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    Foot Care Wealth Report

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    TheFoot Care


    6 Reasons Why A

    Career In Foot Care

    Can Make You

    Seriously Wealthy!

    By Sam Ward

    Copyright 2010

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    Table of Contents

    Introduction ............................................................. 5

    Who Is This Report Aimed At? .................................. 6

    Why Foot Care? ........................................................ 8

    Reason 1 Demographic Time Bomb ............. 8

    Reason 2 Recession Proof Business ........... 10

    Reason 3 No Age Limitation.......................... 11

    Reason 4 Income Potential ........................... 12

    Reason 4 Hours To Suit You!........................ 15

    Reason 5 Freedom From Work................. 16

    Conclusion.............................................................. 18

    End Note .............................................................. 19

    About The Author................................................. 19

    Resources ............................................................... 22

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    The publisher of this book has made every attempt to ensurethe accuracy of the information contained herein. We make

    no warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of

    the book.

    The Foot Care Wealth Report was created for informational

    and educational purposes only, not to replace any advice from

    a Career Professional or Legal Advisor.

    We cannot be held liable for any injury, loss, or otherdamages due to your use of the information contained in this

    product. It is the responsibility of the reader to use the

    information in this book responsibly and to verify any

    information before use.

    Earnings Disclaimer

    Any and all earning statements or income statements,

    examples or case studies are to be considered estimates ofwhat we believe you could earn. There are no guarantees,

    promises or assurances that you will generate any specific

    amount of income by using our information.

    Where specific income statistics or figures are presented, and

    attributed to individual or business success, there is no

    assurance that you will be able to replicate those results, or

    that you will achieve any level of success with our


    You agree that our company is not responsible for the success

    or failure of your business decisions relating to the

    information found within this information product, and that

    you use our information based on your own due diligence.

    By reading this document, you assume all risks associated

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    as a result of putting this information into action in any way,

    and regardless of your interpretation of the advice

    Legislation governing registration, insurance, certification and

    qualifications may differ in your country so it is essential to

    check before embarking on the advice given here.

    Where the author refers to Foot Care they mean non-

    invasive procedures such as, but not necessarily including:

    nail cutting, corn, callous, athletes foot or verrucae

    treatments as well as massaging and creaming of the foot or


    Foot Care Wealth.

    If you would like to read more about startingyour own Foot Care Business, click here:
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    Hello and welcome to this free report onhow, with a little time and effort you couldhave a fantastic recession proof business

    that is literally a license to print money!

    Sound to good to be true? Well, bear withme and I will show you.

    You may not be aware of it, but there is

    currently a huge ticking time bomb in the

    global foot care industry.

    With an ever growing population of babyboomers with aging feet and not enough foot

    care professionals to meet the demand, Ibelieve there is a massive opportunity thatanyone, with a few skills and the right

    information, can exploit.

    I am going to briefly cover why the FootCare Industry is one of the best kept secrets

    to a better life in terms of health, wealth andhappiness and how you can earn as much asa professional Podiatrist, by working for

    yourself and providing a basic nail cutting

    service to your local community.

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    Who Is This Report Aimed At?

    Primarily this report is aimed at anyonethinking of a career in Foot or Nail Care and

    considering training in any of the following:

    Pedicurists Manicurists

    Care Assistants Registered Nurses Nail Technicians Medical Pedicurists Reflexologists Foot Care Nurses Foot Care Assistants Foot Health Practitioners Foot Care Professionals. Medical Nail Technicians Podiatric Medical Assistants

    This basically encompasses all the Foot Care

    professions, (exceptChiropody and Podiatryas these need professional University Degree


    So this guide is aimed at promoting generalfoot care and nail cutting as a way to changeyour life, as it did mine, because the demand

    for it is increasing, as I will show.

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    However, if you are thinking of a career path

    into professional Podiatry, then I wouldwhole heartedly support your decision.

    The only reason for me to promote the non-degree route is that many of you would not

    be able to return to full time education due

    to family commitments or full time work.

    And, quite frankly, in my opinion, it is notnecessary to train for a 3-4 year degree toearn a fantastic income dealing with generalfoot care whilst providing a very valuableand needy service.

    As long as you have: 1) Insurance & 2) A

    general foot care qualification that allowsyou to practice competently and safely, then

    you can become financially independent.

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    Why Foot Care?

    There are five main reasons why you shouldseriously consider this as a career:

    Retiring Baby Boomers (Time Bomb) Recession Proof Industry No Age Limit

    Income Potential Hours to Suit Freedom & Independence

    Lets look at each one in more detail.

    Reason 1 Demographic Time Bomb

    We all know that we are living longer,

    healthier lives.

    But do you realize that in the next 15 years

    due to the baby boom years of the 1960s-

    1970s there will soon be an explosion in

    the amount of retirees.

    It is one of the reasons why westerngovernments are panicking over pensions


    Thisdemographic time bombis taking place

    right now all over the world but especially in

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    western countries like Europe and North


    The American Podiatric Medical Association(APMA) predicts within 10 years there will bea threefold increase in demand for

    Podiatrists but there are not enough schools

    to train that many!

