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  • 8/16/2019 Film Review in 140


  • 8/16/2019 Film Review in 140


    ering action, cool visuals and great production design. | B+ARGO - Deserving of every accolade it earned this awards season. Ben Affleck's finest hour as a director and as an actor. Perfection. | A+END OF WATCH - Well made documentary style action drama. Tense. Gritty. Makes me realize why I could never be an L.A. Police Officer. | B+WRECK IT RALPH - Entertaining Disney offering features great characters, beautiful animation and a talented voice cast. Very enjoyable! | B+TAKEN 2 - Entertaining, but uneven sequel. Liam Neeson is great, but the overall experience is a letdown from the original. Still fun. | C+A GOOD DAY TO DIE HARD - Bruce Willis is great, but the script and the direction? Not so much. Lower your expectations for this one. | C-HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA - This movie was victimized by awful trailers. It's surprisingly fun and witty with an all star voice cast. Boo! | B+CREEP VAN - Surprisingly good straight to video #horror effort considering the limited budget. Not great, but worth a Redbox rental. | C+HANSEL & GRETEL: WITCH HUNTERS - Surprisingly entertaining action romp. Stylish. Gory. Fun. Everything VAN HELSING should have been! | B+V/H/S - Found footage #horror flick overdoes it with the shaky-cam, but still manages to deliver some really creepy moments. Good stuff. | BDEVIL'S ANGEL - Interesting premise, but far too slow, low budget and clunky tobe effective. Genre fans may not mind it as a rental. | DTHE WATCH - About what you'd expect from a Ben Stiller/Vince Vaughn comedy. Nothing amazing here, but it's still good for a few laughs. | B-BRAVE - Stunning animation. A nice coming of age family movie. Not Disney Pixa

    r's best effort, but it's definitely worth watching. | B-THE CAMPAIGN - Surprisingly funny Will Ferrell comedy probably flew under the RADAR because of the bitter 2012 elections. Worth a look! | BTHE APPARITION - Pointless, generic PG-13 #horror offering never really gets going. There's nothing scary or interesting all. | D247 DEGREES F - Deliberately paced, yet suspenseful entry in the confined space#horror genre. Solid performances. Quality production. | B-MEN IN BLACK 3 - Surprisingly fun sequel that's superior to the 2nd film and nearly as good as the original. Josh Brolin is wonderful! | B+SEEKING A FRIEND FOR THE END OF THE WORLD - Quirky, darkly funny and touching.A unique look at a regular Joe facing the end of days. | BLINCOLN - Daniel Day Lewis is astonishing in Spielberg's powerful, moving historical epic chronicling the passing of the 13th amendment. | A

    SKYFALL - Bond is back with a vengeance! Great action sequences. Plot gets bogged down by silly techno-babble. Unsatisfying ending. | BTHE RAVEN - Great atmosphere & production design, but an over the top performance from Cusack and an unsatisfying ending drag it down. | B-OCTOBER BABY - You wouldn't think that a movie could get any sappier than a Lifetime: Television For Women Original. You'd be wrong. | D+ROCK OF AGES - Starts off rocky (no pun intended) but develops nicely. Tom Cruise is great! Wonderful 80's hard rock soundtrack... | BAIRBORNE - Surprisingly effective straight to video suspense horror film has some great moments in it. Good to see Mark Hamill working! | B-THAT'S MY BOY - Raunchy Adam Sandler slob comedy is better than JACK & JILL, but that's not really saying much. Been there, done that. | D+SINISTER - One of the best #horror films I've seen in a long time. Well acted.

      Tense. Creepy. Actually scary! Highly recommended. | A-SNOW WHITE AND THE HUNTSMAN - Over the top performances from all involved make this difficult to enjoy. Great F/X, but overall "Meh." | C-THE TALL MAN - Starts out great and has a lot of potential, but meanders aimlessly and unsatisfactorily after the twist is revealed. | C-DREDD - Darker, grittier and more violent than Sylvester Stallone's 1995 visionof Mega City 1. It's basically superior in every way. | B+LOOPER - Suffers the same problems inherent in all time travel stories, but still provides the audience with a wild, satisfying ride. | B+BERNIE - More a singing stage for Jack Black than anything else, this dark comed

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    y has its moments, but overall fails to deliver laughs. | C-SAFE - I love Jason Statham, but I honestly expected a lot more from this movie. More action. Better script. Better direction. Meh. | C-WRATH OF THE TITANS - Uneven, but still satisfying sequel to the CLASH reboot.Nice special F/X. Entertaining action fare. I dug it. | BTOTAL RECALL (2012) - Plenty of frenetic action, to be sure, but questionable pacing and cluttered production design. Entertaining. | B-PIRANHA DD - If you're watching the sequel, you probably know what to expect. Delivers more fun and ridiculousness than the original! | BEXPENDABLES 2 - Every bit as ridiculous and over the top as the original, but with a slightly better story. Good, mindless, gory fun. | BWANDERLUST - Jennifer Aniston and Paul Rudd elevate a very average comedy to slightly above average with their incredible charisma. | B-ATM - An interesting entry in the confined space #horror genre, but still an overall inferior follow up to the writer's earlier BURIED. | CTHE THREE STOOGES - Lots of funny people doesn't always equate to lots of laughs. That's the case with this pointless, laughless film. | D+THE DARK KNIGHT RISES - Poorly paced, predictable, but entertaining final chapter to Nolan's Batman trilogy. Decent, but not amazing. | B-ABRAHAM LINCOLN VS. ZOMBIES - Surprisingly entertaining Asylum knockoff benefits from a solid performance from Bill Oberst Jr. as Abe! | C+RT @RumbleGum: @FilmReviewIn140 Hey Guys,would u plz take 2mins to watch our touching short #30Seconds2Late RT's/S ...THE INNKEEPERS - A couple of really creepy scenes, but overall not much of a hor

    ror movie or a ghost story. Slow paced & kind of "meh." | CTED - Seth MacFarlane continues to get plenty of mileage out of his classic "talking animal & a schlub" formula. Crude, but very funny! | B+PROJECT X (2011) - A documentary style high school comedy that plays out a lot like SUPERBAD, with less likable characters. Just okay. | C+HAYWIRE - Fast paced action romp with a very believable performance from the female lead. Nothing really new, but solidly entertaining. | BTHE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN - Great cast, but the film loses its shine around the half way point. The 2nd half? Been there, done that. | C+SHERLOCK HOLMES: A GAME OF SHADOWS - Not quite as good as the original, but a very worthy sequel. Downey Jr. and Jude Law are great! | BABRAHAM LINCOLN: VAMPIRE HUNTER - Entertaining and fun historical action romp.Goes a little overboard on the CG for a period piece... | B

    THIS MEANS WAR - Entertaining romantic action comedy in the same vein as MR. & MRS. SMITH. Not perfect, but it's a heck of a lot of fun! | BTHE DEAD - Surprisingly well polished straight-to-video Zombie #horror film with solid acting, great locations & a pretty cool premise. | BPROMETHEUS - Thought provoking & visually stunning, despite suffering from "stupid character" syndrome. Intelligent, hardcore Sci-Fi. | B+CONTRABAND - Straightforward heist film that sadly could have been a lot better.  Wahlberg is great, as usual. I'm feeling generous. | B-MAN ON A LEDGE - Generic heist film full of cliches and missed opportunities. Certainly watchable, but nothing really special of note. | C+WRECKAGE - Low budget horror effort with very misleading cover copy & art.Ridden with cliches and "Wait, what?" moments. Serviceable. | C-THE WOMAN IN BLACK - Solid, stylish #horror remake builds to a slow boil & a

     solid payoff. Daniel Radcliffe is solid in the lead role. | BCHERNOBYL DIARIES - Great locations and solid acting aren't enough to carry this pedestrian horror effort the distance. Awful ending. | C-One For The Money - Marketing failed this "romantic comedy" which isn't overly romantic or funny. An average (not so) hard boiled Noir. | C+THE VOW - It's *YOU* who should make the vow to never see this movie. Humdrum,cliche story. No chemistry between the leads. Skip it. | DCONTAGION - Star power isn't enough to save this generic, paint-by-numbers man vs. disease snooze fest. OUTBREAK was much, much better. | CTHE AVENGERS - A fantastic return to form for the summer action movie! Great vis

