  • Fluid Structure Interaction Simulations with COMSOL

    Daniel Ahlman, Ph.D.


    2012 COMSOL. COMSOL and COMSOL Multiphysics are registered trademarks of COMSOL AB. Capture the Concept, COMSOL Desktop, and LiveLink are trademarks of COMSOL AB. Other product or brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.

    Nagi Elabbasi, Ph.D.

    Veryst Engineering

  • Traditional approach to modeling

    Chemical Reactions


    Electromagnetic Fields

    Heat Transfer

    Structural Mechanics

    Fluid Flow

  • The COMSOL Multiphysics approach

    Chemical Reactions


    Electromagnetic Fields

    Heat Transfer

    Structural Mechanics

    User Defined Equations

    Fluid Flow

  • The COMSOL Multiphysics approach

    Chemical Reactions


    Electromagnetic Fields

    Heat Transfer

    Structural Mechanics

    User Defined Equations

    Fluid Flow


  • Introduction to Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) simulations


    Which simulation tool do you currently use to model FSI?

    COMSOL Multiphysics

    Other commercial software

    Non-commercial software (in-house code, freeware, open

    source, )


  • Different levels of FSI

    Small elastic deformation

    Fluid flow Solid stress

    Large rigid displacement

    Rigid structure displacement Fluid flow

    Large elastic deformation

    Structural deformation Fluid flow

  • 1. Solve for fluid flow.

    2. Calculate total stresses.

    3. Apply fluid stresses on solid boundaries.

    4. Solve for the displacements in solids.





    Fluid/solid coupling; Small elastic deformations

    All steps automated in COMSOL! Fluid-Solid interface on shared mesh


  • 1. Solve for displacements of the rigid structure to compute a fluid flow mesh.

    2. Apply the velocity of the solid boundaries on the fluid walls.

    3. Solve for fluid flow

    4. Repeat for next time step.




    Fluid/solid coupling;

    Large rigid rotations

    All steps automated in COMSOL!

  • 1. Solve for fluid flow.

    2. Calculate total stresses.

    3. Apply fluid stresses on solid boundaries.

    4. Solve for the displacements in solids.

    5. Use the solid displacements to;

    Update the fluid flow mesh

    Apply the solid boundary velocity to the fluid

    6. Repeat until solution converges.

    7. If Transient; Compute next time step






    Large elastic deformations

    All steps automated in COMSOL!


    Which type of solid deformation, or displacement, best defines your FSI application?

    Small elastic deformations (Fluid Solid )

    Large rigid displacements (Solid Fluid)

    Large elastic deformations (Fluid Solid)

  • How to handle large elastic deformations?

    Account for large deformation in solids

    Solve for computational mesh for fluid flow

  • Large Deformation; Moving mesh

    Reference mesh

    Structural mechanics

    Moving mesh

    Fluid flow

  • Obstacle in a flow channel

    Demo Exercise

  • Modeling overview

    Inlet: u_fluid = f(t,y) Outlet: p = 0

    Fluid domain

    Solid domain

    Lower boundary of solid is fixed. Top and bottom boundaries of fluid domains are walls, i.e. zero fluid


  • Modeling in COMSOL


  • FSI Analysis of a Peristaltic Pump

    Veryst Engineering , LLC Engineering Through the Fundamentals

    [email protected]

    Nagi Elabbasi, Ph.D.

  • Peristaltic Pumps

    Valuable for pumping abrasive fluids, corrosive fluids and delicate fluids

    Rugged pump design requiring minimal maintenance

    Used in pharmaceutical, petrochemical, biomedical and food processing industries

    Veryst Engineering

  • Pump Modeling

    Nonlinear, coupled fluid-structure interaction

    Structural nonlinearities include:

    Tube material behavior


    Large deformations

    Important to know tube stresses and strains for lifetime prediction

    Optimal design depends on fluid properties and flow rate

    Veryst Engineering

  • Rotary Peristaltic Pump Model

    Two metallic rollers and an elastomeric tube pumping a viscous Newtonian fluid at a speed of 60 Hz

    Model setup parametrically using native COMSOL geometry

    Veryst Engineering

  • Tube Modeling

    Hyperelastic tube

    Tube material one of main limiting factors affecting pump performance

    Typically made of elastomers like silicone or thermoplastic elastomers such as Norprene or Tygon

    Used Mooney-Rivlin hyperelastic material model

    Fixed along outermost edge for simplicity

    Fixed boundary

    Fixed boundary

    Veryst Engineering

  • Fluid Modeling

    Open fluid boundaries

    Incompressible Newtonian fluid

    Laminar Navier-Stokes equations

    Peristaltic pumps commonly used for non-Newtonian fluids

    Moving fluid-mesh follows solid deformation

    FSI interface automatically handled by COMSOL

    Fluid-structure interface:

    Veryst Engineering

  • Contact Modeling

    Contact Pair 1 Contact Pair 2

    Source surfaces

    Rollers are contact source, tube is contact destination due to higher relative stiffness of rollers

    No friction, rollers not allowed to rotate

    Contact Lagrange multipliers solved for as Lumped Step in segregated solver

    Veryst Engineering

  • Step 1: Move Rollers in Place

    Damped transient analysis to get rollers in correct starting configuration

    Initial model configuration Initial pump configuration

    Roller displacement

    Veryst Engineering

  • Step 2: Rotate Rollers

    Transient analysis with prescribed roller rotation Wait until transient dies out

    Veryst Engineering

  • Solution Approaches for FSI Problem

    Solve both solid and fluid fields simultaneously

    Two-way coupled solution

    More accurate (for some pump configurations)

    More computational resources (memory and time)

    Solve solid field followed by fluid field

    Coupling only from solid to fluid

    Less accurate

    Less computational resources

    Veryst Engineering

  • Mises Stresses and Fluid Velocity

    Solid contours: Mises stress (MPa) Fluid arrows: Velocity field

    Veryst Engineering

  • Flow Rate (and Fluctuations)

    Significant flow fluctuations including flow reversal at point of roller separation from tube (vertical roller position)

    In practice fluctuations reduced by roller design

    For more details on peristaltic pump modeling visit

    Veryst Engineering

  • Benefits of using COMSOL for FSI

    Automatic calculation of total fluid forces.

    Automatic identification of solid-fluid interface.

    Automatic application of correct boundary conditions at the solid-fluid interface.

    Ability to move computational mesh based on deformation of solid.

    Accurate calculation of fluid flow stresses on moving mesh.

  • Upcoming Workshops

    North America San Jose, CA Nashville, TN Los Angeles, CA Calgary, AB Louisville, KY Edmonton, AB Westborough, MA Fremont, CA Grand Rapids, MI Denver, CO Hillsboro, OR Denver, CO Los Angeles, CA Orlando, FL

    Europe Gteborg, Sweden Aberdeen, UK Antwerpen, Belgium Leipzig, Germany Fulda, Germany Stavanger, Norway Zwickau, Germany Kassel, Germany Milton Keynes, UK Lund, Sweden Udine, Italy

    Free hands-on minicourse!

  • Product Suite
