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Final Ancillary Pieces

The DigipackThis is our final digipack which follows all of the typical conventions of the genres indie pop and dream pop. The colours are very dream like and add a sense of relaxation to the album which signifies the ‘chill out’ style of music which is there to be listened to and enjoyed by the audience. The colours overlaid on the images are also there to help signify that there is an open reading theme among the songs and that there is a potential to be many different interpretations of the songs on the album. In particular the imagery and colours link to the magazine advert as it contains the same girl as on the front of the album. The advantage to using similar images and colours across both platforms is that it creates brand identity and helps the audience to become aware of the artist and their style. The fonts used are very straight forward and easy to read and are relatively formal which almost connotes a more traditional and ‘stripped back to basics’ element to the album which is very common in the genre’s music as they really on harmonious vocals and soothing instrument tones. The album appeals to the genre due to the simplistic layout and design which follows the typical conventions of our genre. It also features a picture of the artist on the reverse to help with artist promotion which allows there to be a recognisable and distinguishable image for further reference.

The Digipack

The Digipack

The Magazine AdvertThe magazine advert features the artist name, the album name and a picture of the album as well to help signify what the album looks like and the styles of the artist. The imagery is a direct link to our music video due to the couple used and this helps the brand identity stretch further than just between the digipack and advert. The font stands out due to the bold white colour and formal, readable text. The album name along the bottom is bigger than the ‘out now’ as it carries more importance. The colours link to the album art and of which allows for there to be a notable link between the two. This almost creates a collection of work which the audience may aspire to have due to the new release and the direct links. The same font is also used throughout both pieces which enables there to be a recognisable style and look to each piece. The composition for the advert is designed so that the first thing that the audience visualise is the artist name and the last thing the album itself which leaves a lasting impression for what the direct target audience are looking for in the shops or online.


In conclusion we have chosen to follow the typical conventions of our genres to ensure that it meets the needs and wants of the target audience so that it appeals to the masses. We have also added a large brand identity to help promote the music video and the album which will draw in more people due to the links made between the three pieces. This allows there to also be a push towards artist promotion as the imagery and colours used all closely link to one another.