t he aooaphd finished aoript t orlil boc:~uae t here or e undoubtedl y 80!i.O cho.nsea th.o.t you will

"""' to """' , J.. J=•• "'~··~"~ ~~. Xoox, D ( .... , or Radio .

Page 13: Franklin D. Roosevelt- The Great Communicator The Master ... · in bebal.t of &11 those •ictillus or infantile para.lyala to d whom tbie celebration tonight apella new hope and


KErTH MORGAN, Notional Cboirtn011 JOSEPH M. SCHENCK, Noti011oJ Vic•C/Iol"rtr>OII

0. WALKER WEAR. Auistont Nalionol Choirmon

GEORC* E. A.l.LEN. Cic."''""- M·l• ol Dim.. GRANT ..AND RICE. Cioc'..- $potll Cot.tnt•l EOOIE CANTOR, C/lo.r,__ M<Vt:lo ol o--~ oil~ Air JAMES A. FARLEY. C~r,__ Spotb E-11 C-•"-

M,.ILLE MILLER, Cloott••on NICHOlAS M. SCH~CK. c~~o.·,,_, NoliOitOI Rod.o ,t,d•iJwr c-;u.. M~ion l'idw• r~wJt,., c-itiH

• II: E W. JOHNSTONE. Clooirmcrt. Rodio COOMifliiiH 1011 CONSIDINE. Vic..-CI>a'rlnOIO, Sport1 ~ II"

GENERAL R. E. WOOO, tlali oroo/ fl•roil Com.,IIIN JOHN J. PELLEY, ,t,,...,iccm Roi'1ood1 ConullliiH

Nal~l Lobo< C.,.,ittH WilliAM GREEN, p,.,idftnl, A.f.L PH IP MURRAY l'rW<ient. CJ.O.

S 1 A T E C H A. f N

A,_ T-A..Conooo ..,..._ Gowmt:.-1-"'-"M. Adbm

CoMorniq Jos.phM. ~t.

~W.8cler.Jr. D·•«tor o1 o,,.,.,,..,""'

c~""""' W~yo.hnF.Staf>l-101'1

CO'I...c:tlcvl Tt-.a...atS.Soo!>th

o.J,...a~. 0<-.lrv>"tf'IWo

O·tltdo/Colll"'bOa c..m.......oa....Me~.-;"c.H..... CaMn.:ui-J.R..-IIY-.g ._...""" R~I.K..dt

OOtt<U,oiO,.,_:w,.. FlotOda 0..'-L T,_,_, ·-U>t Amol

'"""' Mtt • .1oM E. Ho"ffi

.,,_ Mop'a..IA..Ou·---s...tor 0.0.~ l. RodcUe· ,_,.._,.,, P.A.O'c-..1

MOe/tip A.bntrE.l.otMd

lofiMfii(I#O Arthur D. R..,..okn

MiD.~/:. J. Und-oad ,.,;,_.,; R«MT.~ .. ~ .... I.Aut-t~Hwt,lo/\Oa".t ....... .............. ...... Wi5aoooS.~

N~O::...F . .._ "-;;.,.-, F;trG.oald

u .... u .. '"' Mayor o,de Tift91ey

N..., Yatl Colot!oi O.Wai\., Weo•

11/inoit NorlltCotoli~~a S.C....Io'Y of Stat. Edwon:l J. Hu9haot Dr. J~lan S. M1&er

lttdiano Norlh0o4ola OaooF.St·- SomS-..

lowo Oltio Chorl.tO.Hustoa Dr.J.H.J.Uphaool

c- J.E.T~ looM 1..--.d DirKtw oJ o,p..·ld;o.

c.,.n.c.Ay o.u.:..-o ..JuOge J. J. IC........... Robwt S.K.r

1'-yiwrr-o MO)WCor.-... o. So.~')'

RJ.odei.Jottd Or.fd-oFc.on.l

Soulo\Co-o/..., o..m:.~<c.o....

