Page 1: All lt costs ¡J- ndollnrn your. Roy. I). A.TOM.b> nt CUoiln Sprlni {.'HUD GtLVN't'« td IcCi.v Nov. Voil;. Vu. Ti I-λ ToonImareturned

fjOCAl/TPttMN.All lt costs ¡J- ndollnrn your.Roy. I). A. TOM. b> nt CUoiln Sprlni{.'HUD GtLVN't'« td IcCi.v

Nov. Voil;.Vu. Ti I-λ Toon Ima returned frouftl

Rilli ;.. \i some

IOOUIM (hov ivlil

Vlllo, N. c.

Head tho AJIVKUTIOÚ0 lo KllllHCl'lbo.

1 f you don't :;i vocome up ndosing.Col, |i, W. DA i<ii nial fuinlly uro vudt-j

lng nt Cross rilli.

Capt.JNo. W. WAITS' Cai illy uro visit¬ing i:i Nev. ix ; : v.

ret ltmod from


Ji Ti JOHNSON, Hí«q.,lII visit in tin., country.M ra. .7. w. l''i{iiGt'HON ia vlaill

Newberry < 'ounty,Dr. THOMAS MOÇ'OY loft a tow

Ugo lor th,- mountains.

"TONY*" COMITON took i. .': olNowborry on Friday.Druminora how booti ni nMiuoroif

than iruats, this season.

Mrs. Si-o,;r, ot* Alliniulil,lier mot lier, M 1 .1.1 M..'. I»,

Caterpillars have tipponred in thocolton HoldH <>r < Ire« iivlllc.ClilolilKiun WA I.TOM, ol' (lu- Piro De¬

partment, is in (Jrconvlllo..J. I). Sn KA HAN ¡ind A. Ilii.vj**:

in New York buying }{onds.Tho young mon w ho roo<

ii seilUbld, ¡irv ut work

Why should Luu rons not huiino; and Loan Association.'Mr. ¡ind Mrs. W. NW JON

turned from ¡> iihoi't visit lo

V. I«. MCGOWAN, KS,,., spM<1II.VS last woc.U \YliU ivlatnHill.NORM li-; CAMWIMI ?., of c.\<

visitir.^ Iii» tinelo Mr. NV. NV. JLaurens.



1Subscribers cont Inno lo pour i". hui

friend!«, wi' mill jual 3,1 io moro. Canyou help UK?A negro living on Mr. w. K. !? vn's

pine«, a l\ \v niile:; from town, bringa us

the Ural open boll ol'oat lon.

Housekeepers wilt lind caro bargainsIn thc way of tinware, on tho live eon)counter ol < ; it MI A M A' SPA Illili*

!.. < ¡. HA UI.K A- < ..>. uro Iunjing tfront ai ; ,Ueully painted. ''î iNt riped wiMi genuino gold lj

ria. amiMiss CA ltm K .ION ;?: s, <>l drMisses Kiirii: and MA!'.*f>adtilla County, arc visit lng inti

Persona who desire tn ll al'4 J«.all in on Tuesday iu<>in ¡ iTpipressman is not ol beru ;, JPrcnldonl W. Km i' *A

other prominent Itali rpi1*!passed through Laurens ott,íMr. and Mrs JnitDAN M AI

M rs. ( A jioi.i NI: (,'ni:s\vi;i,i,iiCount y, ami M Si 1t<-r, of » .'< orgia, aro visiting !.J


ulA l.t. ¡OH

jVbbvvlllild dnugh

M¿s. I.KIl.A. \\ ¡le of Dr. .1, Ms l i. MnI.KUI died after a brief illtlfss at hoi'ItonvVat ( 'ross 11 ¡ll, on tho Jnoruing ofthc i.»tl» .inst.

I*lgolicliT**#w¿r*d/< a Niirrov/Guns .'.'-road to AjitrtiHta. *JpO,(XJ<{>'\vua Httbi ribedntônêôV ltwlllgooir*yÄN'owborry. Sm-».ess to the seheliie. jWhen you put yo*/,r h«nd «"' « '»um

who takes a silly u\¡ll's yo" I""hand on a .iode. A \- ,U! ,MN" L,,V A>oilers bis ami to a inj'.V'

Prof. R.W. Mll.Nl)1""»«' Wlfp, < f thcLauroiisvillo Fomnlq' CoUog, aiid MlKn M.i.r. Sw^MiMmVT Hpendlng .lie

Hiiinincr in NV« at Virgin^'»-Hid it « vcr appoiir'u, .vu Unit your

own paper reads lu iV tim" ono youhavo borrowed. I; '.. S 1 »ndld When i'

ls your own ami poid l'if. Just lr\ it.

Mrs. .INO. K. VU N'pJsO" "Ult i::

daugbtor, ol' l.'nion, vi*cW*Vj«'ti> - iel

fri« nds in Laurena li't Nvortk. Also,Mrs. PoTKors, of Pendleton,Jforinorlyof Bonuforl.

Capt. <'. NV. Sn KM, lia '., »lilliesick fol' tile past lev. wo al e

glad t<> say is improvJ III noon

bo at bl« post again, jJ. T. M .\ u ri N A . "i[ are unSvlilg into

tho CHAKI Uullding, fltlcd up oxpronslyfor tin in willi an olOvatOr ¡"d ¡'ll thcmodern Iniproveinonto comio«Hctl withthe hardware biisini ..

Prof. ICDWAHD K. KIM TONJ ,! tho .':,r

renavii lo Poníalo (;ol|ogo, nnd Mr.PHANK MVANS, of the linrrous MuleAcademy, havo boonnttoiulli '! " Nor¬mal Institut«1, which lins JUF| eloaoil inCharleston.

