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Formative Assessment

Best Practice:

Classroom methods to promote effective use

of assessment for learning techniques to

best support learners’ progress

With Joanne Miles

Optimus Education Conference

November 28th


“Outstanding Teaching, Learning and

Assessment in the FE & Skills Sector”

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Session Outline: Assessment for Learning (November 28th 2013)


� Define assessment for learning and its benefits

� Identify several methods of target setting and checking progress

� Review a range of activities and approaches to use in assessment for

learning and identify several to take away and share with colleagues

11.50-12.00 Welcome, Objectives of the session

� Participants’ Advance Organiser and Target Setting exercise

12.00-12.15 What is the Rationale for Assessment for Learning?

� How can it benefit teachers and learners? (video clip)

� Assessment in the New Common Inspection Framework

� Insights from research on assessment for learning

12.15-12.40 What is effective assessment for learning?: Sharing practice

� Review of a range of activities for classroom use

� Reflection on applications for tutorial and class work activities

12.40-12.50 Learning Check and Stop and Review

� Modelling an activity to check learning in a lesson

� Revisiting your targets for the session and identifying next steps

12.50 Close

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Trainer profile: Joanne Miles (J Miles Consulting)

Joanne has worked in education for the last twenty years, in both teaching

and training roles in the private and Further Education sectors. At Ealing,

Hammersmith and West London College (EHWLC) she spent ten years in

Professional Development as a teacher trainer and CPD Lead for the college. This

role involved planning and delivering CPD programmes and events as well as setting

up a coaching network. While working in this role she became interested in whole

organization approaches to improving teaching and learning. This led to

qualifications in project management through PRINCE2 Foundation and Practitioner

exams and the roll out of a successful two-year Supported Experiments action

research project for teachers.

Joanne was based at the Learning Skills Network in a managing consultant

role for two years and worked with colleges to improve their CPD, project

management and coaching delivery.

She is now a freelance trainer, consultant and coach. She delivers training

sessions, runs events and provides 1:1 coaching and project planning for clients. She

is currently supporting over twenty FE colleges with projects related to teaching and

learning improvement and presents at conferences with Geoff Petty to share good

practice from this work.

Read articles, case studies and blogs by Joanne Miles at:

Useful reading for this session:



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Your targets for this session


Have a look at the list of targets below and tick at least two for yourself.

Make sure one of these is a bit of a stretch for you!

1. I will identify 1 approach for improving my target setting with learners

2. I will identify 2 approaches for improving my target setting with learners

3. I will identify several new activities/approaches to try out, for checking

learning in my classes

4. I will identify a few activities/approaches that I could share with others, about

any aspect of assessment for learning

5. I will talk to 2 new people during activities in the session and share ideas with

them, to find out about their context and how AfL works there

6. I will note down a few key points from research on assessment methods

7. In group work, I will identify 3 practical ideas to take back to my colleagues

8. I will take notes during the whole session, focused on what I can take into my

work with colleagues

9. I will watch the trainer to identify how she uses assessment for learning and

I’ll identify at least two different approaches

10. I will identify 3 key features of assessment for learning so I can define it

effectively for others

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Messages from the new Common Inspection Framework (June 2012)

What is outstanding assessment practice?

“Outstanding teachers plan astutely and set challenging tasks based on systematic,

accurate assessment of learners' prior skills, knowledge and understanding......

Teachers check learners’ understanding effectively throughout learning sessions.

Marking and constructive feedback from staff are frequent and of a consistent

quality, leading to high levels of engagement and interest”

What will Ofsted Inspectors be looking for?