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    uals, action and snappy dialogue. A whole lot of fun! | A-CABIN IN THE WOODS - Succeeds on the self referential humor level, but as a horror film it jumps an entire school of sharks. Still fun. | B-LOCKOUT - It's DIE HARD meets ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK meets DEMOLITION space! Totally ludicrous, but it's good, mindless fun! | B-THE SITTER - Entertaining, but overall falls into the "good, but not great" category. Sam Rockwell is hilarious. Crude, raunchy fun! | B-THE MUPPETS (2011) - Fun, family fare introduces Jim Henson's classic characters to a modern audience, yet still pleases longtime fans. | B+DREAM HOUSE - You'll enjoy this movie more if you haven't seen the trailer. Has some fun twists and turns regardless. Crappy ending. | C+JACK AND JILL - Adam Sandler's box office turkey misses the mark by a wide margin, but isn't the F I thought it would be. Still... | D+No joke: #Horror gem APRIL FOOL'S DAY is on @Netflix streaming right now... #SeriouslyDRIVE - Interesting throwback actioner benefits from a great, understated performance from Ryan Gosling. Not quite as good as the hype. | BTHE CAPTAINS - William Shatner's #StarTrek themed documentary might make fans alittle TOO familiar with the show's stars. Still cool. | B-JOHN CARTER - Visual effects rule this epic piece of Sci-Fi eye candy. A cool, throwback adventure romp. Flawed, but still a lot of fun. | BPUSS IN BOOTS - Rousing family fun and high adventure from the makers of SHREK.Great voice work and splendid animation. I loved it! | A-SHARK NIGHT - Pedestrian acting coupled with a thin plot and a middling script m

    akes for crappy, PG-13 #horror. Laughably bad. Skip it. | DANONYMOUS - Entertaining, but wildly speculative look at the origins of WilliamShakespeare & his body of work. Really makes you think. | BTHE IDES OF MARCH - George Clooney is electric, but the rest of the (admittedlyawesome) cast seems to be going through the motions. | C+CRAZY, STUPID LOVE - Average dramedy is buoyed by its star power, but even Steve Carell, Ryan Gosling and Julianne Moore aren't enough. | C-ONE DAY - Anne Hathaway and Jim Sturgess have great chemistry in this better than average love story. Touching, poignant and moving. | BTHE GREY - Liam Neeson follows up his iconic roles in TAKEN & UNKNOWN with a gritty, man vs. nature performance. Stay for the credits. | A-DOLPHIN TALE - Good, wholesome family entertainment. Nothing new or surprising, but in this case, that's not necessarily a bad thing. | B+

    COWBOYS & ALIENS - Serviceable Sci-Fi/Western mashup's cool moments are too fewand far between. I expected more from Favreau. Meh... | C-MONEYBALL - Great dialogue and a superb performance from Brad Pitt highlight this Oakland A's inspired biopic. Solid baseball movie. | B+THE HELP - Inspiring, dramatic and powerful. Oscar worthy performances all around. Easily one of the best films I've seen all year. | AWARRIOR - ROCKY-esque crowd pleaser about two estranged, #UFC fighter brothers on a tourney collision course. Very good. Not amazing. | B+STEVE NILES' REMAINS - For all the hype it was getting from @ChillerTV, REMAINSwas little more than a ho-hum, generic Zombie flick. | C+STRAW DOGS (2011) - Extremely tense and brutally violent, this sharp 2011 remake builds slowly to a full, rolling boil. Worth seeing. | B+THE SMURFS - A surprisingly charming update of the '80's cartoon series. You won

    't believe it's Hank Azaria under that Gargamel makeup! | B-FRIGHT NIGHT (2011) - Surprisingly solid re-imagining of the '85 original. The trailer sucked and the last 10 minutes is a CG crap fest. | BKUNG FU PANDA 2 - Not as good as the original, by any means, but still a heck of a lot of fun. Gorgeous animation and plenty of laughs. | BLARRY CROWNE - Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts make the most of a mediocre script, but the film still falls way short. Unsatisfying schlock. | COUR IDIOT BROTHER - How this movie is certified a fresh 68% on @RottenTomatoes is beyond me. Uneven, meandering, unfunny, boring dreck. | DCHANGE-UP - Jason Bateman's Ryan Reynolds impersonation highlights this raunchy,

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     R-Rated, HANGOVER-esque switcheroo comedy. Dirty fun! | BFRIENDS WITH BENEFITS - Follows the formula of every romantic comedy released in the last 10 years, but with better results. Not bad. | B30 MINUTES OR LESS - A solid performance from Jesse Eisenberg isn't enough to save this uneven, dark comedy effort. Watchable...barely. | CSUPER 8 - Nice throwback kids adventure film in the same vein as THE GOONIES. JJ Abrams delivers great character moments, as always. | B+HAUNTED CASINO - Ho hum #horror attempt from FULL MOON is sparse on chills and heavy on the cheese. Barely worth the Redbox rental fee. | DTRESPASS - There's a reason a thriller starring Nicolas Cage and Nicole Kidman goes straight to video: it's not very good. Just "okay." | CHORRIBLE BOSSES - Not quite as funny as the HANGOVER, but still among the best comedies of 2011 so far. Lots of fun. Lots of laughs. | B+TOWER HEIST - Eddie Murphy, Ben Stiller and Alan Alda shine, leading a solid ensemble cast in one of the better caper movies in years. | B+BRIDESMAIDS - Some claim this is the funniest movie of 2011--they are incorrect. Not horrible, but not very good, either. Pedestrian. | C+ARENA - Gory throwback actioner akin to THE RUNNING MAN. Straightforward, cut and dried. Brutally violent with great fight sequences. | B-RED STATE - The most effective #horror involves things that could happen in real life. Kevin Smith's thriller delivers on every level. | B+THE WARD - John Carpenter returns to directing, but his directing doesn't return to form. A generic, uninspired, boring #horror mess. | D-PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 3 - Well made sequel delivers plenty of chills and some dece

    nt scares, but falls apart with a stolen, flat ending. | B-REC2 - This subtitled #horror sequel picks up 15 minutes after the original RECleft off. Visceral, violent and scary. Worth a look. | BBAD TEACHER - One of those rare, modern, adult R-Rated comedies that's actuallyfunny from start to finish. Cameron Diaz is great! | A-ZOOKEEPER - Kevin James and Rosario Dawson do the best they can with little help from a cast of talking animals...and mostly succeed. | B-SOMETHING BORROWED - This romantic dramedy sticks unwaveringly to the familiar,tried and true formula. Nothing new or exciting here. | C+X-MEN: FIRST CLASS - A first class super hero movie. Solid acting, plenty of action and great character building moments. Recommended. | A-THE THING (2011) - An excellent tribute & enhancement to John Carpenter's 1982 masterpiece. Carpenter fans will be very pleased. Great! | A-

    THE CALLER - Nifty #horror concept with solid acting builds to a slow boil right up until the wheels fall off in the last 15 minutes. | D+ARTHUR - This Russell Brand comedy remake delivers a few laughs, but the romance seems uninspired and forced. Good, but not great. | B-50/50 - Despite the serious subject matter, 50/50 is an uplifting, inspiring and laugh-out-loud funny buddy comedy/romance. I loved it! | ARIO - Good looking, witty animated romp from the makers of ICE AGE that's tons of fun for parents and children alike. Highly enjoyable. | B+APOLLO 18 - Solid documentary style #horror. Great production design. Great concept. Not terribly scary, but suspenseful & believable. | BPAUL - I had high expectations for PAUL after SHAUN OF THE DEAD and HOT FUZZ, but it's not even as good as RUN FAT BOY RUN. Skip it. | C+RISE OF THE PLANET OF THE APES - One of those rare F/X driven films with heart.

    Michael Bay should take notes. "Apes" really delivers. | ABIRDEMIC - As a comedy of filmmaking errors, BIRDEMIC is worthy of an A grade.As a #horror tribute to Hitchock's THE BIRDS, however... | FHOBO WITH A SHOTGUN - Ridiculously gory, over the top Grindhouse action with a gritty performance by Rutger Hauer. Bloody, campy fun. | BTHE TASK - Another decent indy #horror entry in the After Dark Originals series. Not a fan of reality show based horror, but still fun. | C+THE ADJUSTMENT BUREAU - Matt Damon Sci-Fi romance vehicle has some neat ideas, but doesn't resonate overall as Sci-Fi OR romance. Meh. | C+THE EAGLE - Slick, historical action drama follows a Roman soldier's quest to fi

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    nd his father's lost legion and its standard in England. | BCAPTAIN AMERICA - Marvel's rousing Super Hero action adventure in the traditionof INDIANA JONES! Slick, stylish feel good summer fun! | ATHE LINCOLN LAWYER - Matthew McConaughey delivers a great performance AND keepshis shirt on in this smart, suspensful legal thriller. | A-RED RIDING HOOD - Catherine Hardwicke can't seem to shake off her TWILIGHT directing roots in this plodding, style over substance mess. | CINSIDIOUS - POLTERGEIST meets PARANORMAL ACTIVITY in what could be the scariestPG-13 #horror film ever made. Subtle, creepy terror. | A-HALL PASS - Not as good as OLD SCHOOL, but it is a well done marriage/buddy comedy in the same vein. Plenty of laughs, but falls flat. | B-GREEN LANTERN - Cool, clunky DC Comics film adaptation tries to do too much in too little time. Exciting sequel possibilities, however. | B-RUBBER - #Horror comedy follows the escapades of a psychic killer tire. Constant 4th wall breaches ruined it for me. Great splatter FX. | CSECONDS APART - After Dark Originals delivers another solid horror film. It's better than FERTILE GROUND, but not quite as good as HUSK. | BGNOMEO & JULIET - It's not exactly Pixar quality, but it's definitely a lot of fun! Shakespeare with a twist (and not so tragic ending) | BTHE HANGOVER: PART 2 - More of a remake than a true sequel, this buddy comedy is raunchier and funnier than the original. Hilarious. | A-THE RITE - This isn't your typical EXORCIST knock off, which is what makes it so appealing! Hopkins is great, as always. Creepy stuff. | BBATTLE: LOS ANGELES - Plays as less of an alien invasion movie and more of a USM

    C recruiting video. Still far, far superior to SKYLINE. | BSTONE - You'd think a movie that starred Edward Norton, Robert De Niro and Milla Jovovich would be really good!'d be wrong. | C-VANISHING ON 7TH STREET - Twilight Zone inspired low budget #horror film has a great premise, decent acting and solid execution. Good. | B-JUST GO WITH IT - A return to form for Adam Sandler -- Far better than ZOHAN and GROWN UPS, but not quite up to HAPPY GILMORE standards. | BTHE DILEMMA - Kevin James plays a quiet second fiddle to an over the top Vince Vaughn in this quirky romantic dramedy with a dark edge. | B-FERTILE GROUND - After Dark Originals follows up the wonderful HUSK with this creepy, atmospheric #horror gem. Genre fans will love it! | BNEVER CRY WEREWOLF - I can almost guarantee that this stylish, fun FRIGHT NIGHTclone is better than the FRIGHT NIGHT remake will be. | B-

    NO STRINGS ATTACHED - Serviceable romantic comedy that drags in the middle & misses greatness at the end. LOVE & OTHER DRUGS is better. | C+BLACK DEATH - Sean Bean and his band of not-so-merry men deliver excellent performances in this dark, stylish tale of the black plague. | B+THE ROOMMATE - The absolute bottom of the barrel of PG-13 #horror. Plays like Jersey Shore. It's not even worth a $1.00 @Redbox rental. | FLITTLE FOCKERS - An obvious "cash in" sequel, this entry into the MEET THE PARENTS franchise is easily the weakest of the three films. | C-THOR - A rousing fantasy adventure tale with a great blend of action, stunning visuals and a smart sense of humor. Exciting and fun! | A-CHAIN LETTER - Not as horrible as I feared it would be, but not very good, either. MTV style direction does little for unoriginal plot. | C-MONSTERS (2010) - Solid "less is more" Sci Fi Alien creature feature. Has some

    minor pacing problems, but overall a decent DVD effort. | BTHE CHAPERONE - Rough around thGODZILLA (2014) - You wouldn't think it possibleto have a #GODZILLA movie with almost no Godzilla in it, yet here it is. SNOOZE-ZILLA. | D+RT @kennhoekstra: Hey @Anthrax - @scott_ian, @skisum, @jbelladonna, @thefrankbello, how about showing some love for the #DayOfDredd? httpsâ¦OCULUS - A creepy and effective chiller with the same haunting vibe as recent horror films like INSIDIOUS and SINISTER. Cool ending. | BCAPTAIN AMERICA 2: THE WINTER SOLDIER - Superior to the original CAPTAIN AMERICA in every way. Easily the 2nd best Marvel movie to date. | A

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    DALLAS BUYERS CLUB - Great performances by the Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor OSCAR winners drive this powerful story forward. | A-CARRIE (2013) - Modern retelling of @StephenKing's telekinetic #horror tale would have benefitted from some kind of (any kind of) twist. | DLAST VEGAS - Basically THE HANGOVER for an older generation. Funny and poignant. Definitely a movie that speaks to the over 40 crowd. B-EUROPA REPORT - The "found footage" genre still has some life left in it as evidenced by this fascinating Sci-Fi docu-drama. Very cool! | B-R.I.P.D. - It has a bit of a "been there, done that" feel to it, but it's not bad for a relatively obscure comic book adaptation. | B-THE COLONY - A claustrophobic, post apocalyptic survival tale reminscent of John Carpenter's GHOST OF MARS. Not a bad B-movie rental. | C+MONSTERS UNIVERSITY - A worthy follow up prequel to MONSTERS INC. Great animation and production design. Fun for the whole family! | A-@linnieloowho I need to see this...THE CROODS - It's not exactly historically accurate, but it's still a fun ride for children and adults alike. Good, but not great. | B-MANIAC (2012) - Elijah Wood is genuinely creepy as Frank Zito in this gory, disturbing remake of the 1980 horror classic. Just brutal. | B-THE HEAT - Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy are hilarious in this offbeat buddy cop comedy! Funniest movie I've seen in a long time! | A-OLYMPUS HAS FALLEN - This throwback "DIE HARD at the White House" actioner is solidly entertaining. Action fans will really enjoy it! | B+TWIXT - Francis Ford Coppola's pet horror project serves a great vehicle for Val

     Kilmer's troubled writer character. Moody. Dark. Cool. | B-BULLET TO THE HEAD - Stallone's aging anti-hero story is a nice return to form.Smart action, timely humor and good cast chemistry. | BIDENTITY THIEF - Jason Bateman, as usual, plays the ultimate straight man vs. Melissa McCarthy's wonderfully wonky thief. Lots of fun! | B+THE CALL - Halle Berry is convincing in this taut, nailbiter of a suspense thriller. Overall good, but the movie falls apart at the end. | C21 & OVER - Harold and Kumar meets The Hangover with less than spectacular results. Needs a lot less crudity and a lot more laughs. | C-MOVIE 43 - An amazing cast props up this juvenile, raunchy skit comedy about a series of crazy movie pitches. Big, bawdy adult fun! | B-EVIL DEAD - Remake successfully recaptures Raimi's horror style and emulates the over-the-top gore so prevalent in the original. Groovy! | B

    SNITCH - Anything that stars The Rock gets an instant +5 to its coolness rating. This movie is no exception. Intense, emotional action. | BWORLD WAR Z - It's easy to see why Brad Pitt went to such great lengths to get this project off the ground. Just a great Zombie movie! | B+MAN OF STEEL - A cornucopia of movie F/X magic and solid acting performances bring Superman back to the big screen in style. Solid! | B+STAR TREK INTO DARKNESS - A full throttle action movie that's hard to call #StarTrek, but still a lot of fun if enjoyed the 2009 reboot. | BTEXAS CHAINSAW 3-D - If you feel like you've seen it all before, it's because you have. An unoriginal, boring, rambling 3-D! | D-IRON MAN 3 - If you like laughs, IRON MAN 3 delivers a ton of them. Downey is great, but the story falls flat. Still worth seeing. | B-LES MISERABLES - Wonderful imagery, production design and costume design. Anne