    And to add fuel to the fire PracticingPodiatrists are retiring quicker than newly

    trained ones can fill their place.

    And as a side note, many of theseBoomerswill develop diabetes and other illnesses andthis has major implications for our Foot

    Health Care systems trying to deliverservices to the public at large.

    With an ageing population, all of whom willrequire regular foot care at some stage (andmostly general nail cutting), there will beincreasing demand for the services of

    someone who is willing, able and qualified toprovide the foot care.

    So in summary, by starting a career in thefoot care industry now, you should never beshort of work and who can say that in this

    day and age?

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    Reason 2 Recession Proof Business

    Why invest your time and money into aprofession where you are dealing with smelly

    feet all day, right?

    Let me ask you, have you ever known anunemployed Doctor, Hairdresser or Dentist?Of course not, they are always needed in

    good times and bad.

    The analogy also holds true for Opticians,

    Beauticians and Foot Care Professionals.

    In fact, generally it holds true for anyoneworking in the medical or personal care


    Personally, if I had a toothache, I would seethe dentist whether there was a recession onor not and the same holds true (although toa lesser degree) with getting your hair cut or

    if you were ill.

    Yes, you may not go as often in times ofrecession, but you wouldnt stop altogethereither and as you saw in the last chapterdemand is only growing over time, so you

    can only get busier (if you wanted to)?

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    I have found if you are willing to do the work

    that others are not, then you will be in avery envious position. I laugh every timesomeone says to me but FEET, how can you

    do feet!

    In all the years I have been in foot health Ihave never known a down turn. Even in thecurrent credit crunch this is still the best

    recession proof industry I have ever known.

    One of the main reasons for this is thatmany retired people draw on a fixed pensionand so are somewhat protected from the

    real market forces, (except for those who

    rely heavily on the interest generated from


    But did you know that in the US the babyboomers have the most discretionary income

    of all demographic groups!

    Reason 3 No Age Limitation

    I did not start this career until I was 40! Sodont think this is a young persons game. Itreally doesnt matter how old you areproviding you still have your eyesight and


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    I know of several foot care professionals

    practicing in their 70s.

    Personally, I would like to officially retirewell before this, but the point is, you never

    really have to if you dont want to.

    Also, many clients will become good friendsand so your treatments will be more likehaving a chat and coffee, than doing real

    work. So keep going if you enjoy it.

    If you have been laid off, made redundant,

    forced to retire early or fired, age is of no

    issue in this business.

    In fact, in general, the older you are themore life skills you have and so your abilityto mix, socialize and empathize with your

    client is greater and that can only help you.

    Reason 4 Income Potential

    Ok, without going into too much detail here,I will now give some real world examples ofthe amount you can charge and the amountyou can expect to earn (and note: these are

    averages based on 30 minute appointments)

    (All figures relating to income are quoted in GBP and $US at

    a ratio of 1.5$US to 1GBP).

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    A) Full time example with 12 weeks vacation

    10 clients a day @25($37.50) per client

    =250 ($375) a day

    for a 5 day week (approx 5 hours a day)

    =1250 ($1875) per week

    And for a 40 week year (12 weeks vacation)

    =50,000 ($75,000)

    Now lets look at a part time example

    B) Part time example with 12 week vacation

    6 clients a day @25($37.50) per client

    =150 ($225) a day

    for a 5 day week (approx 3 hours a day)

    =750 ($1125) per week

    And for a 40 week year (12 weeks vacation)

    =30,000 ($45,000)

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    If you were a newly qualified Pedicurist or

    Nail Technician offering a nail cuttingservice, you should be able to chargebetween 20($30) and 30($45) per client(depending on your area), so adjust thesefigures around how much you want to workversus how much time you want off.

    If you take the lower 20($30) figure, this is

    typically what a salon charges for a Pedicure.However, you will find that people areprepared to pay much more for a home visit,

    especially if they have trouble getting out.

    It is important to know that you should allow

    about 30 minutes between appointments to

    treat a client in a Clinic, Salon or suitableroom in your house but for house calls(domiciliary) allow 45 minutes between

    appointments to cover for traveling time.

    However, for basic nail trimming this may befar too generous some of my colleagues do

    three house calls in an hour!

    A busy surgery based Podiatrist may earnwell over 60K($100K) a year, but

    remember they have to work flat out with aton of overheads, staff and business premisetax to pay. Plus, they have to be there every

    day of every week to make it pay!

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    A domiciliary (home visiting) foot care

    specialist can easily earn close to thiswithout any of the hassle.

    There are more insider secrets, tips, tricksand strategies in the Foot Care Riches ebook

    - Running your own very profitable Foot Care

    Business here:

    www.FootCareRiches.comReason 4 Hours To Suit You!

    Whether you want to work full or part timethe choice is yours. If you are a homemaker

    or single parent with family commitments orchildcare needs, this is an ideal professionbecause of the flexibility you have inarranging your own work routine.