So..l• Odolo Mn. P. L. Cro...;;• ,_ Arthur E. Cor'*''*' ,_ Woll>oml.Cby•c.n

~W-'-'rBro9Ql Yi<;..CitQ.r,_

""" Coon~C.~N .... ....,_, Mojoro.a.t.. N.lorb.r


.....'""""' "'e::t!:' WutVir!l·n.o


Wisc0t1sin 8yront,c-oy

Wyomi"9 Houd.y

AI .... Gov.mot e ...... Gr~. .... "'

COtiOI Z-Govw.- c.s. Ridlto,o ~~ Po-*'.,

"""·JJPii­Hi;h~ft-"J.So,o .. '-to/l.i<o ~--M.-GallarOD


Page 14: Franklin D. Roosevelt- The Great Communicator The Master ... · in bebal.t of &11 those •ictillus or infantile para.lyala to d whom tbie celebration tonight apella new hope and

J'aBI 1 .

Thankl trou the bottom of rq hee.rt to ell ot you -- to wnry 110.n,

-.n &.1111 ohild. wbo baa lo.bored with MY old rriflDil•, Bull o•connor

Let :11 ..,. tbl..llkl, too - - at ~~ 91ry outset - 1:1 bebal! or all

those 91ctW of Illtnntile PUol7-ia to 'ltloo this ulebrt.t1C)A

toni&ht lpel~ IIIW bope , IIIW foitb &.lid lle'lf 00111'381 •

And ~o.1n tbukl --tor thou wbo will bo e1ngled out u 91ct1ca or

poeaibh a14 to r.oowery .

&.It moat or aU - the.nk• to Jll!llrlco. • •• tor r&~~.ftiruin& at thia hour

itll hl,lllO.nity, ltll 1111l1tru!t COI!.Oirll fOr thll l&allt fortunate Of ltl

oh1l4ren, ita o:r.poclty tor eonoerted aotloo wll1111. the naed 11 s,r.e.t .

J'ofnlnl yMrl a.v.>', all of you b.oYI D04e '61¥ b1rtb4o.y thl ooo.nion

.___/ tor joiDbg b.Mda 1n thla greM cauae.

It 11 not poaa1bh tor ae to a:r.y too.l&bt , a.a in fol':lll:llr ,..o.ra,

t hill 11 a oOQpletely happy Tbeaa oro not h.Dppy doya tor any

of 111 111 tho .:>rld •

.io.Dd yet, thia h .ol'lil t hnD a hAppy birthday - it h an ooouloo

that br11l81 u h.r Sl"1Mlhr uUataotion or anotber kind t ba.D IZJt

Page 15: Franklin D. Roosevelt- The Great Communicator The Master ... · in bebal.t of &11 those •ictillus or infantile para.lyala to d whom tbie celebration tonight apella new hope and

rt rea out trom Ml11~» to ca.l i tornic r.o:t fro• Florl dl!l \Q the

klrtbweat .•. t.he,.. 11 ebundant r "110n tor ua all to be Uf!l~etul

tor the ";'rt:HI'~ ud oont1C:er;t. .·tOlD' tuture.

ot a t:-ee peoplca• pb.ilo.ophr ltli~h aa;ya U. t 1t ta th

re~u1b1lttr of tbe nrort. w eare tor tt-e •-.k em bfllf'leaa.

'nl.en ill IUI)\her rbUoao;>bJ epreedlfi: in tt.e 100rld w'lteh dentea

that rllepocalbllt ty ..• 'llh1oh 1\eniea the nen tl1fl l"'it;bt tO

Tolll.dJt, •• J,Jaerlca so•e to partlea eo tt.u ettll c~ed eh1l1M"r;

_,. ' apt 11, -art daclr r1~L our telth 111 our ~'Juo.,;.hy.