    Hathaway and Hugh Jackman are superb. Jolly good show! | B+OBLIVION - Somewhat predictable, yet highly enjoyable Sci-Fi romp features blistering action, cool visuals and great production design. | B+ARGO - Deserving of every accolade it earned this awards season. Ben Affleck's finest hour as a director and as an actor. Perfection. | A+END OF WATCH - Well made documentary style action drama. Tense. Gritty. Makes me realize why I could never be an L.A. Police Officer. | B+WRECK IT RALPH - Entertaining Disney offering features great characters, beautiful animation and a talented voice cast. Very enjoyable! | B+TAKEN 2 - Entertaining, but uneven sequel. Liam Neeson is great, but the overall

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    elivers more fun and ridiculousness than the original! | BEXPENDABLES 2 - Every bit as ridiculous and over the top as the original, but with a slightly better story. Good, mindless, gory fun. | BWANDERLUST - Jennifer Aniston and Paul Rudd elevate a very average comedy to slightly above average with their incredible charisma. | B-ATM - An interesting entry in the confined space #horror genre, but still an overall inferior follow up to the writer's earlier BURIED. | CTHE THREE STOOGES - Lots of funny people doesn't always equate to lots of laughs. That's the case with this pointless, laughless film. | D+THE DARK KNIGHT RISES - Poorly paced, predictable, but entertaining final chapter to Nolan's Batman trilogy. Decent, but not amazing. | B-ABRAHAM LINCOLN VS. ZOMBIES - Surprisingly entertaining Asylum knockoff benefits from a solid performance from Bill Oberst Jr. as Abe! | C+RT @RumbleGum: @FilmReviewIn140 Hey Guys,would u plz take 2mins to watch our touching short #30Seconds2Late RT's/S ...THE INNKEEPERS - A couple of really creepy scenes, but overall not much of a horror movie or a ghost story. Slow paced & kind of "meh." | CTED - Seth MacFarlane continues to get plenty of mileage out of his classic "talking animal & a schlub" formula. Crude, but very funny! | B+PROJECT X (2011) - A documentary style high school comedy that plays out a lot like SUPERBAD, with less likable characters. Just okay. | C+HAYWIRE - Fast paced action romp with a very believable performance from the female lead. Nothing really new, but solidly entertaining. | BTHE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN - Great cast, but the film loses its shine around the hal

    f way point. The 2nd half? Been there, done that. | C+SHERLOCK HOLMES: A GAME OF SHADOWS - Not quite as good as the original, but a very worthy sequel. Downey Jr. and Jude Law are great! | BABRAHAM LINCOLN: VAMPIRE HUNTER - Entertaining and fun historical action romp.Goes a little overboard on the CG for a period piece... | BTHIS MEANS WAR - Entertaining romantic action comedy in the same vein as MR. & MRS. SMITH. Not perfect, but it's a heck of a lot of fun! | BTHE DEAD - Surprisingly well polished straight-to-video Zombie #horror film with solid acting, great locations & a pretty cool premise. | BPROMETHEUS - Thought provoking & visually stunning, despite suffering from "stupid character" syndrome. Intelligent, hardcore Sci-Fi. | B+CONTRABAND - Straightforward heist film that sadly could have been a lot better.  Wahlberg is great, as usual. I'm feeling generous. | B-

    MAN ON A LEDGE - Generic heist film full of cliches and missed opportunities. Certainly watchable, but nothing really special of note. | C+WRECKAGE - Low budget horror effort with very misleading cover copy & art.Ridden with cliches and "Wait, what?" moments. Serviceable. | C-THE WOMAN IN BLACK - Solid, stylish #horror remake builds to a slow boil & a solid payoff. Daniel Radcliffe is solid in the lead role. | BCHERNOBYL DIARIES - Great locations and solid acting aren't enough to carry this pedestrian horror effort the distance. Awful ending. | C-One For The Money - Marketing failed this "romantic comedy" which isn't overly romantic or funny. An average (not so) hard boiled Noir. | C+THE VOW - It's *YOU* who should make the vow to never see this movie. Humdrum,cliche story. No chemistry between the leads. Skip it. | DCONTAGION - Star power isn't enough to save this generic, paint-by-numbers man v

    s. disease snooze fest. OUTBREAK was much, much better. | CTHE AVENGERS - A fantastic return to form for the summer action movie! Great visuals, action and snappy dialogue. A whole lot of fun! | A-CABIN IN THE WOODS - Succeeds on the self referential humor level, but as a horror film it jumps an entire school of sharks. Still fun. | B-LOCKOUT - It's DIE HARD meets ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK meets DEMOLITION space! Totally ludicrous, but it's good, mindless fun! | B-THE SITTER - Entertaining, but overall falls into the "good, but not great" category. Sam Rockwell is hilarious. Crude, raunchy fun! | B-THE MUPPETS (2011) - Fun, family fare introduces Jim Henson's classic characters

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     to a modern audience, yet still pleases longtime fans. | B+DREAM HOUSE - You'll enjoy this movie more if you haven't seen the trailer. Has some fun twists and turns regardless. Crappy ending. | C+JACK AND JILL - Adam Sandler's box office turkey misses the mark by a wide margin, but isn't the F I thought it would be. Still... | D+No joke: #Horror gem APRIL FOOL'S DAY is on @Netflix streaming right now... #SeriouslyDRIVE - Interesting throwback actioner benefits from a great, understated performance from Ryan Gosling. Not quite as good as the hype. | BTHE CAPTAINS - William Shatner's #StarTrek themed documentary might make fans alittle TOO familiar with the show's stars. Still cool. | B-JOHN CARTER - Visual effects rule this epic piece of Sci-Fi eye candy. A cool, throwback adventure romp. Flawed, but still a lot of fun. | BPUSS IN BOOTS - Rousing family fun and high adventure from the makers of SHREK.Great voice work and splendid animation. I loved it! | A-SHARK NIGHT - Pedestrian acting coupled with a thin plot and a middling script makes for crappy, PG-13 #horror. Laughably bad. Skip it. | DANONYMOUS - Entertaining, but wildly speculative look at the origins of WilliamShakespeare & his body of work. Really makes you think. | BTHE IDES OF MARCH - George Clooney is electric, but the rest of the (admittedlyawesome) cast seems to be going through the motions. | C+CRAZY, STUPID LOVE - Average dramedy is buoyed by its star power, but even Steve Carell, Ryan Gosling and Julianne Moore aren't enough. | C-ONE DAY - Anne Hathaway and Jim Sturgess have great chemistry in this better tha

    n average love story. Touching, poignant and moving. | BTHE GREY - Liam Neeson follows up his iconic roles in TAKEN & UNKNOWN with a gritty, man vs. nature performance. Stay for the credits. | A-DOLPHIN TALE - Good, wholesome family entertainment. Nothing new or surprising, but in this case, that's not necessarily a bad thing. | B+COWBOYS & ALIENS - Serviceable Sci-Fi/Western mashup's cool moments are too fewand far between. I expected more from Favreau. Meh... | C-MONEYBALL - Great dialogue and a superb performance from Brad Pitt highlight this Oakland A's inspired biopic. Solid baseball movie. | B+THE HELP - Inspiring, dramatic and powerful. Oscar worthy performances all around. Easily one of the best films I've seen all year. | AWARRIOR - ROCKY-esque crowd pleaser about two estranged, #UFC fighter brothers on a tourney collision course. Very good. Not amazing. | B+