    Hours to suit means you decide when youhave time off and for how long. If you want

    a month long vacation, you can.

    Hours to suit also means if you want to work2 or 4 hours a day for 3 days, you can. Or ifyou only want to work evenings andweekends, you can (this is actually the bestway to start your foot care business whilst inemployment before firing your boss)!
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    Basically you, arrange your diary and dictate

    your hours of work to suit your lifestyle.

    If you want to work part time, then just buildup your business to that level and then stop

    taking on new clients.

    Reason 5 Freedom From Work

    By Freedom from Work I mean thefollowing:

    No J.O.B. No Boss Flexible Working Money Independence

    By No J.O.BI mean no 9-5 grind, 5 days aweek for 48 or 50 week per year. Stuck incommuter traffic every morning and everyevening, having to do all your chores wheneveryone else does theirs. Taking your

    vacations when it suits your company andnot when it suits you and having to play

    company politics to get a raise or promotion!

    By No BossI mean no-one on your back allthe time telling you what to do or how to doit, clock watching you, checking all yourwork, making you feel like your back in

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    school and all the while youre thinking you

    could do a better job.

    Its fine if youre lucky enough to have agreat boss who looks out for you, but if theywere anything like my lastbullyof a boss, I


    By flexible working I basically mean thepoints covered in the last chapter, namelyonly work when you want to and spend therest of the time doing something you love(unless its Foot Care of course) or spendingmore time with your family this is what I

    choose to do.

    Money Independence means you can takeback responsibility for your financialcircumstances instead of having them

    dictated to you by an employer.

    If you want to work more days to cover theextras, then you can, or if you want to work

    all the hours God sends and pay off yourmortgage fast, then you can.

    You will be hard pressed to find anothercareer where you can earn so much fordoing so little and have the power to decide

    when to work!

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    When you work for yourself you will be able

    to change your mind set and become 100times more productive and independent.

    You will be able to take control again and be

    rewarded handsomely for your efforts.

    You will wonder why you ever had a boss inthe first place or simply why did you never

    do this sooner.


    The real conclusion of this report is thatmost Podiatrists are struggling to meet the

    demands of shifting demographics becausethey are spending the majority of their time

    doing basic nail cutting.

    This may not apply to all of them, butbelieve me it applies to mostof them.

    This is similar to a dentist spending most ofhis time cleaning teeth! Why do you think

    Dentists have hygienists working with them?

    As you have seen there is a growing demandfor Foot Care and for all the reasons I haveoutlined, I believe it to be a fantasticopportunity for anyone to get some general

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    foot care training, run their own profitable

    business and take control of their life for thebetter.

    Thats the real secretin this Serious Wealth

    report - the FREEDOMto empower yourself.

    And by becoming a Foot Care professionalyou can start living the life you want and on

    your terms!

    Its what I did many years ago and I havenever looked back!

    End Note

    I hope this has been a useful introduction toa career in foot health.

    This report has mainly dealt with the WHYin becoming a Foot Health Professional(whether that be a Pedicurist, Foot Health

    Practitioner or Nail Technician)

    However, if you are interested in exactly

    HOW to do it, then follow the link below:
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    About The Author

    Sam Ward is a practicing Foot CareProfessional with over 10 years experience in

    the Industry.

    He has written an eBook Foot Care Richeswhich shows potential Foot Care traineeshow to set up a profitable Foot Care


    Learn all the tips, tricks and insider secretsto running a very successful, flexible andprofitable Foot Care business.

    I have made all the mistakes, found out

    what works and what doesnt, whichbusiness model is the most profitable andwhich is the least hassle and generally fast

    track you to success.

    It shows how his life changed overnight afteraccidently finding an advert for a foot care

    correspondence course in a tabloidnewspaper and how he went on to build avery comfortable life working only 10 days

    every 6 weeks.

    In the eBook the author covers all theaspects of starting a successful Foot Care


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    Increase your income, even more!

    How to start after qualifying. What equipment do you need? Advertising secrets to get business

    fast. What to charge & when to increase

    your prices. Get your competition working for you! How to get fully booked in just 12

    short weeks. Which business model to adopt for

    maximum profit. And much much more

    Due to the nature of the information in this

    eBook there are only 100 copies planned at

    this stage, so act quickly to secure yourcopy.
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    If you would like to learn more about thefoot care industry, then please visit:

    Foot Care Riches eBook:

    U.K. FootCareCourses & Resources:

    Stonebridge Associated Colleges

    SMAE Institute

    College of Foot Health Practitioners

    Open Study College

    Foot Care Academy


    U.S. FootCareCourses & Resources:

    Medi Nails Learning Center

    Autoclave Online

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    Equipment & Products:

    Background Information:

    Nail Salon Infections

    Nails Magazine

    Successful Nail Tech Marketing

    Professional Nail Technician

    If you would like to read more about starting

    your own Foot Care Business, click here:
