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I feel happy to know that any media isworking in the field of environment withoutany reason and perspective. The articlepublished in your magazine 'why arentthermanl power companies following pollu-tion control mandates' is a question markon the companies, mostly all companiesare not following the security and controlmandates, by which they get profit as wellas a huge revenue is given to the corre-sponding department. I am also a RTI activist in new delhi and Iget many important points by your maga-zine to ask the department. Which will be agood idea to get the actual report.

Deepak jat, New Delhi

In india, developement is started but in slowmotion. There are only few organizationswhich are working on solar power and tech-nology. Firstly gujarat government is con-gratulated that they are giving priority to thesolar technology to be used in differentindustries which will surely make the envi-ronment to feel good. By this technology,according to a survey if solar technologyand power is used instead of others ourenvironment will be free from pollution inonly one and a half year. But due malfunc-tionated government rules and corruptpoliticians this type of rule is not alloted tillnow. Media is also not interested in makingthe environment pollution free. I am verythankful to your team that they are con-stantly working on environment field.

Mahesh Natraj, Bangalore

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Outdoor air pollutioncaused 6.2 premature deathsin India in 2010, which is a six-fold jump from the 1 lakhdeaths in 2000. This makespolluted outdoor air thelargest killer in India after highblood pressure, indoor air pol-lution (mainly from smokingchullahs), tobacco use, andpoor nutrition, says the GlobalBurden of Disease 2013,which tracks deaths and ill-nesses from all causes every10 years. One in three people in Indialive in critically-polluted areasthat have noxious levels ofnitrogen dioxide (NO2), sul-phur dioxide (SO2) and lung-clogging particulate matterlarger than 10 micron (PM10)in size. Of the 180 cities mon-itored by India's CentralPollution Control Board in

2012, only two - Malapuramand Pathanamthitta in Kerala -meet the criteria of low airpollution (50% below thestandard). Vehicles are the biggest airpolluters. "In Delhi, for exam-ple, 1,400 vehicles are addedto the roads each day andcontribute to more than 70%of air pollution. Barely 20Indian cities follow Euro4emission standards for newvehicles, most follow Euro3.Euro4 is seven years behindEuropean standards andEuro3 is behind by 12 years,"says Anumita Roychowdhury,research and advocacy,Centre for Science andEnvironment (CSE). In Delhi,one death takes place everyhour due to air pollution.Though air quality monitoringhas doubled between 2005and 2010 from 96 to 180

cities, the number of citieswith low pollution has fallenfrom 10 to 2, while critically-polluted cities have risen from49 to 89. For indoor pollution, the dailypermissible limit is 100 micro-gram per cubic metre (µg/m³)for PM10 and 60 µg/m³ forPM2.5. In many rural homes,the level is between 500 and600 µg/m³. "We need clean-burning chullahs, especiallyLPG-based ones as evenkerosene burning results intoxic byproducts," sheadds.Vehicles are the biggestair polluters. "In Delhi, forexample, 1,400 vehicles areadded to the roads each dayand contribute to more than70% of air pollution. Barely20 Indian cities follow Euro4emission standards for newvehicles, most follow Euro3.Euro4 is seven years behind



Shailendra mittal

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European standards andEuro3 is behind by 12 years,"says Anumita Roychowdhury,research and advocacy,Centre for Science andEnvironment (CSE). In Delhi,one death takes place everyhour due to air pollution.Though air quality monitoringhas doubled between 2005and 2010 from 96 to 180cities, the number of citieswith low pollution has fallenfrom 10 to 2, while critically-polluted cities have risen from49 to 89. For indoor pollution, the dailypermissible limit is 100 micro-gram per cubic metre (µg/m³)for PM10 and 60 µg/m³ forPM2.5. In many rural homes,the level is between 500 and600 µg/m³. "We need clean-burning chullahs, especiallyLPG-based ones as evenkerosene burning results intoxic byproducts," she adds.No one quite recalls exactlywhen the non-perennial nat-ural drain across Ludhianacalled Budha Dariya (river)came to be called BudhaNullah (drain), but most peo-ple who live along its banksvouch for its toxicity. Sochoked is the drain withindustrial effluents andsewage that calcium, magne-sium, fluoride, mercury, beta-

endosulphan and heptachlorpesticide make both groundand tap water unfit for drink-ing, found a study by the PostGraduate Institute of MedicalEducation and Research(PGIMER) in 2008.Compared to the other 65wards in Ludhiana, 1.2 lakhpeople living in the 10 wardsalong Budha Nullah havemuch higher incidence ofchronic stomach disorders,hepatitis A and cancers of thebladder, kidneys, lung, skin,colon and liver. Rickshaw-puller Sunder Lal, 50, died inOctober this year after bat-tling liver cancer for twoyears. His wife Rano blames iton the water. "Water is a major problem inour neighbourhood (Street-2Gandhi Nagar) and hasclaimed many lives," lamentsRano. Agrees her neighbourDarshan, who was recentlyhospitalized for two monthsfor hepatitis treatment: "Thedoctors asked me to movehome or get a reverse-osmo-sis water filter, but I can'tafford to do either," he said.Pesticides, heavy metals andantibiotics leeching into thewater table also find their wayinto our bodies through farmproduce, poultry and dairyproducts. In the absence of

