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  • 7/28/2019 Final Fantasy Ix Na k



    F I N A L F A N T A S Y I X


    Final Fantasy IXfor the Playstation

    FAQ/WalkthroughLast Updated 4/24/04

    Version .95

    Written & Compiled by "TestaALT"Email address [email protected]

    This file is Copyright (c) 2004 Andrew "TestaALT" Testa. All rights reserved.


    ==================Table of Contents:==================

    1. Author's Forward1.1 - Version History1.2 - Introduction1.3 - Dedication

    2. Basics2.1 - Controls2.2 - Statistics2.3 - Ability System2.4 - Trance2.5 - Status Effects2.6 - Elements

    2.7 - Characters

    3. Disc One Walkthrough3.1 - Theater Ship3.2 - Alexandria3.3 - Evil Forest3.4 - Ice Cavern3.5 - Dali3.6 - Lindblum3.7 - Gizamaluke's Grotto3.8 - Burmecia

    4. Disc Two Walkthrough

    4.1 - Summit Station4.2 - Treno4.3 - Gargan Roo4.4 - Cleyra4.5 - Red Rose4.6 - Alexandria Castle4.7 - Pinnacle Rocks4.8 - Fossil Roo4.9 - Conde Petie4.10 - Black Mage Village

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    4.11 - Conde Petie4.12 - Madain Sari4.13 - Iifa Tree4.14 - Madain Sari4.15 - Iifa Tree

    5. Disc Three Walkthrough5.1 - Alexandria5.2 - Treno5.3 - Alexandria5.4 - Lindblum5.5 - Black Mage Village5.6 - Oeilvert5.7 - Desert Palace5.8 - Esto Gaza5.9 - Mount Gulug5.10 - Lindblum5.11 - Alexandria5.12 - Daguerreo5.13 - Ipsen's Castle5.14 - Earth Shrine5.15 - Terra5.16 - Bran Bal5.17 - Pandemonium

    6. Disc Four Walkthrough6.1 - Black Mage Village6.2 - Memoria6.3 - Crystal World

    7. Side Quests (In contruction)7.1 - Tetra Master (Card Game)7.2 - Jump Rope7.3 - Sword Fight7.4 - Nine Lost Knights7.5 - Friendly Monsters7.6 - Coffee

    7.7 - Stellazios7.8 - Frog Catching7.9 - Chocobos7.10 - Quotes7.11 - Ragtime Mouse7.12 - Gambling Game (Neros)7.13 - Hippaul's Racing Game7.14 - Treno Equipment Shop Monsters7.15 - Four Figures7.16 - S Class7.17 - Blackjack7.18 - Excaliburs

    8. Equipment8.1 - Weapons8.2 - Armor8.3 - Helmets8.4 - Armgear8.5 - Add ons

    9. Bestiary9.1 - Bosses9.2 - Optional Bosses

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    9.3 - Enemies9.4 - Level Up Spots

    10. Abilities10.1 - Zidane10.2 - Vivi10.3 - Steiner10.4 - Dagger10.5 - Freya10.6 - Quina10.7 - Eiko10.8 - Amarant

    11. Shops

    12. Items

    13. Footer13.1 - Credits13.2 - Version History (Before Released Versions)13.3 - Legal Disclaimer13.4 - Contact Information

    Quick Navigation


    Five easy steps to jumping to the section you want.

    1. Highlight the section name and letter (as seen above).2. Press Control and C.3. Press Control and F.4. Press Control and V.5. Press Enter.

    You should now be at the beginning of the appropriate section.



    1. Author's Forward


    You should definitely read this!


    1.1 - Version History


    Version .95 -- 04/23/04 -- I did some Side Quests today.Version .93 -- 04/22/04 -- First released version of guide.


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    1.2 - Introduction


    Final Fantasy, being one of the best series in video game history, created theirlast installment for the Playstation, Final Fantasy IX. The style of the game isthat of the earlier Final Fantasy's, which is nothing to fret about. FF9 ischock full of the famous FMV, and boy is it beautiful this time around! It's notthe graphics that make this game epic, but the storyline. Watch out as eventsmasterfully unfold between the four great nations. After the story you will findout that Chocobo's are back, and better then before. This time it's more abouthow you play Chocobo Hot and Cold then how you wrangle Chocobo's and make'embreed. You will find yourself playing H&C for around 20 hours (if you're notusing my Chocobo guide, of course) and that's just one side quest! Their aremany other complex side quests that will keep you playing. Overall, FinalFantasy IX looks to have snagged the title as the final fantasy on thePlaystation.


    1.3 - Dedication


    This guide is dedicated to Jeff "CJayC" Veasey (or whoever posted it). Blesss/he's heart for posting yet another guide for Final Fantasy IX, especially oneas borderline as this. Oh, and to ATadeo, Elranzer, Gbness. GheddonLN,LMaggnuz, Nemesis, Psycho Penguin, SeanKelson, TwistidSoul, Super Nova,BabyRyoga, DJellybean/Dallas, Haunter120, JL Lee, Treon, and HJerng and formaking better guides then me.


    2. Basics


    Basics of Final Fantasy IX.


    2.1 - Controls



    Battle Screen-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| D Pad | Cursor Movement. ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|| Left Stick | Cursor Movement. ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|| O Button | Cancel. ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|

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    | X Button | Confirm. ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|| Triangle Button | Cycle to a different ready character. ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|| Square Button | Hold down to clear all windows. ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|| L1 Button | View previous page / Select single or mutliple || | targets / Escape from battle. (When held down with R1 || | button.) ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|| L2 Button | Display/cancel Target Window. ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|| R1 Button | View next page / Select single or mutliple targets / || | Escape from battle. (When held down with L1 button.) ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|| R2 Button | None. ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|| Select Button | Display Help / Cancel Help. ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|| Start Button | Pause. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Menu Screen-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    | D Pad | Cursor Movement / Select single or multiple party || | members when using abilities. ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|| Left Stick | Cursor Movement. ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|| O Button | Cancel. ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|| X Button | Confirm. ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|| Triangle Button | None. ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|| Square Button | Switch between Ability and Equipment menus. ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|

    | L1 Button | Change characters / View next page / Select single or || | multiple party members when using abilities. ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|| L2 Button | None. ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|| R1 Button | Change characters / View previous page / Select single || | or multiple party members when using abilities. ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|| R2 Button | None. ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|| Select Button | Display Help/Cancel Help. ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|| Start Button | Confirm button selection. |


    Field Screen-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| D Pad | Character Movement. ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|| Left Stick | Character Movement. ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|| O Button | Hold down to walk (or run, if set in Config Menu) when || | pressed with directional button / Cancel. |

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    |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|| X Button | Examine / Talk / Confirm. ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|| Triangle Button | Open Main Menu. ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|| Square Button | Examine / Talk / Confirm/Challenge a card player. ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|| L1 Button | None. ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|| L2 Button | None. ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|| R1 Button | None. ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|| R2 Button | None. ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|| Select Button | Display HERE Icon / View ATE. ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|| Start Button | Pause. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    World Map Screen-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| D Pad | Character movement / Change direction and altitude of || | airship. |

    |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|| Left Stick | Character movement / Change direction and altitude of || | airship. ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|| Right Stick | Move vehicle forward / backward. ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|| O Button | Exit vehicle. ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|| X Button | Enter vehicle / Ride vehicle / Move vehicle forward. ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|| Triangle Button | Open Main Menu / Move inside the vehicle. ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|| Square Button | Call moogle / Move vehicle backwards. |

    |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|| L1 Button | Rotate map clockwise. ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|| L2 Button | Lock/unlock camera rotation. ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|| R1 Button | Rotate map counterclockwise. ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|| R2 Button | Switch perspective. ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|| Select Button | Toggle navigation map. ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|| Start Button | Pause. |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------


    2.2 - Statistics


    When characters level up, the value of their stats increase. These values will

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    also change when you equip different items.

    HP: Health Points determines how much damage a character can takebefore they are KO'ed.

    MP: Magic Points determines how much magic a character can use.

    Speed: Speed determines how fast the character's ATB Gauge fills up(The higher the value, the faster the character can act.)

    Strength: Strength determines the severity of a physical attack,

    Magic: Magic determines the amount of damage caused by magic and summonattacks.

    Spirit: Spirit affects the character's attack and defense. High valuesenhance your ability to Steal, Counter, and deal criticaldamage. Also, the character's Spirit determines how long statuseffects remain and how quickly the Trance Gauge fills.

    Attack: Attack determines the amount of damage the character deals usingphysical attacks.

    Defense: Defense reduces the amount of damage the character receives from

    physical attacks.

