
Framework for teaching -Year 4 Term 3

Week 5 Online and offline activities to support student learning at home.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Task Spend some time setting up your work space for the week. Tidy your work area and organise everything so that you can find what you need.

Set some positive and uplifting notes up around your house for your family to find. Make your family smile!

Make a ‘to do’ list for today. Check your tasks off the list as you complete them.

Ask your parents if there is anything you can do to help them today.

Give a compliment to as many people as you can today. Keep a tally as you go.


English: Reading

Your teacher has uploaded a link on your Google Classroom to Chapter 3 from Birrung the secret friend by Jackie French.

Listen to Chapter 3.

In this chapter there are many words that may be unfamiliar to you such as lard, tussocks, mattock, treacle, filthy & hearth.

Select one of these words and complete the Word

English: Reading

This week, our comprehension strategy is Visualising. Good readers visualise or imagine a picture of the text in their minds.

Descriptive language helps us to make the best pictures in our minds.

Which of the descriptions below helps you to create the best picture in your mind?

My room was messy.

English: Reading

Your teacher has uploaded a link on your Google Classroom to Chapter 4 from Birrung the secret friend by Jackie French.

Listen to Chapter 4.

In this chapter it talks about how Sally sleeps in a bed that once was used by Mr & Mrs Johnson’s servant Elizabeth.

In the text it says:

English: Reading

Turn In task

Choose one of these two scenes. Draw a picture of what your chosen scene might look like. Add detail by listening to details in the text, and colour:

Listen to Chapter 5 from yesterday from 0:27 seconds, when Barney woke up and went to the privy: ‘The moonlight shone on a white path made of crushed shells.’

English: Reading & Comprehension

Your teacher has assigned a Reading Eggspress lesson for you to complete.

Mat activity at the bottom of the framework.

My bedroom wasn't just a mess, it was a disaster zone. It was a jungle of dirty clothes and abandoned toys. The sheets were crumpled up in a pile on my unmade bed. I couldn't see even a square centimetre of my bedroom carpet.

Make a list of the descriptive words which helped you to visualise what you read.

Use Descriptive words to make this sentence more interesting…

It was a nice view.

Elsie had a proper bed that had been used by the Johnson’s servant Elizabeth. But Sally said she’d been whipped for insolence and sent to Norfolk Island.

Answer the following questions in your workbook:

• Can you find the definition of the word insolence?

• Write a sentence using the word insolence.

• How do you think Elizabeth showed insolence? What would she have done?

Can you give an example of insolent behaviour?


Listen from 3:40:

The privy door shut, then opened again, then ‘plunk’. Elsie sat beside me. She

leaned against me.

English: Spelling

Sort It!

Choose ten list words and write them down vertically.

Then, next to each word, decide if the word is a noun, verb, adjective or pronoun. Remember,

English: Grammar

Personal Pronouns

First Person Pronouns

I, me, we, us

Second Person Pronouns

English: Spelling

Turn In task

Word Detectives

Choose 4 list words (from any column).

English: Grammar

Possessive Pronouns

Fill in the blanks with the correct word from the brackets.

English: Spelling

Silly Sentences

Choose ten of your list words and write a silly sentence using these words. The sentence still needs to make sense and

some words can be used as a noun and a verb.


Cautious= adjective

Spelling Rule:

‘all’, ‘till’ and ‘full’ is written with one ‘l’ when added to another syllable. Example: care + full = careful.


Third Person Pronouns

she, her, he, him, it, they, them

Watch this clip and make a list of the personal pronouns you hear in each song.

Point of View with Song Lyrics - YouTube

Extension: Can you work out from which point of view each song is written? First, second or third person?

Write three clues about each word. You might need to use the dictionary. Then ask your parent or sibling to see if they can work out the word using your clues.




1. A young person 2. Behaving in an

immature way 3. Someone who is not

yet an adult

Spelling Rule:

‘all’, ‘till’ and ‘full’ is written with one ‘l’ when added to another syllable. Example: care + full = careful.

1. The dog wagged _______ tail to show how happy he was. (its, it’s, its’)

2. The book is ______ but you’re welcome to read it. (mine, yours, my)

3. I never found out _______ wallet that was. (who’s, whose, who)

4. ________ dog is always so friendly. (there, they’re, their)

5. Your house is much bigger than _______ is. (there’s, ours, them, they)

you still need to use capital letters, and full stops!!

Spelling Rule:

‘all’, ‘till’ and ‘full’ is written with one ‘l’ when added to another syllable. Example: care + full = careful.