    STEVE NILES' REMAINS - For all the hype it was getting from @ChillerTV, REMAINSwas little more than a ho-hum, generic Zombie flick. | C+STRAW DOGS (2011) - Extremely tense and brutally violent, this sharp 2011 remake builds slowly to a full, rolling boil. Worth seeing. | B+THE SMURFS - A surprisingly charming update of the '80's cartoon series. You won't believe it's Hank Azaria under that Gargamel makeup! | B-FRIGHT NIGHT (2011) - Surprisingly solid re-imagining of the '85 original. The trailer sucked and the last 10 minutes is a CG crap fest. | BKUNG FU PANDA 2 - Not as good as the original, by any means, but still a heck of a lot of fun. Gorgeous animation and plenty of laughs. | BLARRY CROWNE - Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts make the most of a mediocre script, but the film still falls way short. Unsatisfying schlock. | COUR IDIOT BROTHER - How this movie is certified a fresh 68% on @RottenTomatoes i

    s beyond me. Uneven, meandering, unfunny, boring dreck. | DCHANGE-UP - Jason Bateman's Ryan Reynolds impersonation highlights this raunchy, R-Rated, HANGOVER-esque switcheroo comedy. Dirty fun! | BFRIENDS WITH BENEFITS - Follows the formula of every romantic comedy released in the last 10 years, but with better results. Not bad. | B30 MINUTES OR LESS - A solid performance from Jesse Eisenberg isn't enough to save this uneven, dark comedy effort. Watchable...barely. | CSUPER 8 - Nice throwback kids adventure film in the same vein as THE GOONIES. JJ Abrams delivers great character moments, as always. | B+HAUNTED CASINO - Ho hum #horror attempt from FULL MOON is sparse on chills and h

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    eavy on the cheese. Barely worth the Redbox rental fee. | DTRESPASS - There's a reason a thriller starring Nicolas Cage and Nicole Kidman goes straight to video: it's not very good. Just "okay." | CHORRIBLE BOSSES - Not quite as funny as the HANGOVER, but still among the best comedies of 2011 so far. Lots of fun. Lots of laughs. | B+TOWER HEIST - Eddie Murphy, Ben Stiller and Alan Alda shine, leading a solid ensemble cast in one of the better caper movies in years. | B+BRIDESMAIDS - Some claim this is the funniest movie of 2011--they are incorrect. Not horrible, but not very good, either. Pedestrian. | C+ARENA - Gory throwback actioner akin to THE RUNNING MAN. Straightforward, cut and dried. Brutally violent with great fight sequences. | B-RED STATE - The most effective #horror involves things that could happen in real life. Kevin Smith's thriller delivers on every level. | B+THE WARD - John Carpenter returns to directing, but his directing doesn't return to form. A generic, uninspired, boring #horror mess. | D-PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 3 - Well made sequel delivers plenty of chills and some decent scares, but falls apart with a stolen, flat ending. | B-REC2 - This subtitled #horror sequel picks up 15 minutes after the original RECleft off. Visceral, violent and scary. Worth a look. | BBAD TEACHER - One of those rare, modern, adult R-Rated comedies that's actuallyfunny from start to finish. Cameron Diaz is great! | A-ZOOKEEPER - Kevin James and Rosario Dawson do the best they can with little help from a cast of talking animals...and mostly succeed. | B-SOMETHING BORROWED - This romantic dramedy sticks unwaveringly to the familiar,

    tried and true formula. Nothing new or exciting here. | C+X-MEN: FIRST CLASS - A first class super hero movie. Solid acting, plenty of action and great character building moments. Recommended. | A-THE THING (2011) - An excellent tribute & enhancement to John Carpenter's 1982 masterpiece. Carpenter fans will be very pleased. Great! | A-THE CALLER - Nifty #horror concept with solid acting builds to a slow boil right up until the wheels fall off in the last 15 minutes. | D+ARTHUR - This Russell Brand comedy remake delivers a few laughs, but the romance seems uninspired and forced. Good, but not great. | B-50/50 - Despite the serious subject matter, 50/50 is an uplifting, inspiring and laugh-out-loud funny buddy comedy/romance. I loved it! | ARIO - Good looking, witty animated romp from the makers of ICE AGE that's tons of fun for parents and children alike. Highly enjoyable. | B+

    APOLLO 18 - Solid documentary style #horror. Great production design. Great concept. Not terribly scary, but suspenseful & believable. | BPAUL - I had high expectations for PAUL after SHAUN OF THE DEAD and HOT FUZZ, but it's not even as good as RUN FAT BOY RUN. Skip it. | C+RISE OF THE PLANET OF THE APES - One of those rare F/X driven films with heart.Michael Bay should take notes. "Apes" really delivers. | ABIRDEMIC - As a comedy of filmmaking errors, BIRDEMIC is worthy of an A grade.As a #horror tribute to Hitchock's THE BIRDS, however... | FHOBO WITH A SHOTGUN - Ridiculously gory, over the top Grindhouse action with a gritty performance by Rutger Hauer. Bloody, campy fun. | BTHE TASK - Another decent indy #horror entry in the After Dark Originals series. Not a fan of reality show based horror, but still fun. | C+THE ADJUSTMENT BUREAU - Matt Damon Sci-Fi romance vehicle has some neat ideas, b

    ut doesn't resonate overall as Sci-Fi OR romance. Meh. | C+THE EAGLE - Slick, historical action drama follows a Roman soldier's quest to find his father's lost legion and its standard in England. | BCAPTAIN AMERICA - Marvel's rousing Super Hero action adventure in the traditionof INDIANA JONES! Slick, stylish feel good summer fun! | ATHE LINCOLN LAWYER - Matthew McConaughey delivers a great performance AND keepshis shirt on in this smart, suspensful legal thriller. | A-RED RIDING HOOD - Catherine Hardwicke can't seem to shake off her TWILIGHT directing roots in this plodding, style over substance mess. | CINSIDIOUS - POLTERGEIST meets PARANORMAL ACTIVITY in what could be the scariest

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    ows in Ireland would be very good, but you'd be wrong. | B-I LOVE YOU PHILLIP MORRIS - An even darker & more random comedy than Jim Carrey's THE CABLE GUY. Unfortunately, nowhere near as funny. | CSIREN - Absolutely abysmal horror effort that fails to produce even a single cheap jump scare. Don't waste your time with this atrocity. | FI SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE (2010) - Exploitation horror in the vein of SAW & HOSTEL.An improvement over the original. Not for everyone. | B-LOVE AND OTHER DRUGS - Smart, sexy, funny and touching. Great performances from Jake Gyllenhaal, Anne Hathaway and Hank Azaria. Great! B+127 HOURS - James Franco is very good in what is essentially a one man show. Solid movie, but BURIED w/ Ryan Reynolds was a lot better. | BTHE SWITCH - Yet another in a long line of romantic comedies that's neither romantic, nor funny. Jennifer Aniston strikes out again. | C-DUE DATE - Surprisingly dark road comedy runs the gamut from intense, to shocking, to sad, to laugh out loud funny. Downey Jr. is great! | BUNSTOPPABLE - About what you'd expect from a Tony Scott film. Solid performances. Lots of dramatic camera angles & music. Fluff story. | B-THE NEXT THREE DAYS - Didn't Russell Crowe win an Oscar? Why is he doing sloppy, meandering dreck like this? Nice Liam Neeson cameo. | C-MY SOUL TO TAKE - Borderline unwatchable horror train wreck is a testament to how far Wes Craven has fallen in recent years. Pure crap. | D-FASTER - Dwayne Johnson ("The Rock" to you and me) returns to ultimate badass form in this slick, stylish, ultra violent action romp. | B+RANGO - A visual triumph in animation and rendering, but lacks the story polish

    needed to be a truly great film. Missed opportunities. | BLET ME IN - Stylish and well acted American adaptation of LET THE RIGHT ONE IN.Set in 1983, it looks and feels just like 80's horror. | B+MEGAMIND - More Superman than most Superman stories, this edgy Will Ferrell driven animated Super Hero parody is Mega Fun for everyone! | A-KEVIN SMITH: TOO FAT FOR 40 - Drags for 45 minutes, but the last hour is a nice, funny Hollywood yarn. Smith is not too fat to talk. | C+BLACK SWAN - Dark, haunting and engrossing horror drama's edge-of-your-seat performance from Natalie Portman should earn her Oscar gold. | APARANORMAL ACTIVITY 2 - Starts slowly, then builds tension steadily to a creepy, rolling boil. One of the best #horror prequels ever. | B+SAW: THE FINAL CHAPTER - Let's hope this installment of the popular splatter series is more "Final" than FRIDAY THE 13th IV was. *Yawn* | C-