    Evade: Evade determines the character's ability to dodge physicalattacks.

    Magic Defense: Magic Defense reduces the amount of damage the characterreceives from magic attacks.

    Magic Evasion: Magic Evasion determines the character's ability to dodge magicattacks.


    2.3 - Ability System


    Using your abilities wisely is the ket to victory.

    To use an ability-----------------Equipping certain items bring out the characters' dormant abilities, which theycan then use. Until the character learns the ability, he or she can only use itwhile the item is equipped. You can select items according to what ability you

    want your character to learn, or equip them only when you need to use a certainability.

    --ABILITY------------ --ABILITY------------| Gladius | | Gladius ||_____________________| |_____________________|| | | || Annoy ---40/50--- | | Annoy ---* * *--- || Flee ---10/20--- | | Flee ---* * *--- || | | |

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    ------------------Vivi uses the magic of the black mages. Black magic cause physical harm orinvokes status effects.

    Fire: Causes fire damage.

    Steiner (Sword Skill)---------------------Steiner uses the special sword techniques of expert knights. Many of theseabilities lower the enemy's attack and defense power.

    Minus Strike: Reduces the enemy's HP by the difference between your max HP andcurrent HP.

    Support Abilities-----------------Abilities that only function during battles are called "Support Abilities."Support Abilities are equipped by distributing the magic stones that thecharacter earns. The stronger the ability, the more magic stones required toequip it. Support Abilities can be recognized by a green diamond-shaped slotwith the letter "S". Whether learning or fully learned, a Support Ability cannotbe used unless a magic stone is equipped in its slot. Try to customize yourSupport Abilities by analyzing the situation at hand.

    Main Functions of Support Abilities-----------------------------------Prevent Status Effects: Support abilities render certain status effectsineffective. There are abilities that prevent Poison and Sleep, for example.

    Increase Damage: Increase Damage whne attacking certain creature types.

    About Magic Stones------------------Like MP, the maximum number of magic stones increases as the characters levelup. Equipping Support Abilities decreases the number of available stones whileunequipping them increases the number.

    Examples of Combing Support Abilities-------------------------------------Protect + Counter + Eye 4 Eye = Increased number of attacks.

    Counter allows you to attack the enemy when physically attacked. With Protectyou receive attacks in place of an ally, which then triggers Counter. Eye 4 Eyeincreases the chances that you will Counter the attack.

    Auto-Potion + Chemist + Auto-Regen = Battle in Safety

    With Auto-Potion, you automatically use a Potion when you are damaged. Chemistdoubles the effectiveness of medicine. Combined, they reduce the possibility ofHP reaching 0. Auto-Regen gives you 1/16 of your HP back every turn even when

    you are using Auto-Potion.

    How you use Abilities is up to you----------------------------------If you only need to use abilities temporarily, you only need to equip items thatcorrespond to those abilities. However, to use abilities freely, without havingto worry about equipping items, you must learn them. The ability managementsystem is one of Final Fantasy IX's most enjoyable features. Based on thedescription below, try finding a method that matches your playing style.

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    Situation Method (Quick): Only equip items with skills appropiate to thesituation. You don't have to fight many battles, because you don't need to worryabout AP. The downside is that you must carry a large stock of items in order touse the desired abilities when you need to.

    Hint: Change equipment to match your enemy's strengths and weaknesses.

    Basic Method (Standard): Learn useful abilities such as Life, Loudmouth, andAlert, and use other abilities by switching items. You will need to considercarefully which abilities to learn, but this is the most basic way to moveforward.

    Hint: Carefully study which abilities you need to learn.

    Diligent Method (Thorough): Learn all abilities from every item you obtain. Youmust fight more battles in order to gain the required AP. However, once youmaster your abilities, you should be able to proceed towards the end without toomuch trouble.

    Hint: Fight many battles, and be patient.

    Advice on using Abilities-------------------------

    Advice 1: Use ScanUse Scan to examin the enemy's weaknesses. Your attack will be more effective ifyou use abilities that target its weak points. If you have not mastered anyappropiate abilities, you can equip items that extract those abilities.

    Advice 2: Consider the Combination of Items You EquipFor example, if an Add-on and a weapon that can extract the same ability areequipped at the ame time, the amount of AP distributed to that ability isdoubled, so it takes less time to learn that particular ability. On the otherhand, if there is no need to learn that ability, equip an item that extracts adifferent ability, and increase the number of abilities you can use.

    Advice 3: Use Shops and Synthesis Shops

    You can obtain powerful items by combining stocked items in synthesis shops orbuying items in shops. Check all items thoroughly before selling or synthesizingitems, since they may still have abilities that have not been learned. Also,consider the current acquired AP of abilities being learned before equipping newitems.


    2.4 - Trance


    When a characters' Trance Gauge reaches full after an enemy attack, thatcharacter will go into Trance. In addition to increased attack power, thecharacter will have special attack commands during Trance (see below). You maywant to fill up the Trance Gauge as much as possible before fighting strongenemies to ensure a Trance during that battle.

    Zidane's Trance Vivi's Trance--------------- -------------

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    +-COMMAND-+ +-TRANCE--+ +-COMMAND-+ +-TRANCE--+| Attack | | Attack | | Attack | | Attack || Steal | --> | Steal | | Blk Mag | --> | Dbl Blk || Skill | --> | Dyne | | Focus | --> | Focus || Item | | Item | | Item | | Item |+---------+ +---------+ +---------+ +---------+

    The Skill command changes to Dyne. The Blk Mag command changes to Dbl Blk.Zidane can use special attacks Vivi can use magic twice in a row duringTrance. during Trance.

    How does the Trance Gauge decrease to 0?

    Trance Power decreases every time the character in Trance takes an action.Trance ends when the gauge reaches 0. The Trance Gauge will also drop to 0 if:

    1. The character is inflicted with the Zombie status, or2. The battle ends while the character is in Trance.


    2.5 - Status Effects


    Status effects occur when a character's status is changed by a spell, item, orattack. Certain status effects are beneficial, while others are harmful. Whenyou use items that cancel (or invoke) status effects, you can view your partymembers' status effects in the Status Window. Some status effects will expireafter a short while, others will be cancelled at the end of a battle, and somewill continue to affect the character even after battle. Learn which statuseffects damage your characters, and treat them accordingly with spells or items.

    Beware of these status effects

    ------------------------------1. Status effects that disable the entire party: If all allies are afflictedwith KO, Stop, Petrify, or Venom, the game ends.

    2. Status effects that stop growth: If a character is affected by KO, Petrify,Virus, or Zombie, he or she stops receiving EXP and AP, halting growth.

    Name: Name of Status Effect.Effect: What effect it does.Cancel: Cancellation method.

    Harmful Status Effects----------------------

    Name: ConfuseEffect: Target cannot be controlled and randomly attacks enemies and allies.Cancel: Esuna, physical attack.

    Name: BerserkEffect: Target's attack power increases, but they cannot be controlled and

    attack enemies continuosly.Cancel: Gysahl Greens,

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    Name: StopEffect: Target stops and cannot be controlled.Cancel: Dispel, Remedy,

    Name: PoisonEffect: Target's HP gradually decreases.Cancel: Antidote, Esuna, Panacea, Remedy, effect expires.

    Name: SleepEffect: Target falls asleep and cannot be controlled.Cancel: Esuna, physical attack, effect expires.

    Name: SlowEffect: Target's ATB Gauge fills more slowly.Cancel: Dispel, effect expires.

    Name: HeatEffect: Target is KO'd if an action is taken.Cancel: Esuna, effect expires.

    Name: FreezeEffect: Target freezes and cannot be controlled. Target is KO'd if attacked

    physically.Cancel: Esuna, effect expires.

    Name: MiniEffect: Target shrinks. Attack and defense powers decrease dramatically.Cancel: Mini, Esuna, Remedy.

    Name: Death SentenceEffect: Target is KO'd when counter reaches 0.Cancel: None (end the battle before counter reaches 0).

    Name: Gradual PetrifyEffect: Target becomes petrified when counter reaches 0.Cancel: Stona, Esuna (end battle before counter reaches 0.

    Name: PetrifyEffect: Target turns to stone and cannot be controlled.Cancel: Stona, Remedy, Soft.

    Name: VenomEffect: Target cannot be controlled due to stron poison, HP and MP gradually

    decrease.Cancel: Remedy.

    Name: VirusEffect: Target stops receiving EXP and AP.Cancel: Vaccine.

    Name: SilenceEffect: Target cannot use magic.Cancel: Esuna, Echo Screen, Remedy.