Maximum Residual Limit forseveral crops, pesticideresidues can go through theroof. "Guidelines for pesti-cides in farming are not strin-gent and many farmers don'teven know the maximum lim-its, they use pesticides at willto protect their crop," saysAmit Khurana, food safetyand toxins, CSE. Most ofthese chemicals are neurotox-ic and carcinogenic. There are some trying to stemthe toxic assault. All throughJuly Last year, ChandraBhushan Tiwari, 43, gaveaway 11,000 saplings to peo-ple Lucknow, saying "Take'her' (sapling) with you. She ismy daughter getting weddedinto your home. Take care ofher, because she cares forpeople from birth to crema-tion." Tiwari has been distributingand planting saplings everymonsoons since 2006. He isclose to his target of planting1 lakh trees in his lifetime,having already planted over85,000. "I think, now when Iam almost ready to attain thetarget, I can push it furtherup", says Tiwari, a formerCentral School teacher, whochucked his job to take up histree crusade full time.VK Bharadwaj, 55, took to


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cycling on the busy roads ofMumbai in November 2010for three reasons. He hadcrossed the age of 50 and did-n't want to be what hedescribes as a "low hangingfruit" for doctors, he wantedto reduce his dependence onfossil fuels, and lower expens-es. "The coal crisis got me tothink of wanting to reduce mycarbon footprint which in turnwill reduce my fuel expens-es," said Bharadwaj. "I boughta cycle for `30,000. Thatamounts to `1/km over threeyears as against `10/km had Iused the car." And he doesn'tneed to stop for refuelling.Keeping track of all the toxinsthat creep into our bodiesthrough air, food and water isnear impossible, but here's alist of ones that should beavoided as much as possibleFrom Vehicular emissions,indoor air pollution, industryCarbon Monoxide: From Motorvehicle exhaust, kerosene orwood burning stovesHazard: Headaches, reducedalertness, heart attack,impaired foetal developmentSulfur Dioxide: From Coal-fired power plants, petroleumrefineries, manufacture of sul-furic acid and smelting of orescontaining sulfur

Hazard: Eye irritation, wheez-ing, chest tightness, short-ness of breath, lung damageNitrogen Dioxide: Fromvehicules, electric utilities,and other sources of burningfuelHazard: Rrespiratory infec-tions, cough, chest pain, diffi-culty breathingOzone: From vehicularexhaust and fumes.Hazard: Eye and throat irrita-tion, cough, respiratory prob-lems, asthma, lung damageParticulate matter: Dieselengines, power plants, indus-tries, windblown dust, con-struction dust, wood and coalburningHazard: Eye irritation, asth-

ma, lung damage, heavy-metal poisoning, heart prob-lems.Lead: From metal refineries,lead smelters, battery manu-facturing, paintHazard: Anaemia, high BP,brain and kidney damage,neurological disorders, can-cersMercury: From fossil fuelssuch as coal, natural gas ;industrial boilers and geysers,metal refineries and cementmanufacturing Hazard: Neurological dam-age, extreme mood swings,insomnia, headaches, cogni-tive decline and, in extremecases, kidney damage andrespiratory failure.


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The Karaivetti BirdSanctuary in Tirumanur blockin the district will soon get afacelift.Chief Minister Jayalalithaamade an announcement tothis effect at the conferenceof the Collectors andSuperintendents of Police heldin Chennai recently. Karaivetti is one of the biggesttanks in the State with a waterspread area of about 454hectares. During the mon-soon, the water depth couldbe even 10 feet and birdscould be sighted hardly a fewmetres from the 4-km bund. Although birds from severalforeign countries had beenflocking here for long, it wasnotified as a sanctuary only in1997 under the Wild LifeProtection Act.Located 35 km from Ariyalur,this is basically an irrigationtank. It is fed by thePullambadi canal which getswater from Mettur dam. Thisis supplemented by the north-

east monsoon from Octobertill January.Of the 188 species of birdsrecorded in the sanctuary, 82are water birds. The sanctuaryis one of the most importantfresh water feeding groundsfor migratory water birds. Thewater birds arrive at the tankfrom September after water isreleased from the Metturdam. According to ForestDepartment sources, duringthe course of the first half ofthe migratory period, a largenumber of teals and ducks aredrawn to the spot as thewater level is deeper. Aswater starts receding, largerbirds such as painted storksand open bills start thronging. Water in the tank is at themaximum storage in Aprilwhen the maximum numberof birds arrive at the sanctu-ary. Being an irrigation tank,there is no natural forest with-in the sanctuary. "Karuvel"plantations had been raisedby the Social Forestry wing.The trees are used for roost-

ing and nesting by birds.Following the announcementby the Chief Minister, DistrictCollector E. Saravanavelrajvisited Karaivetti tank.The most important develop-ment planned is planting ofmore number of trees on thetank bunds to enable the birdsto roost and at the same timehelp the visitors get a glimpseof the birds from a closeangle. The Collector said theChief Minister had orderedconstruction of a complexcomprising waiting hall, din-ing hall, drinking water facili-ty, toilet blocks, and a clockroom. This project would beexecuted soon. The districtadministration would takesteps to supply adequatewater throughout the year. Asthe sanctuary was in a remotevillage, steps would be takento introduce adequate busesfrom different parts of the district, Mr. Saravanavelrajsaid.