    MACHETE - More uneven than PLANET TERROR or DEATH PROOF, MACHETE nevertheless delivers plenty of GRINDHOUSE action, gore, fun & laughs. | BTHE FIGHTER - Inspiring, moving biopic fueled by powerful performances from Christian Bale, Melissa Leo and Mark Wahlberg. A knockout! | ARED - The retired, extremely dangerous cast is also a whole lot of fun! Malkovich, Brian Cox and Karl Urban, in particular, are great! | A-TAKERS - Despite being cliche ridden and generic, TAKERS still manages to be a mostly entertaining caper film. Worth a @Redbox rental. | C+PRINCE OF PERSIA: THE SANDS OF TIME - Solid action fare is far less ridiculous than most Bruckheimer films. Akin to THE SCORPION KING! | BTHE MACHINIST - Christian Bale's astonishing body transformation & tortured visage will haunt you long after the credits roll. Eerie. | B+BURIED - Ryan Reynolds delivers the finest performance of his career in this dar

    k (literally), gripping, horrifying suspense thriller. | A-PIRANHA 3-D - An A-List (Oscar worthy) cast lends nothing to this unapologetic,brutally gory, exploitative T&A fest. Very pedestrian. | D+DESPICABLE ME - Steve Carell and a talented voice cast deliver family friendly fun as 3 adorable orphans bond with an evil mastermind. | B+THE SOCIAL NETWORK - Eisenberg exudes smarm in this Aaron Sorkin script that features more witty banter than a Gilmore Girls marathon. | B+DINNER FOR SCHMUCKS - This Steve Carell/Paul Rudd dark comedy delivers laughs more akin to THE CABLE GUY than THE HANGOVER. Very funny! | BCASE 39 - Paced like a 70's chiller (it actually stops to tell the story), this

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    creepy horror throwback misses too many opportunities. | C+VAMPIRES SUCK - Vampires aren't the only thing that sucks -- so does this movie!  Worth a few laughs, but this one trick pony is lame. | DTHE TOWN - Ben Affleck's Boston crime drama heats up nicely to a full boil. A gritty, suspenseful and well polished cinematic effort. | A-EASY A - Emma Stone shines (as part of a fine ensemble cast) in this very funny, heartwarming & honest coming of age comedy. An Easy... | AKNIGHT & DAY - Pleasantly surprising action/comedy/romance that cranks the CG-driven action up to 11! Cruise & Diaz are great together. | BEAT PRAY LOVE - Julia Roberts powered midlife crisis vehicle is all about eating, finding religion and loving (shocker!). Snooze fest. | C-TRUE GRIT (2010) - Mostly faithful re-telling of the 1969 John Wayne classic features great Coen Bros dialogue, humor and solid acting. | B+THE OTHER GUYS - Will Ferrell's buddy cop spoof has plenty of laughs. Like Mark Wahlberg, you'll have trouble keeping a straight face. | BSCOTT PILGRIM vs. THE WORLD - Quirky, imaginative, edgy fun. Immediately joins the upper echelons of the geek comedy genre. Level up! | A-SHREK FOREVER AFTER - A great swan song for the SHREK franchise. This final chapter is easily the best film since the original. FUNNY! | A-CHARLIE ST. CLOUD - Pedestrian, by the numbers romantic drama underachieves as both romance and drama. Slow. Never really gets going. | C+MIRRORS 2 - Decent straight to DVD sequel gives horror fans more blood, gore and skin than the original PG-13 effort. Falls apart late. | CBEAR - Two couples trapped in an SUV by a giant killer bear makes for a decent h

    orror film...until the movie jumps the mysticism shark. | C-THE DISAPPEARANCE OF ALICE CREED - "It" girl Gemma Arterton is convincing in this Hitchcockian three man stage play of a suspense film. | BGIVE 'EM HELL MALONE - Hyper violent, over the top blood, violence and villainspropel this Thomas Jane modern action noir shoot 'em up. | BTHE HUMAN CENTIPEDE - Barely watchable exploitation horror effort suffers from taking itself way too seriously. Humorless and awful. | FSPLICE - By-The-Numbers horror schlock that squanders the talents of Sarah Polley and Adrien Brody in predictable, lackluster fashion. | C-SKYLINE - Sci-Fi mishmash takes itself way too seriously and plays like a 9 year old boy's action video game design. Below average junk. | DGROWN UPS - Sporadically funny, but overall extremely disappointing consideringthe talented ensemble cast. Rental worthy. Barely. | C-

    FROZEN - @Adam_Fn_Green's chilling (pun intended) tale of three friends trappedon a ski lift is a well made, original horror microcosm. | BGET HIM TO THE GREEK - Loose follow up to FORGETTING SARAH MARSHALL is more serious and lighter on laughs than expected. Pretty okay. | C+NIGHT OF THE DEMONS (2009) - Lots of eye candy and gory schlock, but little newin this update of the 1988 original. Faithful remake. | C+PREDATORS - Borrowing liberally from the original, this update is more of a pure sequel than Predator 2...and far superior to AvP 1&2. | B+BATMAN: UNDER THE RED HOOD - Dark, sinister, action packed DC comic tale from the always solid WB Animation Team. No Mark Hamill, sadly. | BMACGRUBER - Laugh out loud funny at times; woefully awful at others. This lewd, raunchy, uneven SNL spinoff comedy isn't for everyone. | CSOLITARY MAN - Michael Douglas delivers an impeccable performance, but it isn't

    quite enough to raise this drama from good to great. | B-HATCHET 2 - Average story and dialogue enhanced by some of the most epically graphic, gory screen kills in slasher movie history. GOLD! | B+THE KILLER INSIDE ME - Soulless, flat & unsatisfying, despite solid acting fromCasey Affleck, Kate Hudson, Simon Baker & Bill Pullman. | CNECROMENTIA - Low rent gory exploitation mashup of HELLRAISER, SAW and a touch of PAN'S LABYRINTH should make Clive Barker fans happy. | C+DEVIL - Well acted, well paced thriller about 6 seemingly unrelated people trapped in an elevator with the Prince of Darkness. Solid! | B+ONDINE - Alicja Bachleda is a breath of fresh air in this romantic mystery drama

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     about a fisherman who believes he's netted a mermaid. | BTHE EXPERIMENT - Biting, dark commentary on the uncontrollable, savage nature of 26 men locked in a prison experiment power struggle. | B+GOING THE DISTANCE - Refreshingly honest relationship comedy that's basically an Adam Sandler movie...without Adam Sandler. Edgy fun. | BKILLERS - As disappointing as DATE NIGHT when it comes to laughs, KILLERS is merely serviceable as both a comedy and as an action film. | C+DATE NIGHT - If you've seen the trailer, you've seen every funny part in the movie. Disappointing comedy effort from a talented cast. | C+HARRY BROWN - Vigilante revenge drama reminiscent of GRAN TORINO, but set in England. Michael Caine's performance is powerful and edgy. | BABANDONED - Solid mystery thriller for the first 65 minutes until the wheels fall off & this Brittany Murphy vehicle crashes and burns. | DTHE CRY OF THE OWL - Under the RADAR "makes you think" suspense thriller will leave you guessing and have you squirming in your seat. | B-DIARY OF A WIMPY KID - Having no attachment to the book, I got lots of laughs from this family friendly comedy romp. Good, clean fun. | B+REPO MEN - Visceral, gory Sci-Fi actioner has a great (if absurd) premise and alot of style. Mindless run and gun beat 'em up fun! | B-SURVIVAL OF THE DEAD - Romero's "dead" saga still has some life in it as this dark, ironic Zombie satire has a few tricks up its sleeve. | BTHE LAST EXORCISM - Intense like PARANORMAL ACTIVITY, but with better acting and better camera work. Didn't really care for the ending. | B$5 A DAY - File this Christopher Walken turkey away in the "comedy that wasn't v

    ery funny" category. Valiant indy attempt that failed. | D+THE LAST SONG - Miley Cyrus's eyebrows deserve Academy Award consideration for their acting in this predictable, pedestrian chick flick. | DCOP OUT - By no means a great movie, this Bruce Willis / Tracy Morgan buddy copflick delivered more laughs than expected. Fun fluff. | C+COP OUT - By no means a great movie, this Bruce Willis / Tracy Morgan comedy managed to deliver more laughs than expected. Fun fluff. | C+BURNING BRIGHT - "Trapped in a house with a tiger during a hurricane" is a plotline even SyFy wouldn't touch, but this movie has bite! | BUNTHINKABLE - Vanilla OMG! AMERICAN TURNS TERRORIST thriller wastes a solid performance from Carrie-Anne Moss with a big cheater ending. | DTHE EXPENDABLES - Unapologetic, full throttle, ridiculously over the top 80's action makes up for minimalist story and dated direction. | B