    Name: DarknessEffect: Target is blinded; accuracy of physical attacks decreases.Cancel: Esuna, Eye Drops, Remedy.

    Name: TroubleEffect: All of the target's allies receive 1/2 of the damage the target

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    receives from an enemy attack.Cancel: Annoyntment.

    Name: ZombieEffect: Reverse effect of recovery items and spells.Cancel: Magic Tag.

    Name: KOEffect: Target cannot participate in battle until recovered.Cancel: Life, Auto-Life, Phoenix Down, Phoenix Pinion.

    Beneficial Status Effects-------------------------

    Name: Auto-LifeEffect: Target recovers from KO.Cancel: Dispel, target recovers from KO.

    Name: RegenEffect: Target's HP gradually recovers.Cancel: Dispel, effect expires.

    Name: HasteEffect: Speeds up the ATB Gauge.

    Cancel: Dispel, effect expires.

    Name: FloatEffect: Target floats in the air. Avoid Earth attacks.Cancel: Dispel, effect expires.

    Name: ShellEffect: Reduces target's damage from magic attacks by half.Cancel: Dispel, effect expires.

    Name: ProtectEffect: Reduces target's damage from physical attacks by half.Cancel: Dispel, effect expires.

    Name: VanishEffect: Target avoids physical attacks.Cancel: Dispel, target hit with magic, effect expires.

    Name: ReflectEffect: Reflect magic. (Some magic cannot be reflected.)Cancel: Dispel, effect expires.


    2.6 - Elements


    --------------------Element | Weakness---------+----------Fire | IceIce | FireThunder | Water

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    Water | ThunderWind | EarthEarth | WindShadow | HolyHoly | Shadow


    2.7 - Characters



    3. Disc One Walkthrough


    This is the meat of this document; the walkthrough. So, like, start walking...


    3.1 - Theater Ship


    Enemies:--------Masked Man (Boss)

    After the FMV, you will have control of a boy with a tail. Walk past thecandles and to the upper right corner of the screen to pick up a Potion. Walkto the upper left (opposite side) to receive 47 Gil. Then light the candle inthe middle of the room. Someone will yell "Who's there!?" and you get toselect a name for yourself. Choose any name you want, but in this guide Iwill refer to him as "Zidane", his default name. Three people will come in thecandle room and chat with Zidane for a little bit. Then a person in a mask willjump out of the other side of the room and attack you.

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Boss Name: Masked ManHP: 160

    Steal: Mage Masher, Wrist, PotionParty: Zidane (1), Cinna (1), Marcus (1), Blank (1)Difficulty: Very Easy

    This is one of the easiest boss fights in the game. The Masked Man onlyattacks for around 20 damage to one character. Sometimes he trips up when heis attacking and doesn't hit anyone for any damage at all! He tries to bouncearound when hitting, and doesn't go after any one character. This is good,because no one (including the main character) should get even close to dying.Your part has a pretty basic role in this battle. Since he does such little

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    damage, have everyone steal until you get all three items. There is no threat inthis battle, besides Cinna getting knocked out, but we can live with that. Afteryou get the items, start attacking him. You might notice that Zidane, Blank, andMarcus do around 40 damage each, so he should be history in just a couple hits.


    After the fight, everyone will look very tired. The Masked Man, whose name isBaku, will call a meeting in the next room. Everyone will automatically runinside and Baku will tell you the plan. It is your job, along with Blank, tokidnap the most babe-ilicious beauty in all of Alexandria, Princess Garnet!


    3.2 - Alexandria


    Enemies:--------King Leo (Boss)Steiner (Boss)

    Pluto Knights (50 HP)Leo's Henchmen (50 HP)

    After another beautiful FMV, we will see a pointy-hat kid walking along thestreet with a ticket. A little girl will bump into him, and his ticket willfall on the ground. She will pick it up, and give it back to you. Then you havecontrol of pointy-hat kid. It is advisable to go south to the statue area andpick up the three cards and the Potion there. Just go around the perimeter,hugging the houses, and looking to see if you get a "!" icon (field icon). Ifso, then press X and you will pick up a item. You can find three cards on theperimeter, and a Potion on the left side of the statue.

    Now go back to the previous screen, and go up and down the street on both

    sides, looking for the field icon along the way. You should get bumped intoby a rat kid, but that's no big deal. There are two Potions on the left side,and on the right side you will find a house with a open door. Go inside tosee a woman sewing something. Look by the bed (bottom floor) in the upper leftcorner to get 9 Gil. Look on the opposite side, by the desk and chair, toreceive a Potion. Then go up the ladder and look in the drawer to get anothercard. After that, slide down the ladder and go back to the street. Then runnorth to the next area.

    You'll see nobles from Treno getting escorted to the play. After that, lookon the bottom right and left sides of the screen to receive a card and 33 Gil.Then run into the bar, its entrance should be in the middle of the screen. Youshould find a Potion by the table to the bottom right, a card in the opposite

    side, and 33 Gil by the stairs. Then go back outside and west to the nextscreen. Go inside and inspect the Item Shop (to the right) to find some gil.Then run north and to the town square.

    You can do a lot of nothing in the town square at the current time. If you goin to the Weapon/Synthesis Shop to your right, you will find out that they areclosed. (They're going to the play.) If you go to the left, you can find somegirls jump roping. If you feel up for the challenge, you can jump rope tediouslyfor a while. Go to the side quests section to find out what you will get fordoing "X amount of jumps." Boring, eh?

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    find out why Puck needed the ladder, even though he could have just as easilyused one of the planks in the previous rooftops. Oh well. They will both runinside and the play will then start up.

    "I Want To Be Your Canary" is indeed a love story, and somewhat predictable.Watch as events unfold in the story. Then there will be another easy bossfight...

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Boss Name: King LeoHP: 200Steal: N/AParty: Zidane (1), Cinna (1), Marcus (1), Blank (1)Difficulty: Very Easy

    And you thought the first boss fight was easy! This fight is even easier! Stealis replaced with SFX, which is stage magic that doesn't do any damage. Don't useit unless you really want to see it. You don't need to take out King Leo's twohenchmen; they are insignificant in this battle. Just hack away on King Leo's200 health, it should go down quiet fast. Don't worry if Cinna dies, that's theonly character that they can hit for more then 10 damage. This fight should onlylast around 5 hits. King Leo and his two men often just use magic, so you mightfind yourself unscratched at the end of this duel.


    After the fight, King Leo will run off and Blank and Zidane will get into anargument. This will tell you a little about how this world really is. Then theywill have a sword fight. Look at the Side Quests section for more details onthis sword fight. Keep trying until you get around 90 out of 100, the crowd willgive you more money that way. If you don't get what you want the first time, say"Yes" when the crowd asks for an encore performance. After you are happy withwhat you got, the screen will change.

    You come back with Zidane and Blank in Alexandrian armor, and two guards"sleeping" on the floor. (As so to speak.) They will have some funnyconversation, and you will find out how you two plan to capture Princess Garnet.

    Then you will both walk into a middle corridor. Before you go up the stairs,equip the Mage Masher. Then, go up the stairs and you will see a hooded girl.Zidane will converse, and then you have the option of letting her pass orexamining her; Either one will do. In the end, we will find out that she isPrincess Garnet!

    Then the comic relief will finally arrive, Zorn and Thorn! Walk to the Queen'slookout, they will! Oh great, now I am talking like Thorn... At any rate, Zornand Thorn will report that Princess Garnet has run off, only after the Captainof the Knights of Pluto gets "One upped" by Beatrix. Then Queen Brahne willsummon the Captain of the Knights of Pluto, whose default name is Steiner. Shewill ask for you to find Princess Garnet.

    Steiner will ask for the Knights of Pluto to assemble but it's to no avail., theonly two that are in the castle are in their... err... Anyway, it ends up inSteiner yelling at the two Knights. (You already hate his personality, right?)Then you will have control of Steiner. Go back up the stairs, right at the fork,and back into the Queen's lookout. Talk to the Queen, and she will give you aSilk Shirt. However, this is only if you got a good rating in the sword fight.Then backtrack down to where the two Pluto Knights "assembled," and save you'regame in the room to the east.

    After this, we have another small quest to do. If you find all nine Knights of

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    Pluto, Garnet will give you an Elixir. (Very useful item later in the game.)Look in the Side Quests section for more detail on this. Elixir's are VERYuseful at the end of the game, and it is highly advisable that you do this.After you find them it is time to find the Princess.