Movement break

Do a movement break

I Gotta Feeling –The Champiverse | GoNoodle

Do a movement break

You can’t touch this –NTV | GoNoodle

Do a movement break

The Love Shack - The Champiverse | GoNoodle

Do a movement break

Dynamite - The Champiverse | GoNoodle

Do a movement break

Banana Banana Meatball– Blazer Fresh | GoNoodle

English: Writing

Journal Writing

What did you do on the weekend?


What is your dream holiday?

Try to include who, when, where, why, what.

Please write in full sentences.

You need to include details using your five senses, for example:

As I arrived at the beach, I noticed the sunshine shimmering on the water.

I breathed in the smell of the fresh salty air.

What could you taste?

What did you feel?

English: Narrative Writing

Turn In task

Last week, you created a character, and you also came up with a list of problems that your character could face.

You wrote a plan for narrative writing that looked like this:

Beginning/Hook Setting Charac

ter Mood/Feeling


Events leading to solving

the problem

Resolution (problem is


English: Narrative Writing

Watch this video about narratives.

Parts of a Narrative

Now go back to the story you wrote yesterday. Use this point system to score your writing.

My story has…

1. A clear beginning (5 points)

2. A problem (5 points)

3. The problem is solved (5 points)

4. A main character (5 points)

5. A setting (5 points)

6. Interesting words (1 point for each word)

Answer this question for your teacher…

English: Narrative Writing

This is your opportunity to do some free writing. You can write a story about anything you like.

If you have trouble thinking of an idea, you could try using one of these suggestions to get your ideas flowing.

- A story about a pair of magic shoes. What would they look like and what could they do?

- An unusual looking egg is found. What happens when it cracks open?

- You tasted a strange food or drink. What happened next?

Use the following checklist to guide your writing:

I have read my writing to see that it makes sense

English: Touch typing

Follow the link below to a touch-typing website to practise your typing skills.

Scroll down and select one of the typing lessons.

Please use Google Chrome as a browser for this link. If you do not have Google Chrome-see instructions at the bottom of the framework to navigate through the student portal.

Optional: Use the tracking sheet from last week to record your progress.

What sounds could you hear?

Today, you are going to use this plan to write a narrative about your character. Remember to write using your five senses to add more detail.

What do you think you most need to learn about or improve in your story writing?

I have checked my writing for correct punctuation

I have included some ‘Show, don’t tell’ to explain how a character is feeling

I have used my 5 senses to describe a setting

Break Morning Tea Break Morning Tea Break Morning Tea Break Morning Tea Break Morning Tea Break

Middle Mathematics:

Turn In task

We will focus on Numeracy in our Zoom on Friday

Optional: Warm up times table sing along

This week we will be learning about the jump & split strategy when subtracting numbers.

Follow the link to review mental strategies for subtraction:


Optional: Warm up times table sing along

Follow the link to review mental strategies for subtraction:

Today we will be learning about how we can use the split strategy to subtract numbers.

In its simplest form, the split strategy is the same as the jump strategy. You


Optional: Warm up times table sing along

Today you will be applying the strategies you have explored so far this week to complete a challenge.

The challenge:

You have been given the task of compiling a proposal for a book order for our classroom library.

Your budget is $75 and your aim is to find the best selection of books for the best price.


Optional: Warm up times table sing along

Brainstorm some answers to the following questions.

Can you think of when timetables are used?

How are timetables useful?

Timetables include important information about what events happen at different times during the day.

Watch the following clip on timetables:


Optional: Warm up times table sing along

Read the information in this picture.


Do you use similar strategies to subtract numbers in your head?

Explain to someone in your household how your brain would mentally add these numbers together 100 - 19?

Remember your answer…now subtract 9, what’s your answer?

Now subtract 7, then subtract 15 and finally subtract 35.

What is your answer?

Did you get stuck on any numbers? If so, write the number sentence down (for example 81-9=?) and try using the jump strategy to solve it (like in the video).

The reason we teach you the jump, split and compensation strategies is to help you develop efficient ways to solve subtraction problems mentally. Sometimes people visualise how they

still split a number into parts and then subtract each part, but no number line is used.

There were 31 cars in the car park in the morning. By lunchtime, there were only 16. How many cars had left?

If we split 16 into 1 ten and 6 ones, it will be easier to subtract. Remember to take away the tens first!

To practise this skill as you play the subtraction domino game below.

You will need to consider what books are already in our classroom and ensure you include a variety of books to suit the different interests and reading levels within your class.

To complete this task you will need to select some books from the following website: .

Add the total cost of your book list and then subtract this total from your budget of $75.

Use the book order form below.

How much change will you have?

What strategy did you use to calculate your findings? Is there another way you could do this?

How can you check that your solution is correct? Is there another way you could check?

Look at the timetable below.

Answer the following questions about the timetable about the timetable above.

Watch the following link about reading calendars:

At the bottom of the framework you will see a worksheet that looks like this :

would work the problem out on paper in their minds.

Try solving the following questions below using number lines and the jump strategy (see worksheets below).

Extension: use a dice to roll a 3-digit number and try taking a 2-digit number away from that by using the jump strategy.

What strategy did you use in your working out?

Complete these questions in your workbook.

Mathematics: Mathletics

Complete a Mathletics activity of your choice.

Mathematics: Mathletics

Complete a Mathletics activity of your choice.

Mathematics: Mathletics

Complete a Mathletics activity of your choice.

Mathematics: Mathletics

Complete a Mathletics activity of your choice.

Mathematics: Mathletics

Complete a Mathletics activity of your choice.

Mindfulness break

Do a mindfulness activity

You Are Courage - Think About It | GoNoodle

Do a mindfulness activity

See attached PDF for all task cards.

Do a mindfulness activity

Build Patience - Think About It | GoNoodle

Do a mindfulness activity

See attached PDF for all task cards.

Do a mindfulness activity

Shake It Off - Think About It | GoNoodle

Project Based Learning

Recap from last week:

You will have the following in a folder from your group discussion on Wednesday:

• List of 5 possible products for Market Day.

• Why would you make a good leader?

• What does your group need to do before Market Day and who will be responsible?

• What are your prototypes and what list of resources are required?

• What is your idea of our driving question?

Today you are going to make a start on your Marketing plan, which you will add to your folder.

Consider your prototype:

• What is your product idea?


The Voyage of the First Fleet

So we know that in the 1700s people in England flocking to the cities to get jobs in factories. Sometimes that didn’t work out or kids were left orphaned. Because there wasn’t any government assistance, people turned to crime so they could eat and get money. If these people were caught....well, you know, they went to prison or were hung or were TRANSPORTED to Australia.

Today, you will find out how that happened. It was a mega voyage...something that we cannot really get our head around these days. Watch this video...

And check out this map:


Healthy Lunches

It is important that we all eat a balanced diet from our 5 food groups each day and try to minimise our ‘sometimes foods’. I’m sure your parents or carers make healthy plates of food for you all for dinner with a variety of foods from the 5 food groups. Just like a healthy plate, kids need healthy recess snacks and lunches to give them energy throughout their day at school.


1. Design a healthy lunchbox (or plate) and label the food as well as what food group each food in your lunch box belongs to.

2. Write 5 sentences (or more) explaining why you believe these chosen foods make up a healthy lunch box.

Use the following links to help you:

Visual Arts

Let’s Be Well Rainbows

Spend today’s art/craft time making something to make someone smile. All around the world people are using rainbows as a message of hope during these difficult times. Some people have included kind words like, “Better days ahead”, “Keep smiling” or “It will be ok”.

You can create your own rainbow masterpiece by using any kind of art materials. Hang it in a window so that people can see it from the street. If you have some chalk, you could create your rainbow design on a pathway.


Turn In task

Write down as many things as you know about the earth as a planet?

Using Google Earth, look at an image of planet Earth. Look at the planets features by using the mouse to spin and zoom in on the image. Answer the following questions:

• What do you notice about the shape of Earth?

• What features can you see on Earth’s surface?

• What might be beneath the surface?

Watch The Planet Earth video on YouTube. Answer these questions:

• What is Earth? • How does Earth

move? • What layers does

Earth have? Look at the information (at the bottom of the framework) titled What is

• Who will your target market be?(gender, hobbies, age etc.)

• How much will it cost to make?

• How much will you sell it for?

• How many will you make?

• How will you package your product?

• How will you advertise your product?

Study the marketing image below. This is called the Marketing Mix or the 4 P’s. Try to understand each segment. You will need to discuss this with your teacher next week.

Watch this video

Now you have watched the video and looked at the map, please answer these questions:

How many ships sailed on the First Fleet? Name 3 of them.

Not everyone was a convict on the First Fleet. What were the other people doing there?

Who was the boss of the whole thing?

What were the reasons that the ships stopped at those places on the map?

