Page 1: Flash to html5 conversion  5 reasons that echo why it is inevitable

Flash to HTML5 conversion- 5 reasons that echo

why it is inevitable

Interactivity of Flash along with animated content support and high-quality graphics are the

main factors that have made it favourite among a king part of eLearning developers.

However, with the swift development of HTML5, it has almost replaced the former.

Enumerated below of 5 top reasons for unavoidability of Flash to HTML5 conversion.

Upsurge of handheld device users

People these days are increasingly shifting from desktops to handheld devices like tablets and

smartphones etc. Now the issue with this trend is that most of the Android devices and IOS

doesn’t support Flash. Also touch screen devices fail to comfortably accommodate it. Instead

if HTML5 is used, reachability is significantly increased as courses can be created for varied

devices and screen sizes.

Page 2: Flash to html5 conversion  5 reasons that echo why it is inevitable

Multiple browser compatibility

If the course is Flash-based, users must download a specific Plugin to facilitate accessibility.

On the other hand, learners can access Hyper Text Markup Language5 based courses through

almost all popular browsers like Google Chrome, Internet Explorer and Firefox. The codes

can be comprehended with ease and there is no need for additional plugins.

Ease of multimedia integration

This conversion helps you to develop multimedia courses without any concern regarding its

accessibility. Videos and other interactive elements can be easily incorporated and they are

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reachable on all platforms and browsers. It also helps in creation of interactive and mobile

friendly games for catalysing the learning process. In case of Flash, if there is no plugin

installed, learners may see just a black box.

Provision of offline data storage

Even in this internet era, people may not always have accessibility to internet. As HTML5

supports the offline storage of data, such an issue is eliminated. This is not the case with

Flash and to access, internet connectivity is needed.

Power saving and increased speed

Flash consumes more power for processing when compared to HTML5. This paves way for

reduced speed for content delivery in the former. On certain platforms such as MAC OS X

and Linux, content streams 58% slower. As this can frustrate the users, they may leave

without waiting. Since processing power needed is more, more battery is consumed by

courses based on this.

In future also, several innovative devices will reach market and hence it is mandatory that the

course enjoys compatibility on all such devices. So, it is advisable to catch up with this trend

at the earliest.

Also read 3 Main reasons catalysing the drift of eLearning to HTML5 from flash.

Stay in touch with us to know more about flash to html5 conversion services.

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