Karaivetti bird sanctuaryAnil swadeshi

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The Ganges is India's holiestriver, considered a source ofspiritual purification fordevout Hindus. But today theriver is among the world'smost polluted, strugglingunder the pressures of mod-ern India. On the banks of theGanges River in the Indiancity of Varanasi, a man in histhirties is washing clothes byrhythmically hitting on themon a granite slab. Surroundinghim on the steps that rise outof the water is a brightly col-ored patchwork of saris, dry-ing in the morning sun. Theman's name is Vijay Kumarand his family has been work-ing on the river bank washingclothes for generations."Every day I'm here," he said."I start at 5 a.m., then later inthe day I iron everything. In

the evening I deliver clothesto the customers."Vijay Kumar's spot on theriver is right next to one ofVaranasi's traditional crema-tion areas - a place whereHindus come to burn the bod-ies of their dead. As he wash-es clothes, human ashes aredumped into the water justmeters away, and smoke fromthe burning funeral pyreswafts out over the riverbehind him."It's a problem that the bodiesare burning just near to me.But what can I do?" said Vijay."This is our traditional placeto wash clothes, and there isnowhere else to go. The gov-ernment promised us a newlocation some years ago, butnothing has changed."

River a lifelineKumar's family has washedclothes for generationsVijay Kumar is just one of the

more than 400 million peoplewho depend on the GangesRiver for their livelihoods. Buthe said he's struggling todaybecause local environmentalauthorities are trying to shutdown his business, sayingthat his soap suds are pollut-ing the river. This sort of challenge to bal-ance economic interests andenvironmental protection isone being played out theworld over. But with this river- and particularly here inVaranasi - there is anotherdimension: the Ganges Riveris not just an economic life-line, but also a spiritual one. Hindus worship the river is asa goddess, Maa Ganga - orMother Ganga. AnthropologistDr Assa Doron explained:"The city itself is very muchassociated with Shiva, and ofcourse Shiva himself has avery strong relationship with

India's Polluted

Ganges Riverthreatens people's livelihoods


UUmesh N.

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the goddess Ganga who has awhole purificatory element -both of them together is whatreally makes this city shine,"he said. Every year millions ofHindu pilgrims come toVaranasi, seeking spiritualpurification in the waters ofthe Ganges. Many otherHindus who come to Varanasicremate their loved ones andthrow the ashes in the sacredriver. Hindus believe that ifyou die or are cremated inVaranasi, you get moksha - orliberation from the cycles ofdeath and rebirth. But whilethe river Ganges - known inIndia as the Ganga - may bepure for religious believers, insecular terms it's in factgravely polluted.Hindus believe the Ganges to

be purifyingMultiple river threats

Varanasi's cremation grounds,however, are just a small frac-tion of the wider pollutionproblem facing the Ganges. Leading water pollutionexpert B.D. Tripathi of BenaresHindu University describedthree major Ganges pollutionproblems: domestic waste,untreated industrial effluentincluding toxic and heavy

metals, and crema-tion grounds (twoin Varanasi alone).

The river runs for some 2,500kilometers (1,550 miles), withmore than two dozen majorurban centers located on itsbanks. With many factoriesand business dumping toxicchemicals into the river,human sewage compoundsthe situation. An estimated 3 billion liters(800,000 gallons) of sewage isreleased into the Ganges eachday, of which only a third -according official figures - isprocessed by treatmentplants. Agricultural business-es are also draining the riverbasin and adding toxic pesti-cides and fertilizers into theriver system. Tripathi said thatif pollution in the Gangesremains unchecked, the riverfaces a potentially terminaldecline. Without conservationmeasures, he warned, theriver will become fragmentedinto ponds and streams. "Theentire structure of the riverwill be changed," he said.

Changing, and staying thesame

As India grows economically,those who depend on the riverare already bearing witness tothe changing health of theriver water.

Jaylal Sahani, a boatman nowin his 50s, spends his daysferrying pilgrims and touristsin Varanasi. He remembers atime in his childhood whenthe river was pure enough todrink. "If we drink the waternow, we will get sick," he said.Kumar, the clothes-washer,says the big factories andbusinesses are the real prob-lem. "The government shouldcontrol the big business andleave us small people inpeace. We have no choice butto work here," he said.Clothes-washers think themain pollution problem is withindustry While modern pollu-tion is forcing many people tobreak their ties with the river,Hindu scholar KrishnakantShukla argued that theGanges's unique place inHindu cosmology means theriver will remain at the heartof Hindu life - however severethe pressures of modern lifemay become. Myth lives on inVaranasi, Krishnakant said."Due to some inexplicablemiracle, you can still find peo-ple here doing their dailypractices the way they didone thousand years ago," hesaid. "This is amazing - I real-ly don't think there is anyother place in the world."