pe.ut ea you are (1Y1Jl,- tt t a t 't'tl:lirt wt.tdt IP.f>kl!!a thh blrt . 117

t!Je 1110at.Jolit;lLY aatht')'l .. ot eJ.l-.:~ J.1tr. Tt.ere 1a oM:Le r~r ro

lr•a &etlateoU on ln. t l:.e erlerdU Fl'O£Tf'S8 thGt hr.a bN'r ~.ada 1a

tha 11l:'"ht J-ed lilt lntenttlll Paralylilo. Elich yec:r baa wlderwtd

rat.lora.l deteDte ecet=-~ it ,

Page 16: Franklin D. Roosevelt- The Great Communicator The Master ... · in bebal.t of &11 those •ictillus or infantile para.lyala to d whom tbie celebration tonight apella new hope and


f!:lt!l .. bepz:~ \h11 tl )It beck In n::.6 w1 t.b the u~bllslaut ot

tba oeo:Va •r. sprt Jl:l roun!atlon, t~uu·e •• m o:r..-.i·ud effort

Art! tor maey yeara after 1!1£6, there n~s m 1liey t n "tlteh 1-ba ~~rtte\

zttll or peo~ltl eo\lld f'(lrUctreu in tba F1dlt. ~.en

tl.a tlra1. celebre.Uun or the :>reatdl"nt ' a !!U'Ll:daJ •• 1'"'0pol~ to

'!bit~· t"er. 'tare •.ra tbNI tour thoue:ao:l biM...ily pNtca

aDd. eeletrt~Uonr vhiel "lted. ~- ~uat~::da o! iollerr. '!be next. )'~r.

the n£,bt by UU.bl11Jbl~ ttc li!tiO:'L-1 Fourrttt1on tor Inft.ntlh

-POi'l" ;tt.rUei:aUq- In tle. lD Ue ' Merc:l:l of Dl.ce•, U( 'M.!ll 0

mm.z:•, em the nllt:w or t.JtD COlltc\o.lra ud J!ll"tt.t~· C.rda, tba

Page 17: Franklin D. Roosevelt- The Great Communicator The Master ... · in bebal.t of &11 those •ictillus or infantile para.lyala to d whom tbie celebration tonight apella new hope and

Am 30 to e.ll or you, lit 111 e:qu .. aa tte \l.edca ot Uloeo you he"•

11dt4 -- o.Di fll'/ own \he~a !gtlln tor \.be r11rr:ta\ b1rthtley rei!ID.L

or all -- the g1tt or TOW" c!11!1r1ty nnd k1ndl1DIM to Itch ot.her.

Page 18: Franklin D. Roosevelt- The Great Communicator The Master ... · in bebal.t of &11 those •ictillus or infantile para.lyala to d whom tbie celebration tonight apella new hope and

• J.DilRl.:>;:i OJ T:ll i'n.>IDUll'

JAhlWIY )0 , 19U

'"'r7-11t.ll4~all4ohtl4Whohutabortdw1.tb •J" ol4

o ....... ,._..,,...,.~T&"Olat,-n!>a,.ra.-, __ , ... _.;.; .A.ud l•t ~. •t tb•

A , l n•ntloll'•tton l N:If1'11Utul tod r

l'o t'.- yo~~r ·•1111t u 44 .. •:.:1 dollan 111 c.M.D lf;UOb.

Page 19: Franklin D. Roosevelt- The Great Communicator The Master ... · in bebal.t of &11 those •ictillus or infantile para.lyala to d whom tbie celebration tonight apella new hope and

Ka.~ ot ..U, I .. sn>t atul \O NMrha -- tor re-

)'Oil h••• ~:~e~da aa ooeasloa for 3olllla,r b&llda lA tbh

~ ~~-·: ~;,.~. /1' /.

tollall wa N.l tll11.L A:marioan t11rtlldaya th11 yeer t~re be1np.

that h\16htar aDd •ualo ntll r t .QC out trrw to coa~t - -

,,,'// thatwa~r.t\U'I1to .. tabedatonll)ht .

Page 20: Franklin D. Roosevelt- The Great Communicator The Master ... · in bebal.t of &11 those •ictillus or infantile para.lyala to d whom tbie celebration tonight apella new hope and

• _, _

rlP.t. of tile helple88 e.ll4 tl!e .H.k aWl ttr.• o:-lpphd .. - ... .d.­

to pl&J' their part 111 ur.:-;llld ti&M"he.

