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FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Open your heart, Grow in God’s Love, Reach Out to the World

Article Page #

Pastor’s Ponderings …………………………….…………………………….……………….1

Music Notes …………………………………..……………….……….…….…….…………….2

Finance ……….………….……….………………………………………………………….……2




Christian Ed..………....................………..………………………………………………….…6

Church Calendar…….…...…………....…………………………….………………………7-8

Congregational Care.................………..………………………………………………….…9


Boy Scouts…………....................………..……………………………………………………10

This and That …………...…………………………………………………..….………….11-12

Deborah Circle……....................………..……………………………………………………13

Birthdays / Anniversaries / Who’s Serving...............................................................14


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PASTOR’S PONDERINGS Luke 9:28 Now about eight days after these sayings

Jesus took with him Peter and John and James, and

went up on the mountain to pray. And while he was

praying, the appearance of his face changed, and his

clothes became dazzling white. Suddenly they saw two

men, Moses and Elijah, talking to him. They appeared

in glory and were speaking of his departure, which he

was about to accomplish at Jerusalem. Now Peter and

his companions were weighed down with sleep; but

since they had stayed awake, they saw his glory and the

two men who stood with him. Just as they were leaving

him, Peter said to Jesus, "Master, it is good for us to be

here; let us make three dwellings, one for you, one for

Moses, and one for Elijah" -- not knowing what he said.

While he was saying this, a cloud came and

overshadowed them; and they were terrified as they

entered the cloud. Then from the cloud came a voice

that said, "This is my Son, my Chosen; listen to him!"

When the voice had spoken, Jesus was found alone. And

they kept silent and in those days told no one any of the

things they had seen.

We traveled down the Delaware River. I was on the

Eastern Sun, one of Sunoco’s oil tankers. We had

been sailing from San Juan, Puerto Rico carrying a

load of gasoline in all twelve tanks. We had been

called for an early docking and knew that it would be

foggy; pea soup foggy.

It was kind of eerie. We could hear the ship cutting

through the water and the wake folding over itself…

we just couldn’t see anything. We could see the deck

but that was about it. Every once in a while we would

hear a foghorn blast and we would return the blast

(actually if I can remember correctly, it was one long

blast every few minutes). We could hear bells ringing

off of our port side so we knew there were other ships

anchored in the middle of the river. We just could not

see them.

There really was a quietness to the usually busy river.

No sound of the hustle and bustle or the roar of

engines. There were no airplanes landing at Philly

International. We prepared to dock directly at the

refinery to unload our cargo so we would not anchor

and as soon as we were docked and hooked up. Only,

when we docked the fog had not lifted and in fact

seemed denser. So, I was stuck at the refinery. The

captain yelled with his bullhorn, “All men are to stay

with the ship. No liberty until notified.” Nothing to

see but clouds and feel the gentle mist from the

humidity of being in the cloud. I mumbled about how

happy I was and yet the Captain heard me,

questioning my response. Of course I had said


The disciples were caught up in a fog, a great cloud.

The area around them was blurred, if not obscured.

They had been watching Jesus pray…praying like

always … but this time it was different. His clothes

turning radiant white, Moses and Elijah appear with

Jesus (how did they know it was Moses and Elijah?)

They heard the plans, a trial, a crucifixion. What was

God thinking?

Peter looks around and begins to treat the three men

as equals. He reacts emotionally. Wow, Moses and

Elijah are with Jesus. That would be like us saying,

“Hey there is Luther and Calvin standing with Jesus.

Let’s revisit that! There is the SON OF GOD! Oh

yeah and Luther and Calvin. Peter had just confessed

Jesus to be the Messiah of God.

In Luke’s version of the transfiguration he omits

Mark’s suggestion of a metamorphosis, saying

instead that “the appearance of his face changed”

while he was praying, and his clothing became

“dazzling white”. In this way, Luke underscores the

power of prayer to reconcile the presence of God.