“Inspectors will evaluate the extent to which:

Staff initially assess learners' starting points and monitor their progress, set

challenging tasks, and build on and extend learning for all learners

Learners understand how to improve as a result of frequent, detailed and accurate

feedback from staff following assessment of their learning”

“To make this judgement, inspectors will consider how well:

1. Learners' additional support needs are quickly and accurately identified early

in the programme through effective initial assessment, leading to appropriate

planning and support throughout the duration of their programmes

2. Staff work with learners to develop individual learning plans that are regularly

informed by ongoing assessment

3. Learners are set challenging short and longer terms learning goals that are

reviewed and updated regularly

4. Staff assess learners' performance and progress, and monitor assessment

practices to ensure they are timely, regular, fair, informative and reliable

5. Planned assessment /assignment activities build on previous knowledge and

extend learning for all learners”

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Insights from research

Dylan Wiliam is one of the most influential researchers on assessment practices.

The points below are taken from his article entitled “What assessment can-and

cannot-do”, posted on his website

Assessment improves learning when it is used to support five key strategies in


• Clarifying, sharing, and understanding learning intentions and criteria for


• Engineering classroom discussions, activities, and tasks that elicit evidence of

student achievement

• Providing feedback that moves learning forward

• Activating students as learning resources for one another

• Activating students as owners of their own learning

Each of these five strategies has a considerable research basis; together they provide

a structure for ensuring that students and teachers work together to harness the

power of assessment to improve learning.

However, there have been many misinterpretations of these research findings, which

prevent widespread adoption of effective practices. Perhaps the most widespread

misconception is that any assessment that is intended to help learning will, in fact,

do so. Many schools think that collecting data on their students’ progress and

putting it all into a spreadsheet will help learning. There is absolutely no evidence

that this kind of monitoring has any impact on students’ learning—as my American

friends say, “Weighing the pig doesn’t fatten it.”

At the other extreme, another widespread misconception is the idea that because a

school has adopted formative assessment, there is no need to provide students with

any indication of where they are in their learning. To be sure, giving grades and

scores too frequently will certainly slow down learning, but not giving students any

indication of whether they are making progress is just as misguided. The important

thing about feedback, however it is given, is that it should cause thinking. Once an

emotional reaction occurs, the learning will certainly stop, but there are ways of

telling students whether they are, indeed making progress that does not allow them

to compare their current achievement with others, thus minimizing the extent to

which the student reacts to the feedback by attending to their well-being rather than

by using the feedback to improve.”

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Learning Centred Feedback in Practice by Geoff Petty

This document summarises some key ideas in the Black and Wiliam review 1998

“Assessment and classroom learning’ in the journal ‘Assessment in Education’

Professors Ian Black and Dylan Wiliam of Kings College London reviewed many

hundreds of research studies and showed that formative assessment has more

effect on learning than any other single factor (including prior learning)

The following summarises the advice suggested by Black and Wiliam and then goes

further to add some concrete suggestions for implementing their ideas.

Effective formative assessment has its most positive effect on low attainers and few

teachers adopt good practice.

General Advice

A. Avoid grading Grades are consistently found to de-motivate low attainers. They

also fail to challenge high attainers, often making them complacent. So avoid giving

a grade or mark except where absolutely necessary. This is not easy to do on some

courses. However it is rarely necessary, and almost never desirable, to grade every

piece of work.

B. Use self-assessment Ask students to self-assess, providing them with self-

assessment criteria or helping them to develop their own. Self-assessment has been

shown to double attainment if it is used very frequently. It encourages the

reflective habit of mind essential for improvement, ensures students take

responsibility for their own learning, focuses attention on criteria for success, and

increases effort and persistence. It should be followed by action planning and the

action plan points should be followed up: it then generates excellent evidence for

the key skill ‘Improve Own Learning and Performance’.

C. Give learning-centred feedback “Give a medal and a mission”

Accept the student’s present attainment however low, without blame or

disapproval. Set about improving this by giving a:

• Medal for what the student can do or has done well. Effort, persistence and

other good study habits can be included in the criteria.

• Mission for what the student needs to do to improve. This can be an

improvement to the existing work, or a target (feed-forward task) for the next

piece of work.

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Focus your feedback on the following:

• Tasks: e.g. provide positive comments on the completion of tasks,

strengths, criterion-referenced achievement etc. If teachers set

mastery tasks**this provides opportunities to give positive feedback to

the very lowest attainers.