tt. h beoau"e we luw" t ut1Dct l • dJ thd thle

Page 21: Franklin D. Roosevelt- The Great Communicator The Master ... · in bebal.t of &11 those •ictillus or infantile para.lyala to d whom tbie celebration tonight apella new hope and

o!ld t he netto~lprob otourl • !twa. not juat

beoautt l trnditd.:rtenat ·-Into, I thlllk , for ty-

•~ •11ln nne• ou.t ot rorty- tl t - - u .... , beoaue

on tho•• &.8llJJ' neyl~~£• 1 ou:e bett to kooor t.he

1rl4 .. flr/'~ 1nte,rrdne4 eoope of all k a ot a.e.tlonal

pro~~-,...._.._._ . .,m._.~?fi~ ha7t d"Y' trh4 to r••ber

'"" that the part1c:nllll:rprobl-or tnfllllt ilt ll'fll'al;tshAoall.f


eohcthtaa.llddoetorsalllllnun.,aod 1UbUo .,..lthotrtoeu

Page 22: Franklin D. Roosevelt- The Great Communicator The Master ... · in bebal.t of &11 those •ictillus or infantile para.lyala to d whom tbie celebration tonight apella new hope and

_, _

'ht n•r-1) J'-r-out ouat;~utnc 011; llllch

J'a~:~•ry t had tllttii9¥0rtottbooet tTerrone - ­

rrca thou wtu> ~ h.rf!t ,,.. down to tilt t cllool ohUd::-en

:raru t blnbdtJ' PNit tntofall--tl::e aittot rourcba:-ltJ ,

Page 23: Franklin D. Roosevelt- The Great Communicator The Master ... · in bebal.t of &11 those •ictillus or infantile para.lyala to d whom tbie celebration tonight apella new hope and


l A.IIUAn )0 ' 1941

rrca the bo\toa ot •r been I thank all ot you ....

eTe!'J' 111&11. an4 1rC*&D u4 ob114 wtlo bu labored wttb my ol4

tr1ao4e, Bea1l O'Connor an4 Kaitb Morsan 1 in tbll grnt

oauu. ••• 1111 1 au oa ct And let ma, at tba

ou\aat, &leo &iTa JOU my t banka 1n bab&lt ot all tboaa

Tlotlaa ot 1ntaaUle paralyah to wbc:a tbh oalebratloa

toni&bt apdla aew bop• &n4 aaw oouraga .


preaaot o1rouaatanoa

yale 4urinc; the oocdog year.

'l'o th• rour paDAl an4 411i and 4ollara will 11:aan muab


Page 24: Franklin D. Roosevelt- The Great Communicator The Master ... · in bebal.t of &11 those •ictillus or infantile para.lyala to d whom tbie celebration tonight apella new hope and

- 2 -

Moa t ot all , I .. ara t a t ul to .America - - t or r e-

a t til'ming a t t hh hour .blar l oa ' a hU11e n1ty , Amarl ca ' a

act lTe concer n tor •••-.,• _....,,u,.,..,eu,...,.,~,.,t .i t a oblldran.

Tbia l a t he algllt h b irthday l n a row .. which all o r

you haTe cada an oocaaton t or Joining banda tn t h h

~ -t-~ ,_ ·- -<-fl. r ~ Leaa-..

I canno t say , a s you can wa l l underatand , t hat

thia 18 ror It& a compl e tel y happy birthday. The .. are

not complat dy ha ppy daya tor a ny or us i n the world.

Shall wa aay t hat Amar 1oa n birt h da ys t bi a yea r a r e bal n&

all o r ua &ra a t lll lh1QS UD4ar a t ree pao~ha' pbllo-

1 SOphy .

I t h not 'J:!f t hat t he H sht a ot peace blaa:a in

our s r aat o1t1 .. and. slow t n our t owns and Till asaa --

t hat laupter and mua1o aU ll r l llf; out f ro:::l t o ooea t - -

t hat wa -=---- trill n t urll t o u r. ~. t onl sht.

Page 25: Franklin D. Roosevelt- The Great Communicator The Master ... · in bebal.t of &11 those •ictillus or infantile para.lyala to d whom tbie celebration tonight apella new hope and

- ) -It h not that we teal Do oonoarn tor the pU a ht

ot tree p.opln elaewbara ln the world) .... that • • do

not hope that t hey cay continua t he freedom ot their

soYarnmant e and tbalr waya of Uta i n the doya t o oooa ,

I t la because we bal1.ova to and ln!ll a t. on the

right ot the halpleatl taod. the weak •w! the crippled~~

to pla7 their pa rt ln ural\aod 1\lnhe.

