Page 1: Five Ways to Get Support from Family and Friends When Making Healthy Changes

5 Ways to Get Support From Family and Friends When Making Healthy Changes

Marissa Vicario, Founder and Wellness ExpertMarissa’s Well-being and

© 2013 Marissa’s Well-being and Health

Page 2: Five Ways to Get Support from Family and Friends When Making Healthy Changes

5 Ways to Get Support From Family and Friends When Making Healthy Changes

With a little patience and some strategy you can get the support you need from the people you love.

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5 Ways to Get Support From Family and Friends When Making Healthy Changes

1. Forgive

• The best way to counter negative reactions to your new lifestyle is to respond with kindness.

• Negative reactions may be based on their own fears – perhaps they have wanted to make similar changes but don’t know how or aren’t ready yet.

• Wish them happiness and stay focused on your own positive changes.

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5 Ways to Get Support From Family and Friends When Making Healthy Changes

2. Give a Little

• Sometimes all it takes for friends and family to understand your decisions is to invite them over to your side – just for a night.

• Offer to have them over for dinner, organize a pot luck or invite them to your favorite healthy restaurant.

• Letting others into your world gives them a taste of what you’re up to and shows them that being healthy can be fun and delicious.

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5 Ways to Get Support From Family and Friends When Making Healthy Changes

3. Create New Rituals

• Sometimes new lifestyles require new friends and new activities.

• Find friends who share your beliefs and enjoy doing the same things you do – sharing recipes and health tips and engaging in healthy activities.

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5 Ways to Get Support From Family and Friends When Making Healthy Changes

4. Be Gentle

• Being forceful or militant in your beliefs doesn’t work.

• Just be you and treat everyone as your equal wherever they may be on their own journey. The more those around you see your glow from the inside out, the more interest they will take in what you’re all about.

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5 Ways to Get Support From Family and Friends When Making Healthy Changes

5. Educate and Believe in Yourself

• Know what you’re doing and why you are doing it and do whatever it takes to get there.

• Read, work with a coach, take a class. Determine if and how this lifestyle will work for you and only you. The more you know about your new chosen lifestyle and the more you believe in yourself, the more respect you’ll gain.