Like Moses, who was so radiant when he descended

from Mt. Sinai that the Israelites could not look at

him, Jesus’ appearance confirmed his presence with

God. In this context, however, the transfiguration

may also be understood as a further disclosure of

Jesus’ divinity as God’s Son, or as a foreshadowing

of his resurrection and ascension. It is also a new way

of looking at God both figuratively and actually.

Peter, John and James were and are looking at God,

not a glimpse but gazing at.

The voice from the cloud (I have always thought of

as a fog horn!) blasts out, “This is my Son, my

Chosen; listen to him!" Out of the mist, the cloud, the

fog, the voice of God affirms what they have seen all

along. He is more than the “Law and the Prophets” of

Moses and Elijah…so much more. He speaks when

we cannot see, and out of the cloud we can get a

glimpse of a God that has just reconciled us to God in

Love. “I want you to know me, to see me, to feel me,

to love me… as I do you. I don’t want you to be

afraid of me, I want you to learn from me and listen

to me through my Son!”

It is out of our foggy days, our blurred vision, and our

worries that God comes to us clearly; speaking and

directing us in our time of need and directing us in

our ministries.

Peace, Pastor Ken


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Music Notes

For the month of March, the choir's Wednesday evening re-

hearsals will begin with cantata practice for at least 30

minutes, and longer as the day approaches; April 14 will be

here before we know it! If you’re interested in participating,

join us at 6:30 on Wednesday evenings.

This year’s cantata is called “Calvary’s Love,” arranged by Lloyd Larson and Jay Rouse, and

tells the story of Holy Week, from Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday

(“Hosanna to the King!”) to his last supper with the disciples on Maundy Thursday (“For the

Bread Which You Have Broken”), from his suffering in the garden (“Dark Gethsemane”) to his

death on Good Friday (“O Love, How Deep, How Broad, How High”). We would love for you

to join us as we share the timeless message of Christ’s love for the world.

We are in need of some men to fill out our bass and tenor sections. Please prayerfully

consider joining the choir, men! (And women, too! There's a place for everyone!)

If you are interested in participating in music ministry at First Presbyterian Church of Lake City,

please feel free to call the church office at 386-752-0670, email me at [email protected], or speak

to me before or after worship on Sunday.

-Tim Redding, Music Director/Worship Coordinator

“Sing God a brand new song! Earth and everyone in it, sing! Sing to God – worship God!”

–Psalm 96:1-2 (MSG)


Finances January

Contributions $34,948.79

Expenses -$33,243.93

Excess/Deficit $1,704.86

MONTHLY REPORTS - January 2019

FINANCE Diane Ellis, Elder

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HOSPITALITY Terri Millikin, Elder


6th : Surprise 13th : Beef Stew

20th : Meatloaf 27th : Ham


3rd : Sloppy Joe 10th : Mexican

24th : Lee's Smoked Chicken

Pork Casserole


1st : Spaghetti 13th : Covered Dish *Last Fellowship Dinner

of the season*

March 12th, 19th, 26th / April 2nd, 9th

Join us every Tuesday beginning March 12th

until April 9th at Noon in the Fellowship Hall

for a delicious soup during the Lenten


If you are interested in donating a soup for

the Lenten Luncheons, Please contact the

front office or see Terri Millikin

Easter Sunday

First Presbyterian Church

697 SW Baya Dr.

Lake City FL. 32025

Immediately following

the Easter Sunrise Service

In the Fellowship Hall (This will replace our Fellowship Hour for that day)

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WORSHIP Roberta Whitaker, Elder


We are planning to downsize the bulletin to one page. Environmentally,

this would save a lot of paper and economically it would save

approximately $40.00 per week. So the cost savings per year is close

to $2,000.00 !

Dinner and Life Groups

will still be held


March 10th

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If you would like to give a spring flower to be placed in the Sanctuary for Easter in

memory of a loved one, in honor of family and/or friends, or for the beauty of

worship, please fill out the form below and attach your check for the corresponding

amount then place them in the offering plate, drop it off at the church office or send it

by mail.

The deadline to turn in your order and payment is Tuesday, April 9th.