It l a baoauaa we know lnatlnotlvaly tha t thh

r16ht of the unfortu.nli.te ooc aa under our tree paoplaa 1

pblloa ophy ! rca t he bottom up a nd can .aaYar be t.poaad

I do hti.VII uthtaotio o on thh birthday of ml na

baocuaa of the tact t hat daflnlt.a progress h.aa bean

t o the fight agal nat lntantlla paralyala, In a ·nry

broad but • ·nry ~htiotta aanaa, t bh t i ght 1a a true

Page 26: Franklin D. Roosevelt- The Great Communicator The Master ... · in bebal.t of &11 those •ictillus or infantile para.lyala to d whom tbie celebration tonight apella new hope and

- 4 -

t. wu t wenty yaare aso l ut Autumn t hat I peraona y

on those £&D.)' Jo ney1nga t came tter to know the

l ema.

~I have always tried to rnember

t hat. the particular pr obln or lntlr..ntile j,)arelyaf.'%u

" for a truly nat.ional tlsht. We haTe lt l n eTery atate

IOU- wY h.,( d. or tbe \LD.lon. We organl:r. .. / adaquatelr

to f!.ght. lt. .

We b&Ya had to race t he necaaalty or unltl~ c adloe.l

achnthta and doctors •Dd nurua aDd publlo health of t loera

battle year by year l a &&. l olna: s raater auoca .. .

Page 27: Franklin D. Roosevelt- The Great Communicator The Master ... · in bebal.t of &11 those •ictillus or infantile para.lyala to d whom tbie celebration tonight apella new hope and

- s -

The yu.r-tr:, year-out. ou.pd p oulmlnaU ns on eaob

J anua r y t hirtieth bu had the auppor t or al.ltloat neryone - ­

t i'OQ t hose whoJ;:::: larse auma down to t he achool oh Uclren

wbo contribute; thei r ~ennlGS o Cht~rly, unquu t.1onabl y 1

we are w11Ul1D4!; right -- wllwl ng it.) t hnnka t o a l. or )'OU.

And eo , t o all of you I ~he &y owo t hanks tor the

r a r ut bi r t h da y preae nt or all -- t he gir t or your oha.r lty ,

your t 1n411nen to eaoh other 11.00. t o t.he liat.ton.

Page 28: Franklin D. Roosevelt- The Great Communicator The Master ... · in bebal.t of &11 those •ictillus or infantile para.lyala to d whom tbie celebration tonight apella new hope and

feir.;~ ~~:-::::::~ ~~~~:~·~t~~!;.::·•·..r/ u lo~ ,..,.,.u ~r « Uo•• uf Ul ...... ;a;,•n a;>:'<t~rl;~ oc. ~-• .u,•~ ~ ~ \.;<lA ll1N ~ .L, :..~.;'.

Care '""n. t>1l IX•"'~"-! to p:"41v.rl~ "r-~UII publlcalk.n.

v 'v ..t..,.,r-..-:i_,

J.-...t--. 1h/ •• • I(#·;

'~ ~ S1':J'Ir.JU!l.Y

S.C""~~i' 1.0 ~~~~ fNoiciML

..-nor .. u , I,,. t''-'· H>' u ..--1 .. - tor,... .r.l .. ..i,.; ' '" t.:..:• h<-•...r • ...-.~sc,.•, ~tr .. r:~t,.v, l:.'ico.•• ..:un ..,,..,.,..rorlhcl.11.o;.l"t; .. -:-. .sou n.llM.hlllr <.&7;1" • 1'0'1 r.1c:. &ll >l """!'I;.'" """"•., o>:<-ulon f'lr J~~IW"-l lw'l<l~ 1. ~;,h , ... uc,..:. !, <lr<.>rt.