Merchants complain ofmany goods.reporter. "Wcl|help out your ptjtho conaoquoiiciextra force ot'ol|Rabbit eyes il

in Paris. A <.<

«.xl i acted a y<placed »t Ky iigrcally ImprOV

lion'I fore,, i

Temperance to

thougil|v. ulm iiiv linv<

.liing looj" iiskoil ourlt w<> wouldttlo ;'d., amiHliplO¿ eil ¡(ll

(.'..'i t.> lifc- III d' lli.;¡, 'i domtor rec int ly

u, l«ily'Hl und "

«'e of :i rid>r looks!CClond Inp ¡.. lum on

"leliv« re<( Kiln ( I'lle.-

day) ovenliig. |tl:ü) oVl«ie|it .,t tlc (Joblogo Chapel, »JÖ* It» V. H. I'. ( II II I: I /.-

m ito, (Jrand wJttbyOhit'f Tenipl ir.

M n z.M.i ., bofort1 Connonon Monday, to InaWO r tho " "'disorderly «ondi|ot.".nd oh.str i « * i 11 Hie po¬lice in tho (Uaunrgo nf «i »ty. 11«> waslinod 0.OOt wei« 11:, i, I,I Jd to pay. Anappeal wilt b| t:i.t n, f

Thorn will > ¡( (,'oiiviirsatlou Partylind Church Aoinble ntl jLlon. Tuesdaylivening, Ai«tst'¿-,th, lr.Ik > lo lo P. M.fitèiuttfttl nv>oiiiiKi)i \v:u>i'< Hpcolallyprovided for tie occasion J*»'«'"' «d' charge,ami nil aro ihv'ieil u, aitc-pd.Wonroglkd to'bo' to «tate that

Prof. IK NV. Mu.-NKIt oi l:">' "tU l]-Hï!!TT''V, '...».«.;.... .. };iv:. ..nnviiMMlng illtho interestof tin. Kiuir>.;H\ il1 P< maloC'pllogc, lune mot wU!i m at on-

oouragotnon! t>u all nhl.' Tho C'oltopfowill upen o» o,,, ¡ m, i.;, j,toinbor, williover thirty jU^lora. itt'lng fully < «|iii|>-

dO|»:irtn <'"t, «Ith able

gentío nen are det- r-

up om-1 »liege and makoin tin j--! ' '"'

Iv hauled, lothIC til li.c "ll

ped inteiM-hcrsminedlt MCeomlOgO bill

dillon re

Chusoli Festival.Tho Musical Festival glyon by thorn¬lea oftho Episcopal Church, last Thuraiy"l)ijiht, v/ns ;i decided success, lin tl) so-ally uiul nnnUehdly. A largo crowd was

lijttondimcc. Thc r,ccuu waa a brilliante ;*.;,<? ImU bolugbcnutlntlly decoratedUh evergreens and well lighted withinmlcllofs and gay Jttplnoso Inuterus.Th Mui Ictd jh'ogriimiuc was fully oar-'

i'll11 out,nil tho j hs cs being admirablyrendored, nuil olloltod nu; h deservednj I n iiSe. 'i!..; receipts amounted lo ltlittle <>\ r s.'u :.n and alt- r deducting nec¬essary expolióos a nice Binn was left totlovoto to tho object l'or which tb" Fosll-vu! was given,Coiiibldoi'lng tho fonrolly of ihonoy nt

ti :-. - ¿ison, t¡.«« rnlgod spunks'... ¡I :'.>. il e merits of tho I !:. n«e ularUv "I" ¿ho ' idler; who

it in t'luirgo.A CA iii).

l'or tho Information of all Interested) 1would stnto thai ih« receipts of tho« lui rob i'« al, on the l;uh, worctfol.Töii ; pousos $I7.7Í>¡ net proceda ^ ï !.«!.;*. Ail fulled statement cali bo si eu at myolHcC. I'uder the oliouuislaiioi thc ro«null is considered very satisfactory.The hullos aro grateful to the town pa-;.. rs, ao l ,t number of Individuals(whoso mimes spncu, mid vi rhnps liislo,forbid monHoning) tor sind acts in omi«neel lon \\ Ith thc limiter. The voluntaryfurnishing ' ¡ raro ihn do for tho occasionlu especially appreciated.

ltespcci fully,I,. \V. KIM KINS.

Tho Li t)i>ti ¡ '.a tin '.'i's* Cluh,Lisbon Farmers' Club mol ni

Lisbon Church, on lin- UHh An¬glist, ihiií dfty having IHMMI soiupurl for thc exhibition of ttgrleul-i iirn I und gurdon products, linoLock) A-c.A lotter from lion. A. I*, nullor,

wns rend, regretting bis inabilityI l(> bo prosonl, oil ueoouril <d" sick-nessln lils ihuiüy. IL- informedtho club ; lcd lu-li.i-1 prepared anndd.e s 1er (lie occasion, lind HieWoerotary, on motton, vyns instruct¬ed to n.vk ( 'ol, Hillier for Hits ad¬dress, for publication in tito Coun¬ty pupers.

Letters wore also rend from ll<»u.D. Wyall rtiul T. .1. Mooro,>yho wore Invited to IUW'WJSH thomooting.

Tin- Presiden! |irn\ o il brief bilory of ll ciiib. showing Mint it!i;ts i»:t»i o continued existence I >- 7 « ».lti tho absence ol' lb" regularSpeaker, I). Wade Audrson »ml .1.C. Davis favored iii" mooting withoxeoollenl impromptu addrosses.