# LILY, $10 # HYDRANGEA, $18


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COMMITTEE NOTES, Continued YOUTH Rod Glass, Elder

Hello folks. Youth is at full swing getting ready for an exciting

summer at Camp Montgomery. This year will be culinary camp.

Youth is still meeting twice a month after church for fun filled

events and a yummy lunch planned by Cathy Glass. Please let

Cathy know if you would like to assist her one Sunday (she can

always use can extra hand). Mark your calendar for the May 5th

cake auction. We will need bakers and bidders, always so fun to

watch the competitive bidding. This is my last month as Youth

Elder as I will be moving on to another exciting call as Nominations

elder. Thanks for always supporting the youth.

March Youth Activities:

Mar 10th. Bible Picture Challenge

Mar 24th. Play Games

See Rod & Cathy Glass for more information

*4th grade and up*

4th grade and up

Mark your calendars for June 10-14 for Vacation Bible School.

This year we will be using Group Publisher’s “Roar! Life is Wild *

God is Good” It is an epic African adventure where kids will

explore God’s goodness and celebrate a ferocious faith that

empowers them through this wild life. The format is similar to

what was used the last 2 years with small groups meeting together

and then going around to the different activities. If you would like

to help, please let Marty Fraser or the church office know. Keep

these dates available when you make your summer plans! More

information to come……………….

CHRISTIAN ED. Marty Fraser , Elder


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Communion Sunday

9:15am Sunday School(EB/FH) 3pm RM106:Communications 10am FH:Women's Bible Study 10am OCR:Intercessory Prayer

9:30am Worship Team 4pm RM104:Joy Seekers Life Group 5:30pm RM106:Christian Ed. Mtg. 12pm Men's Power Lunch

10:30am Worship(S) 5pm RM112:Hospitality Meeting 5:30pm 205/210:Girl Scouts Troop 525 4:30pm RM112:Sister Act

11:30am Fellowship(FH) 5:30pm RM108:Personnel Mtg. 6pm RM104:Order of the Arrow 5pm MR:Hand Bell Practice

6:30pm 104/106/205/210:Den Cub Mtg. 7pm FH:Round Table 5:45pm FH:Dinners/Life Groups

6:30pm MR:Choir Rehearsal

9:15am Sunday School(EB/FH) 4pm RM104:Joy Seekers Life Group 9am RM104:Congregational Life 10am OCR:Intercessory Prayer

9:30am Worship Team 5pm RM112:Property 10am FH:Women's Bible Study 12pm Men's Power Lunch

10:30am Worship(S) 5:15pm FH/K:Feed My Lambs 12pm FH:Lenten Luncheon 4:30pm RM112:Sister Act

11:30am Fellowship(FH) 6:30pm 104/106/205/210:Den Cub Mtg. 1pm RM106: Seekers 5pm MR:Hand Bell Practice

11:30am Youth after Church 7:30pm EB:Pack 85 Committee Mtg. 5pm RM104:Worship 5:45pm FH:Dinners/Life Groups

11:30am Picture Day(FH) 6pm RM112:Youth 6:30pm MR:Choir Rehearsal

9:15am Sunday School(EB/FH) 4pm RM104:Joy Seekers Life Group 10am FH:Women's Bible Study 10am OCR:Intercessory Prayer

9:30am Worship Team 12pm FH:Lenten Luncheon 12pm Men's Power Lunch

10:30am Worship(S) 5:30pm RM104:Finance 4:30pm RM112:Sister Act

11:30am Fellowship(FH) 5:30pm 205/210:Girl Scouts Troop 525 5pm MR:Hand Bell Practice

11:30am Picture Day(FH) 6:30pm FH: Art League 5:45pm FH:Dinners/Life Groups

6:30pm MR:Choir Rehearsal

9:15am Sunday School(EB/FH) 4pm RM104:Joy Seekers Life Group 10am FH:Women's Bible Study 10am OCR:Intercessory Prayer