t o.....-... t ''7• •• Y"' c"' 1\ "r.(.lrlt'J'.d, ~-~•t W1l1I~r,. • o<~;l<lt.t.l,. · la:>ri b.rt.:.w;-. T':lll"'" .--..t oo~.;,~t..oly t.•:-;1 ~•1'· r .. ~ ollj' ~r"'.., ''·• wr1<! - ~~ ... u •• ''-'' t.-._t .._,.,.,.~o•-~ t~rt.:~e,._~, U.!a ., ... ,. ~N holt"" r.a.:O. ·~ lu.o~ r. ! ;~.r \1\:.t. U..l "'ut<. c~ .• n-iH b• l><.c• u i-ll or"' •rc .ut~ l.vt,-c ~-- • rr< .. ;-.o:-1<•' rhil.<o•o;.4t

I~ h "' ~ t!.,~ "•f lhl.L• Of :>t'-"1 tliU 111 <I'' l"t>t c.t~.~ •nC lo !-:.,. r tQO.t~ ... ~ -.n._-,, - U...l ~\-u.,.., =-lc ot.ill r1c 011l !W>Io ,,.,_.t to OOIH- th&~ .,. ,.U1l"t.,..•'-'>ral''t .. c:ai.Or.l .t .

a lz n·t t..~\ M t~""- .-... oo"'Ce:--n !or tt• ~U;ht of fr. ~..o;..l"• ol.u~a 1r. tho '4T1<-J t~1.t •• *' ... t bo~ ll:c.t t.'loq ._.,. c->-r;tbz,L t':~ .::"~ ~f t~lt ·""--~''" ar. ~Mlr ~orure~·.ti•O& (

It 11' k.oer•• ~. t..o:!1'"" \r. "f.d 1 ... :at o~ t.'w ri(~l

;i..,v.. u:~;~:~~ 1~~1~~~~·-~~~:~:::r'" .. .,,.~~&"'to Ittrb<><o,..,.,..,l(....- fnt.iMU¥ l7t11•~ U.Sarllllt

o: \..t u:'l!ort·•r-" .# ~·-• ...-<..r .,._r ,., r--><'l<f' p.'\llo~a!llv :ro• tt.~ l-<J'l""' "I' a>"~ ~.._, ........ ,. w lr'"''"" !roc• th• wr .:c-.m.

t oc ~~" :1t-!d<.<:t.l.onor. •t.:o blrt-l>dacr or ,_1,. ba­e"''" or t.: ... t~el t~~t ...-J.;.~ite ('I"O r.-• ''"' been u .:c ln IJI<:u ~~ t~"'•l1 )'OGJI ~" r IVticnO.: 1c1.1.o 1·. U>l tl,l'll. r.rainal 1~ r ... ule n.ral.;-.b. In~ ¥•l".l brooc: boll 1 ~"'7 dtf1nlt• a....-"'"• t.•l• rt. ~l lo 1 uuo ;a-~ o1 tb.o >.tllv,.LJ. ... r ..... of ,._riel.

1~-....} • .._..,trtiC:I.Or~rtlll-ttht.!lrl!~ll r ~1 .. <>! 1r~_..t;le t-nl.pi.o 4-o aeall :or&l"' a t . ~;.._..._ n "·- .. ..,.-:- ,.,,_. <>! u .. w~n. • ..-. •t

Page 29: Franklin D. Roosevelt- The Great Communicator The Master ... · in bebal.t of &11 those •ictillus or infantile para.lyala to d whom tbie celebration tonight apella new hope and

l .. t orfan11.1nt~•t.e~ tonltlt1t •

... ll ... e llac: to ru:• u... ncc•uU: ~rwuna&ed1cal MlionHit.IUid doc~IUidnW'I••ru.dp~blict.ulU.otn.,..u aunlq,..otte,.t" - W>d 1h•

~tu. Y•g_~).::~·;~~£::~~~ft:i~rc on uch :::~~"":1::,~·~z.~ ... ~¥.:~~·~"'"t,o[::-t.!o~"~r~-.~ -l~ _,._-r-.:~ \.,'\o<:On~blt..: t . .'.,.1rp.."M.Iu, Clea1.y,u.r.q~.~<n1oll&bl7, .,.

..,.. ><illl'l!!\. t.W n~.t - ~rullr., tt, Wn4 to all or )-ou.

~ ... :s=£t~~:~~ ::=:e~~i~~t!~t~~·- ,,, "