    Go north from the corridor with the stairs and it will bring us to a very squareroom with the Queen's (ugly) painting in the middle. Go over to it, down thestairs, and south to reach the outside of this castle. Walk down the next screenand we will see a small water fountain. Go west from here and Steiner willcomment on the play almost being over. In the next screen, follow the path westto the tower. Then go down the dungeon-like hall and all the way up the spiralstairs.

    Steiner will talk to himself some more (he loves doing that) and we see thePrincess being chased by a thief. Then we have another beautiful and funny FMV.After this, the Princess will fall on you and go through a door. Follow her andshe will bump into Ruby. They will talk a little bit, and you will have controlof Zidane again. Talk to Ruby and she will start lecturing you about something.Garnet then goes by Ruby and down the stairs. Follow her.

    You might remember this next room. This is the room where you fought the MaskedMan (Baku). Watch as events unfold; Princess Garnet WANTS you to capture her.Then Cinna will come in, and Steiner will finally find out which room Garnet isin. Cinna will then show you an escape hatch that leads down to engine room. The

    three will jump in, and then Steiner and one of his "Knights" will come in. TheKnight, who is really Blank in disguise, will get "stuck" in the escape hatch.Haha. Steiner will find another way to get down there, I can promise you that!

    Then we go back to Zidane, Garnet, and that ugly guy with a hammer. What was hisname again? Oh, Cinna! Zidane and Garnet will have an idle conversation, whichends in Zidane truthfully telling her that he is falling for her. Now it is timeto get some items before we proceed to the next room. Go a little forward fromwhere you are to the engine with a wheel. You will get a "?" icon. (Or ratherknown as a choices icon.) Press X and you will have two choices to either movethe wheel to the right, or to the left. Move it to the right, and Cinna willyell at you and tell you to turn it back. You will automatically do so. Then,move it to the left, and yet again Cinna will yell at you, and you will turn it

    back. Two treasure chests will drop this time, however. The first is in plainview south next to the engine on the bottom floor. You should be able to see it.Walk around and down the stairs, then collect the Phoenix Down over there.Afterwards, go back over to the stairs and go right of them to be behind theengine. You should find a field icon. Collect the Phoenix Pinion, and finallyproceed to the next room.

    You will find Steiner in the next room and his "Knight" on the other side of theroom. Steiner will think it is one of his Pluto Knights, but it really is Blank!Then, with Hammer Man and Blank, you will fight Steiner, Captain of the PlutoKnights. (Oh great... the epic play rubbed off on me!)


    Boss Name: Steiner IHP: 175Steal: Leather Hat, Silk ShirtParty: Zidane (1), Cinna (1), Blank (1)Difficulty: Easy

    Another (very) easy boss! He is almost as easy as Baku. His attacks do aroundthe twenties in damage. He might focus on one character, but for the most parthe attacks everyone evenly. Have all three of them steal from Steiner until youget the Silk Shirt and Leather Hat. They can be used a little further in the

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    game, and sold after that. Once you have both of the items, hack away onSteiner. If Zidane's life gets low (20 HP left), have Cinna throw a potion hisway to heal him. Blank and Cinna are not permanent characters, so we don't careas much about them. They both can die for all we care! After you have taken 175damage off of him, he will use Armor Break (you actually get to use this uselesssword art later in the game) and breaks Blank's armor. Oglop's will fly out andon to the ground.


    In another comical scene, everyone hates Oglops! The exception to everyone isZidane and Garnet, who manage to narrowly escape. Then the screen goes back tothe play and we see that King Leo is going to kill Marcus. Meanwhile, we go backto Zidane and Garnet. They say that this is a dead end, but Cinna points them toa lift. Afterwards, Steiner runs in and takes another one. Then we see that theyboth ended up in the play! They improvise and we see a hilarious scene. TheQueen is still at her lookout, and it seems she cannot connect the dots thatGarnet is on stage!

    Then we go back to Vivi and Puck. Two Knights of Pluto, or should I say Dumb andDumber (?), finally see that Vivi and Puck snuck in and go running after them.It all ends in them going on stage, and Vivi using his black magic. Heaccidentally hits Garnet's hood instead of the Knights, and Garnet throws herhood off. I just hope that the Queen can recognize her now! Afterwards, Steiner

    will finally get over her fake death (he thought it was real?) and more yellingwill occur. Lastly, Steiner will not comply with Garnet's wishes to stopfollowing her. Or should I say stalking her? Another battle is coming your way.

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Boss Name: Steiner IIHP: 160Steal: N/AParty: Zidane (1), Vivi (1), Garnet (1), Marcus (1)Difficulty: Easy

    This is another very easy boss fight. This time Steiner has a little less HP,but he has two of his Knights with him. Take the Knights out first. They have

    around 50 HP, so they should be one hit kills for Zidane, since he should bedoing around 80 damage now. (With the Mage Masher, of course.) Marcus, on theother hand, might need Garnet to give the other Knight a "love tap" to finishhim off. After that, have Vivi cast fire on Steiner. This will severely weakenhim, as Vivi does around 100 damage. Then have Zidane, or Marcus, or whoever youcan first finish off Steiner.


    After the fight, you might here your Playstation make weird noises, as it alwaysdoes when a FMV comes up. Boy is this one good, like all the others! Now we goto battling against Steiner for a third time. I know this is getting boring ashell, these fights are so easy. Just... watch.

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Boss Name: Steiner IIIHP: N/ASteal: N/AParty: Zidane (1), Vivi (1), Garnet (1), Marcus (1)Difficulty: N/A

    You might be wondering "Why doesn't Steiner have any HP?" Simple answer: In thisboss fight, all you have to do is survive three turns of the bomb growing. After

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    that the fight will end. Everyone will tell Steiner that there is a bomb rightbehind him, but Steiner just thinks it's a trick. He's very right, that issomething that Zidane would do. (You'll see later in the game...) Just haveeveryone do physical attacks on Steiner. You can't steal because SFX is stillthere (Why!?) and there is no point in doing fancy magic or anything. After itgrows three times, this "fight" is over.


    Finally, after it grows three times, and is bigger then Brahne, Steiner willnotice it and the battle will be over. It will explode, and from the Queen'sview it looks like the bomb completely obliberated the ship. It looks bad foryou at that moment... you could be playing the role at the obese Brahne.However, the ship comes out of the smoke, fastly falling. It's going to crash!


    3.3 - Evil Forest



    --------Goblin (35 HP)Fang (70 HP)Dendobrium (175 HP)Plant Spiders (50 HP)Baku (Boss)Prison Cage (Boss)Plant Brain (Boss)

    You see that Zidane fell off the ship, but he seems to be all right. Next we goinside the wrecked ship and it seems that everyone (at least all the maincharacters) are okay, but Vivi and Garnet our missing. While they are gettingthe wounded out, have Zidane go over and talk to Cinna for information. After he

    finds out that Garnet and Vivi are missing, the moogle tells you about ATEs.Press select to see Garnet and Vivi running from some monster. The monster willmake a shadow over Garnet's head. Oo... spooky.

    You cannot go inside the ship currently, one of the 'enero's tells you to lookoutside for Garnet. So, save at the moogle then enter the forest by goingthrough the log on the bottom left hand corner of the screen. You will be in aswamp-like place. It is advisable that at this screen you get to at least level3. The simple reason for this is because the next boss will be hard, and youdevelop a lot in those 3 levels, even though it doesn't take a while to get theexperience. Also, you need to know how random battles work, and how the battlesystems works. Those first bosses were suppose to teach you, but you can sharpenyour skills more by leveling up.

    When you are ready, go around the swamp screen and you will see Steiner tryingto take on the plant alone. Then we have another boss battle...

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Boss Name: Prison CageHP: 500Steal: N/AParty: Zidane (3), Steiner (1)Difficulty: Semi-Medium

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    Prison Cage can be a rather annoying boss if you let him be. He absorbs HP fromGarnet to heal himself. If he absorbs all of her HP then it's Game Over. So youhave to keep Garnet alive throughout the entire fight. He also uses Right andLeft Stem, but that damage is minimal on Zidane and Steiner. Now, you mightnotice that Zidane has Tranced. This is very good because he can use Free Energyon the Prison Cage for massive damage. So Zidane's role in this battle is to useFree Energy until he loses Trance. At that time, he will assume the role ofhitting the Prison Cage and giving Garnet Potions when she has one third (1/3)life left. Steiner's role in this battle is to attack and throw potions toGarnet when needed. Once Zidane gets out of Trance, all Steiner needs to do ishack away. Use Potions and Phoenix Downs as needed, but Right and Left Stem areso pathetic you most likely won't even have to.


    The Prison Cage will then swing up and out so he doesn't get killed. Steinerstarts mourning over Garnet again. Vivi says that he just froze, and got scared.Then, after the Prison Cage stashes Garnet, he comes back for more. This time,however, he has Vivi in his cage.