9:30am Worship Team 6:30pm FH:Pack 85 Meeting 12pm FH:Lenten Luncheon 12pm Men's Power Lunch

10:30am Worship(S) 5:30pm RM106:Session 4:30pm RM112:Sister Act

11:30am Fellowship(FH) 6pm 109:Boy Scouts District Meeting 5pm MR:Hand Bell Practice

11:30am Youth after Church 5:45pm FH:Dinners/Life Groups

6:30pm MR:Choir Rehearsal

9:15am Sunday School(EB/FH)

9:30am Worship Team

10:30am Worship(S)

11:30am Fellowship(FH)

1st Sunday at

First Presby

St. Patricks Day

Scout Sunday

First Dayof Spring

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8am Men's Breakfast

7pm First Friday's at 1st Presby

10am RM106:New Testament Class OFFICE CLOSED 9am RM104:Al-Anon District Mtg.

8am Men's Breakfast 10am FH:Youth Art League

10am RM106:New Testament Class OFFICE CLOSED

8am Men's Breakfast

10am RM106:New Testament Class OFFICE CLOSED

8am Men's Breakfast

10am RM106:New Testament Class OFFICE CLOSED 8am Church Workday

8am Men's Breakfast 3pm Robert May Memorial Service

6pm FH:Living Sober

St. Patricks Day

Scout Sunday

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The Congregational Care Committee is

planning a Spring/end of school picnic on

Sunday afternoon, May 5th and hope

you’ll save the date so you and your fami-

ly can come. Details will follow in the

next couple of months about where and

what time and what to bring. If you have

a kayak or canoe, fishing equipment, or outdoor games that you would share, get them


Look for updates in the Press or as time draws near, in the Sunday bulletins.


SEEKERS Bev Anthony, Elder

As we are moving forward in this new year, the Seekers Committee is re-evaluating how

we can best serve our church and congregation. We welcomed two new energetic members to

our committee. We’re excited to have Nikki Hubler and John Carr joining us. Lucky us! We

would like to have more members join Seekers. If you enjoy meeting and encouraging visitors

and new members then we’re the group for you!

There was such a great response from the congregation and youth when the youth served as

door greeters that we want to continue and expand that service. We plan to have the youth

greet at least once a month. The youth are bringing enthusiasm and warmth to the greeting

process and smiles to everyone’s faces.

We have several projects in the planning stage to increase our outreach. Be watching for

news about these in the coming weeks. We’re excited about these changes.

Our online worship group is growing. We’re averaging 5,000 online

worshippers each Sunday. Thank you to Ken, John and Tim for making that

happen. Y’all are the best! We are hearing from some of those online

worshippers and have had a donation. Nancy sends cards to them includ-

ing a personal message.

We are saddened that Nancy Howe has resigned from Seekers. She does so much for the

committee and our church. Nancy feels that she is being called to a new mission. For those of

you who aren’t aware, one of Nancy’s missions is sending her handmade cards to our home

bound, those who are ill, visitors, new members and others. This is truly a labor of love as she

donates her time and materials to this mission. Nancy has volunteered to continue this

ministry. Thank you, thank you, thank you Nancy Howe! You are much loved and


We are continually seeking new ideas on ways to reach others and involve them in our

church. Share your creativity with us as we grow in God’s love!

It’s a joy to be part of First Presbyterian Church in Lake City, Florida!


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Troop 85 is off to a busy start this year. After finishing the year with a fun filled

Christmas party where we joined the Cub Scouts for treats, hot coco, roasted

marshmallows and games. This year Carson is finishing up his Term as Senior Pa-

trol Leader (SPL) with 2 camp outs, one this weekend in O’Leno state forest and in

February we will camp and work concessions at Olustee. We have been working

on rank advancements and soon some of us will be going back down to the cub

scouts to help train the WEBLOS on how to be a Scout Patrol Leader. We all ask

that you keep our Scout Master Tom Mullins and his wife Pam Mullins in your

prayers as she battles brain cancer. We are also very grateful to Tom for continuing

to guide us during this time of great personal difficulty. The Troop is growing and

doing well.