ARTICLES EX H I DÍTK1).Ono Thoroughbred Jcrsoy Dull,3 years obi. .1. II. Wharton. One

Thoroughbred Jorsov Dull, I yearobi, w. I'. Drown.(»in- Jersey Heifer enif (Orailo),C:d. ll. V. Simpson.< hie Thoroughbred Holstein Dull,tl yours old, .1. N. Wright A CD.Two Dull eui vos (grado), Holstein

('» ¡md 7 mouths, W. X. Wharlon,-Ono Hull c.:ii', (grado Holstein), 7I months, .!. A. Marlin. ()no Lu!!enif, (grade Holstein), t> month,Churlos Osborn, one Dull calf,(grade Holstein), 7 months, Dr. 1».L. Anderson, Tun Holler calves,(grade Holostoln), ono I monthsniul no I year old, A. IL Holmes.Ono Heller calf», (grade Holstein),I year «'bi. Col. IL Y. Simpson.! I reifer calvos, (grado liol-1stoi i), two I years niul 2 months, W.Wright, (»if Heifer culi', (gradollolstoln), fi months old, Dr. L. S.Fuller, nm" Heifer enif, (gradeHo! dein), d months, Dr. D. !.. An¬derson. <'no Holler enif, (gradeHolstein i, J monthsohl, lt. F.Terry.()ne ( !o\v sud I leifer, I year »dd,(grade Devon), J. M. Linly. Onomilch cow, (grado Devon), Dr. L.S. Fuller. One milch eo\v, {gradeDevon), Dr. W in. Wright. Onomilch «ow, < ommon stock, 1 >r Wm.Wright. Ono milch cow Commonstock D. F. Torry. Ono milch cow,common stock, .L A. Martin. Onomilch cow, common stock, lt. H.Young. Ono milch cow, commonstuck, Lewis Madden. One heifer,common dock, A. lt. Holmes.

IIOU8KS AND MULES.1 I'.ii,- «d' harness mule---, .1. 1 ».

M. shaw. 1 Pair horfeesand mules,D. F« Terry, l -ingle harness maro,,T, J, Pin . I bingle harness horse,IL A. Wharton. I single harnessnm re, .1. W. 11 en ry.

COLTS.I Hi i »lt, '?) venís nb!, X. .1.

Holmes. I horse colt, ¡I years old,IL F. WHCutt. I mule < >lt, I yearnhl, .1. lt. ! 'tiller, I lilllie colt óyears old, J. H. Fuller, i mulo colt.I y< nrs id. R.« A. Austin. I mulecolt} 0 months "bl, \V. X. Wharton.FAD.M AND GARDEN PRO¬

DUCTS.SI alb-, of corn IÔ feel IligJl, tun

oars «m stalk: H. F. Terry, li. ILYoung, A. IL Holmes, Dr. Wins.Wright, .1. A. Martin, .L D. M.Shaw, D. \\. Davenport, .leti'Fuller.

COHN I X EAR.It. I'. Terry and IL IL N oting,18H 1-1880.Stalk Colton-W. IL 1 lender-on,

W. X. Wharton, s. A. Wharton,Simpson & SVl-igbt, 1'.. F. Terry, .1.I). M. Shaw« Prince Cuiiiion, (col.)Oil IL Y. Simpson's farm, I». W.Davenport, w. L. Cunningham,Pumpkin-A. lt. Ilolirtos.

I P.ologn.i Brunah, 8 lei t long, J.1). M. Shaw.Sweet pot fltoe.*)-D. F. Terry, W.

N. Wharton.Irish potato*-w. x. Wharton,J. X. Wright.Ile. ts-Dr. Wins. Wright.< 'ahlmge-H. P. Terry.Wild Duck Pea, 2 to a crops pctyear-W. S. Benjamin.Wln'a'- .>. W. Dnvonport, W.

H. Denjumino, J. D. M. fhnw.Darloy-«II. W. Davenport.Min. MalKl-1. W. Henry.Bermuda Hay- IL H. Young.Okra-IL F. Terry.Sorghum- Dr. W. Wright, W. X.

Wharton.Pe.i Vino.----A. lt. Holmes.Watermelons--- W, J N. Wini ri on,

Dr. Wini Wright, .L'A. Martin, P.F. Terry, .1. D. M. Shaw, Dr. D. L.A.ulei o í, W. I Cunningham,Lewis Mndiioji,

M>t-'-. Melon--Dr. "Wins. Wright.


Stalle Tobacco---A. lt. Holmen, ffHOUSEHOLD DTI PA ! tTJVl ENT.Bod Quilt-Miss 'A. Maddon,Pillow Sham, CrochO.t work-

M u ; ( Hive Wharton.Apple* Jolly--Misa Múry Ander¬

son, al iv. ll. \V, Davenport.PlUlU .lolly-J. 1). .M. Snnv.-.Apple Jolly-Airs. NV. &. Benjnmin..Blackberry %¡\\vn-Mrs. .1. !i

Pondi Preservo-.Miss Maitlorson.»pongo Ciike--MlssTii/.zio Duvo/i-porlPound Cuke-Mrs. J. I). M.BhiyV.NVnlornu lon-riml P roso r vow-

M i s. IU bocca ( 'niinon.Syrup (.Sorghum)-M rs. IDr.

Wright. IApidos-W. N, Wright, Al J.

Smith, Dr. D. 1.. Anderson, /Poach.--A. J. Smith, .\) R,

11 OlMU' S. /Pours--Dr, NVm .. Wright, fLour Brood-airs. .J. I). M.»haw,Miss Mary Andor.soii.Tomattoo -Mrs. B. V, Torry.

POUI/rilY.Trio of gradoil Longshore, Dr.

NV. SN right. I Pair of PlymouthBook, i Pair Brahimis, 1 lr. WilliamWright.

i l'air Longshore, i Pair Ply¬mouth Koch, i Pair PlymouthKock, i rado, \V. N. VvhUi'tOll.