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Boss Name: Prison Cage IIHP: 500

    Steal: Broadsword, Leather WristParty: Zidane (3), Steiner (1)Difficulty: Semi-Medium

    Now he has Vivi in his cage! You might think this fight will be harder, becauseZidane is not in Trance, but it isn't. Vivi uses Fire on the Prison Cage foraround 75 damage per hit every turn. This more then makes up for not being inTrance. Have both Steiner and Zidane hack away with attacks. You also mustremember, though, that the Prison Cage can kill Vivi and give you a Game Over!You have to keep him alive, just like Garnet. Throw potions with Zidane whenneeded. The reason not to have Steiner do it is because Steiner does more damagethen Zidane.


    After the second fight, the Prison Cage will die and Vivi will be free. Beforehe dies, though, he leaves a going away present. He sprays everyone with venom!Now that they are sick, Zidane figures he has to bring them back to the ship tocure them.

    Blank takes care of Vivi's venom. Then they converse about how Zidane saved him.Vivi is then free of the venom and healthy. After this, Zenero imprisons Steinerin a room and gives him poison to drink. Oh... that's just how Steiner saw itas. What really happened was Zenero gave him a Remedy. However... the first partmight be true. Anyway, Steiner decides to drink the Remedy, still thinking thatit is poison.

    Then the screen goes back to Zidane. He will be talking to Baku about Garnet. Hesays that he wants to find her but Baku protests, saying that we need to waitfor everyone to be healed before looking for her. They argue some more, and thenyou have control of Zidane. Open the chest on the bridge to the right to receivethe Bronze Gloves. Then go down the stairs and talk to Blank. He'll tell youthat Vivi is doing better, and that Vivi wants to talk to you. Go into the roomto the right.

    Vivi and Zidane will talk a little. Zidane will try to the play the "father

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    role," and promises Vivi that he will find Garnet. This makes Vivi better,because it was partially his fault the Prison Cage got away the first time. I amsure between Vivi's Fire power, Zidane's Free Energies, and Steiner's hits, theplant would of died of shock. Blah... I'm deviating off topic...

    Get the chest in the northern part of the room, then walk outside the room.Zidane will think that he should of never made that promise to Vivi, as findingGarnet in this forest is seriously like trying to find a needle in a hay stack.He'll then ogle on her beauty some more, and decides that since he needs tostick to his promise, and maybe get a hero kiss, he might as well go out andfind her.

    Talk to Blank about this, and he will advise you to talk to Baku before leaving.Go west to a new room. You will see Benero and Zenero guarding Steiner's prison,or room. They won't allow you talk to Steiner at this current time, so go downthe stairs. Then go east and to the next room. Baku will be there, and they willtalk a little while. Then he will tell Zidane that he is going to really do "anumber on him." He will then tell you to go to the cargo room. (I'm just sayingwhat he said politely.) This is the room you were just in. Once there, you willengage Baku in a boss battle.

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Boss Name: BakuHP: 200

    Steal: Iron Sword, Hi-PotionParty: Zidane (3)Difficulty: Easy

    Baku is almost as easy as Steiner, and that's saying a lot! His attacks doaround 25 damage on Zidane. This is next to nothing. On top of that, he trips upsometimes and doesn't do any damage on Zidane! You want to start off by stealinguntil you get both the Iron Sword and Hi-Potion. The Iron Sword is better thenthe Broadsword Steiner has equipped and the Hi-Potion can be sold or used whenyou get to higher levels. Overall, both items are more then worth a littlepunishment with Baku. After you get both items, hack away with Zidane. He onlyhas 200 HP, so it won't take very long.


    Baku will then let Zidane leave, so go south of this room and you will meetBlank. Converse (talk) with Blank and he will tell you that the storage room isunlocked to go pick up Steiner. He will also tell you that Baku was laughingwhen he was talking to Blank. Go back to the room that the 'enero's wereguarding and you will be able to go inside. Talk to Steiner, and he will agree(sort of) to go with you. He then tells you that "Master" Vivi should come alongtoo, his Black Magic might prove rather helpful.

    Go back into the storage room once more and pick up the ether, then go back toVivi's bedroom and converse with him. He will also join the party. Now we have athreesome... all we need is Garnet and we... err... Anyway, Steiner asks Vivi

    about something to do with a magic sword. Now go back to the cargo room (whereyou fought Baku) and go south this time to another room. You will find Blank,and you two will talk a little. He will give you a note from Baku aboutabilities, then we have a tutorial on them. After that, it's time to leave forEvil Forest.

    Once you are outside, talk to Cinna if you need any supplies (You shouldn't) andtalk to the moogle to save. Then, go back to where the Prison Cage was. Thistime, go past it and follow the path until you get to a spring. This willcompletely restore your HP and MP if you drink it. Very useful, because you

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    won't have to use tents here. You will also meet up with Monty. Save again, andthen go to the following screen.

    You will almost exclusively fight Dendodrium here. This is a flower typecreature. It can use Pollen and such on you, but it is pretty easy to defeat.You can steal tents from it, and I advise you do so. Tents can sell for a lot,and they can be used later in the game. Try to level up maybe to at least 3 foreveryone. Have Steiner and Vivi use spell, because you can walk back to thespring and completely restore your HP and MP anytime you want. Obviously haveZidane steal tents. This is a fantastic spot to level up at.

    When you are ready, go to the following screen and you will see a small FMVabout the deadly looking plants that lurk here. Follow the screens until youreach the boss. There is a spawn point right before you reach the boss' screen,so you will always get attacked by a Dendodrium. It doesn't matter much, but youdo want to be in your very best shape before you fight the upcoming boss. Itdoesn't matter if he uses Pollen on you, just make sure Zidane doesn't havedarkness or his physical attacks will be useless. Once ready, go to the nextarea. You will see that the Plant Brain is there, and s/he is guarding PrincessGarnet. Garnet is badly poisoned, so she won't be able to move. Looks like theonly way is to defeat the brain of the most feared forest in the entire mistcontinent!


    Boss Name: Plant BrainHP: 900Steal: Iron Helm, Eye DropsParty: Zidane (4), Steiner (3), Vivi (3), Blank (3)Difficulty: Semi-Medium

    The Plant Brain is a pretty easy boss battle if you use your skills correctly.All his HP makes him seem like he will be very hard, but he isn't because ofthat. He is because he is the first enemy you will fight that does "party"damage. His Thunder will attack everyone. His physical attacks aren't tooshabby, either. However, Plant Brain has a weakness to fire. Vivi can cast Fireand Steiner can do his Fire Sword for massive damage. You will get around 400damage with Steiner, and 120 damage with Vivi. So why even give it a Semi-

    medium? The reason for this is because you will want to steal the Iron Helm fromhim, so you might have to survive a lot of attacks. Blank will come in after alot of his HP is gone and help out. From here, Plant Brain is almost dead. Haveboth Zidane and Blank steal if you haven't gotten the Iron Helm already. If youhave, or when you do, give Steiner and Vivi the green light to finish the PlantBrain off. A big note here is that Plant Brain will often put darkness on you.This blinds you when you attack. I would like to say that this is only when youattack him PHYSICALLY, not MAGICALLY. Magic is not affected by darkness. So,have Steiner and Vivi weaken the Plant Brain for Blank to come. Then Blank andZidane steal until they get the Iron Helm, while Steiner and Vivi defend (pressleft) or heal. After that, have Vivi or Steiner finish him off. Pretty easy,huh?


    After the fight, Steiner will pick up Garnet and give her Blank's medicine. Thenall of the Plant Spiders in the forest will arrive. The party will obviouslyrun. Then you have control, the first two Plant Spiders you will have to defeat.They are pretty easy, just use your magic and attacks respectively. They giveout pretty good XP, too. You might want to fight a couple more before you leave.

    After the battles, Blank and Zidane will get a couple words in with each other.Then all of the Plant Spider's start to get to them. We then see another

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    beautiful FMV where Blank gets behind, throws a map to Zidane, and becomesstone. Their is a real wonder to how he got behind, and how Steiner, who has tobe one of the slowest characters in the game, not to mention him holding Garnet,is ahead of him. Movie magic... they say.

    There will be a lot of dialogue in the next couple of minutes. Most of it beingfunny. Sir Rusta-- err... Steiner will start to argue with Zidane. Then Garnetwill wake up and thank everyone. Finally, everyone gets sleep besides theCaptain of the Pluto Knights, who stands guard the whole knigh-- night!