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This and That…



Feb 3 - 137

Feb 10 - 145

Feb 17 - 129

Feb 24 - 139

News from the

Montgomery Board of Directors Sponsored Work Day

Saturday, March 9th

Come help us beautify our site! Sponsored by the Montgomery Board, we invite one

and all to spend the day at Montgomery helping us with various projects around our

site. From picking up limbs to washing windows, pressure washing to organizing

closets. 9a.m. - 3p.m., lunch with our new Culinary Director included! If you would like

to organize a group from your church, please let us know so we can be ready to put

you to work!

Save the Date Jubilee Party Come celebrate with us! The Montgomery Center cordially invites you to join us for

our very first Jubilee Party on April 6th from 12 p.m.-4 p.m..! Come celebrate with us

as we step into the future here at Montgomery, get a tour of the projects we've been

working on, enjoy a BBQ hosted by our new Culinary Director, and thank all of those

who have worked so hard to see Montgomery succeed.

Jubilee Party

Bring your friends, family, neighbors, congregation, and anyone in between!

April 6, 2019 12 p.m. - 4 p.m.

Food, games, music, and tours! Children welcome!

We'll see you there!

One last thing… Are you still looking for summer camp programs for your children or grandchildren?

We’ve just announced our summer program and have camps available for children

starting 2nd grade all the way through college. Or maybe you looking for a retreat for

your youth group? We’ve got that too! Take a look at our camp schedule for Summer

2019 @ The theme this year is

“Overwhelm” and we challenge you to live an overwhelming life! Overwhelming with

so much love, joy, grace, and faith that you shine like a lighthouse in the darkness.

Join us this summer and explore how people, throughout the Bible, showed

overwhelming faith and how we can do the same.

First Friday’s at First Presby for April will

be hosted by the Property Committee.

Join Us for…..

collections and talent!

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This and That Continues…

Look out for a new and exciting ways to give…

During the month of March/April we will be changing to a new giving

platform. This will allow our church family and visitors to give through

our website with out leaving to a third part site. Along with the ability to

download a mobile app and give within just a few clicks.

Members will have the ability to create a log in and view their giving

history along with setting up automatic donations and donating towards

special events/RSVP’ing. You will also have the option to continue as a

guest if you wish to not create an account.

More Information will be presented soon!

-Nikki Hubler


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Deborah Circle


The officers for Deborah Circle for the year 2018 were: Chairman Elaine Phillips and Co-

chairman Kathleen Cooper. Treasurer was Shirley Gordon. Sunshine and Attendance was Julia Bag-

gett. We have 24 members.

The circle met in homes with an average attendance of 13 to 20. Bible Study leaders were: Joan

Goodrich, Elaine Phillips, Lenore Matsubara, Lucy Hall, and Helen Taylor. The Study Book for 2018

was Women of the Bible by Jean Syswerda. Hostesses for the Bible study were: Shirley Gordon, Bonnie

Taylor, Julia Baggett, Kitty Dennison, Lenore Matsubara, Elaine Phillips, and Tere Free. Deborah Cir-

cle hosted a Mother’s Day Luncheon in May for all women of the church. The theme was “God’s

Flower Garden.” The guest speaker was Dawn Weese who demonstrated how to create flower arrange-

ments, the guests then made flower arrangements at their tables. It was a delicious luncheon and an

interesting and educational program in which there were prizes and surprises.

Deborah Circle hosted and prepared soups for three of our Lenten Luncheons.

The Christian Service Center was our responsibility in February, April, June, August, and Octo-

ber. Food, blankets, clothing, and money were donated to the Center. In addition, we donated money

to our soldiers through the Guidepost Foundation.

Our annual December Christmas Luncheon was held at Tere Free’s home. It was a covered dish

luncheon, with an attendance of 10 members and one guest. Jim Free was our honored guest. Circle

members brought items for the annual Mission Project...the Christmas Party at the Veterans Domicil-

iary on Friday, December 7th. After the luncheon, we had a group picture taken.

