Page 1: Fool for a Client: The Risk of Representing Yourself in Court

A Fool For a Client: The

Risk of Representing

Yourself in Court

Page 2: Fool for a Client: The Risk of Representing Yourself in Court

Many ordinary people for some reason think it’s wise to represent themselves in court for other, lesser matters. A whole industry has been built on providing blank documents and legal forms, and promoting legal advice for people who intend to take a do-it-yourself approach to the law.

Page 3: Fool for a Client: The Risk of Representing Yourself in Court

Unfortunately, what holds true for criminals also holds true for law-abiding citizens: it is rarely advisable to represent yourself in court.

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While it is easy enough to look up the laws relevant to your circumstances and find legal forms that seem appropriate to your situation, spending an hour or two on Google and Wikipedia does not make you a lawyer.

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Even if you are doing something relatively simple, like filing paperwork for a divorce, you can add months to the time until your case is settled, cost yourself much more money than you’d spend on legal representation, and even cause serious damage to your case if you do not follow the correct procedures.

Page 6: Fool for a Client: The Risk of Representing Yourself in Court

Even if you are doing something relatively simple, like filing paperwork for a divorce, you can add months to the time until your case is settled, cost yourself much more money than you’d spend on legal representation, and even cause serious damage to your case if you do not follow the correct procedures.

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Call 856-227-7888 or contact us at [email protected] for a free consultation about your legal matter.
