Download pptx - Final research props


Emilia Waterhouse, Jack Archer

& Ed Cefai

Final Research- Props

What do we need?

An interrogation room.This will require redesigning a police station room and therefore, a room, a table, a lamp and two chairs.

We will need one, preferably two, police uniforms.

Four handfuls of British money are necessary.

We also require:• A police folder.• A pen• A phone• Two girl’s bag• Approximately 7 actors.• A council house• A police Station• A shop• A park• A pub

How will we access them?

Both a folder and a pen are easily bought at a supermarket or news agent.

Each member of our group owns a mobile phone, which could be used during the filming process.

A bag could be easily accessed as everyone who is taking part in this project owns one. As they are girl’s bags they could be provided by Emilia.

The Police station will be accessed through asking permission, if we are not allowed we will simply recreate the area, this also applies to the pub and the shop. For the park we will simply ask permission of the council to film.

To access a council house Emilia has asked a friend of hers who has access to council housing.

To find actors we will simply ask people who we believe will best fit the designed roles and are available on the dates we would like to film.

Why are these

necessary?1. We will need to film a police officer during the interrogation scene and the scene in which the protagonist is asked their name and age.

3. There is a scene in which one of the antagonists hands out a large amount of money to each of his/her friends; therefore we will need the money to film this scene and it must be British as our production is British and would be released by a British film company. The money is taken from a big, which is why a bag is needed. The protagonist also carries a bag to place the money and things taken from the shop in.

2. The different locations are necessary because the establish the lifestyle of the characters, cause the film to be more realistic and locations such as the park, high street and inner city were requested by the audience. Additionally the police station and shop are essential to the narrative.

5. The props for the interrogation room are necessary to cause our product to appear realistic, this also applies to the police uniform. The two are also essential to the narrative.

4. The phone is needed as a prop because we would like our characters to appear believable and in everyday life teenagers often use phones; especially in social situations.