    World Map---------

    You are now on the classic Final Fantasy world map. This time you have to call amoogle via square to save and rest. You want to go to the Ice Cavern next. It isto the south. Once there, go right, facing the Ice Cavern, until you reach agate. This will be South Gate. Inside you can find a lady that will sell youpotions. It is highly advisable that you get Zidane's level to 7 before you gointo the Ice Cavern. Just Zidane, though, not everyone else. Killing all theenemies around here can easily do this. Use and buy potions as needed. Then goback to the Ice Cavern.


    3.4 - Ice Cavern


    Enemies:--------Fang (70 HP)Flan (75 HP)Cave Imp (75 HP)Wyerd (125 HP)Black Waltz #1 (Boss)

    Sealion (Boss)

    When you first enter, everyone will start chatting about the cave. Vivi willtalk about it and then say that his grandpa told him everything about it.Steiner will say that they will have to thank him when they get out of thiscave, but that is a touchy subject as Vivi says that he is dead. Leave it toSteiner to say that. Anyway, Garnet will run inside and look at a crystal,saying that it is absolutely beautiful. Meanwhile, Rusty-- err... Steiner willyell at her not too. Then we have control of Zidane.

    In the first room, Go up around the crystal and above the treasure chest, thenpress X on the field icon and jump down to the chest. Collect the tent then gofurther into the cavern. The enemies here are pretty easy, besides the Wyerds.

    The Wyerds are tough, but you only get them when you run into the winds in thisarea. Try to go around or quickly go through the winds, as a couple of thesebattles might very well be your last. Use magic, as the upcoming boss fight willonly be Zidane.

    Once you are in the next room, go east and run up to the ice wall. You will seea "?" icon. Press X and Vivi will burn it with his magic (at no cost to his MP).Get the ether in the chest, then go down and around and get a potion in theother chest. Then go north more and to the next room. Dodge the wind as you goby, the Wyerds can kill.

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    In this area, go east and open the treasure chest in plain view, then examinethe icicle after you get it. Vivi will use his fire and the icicle will move tothe other chest. Get the Mage Masher in it, then go left and to the upper middleof the room. Look at the ice wall there and have Vivi burn it. Take the Elixirin it, then go to the upper right of the room to proceed to the next area.

    This room looks even wyeirder! Go northeastern and check the ice wall. AfterVivi does his thing, go down the path and pick up the Leather Wrist there, thengo all the way back to where you were. I advise healing before you go down,because there are a couple winds in the path going down and up. After this, getthe other treasure chest in the room for a Phoenix Down. Then, go up and we willfind a fork in the road.

    Go left and you will find a moogle frozen in ice. Have Vivi burn it, and themoogle will be very mad that you burned him, but at the same time relievedbecause he is free of his cold entrapment. You can save here, and look at theATE for all the basics on everything this game has to offer. After this, go backto the fork and head right this time. On this path everyone will fall asleep.Zidane will be the first to wake up. Heal up with potions and then head up thepath for another boss fight.

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Boss Name: Black Waltz #1 & Sealion

    HP: 250 (Black Waltz #1), 500 (Sealion)Steal: Silk Shirt, (Black Waltz #1), Ether, Mythril Dagger (Sealion)Party: Zidane (7)Difficulty: Semi-Medium

    At first, this seems like a hell of a battle, because you are only controllingZidane, but it really isn't. Zidane will trance in this battle; his gauge goesbonkers when he gets hit by an attack. When he does, this battle will be easy.But first, let me explain the enemy. Black Waltz #1 heals the Sealion with hisBlizzard spell when you try to attack it. He also fires Blizzard at you foraround 75 damage. The Sealion uses Tsunami, which does around 75 damage also.This may seem like too much, but it really isn't. When the battle starts, justhave Zidane steal from the Sealion. The Ether and Mythril Dagger are very

    valuable to your party. Heal when you get low on health. When he trances, it isfinally time to kill. If you haven't gotten the Mythril Dagger yet, then reset.Have Zidane use Free Energy on the SEALION. It will do around 350 damage. Nowyou might be asking "What? It will get healed with Blizzard!" Simple answer isthat the Black Waltz will only be able to heal 150 HP back. This means that youmake 200 HP in the process. And how much HP does the Sealion have? Just 500 HP.Three Free Energies and he is toast (or frozen). Black Waltz is really easy todefeat with him out of the picture. Just use regular attacks. Now, if you hadn'tdone that little trick and ended up killing Black Walts first, Sealion will gobonkers and do crazy attacks on you. So, the only real easy way to make thisbattle cake is to take out Sealion first.


    Zorn and Thorn, our favorite comic relief, will tell you, in one order or theother, that you have defeated Black Waltz #1 but more are on the way. So, thiswas the plan Queen Brahne had. After this, Zidane gets back to the party andthey wake up. Steiner accuses Zidane of doing... stuff to the princess. I'lljust leave it at that. Hate this Steiner, we do. Zidane will hide the fight withthe Black Waltz, for some strange reason.

    Now it is time to get out of this Popsicle. Go back to where you fought BlackWaltz #1 and Sealion, then go all the way up and out. The party will get to

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    talking again, and Zidane will teach Garnet how to talk like a regular. ThenZidane decides that we need a new name for Princess Garnet so no one issuspicious. The default name for her is Dagger, because of Zidane's big blade.(That didn't come out right.) At any rate, you will see a town in the distance.The party decides to go there.

    World Map---------

    We have a couple things we can do before we go to the city. The first one is tofind Mu, a friendly monster. He will ask you for one ore, which you should mostlikely have. Give it to him, and he will give you 10 AP. That is 10 AP towardsyour Bandit ability, which is a nice support ability that will make stealingitems a lot easier. The Mu can be found in the center of the forest that isright next to Dali, not the one next to the Ice Cavern. It might take a while toget him.

    In the mean time it is highly advisable that you get around 14,000 Gil. Why? Youneed to buy 99 wrists. So take this opportunity to level up until you get thatamount of money. I know it might seem outrageous but if you want to make thisgame a lot easier then do it. We can synthesis Cotton Robes for 1,000 Gil, andyou have to synthesis both Wrists and Steepled Hats. If you look at the numbers,it costs 130 Gil per Wrist and 260 Gil per Steepled Hat. That means that, intotal, it costs 1,390 Gil to make a Cotton Robe. You can sell these for 2,000

    Gil! That means you make 610 Gil in the process. If you do this 99 times, that'sjust over 60,000 Gil. This money will make your life a lot easier at Treno. Bythe by, you can synthesis these at Lindblum, and get Steepled Hats, but notwrists, there.

    It's only optional, though, but it will make everything a lot easier in the end.Another thing that you should do now is go talk to the man in observatory. He isright next to Dali and his house is on the bottom of the hill. Look at the smallfigure of an air ship and he will tell you that he will give it to you if yougive him three rare coffee types. I will update you on where these are as weprogress in the game. (And you can find it in the side quests section.)

    Now that you have all the optional stuff done, enter Dali!


    3.5 - Dali


    Enemies:--------Ghost (120 HP)Vice (130 HP)

    Black Waltz #2 (Boss)Black Waltz #3 (Boss)

    -----------------------------EVE'S ITEM SHOP-----------------------------Dagger 320Mage Masher 500Broadsword 330Iron Sword 660

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    Rod 260Mage Staff 320Wrist 130Leather Wrist 200Bronze Gloves 480Leather Hat 150Feather Hat 200Rubber Helm 250Bronze Helm 330Leather Shirt 270Silk Shirt 400Bronze Armor 650

    -----------------------------TAVERN MEDICINE SHOP-----------------------------Potion 50Phoenix Down 150Antidote 50Eye Drops 50Tent 800

    When you enter the small town of Dali, you will notice that it is quitepeaceful. At any rate, it has been a long day for our party (didn't they all

    pass out a little while ago?) and they decide to go to the inn to sleep. Whenthey get inside, they will see that the innkeeper is asleep. Zidane will wakehim up, and he will stare at Vivi. No big deal. He will point to the rooms.Everyone will go inside, and Zidane and Steiner will have another argument. Bythe time they even look to see how Vivi is doing, he is asleep. They finallydecide to do the same.

    When Zidane wakes up, he hears a pretty voice singing a melody. Go around theroom and open the chests, then look at the handful of ATEs. One is Dagger tryingto talk regular and the other is the kids being scared of Vivi. Go outside andgo on over to Vivi. He will be right next to the windmill. After they talk,you'll get another ATE of Dagger trying to talk normally. Run on over to theshop, which is opposite the inn at the entrance, and Zidane will give her a

    couple tips to talking normally.