One of our Mission Projects was the annual Christmas party held for the Veterans residing at

the Robert H. Jenkins, Jr. Domiciliary Home of Lake City. It was held on Friday, December 7th with

65 of the residents attending along with 15 of the staff members and 10 Deborah Circle members, hus-

bands, and friends. The Circle members were Bonnie Taylor, Sharon Christensen and husband Don,

Shirley Gordon, Mary Grover and husband Art, Carolyn Ivy, Lenore Matsurbara and Ed McKnight,

Rosemary Canfield, Julia Baggett, Norm Taylor, and Elaine Phillips. Rex and Kathleen Cooper made a

guest appearance. Cake, ice cream, and punch were served. A gift table was set up and residents

could select items for their personal use. Items on the table included: soap, shampoo, combs, brush-

es, conditioner, toothbrushes, toothpaste, mouthwash, deodorant, shaving cream, razors, body lotion,

lip balm, socks, hats, calendars, cards, stamps, note pads, pens and pencils, puzzle books, books, CD’s,

shaving kits, flashlights, puzzles, house shoes, “grabbers,” and other miscellaneous items. Mr. Ed

DaSilva, Activities Director, and staff members, Michelle Byrd and Shakeirra Edwards, of the Domicil-

iary helped us set up and clean up.

Our other Mission Projects were: the Duvall Home, the Montgomery Presbyterian Center, and

the Least Coin. Money was sent to the St. Augustine Presbytery to be divided and donated to these

worthwhile projects.

We made the decision to discontinue the Deborah Circle. In dissolving, we donated all our re-

maining money to the Youth group of the church.

Respectfully Submitted, Elaine G. Phillips, Chairman


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Bobbie Bennett 03/01

Debra Raulerson 03/03

Liam Green 03/06

Bill MacGrath 03/07

David Clark 03/08

Livia Hubler 03/08

Sharon Christensen 03/09

Madalon Ingram 03/10

Dorothy Gifford 03/11

Rufus Ward 03/11

Diane West 03/11

Rex Cooper 03/14

Paige Glass 03/14

James Montgomery 03/14

Sue Brannon 03/16

Haleem Moussa 03/18

Nikki Hubler 03/19

Charles** Bryan 03/20

Mike Helvey 03/22

Gerald Klauber 03/23

Ed McKnight 03/24

Ander Adams 03/26

Joanne Hudson 03/26

Tim Redding 03/27

Joan Rountree 03/30

Linda Sutton 03/31

Mary Brown Whitehurst 03/31


Ushers - Mike Millikin (Head Usher) 3/03 Jim & Clara Roberts, & Judy Benvenuti 3/10 - BOY SCOUTS- 3/17 Nick & Mary Brown Whitehurst, & Janie Hollis 3/24 Jim & Joyce Gipson & Carole Robertson 3/31 Tommy & Cheryl Whigham, & Marilyn Smithy

Ed Building Greeters

3/03 Milner Osborne

3/10 Nick Whitehurst

3/17 Betsy Pottle

3/24 Ed McKnight

3/31 Larry Elshoff

Video - Tommy Whigham

Sanctuary Greeter - Charles & Patricia Kime

Liturgists 3/03 Harrison Ambrose

3/10 Boy Scouts

3/17 Mark Kirby

3/24 Martin St. John

3/31 Nancy Howe


3/03 Debbie Spencer

3/10 Carol Verducci

3/17 Evie McCrady

3/24 Ritchie Glass

3/31 Carol Verducci

Moore, Scott & Ashley 03/04

Adams, Sean & Bridget 03/13

Bryan, Charles & Jennie 03/18

Glass, Rodney & Cathy 03/20

Verducci, Jim & Carol 03/24

Butler, Art & Linda 03/26

Graves, Art & Anne 03/28

Taylor, Norm & Helen 03/30

Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary.

May all your days be filled with love, joy and happiness!


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697 SW Baya Drive - PO Box 469

Lake City, FL 32056-0469