1 l'air Lan.'; haw, A. K, Holmes.HEPOHTH < >K COM M i I I EES.

('om miltee on I Ibrsoil Mules und Coltsreported us follows:llnrhess pair marcs* J. I*. M. Shaw;

harm <H pair male». I«', H. 'I orrys slnghi-harnes Mules,.!. \V. Henry: horso-eolt'l.yeurold, ll. I'. Wlleul j iiuiie colt, oneyear «dd,.I. I:. Kulloi*; m >'.'. ."!'. under«nie year <>!'!, W. N. Wharton,

\V. ii 'unnllighain, ( 'hr'ni.CoiiiinUtoi on Calilo veports tlie sanie

especially good ami reib el lng Very con¬siderable credit on the < ¡Kill.

Iii -i Jersey bull, t 'ol I I i Wino loll :second, Wm Brown j .'<;... \ Heifer, beSImailc. Col ll Y Simpson; Second, c.,Ili N' Slnioson; i'« si Holstein null. .1N Wright; Holstein calf Crude, W NWharton; second, ChnrlovOabo-'ii; BestHolstein Heller, grade* ia- I. M fc'ulh r;HI'con il, li Te ITV! Devon Cow, grade,I M I int. v; Mich Cow, Dr ». s fuller:Bord scrub* lu Ber, A 1! Holmes.

V. i ;. Puller* cl.: 'm.i")n.Ti;Y.

Ihiosler, "in- vear« Krade, Dr Y\ lllhttnsWright best Coop, Nv N Writiht.second,Mrs. Mollie 11 ol i ue.s: thir I. Dr. W inaWright.

.1. A. Madden,Chr'ni.('Udp.:.

Bout prolllle corn, tl Ktnlkfl from <>:>'grain, A B Hohne»! second, three fromcm- grain, B ll Young; best earl) va-rioty* two varieties. I. il Voling; UndIM ;.i, i.n.- variety, A B "indorsed! I'.-texhibit nfcorn, grown I !. K ll Young;2nd beal, I; !" I evrv s Best wheat, W sBenlamim ; 2nd best, .1 D M Shaw;Best harley, 1. P Davenport; BoM va¬rlet v table pens, ll P Davenport; 2ndbest, V, s ¡: njainin; Best vnriolv (leidnoan. .1 l> M Kiie.W! Best Mi!.ii I KO, .1\V Henry; Best pea vi ne. A B ili>!mes;Dost sugar cane. \> N Wharton; Bomcotton cluster, W ll Henderson; Bea!cotton, most grown lobs, Prince Cim-lloil,col'd; Best cotton, most bolls andshinies,.! li \| Shaw: 2d best cotton.B I' Davenport; ¡td b -l cotton, B rTerry;-Ith beat colton, D A Wharton;host cabbage, I '. If'Terr vs beat pumpkin.A I: Hollie ; besl I rKvli p«>t iloi -. -I XWright ; heist hoots, ! ?;. Wi * Wright :l est .NV. ct potatoes, I*, i-' Terry; 2d boatsweet pot a torn, W N Wharton; lea. niions, \Y N Wharton! 2d bi oniona,A B IN.Inn s; beal lohne» o plant, A ivHolmes; béat specimen gre ll lng, A 15Hollin s; best Herman millet, B I« reny:Ioem, I» I'1 Terry; lust watermelon,.1 I' Martin; 2d hos'l iVateruichm, \. I.Cunningham; .'??> besl waternuilou, WS Wharton; '( i bermuda hay, lt liYoung.

BO BT. C DAV LS, linn M.

LADIES Itt" 1\\ UTMENT.Pe t apple icily, Mrs. Davenport! 2d

hesl!"applo jelly, Miss . » Wharton; beslblackberry Jaiii, Mis Shaw; h.-: plumjolly, Mrs Shaw; In s! citron preserven,Airs < 'a 11 non ; best peach proserves, M DMAnderson; beat spongo cako; Mb l.Davenport ! best ¡elle calo», M rs Sha\>bust pound ctiko, Mrs Shaw: I : liuhlI.r.-a-f. Min .Shawj Jd best light Inc.-!.NtIss Anderdon; lu il hulloi', Miss An¬derson) bout ponche?, ¡Mi" A .1 Smith;bes: peera, Dr Wrns Wright; best tn ni toes, Mrs Terry; best lippies, Dr An¬ders ll; 2d I -' lippies, W N Whait -i:;lu-! laney ..eil.. Miss WllUI'ton; hostrpi ll I, Miss Madden.

B. A. WI!AUTON", Chm'n.It. I!. VOUNO,



Major Nei ly, Coloi'Odi r< ports tho tlrstopon cullen.

Dr. Konnody goos |iom< iwleoudnynow, lo -a o his hoy two wei '» ol 1.Tlie tin will he put on tho BÇlek HotelllCXt week.Oats aro scarce. Wheat ls peing sold

hereat ï.i.-md Ul cont« per husljiol.Kev. J. P. Meadoi'S ns I -»led in the pro¬tracted mooting, ile ia ag« od pn ai nor.Mr. .Iee) Smith, from TIpTOp, lo a Uno

musician. Whlh lu town ito. ohtci'tulucdus willi line Holcotions.Tho hunters report large nuiuhorSofhints this your, mid when the season

opein-s lookout lOl'SOmo lite- «ho..ling.Miss Murchison, ono or Coroilnca's

bcnu I les, sp,,m last weal: in town, visit¬ing Mis-; 1.1/./.i" Anderson.Considerable complaint ¡-1 hoard inNValorloo agalnsl tin Ctiunty t'oiuiiiis-sloucra as I.» iheir ucl ion, in only rc-

pairing the bridge oyor I! »edy Uiver,and in not neting promptly in '.h.- matterot* the bridge ovor Cine deck. A nowbri Igo should have boon built linmudl-nteiy at both places.Thoro wore a <!>>/. c. or more \» rsons

ready anil walting at Cutio Crock, onhist .Saturday, to inilko hitls Tor tho n v.Iirldgo. (»ii account ol' nieklli HS iii HieCommissioner's family, it was postponedtwo weeks. 'I he -I li was the best tor Diecount ry people, aft tho farm(TS will soonbo too busy to build bridges.