    Now, check the shop. Buy all the new equipment that you want. Also, if youdecided to synthesis Cotton Robes, buy as many Wrists as you can (99). Then,walk back to the inn and to the bedroom. Talk to Dagger for a bit. Then thescreen will change to Steiner. He want's to get information on where he can finda ship that will take him to Alexandria. He will do all the chores for the lady,just to him to find out that all he needs to do is talk to Mr. Morrid, who ownsa air ship.

    You then come back to Dagger and Zidane. They are starting to get worriedbecause Vivi has not come back. Go outside to the main entrance and you willhere a Chocobo. Go over to where Vivi was. You will hear crying. Zidane will

    check the hole and Vivi will tell him that he was grabbed down there. Zidanewill then reassure Vivi and tell him that they will a way down there. Go insidethe windmill now. Go behind it in the room and you should find Aries. A fieldicon should pop up if you run around behind it. Then, check the south of theroom to find a manhole. Zidane will open it, and you will go down undergroundvia the ladder.

    Climb down the ladder and go over to the elevator. It may not look like one, itis just a platform that will go down. Go down, and get the 155 Gil around there.Then follow the tunnel to the next screen. You will see two men talking about

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    how they found Vivi. Then they will carry Vivi away. Zidane will make someracket, but it seems that they didn't care. Dagger will pull him back. She willthen tell him that they shouldn't cause trouble yet. She then recognizes themarkings on the barrels. Go inside the little booth, where to men where, andtake the treasure.

    In the next room, go on top of the crates to get the treasures. Then go onto thenext room. Save at the moogle if you wish, then look at the wheel. A potion willfall from it. Collect it then climb the crates all the way up to the othertreasure. Collect the ether then hop back down. Go further and you will hear amuffled cry by some boxes. You will find out that Vivi is in one of them! How...weird...

    At the northern part in this room, there is a double door. When you open it,mist will come in and you will fight some ghosts. No big deal. Don't use magic,and focus on one at a time. Go inside the room where the mist came from to findthree chests. Collect them and go back to the room below. Then follow thecorridor down.

    You will see a ton of mages in this next room. They look almost identical toVivi, only they are much bigger. At first, we think that they are merely dolls.Poor Vivi. Someone will come up from behind the threesome. Zidane will run intoone of the machines and the three of them will get boxed up. Then we hit it backto Steiner. He is talking to Morrid, which is the coffee guy. He despises

    Steiner for some reason that we should all know... Any enemy of my enemy is myfriend. =)

    Mr. Morrid will go back to his house. You now have control of Steiner. Run backinside and you will see the two arguing, almost like when Steiner argues withZidane. After some arguing, Mr. Morrid will tell Steiner that there is a shipgetting loaded now. Then go back to Dali. Steiner will be running towards theloaders. They will freak out, thinking Steiner is some weirdo with his rustyarmor, and run away from him. Steiner will then see a barrel. You now have twochoices of what to do. You can observe the barrel or poke in it with your sword.Either option is funny if you hate Steiner. After this Black Waltz #2 willarrive, ready to take Dagger.

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Boss Name: Black Waltz #2HP: 1,000Steal: Leather Plate, Steepled HatParty: Zidane (7), Vivi (7), Dagger (7), Steiner (7)Difficulty: Semi-Medium

    The second Black Waltz is a lot more powerful then the first, but not as smart.He doesn't summon anything and make life miserable for you. All he does isattack. But boy does he attack! He does three spells, them obviously being Fire,Thunder, and Blizzard. After you take enough of his HP away they will turn intothe 'ra forms, Fira, Thundara, and Blizzara. He also uses Osmoses to drain MPfrom someone at this time. The good thing about this fight is that, unlike the

    previous battle, you have a full party with you. He has some good stuff tosteal, so have Zidane steal until he has at least the Leather Plate. Then he canstart hacking away. Steiner should use Fire Sword until the Black Waltz saysuncle, or until he runs out of MP. At which case, he should just hack away withZidane. Dagger will take the role of a healer, since she is suppose to be ahealer, and has Cure. Use Cure as needed. Lastly, Vivi needs to attack and heal.But DO NOT use magic on him. Why? If he does, the Black Waltz will counterattackwith the same magic on the entire party. This is very bad and not worth it. So,Vivi is a healer and attacker. With Zidane and Steiner hacking away, and DaggerCuring, this battle should be pretty easy.

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    first does more damage to him. Vivi should stick with Fire all the way. Steinerwill do around 280 damage and Vivi should do around 115 damage. Add up thosenumbers to the total, and you will see that he should be toast in no time. I gotboth the Linen Cuirass and Silver Gloves, but that was just a combination ofluck and my bandit skill, the latter being less useful.


    We then see Black Waltz #3 basically surrender and fly off the ship. Then Zidanesays to himself that Dagger is going to South Gate, so she is going forLindblum! After this, Zidane comforts Vivi and we get back to our famous comicrelief, Zorn and Thorn! They talk some nonsense and then jump off when they seethe Black Waltz going right for them. Not fret, though, they will survive!

    Meanwhile the Black Waltz will be malfunctioning and takes control of Zorn andThorns ship. Then we see Zidane talk to Dagger about South Gate, and how itmight close on them. Then Sir Rustalot will run in and tell them the obvious,that the Black Waltz is heading straight for them! Steiner punches the speed upand we see another beautiful FMV where things happen opposite to what Zidane hadpredicted. Vivi fends the Black Waltz off as he is about to destroy him. Thegate closes and they are both through. As the Black Waltz is about to destroythem, he sets fire to his own ship and blows up! We then see the ship fly toLindblum. They chat for a little while about everything that has happened, andthen we see a beautiful FMV of Lindblum.


    3.6 - Lindblum


    Enemies:--------Mu (80 HP)Trick Sparrow (200 HP)

    Fang (200 HP)Zaghnol (Semi-Boss)

    -----------------------------ALICE'S ITEM SHOP-----------------------------Potion 50Phoenix Down 150Echo Screen 50Soft 100Antidote 50Eye Drops 50Tent 800

    -----------------------------DRAGOOS' ARMORY-----------------------------Dagger 320Mage Masher 500Mythril Dagger 950Iron Sword 660Javelin 880Rod 260

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    Fork 1100Leather Wrist 200Glass Armlet 250Bronze Gloves 480Silver Gloves 720Steepled Hat 260Headgear 330Iron Helm 450Leather Plate 530Linen Cuirass 800

    -----------------------------TORRES' SYNTHESIS SHOP-----------------------------Butterfly Sword 300 Dagger, Mage MasherThe Ogre 700 Mage Masher, Mage MasherCotton Robe 1000 Wrist, Steepled HatDesert Boots 300 Leather Hat, Leather ShirtYellow Scarf 400 Feather Hat, Steepled HatGlass Buckle 500 Glass Armlet, Leather Wrist

    When you enter, the castle looks so big! Not, that's only what they say. Theonly thing "big" about this place is the town. Anyway, after some more idle chattwo guards walk over to the party. Dagger says that she is Princess Garnet, but

    the guards don't believe her. Shows how much they know! Anyway, Dagger showsthem proof that she is the princess by showing them a artifact that looksidentical to the "falcon claw." The guards call a minister to come, while Zidaneand Steiner argue about which one looks scruffier. The minister comes, andDagger address's him as "Uncle" for some reason that I do not know. Then hetells them that the Regent is waiting for them.

    In the next screen, follow the minister to the lift. Then you will go to theupper level as they talk about Lindblum a little. Then they will finally meetthe regent. He is an oglop! He will go down to meet Dagger, but Steiner willpunch him right back to the throne! We then find out that someone took Hilda,Regent Cid's wife, and their ship, then turned the Regent into a oglop! Thatsounds suspicious. This entire meeting will end in the Regent telling everyone

    to get some rest. The Minister then offers food.

    Zidane, who doesn't like the finer things in life, goes over to a bar. It seemshe has been there before, as Bobo and him converse in idle conversation. ThenZidane starts hitting on a waiter. The rat-faced women will tell him that he isruining everyone's appetite and they will start arguing. It seems that they arepast friends, but Zidane can't remember because he has been out (or saw) to manygirls. He finally remembers that it is Freya (Or any other name you could thinkof) and Zidane starts talking vaguely with her about things. I really like thisFreya... Now if she would only focus her anger on Freya that would be splendid!We find out that there is a festival hunt being held here tomorrow. Then he getssome shut-eye.

    We then kick it back to the Regent and Dagger. They talk about how Queen Brahnehas been acting strange, and how she decided to go aboard the Lindblum Theatership. We then find out that Regent Cid asked Baku and his band to capture thePrincess! It seems that it is the Regent's job to protect the Princess. He thentalks about how Baku and him go "way back" and how the play was a "perfectcover."