• Meeting personal targets. If students are encouraged to self-assess

and to set themselves targets for improvement, then the teacher can

comment on a student’s progress towards these targets.

• Improvements effected by the student can be positively commented


• Opportunities for improvement and constructive criticism can be


Feedback pro formas can help teachers give such feedback in practice

D. Use the ‘praise sandwich’, that is: praise; constructive criticism; then praise


E. Use Mastery Learning. This is a series of easy tests on key material set every four

or six weeks, with retests for those students who do not pass. It takes time to set

this up, but it works very well. See the ‘Mastery Learning’ chapter in “Teaching

Today” by Geoff Petty.

F. Use formative teaching methods that ‘find faults, fix, and follow up’

G. Use Feedback Pro formas

Why not give assignments, homework, classwork etc with a feedback pro forma?

This helps the teacher give learning-focused rather than grading-focused feedback.

Such pro formas are not new, but are under-used.

H. Use Generic assessment criteria

Ask students for criteria first. They will come up with most of them, and will then

really ‘own’ them. Follow this with a discussion on which criteria really count and

why. This is very helpful to clarify good practice and your expectations. Each

criterion needs to be discussed, explained, and justified to the class. Criteria are

then used repeatedly, perhaps for every essay written on the course.

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Students hand in the work already self-assessed, then the teacher assesses against

the same criteria. Ideally no grade is awarded, or if it is, it is given some weeks after

this informative feedback. Black and Wiliam’s research review shows that if you

grade, students pay attention only to this and don’t read your feedback.

Ruth Beard in “Teaching in Higher Education” claims that such generic criteria

greatly improve importance over a course even without self-assessment. Black and

Wiliam showed that self-assessment and informative feedback were amongst the

most important things a teacher did.

Discussion of Black and Wiliam’s review

How do Black and Wiliam’s findings differ from conventional practice?

Conventional practice: “teach, test, grade, and move on” (assessment is


Too often the teacher teaches a topic, sets some work, grades it, criticises it in a

more or less constructive way, but does not check that the student has made good

any deficiencies. Then the teacher moves on to the next topic.

A common assumption behind this approach is that learning quality and quantity

depend on talent or ability, and that the role of assessment is to measure this

ability. If learning is wanting, this is attributed to a lack of ability, flair or


Best Practice: “find faults and fix” (assessment is diagnostic)

Black and Wiliam’s review suggests a different approach. A topic is taught, and

some work is set. The student and the teacher use this work to diagnose deficiencies

and set targets for improvement. This improvement is monitored.

The assumption is that learning quality and quantity depends on time and effort

spent on improvement, and that the role of assessment is to diagnose deficiencies

so that time and effort can be focussed on improvement. Indeed weaknesses are

the very areas where greatest improvement can be made with least effort. If

learning is wanting, you need to try harder for longer.

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Common Practice: teach, test, grade, and move on:

Best Practice: “Find faults and fix”

Research is very much in favour of the ‘time and effort’ assumption rather than the

talent assumption, even in areas like music where you might expect talent to be

important. ‘Talent’ is often a by-product of how much time and effort has been

spent on learning in the past, due perhaps to intense interest.

Teachers in the East, for example in Pacific Rim countries, are puzzled by the

Western obsession with talent. Their very successful education systems are built

firmly on the ‘find faults and fix’ model.

0 %

100 %

Can’t do

Can do

Criticise this

Grade that

“You can’t fatten a pig

by weighing it”

Can’t do

Can do

Find this and get the

student to fix it

Praise this

� Self-assessment

� Medals and missions

� Corrections

� Targets for next piece

of work

� Mastery learning

� Avoid grading

� Assessment pro


100 %

0 %

References * Black and Wiliam (1998) “Assessment and Classroom Learning” in the journal Assessment in Education.

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Informative Feedback “These are your goals, this is what you do well, and this is how to get better”

Judgmental Feedback “Here is my measurement”

The feedback compares students with each other, and encourages them to compete. It is ‘norm referenced’.