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His famous works can befound at the White House, theUN building in New York, inmuseums, private collectionsand corporate headquartersof multinationals around theworld. Senaka's artist talentsbecame apparent at a veryyoung age. He has completedhis formal education from theRoyal College, Colombo, avery prestigious college forart. Senaka Senayake, criticssay, is a painter of our vanish-ing environment. Mostly, heblends colors seeing eachwith an enhanced intensitythat captures our attention. Isa paradise flycatcher really so

vibrant? Is the macaw's crim-son really as red? The fluores-cent flutter of butterflies, thelazy swimming of fish - thesecolors, his colors, are theytruly reflections of nature?To our jaded palettes,Senaka's hues appear exag-gerated. A yellow so bright, ithurts our eyes. Lush greens,fluorescent pinks, the moon-light inking lilies the blue ofthe Aegean; pomegranatereds and flamboyant , fertilegreens; the deepening hues ofmauve, indigo and purple.These are Senaka's tools oftrade. Guided as much by anartist's instinct as by his ownexperience, he arranges col-ors to balance his canvases sothat the eye falls evenlyacross his paintings, neverdrawn to a particular corner.For, in Senaka-land, nature ispervasive, evocative and pro-fuse. The outcome of hisefforts is a powerful, enchant-ing, perhaps even hypnotic,world of birds, beasts andbeings. In this magical worldof tropical rainforests, there isa sense of harmony - nature'sown, among her creatures,and Senaka's, as an artist whocan startle but also soothewith his choice of tones. Youare drawn into his web of huestill, helplessly, you watch,seduced into submission andcompliance. Escape is impos-sible; the colors inhabit yourdreams; they surround you.He may be no bleeding heartbut make no mistake,Senakais nature's evangelist. He

wears his concerns lightly, buton his sleeve. His native SriLanka is his muse, but theworld he recreates as apainter is rapidly shrinking tothe confines, alas, of his can-vas. Like a conductor, heplucks out a memory - a pan-demonium of parrots he sawonce, a corner of his own gar-den where the heliconiasbloom in abundance, attract-ing a bevy of winged insects,while butterflies drift past onthe currents of a light breeze.In that teeming, lively jungle,there's twittering andsquawks, the croaking of frogsand the chirping of cicadas,the rustle of beasts unseen,the whirr of dragonflies. Dothe eyes hear? Surrenderyourself to Senaka's planetand you'll have your answer.It becomes almost necessary,then, to ask: What space doesSenaka inhabit in the twenty-first century, this painter ofnature and the natural world?When art is about distortionand disassembling, his fantas-tical realm seems far removedfrom his peers, a love song,almost, to a vanishing world.Where is his place? What doeshe say to us?Senaka's painterly languageis about decency and toler-ance, humanity and exis-tence, beauty and balance.He teaches us about the val-ues we are rapidly losing aswe turn our backs on theearth that we inhabit, to cre-ate artificial islands of selfishprosperity, ignoring what we

Senaka Senanayakeis Sri Lanka's foremost artist.

His distinguished career spansover five decades of creativity

and has covered a wide spectrum of subjects, rangingfrom depiction of his beloved

homeland to experiments withWestern Modernism and mostrecently the flora and fauna ofthe rain-forest He has over a

hundred and one man exhibitions in over 18

countries spanning over five continents.

Painter of our vanishing EnvironmentSenaka Senayake


Roshan Soni

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see around us - and, need Idaresay, at our own peril. Theplanet lies plundered as therapacious among us loot her.Tomorrow is an endangeredconcept. The future is uponus; it lies in today. Senakacould have chosen to paintthat violence. Instead, hechooses to remind us of thebeauty that is an importantingredient of our lives. It iswhat we must preserve, forourselves and for our futuregenerations. This endan-gered, enchanted, iridescentland, is it, one is tempted toask, real? Senaka's paintedtruths are no myth, theyemerge from what he seesaround him (and which we inour blind haste and greed donot). In drawing our attentionto it, he reminds us of what israpidly diminishing, what weare losing as we chasemirages, the illusion of fanta-sy, when reality is more mes-merizing This documentationof a shrinking world is his trib-ute to a natural wilderness aswell as a record of its exis-tence. Anguish might havebeen an expected response;in choosing the beautiful overits degradation, Senaka hasshown an alternate way, flag-ging a reaction that is aes-thetic as well as overwhelm-

ing. It is this universal lan-guage that finds him hisappeal around the globe. Hisvocabulary requires no trans-lation. Arising, as though fromthe mists of time past, is hisforest of enchanted reality.The depths of that jungle aredappled with light. Greensprovide a background in avariety that would be impossi-ble to imagine. Leaves smalland large, giant begonias, del-icate creepers, translucentpetals, they beguile one into atimeless tapestry. It is impos-sible to simply observeSenaka's paintings as paeansto loss, yet that's what theyare. Nostalgia? Perhaps. Butmore urgently - an archive oflost treasures that can yet besaved. Senaka beguiles, ofcourse. His representation of

nature is a gentle but incan-descent exploration of color Inreal life, nature can and oftenis violent. Creatures kill, sea-sons wreak havoc, plants die,species become endangered.Why is Senaka's fecund imag-ination then so peaceful?Perhaps the answers lie withineach of us. As our day-to-dayexistence rises to a stressedpitch, as we observe and areeven drawn into small circlesof brutality and anger, Senakapermits us the grace of anescapist's fantasy to find anexit for our pent-up emotions.The more we struggle to sur-vive the rat race of moderncivilisations, the more ourpast draws us, the more reliefwe seek in an imagined reali-ty and its soothing presence.Mostly, though, maybe evenwithout realizing it, it isSenaka's colors we are drawnto - colors that are therapeuticand apply a healing balm toour lacerated souls. Werespond instinctively, sub-merging ourselves into them,letting them wash into ourinner being as he uplifts us,driving out negative energies,offering us brimming possibil-ities and positive spirits. It is aworld you and I miss; it is aworld you and I long to wakeup to.