    Then Dagger tells the Regent about what they saw in Dali. The Regent, beingsomewhat cocky, says that their air fleet could obliterate anything that Brahnecould think up. Then we move to the construction site for the Regent's ships. We

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    you." Then he runs back inside and an extra large moogle (it has to be acostume) walks out.

    Everyone is a hater towards the moogle, and he goes right through the "fourperson crowd." Just as Zidane is about to identify him, the costume-guy yells"No I'm not!" and runs off. Zidane then says it's tough being popular... howshould he know? Anyway, go back up the two flights of stairs and go to the housethat is opposite of the air cab station. Go down the stairs and talk to the bluehaired man. He is Lowell and will give you his autograph. Then Lowell andMichael will argue with each other. Now, look in the chest to receive an ore.Then, look on the ground by the red chair to get a moogle suit.

    Now go back down the stairs and inside Tantalus's hideout this time. If youforgot, it is the big door with the clock over it. Zidane will go inside ratherleisurely and start talking to himself about what to do. Then we get an ATE ofDagger being trapped in the guestroom. It really is for her safety, though, asthe hunt will get bloody. Then we go back to Zidane. Bunce and Lucella, some ofBaku's nephews and nieces, will come in the room and start talking to Zidane.They talk about a few things, namely going to ask Dagger out. Before you goback, however, you need to open all the chests in this room. There are fourchests on the ground, and a Mini-Burmecia in the bed up the ladder.

    Now it is time to go see how Dagger is doing. Go back to the air cab and over toLindblum Castle. You will see an ATE about Tantalus making it out of the forest,

    and talk about getting Blank's petrification status off without curing the wholeforest. Before we continue, I would like to point out that when you get a ATEthat is optional by pressing select, often times they are just for comic relief.When you get a ATE automatically, one that you have to see, it is apart of thestory. And no, I'm trying my hardest not to give away anything here!

    Anyway, once you get to Lindblum Castle's air cab go south and you will be inthe castle. Then go up the stairs and follow the red carpet to the room with thefountain and lift. From here, go up the stairs to Zidane's left and take thefirst left into the guestroom. Walk inside and you will see Steiner. He willtell you that the Princess is missing, and of course he blames it on you. Thenhe runs off and leaves you alone in the guestroom.

    Open the chest by the two blue single beds to get a Glass Armlet. Then, go up tothe moogle and collect the ether in the chest near there. Then give Mogki theletter from Kumop. After reading it, select mognet again and you will getanother letter. Then, save your game and head back to the statue/lift room. Youwill hear someone singing (the only time you hear a characters voice in thisgame!). Dagger is singing, and this is the same song she sung in Dali. Try to goon the lift but the guard will prevent you.

    Now it is time for Zidane's skills to kick in. Run back up the stairs that aregoing to Dagger's room, but this time go down the stairs to the right. Then takea right and try to talk to the guard. He is asleep, and Zidane will wake him up.Then he will make up a story about someone being in the guestroom. Finally,Zidane will beat him up and take his armor.

    Now it is time to get on the lift. Once you are in it, Zidane will automaticallygo to the upper level. Then, take a left before the big archway and go up thestairs. Go around the engine and up circular stairs. You will now be at the topof the castle. Go up the steps to the south and you will see another beautifulFMV. Then the two will talk a little and Zidane runs over to the telescope. Lookat the Ceebell River, Chocobo Forest, South Gate, Qu's Marsh, and the two AerbsMountains. Then Dagger will take a look.

    Dagger and Zidane then talk about everything that has happened so far. Dagger

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    then realizes all the ruckus she caused. Then she says that she has not beengetting good sleep and Zidane, being himself, will ask her if she "needscompany." We then find out that Dagger does not know what her song is, she justsings it when she feels lonely. Then we go back to Steiner, who has seemed toogiven up on Dagger and is looking in an armorshop. Steiner seems to still be indenial about Brahne being bad. We then see most of the major charactersstruggling to find out things.

    Going back to Zidane, he seemed to have mixed up all the woman he has hit on inthis game. Then Zidane says that if he wins the hunt tomorrow, they will go outon a date. Dagger hesitantly agrees and Zidane runs off. We then see all thevicious beasts that will be in the festival. Don't worry, however, if you are atlevel 8 or higher, and have The Ogre, most of the monsters won't even be able totouch you.

    Then the screen changes back to the guestroom, where we find out that Vivi,Freya, and Zidane will all be competing in the festival hunt! Vivi is becauseZidane "persuaded" him to. Then we find out that they all will start off atdifferent districts. We find out that if Zidane wins he will get Gil, if Viviwins he will get a card and if Freya wins she will get a add on. Zidane will get5,000 Gil, Freya will get a Coral Ring, and Vivi will get some rare card (Hey, Iwould never let him win!). Obviously the Coral Ring is the best item, Gil is themiddle, and the card is the worst. You will, however, be able to control theoutcome of who wins!

    Save at the moogle, just in case you don't get what you wanted. Go to the aircab, and it will automatically take you the Theater District. Then we see Daggerand Steiner watching the competition. Zidane then gets out of the air cab, andthe time starts ticking. Go outside and you will see that a Mu is attacking aman. Kill it then continue. You are going to want to kill every animal in thisdistrict, so look in every nook and cranny. It's only optional, though.

    Why is it optional, you might ask? Because when there is less then 4 minutesleft on the clock, a Zaghnol will attack Baku's niece and nephew in the BusinessDistrict. The beast will be in the Fountain circle, where the Synthesis,Equipment shop, and Item shop are. Remember, though, that you have 8 minutes tokill before you can fight it. So, if you want, you can go on a killing spree in

    the other districts. Just remember to go to the Zaghnol when they're around 4minutes left. He is worth a towering 200 points, so even if you haven't killedany monsters, you will still win.

    Now you might be asking "So how do I get to win?" Well, whenyou start to fight the Zaghnol Freya will jump in and attack with you. You willthen have control of both her and Zidane. The Zaghnol has around 1,500 HP. Usethis number to your advantage. Have both Freya and Zidane attack. When he getslow on HP, if you want Freya to win have Zidane steal while Freya attacks. Ifyou want Zidane to win have Freya defend and Zidane attack. If you want Vivi towin then have Freya kill Zidane, and have Freya defend while the Zaghnol attacksher.

    Again, I HIGHLY ADVISE that you have Freya win, unless you are really low on Gilor are obsessed with the card game (I hope not). Get there with around 5 minutesleft so you have a little extra time to get to the Zaghnol. I highly advise thatyou have Zidane steal even if you want him to win, the Zaghnol has both aMythril Glove and a Needle Fork. Both of these items are very good to haveequipped at this point in the game, and can sell for something. Remember toSTEAL both items, even if you take some abuse and have to use up some potions,it will be well worth it.

    You will then get rewarded with the appropriate item to whoever won, and a Hunt

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    Master title. Afterwards, however, something very unexpected happens. ABurmecian soldier will come and ask for reinforcements, it seems that a group ofBlack Mages is terrorizing Burmecia! The Regent and Minister will talk a bitabout the situation, and they finally decide that there are no troops to bringover, they are all scattered about the region looking over Brahne! Freya, Vivi,and Zidane decide to go as reinforcements. Dagger is told that she cannot go.

    They all decide to have a feast before they go, for some strange reason. Anotherweird part is why the Regent doesn't give them a ship. It would take them tenseconds to get to Burmecia in an air ship! Anyway, in the feast Dagger usesZidane's sleeping weed to knock everyone out besides her and Steiner. Steinerfeels... how can I say, left out that he wasn't poisoned? Anyway, they bothleave for somewhere that we do not know.

    The rest of the party wakes up, and you are told to go to Gizamaluke's Grotto.Then the three of you, Zidane, Vivi, and Freya will team up. Equip them with allthe new items you bought and stole. Then, if you have anything else you want todo in Lindblum, like get some more equipment or play the card game, do it now.Also buy one more set of equipment that Vivi wears. This will be a Silk Shirt(or Cotton Robe), Steepled Hat, and Glass Armlet. When you are ready to go, takethe castle lift to the base level. Be wary that you will not be able to comeback for a while once you leave. So, get everything you want to done before youleave.

    When you reach the base level, take the west trolley to Dragon's Gate. ReadStiltzkin's letter and save your game at the moogle. Buy items (medical) at theother man in this room if you ever need to. Then walk through the northernarchway to the world map.

    World Map---------

    You can do a total of two things at this present time. You can go to Chocob