We congratulate Hu .VDVHUTIHHU onil * itbhtU, Its hist and second copienpromis" IIIUCll. S11 cei MS to its young od«Itor. JOoofa rain yesienhiy afternoon, lô-r-

niorM. were desponding, bul we thoughttoo s/ion. Crops are looking admiral.)v.W« wore s(i fortunato as to hoar M ins

Salli»> Kiiludit render sonic ehariUluumulte a iv w nights since. She couldcnturtAln thomosi musical opiouro.

IJrol'. McCain, from Erskine CollegO,ls fisltlng dBtbroni commenltles in <>IM-nitty now, foi the bonetl I of tho Col«

hjfec. Als", Mr. (»iii«- Bonnor, for Imofie Weal Female College.Tho Heiiooi Coinnilaslonor, Mr. Oflf-iii, Wan round last week visiting theVciiools in Hos vicinity.Mr. Willis (¡anett luis jua riitnrncd

Ifrom :-. pleasure and busbies', trill lo theo,,,,.,,,,i.,icity." Ho report-'* goodCl'OpH, cud sc iuf, lo be well p'loásod willi

j . i *.'iiville and her siirrouniiings.


fi l,.» .oisses-Alfc-^fcou -.anil -kîlaUoUv. 'ra. Iitivo made some lövofy jelly.linnie no ¡!i.¡ii¡i-v,-lint hiinyiin- it()Uf next fair. VV e think MIO vonni(lies should f- ml a helping hand.

"J.'»I>::.\ it A i>vi?iiTi9t<i» t-Tho heall h, til

HUCO an«! Information sookora who I., wi>< cn absout from ( Iii.ion (turing (ho.ainiincr, havo noni'ly return .. Tho"tMUtt-ttot-UWIiyK" have ln'cn busy, nsxvi'.! lie iiliown'by nu examination of thewoi'k dono at hoinoi(/Avens IU'OH. aro llnlHhtugolTono of ibo

inn..i handsome end çoiiimodi »un store«roonis'vvev built liv edt* fowh. Mr. j, II.« i\\ I »1gs, our uni ile ".lot " is ai work erect*hu* for li nisei i' a eil t'.iicily, a lU'ti !'. IIIOI'O. on von y ul houso lian iii y oe upy nti reaeul. Mr*. A. Jones lina tito 1 iiml rol tiered for tho purpose ot'01 hvly ivmodeling her property al the uht Hot«hind plaee, wh'.lo worh on tho Mci'or«nuiek House amit lintou College aro bo¬in:.; pushud with tho utmost vi yt :?.

The Connell has worked nil tin slreelsami mails, anil huvu thom now in spien«(li'l condition.\ protraètotl inoothiir is til (M ¡inn in

progresa in tho jjapilst t'lutreli here,contluctedhy Kev. A. tl. Willi nus, whohopes t'i ImvoKoino other tis* latnnee amilo eoulinue tho meeting for several.lays. j

Vesterthiv our whole «collón wrns visi¬ted hy a splendid ruin, inul to-day uveiy-body is hitsy preparing turnip patch.'Two uolorctl men, while engaged in

cleaning but a Wi ll »I M. ¡M. Hailey'sani-ii'lll, a few (hi vs into, ...'.t Into'ahlil(erentioii) win n <>;. oft 'ioni nt ruck t¡ieother xvji'i an ax.-. fracturing Mine' ol'hts ri bu, Tho wound ls ol' eourffo verypainful, bul pot serious lu i:-; nature.Mr. s. I*. Vai\ce, im bought Mr. c. R.

I 'ranklia's homo pl act,1 in . his place. Mr*I'', hau also sohl Ins winter stock ofg.'sin lils store, lo Mr, K. I'. briggs. Mr.Kr in kiln is clo -ii er on* herc, for the pur¬pose of-moving to I'lnrida noxl winter,where le- wUI try Iiis fortune at mer-,chniuHsht'* an*l orange growing.

[.'Ine (V ; ti Pro.Hpt ets.

Till*. AtJIUt'l*t.VCHAh DHPAUTMlíNTHi:PO UT:' AN A I'll PST i'iiji 1)1-

TION l'..\"('l>i'.l)KI) ONLY(INCH IN Tl N \ l-.A Us.

The returns nf the DepnrlmentofAgriculture ;-i Wnshinglofi report:i slight Improvement in tho con¬dition of coi lon on thc hst nf Au¬gust, tin' j ve i UM*; tl avora'gO being0n point only ojufe exceeded int!u- .\ t..i!-i v in!": of lon yours,vi/, i ; 1880. Tho average In An-gust, vi il ii i. -n i only s.mth('anilina nud Alabama ON.(ledtheir pr< ont llguros. The suiteaverages uro UN follows: Virginia05, North ('u roi I nu South Caro-IItiti '.MI, (îeorgla 100, i'i 00,Aliihniiui '.h"), Mississippi mi, Loui¬siana lob, Texas Arkansas UT,Ton lie '.»7. Smith Carolina,Loiti.sitinn ami Tennessee luivemittle IM citando. l**loi*tclu has

