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Lower league first season tips for scouting and team rotation...

How to find player...Scouting > player search > filters --:contract status - expirednationality - eu nationalposition - eg Amrthen base attributes around player position your are looking for at around 9-10 and have 7/9 match (eg. Crossing, dribbling, passing. Anticipation... And so on - some attributes used for my wingers)This should give you a decent choice of homegrown and possibly foreign depending on scouting range that I will explain shorty....

Now when looking for players its always good to have a good scouting team, with adaptability, determination, and obviously judge pp and judge pa.

Usually you only have a small amount of staff members as most lower leagues so often do, so this is where utilising foreign staff members comes into play. Always make sure they have good adaptability as this helps them work in other country's, this comes in very handy with learning the language

I would advice to sign as many players as possible so that if a player starts to perform from team 1 or 2, (explained in a second) you can profit from them and invest in club right away with youth or training facility's.

Team 1 and Team 2

Team 1 consists of star players and some youth players weighting heavily onto more stars than youth but rotating when cup matches end to the 18-24 group

Team 2 is mainly youth and signed players of between 18 -24 who I think could possibly become 1st team or even sometimes become star players or money makers..

As youth players at this stage never amount to anything this only works for first season but utilising the team 1-2 style works a lot for me guys...

18-24 groupThis is players who I bring in from loans, free signings and even reserve squad...Most amount to nothing in lower league but this squad group are so useful when injury's crop up as they are fit and also never feel left out and complain. Keep these players on 1-2 year deals with low yearly increase if any at all.


I have currently taken gateshead from vanamara to the championship and in my first season I'm sitting 3rd.Played 7 W 4 D 2 L 1 GF 21 GA 11

Leeds 2-2 GatesheadGateshead 1-1 SunderlandLeicester 1-3 GatesheadGateshead 5-1 Nottm ForestMiddlesbrough 3-1 GatesheadGateshead 5-3 BournemouthDerby 0-4 Gateshead
