Page 1: Founder's Day at The Meg Foundation


Not knowing what to expect I woke up on the Tuesday with a certain amount of excitement

about the days activities, so after washing and dressing I walked through the volunteers

accommodation and into the nursery class at the front of the school, which I was surprised to see

now had a dark blue glow about it. Still in a sleepy daze I walked out to the front of the school to try

and make sense of why the classroom was now of a different colour and saw that the front of the

school had been draped with material in the colours and style of the Rwandan flag.

[Meg giving a speech in Kinyarwanda in front of the school]

The next task was to help set out all the tables and chairs that were required for all the

guests, and ensure that the male and female dancers had all the parts to their costumes. It wasn't

until I had sat down in my own seat that I had realised that there were now speakers set in place and

microphones were being set up for a microphone check, which the children found hilarious, I

personally didn't understand the joke.

[The children waiting patiently for the festivities to start]

Sooner than I expected the children all stood up and started singing the Rwandan National

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Anthem, followed by their welcome song sung in English, the songs I had become so familiar with

hearing every morning. Jean Paul, the village chief, was up next with introductions and a short

speech. To the left of him I could already see the Primary dancers lined up ready to take the stage.

[The Primary dancers making everyone proud]

Next up onto stage were Nursery 1 with a couple of songs they have learnt throughout the

year, followed by Nursery 2's demonstration of how they have learnt to count, read and write,

finished up by a collection of songs by Nursery 3. After the adult female dancers, who, I must say,

looked amazing in their new yellow and blue costumes, the primary classes came together to

perform a sketch imitating the VIP guests sitting at the front of the school. The female dancers were

once again brought onto stage to perform a different dance, then to my surprise turned to us and

dragged us into the centre to dance along with them, which I must say was somewhat entertaining.

[The new Meg]

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It was then time for the male dancers to be brought onto stage to perform a national dance,

which was much louder and more energetic than the female dancers' graceful routines. Following

another dance was Niall's presentation of English certificates to his class . Then on to a speech made

by a local lady who previously came to the literacy class. She spoke about how Meg had helped her

through tough times, and how she is now supporting herself, her story is really quite moving.

[Two of the male dancers]

After more speeches made by guests it was time for the children to sing Happy Birthday to

Meg (in English and Kinyarwanda of course) and to hand out gifts of fruits, vegetables, peace

baskets and pictures that some of the children's families had brought for Meg. Followed up once

again by the dancers.

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Drinks were handed out to all, whilst the important visitors and dancers were then invited

into the classroom for something small to eat and a bottle of Fanta. Then all of a sudden it was over.

Everyone started to leave, the tables and chairs were put back into the proper classrooms, the

material was packed away and returned and then the day was ours to be spent relaxing.

[Meg receiving a bowl of fruit and vegetables]

Even though the day seemed to fly by I believe that Founders Day was one of my favourite

days of my stay in Rwanda. Not only for the reason that I had the chance to see everyone in their

best clothing, nor for the reason that I was able to witness once again the dances of the Rwandan

people, but for the happiness of everyone around me and the pride that they all have in the Meg


Once again a huge thanks to Meg for letting me be a part of this project, and it has to be said

that although the preparations may have been stressful at times it all definitely paid off!

Hannah-Marie Piazza

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Everyone enjoyed the music. N2 child showing how well he can write.

Female dancers. Making the most of dancing.

The amazing drummers. Niall handing out certificates.

Explaining how Meg changed her life. Such superb balance!

Niall's father receiving thanks. Meg and one of her sons.