    RUSH: BEYOND THE LIGHTED STAGE - Insightful documentary chronicles the origins and full history of this influential Canadian rock group. | BAFTER.LIFE - Haunting, thought provoking suspense thriller with fantastic performances from Ricci, Liam Neeson and Justin Long. Wow! | B+DON'T LOOK UP - (The other) Brian Cox's remake of the Japanese Joyû-rei is creepy at times, yet meandering, confusing and low on scares. | CHOT TUB TIME MACHINE - As silly as the name suggests, but not as funny as it could have been. Great soundtrack. Crude, mindless schlock. | CINCEPTION - Christopher Nolan's labor of love comes to fruition beautifully in this superb, thought provoking "Thinking Man's MATRIX." | ABABYSITTER WANTED - Genuinely creepy DVD horror gem with a talented young cast.Delivers effective, old school chills - with a twist. | BTHE STRANGER - You may watch "Cuz Stone Cold said so," but probably not because

    I did. Below average actioner with shoddy camera work. | C-CHLOE - Fatal Attraction inspired dark suspense drama features a solid performance from Julianne Moore. I wasn't a fan of the ending. | BTHE 41-YEAR OLD VIRGIN WHO KNOCKED UP SARAH MARSHALL AND FELT SUPERBAD ABOUT IT- More gross-out than comedy in this gross-out comedy. | D-THE BOUNTY HUNTER - By-the-numbers romantic comedy that fails to get the most out of its talented cast. Laughs are few and far between. | C-PREDATORS - Borrowing liberally from the original, this update is more of a pure sequel than Predator 2...and far superior to AvP 1&2. | B+THE TOOTH FAIRY - The Rock is rock solid in this funny, heartwarming family come

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    dy with something for everyone - kids and adults alike. | BWHEN IN ROME - Pedestrian script lacking in laughs and little chemistry betweenthe two leads makes for an ineffective romantic comedy. | C-THE CRAZIES (2010) - Straightforward, but surprisingly effective outbreak thriller with solid acting, great tension and plenty of gore. | B+TRANSLYMANIA - Promising premise and a talented young cast are wasted by this poorly executed, badly edited comedy's slapdash script. | DYOUTH IN REVOLT - Michael Cera tackles good guy/bad guy roles simultaneously (and hilariously) in this fun, spirited romantic comedy. | BTHE WOLFMAN - Great production design combines with solid performances from DelToro & Anthony Hopkins to make this an enjoyable update. | BSHUTTER ISLAND - DiCaprio is solid in this superb Scorcese mindbender. You'll need to watch this one more than once to soak it all in. | AJONAH HEX - Josh Brolin is great, but the rest of the acting is suspect at best. Generic, over the top plot. Average, but entertaining. | C+SHE'S OUT OF MY LEAGUE - Not always laugh-out-loud funny, but definitely worth some big smiles throughout. Solid romantic comedy effort. | BFROM PARIS WITH LOVE - A surprisingly fun action extravaganza! It's so exciting for the first 70 minutes, the end actually falls flat. | B-THIRST - Great man vs. nature premise ruined by iffy acting, laughable dialogueand a character who's "almost a doctor." It's a mirage. | DTHE COLLECTOR - Despite the "Hey, wait a minute..." plot timeline, this Saw-inspired gore fest still offers a few thrills and chills. | C+THE A-TEAM - Lots of action. Fun dialogue. True to the spirit of the source ma

    terial. You'll love it when this plan comes together! | A-NEVER SLEEP AGAIN - Amazingly comprehensive documentary chronicles the Nightmare on Elm Street legacy from 1984 - 2008. Fan - Tastic! | AEDGE OF DARKNESS - Despite the distracting Baah-Sten accent, Gibson's revenge thriller is just as tense as "Taken," yet more believable. | BDEAR JOHN - I hope this letter finds you have avoided this movie. Vanilla tearjerker starts out promisingly, then deteriorates fast. | C-CORNERED! - Predictable low budget slasher fare with so-so acting and a couple of nice kills for the gore hounds. For genre fans only. | C+IT'S COMPLICATED - It's actually not. Straightforward, twist free dramedy romance will be lost on anyone under 30 & the never married. | C+MYSTERY TEAM - One trick comedy pony is funny for the first hour, then breaks aleg & should be shot and sent off to the glue factory. | C-

    THE ROAD - Grim, dark and brooding. A slow paced rendition of McCarthy's Pulitzer Prize winning apocalypse novel. Quite depressing. | CEXTRAORDINARY MEASURES - Sappy Box Office flop would be better suited as a Lifetime TV For Women Movie of the Week. Feelgood schlock. | C-THE NEW DAUGHTER - Kevin Costner is solid and understated in this tense, creepychiller. Slow in spots, but definitely worth a rental. | BBIG FAN - Patton Oswalt gives a quirky, troubled performance as a New York Giants fan attacked by his favorite player. Dark comedy gold. | BDAYBREAKERS - Overpopulation is an interesting twist to the vampire mythos in this slick but underachieving sci-fi actioner. Decent. | BROBIN HOOD (2010) - Scott's "Gladiator 2" shines for two hours before wheels fall off and it becomes Saving Private Ryan with longbows. | CLEGION - Disjointed mishmash of a Romero "dead" film and The Terminator where He

    aven's Angels are the Zombies and Gabriel is Ah-Nold. | C-KICK-ASS - Nicholas Cage is awesome and the young cast really shines in this ultra-violent, mostly kick ass comedy. Funny and touching. | B+IRON MAN 2 - Worthy follow up for the Golden Avenger kicks off the summer blockbuster season in style. P.S. Stay through the credits. | A-NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET (2010) - Should be called "Jump Scare on Elm Street." Mindless, soulless, unnecessary, non-scary remake. Why? | D+THE DESCENT PART 2 - Gory sequel has jump scares aplenty and surprises for fans, but is bogged down by weak script and dumb characters. | C+CLASH OF THE TITANS - Good looking film with great visuals & action sequences, b

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    ut a fairly soulless script. Overall very entertaining. | BJUSTICE LEAGUE: CRISIS ON TWO EARTHS - Solid animated D.C. effort, despite distracting voice work from James Woods and Mark Harmon. | BOPEN GRAVES - Final Destination inspired meat and potatoes horror has some cringe inducing gore effects, but little else. Pretty good. | B-ACROSS THE HALL - Deliberately paced (slow) suspense yarn takes a while to get going, but the payoff is worth it. Nice direction, too. | BDOLAN'S CADILLAC - Christian Slater is ridiculously over the top in this barelyserviceable Stephen King short story inspired thriller. | C+WHITEOUT - Kate Beckinsdale in the shower? | A. The rest of the movie? | D. This cold "science be damned" mystery never heats up. | CINGLORIOUS BASTERDS - If you like Tarantino's other work, you'll enjoy this. I did. If you don't, this film won't change your mind. | B+PANDORUM - Great production design is the highlight of this mostly engaging Sci-Fi actioner. Questionable plot. Interesting twists. | B-THE PRINCESS & THE FROG - A step up from Disney's straight to video sequels, but not quite enough to be considered a classic. Still fun. | BPLANET 51 - Another "good but not great" animated film, this Sci-Fi comedy romplags behind its Pixar, Disney & DreamWorks brethren. | B-JULIE & JULIA - Amy Adams is charming and Meryl Streep shines as Julia Child inthis dramatic comedy biopic. Historically fascinating. | BSHERLOCK HOLMES - Charismatic efforts from Downey Jr. and Law. Great costumes and atmosphere. A fun ride? Elementary, my dear Watson! | A-THE GRAVES - It says "8 Films To Die For," but you can live without this one. T