I four points, Cleorgia ahdA Inindia! three, M Ississlppi two antiArkansas oho. North Carolina luislos! one and Virginia throe.The erdp has a slight disadvan¬

tage, ll ls a few ilays late, espe¬cially in lite Allantie State:*). Therehas han little damage from rains,droughts m' ii: eels, A few re¬port - lt .»ni Texas ¡uní occasionallyom- IVoiil (i f inure Lastern Slnli -

intlieate M lack ni' rain. A largernnni!.cr in Hie (! ul f .Mta tes, inclu¬ding a few* in Texas, mention ex-ci rn' moisture, which M injuriouHin fla! lands. Sin titling ol' formsanti hulls willi rust timi blight uronii'.ch l s prevalent (hail usual.'I In- caterpillar has an yet thine m»

danuige, though reported in severalcou n tics in South Carolina,/ îooi'gia,Alabama, Louisiana and Texas,li ls rare in Mississippi and liolreported in Arkansas and Tennes¬see,

OTU i'll CHOIVS'I !:'' following is Hie Agrlcuttui'áltturca'H rennie nf tho grain crops*Ç rn lins matlo impVovemenl siryce

Ihe lastreporl, Tho average ¡tainlsfour point i low er i han Um standard)nf full condition and indicates nyield with reasonable moisture andfavoring temperature horeafter, oft wenty-six ort weniy-sovon bufjnelsper acre. The average? fer Augustnf I SS I wa I Hie -.Mit.-, but fell tiki', it

points during inc ix ty «lays follow¬ing, when tho yield was twenty-six bushels. In i syn the averageft ir Angus! was ninety-nine andilii- ultímate yloltl as reported ¡>ylin- census was t\venty-ei¿hl bush¬els. The incrouse luis been twopeints ii: New York, linee in Vir¬ginia. Norlh Carolina one, Ceorglutwo, Alabama one, Michigan live,Illinois foui*, Missouri tw<>, Kan«sas seven, Nebraska tljroo, andIowa nine. There has boon a slight«I« cline in Pennsylvania, \Iaryland,South Carolina. TonnessOo, Texas,Ken tileyi Ohio find [ndlaua. inthe sjoVen dorn surpliiH Staten theaverages arel Ohio OH, Indiana 05,Illinois Ol, Iowa I'M, Nebraska ion,Missouri 80, Kansas Corrcj"-pondont.s report drought in some|ilacv-s and excess of rain in others,but well drained ami dpeldy eulti-vatod land let' siiiroveil iii ile fromdrought or super-saturatioli. Themtïteorologleal conditions havobeen genorally favorable! and thoprospect luis no1 been exceededsince issn.Win al-The ntni t and lint wea¬

ther following (he l id', nf .Illly ll.iscaused some damage t/> Sprlhgwheal in the Nert hwcst, mainly inWisconsin and Minnesota. Whilegenerally notice I, its eU'ecls arevariously reported, prominent coun¬ties reluming from len down to 85.and in a few OasCJ dow n to ('>.', amito '18 in Hie CilaO of Pierce County,Wi .cousin. Most el' Hie greatwheat counties in .Minnesota re¬port un average from 7"> to on,though Dodge retlirilBOnly 50, nomenf tile less important made an uver-ftgO nf !<.(). Tin? reduction in theprospective yield.; is greatest inRÍlnne^ota, amounting lo ninepoint-. Tho decline ls live in Wis¬consin, four in Iowa and one inI bécota, There is au increase moth. r Territories anti in New Mil-gland Hie average decline is fourpoints ami imlicuics a reduction ofsix millions of bushels from theexpectation on il.o ftrul of .inly.No reports concerning the result nfthe thfQShlng o'" winter wheat haveleen received except from HieSouth« in 'lexus Hie ntttcnnie isurotttor than was expected anti a

lligllOS fallo Of yield is reported.

Tho aversive for oats hus.declinedfrom !>7 to 00, Which is four pointshlghof than ill August of last year.Pye averages !> (, sliowing continuedImprovement since the Hr«! of J une.Barley stands as in the last reportat 82, which indicates about an

average crop for amy series for liveor ten y. ar -. There la an increasein the an a of buckwheat, and con¬dition i average t;">. A mediumcrop of hay is assured hy the aver¬age of t>y. Tobacco makes a generalaverage of '.M. Tho average forpotatoes ls 1)5, against 97 last month.

-Biadst root's commercial re¬ports of failures in thc whole Uni¬ted States for tho Hrs! hiv monthsin 1885 indicate a niall Increase intho number over last year, hut awonderful decrease in foe amountof liabilities. The total number offailures in tim whole country ls(J,lOd, against5,44 I in ISM, and «">,-29(1 in 18851, Tho largest increasei- in the NV cul ern Stall's, while intin» Rastern States thc number lsexactly the same es lust year, undin New York ('tty the ligures show170 in 1885,against i'll In 1881. Thetotal amount of liabilities in thecountry at largo ls $(18,570,505 in1885, against $121,101,5157 in 1881.Thc aie.'.ml nf liabilities in thoRastern Btnto la about 10 per cent,less, ami in (lo- Western Mintos 25percent, less than last year, whilein New Vin k City Hie comparativeamounts ure $7,.'15(1,1(12 In 1885,against $52,(120,(148 in lvSl, or about00 per cent, reduct ion.

Iii tills exhibit, facts are to hefi ned pointing to an Improvementin trude conditions. Although thetotal number «if failure- has* in¬creased about 10 per cent., the ag¬gregate of Indebtedness has fallenaway nearly 15 pv r cent;

-Thc question of n Railroadfrom Sumter to the North ('a roi i naline i- hoing agitated lu ( ¡anulen.


