



For many, the worthiness of gifts has everything to do with love. Attaching a special meaning to your gift is makes the gift customized and it thus becomes an innovative gift. In doing so, one can discover the value of handmade originals (DIY). A true gift is always measured by its meaning, usefulness and relevance.

Before zeroing in on the gift item, some questions need to be examined. E.G. Who is the gift for—Parents, Grandparents, Friend, Cousin, Siblings, Peers, Boss etc. Then the occasion—Birthday, anniversary, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Friendship Day, Festival related etc. Then the personality of the person—is he/ she a diva, a domestic dude, a full-of-life person, a techie, romantic types, a bookworm. Accordingly, one can come to a conclusion about what they will cherish- a gadget, book, a handmade stuff, a piece of jewelry, an entirely personalized item etc. Then comes price and budget consideration. If these prerequisites are followed, one will end up giving innovative gifts, rather than just blindly walking into a store and doing away with buying something commonplace or irrelevant.

Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) commonly involves the use of microchips that contain sensitive financial and personal data that are embedded within passports, credit cards, debit cards, corporate identification cards, and driver licenses. While carrying these items in wallets, anyone nearby with inexpensive RFID-reading equipment can identify and copy all of the information carried on these microchips. The unsuspecting individual will not even know that his/her identity and information has been stolen. RFID blocking wallets ensure the safety of sensitive information. As a technology, it lets you simply wave your important documents or cards in front of a nearby scanner instead of having to slide the magnetic stripe through it. The electronic scanner sends a signal, which is received by an antenna embedded into the cards, which is connected to the card’s RFID chip, thus activating it.

Despite the best-laid plans, it’s sometimes hard to keep every drawer at home organized. In such a scenario, magnets, a piece of metal and a little glue can come in handy and one can prepare a magnetic organizer

It can be used for varied purposes. Placing magnets on the bottom of spice containers, then attaching them to a sheet of steel on kitchen wall or refrigerator can lead to better-organized spices. All it needs is installing a strong magnetic strip along the kitchen wall, and then placing the cutlery onto it. One can systematically organize makeup and cosmetics onto a magnetic organizer. It requires purchasing of small circular magnets and putting hot glue to the back of the makeup containers. Then simply sticking the magnets on a metal tray can do the needful.