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After a court order in2004, Delhi governmentmanaged a huge swingaway from polluting fuelsto the much less pollutingcompressed natural gas (CNG), at least in vehicularpublic transport. Levels ofpoisonous chemicals inthe capital's soupy airplummeted and it lookedas if Delhi had turned acorner. The spread ofMetro too was taking careof an enormous passen-ger load, reducing depen-dence on motor vehicles.But everything has beenwashed away.In 2011, the level of smallparticles (called PM2.5)that can go into yourlungs when breathingwas 700% more than thepermissible standard setby the pollution control

authorities in India. Theseparticles consist of dustand various chemicals,mainly from vehicles.Regular inhalation causesrespiratory problems andallergies. One study saidthat a quarter of Delhi'spopulation suffers fromsuch problems.The larger particles(PM10) were found to be370% more than the stan-dard. These also causebreathing problems butbeing coarser than PM2.5,they are usually caught upin the nose and throat.Most of this is dust andindustrial and exhaust pol-lutants.Nitrates, another toxic pol-lutant, were found to be143% more than the stan-dard. Sulphur dioxide was

the only toxic chemicalthat was in much lowerconcentration than thepermissible standard.These are averages forthe whole year and for thewhole of Delhi. Actuallythere are considerablevariations between areasand seasons. For instance,levels at Anand Vihar ISBTwere going through theroof: PM10 was 1,207units, compared to thestandard of 100 units for a24 hour period. PM2.5 atAnand Vihar was 238 com-pared to the standard of60 units. In RK Puram onthe same day, PM10 was219 units and PM2.5 was111 units. On Mandir Marg(central Delhi), PM10 was291 units and PM2.5 was124 units.Two factors are responsi-ble for these very high lev-

Green advantage with CNG,Metro lost over the years














Anil saxena

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els of air pollution in thecity, say experts. One isthe construction boomand the other is the con-tinuing vehicle boom. Thenever ending constructionactivity - both public andprivate - releases enor-mous amounts of dustand other particles in theair. And, vehicle popula-tion touched a staggering77.74 lakh in 2012-13,more than double from 32lakh in 1998.While there are endlessplans being hammeredout to introduce monorail,divert goods traffic toperipheral expressways,and there have been aslew of experiments rang-ing from the controversialBRT corridor to batteryvehicles, the single

biggest contributor - pri-vate motor vehicles- isyet to be addressed effec-tively.What about water pollu-tion? Pollution levels inthe Yamuna are off thecharts. According to theNational Capital RegionPlanning Board, in 2011,fecal coliform bacteriacount at Nizamuddin was21 million units comparedto the permissible stan-dard of 2500 units. Thismicrobe originates fromhuman excreta.Biochemical OxygenDemand (BOD), a mea-sure of organic pollution,was 15.5 units asopposed to the standardof 3 units. This is not sur-prising considering theamount of raw sewage

going into the river daily.Another source of pollu-tion is industrial effluents.Fifteen common effluenttreatment plants (CETPs)for industrial units were tobe functional in 1998 asper Supreme Courtorders. After delays rang-ing from 3 to 12 years incompletion, 11 are actual-ly working. Out of aninstalled capacity of211.8 million litres perday (mld) they clean only55.48 mld, says a recentCAG report. A huge amount of toxiceffluents go straight intothe river. According toCAG, 12,769 MT of toxicsludge that remains aftertreatment was lying inCETP premises as ofNovember 2012.











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If man is cutting down jun-gles, the animals too are hit-ting back. The escalatingman-animal conflict is threat-ening the safety of both, forc-ing the government to devisemeans to contain it.So, it is not just the tigers andrhinoceros that are increas-ingly falling victim to poach-ers following demands fortheir body parts in the inter-national market. Men too arefalling prey as animals areventuring out of the shrinkinghabitats in search of food,running crops and tramplingon humans in the process.The initial data collected bythe ministry of environmentfrom different states revealthat 653 people were killed

and 17,062 were injured inthe last 10 years in 12 statesincluding Nagaland, AndhraPradesh, Mizoram, AndhraPradesh, Goa, Sikkim,Arunachal Pradesh, TamilNadu, Meghalaya and UttarPradesh.Surprisingly, the most numberof people were killed by ele-phants (114), followed bytigers (95) and bears (55). Incase of injuries, bear attacksleft the maximum number ofpeople injured-445, whileleopards left 419 hurt.These grisly figures are mere-ly a tip of the iceberg."The other states are yet torespond, as we are collectingthe data, so the number mayrise manifold," an official said.States like J&K, West Bengal,Uttarakhand, Maharashtraand Karnataka that too have

high incidence of man-animalconflict are yet to send data.Apart from the men, 22,667livestock have been killed bythe wild animals, with tigersleading the pack with 12,286victims, followed by elephantsin 7,691 cases.The environment ministrydebated the issue. Sourcessaid meeting of states is likelyto be called to take the debatefurther. Even a parliamentaryconsultative committee meet-ing is on cards, sources said.The issue was also flagged byKishor Rithe, member of theNational Board of Wildlife,who wrote to Prime MinisterManmohan Singh on 17 Aprillast year asking for specialpackage for the area to fightthe problem. In his letter toSingh, who is also the chair-person of the NBWL, Rithe