LEAK li & TATTON'.'ila' Indies ttlways saul MeCot'i]kepi tho nicest line of 1 rosieryin Laurens; l>ul his price was toolilith. Now those sniuc hose cnnl»o Bought .*.! Ô. Dh nm] 1 ö eis.that were worth 15, 25, ami 40cents per pair. They \\ont lastlong nt ile xe figures

YOUR MONEYBy haying your Drugs and Med-

¡cine-, line Colognes, Taper amiRn ve loties, Memorandum Books,Race Powders, Tun! h Powders,Nair Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Sha-I ving Brushes, Whisk Brushes,Blacking, Brushes Blacking,Toiletand Laundry Soap-, Tea, Spice,Pepper, (J* I ager, Lamps and Lan¬terns, Cigars, Tobacco and SnuO*,Diamond Dye-, ami other articlestoo numerous to mention, at thcNRW DRUCI STORR.Also Pare NVines and Liquors, forMedical purposes.No trouble i>> -how goods.

Pe-peel fully,B. P. P< >SR\ A BR( >.,

LAU LIENS C. lt., S. C.

Augttsi 5, 1885 I ly

Adams & CurtisWould respectfully inform the

public (lint they ari- prepared lufurnish


and everytliing lo lie found In alirst-class I ihrnesi and Saddle Store.Satisfaction guarnteed both as toquality of Work and price-,REPAIRING: A SPJ:< IALTY.Also dealers in best CincinnatiBuggies and Carriages.

LÁ.UHENS, S. C.August ."», Í885 i 5m

LEAKE A PATTONW ill sell 500 yards NonpareilVelvets, In all shades, bought al

Mi l 'ord' sale at 25c Oil the dollar.These goods posit Vel.V cost 85o peryard, Leake A Patton price 50e.That attractive lot of silk A sat¬

ins w ¡ll he sohl at 25, 80, 15 & (15 elsper yard.





and everything to be found in aRirst-CIiiss Grocery store.Pottom Prices for Oath,fßr Trnynluun & Dial's Red

Block.J. M. MC PPP,

LA U UL XS, S. C.August I1 lt

A C A 1) VJ ^1 Y .

P It A N K K V A N S,Pill NCI l'A ti,

Tho noxl Annual »Session boffinstho I'iist Monday in September,,71 ¡0 inst.Thorough preparation for thoUniversity of South Carolina, Col¬

leges <ii' [Ugliest Orado, anti tho H.C. .Military Institute.Tuition, $2.50 Per Month.No deduction made for absence,except in ease of protracted sick¬


I .-ni! liront l'or t lu' follow-hivMAC H I N E ll Y .

Call for clreuhirH .Vi-, ncrpnô Engines,Saw Mills, i'.ciiar".tors, Gins-Vc. Orpin DrillsHay Rakes, Fau Mills, Feed Cutters,. Alsoagon! for ii:«' Cclchraloil Cox fe KarklyWagons. (»HO. lt. AXMKKKOX.liin irenn < '. 11., s. ( '. I mo

Tin: LAct: CNS BAU.


Ofllce-KIem I ng's Corner, North-West sitie Publie Square.

h A C lt K N S , C. lt., S. C.

.1. W. I; SON. OKO. V, VOL*Nfl,


LAC UKNM, fi. c.

.loiiN c. ITASK, N. ll. IMA I., |Columbia, S. c. Laurens, s. c.


LA Cit liNs Ç. I!., S. c.

J. C. G ar ling- to n,ATTORN HY AT LAW,LAURKNS C. ll., S. C.

« lillee over NV. ll. « hirrett's Store.

N. .1, liol.M I-..-. If, Y. SI M'.VON.


liACUP.NM, s. c.

W. c. llKN KT, 1'. P. MefiOWAN,Abbeville. Lauren-.


LACUKNS c. ll., M. c.

U. P. T()|>I>, \V. il. MAUT IN.


LA UKNS, c. II. S. c.

LKA K K A- PATTONWill -ell Straw Hilts worth *!.7~>

for 7ô cent-; worth $1.25 for (löets.jworth $1.011 for loots.) worth .70 for:;.">e<.; worth .00 tor 25cts, Theymust he nhl. MCCord's stock ol'line Fur tints, soft ami still", at 1 leifPrice. They are alco goods allnobby shap< -.

Wo keep constantly <>n limula full lino u!* IInrdwnro, Agri¬cultural Implements, Paints andOils.

('nil .nul seo us heforo buy¬ing, ami wo can convince youtim! we will sell goods ns cheapns they cnn lie bought elsewhere,

W. 1, BOYD & CO.August .">, I tho



AllgUst 1885" 1 tf

LC. A KC A PATTONMade a good trude when theybought the stock of Luther McCord.

. Everybody knows that Luther keptmu».! good.-, iii..! . vorybody knowsthat the trade made hy Leake A-Patton was a good one. Now, thisStin k must lie sold before we canget our fail stock of cloththg in.We liaVenM tho room for all, anddont want to handle Dry doods.You cnn buy elegant embroideriesand Laces nt less than half price.A few pieces of nice dress goods

your ow n prices.LRA KP. A PATTON.



On oml ofter July 19th, tf^/Passongoy'i will >Min ai:» liorowltli indicatedii¡>..ii (lils Ltotul lind its brunches.

n.\ I i.Y, KXCKPT BUXPAYB.t{o03, I']) Passenger,

s. c. Juuutlnii A 10.50 a mColumbia (C. U. D.) 10.55 n inAn i\ i> AIsiMU ll.ft5 ii niArrivé Nowborrv Bk5SpniA rrlvo N biol v-Six I) 11 p niArrive Hodges 3.1Ü !> niA rr!vi1 ;. Iton 42.4 p inA rrh o nt » Iroonvlllo 5.15 p m

No 52 DOWN I'A.vSKNcri!.I ,oii v<¡ roonvlllo nt '".(;,» n niA r**i% ¡' Helton1 L2I n niAri'lvo J ie« *s 12.31 p inArrive S'lnoly-Sl.x 1.23 putArrive Neu lA'i rv 8.08 ni\ r ve A laten 4.10 p niA rrl ve * 'ohiuibhi 5.15 j» mSPAUTAN 111'110, INION AND CO¬

LI M BIA.Nu.".:; t'p Passenger.