When the First Fleet got to what we now know as Australia, where did Governor Phillip land and what was wrong with the area?

Once Governor Phillip decided to move up the coast a bit, where did the fleet end up making a settlement?

Imagine, you were on those ships. When you got off, what sights, smells and sounds might have greeted you? You can use some

Lunch box/ plate ideas:

Earth?, What size is earth? and What is Earth made from? This is very technical information.

• Write down 3 things you don’t understand.

• Write down 3 words you don’t understand.

You may like to ask mum or dad to answer your questions or your teacher may answer a few of them on your zoom. Now look at the information with the heading Our exquisite Earth-True or false? Answer the true and false questions about Earth in your workbook.

See larger image below.

information from Birrung to help you answer this one!

Middle English: Reading Eggspress

Work on your Reading Eggs level

English: Reading Eggspress

Work on your Reading Eggs level

English: Reading Eggspress

Work on your Reading Eggs level

English: Reading Eggspress

Work on your Reading Eggs level

Break Lunch Break Lunch Break Lunch Break Lunch Break Lunch Break

Afternoon Grow Your Mind

Episode 4 More Dangerous Than Smoking

Listen to this podcast.

Colour in the picture attached to this framework as you listen.

Sport Think of a sport/ skill that you like or would like to learn or improve.

If it’s a new skill do some research on how to learn the new skill, such as juggling.

If it’s a skill/ sport that you already know research how you could improve.

Practice the skill with the dominant and non-dominant side (eg left instead of right).

Try making the skill harder. Don Bradman used to hit a

Wellbeing Wednesday Second Step Lesson 13: Managing Anxiety See notes and home link activity below.

Drama Warm up

Sit on the floor with mum, dad, sister, brother or a pet.

Each person writes 3 topics on a piece of paper and puts them into a hat. You may use these topics if you are on your own:

Chocolate, The Earth, Fishing, The Olympics, School, My favourite subject, Fruit, Rugby etc

Each player has to choose a topic from the hat and speak for a minute without hesitating, deviating or

Sport Mr Moran would like you to work on the Newport Olympic Challenges.

You can access these on the link on our Google Stream.

Use the code 47dlgjx to upload your results to the Newport Olympic Challenges Google Classroom when you are finished.

golf ball with a cricket stump. Try using a smaller bat, bigger distance, smaller ball etc.

Watch footage of professional athletes completing the skill.

Try having someone film you in slow motion completing the skill and observe how you could improve and make adjustments.

repeating themselves (e.g. um, like, ah). If you are on your own, you may like to video yourself.

Make sure you time your impromptu speech. The next player chooses a different topic aiming to beat the previous player's time.

Emotions improvisation

1. Emotions game: Choose an emotion from the emotion list below and sit facing the other players. Each player chooses an emotion out of the hat. They then act out that emotion while the other players have 3 guesses to get it correct. If you are doing this alone, you may like to film yourself.

Amused, Arrogant, Sulky, Anxious,

Angry, Mischievous, Friendly, Relieved,

Lonely, Hesitant,

Energetic, Excited,

Disgusted, Bossy,

Bored, Impatient,

Sad, Terrified, Sly

2. Try acting out a few scenes from the Can you fix my problem cards attached to the bottom of the framework.

Spelling Words

Sight Words Family Words Rule Words Theme Words Extension

1. fifteen 2. might 3. past 4. sixteen 5. wrong

6. cautious 7. furious 8. nervous 9. logical 10. musical

11. already 12. fulfil 13. almost 14. truthful 15. careful

16. Great Britian 17. voyage 18. transportation 19. resources 20. instruments

21. mutual 22. legible 23. naval 24. juvenile 25. sergeant

Framework attachments

Lesson 13: Managing Anxiety If you were given 2 minutes to solve the problems below as a test, how might you feel?

23 x 5, 67 x 6, 98 x 9, 73 x 8

Some of us might feel angry, anxious or nervous.

What are some strategies you learned in the last two lessons that could help you to calm down?

(Stop - use your signal. Name your feeling. Calm down - Breathe, count, use positive self-talk)

These steps are helpful when we’re feeling any strong emotion, not just anger. They can be helpful when we’re experiencing anxiety - like in a test or a new situation.

Anxiety is the uncomfortable feeling that you get when you’re worried about something. What are some things that Year 4s might feel anxious about?

• What is your stop signal? • When you feel big emotions do you say your feeling aloud? • What do you do to calm down?

Maths-Friday’s lesson activity