Amit Lama

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said a number of villagersaround Maharashtra's TadobaAndhari Tiger Reserve (TATR)in Chandrapur district havebeen killed or injured in leop-ard and tiger attacks."Carnivores who are not famil-iar with human presenceinside the TATR tend to attackvillagers. From 2007 to 2013,there have been around 83human deaths. There havebeen 223 human and 21,775livestock deaths inMaharashtra during 2007 and2012," Rithe said.He said the package shouldfund alternate livelihood pro-grammes, specially for land-less families and grazers liv-ing in these villages. If at leastone tribal youth from suchfamilies get the benefit of thisprogramme, he would help todiscourage old people, young-

sters from his family fromgoing to the forest for MFP col-lection and free grazing.According to the official noteprepared by the wildlife divi-sion of the Union EnvironmentMinistry, among the strate-gies being thought of to dealwith the situation is to draw aset of guidelines - Dos andDon'ts for people in the con-flict prone areas. An officialsaid, "The suggestions beingmulled include mass mediacampaign through TV andnewspapers to flag the issue;revision of rates of ex-gratiapayment to injured and nextof kin of those killed; deploy-ment of adequate protectionstaff, wildlife habitat improve-ment, promotion of alternatecrops; radio tracking of wildanimals particularly feral ele-phants; and bringing the for-

est areas under governmentcontrol by shifting the popula-tions." Another solution beinglike Assam that formed RapidResponse Teams (RRTs) todeal with growing instances ofman-animal conflict, as over12 leopards were killed in thelast few months when theystrayed into human habita-tions.Ironically, the situation hasbeen turning political in manyareas as when tigers attackvillagers or their livestock, theresidents ask for better com-pensation or even resort tokilling the man eaters.Politicians of all hues enterthe picture to aggravate thematter, by demanding actionagainst animals which resultsin their killing, as it has beenseen in many parts of thecountry.

Human lives in danger from

endangered wild


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Radiation from cellphonesand towers is set to becomeas major a source of pollutionas air, water and noise. Skinrashes, hearing problems,sleeplessness, migraines,fatigue, lack of concentration,fearfulness and skin dehydra-tion are among the problemsreported by people living inthe vicinity of mobile phonetowers, which are to be foundin every other building in thecity. Environmental activistsand experts say thatcitizens and the gov-ernment must actnot only againstc o n v e n t i o n a lsources of pollu-tion, but alsoradiation fromcell towers andgadgets." Internat ionalstudies showthat mobiletower radiationmay not only becapable of causingcancer, but also neu-rotic disorders likeParkinson's and Alzheimer's,"said Manoj Londhe, a memberof the Mobile TowerGrievances Forum. "Worst,prolonged exposure to radia-tion may cause DNA muta-tions and so are very

dangerous for foetuses." Theforum is part of a growingmovement in the city to high-light the risks posed by elec-tromagnetic radiation.Cellphones are a source ofdistress too. Doctors reportreceiving cases of up to 50%hearing loss among cellphoneusers. Dr Divya Prabhat, ENTsurgeon, said, "The most com-mon complaint of patients isthat after cellphone use, theears become hot. Many comewith complaints of tinnitus,where there is buzzing in theears. This results in irritability

and lack of concentration."That is not to say that hazardsby conventional sources ofpollution are any less. Theyhave indeed grown. For exam-ple, dumping grounds cancause respiratory problems .This was not quite known tillKEM Hospital did a study onpeople living around dumpinggrounds, especially Deonar,and found that the incidenceof respiratory ailments amongthem was more than amongother Mumbaikars.Then, air pollution levels werefound to be high in and

around Bhuleswar,which has a number of

gold-plating units,and suspended par-ticulate matter(SPM) levels inKurla's air werefound to be highbecause of con-struction sites.As for water pollu-tion, theM a h a r a s h t r a

Pollution ControlBoard has said that

special studies inChembur have

revealed the presence ofcopper, chromium, calcium,arsenic and mercury inground water "an extremelyharmful phenomenon. British-era pipes in most areas in thecity run parallel to sewage

lines and thus are risk of

Act against conventional pollution, cell tower radiation,

experts exhort


Pritesh kapoor

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contamination from leaks.Meanwhile, noise pollutionhas only been increasing. TheCentral Pollution ControlBoard has declared Mumbaias the noisiest city in theworld. "Noise over permissiblelimits is not just about pollu-tion, but also is a health haz-ard," said Sumaira Abduali ofthe NGO Awaaz. "Even in non-festival days, noise levels inMumbai are 117 decibels,whereas as per the WHO, noone should be subjected tomore than 80 decibels, thattoo for eight hours a day."Effect of pollution on health Water: Mumbai's water is sup-posedly among the cleanestin the country and conformsto WHO standards at thestage of leaving filtrationplants. But by the time itreaches homes, it gathers dirtand pathogens. The city'swater supply gets contami-nated especially during themonsoon when it floods inmany areasBritish-era pipes continue tosupply water to most parts ofMumbai. Many of these pipesrun parallel to sewage lines.At times there are leaks,which lead to severe contami-nation and jaundice, typhoid,gastroenteritis and choleraoutbreaksEven mild contamination ofwater can lead to complica-