    alented actresses wasted on bad script, worse direction. | DJENNIFER'S BODY - Sometimes creepy, sometimes laughably awful, this hit-and-miss Megan Fox horror/black comedy mash-up is mostly miss. | C-THE FINAL DESTINATION - Pedestrian, pointless 3D take on the gory, Rube Goldberg inspired death-cheating series. Original 3 are better. | DPLANET HULK - This surprisingly violent animated adventure is far superior to its predecessors: Hulk vs. Wolverine and Hulk vs. Thor. | B+PANDORUM - Atmospheric Sci-Fi/Mystery/Horror blend is shaky at times, but keepsyou guessing until the end. Worth a look. | B-ASTRO BOY - Entertaining animated Sci-Fi adventure good for some action packed fun. Good, but not great. Your kids will love it. | B-THE PRINCESS AND THE FROG - A step above Disney's straight-to-DVD animated e edges family dramedy is lifted by a solid performance from Paul "Triple H" Levesque

    . Dude can act! | C+THE KING'S SPEECH - Beautifully shot, wonderfully acted historical drama lives up to its Oscar winning hype. Thoroughly enjoyable movie. | ASTAG NIGHT - Nothing terribly original here for #Horror fans, but it's honestlyone of Ghost House Pictures' better efforts so far. | B-TANGLED - Fun ride from Disney that, like all of the great Disney films, both kids & adults will enjoy. A fresh, new take on Rapunzel! | A-HEREAFTER - Clint Eastwood directs this brooding, thought provoking slice of life about learning to cope with death. Convenient ending. | BCOUNTRY STRONG - Being that I'm not a fan of country music or Gwyneth Paltrow, you'd think I'd hate this movie. Nope! It's pretty good! | BTHE RESIDENT - Hilary Swank should fire her agent for getting her involved withthis dull, predictable, average attempt at suspense. | C-

    BRONSON - Tom Hardy drives this stylish, thought provoking, hyper violent biopic about England's most infamous, out of control prisoner. | BISOLATION - You wouldn't think a horror movie about genetically mutated killer cows in Ireland would be very good, but you'd be wrong. | B-I LOVE YOU PHILLIP MORRIS - An even darker & more random comedy than Jim Carrey's THE CABLE GUY. Unfortunately, nowhere near as funny. | CSIREN - Absolutely abysmal horror effort that fails to produce even a single cheap jump scare. Don't waste your time with this atrocity. | FI SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE (2010) - Exploitation horror in the vein of SAW & HOSTEL.An improvement over the original. Not for everyone. | B-

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    LOVE AND OTHER DRUGS - Smart, sexy, funny and touching. Great performances from Jake Gyllenhaal, Anne Hathaway and Hank Azaria. Great! B+127 HOURS - James Franco is very good in what is essentially a one man show. Solid movie, but BURIED w/ Ryan Reynolds was a lot better. | BTHE SWITCH - Yet another in a long line of romantic comedies that's neither romantic, nor funny. Jennifer Aniston strikes out again. | C-DUE DATE - Surprisingly dark road comedy runs the gamut from intense, to shocking, to sad, to laugh out loud funny. Downey Jr. is great! | BUNSTOPPABLE - About what you'd expect from a Tony Scott film. Solid performances. Lots of dramatic camera angles & music. Fluff story. | B-THE NEXT THREE DAYS - Didn't Russell Crowe win an Oscar? Why is he doing sloppy, meandering dreck like this? Nice Liam Neeson cameo. | C-MY SOUL TO TAKE - Borderline unwatchable horror train wreck is a testament to how far Wes Craven has fallen in recent years. Pure crap. | D-FASTER - Dwayne Johnson ("The Rock" to you and me) returns to ultimate badass form in this slick, stylish, ultra violent action romp. | B+RANGO - A visual triumph in animation and rendering, but lacks the story polishneeded to be a truly great film. Missed opportunities. | BLET ME IN - Stylish and well acted American adaptation of LET THE RIGHT ONE IN.Set in 1983, it looks and feels just like 80's horror. | B+MEGAMIND - More Superman than most Superman stories, this edgy Will Ferrell driven animated Super Hero parody is Mega Fun for everyone! | A-KEVIN SMITH: TOO FAT FOR 40 - Drags for 45 minutes, but the last hour is a nice, funny Hollywood yarn. Smith is not too fat to talk. | C+

    sequels, but not quite worthy of their pantheon of classics. | BNINE DEAD - Bland acting and a ridiculous, unsatisfying ending (Whaaat?) detract from this mostly solid, SAW-inspired kidnap thriller. | C+THE FOURTH KIND - This alien abduction film failed to "capture" wide critical praise, but it remains a scary, effective "E.T." thriller. | BTHE BLIND SIDE - Uplifting true(ish) story earned Sandra Bullock an Oscar. Touching, but not watered down to the point of sappiness. | B+THE INFORMANT! - Matt Damon tries his best to carry this dry, satirical tale ofa high profile corporate snitch and (mostly) succeeds. | B-UP IN THE AIR - Clooney delivers a smooth, vulnerable performance in this critical darling Dramedy (which came up empty at the Oscars). | BPRECIOUS - Emotionally charged, gripping and inspirational. This movie will stay with you long after the credits roll. Brutal. | A

    HALLOWEEN 2 - Disjointed sequel adds little to a Michael Myers mythos already destroyed in Rob Zombie's original, gory remake. Crap. | D-THE BOX - This creepy, but longwinded and meandering film adaptation of RichardMatheson's short story "Button, Button" misses the mark. | CCABIN FEVER 2 - Mildly entertaining sequel pales in comparison to the original,but is still enjoyable for genre fans. Cheap, gory fun. | B-THE HURT LOCKER - A gritty, tense, gut wrenching tour de force. Kathryn Bigelow's masterful military drama should earn her Oscar gold. | A2012 - An insurance company would write off this car wreck as a total loss and so should you. Laughable, barely watchable FX showpiece. | DMOON - Great performance by Sam Rockwell. Looks amazing on Blu-Ray. Easily one of the best Sci-Fi movies of the past 10 years. Solid. | AUNIVERSAL SOLDIER: REGENERATION - Clunky, plodding 80's throwback actioner. Gre

    at sets. Respectable fight scenes. Average shoot-em-up. | C+TRIANGLE - Creepy, atmospheric thriller. Tense and thought provoking. MelissaGeorge shines! A pleasant, suspenseful DVD surprise. | B+SORORITY ROW - Clunky beginning + decent "whodunit" middle + ridiculous end = below average slasher. Bloody fun for genre fans only. | C+BLACK DYNAMITE - Hilarious, edgy & laugh-out-loud funny! Fantastic homage to the Blaxploitation films of the 70's. Highly recommended! | ALAW ABIDING CITIZEN - Brutal violence. Tense in spots. Butler and Foxx are solid. Interesting plot with questionable ending. SAW Lite. | B-COUPLES RETREAT - Uneven. Short on laughs. Whole does not equal sum of the parts

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    . Strong cast makes it mostly watchable, yet uninspired. | CAVATAR - Dazzling CG F/X can't lift a weak story and wooden acting enough to call Cameron's blockbuster a "great" movie. Just average. | C+THE STEPFATHER - Slow paced, uninspired remake. Light on tension & scares like most PG-13 horror. Dumb, unlikeable characters. Pass. | D+THE BOOK OF ELI - Religious elements of this grim, post-apocalyptic tale will divide audiences. Stylish & violent. Oldman is superb. | BZOMBIELAND - Clever, stylish and funny. Brilliant opening sequence. Likable characters. Solid Zombie-dy destined to be a cult classic. | A-PARANORMAL ACTIVITY - Creepy, effective and believable indy horror/suspense film. Worldwide acclaim and buzz is well deserved. Boo! | A