The teacher gives grades, marks, and comments that make conscious or unconscious comparisons with others

Characteristics of this feedback

There are clear assessment criteria and goals. Feedback consists of information about the extent to which these have been met. There are: Medals: for what they have done well Missions: showing how to improve

Judgement makes students nervous and protective of their self-esteem. So students avoid risks and challenges. The self-esteem of high achieving students rises

The student feels accepted, and that their efforts are being recognised and valued Self esteem and commitment tends to rise and there is increased emotional involvement in tasks

Effect on self-esteem

Maladaptive learning strategies

Surface learning is likely. Their eye is on the grade, not understanding, learning or the task. The student memorises, seeks short cuts, copies etc. Right answer syndrome

Effective learning strategies

Deep learning. Their eyes are on the goals, assessment criteria, tasks, and their ‘missions’. High quality learning aimed at understanding and improvement. As esteem comes from effort, not comparative attainment, students are prepared to take risks and accept challenges.

Consequent learning strategies

Students’ learning theory

Adaptive and blame free learning theory

‘Effort is the key and it’s up to me’ “Mistakes are informative feedback” Intrinsic motivation: learning is an end in itself

Maladaptive and blaming learning theory

‘Mistakes are shameful’ ‘Effort shows you must be stupid’ ‘Ability is the key and it is inborn’ Extrinsic motivation: it’s only worth working if you get something out of it

There is reduced: interest, effort, persistence, self-esteem and self-belief and less emotional investment in learning In some cases: “Learned helplessness” “No matter what I do I’m bound to fail” The student withdraws and retires hurt, rejecting the teachers, college, etc Hostility towards learning Learning is seen as something for others

Effect on low achievers

There is increased: interest, effort, persistence, self-esteem and self-belief In time: Learned resourcefulness: “There must be a way round my difficulties and if I find it I will succeed.” “Learning depends on time, effort, corrected practice, and using the right strategies.” Identification with the aims of the course Learning is seen as an end in itself

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Advance Organizers

The advance organizer approach to teaching is a cognitive instructional

strategy used to promote the learning and retention of new information. Advance

organizers link old information with something new being taught which helps

students recognize that the topic they are beginning to learn is not totally new, but

rather can be related to a previously learned concept or process. This is done by

using concepts and terms that are familiar to the students to explain new ideas. By

cognitively linking the new information to old information, the new information can

be stored more easily in long-term memory. The distinction and relevancy this gives

to the new concepts can help to motivate students and remind them of other

relevant information they already have.

The following strategies can function as Advance Organizers:

• Use charts, diagrams, oral presentations, or concept maps. For example,

provide a graphic that contains a visual clue about a complex relationship

among many parts.

• Give a scenario and ask students to infer rules based upon their current


• Have students identify the characteristics of a known phenomenon and then

relate it to the new idea/concept. For example, discuss characteristics of the

Mississippi River to introduce the impact that the Nile River has on Egypt.

• Offer renderings of different types of geometric forms before discussing their

individual likenesses and differences.

• Review basic concepts of Christianity (in order to activate the students'

schema for "religion") prior to studying a unit on Buddhism.

• Ask students to compare and contrast the new content based on what they

already know. For example, what can they tell about its color, shape, smell,

feel, or taste?

• Identify a problem and ask for a reason why it may occur (before teaching the

reason). For example, discuss the origins of a war before describing its major


A good site on using advance organizers is

More information, including examples and principles can be found on the Theory

into Practice Web site entry for D. Ausubel.