tions like diarrhoea, abdomi-nal cramps, dryness of skin,excessive thirst, nausea anddehydrationAir: Suspended particulatematter: SPM is a mix of solidand liquid particles, includingdust, sand, smoke, lead, nick-el and arsenic. It lodges inlung tissues and causes respi-ratory problemsâ€"aggravat-ed asthma and acute respira-tory symptoms, including dif-ficult or painful breathing,chronic bronchitis anddecreased lung functionSulphur dioxide |SO2 leads to lung diseasesNitrogen dioxideNO2 is a reddish-brown toxicgas with a characteristicsharp, biting odour. Its mostimportant sources are internalcombustion engines. It makeschildren susceptible to respi-ratory diseases, especially inwinter, and contributes to theformation of troposphericozone, which is a pollutantNoise: Scientists have conclu-sively proved that continued

exposure to noise pollutionnot only leads to hearing loss,but also to a greater risk ofheart attack, high blood pres-sure, and even depressionRadiation from cellphones andmobile towers: Skin rashes,hearing problems, sleepless-ness, migraine, fatigue, lackof concentration, fearfulnessand skin dehydration are afew short-term problemsreported by people living inthe vicinity of mobile towersInternational studies haveshown that major disorderscan be caused by radiation,among them cancer and neu-rological disorders likeParkinson's and Alzheimer's.Most importantly, prolongedexposure to radiation maycause DNA mutations and sois most dangerous to foetusesExcessive cellphone use cancause the deadliest of healthhazards among users, fromhearing loss to neuro-endocrine disruption, andfrom hormonal imbalance tocancer.


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It's a prime time to take acloser look at the seriousenvironmental issues we'refacing and the solutions thatneed to be put in place toalleviate them. Ignorancemay be bliss, but it's gettingincreasingly difficult to ignorethe damage we've done tothe environment, especiallywhen the effects have beenhitting so close to home. Thebiggest threats toEnvoirnment are :1. Climate Change2. Deforestation3. Pollution4. Loss of Biodiversity5. Melting Polar Ice-Caps andRising Sea Levels6. Oceanic Dead Zones7. Explosive PopulationGrowthAcross the globe, regionshave been experiencing theeffects of climate change.From heat waves to freakstorms to flooding anddroughts, experiencing freak-ish weather has unfortunatelybecome a norm. Climatechange is first and foremostan issue because people can’teven agree on whether or notit’s an issue in the first place.Before we even get into thesolutions, we all (regardless

of political party) need tocome to the realization thatyes, climate change is realand yes, it is affecting us inways that we can see andfeel. You might have noticedthat the weather’s been hot-ter than usual, or you mighthave noticed a drought orconversely, unusual storms.Furthermore, even small tem-perature changes are causingcrops to die, decreasing theamount of food available. Ontop of all that, higher temper-atures are causing the polarice caps to melt, flooding cer-tain areas and leading to animbalance for wildlife. So weknow the threat is real, butwhat can we do to prevent cli-mate change from beingexacerbated even more?Some small steps you cantake in your own life are touse less electricity by turningoff your lights when you don’tneed them, driving less,switching to LED bulbs . Ona more global scale, leadersare trying to come to anagreement on how to curb theharmful greenhouse gaseseach nation emits into theatmosphere, and steps arebeing taken to plant moreforests (which act as naturalcarbon sinks). Every little bithelps, but in order for us toreverse the current course,we’ll need to come to anagreement that climatechange is real and that it is acause that we need to investmoney and time immediately.We mentioned planting moreforests above, and sadly at atime when we need moreforests, trees are beinguprooted at an alarming rate.

Deforestation is a rapidly-growing problem. Not onlydoes this mean less trees,less cleansing oxygen, andthe displacement of thewildlife, deforestation meansa dangerous decrease in anatural fighter of globalwarming – threat to our Earthright now. Removing treesalso leads to much drier cli-mates, as trees extractgroundwater to release intothe air. Forests, which are cru-cial to stabilizing the climateand to human survival, arebeing chopped down at abreakneck pace – one and ahalf acres of rainforest arelost every second. Humanshave already chopped downabout 50% of the rainforeststhat once existed on the plan-et and at the current rate ofdestruction, we will complete-ly destroy the rainforests inthe next 40 years. Short-sighted governments andmulti-national logging compa-nies only see the forests as away to make money, theydon’t consider the long-termeffects. Luckily, deforestationis an issue that we as individ-uals can combat. By usingrecycled paper, we candecrease the need to cutdown as many trees and bylast but not least, why notplant a tree. Pollution comesin many forms and no matterwhere you live, you’ve prob-ably seen some form of it ,the visible signs of pollutionare more than evident. Themain reason for why pollutionhas gotten so out of control isthat our desire for more“stuff” has led to our old stuffbeing thrown away at an


