  • 1. CONNECT. TRANSFORM. AUTOMATE. FME's MapnikRasterizer Makes Happy Cartographers

2. Yes, we could make nice rasters before However, we had to use A LOT of transformers: 3. MapnikRasterizer a Game Changer A better map with less transformers 4. A few details about MapnikRasterizer Based on Mapnik, open source mapping toolkit No need to know Python, C++, CSS, or even XML! Set styles with Symbolizers Functionality includes: multiple layers per feature raster patterns labelling engine compositing operation The quality of output rasters is better than ever before (sub-pixel anti-aliasing) 5. MapnikRasterizer GUI Dynamic input ports 10 Symbolizers Multiple layers and symbolizers per feature type Different settings for each symbolizer 6. Simple Example A single feature can be stylized with multiple symbolizers: Source 2 Symbolizers 5 Symbolizers 7. Vancouver Streets Example Compound line styles External style definitions Mapnik Labelling engine 8. 2.5D with Building Symbolizers Pseudo 3D effect Not only buildings: any polygons and even stroked texts look great, too! 9. Comp-op (Compositing operations) Define how layers interact Serve for masking or blending Very cool functionality to play with 10. Get inspired in our webinar The Secret to Mapnik Mastery May 7th Register at 11. Become a part of FME history. Share your best Mapnik creation and FME workspace to win prizes and have your image featured on our FME 2015 beta splashscreen! Are You the Ultimate Mapnik Master? For more details: Soon! 12. Useful links Introduction to MapnikRasterizer: More about Symbolizers: Comp-op 13. Thank You! Questions? For more information: [email protected]