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Self-assessment activity incorporating scaling

1. Fill in both columns for yourself

2. Discuss with a partner/coach how you do a few of these things in practice

3. Choose 2 things you’d like to do more of and put a star by them



Low High

How well this

reflects in my


Low High

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

I create a positive learning environment where differing learning

approaches and methods are valued

I share learning objectives with learners

Learning objectives are written in learner friendly terms

I plan/encourage a time for reflection on what we have learnt

I encourage learners to assess their own work

I see making mistakes as a way of improving

I incorporate targets in my discussions with learners

I support learners in recognising their next steps

I share standards of achievement and attainment with learners

I give feedback that supports and motivates and enables learners

to improve

I use a variety of techniques which focus on self assessment and

peer assessment

Modelling is seen as an effective approach to encouraging


Learners are encouraged to explain the process of learning

Adapted from Assessment FOR Learning, Raising Standards and Empowering Lifelong Learners,

materials devised by Matrix Theory Into Practice (2006)

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The How of Self and Peer Assessment with Learners

A. Self assessment checklist (tutorial preparation)

Yes/No/? Comments









I know my targets for this term

I know how to work on them

I worked on my targets in the last


In the last four weeks I have been on

time for class most days

In the last four weeks I have handed in

most of my work on time

I am up to date with my work

I know what I need to improve for my

written work

I know what I need to improve for my

practical work

B. Scaling exercise to review progress

On a scale of 1-10 how would you score yourself, where 10 is the best score?

� Coming to class regularly

� Coming to class on time

� Taking notes that help my learning

� Focusing on the task in group work

� Answering questions in class when the teacher asks them

� Doing homework tasks on time

� Following instructions in written tasks

� Handing in assessed work on time

� Acting on feedback from the teacher

� Doing research online and reading for my course

� Revising for tests

� Reviewing my notes regularly

Which 3 areas could you improve on? When and how could you do this?

Student targets:

Teacher’s tips/comments:

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Approaches to checking learning

In many lessons, teachers establish objectives for the lesson and targets for the

group and individuals before they present the main content of the lesson. It is

important to check learning as the lesson goes on, to ensure learners are capturing

key points. Here are some approaches to doing this:

1. Three or four verbal questions that consolidate learning, targeted to key

individuals in the class so that the rest of the group hear the answers

2. Some questions for groups to discuss and answer on flip charts or mini white

boards, presented on PP or Smartboard

3. A quick quiz on the PP or Smartboard with individuals writing down their

answers silently

4. A team quiz with answers written on mini whiteboards

5. A task in groups to see if they can apply the learning in more extended ways

6. Individuals complete a written learning log to identify key points for them at

Stop and Reflect points in the lesson (one mid way and one in the plenary)

7. In the plenary slot, learners in groups create a mind map or diagram to

summarise key points from the lesson. They compare their summary with the

ones other groups did and score themselves as a self assessment task

8. Set a homework task that encourages individuals to apply the learning in

extended ways

9. Three or four reflection questions set at the end of the lesson, which are

reviewed as the starter activity of the following one

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Assertive Questioning


(accessed 26/09/13)

1. Buzz groups work on a thought provoking question.

2. The teacher monitors this work asking:

‘Does everyone have an answer, ask me for a hint if not’ ‘Does anyone need

more time?’

If a group does not respond to this offer of help they are ‘fair game’ for the

next stage. The teacher does not give the answer away if they do help a


3. The teacher nominates individuals to give their group’s answer, and to justify

it: “Why do you think that?”. The teacher thanks the student for their answer,

but does not evaluate it. They might ask supplementary questions such as

'Does anybody agree with that answer?' 'Has anybody got anything


4. The teacher gets a response from each group in this way, or at least a number

of groups, and then points out any inconsistencies between the groups’

answers if any. (If there aren’t any, perhaps the question could have been

more challenging, though in early practice easy questions are helpful)

5. The aim now is to get the whole class to agree their ‘class answer(s)’. The

teacher encourages the class to discuss and evaluate their various answers,

and to agree, and to justify their ‘class answer’. Minority views are allowed,

but the aim is consensus.

6. Only when the class has agreed its answer does the teacher ‘give away’ the

right answer, or evaluate and comment on the answers given.