We and the Environment

Shiv kumar Iyer

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alarming and unnecessaryrate. This need for manufac-tured items also leads to theair and water pollution emit-ted from factories, which arehighly unregulated. Looking atthe bigger picture, govern-ment oversight and sloppyindustrial practices on thepart of big companies has alsoexacerbated our pollutionproblem. The first thing wecan all do to reduce theamount of pollution in ourstreets, air and water is tomake a mental change.Before buying a new product,ask yourself if you really needit or if you might be able topurchase it secondhand. Itcould make a big difference inthe amount of trash we see inour landfills. Stop usingPolyethylene or Plastic carrybags, instead use paper bags.Secondly, if you don’t alreadyrecycle, get into the habit. Ifeveryone adopted these easyprinciples, the world would bein a much better place.This particular problem ismore difficult for individualsto combat but we can start byeducating ourselves with thefacts and contribute to theorganizations that facilitatethe preservation of animals onthe brink of extinction. Thisproblem is also closely linkedto deforestation andunchecked habitat destruc-tion so by fighting those twoissues, we can also slow downloss of biodiversity. Climatechange also contributes toanother dangerous problem-melting polar ice-caps, whichin turn causes rising sea lev-els. NASA satellite imagesreveal that the area of ourpermanent ice cover is shrink-ing at a rate of 9% every

decade. And if all of that icemelted, where would it go?You guessed it – our oceans.You might think that potentialrising tides are only a problemfor people in a few isolatedareas, but major areas couldbe underwater soon if stepsare not taken at an earlystage to deal with the poten-tial rising tides over the nextfew years. In order to reversethe melting of polar ice-caps,we have to start at the root ofthe problem. Along the coastsof heavily populated commu-nities, scientists have foundmore and more deadzones–areas where depletedoxygen levels cannot supportmarine life. 146 dead zoneswere found in the world’soceans, caused by high levelsof chemicals in the waters.The dead zones can bereversed, if use of Fertilizersare discontinued, though it isdifficult. It’s usually true that,the more, the merrier, but notwhen the human population isgrowing to a point that oursociety and systems can’thandle. While we welcome thenewcomers with open arms,we also want to make surethat we don’t continue to puta strain on our water, food,well-being, space and sanity.If everyone were more con-scious of the fact that our lim-ited resources need to beshared we could make livingtogether, even with such alarge amount of people a lotmore pleasant. Statisticsshow that we have enoughfood to feed everyone on theplanet but we end up wastingso much that others go with-out. While we might not beable to stop the populationfrom growing, we can educate

the people who currently livehere and the new ones thatare being born to makesmarter choices and consumemore responsibly.When you hear about theeffects on climate change onglobal populations, a newreport from climate changeadvocacy group has statedthat global climate changeand pollution from the use offossil fuels killed nearly 5 mil-lion people around the worldin 2010 alone.What is even more shocking isthat by 2030, this figure isexpected to rise to nearly 6million . Of the almost 5 mil-lion deaths, 3.5 millionoccurred mainly in 10 nations,mostly located in developingAfricaand Asia. So which 10countries are seeing theirpopulation succumb to theeffects of climate change andpollution ? Here they are :-1. China. 2. India. 3. Nigeria4. Pakistan 5. Indonesia.6. Democratic Republic of theCongo. 7. Bangla Desh. 8.Ethiopia. 9. Russia. 10.AfghanistanThe above facts have beenregularly discussed and ingeneral all of us quote themas Natural Calamities andDisasters, but this is notagreeable, since these areman created. The govern-ments, the administrations,Industrialists and above allwe, the individuals are allresponsible for this.Let us join hands together andvow to keep no stoneunturned in safeguarding ourPlanet (Earth) in the best pos-sible way at the earliest , orelse, the nature and thefuture generation shall notforgive us for our Deeds.



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The Union Health and Family WelfareMinistry launched indigenous equipmentthat can detect early cervical cancer andbe used even by healthcare workers withbasic training. The device AVMagnivisualizer which was developed bythe Institute of Cytology and PreventiveOncology under the Indian Council ofMedical Research (ICMR) has 95 per centaccuracy for detecting pre-cancerouslesions. Randomised clinical control trialshave confirmed its efficacy in reducingincidence and mortality of the disease. Itcan be made available in remote ruralareas. This is a user-friendly device which costsabout Rs 10,000 as against the presentdevices which cost between Rs 8-10 lakhand are beyond the reach of most people. The device has a white light source withvariable interchangeable magnificationand can be operated on a 12- volt battery

in rural and semi-urban areas where elec-tric supply is not regular. Magnivisualizerhas been found to pick up 1.5 times morehigh-grade pre-cancerous lesions than theordinary tungsten light. "The ICMR is initiating studies to assess itsapplicability even for oral pre-cancerousand cancerous lesions," V.M. Katoch,Director General of ICMR, said. Cervical cancer is the most commonmalignancy among Indian women, partic-

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ularly those who marry early. Current esti-mates indicate that approximately 1.32lakh new cases are diagnosed and 74,000deaths occur annually in India, accountingfor nearly one-third of global cervical can-cer deaths. Launching the device, UnionHealth and Family Welfare MinisterGhulam Nabi Azad said it would be avail-able in the market within the next 8-9months and efforts would be made to pro-vide them up to the Community Health

Centres in the initial phase. In the nextphase it would be made available in thePrimary Health Centres (PHC), where cer-vical cancer cases go undetected. "We areaware of the shortage of human resourceat the PHC level," Mr. Azad said, addingthat efforts would be made to train theavailable manpower at both levels untilthe device reaches them. Cervical cancer takes about a decade tofully develop and is often detected when ithas spread substantially. It starts from apre-cancer stage called dysplasias andearly detection and appropriate treatmentat this stage can halt its progression,resulting in decreased incidence or mor-tality. At present, cytology screening orPap Smear is available only in advancedcytology centres, Regional Cancer Centresand some medical colleges. The requiredinfrastructure, trained manpower andrelated mechanism for initial screeningare not available to carry out population-based screening at the State or thenational level.

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