Loil\ .? \ ls:., n 11 ">H » inA nive I :ii«i!i 1 .">!) p inA 11 i\ «. Spar'!, S., t c. depot ."> 'J7 j» inA rrlvo Spnrl'ng, ii. «V. ii. Dt-p.D 0.37 p Ul

Leave Sparlan'g i:..v I>. Dep. Il 12.05pmheave Spart'« s i ,\ < |>op, < « 12.11 |i niA rrh t iiiiui ¡i mA i rive ¡o \ Islon '1.03 p in

LAUBBNS BAILBOAÜ.No. .". l p Passenger,

heave Ni \> I jerry 3 15 p mA ire <. < Sohlt 11 lo :i.l."> 11 niA rrlvo l llnton 5.10 p niArri vi* ni Laurena 0.00 p m

No. 1 Dowii Bassengor.! ,on ve t .au renn 0.10 a inA n vo ( 'linton 0.55 p mArrive «tl Newberry 12.00 m

A I1I1KV WAA') BUANC ir.I ,enve I lodgi s 20 p niheave \ I iboville 4.20 p niLenvo Ahhevllle 11.25 a inA lei \ 11 oliffes 12.25 p in


I .em <. f. '!. 4.28 p inA i ri ve A m d'sou , 5.01 p niA rr! ve Si mien ( ' 0.15 j) IIIArrive ul Walhalla 0.45 p mLeave WiiIluiBa 8.50 p niAi rive et Bullan 11.02 p mTrains run solid helwocu C'olumbiuand I Undersoilvii le.

('. »NN BCTIONS.A S «nue» with It-rt I), ll. B. l'or At

lama.A. With A Hunt hf Coast Line and

s<.ut h Carolina Bailwav, from and tochm lesion.With Wilmington, Columhia and Au¬

gusta iVom Wi!:; Inglon ami anil ultp-duts Noi t h.With Chnrlotto, Columhia and Augua-la I'roin Cliurlotte ami ¡ill points With Ashovlllo nuil Spurlanburg am! lor ( ..inls in NV« stern North< 'iirolina.

i'. Atlanta ami Chnrlotto Division ll.«v li. I!. K. lor Atlanta anti points Southend Weat.

<i. li. TA I.( OTT,Superintendent.

M. S:.A i <; iiTi:r, < ion. PUSH.. Ag't.I). CA UDWKI.h, A. (i. I'a. s. Ag't.

i>I A (INO Ll A PAS S Ii NCI KUii o iii:.

O. L. and S., A. and K., reid P. R. aud A.Railways,

BLUM TIM M-GOING SOUTH.I.. ave Wood ru IV '7..VI a mI .< dive Knoreo 8.22 a mI .onve < ira 8.52 n inl.oavo Laurens 0.32 a nt.eave Ililli Point lu.Ki a niLeave Waterloo 10.34 a inI .i ave ( 'oiouaea 11.07 a niArrive « Iroonwootl, *11.35 a inLenvo G reenwoo 5.50 a ni 2.00 *> niArrive Augusta 10.25 am 7.00 pmLeave Augusta *10.50 a in *10.00pmArrive Atlanta 5.40pm 7.00am.eave Augusta * 11.20 a niA rrlvo < 'linrlcstoii 0.00 j> mArrive tonn fori 0.05 p niArrive Port Boyal 0.20pmArrive Savannah 7.00 p niArrive Jackson vii to 0.15 a m

GOING NOKTII.Li ave .TacksonvBlo *8.50p niI ...ave Savannah (1.55 a niLenvo Charleston 7.00 a tnLeave 1'orl Boyal 7.35 amLeave Beaufort 7.47 a niArrive Augusta 1.55 pmLCIIVC Atlanta *8.20 p mArrh e Augusta 0.10 u mLeave Augusta *2.30 a m *0.15 p mArrive (. rennwootl 7.00 pm 11.40amLen« Groonwood 2,00 pmA ri'lvo Coronaen 2.28 pmArrive Waterloo P..Ol pmArrive I lieh l'oint 2.23 pmArrive Laurens 4.03 p i»kA rrlvo < ira 4.43. \1A nive IOnon o - r t fiArrive Wood ru tl' 5.'4.'> p m

»Daily. Connections made ntQrcon-\\.I to and from points on Columb'aÂGroom lllo Builrond.'Pickets mi sale a! Laurens to all pointsnt through rates. Baggage checked todestination,

rc. T. CHA ii i/rox, a. i\ A..1. X. r.A -, Snp'L, August», (Ja.

LEAKE & PATTON20 J i-tli'l ennis, 192 Odd vests,

500 pair pants,--Good Goods-,\(ni can buy anything in thisInt ni your price, and no hum«bug. Conic in, lay down thcsalid, thc persuasive standardtlie. mans best friend--the al-mighty dollar, and you can buythe goods right.


GULLETTMagnolia Gin!We aro selling tho Gulled

Magnolia Gin .and Condenser.Kirs}, prize taken ut tl KI Now

Orleans Exposition.Sample ( Jip on hand at the

st tnt' nf

BOYD, PLUSS <fe CO.Aug. 5, 1885 1 tf.




Tlie t> j»c u . ii mi nun jupvr wa* coat by vimtrimvt fontvtr/. -Lo.