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Using the one-minute paper for getting student feedback

What is it useful


• Giving the teacher immediate feedback on the lesson

and highlighting common problems

• Helping students focus on the most important

elements of the lesson

• Creating continuity between classes (and tutors, if

used across the teaching team)

• Differentiation, as it highlights individual needs, if

students put their names on their papers

• Getting all students to contribute to feedback, even

the shy/quiet ones

• Developing a cooperative climate, if the teacher

responds to it

Who is it useful


All age groups. It’s best suited to level 1 and above – for

entry levels, the reading and writing aspects of this pro

forma could require a lot of support

How can you use


• At the end of the lesson, students are asked to write

their individual answers to these questions:

1. What is the most important thing you learnt


2. What question do you have? or What do you want

to know more about?

• The teacher takes in the slips of paper and reviews


• The teacher responds to feedback with individuals or


What are the


• It’s a simple but effective way to get quick feedback

• It doesn’t require any special technology

• Quiet students became more confident in asking


• Students can improve their ability to identify key

learning points from the lesson

• Students used the One-Minute Papers as a record of

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work and index to their class notes. They said this

helped greatly with revision and that it showed them

where they needed to focus their efforts (topics

they'd noted difficulty in)

• It can improve communication between teacher and


• Teachers can plan more responsively to meet needs

Any other tips? • Teachers need to be prepared to respond to

suggestions and be willing to take constructive


• It takes a while for students to learn to reflect in this

way, so it should be viewed as building a skill. Initially

it can be useful for students to discuss their ideas in

pairs before writing them down

• You can vary the questions, e.g. How will you

practise this during the week? What do you think you

need to practise now?

• It can be done online too and could relate to a

lesson, unit or module

Which teacher(s)

from EHWLC

provided this


Susie Kusnierz, ESOL Acton

Beverley Webster, 6th

Form Science, Maths & IT

Fidelia Nwokoro, ICT

Danisa Sithole, Science & Maths, Hammersmith

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Resource: the one-minute paper pro forma

Can you answer these questions about the lesson today?

If you would like me to answer you individually, please put your

name here:


Thanks a lot.

1. What is the most important thing you learnt today?

2. What question do you have?

3. What do you need to practise or research, after the lesson?

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Introduction to Assessment for Learning:



Video clip in which Dylan Wiliam reviews the nature of formative assessment and

how teachers can use it to gain better insights into student learning and

achievement. Includes a good summary of what formative assessment is

Practical ideas to enhance your practice:


Here are some useful links for further research:

Written summary of a talk by Dylan Wiliam on Sustaining Formative Assessment

through Teacher Learning Communities

Article on teachers in Scotland experimenting with assessment for learning



Article on Dylan Wiliam’s background and some key points on how to improve

achievement through AfL

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Assessment strategies - Dylan Wiliam (tapescript of video clip)

If we take the three central processes in assessments of making sure

that: you are clear about where the learner is going; you are clear about

where they are and you want to establish how to get there; and you

think about the role of the teacher; the role of the other peers in the

classroom and the learner themselves. You end up with five, what we

call, key strategies.

The first is the teacher's role in making sure that you know where the

learner is through questioning, classroom tasks, dialogue - it's finding

out where the learner is. Then giving feedback to the students and not

feedback that tells them they are doing okay and no they are not doing

okay, but it's feedback that moves the learner forward. Then you have

the role of peer, first of all helping each other understand success

criteria. The teacher helps clarify what the lesson is about and what the

learning is about and peers have a role in communicating this to each

other as well. You have peers supporting each other - what we call

activating students as teaching resources of one another. You have

student self-assessment or activating students as owners of their own

learning. That brings in all the stuff about meta-cognition; managing all

your emotional reaction to school and to work. We get this complex of

ultimately five processes.

There is a question in finding out where students are within their

learning; the feedback that moves learners; making sure that everybody

concerned is clear about the success criteria; student peer assessment

and student self-assessment. Those we think are the five key processes

or five key strategies for Assessment for Learning. Some which so… that

we would say that if you are doing Assessment for Learning you are

doing at least one of those - and if you are not doing one of those then

you are not doing Assessment for Learning.


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Things to remember…….
